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Profiling systems for effective labour market integration

Date post: 26-May-2015
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Presentation by Dr. Susanne Koch, Head of employee-oriented placement processes, Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Germany, on the occasion of the EESC conference on A labour market for all: efficient and innovative assistance to jobseekers, in Stockholm, Sweden
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  • 1. Dr. Susanne Koch Profiling systems for effective labour market integration

2. 1. Profiling in the 4 phase model - Basics Bundesagentur fr Arbeit Seite 2 3. The 4 phase model for integration as logical problemsolving processFirst interviewSelectingProfiling ofDefiningstrategy or Implemen-the goalstrategytation andclientmix follow-up Consistent pursuit in follow-up contacts Bundesagentur fr Arbeit Seite 3 4. Skill assessment: profiling needs to focus onqualification, experience, hard skills and soft skills Educational attainment Vocational training (occupation) (e.g. painter/decorator) + Work experience/Further qualifications Work experience/ duration of employment (CV/career) Continuing education/certificates + Vocational skills for targeted job (hard skills) Core skills (e.g. painter/decorator) Painting interior/exterior, facades Additional skills (e.g. painter/decorator) dry lining, cladding of walls and ceilings. +Generic skill or soft skills Methodological skills Action and implementation skills Social and communication skills ! Personal skills=Candidate Profile Seite 4 5. 2. Profiling in 4PM - Details Bundesagentur fr ArbeitSeite 5 6. Phase 1: Analysis of strengthsMatching Checking for skills beyond vocational skillsProfiling - Analysis of strengths Defining goal Selecting strategy Implementation / follow- upSystematic recording ofsoft skills acc. to the BA skillsmodel Seite 6 7. Phase 1: Analysis of potentialSystematic recording of required action Profiling - Analysis of potential Defining goalSelecting strategyImplementation / follow-up Seite 7 8. Phase 2: Defining profile and goalMerger of customers characterization in both areas of legalProfiling responsibility Defining goalSelecting strategyImplementation / follow-up Seite 8 9. Phase 3: Define personalized integration roadmap Workflow-orientedIT supportProfiling 1Defining goal Selecting strategyImplementation / follow-up 2 3 Seite 9 10. 3. A closer view on soft skills Bundesagentur fr ArbeitSeite 10 11. I. The mandateSignificance of soft skills for employers Survey of 5,340 employers in Q4 2007:How highly do you rate personal skills relative to technical skills?43282%82% More important or equally important118% Less important18%00,20,4 0,6 0,8 1 Bundesagentur fr ArbeitSeite 11 12. Profiling of client soft skills Methodological competence Social and communication skills Analytical and problem solving skills Empathy Intellectual aptitude Leadership abilities Decision-making ability Communication skills Holistic thinking Customer focus Organizational skills Ability to work in a team Ability to take action and executePersonal skills Ability to cope with stress Flexibility Personal initiative Creativity Motivation/willingness to perform Willingness to learn Ability to work independently Diligence/precision in execution Purposefulness/focus on results Reliability Bundesagentur fr ArbeitSeite 12 13. KodiaK Skill analysis of client profiles Five services to assess the different areas of competence: Content of KodiaK services: Self-assessment questionnaire on behaviour in the working environment (KodiaK 1) Testing intellectual aptitude (KodiaK 2) Achievement motivation(KodiaK 3) Assessment center for social and communication skills for selected occupations (KodiaK 4) Technical standards for the analysis of personal skills (KodiaK 5) The clients participate on a voluntary basis Bundesagentur fr Arbeit Seite 13
