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PROGRESS REPORT ON UPLAND GAME STUDIES Lovrer Souri s Migratory Waterfowl Ref'age Uphrum, North Dakota Respectfully submitted March 31 , 1938 M . C Hammond Ass't . Biological Aide I \


Lovrer Souris Migratory Waterfowl Ref'age Uphrum, North Dakota

Respectfully submitted March 31 , 1938

M. C • Hammond Ass't . Biological Aide



··············~·································· 1



the inter Fe


t •••••••• Obttfi!!"'mti "

1~ lfinvr. t Sh&rp-t•il d Gl'-OU.IO .................. .

~ of Pr«latora d oth. Lit• w Sp oi a ••

'lol· --!UBl~ ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••

\ilt'11 o.t Tr....,J,A,!.l~r.;. Aot1Tit1e •••••••••••••••••••


ion •••••••• • •••••••••••••










cr .................................. 21



.. if eDT

1 6



th Md , ce b:<l! . and nlli1~wi~

eltot-a t 11~t.le d-..tl"lng t f'oll<Minr;

~HlOO t• wu 11 d tha:\ e :equ lte ,

Wlnt•1' t~t • • •

$-17) .


tilt tall t 191? wint«J"' te: wa put out ,tt.'t five n statteu

· five t the 'ft.,.jll'll'{o\J:t]J' ooaaV\1 .t eheltua. ~ etat1cm• _,..

• li com ud b ler in ats-bueh•l hop r • ur 110r.o.

ik•• n t


alk with




•i a and low


o~at of el t'e.

aftl,.. au U. din a. pil w1 . b the al .... l"a. ,

tu. ad4itd.:Q1l to the teedtug atat1ons theN weN two com field•

tug t fall ' t. provid too thro~out the 'lt'J.At • Wt r .. in Jdtold 0 the ua ot l.l1":1ng

t ~ 1 to • tract . 0 to

wtnte . • ct 1 · ioc • 11 n tta ~

flle. vi it


Ill uaey trapp ding gsoou •• tc •cure d :te.

~gratton.. it poes1ble. ana it waa 4e i

~tu to !n&lude win. t1Yitlu tmd h.ablt• ol ~ gt!OU •

to <t t ot ttut winter 11th re p~tt 11 past b.-

!he author hu 'What l1t•ratur. w • avai · hl tor oompar-

and f'oJ" irection. ot f'ut 1n this ti ld.

• ortul:dty to a

!"0 · teta di.u-1 end e. wint rl.

bit"'ds. it it ·• • "ext ah~ at.udy o:t th • bi . bl

t tutur. • per· !nin

1 T&lu t Winter t•dt~ :th• R tug• 4 tc other p"·""'·-.a


B'l 1 S t . J:

bud• and

oth r

t .

St ttOlls

ted t th aand 1llc near th

). • th•r ill> tan alNltdant &upply ot a • for

h1pa. l pite e~t ~ avad 11l.ty ot tho o

is ats.t1 iat t-

11. tol"'$ t ftoa.atru d could a

dtus. r 300 t 400 ot th to t al:m.oe e'A7 tilnfl.

ul« h&ve en 11ttl d1tt1 lty 1ft their t nding the food. hi

count d t th• t :ti at on t o.

t . c oth g s e · es rv "

be . tee~ d to 1 t• loeati •


ated. at .. .., ...... _ Jo:tuv.Jon ' ~ ot

t the 1to {1159 R78 1

s t. :sa o t for ro-se, t re- itt: very little natural t-ood

wlt 1a ft1 mil a attar the ~now doW. A good patoh

ot ...t el.o,_. Ail Within • hun y

:. 'b3' !h at :ti baa

upl ap ·c!••• iri• Chi en.

hiJ ant•• · d Rimgariu Partrldp. No so tr~ently by the Prairie

Chi en, h Aa ae 15 each ot uae. pheu~a, d

• at. the station o:r

daily u • both tor t

quU'to . le at th ·.· • ~ (!150.. 1 hot. lOt

s1ft ). c:om ~ta.l"''IN!ltll~ ~ OUJI" c:rop planting

torea in o

About 15

orlb , and no o

t or hitre

ba.iri Chiclt

a.ants and • CfPifly ot 12 .

oo • aru1 vel.

