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Productions of Masculinity

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  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    A Critical Discursie Anal!sis "# Pr"ducti"ns "# Masculinit! "n Face$""%

    Yara &"dershah

    Ps!ch"l"g! '()

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity




    Per#"r+atie +asculinit! and the ,a!s in ,hich it is re-r"duced $! language has $een intensel!

    reie,ed in the literature. Inestigating its -r"ducti"n "n s"cial +edia -lat#"r+s such as

    Face$""% -r"ides a use#ul +eans #"r understanding the e/tent t" ,hich gendered disc"urse

    +"derates sel#0re-resentati"n as is the case #"r digital enir"n+ents and s"cial +edia

    -lat#"r+s in -articular ,hich rel! "n discursie re-resentati"ns "# the sel# t" c"ntinuall!

    rearticulate gendered -",er di##erentials. This -a-er e/a+ines the Face$""% -"st +ade $!

    O,en Pallett in res-"nse t" the accusati"ns "# i"lence against ,"+en +ade against #"r+er

    C2C radi" h"st 3ian 4h"+eshi. The -"st and its c"++ents ta%e u- the d"+inant disc"urse "#

    hege+"nic +asculinit! in ari"us #ashi"ns #"r the -ur-"ses "# c"nstructing and su$se5uentl!

    en#"rcing n"ti"ns "# +asculinit!. Three d"+inant inter-retie re-ert"ires ,ere identi#ied

    thr"ugh"ut the c"++ents and ch"ice c"++ents ,ere anal!6ed in detail. It is #"und that the

    c"ntinual re-r"ducti"n "# these tr"-es -r"7ects re-resentati"ns "# a +asculine su$7ect "nt" a

    disc"urse that is inter-reted as resisting +asculine identi#icati"n.

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    A Critical Discursie Anal!sis "# Pr"ducti"ns "# Masculinit! "n Face$""%

    The #ield "# discursie anal!sis is "ne that has esta$lished itsel# as $eing -ri+aril!

    -re"ccu-ied ,ith the stud! "# re-resentati"ns 9d,ards 1((;< =etherell 1(()>. The +eth"ds

    indiiduals use c"nstruct a shared d"+inant disc"urse thr"ugh language has $een th"r"ughl!

    inestigated thr"ugh the -r"cess "# discursie anal!sis< this inestigati"n has $een -ri+aril!

    #"cused in the use "# language $! indiiduals t" +anage c"nce-tuali6ati"ns "# c"gniti"n sel#0

    i+age -ers"nalit! and "ther $iasing categ"ries 9d,ards 1((;>. ?",eer ,ith the e+erging

    -"-ularit! "# s"cial +edia -lat#"r+s as a legiti+ate and -erasie +"des "# c"++unicati"n it

    $ec"+es necessar! t" a--l! the tenets "# discursie anal!sis t" the -u$lic s-here as it e/ists "n

    the Internet. This stud! inestigates h", disc"urse +anages the su$7ectie categ"r! "#

    +asculinit! ,ithin the s"cial +edia s-here.

    Online ne,s has alread! distinguished itsel# #r"+ traditi"nal +edia -lat#"r+s

    s-eci#icall! in its increased accessi$ilit! 9?ughe! @ Daniels *18>. The i+-licati"ns "# this

    shi#t are -articularl! signi#icant ,hen c"nsidering traditi"nal +edia as a hist"rical #"rce used t"

    sha-e -u$lic disc"urse and -erce-ti"n< ,ith its increased -"-ularit! the Internet has $ec"+e the

    -ri+ar! +edia -lat#"r+ $! ,hich ne,s c"r-"rati"ns disse+inate in#"r+ati"n 9Tran *18>. The

    n"ta$le di##erence is that the internet ena$les a leel "# interactiit! and c"++unicati"n $et,een

    c"nsu+ers that ,as si+-l! n"t -"ssi$le ,ith traditi"nal -rint and teleised +edia< the creati"n "#

    -lat#"r+s such as Face$""% T,itter and Tu+$lr are in -art attractie t" c"nsu+ers in

    s-eci#icall! $ecause indulge that desire #"r interactiit! 9Page ?ar-er @ R"$enius *18>.

    Des-ite ne, c"r-"rati"ns increasingl! +a%ing the shi#t t" an "nline #"r+at the interacti"n

    a+"ng indiiduals c"ntinues t" re+ain the #"cal -"int "# interest #"r c"nsu+ers "# Internet +edia

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    9F"ster *1B< Mautner *B< Page et al. *18< Tran *18>. The a$ilit! t" leae c"++ents "n

    "nline articles #"r instance and t" interact ,ith the c"++ents le#t $! -rei"us users is 7ust "ne

    e/a+-le "# h", that interacti"n has $een c"nce-tuali6ed #"r an "nline -lat#"r+. Thus $! irtue

    "# this ne,l! sha-ed -u$lic s-here indiiduals rather than c"r-"rati"ns +"derate and

    sha-e a disc"urse that has e"led t" $ec"+e th"r"ughl! de+"cratic.

    =hile "ne "# the -ri+ar! +"tiati"nal #act"rs #"r "nline c"ntri$ut"rs is the desire t"

    share and e/change %n",ledge and in#"r+ati"n ,ith "ther as the creati"ns "# s"cial +edia

    net,"r%s such as T,itter and Face$""% hae sh",n Internet0$ased disc"urse is used s-eci#icall!

    #"r the -ur-"ses "# +"derating s"cial and cultural -ractices 9?al-ern @ 4i$$s *18< Mautner

    *B>. Language in general and in -articular language used in internet0$ased disc"urse

    legiti+ates and su$7ectiel! esta$lishes -",er di##erentials such as that ,hich e/ists $et,een

    c"nce-ts "# #e+ininit! and +asculinit! 9Nga+$i *)>. It is i+-"rtant t" n"te that +asculine

    disc"urses ,hich is t" sa! disc"urses that are gendered as t!-icall! c"nstitutie "#

    +asculinit! are n"t aut"+aticall! assu+ed t" a##"rd -",er t" th"se ,h" -er#"r+ "r d"

    +asculinit!. Rather that -",er is -er#"r+ed $! indiiduals #"r ,h"+ +asculinit! is a -r"duct "#

    s!+$"lic di##erence i.e. n"t #e+ininit! 9C"nnell @ Messersch+idt *B>.

    The 3ian 4h"+eshi case lends itsel# t" an inestigati"n "# the -r"ducti"n "# +asculinit!

    in the s"cial +edia s-here. 4h"+eshi a #"r+er C2C radi" h"st ,as accused "# assaulting three

    ,"+en in an article that ,as released $! the T"r"nt" Star "n Oct"$er * *1' 9D"n"an @

    2r",n *1'>. 3ust -ri"r t" the article $eing released 4h"+eshi -u$lished his ersi"n "# eents

    "n his -ers"nal Face$""% -age setting a -recedent #"r the ter+s $! ,hich this disc"urse ,"uld

    ta%e -lace. The gendered nature "# the 3ian 4h"+eshi disc"urse necessitates an inestigati"n

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    c"nte/tuali6ed $! the ,a!s +asculinities are c"nsidered t" $e -art "# a structure "# s"cial

    relati"ns 9C"nnell @ Messersch+idt *B>. Rather than inestigate the -r"ducti"n "#

    +asculinities "n 3ian 4h"+eshis Face$""% -"st directl! I ,ill e/a+ine a res-"nse that ,as

    -"sted "n Face$""% $! +usician O,en Pallett "n Oct"$er *) *1' 9see A--endi/ A>. A

    5ualitatie anal!sis "# this -"st and its c"rres-"nding c"++ents all",s #"r an engage+ent ,ith

    Internet0+"derated disc"urse ,hich in this case is #ra+ed as inherentl! reactie and -r"duced in

    relati"n t" s"+e "ther -re0e/isting "erarching narratie. 3ian 4h"+eshis c"nce-tuali6ati"n "#

    +asculinit! is +erel! s!+-t"+atic "# a $r"ader narratie in ,hich the c"nce-t "# hege+"nic

    +asculinit! -ersists and is c"ntinuall! +ade central t" the c"nce-t "# gender c"nstructi"n.

