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Product Research

Date post: 18-Jun-2015
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Page 2: Product Research

The masthead is behind the main picture, because they are not trying to attract a new audience but are gratifying their already vast audience. This is because to the audience they are catering for already know about this magazine, it is almost legendary.

The barcode is relatively large and noticeable so that it’s easy to buy, but the price is really small. The price is £2.20. The magazine is aimed at teenagers, and is a weekly magazine, so £2.20 every week is quite expensive. This is why the price is so small.

The banner is placed just about the masthead and main image so that it is noticeable. This banner is just to make sure that audience are engaged. The prize is a small, affordable festival slot. This also sells the festival, and says a lot about the soci-economic status of the working class, given that this festival only costs approximately £30.

The buzz word is “Exclusive!” this makes the reader believe that they are the first to read this gossip and makes them feel involved.

The menu strip is used to make sure that the reader is pulled in; if the reader didn’t like any of the above bands/stories, then this is the part that is supposed to grab them.

The main image is a popular band associated with the audience with this magazine. The band members have their tattoos on show, this has connotations of rebellion and is a large part of this audience’s lifestyle. The target population of Kerrang! is 16-24 year olds however in recent years, the age of the audience has dropped and it is more 14-17 year olds who tend to buy and read it, which is the age in which rebellion is prime. The front man of this group (Oli Sykes) is also known for his looks and is seen as attractive by a lot of females, this is to attract females and homosexual males to buy this magazine as the fan base is made up of 60% males and 40% females. The image itself looks dark, and the clothes they’re wearing also go with this as they’re wearing blacks, whites and greys.

The colour scheme is black, white, blue and yellow. The yellow is used to stand out from the other colours. The white is also used to stand out, but this is because it contrasts so much with the black background, which is the most used colour on the page. This will be because it is associated most with the fan base of this magazine. The blue makes the page seem colourful even though its so dark.

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The mast head is big and contrasts with the blue background. The font is also more “arty” because the text isn’t whole, it has chunks missing from it. The masthead is also behind the main image, this makes the picture stand out more and appeal more to the audience.

The main image is also a popular band among the fans of this magazine. The main person in the band is Josh Franceschi, and in this image he is wearing a t-shirt from his own clothing line called Down But Not Out. This band are also seen as attractive by the fans (68% females and 32% males). This is also a large selling point of this issue.

The banner is to make sure that the audience are fully catered for, and that there is something they’ll like on the front cover.

The barcode is rather large so that it’s easy to buy, but the price is really small. The price is £2.20. The magazine is aimed at teenagers, and is a weekly magazine, so £2.20 every week is quite expensive.

The feature headline is in bright yellow so it stands out and grabs the attention of people walking by. It is also defaced a bit. This may be to show rebellion, or could be related to the loud music that is included in the magazine.

The text is written in a childish way, this is to relate to the age range of the aimed audience which is 16-24 year olds.

These are more things to grab readers in case they don’t like anything else on the cover.

The album on this cover is free, and freebies make people want to buy the magazine ,because with a free album, it makes the £2.20 you paid for the magazine worth it.

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The colour scheme of this front cover is red, white and black, which is a common colour scheme of the genre of the audience. The colours contrast each other very well and can be used to help certain things stand out on the page.

This list of artists are the people pictured on the front cover. This helps the audience identify who’s in the magazine if they don’t know the band names.

These bands are used to grab the audience in case they don’t like any of the other bands mentioned, so they get a bigger audience

These are again used to grab the audience in case they don’t like any of the other bands mentioned.

The free things make the audience believe they are getting a better deal, with getting a magazine AND extra pages AND a giant ten poster mag for just £4.50 is a bargain!

The price of this magazine is £4.50 and it is monthly, which makes it relatively affordable for the teenager target audience it has, but it’s not cheap so the price is still small. The barcode is also at the bottom right hand corner of the magazine. This is the typical place to find a barcode and this makes it easier to buy it.

All of the people on the front are males, and this could be to appeal to females (and homosexual males) They are all wearing dull, plain colours, and the only person that stands out is the middle person with bright red hair. This could be to highlight rebellion in this genre. Two of the men also have beards/ stubble. This could be to demonstrate masculinity in the image.