4 is __......_ .................. CCC

• t ).

fur.n1 ed. bou.t anoth

blg. 50

u thee two tood suppl1&a.

tridgc al u d th. g:r<:MJ•

st t the


b. or will

•hr'llba (Salis 1ntel!'1or) tmd gnltlen Willow end cat~oo tree • 'f

the •t ot th ate.ti ie tbi cover ,ot "ft'et'tda c.l<:rVer•

h ot throuc the Winter. s

d te pn •


po ie • though

th Pra r1e Chick• fero ~ ,.,... ... - a ol

tor d ~er ~ kept on all aide$ (S .) • hairie Oh:tekea

nt .-~1 • rather :nu OWl n . y Qlii;IJ~~~ata wr•

:t t - to the d • probably

t "Tia :ta.

&m:!ellll"ed t M a fe.YOrl te tl OC tor pt".rlridge

duf'tng $.P'f • Feb ary 11 a-6 ll:tOO •• •• 45 e count d. fhC9'

ooul4 be 1'"d ea111 in all dt.r•otlona ad Mt 1ng a

ot ise. ~ tittle 1

il of a halt

••peota to tho r1 " !re•

re1 but the rS.•• b,ank ie lined with Willow ahru.~ .• the • · 1~ i t-

.. lr ia att • xoept t e sia. t the ri r , a

vily on t id • · •

dr1tt arm t shel t.f):F · u t dt ot prOYJ ~ u . of t e s ti •

B tor~~ th 19th ot J'UU«l"f' at.tio •• uae4 'by all tour ap~tciea.

tat atly by Shar • taile4 Grou.M and Pn.tri.- Chiok .U'ter' the 19th

~ • • t1o ft8 u by em a t birie. faot

t all a4 drifted arer W1 trl • d

•ant• toun th . · J"by at ti • , 4 . otory.

•h ptaila ~ al b6ft t~ed t-o fe a't other locatt.on•• prdbabl)r

ly· at I 4 , eiDe ou• wer~ S4M11 ere ut'ltil 'Ch a . Aa yet I

'" aon tor t • .t-aot tha" d14 eo inue

te tHd t e taot t :t the aurTOt:mtt;Lng %181.a01J


ot'er lac••·

6 i• 1 :t~ t • acu d1 h a ------about • · arter l• orih o~ 1gltway 1 1 ~•ot. ~~

E!)·. •t1'1 ot Phrapit s utenda tr the strea to th st :tio •

Whi !a about 100 d awq, lP• to tors part of

11 • e.rtor lng • round t othel"

sidee, but w ne ly o Nd 1Jith a . at of the _ ~r.

i borde~ d Wi ~11 a •

stly tie •

• latt r ing

:tlo ot d ne e ahelt.r

o • ~al pro t t u. d tt. tiell<l(ltW ...

te.ra tati eol"' at • • edn

all 1Fi er.

UGin the atati •

the fir t or

d1 re , !"<>b 1

t:l t t



no 0.

• a 15, ~ tb~ •tart-

the2 wer Joined by by


• .ffio1ent t

• She ly

arter t

ltfJ<l at he «ec n 1I.adque.r 1"8 -~ t or t

at the -.d . ot & dclae akel ei'" belt of

c • 1 J ) .

~1;.,uu gh it




• .ta.tiQll ae used r larly by partri "'e an 1nta " :tl:7 ptaila.

at r c • 0'~ 60 1 da a :\;

100 fe et or • rl R78 1 ~•ct. 1 1



.. as &llrJ'otmdiq. tho atati<m. !he Piwr btmke he.ve a ,.,d etm:d of

colden flillO'ft. boalder. 'lU:ld willw sbrllb.

ru. a:t.at1on hu ~.fn e. t~d.ittg place for a good ~ar of ph$a­

••t•. AI ~ a.e $2 ha"le b~ o~unt•4 h~. .ad Ye't7 11kely a grea."