    Iterations of Masculinity

    O,en Pallett a +usician and sel#0-r"clai+ed #riend "# 3ian 4h"+eshi -"sted "n his

    Face$""% -age "n Oct"$er *) *1' clai+ing that he had $een challenged $! a #riendt"

    c"++ent "n the 4h"+eshi case. In it he c"nde+ned 3ian 4h"+eshi as a +an ,h" had$eat at

    the er! least three ,"+en9Pallet *1'>. The -"st ,as c"++ented "n 1()8 ti+es ,as

    shared "n Face$""% '*B ti+es and ,as li%ed $! 1;*8B indiiduals< the a+"unt "# s"cial

    +edia engage+ent -r"ided the -"st ,ith the necessar! audience t" +a%e it te+-"raril! -r"li#ic

    "n s"cial +edia in the da!s #"ll",ing the reeal "# 3ian 4h"+eshis alleged acts "# a$use. I

    elected t" e+-iricall! assess the res-"nses t" Pallets Face$""% -"st as ,ell as the -"st itsel#

    si+ultane"usl! a,are that such an assess+ent +ust resist engaging ,ith the c"+-le/ities "# the

    disc"urse ,ithin its ",n ter+s. Rather than essentiali6ing c"nce-ts "# +asculinit! I ai+ t"

    de+"nstrate h", certain ,a!s "# c"++unicating "nline re-r"duce c"nstructi"ns "# +asculinit!

    as hege+"nic and "--ressie.

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    The +"st straight#"r,ard +eth"d "# l"cating these e/changes ,ithin a c"nstructi"nist

    #ra+e,"r% is t" identi#! the -red"+inant inter-retie re-ert"ires ,ithin this $"d! "# disc"urse

    that is t" sa! re-etitie the+es c"++"n -laces +eta-h"rs and tr"-es that are regularl! ta%en u-

    $! the ari"us s-ea%ers #"r the -ur-"ses "# achieing s"+e si+ilar -er#"r+atie #uncti"n

    9=etherell 1(()>. D"ing s" ena$les an e/a+inati"n "# the ,a!s in ,hich these re-ert"ires

    re-r"duce the+seles e+$"d!ing n"ti"ns "# hege+"nic +asculinit! that are c"nstructed t" suit

    the -ur-"ses "# the s-ea%er. This inestigati"n is n"t +erel! c"ncerned ,ith +a--ing these

    res-"nses int" l""sel! c"nstructed +asculine0"riented categ"ries $ut ,ith the ,a!s the

    re-r"ducti"n "# the su$7ect -"siti"ns "# these re-ert"ires are +adereal$! irtue "# their


    An "erie, "# the disc"urse reeals three $r"ad re-ert"ires ,hich e"%e n"ti"ns "# 91>

    +ale s"lidarit! 9*> +ale integrit! and 98> +ale auth"rit! res-ectiel!.

    Male Solidarity

    I# ,e c"nsider +asculinit! as a c"++unit! "# -ractice then ,e can su$se5uentl! ie,

    s"cial +edia interacti"n as a +"de $! ,hich indiiduals -artici-ate in that c"++unit! 9P"tts

    *1B>. ?"+"s"cial $ehai"ur has l"ng $een esta$lished as +eth"d "# -"licing re-r"ducti"n "#

    +asculinities in an "nline s-here 9P"tts *1B>. =hen Palletts -"st ,as +ade directl!

    c"nde+ning 4h"+eshi $e#"re he had $een #"r+all! charged #"r assault +an! "# the

    c"++entat"rs reacted t" Palletts decisi"n t" state that3ian 4h"+eshi is hisE #riend9*1'>.

    Pallets ch"ice t" c"ntrast the state+ent ,ith an "utright c"nde+nati"n "# 4h"+eshi as an a$user

    "# ,"+en resulted in ari"us c"++ents ,hich ,ere critical "# the use "# the ,"rd#riend.

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    ach Marsh: Y"u are #ull "# shit t" n" end +an. Again IGll as% ,hat %ind "#

    #riend are !"uH ?", can !"u call !"ursel# his #riend in the #irst -laceH ?e

    ca+e t" !"u t" assist hi+ ,ith the +usic #"r his #atherGs #uneral. ?e

    "$i"usl! c"nsiders !"u an incredi$l! cl"se #riend "# his i# heGs trusting !"u

    ,ith s"+ething that ital t" hi+ and in return !"u 7ust s-it in his #ace. E I

    ,as c"ninced that !"u didnGt care a$"ut 3ian $e#"re< n", IG+ certain "# it.

    The c"++entat"r ach Marsh is "ne "# +an! 9see A--endi/ 2> that ta%es u- the

    c"nce-ti"n "##riendin "rder t" critici6e Pallets accusati"n. The s-ea%er g"es s" #ar as t" cite

    s-eci#ic instances that ,ere seen as -r""# "# Pallets #riendshi- ,ith 4h"+eshi such as h",

    Pallett assisted 4h"+eshi ,ith +usic #"r his #athers #uneral in "rder t" highlight the seerit!

    "# the indiscreti"n. ach Marsh is there$! -"siti"ning a -rei"us unrelated +"+ent "#

    #riendshi- in c"ntrast ,ith the $etra!al "# Pallets -u$lic c"nde+nati"n. The s-ea%er c"nstructs

    an identit! that is see+ingl! cl"ser t" 4h"+eshi than Pallett hi+sel# e"%ed in -articular $!

    the #"ll",ing state+entI ,as c"ninced that !"u didnGt care a$"ut 3ian $e#"re< n", IG+ certain

    "# it.?",eer the s-ea%ers c"nstructi"n g"es s" #ar as t" assu+e inside %n",ledge as t"

    ,hat 4h"+eshi +ust "$7ectiel! $e #eeling a$"ut the situati"n< the use "# the ,"rd"$i"usl!

    suggests an inherent realit! that ach Marsh is e/clusiel! -ri! t". The e/tent t" ,hich the

    s-ea%er has +ade his c"++ent s" intensel! -ers"nal 9Y"u are #ull "# shit t" n" end +an>

    suggests that he +a! $e -r"7ecting s"+e su$7ectie realit! "# +ale s"lidarit! $ac% "n t" Pallet.

    Thus $ecause Pallet is n", $eing +ade t" e+$"d! the -ers"nal c"nstructi"n i+-licitl! li+its

    his sel#0re-resentati"n asa #riend.This is si+ilarl! e"%ed in the #"ll",ing res-"nse:

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    Minera Mee%:T?IS IS TOTAL UNADULTRATD 2ULLS?IT Jer! $ac%sta$$ing

    ,hat %ind "# K#riendK are !"uH Did it eer "ccur t" !"u that th"se three ,"+en hae

    g"tten t"gether and lied a$"ut 3ian t" get $ac% at hi+H I %n", 3ian and heGs the nicest gu!.

    Y"uGre "$i"usl! 7ust sta$$ing 3ian in the $ac% #"r -u$licit!. 4et a li#e

    The a$"e c"++ent in -articular is use#ul #"r highlighting the e/tent t" ,hich the disc"urse is

    +ade intensel! -ers"nal. 2"th Minera Mee% and ach Marsh 9as ,ell as the +a7"rit! "# the

    c"++ents listed in A--endi/ 2> structure their res-"nses s" as th"ugh the! are s-ea%ing directl!

    t" the "riginal -"ster 9Pallett> hi+sel# -"ssi$l! in e##"rt t" heighten the sta%es #"r Pallet hi+sel# $ut ,hat distinguishes its e"cati"n in this c"nte/t is the ,a! in ,hich the s-ea%ers

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    atte+-t t" i+-"se the i+-eratie "n Pallet s" as t" negate his -er#"r+ance as $eing "ne that is

    re-resentatie "# the +asculine -",er d!na+ic.

