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Programming Languages and Systems at Berkeley and Beyond Past, Present, and Future

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Programming Languages and Systems at Berkeley and Beyond Past, Present, and Future. Kathy Yelick. The Questions. Programming Languages and Systems (PL&S): aka Languages: this is too narrow (some of us don’t do much “language” research) aka Software: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Slide 1 Programming Languages and Systems at Berkeley and Beyond Past, Present, and Future Kathy Yelick
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Programming Languages and Systems

at Berkeley and BeyondPast, Present, and Future

Kathy Yelick

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The Questions

• Programming Languages and Systems (PL&S):– aka Languages:

» this is too narrow (some of us don’t do much “language” research)

– aka Software: » this is too broad (what doesn’t involve


• Who are we?• What do we do?

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The Culture of PL&S

• The middle management of EECS

– Blamed for» slow execution time» buggy software» low programmer productivity» languages that are too big, restrictive, ugly, etc.

– Need to have control over» hardware complexity» programmer quality » consumers (features over robustness)

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The Big Motivators

• Ease of Programming– Hardware costs -> 0– Software costs -> infinity

• Correctness– Increasing reliance on software increases

cost of software errors (medical, financial, etc.)

• Performance– Increasing machine complexity– New languages and applications

» Enabling Java; network packet filters

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History of Programming Language Research

70s 80s 90s 2K

Flop optimization

General PurposeLanguage Design

Parsing Theory

Domain-SpecificLanguage Design

Type Systems Theory

Memory Optimizations

GarbageCollection Threads

Program Verification Program Checking Tools

Data and Control AnalysisType-Based Analysis

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• Programming Language and Systems Research– Language Design– Compilers & Tools– Libraries & Runtime Systems– Software Engineering

• Berkeley Projects: Current and Future– BANE– Titanium– Proof Carrying Code

• Future Emphasis: Reliability

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Language Design

• Economics of programming languages– Programming training is the dominant cost

» implies languages are rarely replaced

– Languages are adopted to fill a void» not because of language quality

• Is there anything left for PL designers?– Niche languages:

» Everyone does language design, but doing it well is hard

– Understanding languages:» E.g., Titanium’s type system is sound, Split-C’s is not

• Language design at Berkeley:– Lisp (Fateman), Ada (Hilfinger), Tioga (*),

Titanium (*)

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Compilers and Tools

• Economics of compilers– Large industrial teams built commercial

compilers• How can academia compete?

– Focus on new algorithms and future problems– Need software infrastructure for experiments

» from others (SUIF, gcc) or our own (Titanium, BANE)

• Compilers and Runtime Systems at Berkeley– Historical and continuing strength

» Code gen, profiling (Graham), sw pipelining (Aiken) » Analysis and optimization of parallel code (Yelick)» Automatic (compile-time) memory management

(Aiken)» Environments (Graham, Fateman)

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• Open problems in complex platforms/applications – Scientific libraries (overlaps with SciComp

group)– Parallel and distributed machines

• Economics of Libraries– Market and competition are less intense– Can’t afford to hand-code for each machine

• Berkeley strength:» Load balancing (Graham, Yelick, and many others) » Data structures (Yelick), matrices (Demmel, Kahan,

Yelick), Meshes (Shewchuk) » High precision (Demmel, Fateman, Kahan, Shewchuk)» Symbolic (Fateman, Kahan)

– New: tools to automate library construction

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Software Engineering

• Economics of Software Engineering– Robust software is expensive

• Old approaches:– Formal: Verification, specification– Informal: Software process, patterns

• What Berkeley is doing: » Automatic analysis of large programs (Aiken)» Software fault isolation (Graham)» Proof Carrying Code (Necula)» Model checking (Henzinger, Brayton, S-V)» Experience (lots of large software construction


• What’s missing? – “Core” Software Engineering

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• Problem: portable scientific computing • The Approach

– Domain-specific language and compiler:» Old applications: astrophysics, combustion» New applications in Bioengineering

•modeling the cell to cure cancer (Arkin)•modeling bio-MEMs devices for treatment


– Language design» Dialect of Java with in-house compiler (to C)» Support for fast, safe multidimensional arrays» Types for distributed data, regions

– Optimizations » Communication, memory, arrays, synchronization

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Projects: BANE

• Problem: removing bugs from large programs

• The Approach– automatic analysis– discover small facts about big programs– Target: 1,000,000 line systems

• Examples:– Find relay races in RLL programs

» RLL used in >50% of factories, at Disneyland, etc.

– Prove C programs are Y2K ready» CVS 1.10 is OK, CVS 1.9 is not

– Detect buffer overruns in security-critical code

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Projects: Proof Carrying Code

• The Problem:– How can I trust code from another language,

person, machine?• The Approach:

– programs carry a proof of what they promise» Semantic analog of digital signatures» Properties often from program analysis (e.g., types)» Passed through compilation by validating


– client’s cheap trusted verifier checks the proof• Applications

– Very fast network packet filters– “Native code” in ML that is safe– Mobile code security

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Reliable Computing (Future)

• Problem: build more reliable systems• Approaches:

– Build from reliable components» Better languages for system design (H*)» Better environments for particular domains (F,G)» Build semantic models of system behavior (A,H,N)

– Build reliable systems from unreliable components by spend cheap hardware resources (H,K,P,Y)» Introspection of network, disks, processor, software» Use statistical models to determine normal/abnormal» Fault tolerant, self-scrubbing data structures » Redundant computation: catch transient errors

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Summary of PL&S at Cal

• Good coverage in core language and compiler work– People move with opportunities– Traditional boundaries becoming blurred

• Strength in analysis– Semantics with practical applications

• Strength in collaborative work– Systems: Culler, Kubiatowicz, Patterson– Scientific computing: inside and outside


• Areas that are not well represented– Core Software Engineering– Logic

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• Alex Aiken• Richard Fateman• Susan Graham• Mike Harrison• Tom Henzinger• Paul Hilfinger• George Necula• Kathy Yelick

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Long Term

• Language research can be loooong term– e.g., garbage collection


Type Inference

Pi Calculus

Partial Evaluation

Mobile Ambients


Proof Carrying CodeSet-Based Analysis


Software Fault Isolation

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Executive Summary

• Anything related to programming– How do we know it does what we think it


• A mix of – theory– systems– human factors

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Language Design: History

• 70s & 80s: – Design better general purpose languages

» pure functional, object-oriented, logic…» Lisp (Fateman), Ada (Hilfinger)

• 90s & 2Ks: – Domain-specific languages

» Tioga (Stonebraker, Hellerstein, Aiken)» Titanium (Graham, Yelick, Hilfinger, Aiken)

– Understanding semantics: type soundness, etc.» Titanium pointers types are sound (Split-C’s are


• Good language design is hard• Almost everyone does it

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Language Technology without Languages

• Increasing connections to other areas of CS– transfer of PL ideas to non-language tools– avoids language adoption problems– foundational ideas are portable

• High-performance thread systems– based on CPS conversion

• Low overhead virtual machines– uses software fault isolation

• More to come . . .

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Interests and Collaborations

Programming LanguageDesign