&~Ocr =-re f'ed ben Hgule.rly. One .ftiU''l':lGl" ~~~t1matod A in« a hund1!"41Jd

ll#&r"b7• al.otlmugh tb.ia i.e prol)a'blf • uagae:r tlon.

Grotlil& w:-& etl'•tt a.t thta. st•ti~n only QCS,. Md '4~ rm.y p~i4~.

Appar~tly the pheasate had at!,.-ely aoMpclh'>fld the anJa.

~ta:tton f., t, 1a l<Jea.ted •t \he buo or the hill aat or- the !ttMtmrg

'bridg;e. an4 ~ rt.OO ~- tvom the n:ad (ft~•Rm; S•(Jt. 21 Bl')•

It ! .• . nearly e. h$11." mile ~~ th49 riwv md ln a denH cwor o-t DU"'eh

•lO.r and oth•r ftfts and. gr&1ltGs. Then it en old ~le tireet17 to

the Ml"t~1hll$t • A tll)$.l"'Otl ~of <#Ott.omroo:IJ ilS M the hill t~ thit

~mw.Hst &}.1~o.

Ho eQeidva'ht. WoMf.UIJ . ... mel wttb this $hslt41'. No gi'GUGO

b•tn& "'*' ntu.w the statt011 and ~i4;r• traoka w•r• toun<i only ettca.

tw• ol' thft• pheuat• u•e4 th• $h.,l.te~ :flai,.rly t"f;l$Ulf.U"l.J•

The H&n» tor the l~ of lifE: h.~n is p!'<lbl•c.ticel. !he appr<ofX•

bdty of lnd.tditt@;$ dill not kMp b1rde dff1 ol$$\Yh.e"1 end ·the ett~'

ins ~r wu good. The l&tor ;;»Jilt of' 10"11'~ a uw:ibel" ot' P"QUH • .,.

.._ ticmg tile river. .Pt.uu~ibly th,. ~od ._. no-tJ toun4 be~a\UM of' th.­

rlifltM~• tJf t:h& 3tation &om the t.r..tlt~ fl!t;hta and ffl•di~s ~W'!~.

antl otll$1"' etat1ons wtr'l loeatad tir•<e•

Station f.~!" oon&lned of a hop,0r oa]¥. bttiJltt s•t out a.t tho g;l'ln'f'

nou the uebtot. ?on~'s r•a14aee. wssiJ or GMp • .-.. Sohu.ffttr

Mporls tha:t • c.ovq or pa7tridgo rtaa beftl t•O'dirlg at th.e. hot>PCUI' 4\tring

tbe 'Wfnt.. (tUG ··l?$WJ. Sect. l.tJ milimt)

I \

4. ted:

$Up ly of 00 h

the gr

u b t .

n t • •

• et · 1

· IV'ailabl not t · 'b

d pulliu th1

f 0 • A

Dt · r £, o •

8 of all :bl put a ti I

~ hera f'r ...

recor • • I 1a


,~oWd 'tl't..c:t l!l1Qugh fencing lltll be ~1.-ted by Mn fall to promai;

troubl• fr·• etod:!: in ttw Mur••

~-tion i· l in tl:te s•lllhillt was w pplied with Qld"' dd sh:ell9d

con.. efi'lllivalent t~ ~ b~shol• of $httl1 .d eom.. A rev; t"ftbbitll -~

t sta:tion I s. u.stad by-" _. lM:)ro ph<Nuu.tntt:~, eam eqtdvalsnt to

10 butlhel$ of *h.elled <JOM- ._. ~~. e.l.-o two bua•l:o nf barlq •

.At nriou.~ ttmee grcuse wre <>b:~Jen•d fo"Ct»g end tho rood nctetl.