    Male Integrity

    Matthe, 3a+es S+ith: =hile +! gut sa!s K$eliee these ,"+enK and I DO trust +! gut

    it is JRY danger"us t" sa! ,hen a +anGs lielih""d character and re-utati"n are "n the

    line that an an"n!+"us 9"r an!> accusati"n sh"uld 7ust $e Kde #act"K acce-ted $ecause "#

    the hist"r! "# ,"+en $eing a#raid t" c"+e #"r,ard "r $ecause #alse accusati"ns are rare

    etc. E

    =hereas the -rei"us re-ert"ire "# +ale s"lidarit! e"%es a sense "# +ale l"!alt! that is

    called u-"n t" -ersist regardless "# the guilt "r inn"cence "# the su$7ects in 5uesti"n the

    re-ert"ire "# +ale integrit! is ta%en u- in the c"++ents that 5uesti"n the inherent truth"#

    Pallets -"st -articularl! as that truth -"ses a ris% t"a +ans lielih""d character and

    re-utati"n.?ere Matthe, 3a+es S+ith as ,ell as "ther s-ea%ers 9see A--endi/ C> is n"t

    critical "# Pallets $etra!al "# a #riend $ut "# the #act that ,hat Pallet is clai+ing that3ian

    4h"+eshi $eats ,"+en9Pallet *1'> is "$7ectiel! untrue. The s-ea%er als" rein#"rces the

    dich"t"+! "# +en ersus ,"+en $! the er! structure "# his c"++ent< ,herein he highlights the

    su$7ect "# his -re"ccu-ati"n a manslielih""d against the instituti"n that threatens that


    a hist"r! "# #e+ale i"lence. This rein#"rces the s!+$"lic di##erence $! ,hich

    +asculinit! is de#ined< as a +an Pallet is called "n t" -r"e the ,a!s in ,hich his integrit! is n"t

    negated $! #e+ininit!.

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    3"hn La!+an: E N", here !"u are clai+ing t" $e s"+e"neGs #riend and !et stating that

    he G$eats ,"+enG ... ,ere !"u actuall! -resent H D"u$t it. And i# !"u are g"ing t" clai+

    such a high G+"ral stri-eG,h! clai+ t" still $e his #riend H =h! is this n"t in the -ast

    tense H E

    3"hn La!+an as in the case "# the s-ea%ers ,h" ,ere identi#ied as ta%ing u- n"ti"ns "#

    +ale s"lidarit!uses the -ers"nal nature "# Face$""% c"++ents in "rder t" c"nstruct a ersi"n

    "# Pallet that can easil! $e cast d",n "r dis-r"en. As%ing ,hether Pallet ,asactuall! -resent

    als" -"siti"ns Pallet as res-"nsi$le #"r his -resence "r lac% there"# as it -hrases it in the #"r+ "#

    a 5uesti"n as th"ugh Pallet had an "--"rtunit! t" $e -h!sicall! -resent t" -h!sicall! ,itness the

    alleged i"lence "# 4h"+eshi against his an"n!+"us icti+s. Phrasing the re+ar% as a 5uesti"n

    e"%es the er! ele+ent "# interactiit! "n ,hich Face$""% and si+ilar -lat#"r+s are $ased "n

    h",eer the i++ediate dis+issal "# that 5uesti"n denies Pallet an "--"rtunit! t" address "r

    res-"nd t" the clai+. There als" see+s t" $e a aluing "# an inherent +ale c"de "er a

    the"retical +"ral c"de< ,hat Pallet sees as a +"ral c"ncern l"ses its alue ,hen -resented in

    c"n7uncti"n ,ith his #alse clai+ "# #riendshi-.

    Rene C!r: E O,en and th"se that su--"rt his -"st are acting er! ina--r"-riatel!

    $ecause there is n" hard eidence !et. JRYON has the right t" a #air trial due

    diligence due -r"cess inn"cent $e#"re -r"en guilt!. This is l!nch +"$ +entalit!. =AIT

    until !"u hae -r""# $e#"re !"u ruin the +anGs re-utati"n. E A real +an ,"uld hae

    tal%ed directl! t" 3ian i# he had c"ncerns and i# he #"und that there ,as reas"n #"r

    c"ncern he c"uld hae g"ne t" the auth"rities. Instead he g"es PU2LIC ,ith accusati"ns

    s-"%en as #act. E

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    Rene C!rs c"nde+nati"n "# Palletand th"se that su--"rt his -"stclai+s t" rel! "n a

    sense "# rati"nalit!. The s-ea%ers i+-lied understanding "#due -r"cessas ,ell as the

    5uesti"ning "# the legiti+ac! "# Pallets -u$lic accusati"n seres t" c"nstruct a "ice that is

    +eant s-eci#icall! t" under+ine Pallets -"siti"ning and a##ected su$7ectiit!. Rene C!r clai+s

    thata real +an,"uld hae s-"%en directl! t" 4h"+eshi. The clai+ i+-lies that Pallet is

    hi+sel# n"t a real +an $ut the state+ent then $egs the 5uesti"n ,hat is Pallet i# n"ta real

    +anH The c"nstructi"n "# -er#"r+atie +asculinit! is $r"ught t" the #"re#r"nt $! Rene C!rs

    c"++ent< i# +asculinit! is a -er#"r+ed su$7ectiit! then Rene C!rs criticis+ that that O,ens

    -er#"r+ance ,as inherentl! ,r"ng "r c"ntrar! t" s"+e -resu--"sedreal-er#"r+ance. Thus

    central essence "# ,hat it +eans t" $e a +an is called int" 5uesti"n $! the -"tential n"n0truth "#

    Pallets clai+s. This $rings the -er#"r+atie ele+ent "# Renes -"st Pallets as ,ell as

    4h"+eshis t" the #"re#r"nt "# the disc"urse. 4h"+eshi is -resenting his initial narratie "n

    Face$""% atte+-ted t" c"nstruct a stage in ,hich he is +ade inn"cent. Pallets -"st can

    there#"re $e seen as an atte+-t t" "ut0-er#"r+ 4h"+eshi using the sa+e #"r+ "# disc"urse.

    Renes -"st and "thers li%e it d" unt" Pallets -"st ,hat Pallet d"es t" 3ians: the! target #la,s in

    -resentati"n as a ,a! "# dec"nstructing the integrit! "# the -er#"r+ance $eing -resented.

    Male Authority

    The re-ert"ire "# +ale auth"rit! distinguishes itsel# #r"+ its -redecess"rs in that its

    -re"ccu-ati"n is n"t ,ith the c"ntent "# Pallets -"st $ut rather ,ith the auth"rit! Pallet i+-lied

    in -"sting his state+ent t" $egin ,ith. Unli%e the re-ert"ire "#+ale integrit!,hich -"siti"ns

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    +asculinit! against s"+e su$7ectie "ther +ale auth"rit! is a##ir+atie "#d"ing +asculinit!

    that is it is c"ncerned ,ith ,hat +asculinit! is, rather than ,hat +asculinit! isnt.

