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Profile - Latitude Developments (appendix A)

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Page 1: Profile - Latitude Developments (appendix A)



Page 2: Profile - Latitude Developments (appendix A)

Who We Are

What We Do

Lat i tude Developments is a business and real estate development management fi rm. Our c l ients repre-sent government author i t ies ; landowners and inves-tors interested in pursuing unique market opportuni-t ies and comprehensive development management serv ices . Lat i tude Developments business model i s based on developing grounded value based and market dr iven project opportunit ies .

Lat i tude Developments provides the fol lowing serv ices :- Research and analyze market demand and potent ia l va lue generators- Analyze target market segments profi les- Develop business and real estate project opportunit ies - Ident i fy development strategies , goals , and aspirat ions .- Manage real estate development processes .- Set up business partnerships with regional and internat ional profess ionals and serv ice provides . - Develop opt imized financia l models and capita l s t ructures .- Develop targeted project market ing and sales s t rategies .



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Founder ’s Message

“Our miss ion is to develop unique real estate proj -ects and market opportunit ies . We work with land-owners , investors , and var ious stakeholders to devel-op unique business and real estate opportunit ies based on ident i fy ing untapped demand and careful analys is of target market segments .

We are committed to promoting socia l , economic and environmental susta inabi l i ty in a l l of our projects . Our fi rm has an establ ished network of profess ionals and top qual i ty serv ice providers who work with us to ensure the del ivery of fu l ly integrated solut ions .

Our prudent real estate development processes and thorough project management pract ices ; ensure the del ivery of h igh qual i ty projects . Our expert ise in the real estate development management business a l lows us to develop effect ive funding mechanisms to ident ified project opportunit ies . We offer dist inct ive and ta i lored solut ions for each of our projects according to respect ive market opportunit ies and constra ints .

Our a im is to provide our c l ients with serv ices that exceed the common pract ice of market research and analys is by ident i fy ing unique market gaps , respond-ing to new trends, and formulat ing project opportu-nit ies that y ie ld higher returns” .

Ahmad Khalaf – Founder and Managing Director

Our Vis ion

Lat i tude is establ ishing i tse l f as a leading develop-ment partner for publ ic author i t ies , real estate devel-opers and investors with a port fol io of projects that respond to market real i t ies and needs.

Our Miss ion

Our Miss ion is to : - Ident i fy real market gaps , real demand and real va lue generators ; - Respond with market or iented real estate development projects ;- Target returns on investments that exceed prevai l ing market performance.

Business Strategy

Our business strategy is bui l t on a s imultaneous pursuit of project d ifferent iat ion and development cost opt imizat ion. Our projects are developed in regions where development choices favorably affect both i ts cost st ructure and i ts value proposit ion. Our developments are executed on pr inciples that offer product uniqueness in the market whi le maintaining economic and funct ional v iabi l i ty .



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Scope of Our Services

Pre-development Stage:

- Market , industry and project analys is- Demand analys is , ident ificat ion of value generators and project opportunit ies- Establ ishment of business partnerships and procurement of profess ional serv ices includ ing contractors , des igners , project managers , legal advisors , logist ics serv ice providers , other serv ice providers

Development Stage:

- P lanning and design including: Master planning, architecture , and engineer ing serv ices .- Real Estate Development management serv ices- Project market ing and promotion serv ices including advert is ing and brokerage serv ices .