It\ the aendhille • grou.ee •re bac..tr-track,Q4 and tho vegetat1ctl clca-.ly

•JtMtned for GViden.ee Gr feodmg . <me grouS$ \fa.fl &i.YG:idtmtly tc:il1o4 «at

'the crop on.d g1tsard etaai-'•

O.'b&.x"nti<::l'lla iu JJAnUfU:]I ad l*'ebnal'Y ah~d t.lte follQWiug foodfl.,

B\4d-s ed twigs of ccttonwood (?ot:»:tlotl& dt'iltoi~'Oa), red•olliEB- do&~o4

Uonaus. tstolonltera). apen (Pqpulot.as ·br~loid.as). 4\tnt puo~llow

(Sa~ trhtia),, Ohok.eehwr,y (l'l'unwz virgJ.niru:la}. and 'the· bud$ e.nu Wi~J• of buckbrueh (~hori~~poa oceide:atdb} we-rtt fHlt«l alo~g with

the bovries1 ros.e hip~ and ~~e. ~· ot 'bi~-d (?o.lyg,ol'!S sp.).,

Qd the Qe'(ie of rooq :mt#uate..i.D 0.. plMt (Ohom. a~l t4).

lt Will be intenttin.g to ~ the \lae ad• of 'the lat~ pl.ast'l

mcmti~ abcv•• this hm'b ha.& ,a good a!zri :~~.0.. lfh1ob ia ~ll"a:lat-ant.

ad t• fairly wall :i1st.ri~te:d. ann' the nafuge,. upeoially- in tmd. Deaf'

the ~hillv.. Exc.opt ch~ring hemy fm(J!ft ·the seeda e.re anibhltt. thi

cwtl'Lor b~s ~ saen prs:rv:tous ldrJ.ti-on of this plant a.& e. food.


ft' 1 t

pil•ci 0 t. ~· lt


ard of


erviS 1 r teh·ng d

11 • poa ibl,J ting


st .tion in t~ 's~ ills

d t r ins of co an

tive tr. t , indio t g t~ x th sood~ crved th

o grit (u f~ by thel' observers) and tludi thozr , rc rotain i"oJ'

t . ·to ti • 1 tht

nt':l'tn'l" to s do , e; ern b··t ot o ned.

fllo following d.tsou.nion s b6en worked out Mr an o.~iUt r~t

t o'bsel.""'l"ations ISO' l"'tUJ t 1'\ hoJ" t an aot\l l daily "toll up8

t ;t"(J'.l tloek ( pt 1t · o le.at

). :!.:he l"J..

s ti • by noi:.il rr the t ·

wb.ioh r4) flushed .

rien.c.e in ror

is Jribl •

til - ch, nir s t

tho Winter o£ 19"3?: ~ a.

At t • v in:.o Y<m 7t50 to soro.e 10 or 15 m:inut&s e.f'tM' ight

in t th • (


• p , t 1 b s { 1 ix "'r1 ti ' ) • d 31 ker.n. 1 or 00

it' a er P• 'PU t , at r _ ou: o .. th 1r roo ts, • bird

i ke p f'ew n atby buds Ol" roo h1 • • d. a£t\lr short time tlmr

dir etly to 'the hedl ·. t4tion.

ently u tl ecm id 1' bl he. s bAt ,

t ly oaut1 t;, light g i 1 t e or

i&tan • a r lo~ t~-; o r t ·It"

tbte,· t.hon . ld:ng up to the • · :tian. '\lf'OUU f• for O%il:y a

han fl.y u.p on t.op Df the rut-1 te:r to lo k uatm.4 et'or

t ill& t tion or i · t urrfXUlding Zl'""'"""~'!'t

r will lumps • u J80 on orn.ing the ro.ture

ranged. . aero to -ao de es.. On three ;morninss whl!ut t~


le •

N · u bel (• 24 twi . a.nd •!5 nc ) th were

d up at t. at tio , at

• mi -~ tho ... ..-....... rature Ql" t<J

• ~ at th &te:tions titnea .._,...,_ued n$M"1 cbabl7' budding

... at indor r tho ••~ ao e.t all

••• th


.. ee l vo t...!• f ing st tiona

topcwat;.;..ro u bigb plus 10 de-

is oc ion th<~r · a fai l &tron~ irl.nd whioh WM drit

a.t cr ns s



t t • • into th•

the · lla

r alroady u:od 'th.4t snaw.