The masthead is black and red, and is very bright and noticeable. The freebies and the main image are on top of the masthead, this could be to show the priorities in which the audience choose the product.

Page 5: Product Research

Double Page SpreadKerrang The image

takes up more than half of the double page spread. This suggests that image itself is a rather large part of how Corey Taylor is presented. In the image, Corey has stubble, this presents him as largely masculine. The leather jacket and flat cap also suggest the same. Corey also has his wedding ring very much on show. This shows that he is a mature and older man.

There is a colour scheme of black red and white. This is a common colour scheme used within kerrang and other rock magazines. This also makes it easy to make words stand out using these colours.

The doodling effect on the page relates to the age of the target audience which is 14-17 (of studying age.) This also links in with the idea of Corey Taylor wanting to be a history teacher. The article itself also has a back ground of a lined paper effect. This again relates to the article.

The amount of times Corey Taylor’s name is on the page suggests that he’s really popular.

The language in the article itself is relatively informal, to appeal to the age group 14-17 year olds, with such phrases as “chilly Saturday” and “what a pro”

A quote from the article is used as the title. This tells the reader what the article is about more than an actual title would be able to.

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The graffiti style text depicts the rebellious stereotype about this particular audience/ social group. As does the lead singers shouting face. It shows the supposed anger that this social group are supposed to demonstrate.

The use of the word “exposure” suggests that this is a rare opportunity.It also makes the band sound vulnerable and “exposed”, thus meaning that the audience can relate to them. This fits with the uses and gratifications model (Denis McQuail) as it creates a sense of belonging.

The “know it all” box gives the audience quick information on said band so that they can find out things they need to know without having to read the whole article if they’re not too interested. This shows how much the audience need instant gratification.

The bit of highlighted text gives the reader a little bit of information with should either satisfy the audience (if they’re not too interested) or make them want to read on (If they are). This serves the same purpose as the know it all box. It is highlighted so that it’s one of the first thing the audience will look at.

Double Page SpreadRocksound.

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Double Page Spread Metal HammerThe quotes give information about the article so people can find out what it’s about and decide whether or not to read it.

These pictures have an almost collage feel to them. This makes it feel homemade and raw, and given the topic, it is fitting.

The amount of writing and the small size of it suggests that it is for and older audience, however, it is an interview, so we can’t generalise from one double page spread that all of Metal Hammer’s dps’s are like this.

These pictures break up the texts a bit.

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Contents page Kerrang!The colour yellow stands out massively on this page. This is why it’s used for all of the titles and important information.

A picture of the artist that is featured on a page and putting the page number underneath brings attention to the artist themselves, but also gives even more information. And just in case someone still wasn’t interested in the magazine after the front cover, it just sells it a little bit more.

The Author’s column in this magazine with the picture makes the magazine a little more personal, in the fact that the audience can see who’s talking to them almost.

The signature also does this, because you can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting.

The red here again stands out, so you’re instantly brought to the only red on the page (this).

It is advertising the subscription of the magazine.

The image is very dark. This can represent the genre of music as a whole, or make the colour stand out more.. Or in this case, both!

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Contents page Rocksound.The amount of pictures on this contents page suggests that it’s for a younger audience as the ratio of text to images is approx. 50:50

Music With Attitude;

Suggests that they embrace the stereotype associated with the rock genre.

The amount of text on this side of the page and the size of it juxtaposes the amount of pictures on the other side of the page.

The headlines are in red so stand out from the white background so that attention is drawn to them.

The graffiti stars re-enforce the idea of secondary school as they look almost doodled.

Again being red they stand out from the background.

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Contents page Metal Hammer

Stereotypical “rock” image. Almost ironic in a sense given the title; “Evil Music Wins”

This shows the kind of humour that is depicted in these magazines.

The white background makes the black and red writing legible.

The red writing is coloured so to foreground that writing.

The plug is almost a convention of rock magazines. It is red and looks like a blood splatter. So whilst foregrounding the text, it is also maintaining the “rock” theme.

Advertising things in the magazine e.g reviews.

The colours again work to highlight certain things.

The picture and signature of the editor again makes the magazine a little more personal as you can make a connection with them.

The woman swearing not only removes and idea of gender bias in terms of “rock is for men” as a general stereotype, but as a stereotype in the magazine thus making women feel more welcome.
