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Program and Venue - International Institute of Forecasters · Program and Venue The conference will...

Date post: 20-Jun-2018
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38 TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FORECASTING Boulder, Colorado, June 17–20, 2018 2018 ISF Program and Venue The conference will be held in modern classrooms at the University of Colorado (CU), a campus spectacularly framed by the Flarons Range of the Rocky Mountains. Through keynote addresses, research presentaons, a forecasng in pracce track, and preconference workshops, the ISF offers excellent opportunies for learning, sharing, and networking. The symposium also offers a congenial environment that encourages personal discussions. Dress is casual. There is a welcoming cocktail party, coffee breaks and lunches included with registraon, and a capstone gala event at one of Boulder’s superb venues. and welcomes new research and perspecves on forecasng models, procedures, and performance metrics organizaon and management of the forecasng process applicaon of judgment and iniaves for collaboraon forecasng support systems in the business world in government • in energy and climate in transportaon and communicaon This 38th annual symposium will address a broad spectrum of forecasng issues and concerns The Internaonal Symposium on Forecasng (ISF) is the annual conference of the nonprofit Internaonal Instute of Forecasters (IIF), aracng forecasng researchers, praconers, and students from across the world. The membership is truly cross-disciplinary, represenng such fields of endeavor as economics, stascs, operaons, finance, markeng, local/state/ federal government, and instuons involved with improving the workplace, environment, and quality of life. Founded in 1980, the IIF publishes the scholarly Internaonal Journal of Forecasng (IJF) and the praconer journal Foresight. It offers cerficate programs in forecasng methods, provides grants to promising researchers in the field, and maintains collaboraons designed to improve the pracce of forecasng. To view the venues and programs for prior ISFs, go to hp://forecasters.org/isf/overview/past-isfs/.

38th international symposium on forecasting

Boulder, colorado, June 17–20, 2018


Program and VenueThe conference will be held in modern classrooms at the University of Colorado (CU), a campus spectacularly framed by the Flatirons Range of the Rocky Mountains.

Through keynote addresses, research presentations, a forecasting in practice track, and preconference workshops, the ISF offers excellent opportunities for learning, sharing, and networking.

The symposium also offers a congenial environment that encourages personal discussions. Dress is casual. There is a welcoming cocktail party, coffee breaks and lunches included with registration, and a capstone gala event at one of Boulder’s superb venues.

and welcomes new research and perspectives on

• forecasting models, procedures, and performance metrics

• organization and management of the forecasting process

• application of judgment and initiatives for collaboration

• forecasting support systems

• in the business world

• in government

• in energy and climate

• in transportation and communication

This 38th annual symposium will address a broad spectrum of forecasting issues and concerns

The International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF) is the annual conference of the nonprofit International Institute of Forecasters (IIF), attracting forecasting researchers, practitioners, and students from across the world. The membership is truly cross-disciplinary, representing such fields of endeavor as economics, statistics, operations, finance, marketing, local/state/federal government, and institutions involved with improving the workplace, environment, and quality of life.

Founded in 1980, the IIF publishes the scholarly International Journal of Forecasting (IJF) and the practitioner journal Foresight. It offers certificate programs in forecasting methods, provides grants to promising researchers in the field, and maintains collaborations designed to improve the practice of forecasting. To view the venues and programs for prior ISFs, go to http://forecasters.org/isf/overview/past-isfs/ .

MeMberS oF The ISF 2018 organIzIng CoMMITTee

Len Tashman, Chair, IIF Director and Editor of Foresight

James alleman, Emeritus Professor, CU, and Director of Research at Columbia University Institute of Tele-Information (CITI)

hank Canitz, Director of Product Marketing, Logility

Clive Jones, Principal, BusinessForecastBlog.com

Carlos Martins-Filho, Professor of Economics, CU, and Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute

robert Mcnown, Professor of Economics and Faculty Research Associate at the CU Institute for Behavioral Science

natalie Mullis, Chief Economist, Colorado Legislative Council Staff

richard Wobbekind, Executive Director of the Business Research Division and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Programs at CU

gloria gonzalez-rivera, IIF President-Elect

Fotios Petropoulos, ISF 2018 Program Chair

Pam Stroud, IIF Business Director

Deborah Fell, Conference Coordinator

IIF business office: 53 Tesla Avenue, Medford, MA 02155 USA www.forecasters.org

ISF 2018 Contact: Len Tashman, Conference [email protected] +1 802 735 5572

and from the IIF:

Sponsorship opportunitiesSponsors will benefit from a variety of promotional options, networking opportunities, presentations, exhibitions, workshops, and special events. exhibitors will be conveniently located in the coffee-break area.

Sponsorships will fit a variety of budgets from under $500 to $15,000. A Sponsorship Menu is appended to this flyer.

international institute of forecasters