    Mist! Mc&en6ie0?ill: E &ud"s #"r !"u calling this "ut. And it is sad that it t""% a +an

    t" hae t" hae the Kauth"rit!K #"r it t" $e heard $ut regardless I than% !"u #"r !"ur


    The c"++ent and "thers in this re-ert"ire 9see A--endi/ D> sere t" neg"tiate Pallets

    right and entitle+ent t" ta%e u- and ascri$e certain su$7ect -"siti"ns ,ithin the -",er d!na+ic

    "# -er#"r+atie +asculinit!. Pallets relatiel! dise+-",ered -"siti"n ,ithin the c"nte/t "# his

    relati"nshi- t" 4h"+eshi in the -rei"us t," inter-retie re-ert"ires is highlighted as an

    a##ir+atie +ale strength ,ithin the c"nte/t "# +ale auth"rit!. Masculinit! underst""d as

    culturall! -rescri$ed ,a!s "#-er#"r+ingas+an#uncti"ns ,ithin -rei"us re-ert"ires "nl!

    in s" #ar as it +aintains the -",er di##erential $et,een +ale and #e+ale. This re-ert"ire su$erts

    that #uncti"n

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    -er#"r+atie +asculinit!: th"ugh c"nce-tuali6ing "# +asculinit! are $r"ught a$"ut thr"ugh

    disc"urse it is the s"cial #uncti"ns "# th"se c"nce-tuali6ati"ns that +atter +"st ,ithin the

    disc"urse< in this case th"ugh +asculinit! is c"nce-tuali6ed as a restrictie hege+"nic

    hierarch! the -",er it a##"rds #uncti"ns as a +eans t" under+ine its ",n gendered su-eri"rit!.

    Implications for Future Research

    The 3ian 4h"+eshi case -r"ides use#ul #"dder #"r critical discursie anal!sis in that it is

    a heail! gendered disc"urse #"r ,hich the ter+s ,ere set s-eci#icall! "n s"cial +edia. Argua$l!

    4h"+eshi a traditi"nal +edia #igurehead +ade his #irst -"st "n Face$""% s" as t" use the

    de+"cratic nature "# the Internet0+ediated disc"urse t" his adantage -articularl! as the #irst

    accusati"ns +ade against hi+ ,ere +ade "n the traditi"nal +edia -lat#"r+ "# the T"r"nt" Star.

    The disc"urse lends itsel# t" e/tre+e e/a+-les "# +asculine su$7ectiit! as it is alread! -itting

    +aleagainst#e+ale$! irtue "# it $eing a case "# +ans i"lence against ,"+an.

    4h"+eshis Face$""% -"st and Pallets in turn +ust there#"re $e c"nsidered in the c"nte/t "#

    the $r"ader narratie< +uch in the sa+e ,a! +asculinit! tends t" -"siti"n itsel# as a resistance t"

    #e+ininit! Pallets Internet0+ediated disc"urse is als" c"nstructed #"r the -ur-"ses "# resisting

    s"+e "ther $r"ader narratie een $! its er! intr"duct"r! sentence: I ,as challenged $! a


    ?",eer ,hile this -a-er atte+-ted t" inestigate the three inter-retie re-ert"ires I

    #"und signi#icant thr"ugh"ut the disc"urse these re-ert"ires ,ere c"nsidered ,ithin the c"nte/t

    "# the c"++ents acting each as indiidual identities. It ,"uld $e use#ul t" e/a+ine h", users

    rel! "n the interactiit! and the 5uesti"n0ans,er st!le "# the c"++ent -lat#"r+ in "rder t" c"0

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    c"nstruct th"se er! re-ert"ires. Such an inestigati"n ,"uld re5uire treating each c"++ent in

    relati"n t" the $r"ader narratie. As ,ell as -rei"usl! stated this case is -redis-"sed t"

    ins-iring e/tre+e +ani#estati"ns "# +asculine su$7ectiities< l""%ing at "ther +ani#estati"ns "#

    these re-ert"ires in a s"cial +edia c"nte/t ,"uld sere t" rein#"rce the alidit! "# their

    c"nstructi"n and -er#"r+ance.

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    A--endi/ A

    O,en Pallets Face$""% P"st +ade "n Oct"$er *) *1'

    I ,as challenged $! a #riend t" sa! s"+ething a$"ut the recent allegati"ns against 3ian

    4h"+eshi.3ian is +! #riend. I hae a--eared t,ice "n . 2ut there is n" gre! area here. Three ,"+en hae

    $een $eaten $! 3ian 4h"+eshi.

    I hae sat ,ith 3ian "er drin%s and discussed "ur res-ectie an/iet! dis"rders. =e hae $een

    -h"t"gra-hed hugging "n ca+era.

    3ust ten da!s ag" I hel-ed hi+ #ind +usicians #"r his #athers #uneral. Three ,"+en hae said

    that 3ian $eat the+ ,ith"ut their c"nsent.

    =e ,ill neer reall! %n", ,hat ha--ened.Yes ,e d". 3ian $eat at the er! least three ,"+en.

    Three ,"+en said s".The! ,ere 7ilted e/es.Ma!$e s". The! ,ere $eaten $! 3ian.

    The! ,ere #reelance ,riters l""%ing t" get ahead.Three ,"+en ,ere $eaten $! 3ian

    4h"+eshi.At n" -"int here ,ill I eer gie +! #riend 3ians ersi"n "# the truth +"re creedence than the

    ersi"n "# the truth "##ered u- $! three ,"+en. An"n!+it! d"es n"t +ean these ,"+en d" n"t


    The! ,ere engaged in 2DSM r"le0-la!.This: this is s"+ething I need t" tal% a$"ut.

    The $eaut! "# 2DSM relati"nshi-s is that the -",er is al,a!s in the hands "# the su$. 2DSMand ch"%e -la! is a su$ersi"n "# +ale i"lence.

    T" hear that an!$"d! has $een a$using the 2DSM -",er relati"nshi- #"r the -ur-"se "#

    engaging in n"n0c"nsensual i"lence0against0,"+en is h"rri#!ing.That is n"t the -"int "# 2DSM. 2DSM is in #act a$"ut the e/act "--"site thing. It is a$"ut

    re-ur-"sing acts "# i"lence int" creating a -",er d!na+ic "# #uc%ing UALITY.

    As #"r the rest. I hae seen +! Face$""% #eed littered ,ith c"++ents a$"ut h",#"r !ears ,ee

    %n",n 3ian t" $e a shad! character.

    I t"" hae heard endless ru+"urs that hes $een a $ad date and hae heard st"ries "# shadiness

    and strange $ehai"ur.

    I hae heard a$"ut his ridicul"us -ic%0u- lines and hae 9t" +! sha+e> tittered a$"ut the+ ,ith+! #riends. 2ut I hae neer heard until t"da! that 3ian 4h"+eshi $eats ,"+en.

    I a+ s%e-tical "# arts re-"rting. I a+ s%e-tical "# Canadian 7"urnalis+. I a+ sensitie t",ard

    sha+ing "# -e"-le ,h" are s"0called se/ual deiants.

    2ut lets $e clear. =hether the c"urt decides that -redat"r! +en are -unished "r e/"nerated d"es

    n"t silence the "ices "# the icti+s. It d"es n"t +a%e icti+s liars.

    =hether "ur culture c"ntinues t" cele$rate the ,"r%s "# -redat"r! +en is an"ther issue. It d"es

    n"t silence the "ices "# the icti+s.3ian 4h"+eshi is +! #riend and 3ian 4h"+eshi $eats ,"+en. ?", "ur #riendshi- ,ill c"ntinue

    re+ains t" $e seen.

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    A--endi/ 2

    Sa+-le "# c"++ents attri$uted t" the re-ert"ire "#+ale s"lidarit!