o'Sti site w · vu1 de In tb 'I'Aftdhilla th

• t a t · !'OO ta • •

jorl fr th s

• t 1 11 up • tho p t ot



although ft'i·...., ...... ~~o_ aealled :te that 1\ ._. more pt t other•

nee. t 'bird• rooat . t e •• d oott

a 1 • l"« T th ~ oo.t ot • ptt4.oeedjtng


t'lock t barp-t&1l

theJ" a ~ d in the

tho wu~~r t flo • had brok: up

t~ at oth lo tione.


roosting in

dtdll vtatt()ft sn.oaa th: t


to th• Jftn.tton

hw:'ld.r'Qd -1·~-


t .. end the

ding on ·h b da 1· ro


nMMl" DO\I'Qd. tor alfcu

this the 21 ll"de (\:i•Y'Ill•.,...-,

fledt to m GJIJJ.'"""'

fp th

- 0

t t

:tat mtd th · ro e 1p le:ter on .111 th

Jenscm (l

t:ter nth in wi tl1 the

---1 llt$0.



~in .

ld • • ttll king


t · to:r th W1nt r in a f'tdrly

a _ u


... ~-



f't'e :nt d o t

no'tt ed ar t ti n fl: 2, $, &,

a 6, twice near 'I 9, e:nd . 1 :t 10 different etrs t t.~ z. Great Horned. in wero s-e:c • thre at :tions, b t cm.ly- twice

at e &f' th { ~) •. tu lV'th alld 20th c£

11"' ly b 1n is

t visits to th

fh ru&uiQil ~ the owl be in ttl" Gt to th . sh lt re 1 e o

ubt "' ly due to th. eone re.t · on or

th re.bb1ts end c.e i

ela I"&•

T'h t CYV s ~d ·t1-ef1 n

zoD rooati~ plaoe.

lso ~ · h~ in ~a r

We attempted to t rid ot the owl a that made e. ht\bt t or tr~ct•

b fo it 8 po ibl to got 1fitbln ~eng r th

ob erved

p ante, id . • One or th ht 1

'tdti 11 kill • .1. &d t. 1

11 tlh.J>i to t. # it'

t'- ody' still •


th _,


oinity o£ t


P . e~mt


g• (}D o 1nal"i1'1

val vm:Jamllln<


SA111'8N~l. t

· :rao.sting.

eo l be m .

flush&d Within 1 0 f'e~ ot a t . Where en~


, S • 'llh.er a

the O'lfl -- G!VidentJ.r IU)

d cont ued tl ~11&

lden k :;l. «t made it p ~1~e of l"OO$t1n o;l Oll. th• t I"


100 or 150

up to


ou e

r bit

e.l OOllt i d t

id .. 1r1.~ t~.on of t~is

a bjeot)

t a at t

ndhllla. We

aio: •

d• d outdinen0€~0.

it f:oll of

five p 11 s pic,.

in two r th. • 'fhe ther thr

.sa t re th re. (!h eo e t

terial Ul ap:pe r in · tet" p per () this

pnin ctirtt1: • t1 • P• :t e ti


w" ret-trap 4 :t other atatio.n at period• fJ'IOJ& tour to 11 dq• apart.

Alto " 1x shifts in teedin. lo JJlity re noted in th.ia way ( _'t

l•et for indivi ual birds).

ahitts .:lth · of SJ:w

ifta re

t Hom 4 01rla l:

found t • . five t t • · a!tt period or u at one or th · ot 7 o the lt • !heae

dane ar e. mil tand a halt e. bt a

rax ks J'e ae 1 the "f'iQi.Dity' of a at tio only twice during

111Xl:ter. ! p~t!7 be paudng tbro:Q ·on th&ir Nn

414 t the anu.

Wettsel. tracks cre1 Cf88 & :ftftl t~s. rle al1G in · 'heltel"'1J,

the tnt;pping o •ratioat .on the' f>..tge soon elmlu.t.e-4 the • m1lre.I·

: .. .. lJ aa mmarcru. this 'IIU!tel-

1r!7 lttr eeding

atatioaa. not

proof end itt em Of!

tn order to get. . t e ra. b ts f

e.t ertam t • at :ti • 'WR set tn t.he tnt1a · •

upt altoge.t •r• et1 u ee shelter.

d the e ot snaring

whe 1 .o ugh tb s enth r bbit t wuld •at

uin rob-

17 d: at othen. le ••

A t e tt t&11 fnq Deed the ctut:i •• along t


!~,~!~! .. • of Y.l!t~'! G$e SP!ci . ·~

It ap~a that there ~ no aeri~~a eontlict be~en ~

a,eei•e at t1a01ft cf' the sta.t1mt.e.