Post Development Stage:

- Ass ignment of fac i l i ty managers and operators - Post development financing strategies and support - Project leas ing and sales strategies

Business and F inancia l Serv ices :

- F inancia l analys is and capita l s t ructur ing- Business strategy planning and formulat ion- Fund ra is ing through equity and debt financing




Market Or iented

Development Different iators

FinanceDifferent iators

Project Different iators

VenturesDifferent iators

Conservat ive Local Presence

End Consumer Based Flexible Rel iable Support

High Performance Project Based Value Based Services

Market Relevance Investore Dr iven Al igned Interests

Market Reverence Nominee Structure Customer Dr iven




Profi table

Econimical lyViable

Socia l lyResponsible

Environment-a l ly

Fr iendly


Page 5: Profile - Latitude Developments (appendix A)

Ahmad Khalaf i s a real estate development , business development , business strategy and market ing profess ional . His exper ience includes several coun-tr ies in the region. His st rategic thinking and business development capabi l i t ies helped to secure mega projects for leading UAE based developers and investors . He supported the setup of several leading real estate development companies . Ahmad man-aged the real estate development process of several large-scale mix-use real estate developments .

Ahmad was successful in secur ing as wel l as manag-ing the real estate development process of several st rategic long term and mega developments . Results are achieved by c losely orchestrat ing and direct ing business and real estate development act iv i t ies . Ahmad cooperated with a mult i tude of serv ice providers and support ing teams. His ethos “Every-thing is poss ible" i s h is mantra . Dur ing the past decade this thinking helped to establ ish some of the major real estate development companies as wel l as to secure some of the largest and most strategic real estate development projects in the region.

Ahmad was heading global business development act iv i t ies for B loom Propert ies , the real estate development arm of Nat ional Holding, Abu Dhabi , UAE. Under his management , as the head of g lobal business development , the group landed US$ 12 bi l l ion+ of internat ional , s t rategic , large scale , mix-use real estate development projects ; generated commercia l leads in contract ing, t rading and other serv ices in excess of US$ 1 .2 bi l l ion and bui l t an extensive network cover ing the MENA region in addit ion to North Afr ica and East Afr ica .

Ahmad created several consort iums to support the development and operat ion of the secured real estate projects . These consort iums included grade “A” internat ional and local contractors , architects , des igners , engineers , project managers , and other real estate development serv ice providers .

Pr ior to Nat ional Holding/Bloom Propert ies , Ahmad, in his ro le as an independent consultant was responsible for creat ing the business strategies , business plans , feas ibi l i ty studies as wel l as the market ing, promotion, and sales strategies which lead to the creat ion of several real estate develop-ment companies in the UAE including Manazel , Fanadek and Iskan with a total ra ised capita l exceeding US$ 500M and a development port fol io of US$ 3 B i l l ion+.

Ahmad personal ly administers the market research, market analys is , feas ibi l i ty studies , business model-ing, jo int venture partnership structures as wel l as the real estate development process of a l l h is projects . “Answers are in the field not on desktops” .

Ahmad enjoys pract ica l exper ience in del iver ing effect ive market ing, promo9on and sales strategies . He personal ly monitors and coordinates the monet i -zat ion of real estate and land development projects .

Ahmad’s focus is on unique real estate development opportunit ies that bui ld on new trends in the market place and answers to real demand for speci f -ic target segments . Ahmad is a REDI Foundat ion Cert ified Real Estate Developer and an MBA graduate f rom Cass Business School .

Ahmad KhalafFounder - Managing Director



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Joanne Sawicki i s an entrepreneur & digita l media pioneer with over 25 years senior management and board exper ience in blue chip organizat ions includ-ing News Corp, PBL Media , BSkyB, and BBC. Key themes to her career are the abi l i ty to “make things happen” , and a pass ion to promote businesses that are profi table whi lst “doing good” .

Joanne founded Channel Health , the fi rst d igita l interact ive mult i -media te levis ion and L i festy le Company, and floated i t on the London Stock Exchange, se l l ing the l imited company three years later and revers ing a biotech company into the PLC shel l . Joanne now uses her vast exper ience of every part of the business growth cycle to guide as a board member , investor or adviser to high growth companies . She helps founders and boards navigate quickly changing business terra ins enabl ing manag-ers to adapt their communicat ions sty les to an expanded stakeholder base. She is adept at ident i fy-ing funding for expanding companies . She has extensive exper ience working throughout the Gulf region in Oman, Saudi Arabia , Lebanon, Oman, Dubai , Abu Dhabi and Egypt . Her exper ience includes :