    Zach MarshY"u are #ull "# shit t" n" end +an. Again IGll as% ,hat %ind "# #riend are !"uH?", can !"u call !"ursel# his #riend in the #irst -laceH ?e ca+e t" !"u t" assist hi+ ,ith the

    +usic #"r his #atherGs #uneral. ?e "$i"usl! c"nsiders !"u an incredi$l! cl"se #riend "# his i#

    heGs trusting !"u ,ith s"+ething that ital t" hi+ and in return !"u 7ust s-it in his #ace. IG+

    s"rr! that ,hat he d"es in a cl"sed $edr""+ d"esnGt tic%le !"ur #anc!. It isnGt +! cu- "# teaeither. 2ut that isnGt en"ugh #"r +"st n"r+al hu+an $eings ,ith at least a slier "# c"+-assi"n

    t" c"+-letel! turn "n s"+e"ne ,h" +ust greatl! ad+ire the+. An"n!+"us allegati"ns s.

    s"+e"ne ,h" as%ed +e t" hel- -re-are the #uneral "# "ne "# +! -arentsH Oh ,h"se side d" Ita%eH 4ee t"ugh call O,en This sec"nd c"++ent is ridicul"us. Unnecessar!. Y"uGe d"ne

    en"ugh har+ t" the re-utati"n "# a +an ,h" currentl! has n" actual eidence against hi+.

    n"ugh da+age t" s"+e"ne ,h" called !"u a #riend. I ,as c"ninced that !"u didnGt carea$"ut 3ian $e#"re< n", IG+ certain "# it.

    Like14Octoer !"# !$14 at 1$%&'am

    (ynthia FloodO,en this is heart$rea%ing. I# 3ian is guilt! "# these things his #all ,ill $e+ight! indeed. Alread! heGs l"st s" +uch. IG+ n"t a #riend $ut I certainl! ,as a #an. As such

    I d"nGt thin% I c"uld eer $ear t" hear his "ice "n radi" again. TMI i# !"u %n", ,hat I +ean.

    IG+ n"t a -rude $ut I d"nGt care t" %n", ANYT?IN4 a$"ut ANY radi"TJ -ers"nalit!Gs se/ual

    -ractices. 2UT I #erentl! h"-e 3ian has s"+e real #riends ,h" stic% $! hi+ thr"ugh this a,#ul+ess. ItGs K$ig -ictureK ti+e and "nl! th"se cl"se t" 3ian can decide ,hich -art "# the -icture t"

    #"cus "n. ?e is a#ter all a real -ers"n. S"+e"ne in +! -"siti"n can "nl! $ase +!

    reacti"n"-ini"n "n ,hat I hearsee "n the air,aes. ?is true #riends hae a +uch greater"--"rtunit! t" decide ,hether "r n"t his assets "ut,eigh his lia$ilities. ?e +a! $e #la,ed $ut

    is he a l"st causeH

    Like1)o*emer 1!# !$14 at &%'+pm

    Miner*a Meek T?IS IS TOTAL UNADULTRATD 2ULLS?IT Jer! $ac%sta$$ing ,hat%ind "# K#riendK are !"uH Did it eer "ccur t" !"u that th"se three ,"+en hae g"tten t"gether

    and lied a$"ut 3ian t" get $ac% at hi+H I %n", 3ian and heGs the nicest gu!. Y"uGre "$i"usl!

    7ust sta$$ing 3ian in the $ac% #"r -u$licit!. 4et a li#e

    Like)o*emer !# !$14 at 1%!,am

    -rian .incentDude IGe neer heard "# !"u $e#"re. 2ut I h"-e !"uGre a $etter +usician than!"u are a #riend. I canGt hel- $ut thin% !"u -"sted this t" endear !"ursel# t" the ladies in h"-es

    "# sc"ring ,ith the+.

    Like!Octoer !"# !$14 at &%1'am

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    /aren Mc0iarmid O,en !"u are a ,easl! little sensati"nalist and certainl! n" #riend "#

    3ianGs. M"st #riends ,"uld hae their #riendGs $ac% until there is s"+e c"ncrete -r""# "# theeracit! "# the accusati"ns against hi+. Instead !"u hae thr",n u- tid$its "# g"ssi- and ,hat

    +ight $e c"n#idential tal% $et,een !"u and !"ur K#riendK t" in#la+e and $ias the un#"lding

    situati"n. Y"ur $ehai"ur is sha+e#ul.

    Like1&Octoer !# !$14 at '%1"pm

    (hris Merrill Agreed -rett! sha+e#ul "# O,en. 3ian is $etter "## ,ith"ut s"+e"ne li%e !"u asa K#riendK.

    Like1&Octoer !# !$14 at 1!%&+pm2dited

    3ohn -rasfort I 5uesti"n this s" called #riendshi-. I ,"nder ,hat is in it #"r hi+H

    Like1Octoer !# !$14 at 1$%&"pm

    Margarita /orol S"+e #riend

    LikeReply1Octoer !# !$14 at '%4!pm

    Reet 0halial Y"u 7ust disgraced this thing called #riendshi-K

    LikeReply&Octoer !# !$14 at '%4!pm

    Arlene Mckenna Ie al,a!s tried t" $e care#ul "# ,h" i call a #riendH N", i %n", ,h!

    LikeReply&Octoer !# !$14 at '%41pm

    /risten Riepert 5llman=hat d"es it sa! a$"ut !"ur character that !"u s" 5uic%l! turn "n

    !"ur g""d #riend. First "# all I ,"uld h"-e that $! +a%ing such str"ng state+ents !"u %n", #"rsure he did s"+ething ,r"ng h",eer i# !"u %n", this it +a%es !"u a h"rri$le -ers"n #"r n"t

    calling the -"lice "n hi+ and re+aining his #riend. I# !"u d"nGt hae -r"e "# the a$use !"u are

    a terri$le #riend #"r $ailing ,hen he needs !"u +"st. I# an! "# +! $est #riends ,ere accused "#

    this I ,"uld $e $! their side $ecause I c"uld neer $eliee the! are ca-a$le "# such acts. Y"uGrea c",ard either sceneri"

    LikeReply4Octoer !# !$14 at '%!+pm

    /risten (hapmanThis is h", ugl! the ,"rld has $ec"+e. Unless !"u are #ull! ,illing t"

    sh", eidence "# !"u 7"ining !"ur K#riendK ,hile he $eats ,"+en -"ssi$l! +"re than three!"u sh"uld +a%e n" c"++ent a$"ut an! -ers"n #riend "r n" #riend. As s"+e"ne ,h" has $een

    at the ,rath "# a ,"+an sc"rned and her des-arate antics #"r +an! !ears I a+ ,ell a,are "#

    the lengths that disgruntled ,"+en are ,illing t" g" e/ercise reenge s"+eti+es ste++ing#r"+ direct sel#0delusi"n. I# se/ual assault "r a$use "# an! %ind ,as the case it sh"uld hae

    $een re-"rted and charges laid.

    LikeReply11Octoer !# !$14 at '%1!pm2dited

    6om 0ontigny?e d"esnGt need #riends li%e !"u. =h" +ade !"u 4"dH

    LikeReply1Octoer !# !$14 at 11%&&am

    Lea -ellefleur =",... =ith a #riend li%e !"u ,h" needs ene+ies

    LikeReply1&Octoer !# !$14 at 1%&$pm

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    Miles 7ranfield =ith #riends li%e !"u ,h" needs ene+iesH

    LikeReply11Octoer !# !$14 at 1%!4pm

    7eoff -rennan I reall! h"-e the rest "# 3ianGs #riends ,ait until thereGs -r""# "# lies "r -r""# "#eidence $e#"re the! thr", hi+ under the $us li%e this.