At 'f;$ pheaenmta appu:re4 to hAft k~ 'OtheJi eJ]4e!8'$ p~etv _,.

f!tlll«<' • tn tb.ia c•ae ;the:t• ~ at lea«t $!, cd probAbly 'moM., te~

here. ~ tl:let wre alofJe by at s&a1"~ all t1•• ot the .dq· *• ob•

sel"'9tltit'4Ut · .roe u.a ...

Although vou••· #h<&t1. antllJ, pd partridge tf(!tt'~ ttuuhad 'lte'A.r' $tt\•

't'lOTl& on siat. ooc~•J partr'\d~ amd pholl.tta'\;•• •ix <t ..... ~:t1'QU:f'1• .-4

parirl(!ge., tour t'i fJ# ed ~tl$$ efl pbAJammte. Gl'We t'-'s• 1~ l•

fO·•etbl~ that thet11 •• <.mlf one speeiell'- a~uul.r f'eodinl$ at on• t~

(-with the uc6ptiou 'Ot slw'ptails uti ehicka.). I• t'wc> apeotea wre

n<m f'mJding at. one ·•

It ...... mottt· ~ommen to find. • single species at a auti~ thaft to

tmd Sft'm"U• Confddet'illg et~t; ~ttatbJUJ. {:f8 and flO bAd fhCtUI*'lte

&.ru!. pai"tridge t&Od1D£l alm(')st •xelud.vel ) . e;I'OU~te alone 1RJ1"8 aca a .

11 'Visiu, phqtute em 11 '11.a1ta, . tUld p~M.dge em •u ?idtth

R~lt• !£. ~r;aEfi!,l. attt\. ~mdi.n! .Act!:d.t!u

Bttgiuning J~ 11 • ra •tt,...top• tra.t• were $Ct'\ ont a.t ~

or the •tattoml. :ae-... this t~ .and l'«bNaey ~e. 89 Sharp-tat1•d

Grou~u' nr• \:rapped ad bandtd. bl udUd.c 14 NpRt~t vmre nteord«l.

fJI api te or the aJMut of ltOJ"'k: dt>n:. 011 the ehat"ptat'l, t~ $till

ap~.r• to !be SOJ» qu•stton aa to ~od$ ot $Ulftt the 1iv• ~1t'da. !a

u.t eu\l)t i; tall patt.em ap!J*nm:tly hot«s tru• <•• phot-or,rapb), but,

e.coor41ng to • Shaler E. Aldous of th.e- ~i: Lam.s Por•at .!xpet'l.~ent


t ·t1


yetl •

It 1s nt re t1ng to


ota. a ptio

i. the . Ns .

tb. r..le ha~,. •••+-•ia males ma~.

of t e SB:IIuts

e would nl'l(:ma

as ~ l t at it is

~ blt'd.

• si 1

e N"'r !n t~ se:dng ot th• birds i-c. our bout!•

~. "J.' 1 • • • .,.,...,.rH. for

• ot

r rue't b1rda t t h$4 . I !ling oom.

!1 trap_ at feeding ct«t1ona d ®m • used as bait.•

11 ir

ir 31 ke

1 t etr crop •

m (7. 8 r- .

1 he ap. tt 1e oesible t ~ o: t elu

rop oont ts a• hi tt;h e 4:0 or 50 grams ( 0 g ~

a tu11 <>t-op) •

lt .· ly




ti ly

lltU$' 200 kel"'n l 1

;)at "d it itt


ga:La in woight le of' slptticau:ce t:n nn:te:r resiatuoo rematna to b:e:

datenin d. D~>tri.ng ~• wintel's lt ai.ght <mt d()wn wlnt'G'!" ~l'"'tialtty.

