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Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1...

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6.006 Introduction to Algorithms Lecture 1: Document Distance Prof. Erik Demaine
Page 1: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec



Page 2: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec


Prof.ErikDemaine Prof.Piotr Indyk Prof.Manolis Kellis

Page 3: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec


KevinKelley JosephLaurendi Tianren Qi


Page 4: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec


Page 5: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

Administrivia• Handout: Course information• Webpage:http://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.006/spring11/• Signupforrecitationifyoudidn’tfilloutformalready• Sign up for problemsetserver: https://alg.csail.mit.edu/• SignupforPiazzza accounttoask/answerquestions:http://piazzza.com/

• Prereqs: 6.01(Python), 6.042(discretemath)• Grades: Problem sets (30%)

Quiz1 (20%;[email protected]–9.30pm)Quiz2 (20%;[email protected]–9.30pm)Final (30%)

• Lectures&Recitations;Homeworklabs;Quizreviews• Read collaboration policy!

Page 6: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

Today• Classoverview

– What’sa(good)algorithm?– Topics

• DocumentDistance– Vectorspacemodel– Algorithms– Pythonprofiling&gotchas

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What’sanAlgorithm?• Mathematicalabstractionofcomputerprogram

• Well‐specifiedmethodforsolvingacomputationalproblem– Typically,afinitesequenceofoperations

• DescriptionmightbestructuredEnglish,pseudocode,orrealcode

• Key: no ambiguityhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Euclid_flowchart_1.png

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al‐Khwārizmī(c.780–850)• “al‐kha‐raz‐mi”



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al‐Khwārizmī(c.780–850)• “al‐kha‐raz‐mi”• Fatherofalgebra

– TheCompendiousBookonCalculationbyCompletionandBalancing(c.830)

– Linear&quadraticequations:someofthefirstalgorithms



Page 10: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

EfficientAlgorithms• Wantanalgorithmthat’s

– Correct– Fast– Smallspace– General– Simple– Clever

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EfficientAlgorithms• Mainlyinterestedinscalabilityasproblemsizegrows

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WhyEfficient Algorithms?• Savewaittime,storageneeds,energyconsumption/cost,…

• Scalability=win– Solvebiggerproblemsgivenfixedresources(CPU,memory,disk,etc.)

• Optimizetraveltime,scheduleconflicts,…

Page 13: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

HowtoDesignanEfficient Algorithm?

1. Definecomputational problem2. Abstract irrelevant detail3. Reducetoaproblemyoulearnhere

(or6.046oralgorithmicliterature)4. Elsedesignusing“algorithmictoolbox”5. Analyzealgorithm’sscalability6. Implement & evaluate performance7. Repeat(optimize,generalize)

Page 14: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

Modules&Applications1. Introduction Document similarity2. BinarySearchTrees Scheduling3. Hashing Filesynchronization4. Sorting Spreadsheets5. GraphSearch Rubik’s Cube6. Shortest Paths Google Maps7. Dynamic Programming Justifyingtext,packing,…8. NumbersPictures(NP) Computingπ,collision

detection,hardproblem9. Beyond Folding,streaming,bio

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• Giventwodocuments,howsimilararethey?

• Applications:– Findsimilardocuments– Detectplagiarism/duplicates

– Websearch(one“document”isquery)



Page 16: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec


• Howtodefine“document”?

• Word =sequenceofalphanumericcharacters

• Document=sequenceofwords– Ignorepunctuation&formatting

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• Howtodefine“distance”?

• Idea: focusonsharedwords

• Wordfrequencies:– =#occurrencesofwordindocument

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VectorSpaceModel[Salton, Wong, Yang 1975]

• Treat each document as a vector of its words– Onecoordinate foreverypossibleword

• Example:– =“thecat”– =“thedog”

• Similaritybetweenvectors?– Dotproduct:







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VectorSpaceModel[Salton, Wong, Yang 1975]

• Problem: Dotproductnotscaleinvariant• Example1:

– =“thecat”– =“thedog”–

• Example2:– =“thecatthecat”– =“thedogthedog”–








1 10


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VectorSpaceModel[Salton, Wong, Yang 1975]

• Idea: Normalizeby#words:

• Geometricsolution:anglebetweenvectors

– 0=“identical”, ∘ =orthogonal(nosharedwords)







Page 21: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)4. Compute dot product

Page 22: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words

– re.findall(‘\w+’, doc)

– Buthowdoesthisactuallywork?3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)4. Compute dot product

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Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words

– Foreachlineindocument:Foreachcharacterinline:



3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)4. Compute dot product

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Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)a. Sortthewordlistb. Foreachwordinwordlist:

– Ifsameaslastword:Incrementcounter

– Else:AddlastwordanditscountertolistResetcounterto0

4. Compute dot product

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Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)4. Compute dot product:


Page 26: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)4. Compute dot product:


Page 27: Prof. Erik Demaine - courses.csail.mit.edu · 2011-02-03 · Python Implementations docdist1 initial version docdist2 add profiling 192.5sec docdist3 replace +with extend 126.5 sec

Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)4. Compute dot product:a. Startatfirstwordofeachdocument(insortedorder)b. Ifwordsareequal:


c. Inwhicheverdocumenthaslexicallylesserword,advancetonextword

d. Repeatuntileitherdocumentoutofwords

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Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)a. Initializeadictionarymappingwordstocountsb. Foreachwordinwordlist:

– Ifindictionary:Incrementcounter

– Else:Put0indictionary

4. Compute dot product

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Algorithm1. Read documents2. Split eachdocument into words3. Count wordfrequencies(documentvectors)4. Compute dot product:


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PythonImplementationsdocdist1 initialversiondocdist2 addprofiling 192.5 secdocdist3 replace+ withextend 126.5secdocdist4 countfrequenciesusingdictionary 73.4 secdocdist5 splitwordswithstring.translate 18.1secdocdist6 changeinsertion sorttomergesort 11.5secdocdist7 nosorting, dotproductwithdictionary 1.8secdocdist8 split wordsonwholedocument,



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Don’tForget!• Webpage:http://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.006/spring11/

• Signupforrecitationifyoudidn’talreadyreceivearecitationassignmentfromus

• Sign up for problemsetserver:https://alg.csail.mit.edu/

• SignupforPiazzza accounttoask/answerquestions:http://piazzza.com/