    LikeReply4Octoer !# !$14 at 11%',am

    7ino Ri*as RosasA,, l""% at O,en such a nice gu! Are !"u ha--! ,ith !"ur 1B +inutes

    "# releance n",H Read! t" call s"+e"ne ,h" is su--"sed t" $e his #riend a ra-ist ,ith n"-r""# and ,h!Gs thatH $ecause three -e"-le ha--en t" ",n a agina. O,en ,hat !"u are d"ing

    is called K$ene"lent se/is+K. Y"u sh"uld learn t" treat ,"+en li%e hu+an $eings n"t li%e

    !"ur little -ets #"r !"u t" K-r"tectK. Pr"$a$l! itGs ti+e #"r !"u t" treat gr",n0u- ,"+en li%e

    adults $ut then !"u c"uldnGt get "## +altreating #e+ales li%e the! ,ere ( !ear "lds destined t"$e icti+s #"reer...I +ean h", c"uld !"u $e KSu-er0O,enK i# that ha--enedH. In case !"u

    #"rg"t itGs called Kinn"cent until PROJN guilt!K $ut "# c"urse !"ur K#riendK9H> 3ian ",ns a

    -enis s" he is "$i"usl! eil< $ut "n the c"ntrar! I thin% !"ur K,hite %nightK attitude itGs ,hat

    is reall! eil $udd!. =e ALL are hu+an $eings and ,e ALL desere t" $e treated li%e hu+ans.="+en are nice $ut the! can $e er! eil and +en 7ust the sa+e 9e5ualit! re+e+$er

    thatH>...Y"u "n the "ther hand are a $ac%sta$$er "# the ,"rst %ind and i# an!"ne "ut there isO,en PallettGs #riend -lease I rec"++end !"u re0thin% that relati"nshi- as he d"es n"t hae

    "ne i"ta "# l"e "r res-ect #"r !"u 9es-eciall! i# !"u ",n a -enis as itGs +"re than -r"en here

    that he hates the +ale gender. T" hi+ ,eGre all ra-ists and %illers>. 2ut &ar+a is a $itch< Ih"-e s"+e"ne accuses !"u ,ith n" -r""# IGll $e the #irst "ne in #r"nt "# the l!nch +"$


    LikeReply"Octoer !# !$14 at ,%!$pm

    0arryl Reddy Y"ur #ar #r"+ a #riend i# !"u ,ill n"t een entertain the idea that -erha-s

    allegati"ns against hi+ are untrue. Id tell !a t" g" #uc% !"ursel# i# i ,as hi+. I ,ish t" -"int "uti+ n"t de#ending hi+ at all i d"nt %n", i# he did ,hat he is $eing accused "# "r n"t...$ut thats

    the -"int !"u d"nt %n", #"r certain either

    LikeReply1Octoer !# !$14 at 1!%'1pm

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    A--endi/ C

    Sa+-le "# c"++ents attri$uted t" the re-ert"ire "#+ale integrit!

    -rian .incentLetGs re+e+$er the allegati"ns are 7ust that 0 allegati"ns. N" eidence has !et$een -ut #"r,ard t" su$stantiate clai+s "# assault. Our 7ustice s!ste+ is #"unded "n the

    i+-"rtant tenet "# Kinn"cent until -r"en guilt!.K 2! stating e+-haticall! K3ian $eats ,"+enK 0

    again an allegati"n 0 under+ines that er! $asic and i+-"rtant -rinci-le "# 7ustice. Y"u as

    ,ell as "thers are engaging in a c!$er l!nching.

    LikeReplyOctoer !# !$14 at %!+pm

    Stacy 7ardner OenThen d"esnGt this +a%e !"u -art "# the -r"$le+ since !"u %ne, "r at

    least !"u s"und li%e !"u %ne, he ,as a$usie t",ards ,"+en d"esnGt that +a%e !"u a silent

    c"+-licit: neither c"n#r"nting "r re-"rting !"ur #riend "r hel-ing these ,"+enH Y"u canGt hae

    it $"th ,a!s. Y"uGre either -art "# the -r"$le+ "r s"luti"n. Right n", !"uGre 7ust a rattlesna%egiing the ,arning a little t"" late. S" !"uGre 7ust a sna%e.

    Like,Octoer !"# !$14 at 11%1am

    Matthe 3ames Smith =hile +! gut sa!s K$eliee these ,"+enK and I DO trust +! gut it is

    JRY danger"us t" sa! ,hen a +anGs lielih""d character and re-utati"n are "n the line thatan an"n!+"us 9"r an!> accusati"n sh"uld 7ust $e Kde #act"K acce-ted $ecause "# the hist"r! "#

    ,"+en $eing a#raid t" c"+e #"r,ard "r $ecause #alse accusati"ns are rare etc.. ="+en ,"uld

    de#inatel! $e d"ing the+seles and "thers a ?U4 #a"r and $e acting e/tre+el! $rael! i#the! DID g" "n rec"rd and #iled a re-"rt. =hile it is JRY understanda$le ,h! the! d"nGt

    the! sh"uld in this case es-ecciall! hel- sta+- "ut the -r"$le+ and send a +essage that NO

    ON sh"uld get a,a! ,ith this. The! DO hae the adantage "# Ksa#et! in nu+$ersK and,"uld hae I $eliee as +uch su--"rt as dis+issal ..... Innuend" is n" ,here NAR

    -r""#c"nicti"n. A4AIN I DO 2LIJ T?M and that is g""d en"ugh #"r +e t" neer letthis gu! near an! ,"+en I care a$"ut 2UT $e#"re a +an is destr"!ed !"u $etter hae +"rethan the ,"rd "# an"n!+"us icti+s.

    Like'Octoer !"# !$14 at !%'!pm

    8eter *an .een I reall! li%e ,hat ha--ened t" Kinn"cent until -r"en "ther,iseK. O# c"urse

    that d"esnGt a--l! ,hen a +e+$er "# su-ergender G,"+enG is the icti+.

    Like!Octoer !"# !$14 at +%'4pm

    Marta RiddellSheesh d"esnGt the TRUT? +atter an!+"re ,e are su--"sed t" $eliee

    ,"+en ,ith"ut #acts and c"nde+n +en $ecause ,e are su--"sed t" K$eliee ,"+enKH Utter

    n"nsense. And #"r the -ers"n s-"uting statistical -r"$a$ilities than% eer!thing !"u $eliee inthat "ur cri+inal 7ustice s!ste+ d"esnGt decide guilt "r inn"cence $ased "n that. I# !"u are

    g"ing t" Kclai+K a$use then da++it CLAIM IT 0 g" t" the -"lice and d" n"t hide $ehind

    an"n!+it!. Pe"-le lie -e"-le a$use n"t gender s-eci#ic. And Peter an Deen: the sarcas+

    d"esnGt hel- I a+ n"t a +e+$er "# a su-ergender 0 d"nGt $e sill!.

    Like1Octoer !"# !$14 at %4'pm

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    Adrian (rook KThere is n" gre! area here.K

    U++ !es there is. L"ts "# it un#"rtunatel! $ecause ,eGe "nl! heard "ne side "# the st"r!.Y"u +a! ulti+atel! $e right 0 3ian +ight $eat ,"+en 0 $ut i# !"u alread! -"ssess such

    c"nclusie eidence "# as +uch -lease share it 0 at least ,ith the auth"rities.

    Other,ise itGs irres-"nsi$le and li$el"us t" ,rite an!thing +"re de#initie than K3ian is accused

    "# $eating ,"+en.KThis c"+es "# +"re li%e -r"#iting #r"+ ,riting s"+ething sensati"nalistic and -andering than

    c"urage"us "r l"!al.

    Like!!4Octoer !# !$14 at 1!%!+pm

    Sara (atherine RoyDaid there are "ther #act"rs th"ugh. This +an has cele$rit! status.="+en c"uld -"tentiall! cash a huge che5ue "## #alsel! accusing hi+. I a+ NOT SAYIN4

    T?ATGS =?ATGS ?APPNIN4. The "dds d" see+ against hi+ and I ,ill griee #"r his

    icti+s i# this -r"es true 7ust as I ,ill griee #"r hi+ i# it d"esnGt.