W at~!:. Conditions and Wiu.tet> I'?¥1!£

~A%*od With ~ious yoat"•., the winto.r ot l931,..3S wu not VoJT

.e . vero. ;m only t .hl'$e ocoasi.<milit •re tcwpe:ra:t:'lros bolmr •.20 do~

recorded.. Thtu.•e wor• no sl •t sto.rmti and no wow atol"l.!UJ or bliASaarda

ot .any ¢Onsidf'Hrtiblf) d.wmtion. In th.e sad hills thG anw reatmed a

~ o£ about 15 inches.

not :a}'pear to be auited to tl:i4 amiro~ :Ul thi.s lo.eality duJ:"ing

the0 winter moutha. e:nd.., wtleae ~. ror. pNbably _,ll not b()oomet

Ver;, likely there 'ffGUld hav• b·~ a relativtiy .light winter mol!"*

tality with all speoiea th1$ 7&1U' if no £tlCding had been ea.rr'i•d out .

Bcwever. 1t ie probable that the statiows were ot ~benefit. to tt11

upl.x~€1: epeeiea. •d a poobtlly to ph~a and p~idge•

Stt"!St~o~ ,!O.t Futu.r• !:~1':1, Ste.tiorut

!abbit .~ottti'O;,. In order t. p~.mt jaek :rlihbite fr'a getting '

so much ot tho £•d• the spply Ghoul4 be pl~ out of their rn..m..

A 4imple metho<l for feeding •ttl" oom would be to plaoa the ap:t.bd pole-s.

ou wpperte about tour tee~ ab'OM the ground. .Altlumgh thi1 kfl& the


di advent • or eiag toct ~· like to . ._ up •

tt t .1"0 1 P'f' •• au t. • 1n s 1!

n1 afl tr be pl ee ! th-•s• at to •

a~to:rit'Y ot

t pla

F d. It 1 -• 1"1 •

ou . It is p .$Bibl& t11•t ot.her

i.ci not

hing u

st ot th r d r d tt m nttif"• It to

(et 1 or o post} tao mtte tt enila.bla aa th

eo\111:11! table at t

I ot that thi & in in t

l&t p t sur ilabili ot to

-t 1n t · fore road • • Stati

I \

t·~ft tiP*••

<Wavol abo1Xl4 0. put out elmig \f:1 th the ~~ ft:Od also 1n >&&pua.•

pi1 *• lt mould b:• $o ~tnted t~t tlw •• 9111 not cove" it.

acdator co-~1 .. Or t !om•d ~ sn~; OWl$ that rorw tlt~t

~it ot .~illil'.\g at or na~ stat:l()rl•• u4 'that •r• <icf'Wtoly ~

~ting biria .&• t•odtng • .,.. ca.u•mg ~· "' .-. ~ulcl , ... b­

Pl}t 'be k1llu • .

Otto thtf ~ nr;r ·'ft:lt¥ and tUtti cu.l tar lf~ b had: in g,Gtttag

ld.tl'du ab.oli't:i.Dg nu1,ee. A li$007 o:t a d.•d. o~r mounto4 ph~ fl"' . ._

otheJ" bt.it f.ll'Q' l:t,o u~d ~ t8p tha. A pole t~ ~ p<>:sdbty he $\l:e­

~Where~·~ nG· tr'M.a ru-ound for :toottt • al:thOUigh t bia lut4

aot b tri . i MH yet.

~· ( lt31) r•~~& t hat. With tb.e, ·UCeptio.n of the £:O$he.1tk

IWd Coo~~''• ha: • pnd e birda need ~'t ~ly be ..,l~1ne.ted.

tfb.i.e 1a probe.bl¥ ~ Wharo there i.e no .vi4cu::4 ot aorious· ~ c:lo.­

tnot:tn OJ" wen owla do llQt kflCP pme bt)ll.tlmt~~ ~!'roll s.ta:t l oas.

:Diet.,.ibutlon!! h•!!!i !i!at~~.· J.oeo:il'din;$ to G~xmg• (1937).

'·'"~ ~t~ sh~ld btl •tab11eh~ mth the toll~ iilltributi<m.

