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Profit leaders mfg ebook

Date post: 22-Apr-2015
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You’re About To Discover… with Douglas Crumb Profits Maximization Expert 3 Proven Pathways to Profitability for Competitive Manufacturers
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You’re About To Discover…

with Douglas Crumb Profits Maximization Expert

3 Proven Pathways to Profitability for

Competitive Manufacturers

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Have you ever wondered…

what it would feel like to step into the board meeting with:

25% increase in production profits in one week?

50% of your floor space “freed up” on every production line?

70% your raw material and WIP inventory costs reduced on average?

Reduce lead-time from hours to minutes?

labor costs cut up to 80% in less than 9 weeks?

A plan to outrun your competition on a continuous basis?

How would your income and lifestyle change?

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How many of you would like me to share with you …

A step-by-step program to cut production costs by 25%?

A blueprint to reduce floor space by 50%?

A roadmap to cut inventories costs by 70%?

A proven step-by-step guide to reduce up to 80% in labor cost in less

than 9 weeks?

Most common Pitfalls to avoid on the profitability forecast and

implementation program

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You’re About To Discover…

How to reframe your operation efficiency to

provide your company with a competitive edge

How to Integrate and optimize the value stream

A strategic framework to shift your manufacturing

profits to the next level

Cutting edge strategies on how to outrun your


A secret formula to create a profitability forecast

and its implementation roadmap

How this proven system works for any

manufacturing company

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Profitability Road Map

● I promise you, today you will take

with you 3 proven Strategies to

grow your profits, that I have

successfully used for more than 28


● Your desire for profitability will

determine whether you use 1 or

the 3 strategies at once.

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Why Profits Maximization in Manufacturing Companies?

Increase Profits

Gain market share

Better & more competitive products

Free up resources to invest on innovation

Separate your products from the


Gain an unfair advantage

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The Time Is NOW!

Your Customer is depending on you to be

more competitive

Competition is already doing it

We are in a global economy, which means:

more competitors

Innovation & cost competitiveness are your

new currency

It might be your last WAKE UP CALL

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Douglas Crumb

Helping manufacturers to maximize

profits for almost 30 years

Personally and successfully took

operations to Mexico

Author of “3 Proven Pathways to

Profitability for Competitive

Manufacturers” and founder of Profit

Leaders MFG

International Speaker & Coach

Millions of dollars in production costs


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My Story

• Green engineer directly from college.

• Experienced and survived a 2 year

union strike.

• Experienced single digit gross


• Felt the pain of a large customer

leaving and duplicating our product in


• Traveled to China to understand who

and how they were beating me.

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My Story

• Started utilizing China as a

supply source.

• Experienced long and costly

transport time.

• Experienced quality issues with

no recourse.

• Real Frustration.

• I despise losing, there had to be

a way to win at this game

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Turning Point For Me

I traveled to Washington D.C.

with my mentor to complain to

our New York State Senators

regarding our largest customer

copying our design and funding

a manufacturing facility in

China. This was when we

decided to stop complaining

and agressively attack this


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Profit Improvement

Develop a low cost offshore


Maximize production by “leaning out”

current operations.

Develop high margin innovative new products that customers want.

Profitability Model

Multiple Solutions

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Different Approaches

• Rome Cable: After replacing the union we implemented self directed work teams and developed a CIP culture.

• DHD Healthcare:

– We fired up the new product development engine with our Phase Gate approach to release multiple new products every year.

– We implemented a Lean cellular 1-Pc Flow approach to reduce lead-times literally from days to seconds.

• ConMed:

– Through Lean we completely turned around our manufacturing.

– We utilized American Industries to open doors to low cost manufacturing offshore to allow us to compete in any arena.

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International Experience

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Let’s Turn the Focus to YOU

Now that I’ve explained what I experienced and how I overcame these problems, I’d like to focus on the issues you are facing every day, and how we can help you turn your situation around quickly.

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Challenges Most Companies Are Facing

Production Costs going UP

Employment costs & Health insurance is up

Flat Quality & Efficiency metrics

Global economy: Offshore customers &


Threats to Intellectual Property

Lack of straight forward roadmaps to

optimize profit

Don’t know where, when or how to start

PROFITS curve change

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3 Proven Pathways to Profitability

Pathway 1: Create constant new

profit streams

Pathway 2: Implement Tactical

Lean Manufacturing

Pathway 3: Move through a Fast

Track Offshoring

It’s important to make a thorough assessment to determine which products you could innovate, which you need to lean out, and which ones

you need to offshore to maintain leadership and competitiveness in the market.

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3 Proven Pathways to Profitability

Pathway 1: Create constant new

profit streams

Pathway 2: Implement Tactical

Lean Manufacturing

Pathway 3: Move through a Fast

track Offshoring

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Pathway 1: Create constant new profit streams: New Product Development

How would your company benefit if…

● You were recognized as the cutting edge new product provider in your market?