    Like"Octoer !# !$14 at 1!%$'pm

    0ane RileyFuc%ing unreal 2ITC?S 2 CRAY 7ust an"ther e/a+-le "# +isera$le ,"+entr!ing t" ta%e d",n a gu! ,h" re+inds the+ "# their +"lester dad

    LikeReply1Octoer !# !$14 at 1%!&pm

    3ohn Layman =ell O,enI hae $een %ind "#E i+-ressed $! s"+e "# !"ur +usicth"ugh

    #inding it a $it c"ntradict"r!. N", here !"u are clai+ing t" $e s"+e"neGs #riend and !et statingthat he G$eats ,"+enG ... ,ere !"u actuall! -resent H D"u$t it. And i# !"u are g"ing t" clai+

    such a high G+"ral stri-eG,h! clai+ t" still $e his #riend H =h! is this n"t in the -ast tense H I

    hae a $ias in 3ianGs #a"urh",eer I #eel the need t" ta%e a ste- $ac%n"t -re07udge "r la! an!$la+e and see h", this all #alls d",n. 3ian is inn"cent until -r"en guilt!the C2C

    +anage+ent is "nn"cent until -r"en guilt! and als" the ,"+en are inn"cent until -r"en

    guilt! ... until the -r"cess has $een -ursued a #air $it #arther d",n its current tragect"r!n"ne "#usaside #r"+ th"se directl! in"ledactuall! %n", a da+n thing. Truth. Peri"d. And een

    a#ter the #act,e +a! n"t %n", an!thing +"re

    LikeReply&Octoer !# !$14 at '%'pm2dited

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    Rene (yrA$use "# $"th ,"+en and +en g" largel! unre-"rted and that has t" change. 2ut

    that d"esnGt change the #act that O,en and th"se that su--"rt his -"st are acting er!ina--r"-riatel! $ecause there is n" hard eidence !et. JRYON has the right t" a #air trial

    due diligence due -r"cess inn"cent $e#"re -r"en guilt!. This is l!nch +"$ +entalit!. =AIT

    until !"u hae -r""# $e#"re !"u ruin the +anGs re-utati"n. This is a seri"us i"lati"n "# rights

    !"u are -artici-ating in right n",. =hat g""d did O,en d" #"r th"se ,"+en $! -"sting this H=hat serice ,as this #"r the -u$lic ,hat g""d did this -"st sere H =hat did O,en hae t"

    gain $! -"sting this "n -u$lic +ediaH ATTNTION LOO& AT M I AM A 4RAT 4UY=?O JN CALLS MY FRINDS ON T?IR S?IT A real +an ,"uld hae tal%ed

    directl! t" 3ian i# he had c"ncerns and i# he #"und that there ,as reas"n #"r c"ncern he c"uld

    hae g"ne t" the auth"rities. Instead he g"es PU2LIC ,ith accusati"ns s-"%en as #act. I trul!

    h"-e O,en gets a taste "# his ",n +edicine s"+e da! $eing accused "# a cri+e ,ith"ut alid-r""# is a terri$le thing t" g" thr"ugh $ecause inn"cent "r guilt! there ,ill al,a!s $e a

    signi#icant -art "# the -"-ulati"n that ,ill c"nde+n !"u.

    Like+Octoer !"# !$14 at 1!%$4pm

    3en (annell Mani-ulat"r a are al,a!s nice gu!s "nl! ,hen the! +anage t" hae !"ur trust andc"n#idence d" the! sh", their real sel#.

    Like+Octoer !"# !$14 at 4%!!pm

    Rene (yrI a+ #la$$ergasted that s" +an! -e"-le can $e agreeing ,ith this su--"sed #riend.(*1B li%es un$eliea$le (*1B idi"ts.There is KN" eidenceK !et and O,en Pallett and +an!

    ,h" hae +ade c"++ents here hae alread! c"nicted hi+. I certainl! ,"uld n"t su--"rt

    a$use $ut there is n" eidence "nl! hearsa!. It scares the shit "ut "# +e that -e"-le li%e O,enPallett and th"se "# !"u that agree ,ith hi+ lie in "ur s"ciet! !"u are n"thing $etter than a

    igilante -"sse. I# O,en had an! real c"urage "r i# he ,ere are #riend he ,"uld hae had this

    c"nersati"n -riatel! ,ith 3ian. =hat O,en reall! is is an attenti"n see%ing Magina tr!ing t"

    l""% li%e a decent gu!. Th"se "# !"u ,ith s" little sense that agree ,ith hi+ thin% a$"ut there-ercussi"ns this ,ill hae "n the li#e "# a -"tentiall! inn"cent hu+an $eing. =AIT until a#ter

    eidence is in $e#"re 7"ining a hanging -art!. Sha+e "n O,en and sha+e "n th"se "# !"u thatsu--"rt and c"ngratulate hi+ #"r this sel# a$s"r$ed -"st. S?AM

    LikeReply&Octoer !# !$14 at 4%&pm2dited

    0esLauriers -rothers=ith #riends li%e this ,h" needs ene+ies 0 the gu! is tr!ing t" sell a#e, e/tra rec"rds ,ith this -athetic -"st since "ther,ise n" "ne has heard "# hi+. All the ,hile

    the -""r gu! #r"+ C2C is $eing -ersecuted in the +edia ,ith n" eidence. =hat a disgusting

    7"%e 0 and 11 idi"ts hitting li%e. T"tal in7ustice.

    Like!Octoer !# !$14 at "%!pm

    Olga 9aralaous This is a terri$le article. I# these allegati"ns are true...?e sh"uld g" t" the

    -"lice. I# he has c"ncerns ,ith his #riend..a--r"ach hi+ directl!. =h! -u$licl! slander

    s"+e"ne "n Face$""%H And...h", can ,e een $eliee this -ers"n is ,h" he sa!s he isH I can

    sa! an!thing "nline a$"ut an!"ne and IG+ sure there ,"uld $e -e"-le ,h" ,"uld $lindl!$eliee +e ,ith"ut l""%ing int" the #acts. =hat is the -"int "# this c"++entar!H Releasing

    guiltH Attenti"nH This article is er! sel# sering in +! "-ini"n.

    LikeReply&4Octoer !# !$14 at 11%'!am

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    Michael 7lo*er This is reall! disa--"inting t" see. F"r a +ultitude "# reas"ns. Firstl! let +e

    start $! sa!ing I reall! li%e !"ur +usic. ThatGs n"t the -"int here $ut I ,anted t" gie !"ucredit #"r that. I a+ reall! sur-rised t" see this th"ugh. Regardless "# the "utc"+e "# this ,hen

    all the dust settles !"u $r"%e the $r" c"de. I# 3ian is,as !"ur #riend !"u sh"uld res-ec

    t that and sa! n"thing at least until the ulti+ate truth is e/-"sed. ThatGs an "-ti"n in this s"ciet!

    t"" !"u %n",. Sec"ndl! d" !"u une5ui"call! %n", that 3ian $eats ,"+anH D" !"uaudi"isual -r""#H D" !"u hae -icturesH D" !"u -ers"nall! %n", an! "# the ,"+en ,h"

    hae +ade these allegati"nsH =h! are ,e 7ust hearing a$"ut all his -ast indiscreti"ns n",HSh"uld he n"t hae -ri"r charges #"r $atter!H IG+ n"t sa!ing he did "r didnGt d" it $ecause itGs

    i+-"ssi$le #"r +e t" %n", n"r is it +! 7"$ t" d" s". The g""d thing a$"ut liing in a c"untr!

    li%e Canada is that "ur 7udicial s!ste+ ,"r%s "n the understanding "# inn"cence until -r"en

    guilt. Y"u sir hae da+ned !"ur K#riendK $e#"re this een -la!s "ut in the c"urt $e#"re 3iancan een address these allegati"ns. This needs t" g" $e#"re a 7udge all -arties need t" $e heard

    $e#"re an! 7udge+ent is cast. Thirdl! I #eel li%e !"u are using this incident as a catal!st t"

    adance !"ur ",n career. Y"u %n", that th"usands "# ,"+en ,ill -raise !"u #"r standing u-#"r $attered ,"+en eer!,here and ,ill g" tell their #riends etc and !"u ,ill $e the ne,

    g"lden $"! "# Canadian radi". It is irres-"nsi$le. I a+ all #"r e/-"sing a$usie +en and giingall -"ssi$le rights and -riileges t" a$used ,"+en $ut there has t" $e s"+e essel t" -r"e theguilt "# the alleged a$user. Y"u O,en hae 7u+-ed the gun and thr",n !"ur K#riendK under

    the $us. Y"u $etter h"-e that i# there is an! s"rt "# c"ntr"ers! in"ling !"u in the #uture that

    !"ur K#riendsK d"nGt turn "n !"u $e#"re !"u een hae a chance t" indicate !"ursel#. Li%eeer!thing !"u hae t" understand ,h" t" stands t" $ene#it in all this and let de+"crac! and

    "ur 7udicial s!ste+ d" ,hat the! are here t" d".