&mguiu p~ • u ·· at-.t~a to ~ 40 a-o~•~ · Provt4~ <tt

oourao that oarqa are ~OU4h ~u , ,, l!lllch too ~r.umt tor ~~

Dakota. ft.$ atationa lh®l<i bo estulichod neur tho cove:t' csr4bnril.¥

UCJ ·d lw then bird:&.

lU.ng..,...kCNl ;ph•• u aAd s~uled Gl"'\loo • oae atattqa to,

the..,_,.. mU.e. With tbe $hat~la heve t ®uht if tbls 1v, neeas: llr/7•

~-the ft'bab11~t at etat!ua Eo~ fnllrll• Chtdt• (~ b 1•)


t -tiv

at1 r pniri ohlck

~all d1. ~ti.

l ) .


• A


. r • 4


ol p_..,idge. phea ante.. ·DA Jilloa!J"t• Cbtdtc. u4 to. • iftt:en't .t

S~tatl•d o~ U t.h., eo»ib-1=• uae ot th4 n.tt.a • ther he.'f'e

l.D 191'7-88. ~led .. I' a pG'l04 Otf .-real ~·• RN lnf~ ·· ~!GQ

on th game 01•1• 11d.gbt 0. obtah'Md. Att erJt. ·:te ot the Hi\1- 'Wia'-'

,.,.,_ ,os-latctoa. e4 nuotttaticm.a oan b4J ~~aa.t. ~· ta :porio4e · t

..,..,.. .... thel!' 'liJII1I be ohftok.t.

e. h bsndlnc •£ grou.e ahould b& OOXltitm lAd ~-'4 out ·a:

a en ~1ft seal•. Peather ~c :c · . suppl~ th1a. ·rra~g

<&t ·all IJtat!e:a.e eul4 g1vtJ eo• ta.• •t tlail7 aobtlit,' 04. -.IJO»al

.sbangoa a tee&ng loc&ll'b,r • ladtq •etul'!lla W!ll ua ,..,ly 11.t.gratt-oa • .

1. !he aoat.laed eighbc or both ._. b:lrtla Sf1d repeat• _..,. ahoY

the •tt•et: ot e ...... weather • . tr fl#l:JI• ~d ~ "Wet.gl\ttJ ~-~

16_. b ~lng 1•· 4oae it: will il'ldieate t:be vahut of'~- t~.

'• O'b :rva~ona • the ttP ott~ ,atohu and oth.r Winter tooda

..S.ll '• valua'bl$. A~RJ C.Jl>a~tli a at the ftl'ioue; nat:iotut,. made troll

blmd.a· .a during the feeding~·:~ ttnl':n1sh 1nfoftfation u to tol•

_.... b~ qeo:t••• 1M 4&117 Mtt'ritlea ot ~ g1'0\lae 'lf!illi1 b•

not • ~ attet1on to pndatioa, food•• I'C'OI'\:ln.g., aud 'tJPe of

el1'ri~t oko a by the b1l"4a.

s. Dt.ta ta l\Ofl4ejf on 4etermiai~ •a•w!th all sp$oiea ot l p1eifl4

Game blrde.

•• 1 ~I' ·~ poua• milbt " penned ad te4 ~f.JQ d1•ta m oJ'4a> to detemu ~~1.r Nlat11'4t ~ •• r• ~l•• t.h• t"o1:10ld.l\l

_, ,. trledt

•• N.tpe,. poplin", dopoc4. dd oth.r buda .ana tw1g• plua ..,_. hlP•• t.. the •~ di•t .,.,soeted wttll CGm. •• Di•t f a '"fplG'!Umted llith. Ro--· ~ia :a.. fltm.l. 4. Un ~1 !a~ of m•• bip.1 with tU-et f b.


- -

'· • FQ> g11111n.t~r

~ - llo p

' · t r t a1

. a xbate· aount •• 10.


• oi

• •




( . .D. •

. J . • c i t by Al

- 25-

fRE tlft:P...TOP" ft:AP WI!R WRIW GROUSE Wilm tiAPPBD. mfLY $lOUSE ·Vfmm eAUGlrf IN tHIS fYPE OF fRAP.









