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Project File- Sydney

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Local footprints making global impacts Reckless Driving and Littering Made by: Akansha Thakur and Sara Shalwani

Local footprints making global impacts

Reckless Driving and Littering Made by: Akansha Thakur and Sara


What is Reckless Driving?

Reckless driving is a major moving traffic violation. It is usually a more serious offense than careless driving, improper driving, or driving without due care and attention and is often punishable by fines, imprisonment, and/or driver's license suspension or revocation.

Causes of Reckless Driving : Reckless driving happens because of over speeding,

tailgating, aggressive driving, drunk driving, distracted driving, running red lights and failing to follow traffic rules and signal turns.

Global Impact

Reckless driving has a huge but a negative impact on the world physically and mentally.

It brings more fear in people and more danger for people to walk and drive.

The person walking on the street is not the only one to die but the driver can loose his or her life.

Cars crash into government properties like electricity poles , the sufferers are the ordinary citizens.

Animals which walk on streets like cats and dogs also die and there is more danger to these animals too.

People who witness these accidents are also quite scared and pretty much traumatized.

The loved ones of the victim are also traumatized and there is quite danger for them.

Charts about road accidents due to reckless driving

Punishments for Reckless Driving

The punishments are most likely a fine, revoking of drivers license and probation for a certain amount of time.

In certain cases if a reckless driving case becomes a life threat then the offense is elevated to class 6 felony ( In USA).

In that, a sentence for imprisonment for up to one and a half year, probation for 3 years and a fine $150,000.

Situation in Pakistan In Pakistan, reckless driving is quite common. Reckless

driving cases are witnessed and reported to the police almost everyday. The loss of lives is not something to doubt about. People in Pakistan and specially in busy cities like Karachi, witness reckless driving accidents pretty much everyday. Some people are effected by it some are not. Because of people poor attention towards driving people are victims of these accidents in Karachi and many people loose their lives. People in Pakistan are most likely to disobey the traffic rules and this is the reason why reckless driving is common. There are hardly any speed limit rules and hardly punishments. People in Pakistan even cause the reckless driving accidents by poor driving skills too.

Creating Awareness for Reckless Driving.

Through educating teens on how to be safe drivers by focusing on safe speeds, avoiding distractions and wearing seat belts.

The campaign aims to prevent crashes by encouraging teens to speak up when they are in the car with friends and don't feel safe.

When it is a friend who speaks up, a young driver will listen because they don't want to damage the friendship or be labeled a bad driver.

Through taking proper driving classes and following the traffic rules.

Trying not to be distracted while driving and specially no drunk driving ( specially for teenagers).

It is to make (a place or area) untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about.

When people throw things from their car, drop things on the ground or even if someone aims for a garbage can, misses and leaves it

that is littering. Problems caused by littering: When litter is on sidewalks or along curbs, it may get washed down

in to storm drains during a heavy rain. Eventually this water leads to the nearest river or ocean. If the water becomes polluted from litter we can no longer use it for drinking or recreation. Animals may mistake the items of litter floating in the water as food and could choke on them or they may get entangled in it.

Litter can be very dirty. Not only does it not look nice but, it may carry germs. Some animals are attracted to areas with lots of litter. They find their food among the trash and can pick up the germs and become carriers for diseases that may make people sick.

Littering and The Problems caused by it.

Global Impact

Litter can cause a lot of problems for the community. If a whole community were covered with litter, people would think differently of the community, because it would look like a huge dump.

It spreads many diseases and can even destroy the fertile land or soil.

Littering in water can cause death for sea animals and it is hard to live for sea animals in the sea or ocean.

It creates a bad impression on the town or the city. It is an easy way for the occurrence of land and water pollution. Roads are blocked and drainage system is ruined. Littering can cause contamination of water. It could ruin the environment and if not prevented then, after 25

or 50 years the earth will be pretty much polluted and could become a unhealthy place to live.

How is Littering Affecting my Country?

If we take Pakistan as an example, then littering in this country is quite common. We see people littering the ground and the sea. Even small ponds and lakes are full of litter and garbage. That is why there are more diseases spreading in Pakistan day by day. In the city of Karachi littering is common and as I am a citizen of Karachi then I have witnessed people littering all around even where in some parts of the city, there are garbage cans. In small poor areas of the city where poor people mostly live and there is no proper sanitation people have to drink dirty water because the water is polluted with litter and the government does nothing about it. I know it sounds pretty gross but rare situations like these do occur in our country .

Littering in Pakistan


The first solution to littering is to always make sure you properly dispose of your garbage.

Recycle all that can be recycled and put all other garbage in the proper containers.

If you see anyone throwing something on the ground, ask them nicely to put in the trash instead of on the ground.

If you see a piece of litter, pick it up and throw it away. but remember, never to touch anything that you’re not sure of-it may be sharp or be a hazardous material.

Don’t litter the water and if you want to throw any wrapper of your snack and you see a trash can nearby then instead of throwing the wrapper on the ground throw it in the trash can.