    LikeReply1"Octoer !# !$14 at 1%$'pm

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    A--endi/ D

    Sa+-le "# c"++ents attri$uted t" the re-ert"ire "# +ale auth"rit!

    3ana AsmussenThis gu! O,en is an incredi$le narcissist that +anaged t" ta%e s"+ethingthat hasnGt di+e "ne t" d" ,ith hi+ and +a%e it all a$"ut hi+. ?eGs a -ath"l"gical cree- ,h" I

    ,"uldnGt ,ant "n +! side #"r an! a+"unt "# l"e "r +"ne!. ?e is n" #riend that is #"r certain

    and the #act that "thers -raise hi+ #"r s" 5uic%l! thr",ing his K#riendK under the $us as

    i++ediatel! as he did is -u66ling. CanGt !"u rec"gni6e the head cheerleader "# a s+earca+-aign ,hen !"u see "neH S"+e thera-ist !"u are.

    LikeOctoer '1# !$14 at '%$$pm

    Smilin Sam Fromalaam =hat IG+ tr!ing t" sa! is that as his #riend O,en +a! hae heard

    and seen all %inds "# things "er the !ears that hinted t",ards this t!-e "# $ehai"r. The Star

    st"r! #iring la,suit and s"cial +edia e/-l"si"n +a! hae ti--ed the scales t" #"rce hi+ t" sa!s"+ething. O=NGS 4OT MOR 2ALLS T?AN T? RST OF US COM2IND

    Like1&Octoer !# !$14 at 1%&pm

    Rita 9eyorthM"st sensi$le thing I hae read "n this situati"n. Than% !"u #"r !"ur c"urage

    as a #riend and as a +an sharing !"ur clarit! "# th"ught "n this -u$licl!. I ,ish +"re -u$lic#igures had the insight and the c"urage t" $e this clear.

    LikeReply'Octoer !# !$14 at ,%11pm

    Mara :ink Than% !"u #"r !"ur letter. I hae al,a!s $elieed that i"lence t",ards ,"+en

    ,ill $e greatl! decreased ,hen OT?R MN stand u- and s-ea% "ut. It is re#reshing t" hae a+an stand u- and sa! GitGs n"t "%a!G.

    LikeReply4Octoer !"# !$14 at '%!$pm

    3anice 9alligan IG+ -leased t" #inall! $e reading s"+ething ,ritten $! a +an "n this

    c"ntr"ersial t"-ic that is n"t assu+ing the ,"+en are c"ns-irat"rs "# s"+e il% $ut I a+ stillunc"+#"rta$le ,ith the lac% "# -u$licl! aaila$le #acts in light "# ,hat an"ther high -r"#ile

    +ale ,as su$7ected t" and the sensati"nal re-"rting "# s"und $ites that ,ere in the end +uch

    ad" a$"ut er! little. S" IG+ $"th -leased and disa--"inted t" read this -"st. I a+ re#using t"

    "##er a 7udge+ent either ,a! and ,ill c"ntinue t" d" that until credi$le in#"r+ati"n is +adeaaila$le #"r -u$lic scrutin! and I hae the "--"rtunit! t" d" s". The "nl! "ther c"++ent I

    hae t" "##er right n", is that it is a sad re#lecti"n "# "ur s"cieties that a -ers"nGs -riate li#e is

    still such an attractie t""l #"r use $! $ullies "# all stri-es t" achiee ,hat "ther,ise +a! $eunachiea$le in s" +an! unrelated areas. F=I=: MSM is d"ing a $ang u- 7"$ "# +udd!ing the

    ,aters $! +isstating at the er! least ,hat has trans-ired t" date. Oh #"r s"+e "ld #ashi"nedethical -r"#essi"nal 7"urnalis+. Sigh.

    LikeReply4Octoer !# !$14 at +%&$pm

    -lanche Sno;Armsorthy!-u are re#reshing and a er! str"ng +an t" call "ut his #riend #"r

    unsa"r! acts against ,"+en ,here the! are true "r #alse

    LikeReply'Octoer !# !$14 at !%&+pm

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity



    Misty Mc/en $ut ,hen it c"+es t" s-ea%ing "ut a$"ut -e"-le ,e %n", ,h" are a$users thatsee+s s" +uch harder. &ud"s #"r !"u calling this "ut. And it is sad that it t""% a +an t" hae t"

    hae the Kauth"rit!K #"r it t" $e heard $ut regardless I than% !"u #"r !"ur ad"cac!.

    LikeReply,Octoer !# !$14 at '%&1pm

    Anna .on Than% !"u #"r this res-"nse and #"r $eing clear in !"ur su--"rt. ItGs s" i+-"rtant

    that +en s-ea% "ut against i"lence against ,"+en and clearl! state that the! ,ill n"t stand #"rit in their lies. The +"re that ,e s-ea% u- the $etter.

    LikeReply1&Octoer !# !$14 at '%'pm

    Alicia Michelle :eer er!"ne shitting "n !"u can get #uc%ed. O,en I re+e+$er seeing

    !"u in 2rant#"rd during !"ur Final Fantas! earl! da!s. I# I had %n",n h", ,"nder#ul a -ers"n!"u ,"uld gr", int"... +an letGs 7ust sa! IG+ hella -r"ud "# !"u right n",. Ign"re eer!"ne

    ,h" is tr!ing t" $ring !"u d",n. Y"u did the right thing ,ith this< this state+ent +ust hae

    $een hard t" +a%e $ut ulti+atel! !"u +ade the right ch"ice. As a suri"r "# a$use as

    s"+e"ne ,h" n"$"d! $elieed: than% !"u. Than% !"u s" +uch.LikeReply+Octoer !# !$14 at 1%&+pm

    6iara Arr Than% !"u #"r haing the c"urage t" ,rite this.

    LikeReply'Octoer !# !$14 at 1%1pm

    Laura Angela Roson As s"+e"ne ,h" ,as a#raid t" s-ea% u- I reall! a--reciate this. S"

    #e, accusati"ns are +ade u-... I $et een #e,er are actuall! re-"rtedtal%ed a$"ut. 4lads"+e"ne has the $alls t" call a s-ade ,hat it is.

    Like'1Octoer !"# !$14 at 11%11am

    Smilin Sam Fromalaam KThis c"+es "# +"re li%e -r"#iting #r"+ ,riting s"+ething

    sensati"nalistic and -andering than c"urage"us "r l"!al.K I disagree. I thin% h", it Kc"+es "##Kde-ends "n ,hat side "# the #ence !"u alread! ha--en t" $e. I thin% this t""% RAL $alls t"

    ,rite and -"st.

    Like"Octoer !# !$14 at 1%&4pm

    6ammy Mae Than% !"u s" +uch O,en. I ,ish +"re +en ,ere li%e !"u. The +is"g!nisticicti+0$la+ers in this thread are h"rri$le h"rri$le -e"-le.

    Like11Octoer !"# !$14 at 4%1+pm

  • 7/24/2019 Productions of Masculinity




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