In part icular susta inable investments in the bui l t environment and agr iculture . www.tbl iconfer-ence.com

of French Biotech company Isocel l that se l ls and markets Gl iSODin, an ant i -ageing nutraceut ical throughout As ia and the US. (2011 – current) . www.gl isodinskin .com

the fi rst mult i -channel-network (MCN) in China and is dominat ing the onl ine media space in South East As ia . (2010-current) . www.thoughtfulmedia .com

Beans , a company producing an Award winning chocolate , which regenerates the ra inforest and tr ip les the income of indigenous t r ibes , whi lst creat ing ethical supply chains . (2012 - current) . www.or iginalbeans .com

-ates panels on how fami l ies can invest more effec-t ively making financia l and socia l returns . www.prestelandpartner .com

-wealth .com

Joanne is a lso founder and CEO of Cerescom Ltd – a media product ion and communicat ions strategy and tra ining company whose c l ients inc lude: Ernst & Young, EADS, HSBC Insurance, Assura Group, Pr inces

Foundat ion.

the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards , Channel Health PLC achieved a flotat ion valuat ion of £20 mi l l ion. (1998-2003)

2005-2007) , Joanne Chaired the Communicat ions Committee which successful ly turned around local opinion to successful ly support the £12m Her i tage Lottery bid for the redevelopment & conservat ion of this h istor ic s i te .

a venture between Hounslow Borough Counci l and Engl ish Her i tage.

-ment , te levis ion heads and business leaders in Dubai , Abu Dhabi , Lebanon, Oman, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to del iver this mult i -media t ra ining project . . Jeddah Economic Forum – 2005- 2006. Organised Sky New’s coverage about the role of women in the Gulf . Joanne Media t ra ined and mentored the fi rst

advisory board chaired by Nobel pr ize-winning economist Mohammad Yunus. www.socia lbusines-searth .com

of this US property fund which seeks to return capita l adequacy to European and UK banks through working out and adding value to their d istressed property port fol ios and shar ing the upside.

ethical Davos sty le Forum which seeks to humanize global izat ion. www.zermattsummit .org

the benefi ts of impact investment .


Joanne Swicki


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Paul was specia l advisor to London Borough of Eal ing’s £350m Bui lding Schools for the Future program, in i t ia l ly consist ing of 18 schools , and complet ing two major secondary school bui ld ings .

His credent ia ls inc lude being panel ist and chair of the Home Office Design Review Panel s ince 2005, reviewing and posit ively influencing the outcome of over 20 new major pol ice and other bui ld ings .

Paul Cayford was a key ‘Enabler ’ for The Commiss ion for Architecture & the Bui l t Environment (CABE is the UK Government 's adviser on design and construct ion) . This work included guiding Local Author i t ies at the outset of major development programs, inc luding:

program, to including specia l educat ion needs schools .

Paul Cayford has studied and pract iced feng shui for over twenty years , t ra ining with top feng shui masters f rom around the world . He is committed to the pr inciples of the intr ins ic balance of harmony and energy flow within the environment . Along with the physical comfort ar is ing f rom good technical des ign of bui ld ings , and the energet ic comfort of harmonious environments , Paul i s pass ionate about the select ion of mater ia ls which are ethical ly sourced, low embodied carbon, non-toxic and natural to promote wel l -being.

Awards earned by Paul inc ludes :

High School . Role : C l ient Design Advisor for London Borough Eal ing, Nicholas Hare Architects

Paul Cayford is accredited by the RIBA as Cl ient Adviser . He work with organizat ions f rom the outset of commiss ioning bui lding or reorganizat ion proj -ects . Paul have except ional t rack record in this ro le , helped by huge exper ience, empathy to c l ient ’s a ims, good l i s tening sk i l l s , creat ive and latera l fac i l i tat ion, with a determinat ion to help dr ive a project to successful outcome.