● Your product gross margins remained at or above your “sweet spot” ?

● You would have A pipeline of new product releases ON TIME and ON BUDGET?

● Your products were new and innovative with solid IP protection?

● Your competitors were always a step short?

Would any of this be of value to you?

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5 Phase Gate Design System

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Common Pitfalls

● Manufacturing a product that will not sell or with a lot of competition

● Weak supplier selection = back order and often times quality problems.

● Patent infringement law suits or inadequate protection

● Insufficient regulatory compliance/approval.

● Design creep

● Weak validation

● Poor documentation of design requirements and documents.

● Lack of a regimented system

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Learning what your customer really desires:

A vibratory positive pressure respiratory device for

mobilizing secretions, developed on physician’s

desire for a device that could simulate the actions

of the cilia in patient’s airway.

This was learned through direct contact with

numerous customers through VOC sessions and

focus groups.

Needless to say this product has been a wild


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On the flip side:

I knew of a an organization that thought they

knew what the customer desired, rather than


–Complaints of patient discomfort

–Complaints of product not performing


–Competitor Infringement suit

–Eventual market removal

You really can avoid these costly pitfalls!

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It's Your Money

● Develop the right product

● The system forces you to ask

the customer what they need

and then you leave them

waiting for you to deliver

● Why not do it on-time and

within budget and avoid the


“people will start buying what you are

selling the moment you start selling what they

are buying!”

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3 Proven Pathways to Profitability

Pathway 1: Create constant new

profit streams

Pathway 2: Implement Tactical

Lean Manufacturing

Pathway 3: Move through a Fast

track Offshoring

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Pathway 2: Lean Manufacturing

How would your company benefit if …

● You could improve productivity on any product line by 25% in one week?

● you could free up 50% of your floor space on every production line?

● You could reduce by 70% your raw material and WIP inventory costs on average?

● You could reduce lead-time from hours to seconds or minutes?

● You could gather immediate attention of a processing defect at time of occurrence?

Key Disciplines: • Kaizen 5 day approach • 5 Ss • Value Stream Mapping • Flow Manufacturing

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Lean Disciplines

● KANBAN – JIT Product line

replenishment by water spider, only

enough to meet Takt time.

● SMED - Single Minute Exchange of Dies.

● Visual Shop Floor: production center

performance hourly tracking

• One Piece Flow: Established to produce to the Takt time, Eliminates “batching” ( “Pull” methodology)

• Andon: Simple visible indication of product line status that sets the tone that production is the engine and we are the “pit crew”.

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Waste vs. Value-Added

● Waiting (Man or Machine)

● Transportation

● Over Processing

● Over Production

● Excess Motion

● Inventory

● Poor Quality/Rework

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Value Stream Map

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A Real Spaghetti Diagram - Illustrating waste and redundant movement

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5S - Your Choice!

Big Mess Storage

5S Storage

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Kaizen Added Benefits:

● With one past employer I was responsible for a large engineering team where engineers worked on projects while production and maintenance were responsible for manufacturing.

● Once we transformed to the Kaizen culture, production became the engine and engineering, maintenance, quality, and materials became the support groups that kept the engine running smoothly.

● We accomplished this through……………..

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Kaizen Culture

• Cross functional Kaizen teams working hand in hand.

• Morning “walk- throughs”.

• Andon System Notification.

• Line side cubicles.

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3 Proven Pathways to Profitability

Pathway 1: Create constant new

profit streams

Pathway 2: Implement Tactical

Lean Manufacturing

Pathway 3: Move through a Fast

track Offshoring

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Pathway 3: Three Steps to fast track your production lines to an offshore location

Step 1: Strategic Site Selection:

customer location, supply base,

community and real estate

Step 2: Materials, logistics &

excellent skilled labor

Step 3: Fast track, risk-free start

up in 9 weeks

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Security Risks

Legal Complexities & Intellectual Property

Exchange rate risk

Pioneering vs. Leverage in an Offshore


Currently established industry & Supply Chain

Industry Associations, Industrial Parks and


University , Academic Infrastructure, Research

and Development

Industrial Real Estate & Utilities: leasing vs.


Step 1: Strategic Site Selection

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Step 2: Materials, Logistics & Labor

Supply Base: Who, What, Where Importation and exportation of

raw materials Free trade agreements Inventory: Constraints, Concerns, Solutions Logistics: accessibility & transportation Warehousing Labor: Skilled/Unskilled - Costs & Trends Productivity & Quality Indicators Union vs. Non-union: what to expect Engineering & Technical skills available Time Zone difference in a global market Bringing Expatriates Environmental, Health and Safety (Mexico’s OSHA Laws)

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Step 3: Fast track, risk-free start up operations in Mexico in 9 weeks

How to get the best clock hour operation cost

Starting up without a legal entity in Mexico

Setting up the operation to SAVE on taxes: NO


Getting all the government permits to start up

Finding skilled labor for your operation

Importing all equipment & machinery

Setting up customs paperwork to save on raw

materials tariffs (taking advantage of Mexico’s

44 Free Trade Agreements)

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I Did It and So Can YOU!

