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products from bees and their practical uses

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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The bee, feared for its nasty sting, comes as an unwelcome visitor in our gardens and homes. People often scamper away when they see the buzzing insect approach their direction. Scary as the bee is, it brings a number of products enjoyed for their sweet natural taste, health benefits and other number of alternative uses .


Beekeeping is the maintenance of honey bee colonies by humans commonly in hives for their honey and other product such as beeswax, pollen, propolis, venom , bee brood, bee bread , royal jelly etc.


Bees offer numerous benefits for humans but for the purposes of this presentation, more light will be thrown on the following products from bees and their practical uses to humansHONEY BEE VENOM BEE BREEDBEESWAX PROPOLISBEE POLLEN BEE BROOD


Honey is a natural food made by the bee with nectar, pollen and other substances. It is considered natures most completely nourishing food as it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. Proteins, free amino acids, vitamin B complex and folic acids are some of the major nutrients found in honey.


• FOR MIOSTURIZING Honey, when mixed with eggs and some flour, is an effective skin moisturizer. Best of all, it is gently formulated, so it can be used by people with sensitive skin. Mix four tablespoons of honey with a couple of egg whites and a few tablespoons of flour, depending on your desired consistency. Stir the mixture until it thickens. When the mixture is ready, you can use it as a hand and body lotion or a moisturizing face mask, eliminating the effects of dry skin.


Honey happens to contain a good amount of Hydrogen peroxide . It only needs to be released by diluting the substance in water or body fluids. When applied on an open wound, the glucose, contained by honey, is diluted and gradually releases hydrogen peroxide. The substance facilitates your wound’s healing faster

• ENERGY BOOSTERMix honey with some water then drink the solution. Honey’s glucose content will be absorbed by the brain and in the bloodstream, reducing fatigue in the process. You’ll be healthy and quite happy just by consuming the simple solution


• Immune System Booster Though still not scientifically proven, the daily consumption of honey is said to strengthen your immune system. You can give it a shot, you’ve got nothing to lose anyway.

• Treatment for Sore Throat To create the sore throat-relieving serum, squeeze the juice from a lemon and mix it with some honey. Stir the mixture until both ingredients blend. Drink the solution. After a few moments, you will realize that your sore throat has been cured, or at least reduced. Just continue to make more rounds until you are finally free from colds.


Other uses include• Colon Damage

Prevention • Parasite Remover • Remedy for Burns

• Relaxant for Anxiety and Nervousness

• Cancer and Heart Disease Prevention

• Diabetic Ulcer Remedy

Uses of beeswax

• Cosmetic and skin care products such as MoisturizersLip glossLip balmEye shadowsEye liner

Moustaches waxHair pomade which makes the hair sleek

Uses of beeswax

• Postharvest treatment of fruits and vegetablesBeeswax are used as glazing agent on fruits and vegetables to prevent moisture lose and pathogen attacks eg tomato and cucumber

• Surgical bone waxIt is used in preparing surgical bone wax which is used in controlling bleeding from bone surface.

Uses of beeswax

• Polishing furnitureBeeswax are dissolved in turpentine for polishing furniture

Uses of beeswax

Other uses include, the making ofCandles, tooth paste, crayon, Water prove leather, dental floss,


Honey bees collect sticky resins that ooze from the buds of some trees and conifers.

USES OF PROPOLI• It is used in ointment for

healing wounds and cuts.• Taking propolis daily

helps in the prevention of constipation

• When used in tooth pastes it prevents mouth and gum disorder such as gum recession.


• In a small clinical study, propolis mixed with mulbera leaf decrease blood sugar level in patience with type two diabetes .A picture of dried propolis taken at the international stingless bee centre.

Uses of royal jelly• Royal Jelly: This is a blend of

secretions from the salivary glands of the worker bee and contains a high concentration of vitamins B5, B6, and amino acids and is believed to be a potent antioxidant, a special rejuvenating substance that promotes tissue growth, muscle and cell regeneration and it is believe to be anti ageing product.

• . Royal jelly contains many insect growth hormones and is valued as a medicine, tonic or aphrodisiac by people in some parts of the world.

• Royal jelly has many different components including proteins, sugars, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Uses of pollen

• Bee pollen is considered by many health experts to be a perfect food due to its high levels of nutrients, vitamins, protein, and amino acids. In fact, bee pollen contains more protein than any other animal source, as well as nearly all the nutrients required by humans for healthy functioning

• High in vitamins A, B1, B3, and B12, as well as fatty acids, carbohydrates, trace minerals, and at least 22 amino acids essential for muscle growth, this superfood has numerous health applications.


• Antibacterial AgentStudies have shown that substances in bee pollen are effective in fighting certain bacterial and viral infections such as giardia and salmonella

Bee pollen contains compounds that aid the body in fighting off infection. High levels of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential minerals give the body a needed boost to ward off infections, and increase immune system functioning


. In addition, high levels of antioxidants help repair cellular damage caused by foreign pathogens and other free radicals.

USES OF POLLEN CONT• Immunity Booster

Bee pollen contains compounds that aid the body in fighting off infection. High levels of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential minerals give the body a needed boost to ward off infections, and increase immune system functioning. In addition, high levels of antioxidants help repair cellular damage caused by foreign pathogens and other free radicals

• Cardiovascular HealthAn antioxidant found in bee pollen known as Rutin, has been shown to increase the strength of blood vessels, capillaries, and improve circulation.

USES OF POLLEN CONT• Cardiovascular Health

Bee pollen has proven effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, both which contribute to good heart health. In one study, participants who ingested bee pollen experienced an increase in high-density lipoproteins, and a decrease in low-density lipoproteins, increasing cardiovascular health

Bee pollen has also shown to increase both white and red blood cells, as well as hemoglobin levels in anemic patients. Bee pollen has, however, been linked to an increased risk of heart attack in some individuals. If you currently have a heart condition, speak with your doctor before taking bee pollen


Other uses of bee pollen include

Cancer Fighting Properties Allergy Inhibitor Energy and Strength

Enhancement Weight Loss


Venom is harvested by submitting bees to electric fields when they feel the electric shock , bees sting into a metal gauze behind which is a glass sheet.

This is left in place in the hive for a few hours to dry, after which the dried venom is crapped from the glass sheet


• It is used in therapy against bee sting allergy

• It use in apitherapy , especially for treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.

Bees brood

The bees brood is made up of the EGGS, THE LAVEA and the PUPAE.

USES OF THE BEES BRoOD• In a few world areas,

people eat the brood (eggs, larvae and pupae) of honeybees. For example, in Africa honey hunters often eat the bee brood as they plunder the colony. In Asia, eating of the brood of Apis florea, Apis cerana, and other species occurs widely..

In Asia bee brood is also lyophilised and marketed as a powder for health foods and drinks.


• Bee Bread is actually the main source of food for most larvae and bees. It is fed to all larvae except those that are selected to become queens; the queen larvae are fed royal jelly instead

USES OF BEES BREAD• Comprised of all essential

amino acids, high contents of vitamins especially vitamin K, enzymes, and flavanoids, bee bread is made of pollen mixed with bits of honey, bee wax, and bees'digestive enzymes and is known to be useful in treating anemia, hepatitis, insomnia, stress, failing memory, cholesterol and disgestive tract disorder.

• Nowadays, in the shop you can find bee bread specially made for promoting kids' physical and mental growth. Bee bread helps children in improving memory, weight gain and fights obesity.


Products derived from bees, that is from the honey to the bees bread are so enormous that, it makes perfect sense for an individual seeking health and financial freedom to embark on apiculture.