As Cl ient Design Adviser and Design Manager Paul Cayford was an integral part of the BBC’s major reorganizat ion of their one bi l l ion plus GBP property strategy, f rom the outset . Paul Cayford was person-al ly responsible for the successful construct ion of more than £500 mi l l ion new bui ldings and environ-ments . In i t ia l ly working with BBC Broadcast the process involved defining and sel l ing the concept of d igita l TV to BBC senior management , locat ing the s i te for new digita l broadcast center , creat ing the master plan to include addit ional new bui ldings (Media Vi l lage) , se lect ing procur ing & managing teams of consultants a l l the way to complet ion of the project . The completed bui ldings are rated to Breeam Excel lent , and are highly successful contem-porary technical & creat ive workplaces .

Paul Cayford Board Member - Development Advisor


role : formulat ing design br ief , with AMA

Café . Role : C l ient Design Adviser at br iefing stage, on behal f of Engl ish Her i tage

E lmcourt Specia l School . Role : CABE Enabler for London Borough Lambeth, JM Architects

T ippett Specia l School . Role : CABE Enabler for London Borough Lambeth, Marks Barfield Architects

� role : Masterplan Designer project br iefing, Chipperfield Architects

V i l lage, 2004 – FX Internat ional Inter ior Design Award BBC Media Vi l lage


magazine (BBC)2004 -CABE. Specia l C l ient ’s Award (BBC)

- R IBA Journal (BBC) . Rrole : C l ient Adviser for BBC

-er , RMJM

Financia l Serv ice bui lding Landscape Award Marks & Spencer F inancia l Serv ice bui lding.


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Family Dest inat ion Hotel

Status : Ongoing Project Value: US$ 200,000,000+ Project Scope: Demand discovery , compl imentary project ident ificat ion, market research, market analys is , business strategy, business model , financia l feas ibi l i ty , concept design, jo int venture structure , debt and equity procurement , real estate develop-ment process management .

Demand: Although Dubai offers a mult i tude of qual i ty hotels , resort , hotel apartments and furnished apartments none of these hospita l i ty developments is purely fami ly or iented. S imi lar ly none of Dubai ’s resorts i s purely a “Family Resort” . Dubai ’s hospita l i ty market i s expanding at a 5 .3% annual ly . I t current ly attracts 12M overnight v is i tors annual ly . Dubai i s the fourth most v is i ted c i ty according the MasterCard overnight v is i tor analys is . However , fami ly v is i tors to Dubai are growing at a much higher rate , est imated at 9 .5% annual ly for the past 5 years . The project i s address-ing this demand. The company intends to develop the fi rst 100% fami ly hotel in the country . The project i s current ly under design. Land has been a l located and lead investors are a l igned. According to the market research and financia l feas ibi l i ty , the project i s expected to generate a 50%+ IRR.



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Internat ional Educat ion Center :

Status : Ongoing Project Value: US$ 12,000,000+ Project Scope: Demand discovery , compl imentary project ident ificat ion, market research, market analys is , business strategy, business model , financia l feas ibi l i ty , concept design, jo int venture structure , debt and equity procurement , real estate develop-ment process management .

Middle Eastern Studies are fac ing a problem. Most of

and Tunis ia . The current unrest in these countr ies opened up an opportunity for Oman to offer these serv ices . Oman is a very secure country . Oman offers a long track of her i tage and culture and a good fus ion of regional cultural influences . The market is

The project i s establ ished on the bas is of jo ining hands with leading local , regional and internat ional inst i tutes to offer the fi rst of i ts k ind student campus in the region. The campus wi l l offer interna-

Middle Eastern Studies in col laborat ion with the best schools in the world . Students wi l l enjoy ful ly accredited and recognized curr iculums. Within the

educat ion partners are a l igned. The project s i te is a l ready procured and lead investors are s igned up.

the market research and financia l feas ibi l i ty , the











Seating up to 85 person






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Control led Environment Farming