A Custom MFG facility designed and constructed to our needs within 8 months!

February 2008 September 2008

Ribbon Cutting with the Governor Nov 6, 2008

Production Begins Oct 2008

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Will YOU Be My Next Success Story?

At Profit Leaders MFG we are on a Mission:

To help 10,000 Manufacturers to increase their PROFITABILITY


Our Philosophy: once one becomes successful, he has the moral

obligation to help others walk the same road

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When you work with Profit Leaders MFG, you will:

● Learn how to develop a product all

the way from concept to market


● Get a vehicle for filling your new

product pipeline (Your own personal


● Learn a system that forces

communication and ensures timely

completion and budget control.

● How to Meet FDA & ISO regulations

with your new products

● Get the actual templates and Ebooks

for completing each action item

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● Learn the 7 Wastes that plague

every manufacturer and how to

remove them.

● Ingrain a Kaizen culture, replacing

“status quo” with measurable

continuous improvement.

● “Can do” production environment

● Learn how to prepare production

lines, and your company, to offshore

operations to a low cost region

● Learn how to start up in Mexico in

less than 9 weeks, RISK FREE

When you work with Profit Leaders MFG, you will:

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● Your time is valuable, so is ours.

● You are pulled in multiple


● You don't have time for lengthy


● I have been in your shoes......I

wanted the fastest clear path to


● These methods are all about

results, if you crave theory, this is

the wrong discussion.

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• More Time

• Bigger profit margin

• A Competitive & Unfair Advantage

• More Business Flexibility

• Reduced Production Cost

• “Done For You” Blueprints

Manufacturing Profits Blueprint

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4 Week Online Academy Series

Week 1: Manufacturing

Profitability Blueprint

Week 2: Pathway 1 -New Product


Week 3: Pathway 2- Lean


Week 4: Pathway 3 - Offshore


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Manufacturing Profits Matrix

Product line profitability assessment

Market trends Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Supplier Analysis

Go to market strategies

Product line final strategies: which

ones to innovate, which ones to lean

out and which ones to offshore

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Manufacturing Success Library

You will gain access to our exclusive

Manufacturing Success Library that

includes all the forms, templates,

contracts and more that you need to

begin the process of turning your

manufacturing plant into a PROFITS

CENTER while avoiding major pitfalls

during the process.

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Manufacturing Profits Resource Rolodex

You will gain access to my personal

business rolodex which contains

information on the top resources I

use to grow manufacturing profits

with my customers.

Fast track your success by working

with people who know the


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Jumpstart Offshore Comparison + Done-For-You Business Audit

Use our proven cost model to estimate the cost of

moving your business to Mexico

Determine the most cost effective region to land

your offshore operation

Utilize the comparison charts to determine the

right time to pull the trigger

Our team will analyze your current business and

find areas of hidden profit and more, all to save

you time and give you more flexibility within your


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More Time, More Flexibility, More Profits Manufacturing System

4 Week Online Academy Series $8000

Week 1: Manufacturing Profitability Blueprint

Week 2: Pathway 1 -New Product Development

Week 3: Pathway 2- Lean Manufacturing

Week 4: Pathway 3 - Offshore Manufacturing

Manufacturing Profits Matrix $2000

Manufacturing Success Library $3000

Manufacturing Profits Resource Rolodex PRICELESS

Jumpstart Offshore Comparison + Business Audit $2000

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Real World Value $15,000

Your Risk FREE Investment Only


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Take action now and try the complete

system for 30 days. If you aren’t

overwhelmed at how easy it is to do

this system simply send it back.

But I know once you begin,

you’ll see powerful opportunities.

My Personal 100% Iron-Clad

Money Back Guarantee

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Personalized Offshore Blueprint

Have your full offshore plan laid out

for you

Discover if now is the right time for

you to make your offshore move

Visualize the numbers so you can

have a clear & precise plan of


Personalized for your business and

your success

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More Time, More Flexibility, More Profits Manufacturing System

4 Week Online Academy Series $8000

Week 1: Manufacturing Profitability Blueprint

Week 2: Pathway 1 -New Product Development

Week 3: Pathway 2- Lean Manufacturing

Week 4: Pathway 3 - Offshore Manufacturing

Manufacturing Profits Matrix $2000

Manufacturing Success Library $3000

Manufacturing Profits Resource Rolodex PRICELESS

Jumpstart Offshore Comparison + Business Audit $2000

Personalized Offshore Blueprint $15000

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Real World Value $30,000

Your Risk FREE Investment Only


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Send us your comments and questions to

[email protected]

Or contact us at our US Number:

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Sign up for our 3 Proven Pathways to Profitability Seminar at:

SIGN UP at: http://Seminar.ProfitLeadersMFG.com

Follow us:

Twitter: @Profitmfg

