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Las Meninas

Las meninas was painted by the Spanish painter Diego Velázquez. And it was finished in 1656.

The Word menina means Maid of Honour. The picture is in El Prado Museum. When you see it

so near, you can appreciate it´s magnifence: the color, the figures, characters...

It was painted in oil and canvas.

Diego Velázquez painted this picture in 1656 because the King Felipe IV asked for it. He wanted

Velázquez to paint the Infantes. So you can appreciate in the picture the large room in Madrid

Palace of the King Felipe IV of Spain. Several people are in the painting. The person who stands

in the middle is the Infanta Margarita ( the princess, daugther of the King and Queen). She has

two maids of honour, one on each side of her, a chaperone, a bodyguard, two dwarves and a


Velázquez has also painted himselg, standing just behind the princess. Velázquez was very

famous. He painted portraits of several royal people at the Spanish court. Felipe IV had given

Velázqueza special room, where could paint, and he often sat and watched he painter at work

in his studio. Diego Velázquez was born in Sevilla on 9 of June in 1599. He died in Madrid on

the 6 of August in 1660. He was a baroque painter.

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Other pictures

Adoración de los Magos in 1619

Aguador de Sevilla in 1620

Vieja Friendo Huevos in 1620

Rendeción de Breda in 1634

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The Splash Brothers

During the 80´s two players were the best ; Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan beat lots of records. They were incredible. Now we´ve got another amazing pair of players ,Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. They´re getting one of the best percentage of three shots. Also, thanks to them, Golden State Warriors is the winner of the regular league and they are on the final of the conference. If you like basketball you´ll love this team. They are playing very well the example is that Stephen Curry is the MVP and Klay Thompson was the player of the week twice. In addition, Stephen Curry has lots of steals and assistances but Klay Thompson breaks a record. He scores 52 points the record on his career with 11 three shots but with 37 points during asingle quarter. If they get that with 25 and 27 years.What will they get when they are 30 in their best moment?

Fran Gea

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Tennis: more than a sport.

Tennis is one ofthe mos difficultsports; why?Well,tennis lookslike only a sportof stregth,but it is morethan that.In tennis the most important thing isyour mind,you have to be concentrated on the match and forget all the other things that can distract you.

“It`s a strategy sporttoo, because youhave to think whatare you going to do itin less thas five seconds.” by Jhon McEnroe.

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Nowadays in Spain thetennis player star isRafa Nadal.Now he is the numberthree of the world.

One of the thigs that I don´t like of tennis is that you are alone in thetennis court. There is onlyyour rival and you, and it´sdifficult to win a tennismatch but if you win youfeel really proud aboutyourself.

And the best thing ofthis sport for me is,that although youare alone is thecourt, in your mindyou know that youare not alone ,your

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family and friends are outside supporting you and its gives you the strength to face the match,and maybe beat your opponent.

Tennis is a hard sport butdeffinitely it´s my favourire


Carmen Ortiz

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Water sports are being practised more and morenowadays. There are different groups depending on

where you practise them.

*In the water, like swimming and waterpolo:There are two types of competitions: individuals andrelay competitions. There are four styles: butterfly,

backstroke, breast-stroke and crawl. Thereare different categoriesdepending on the age:

youngest player,begginer, infantile,

young player, youthfuland senior. Also, men

and women have to dodifferent marks.

In a waterpolo match, there are two teams play withseven players, six and goal

keeper. The teams weardifferent swimming caps.

There are four times of eightminutes each one, withbreaks of two minutes.

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*Above the water, like surf and canoeing:

It was born in Hawai andcreated by Duke

Kahanamoku. It consists onmaintaining in equilibrium

on aboard. In thecompetition, the surfershave 20 minutes to show

their skills.There are different types of boards

depending the size:Fish, that is the smollest, shortboard,funboard and longboard, that is thebiggest. The most common is the


*Under water, like scuba diving:It is the practise of diving of water. They need a

mask, a snorkel, a dive tankand fins. Although this ismore considered a hobby

than a sport.

Mariví Perez

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London is the capital and one of the most popularcities of England and the UK (United Kingdom). Everyyear a lot of tourists visit London. Here there are some

things you can visit in it:


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BIG BENBig Ben is the nickname for the GreatBen of the clock at the North End of thePalace of Westminster. This tower isofficially known as the ElizabethTower.

The clock has become a symbol of theUK, particularly in the visual media. Itis the most famous clock, and it is veryreliable; every day, the BBC newsbroadcast the bells of it.

LONDON EYEIt is a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of theRiver Thames. It is also known as “The MillenniumWheel”. It was the biggest Ferris wheel until 2006. Its amazing structure is made for 32 cabins made ofglass, and inside each one fit 25 people.

If you visit the London Eye, you will see wonderful paronamicviews, it offers the highest public view in London.

It is the most popular paid tourists attraction in UK with over 3.5 million visitors every year, but it is a little bit expensive to visit it.

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COVENT GARDENCovent Garden is a district in London on the West End. It is associated with the former fruit and vegetables market

in the central square. Now,it is very popular shoppingand tourist site. In the area,you will also go and enjoy the shops in the Floral Street, or you can go to themarket stalls.


Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name and it has become an iconic symbol of London. If you visit the Tower Bridge you will see how it works the bridge and you will learn the history of it.

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BRITISH MUSEUMThis museum is one of the most enjoyable museums if youdon't like very much the pictures. Throughout the rooms ofthe museum you can find any kind of objects, you can findobjects from China, the Prehistoric and medieval, or coins and medals from the history. It's located in the Bloomsbury area.

THE BUCKINGHAM PALACEIt's the London residence and the principal workplace of monarchy of the United Kingdom.It's located in the City ofWestminster. You can only visit the inside of thepalace for eight weeks: betweenAugust and September. There aretwo different visits: you can visitthe State Rooms or you can visit theQueen’s gallery. You can also see the Changing of the Guard in front of the palace, it's celebrated all the year.

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TRAFALGAR SQUAREIt's a public space and a tourist attraction incentral London. It's situated in the city ofWestminster.In the middle of the square there is a column, itis the Nelson’s Column, it is 50 metres high. Inthe north of the square, there are the NationalGallery and a lot of fountains. You can also seesome statues, for example there is a statue ofGeorge Washington.


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NATURE OF SPAINI´m going to speak about places where you can go to see the nature of Spain.


Strategically located in the head of Cantabria, a short walk from Santander and the beaches of the Cantabrian coast, the Pas valley is a quality tourist destination and tranquility in nature. This is for your landscape, unique and surprising results of man´s interaction with nature for over five centuries. And peaceful villages, as the tree pasiegas villas with a leisurely style and traditional life, witness of story and pasiegas cultures.

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It´s almost a unique wetland in Europe and the last representative of the river ecosystem called tables, once characteristic o e central plain of our peninsula.

It´s a complex ecosystem that combines the features of a floodplain, causedby the over flowing of the rivers Guadiana and Gigüela confluence, with an area of groundwater discharge from a large aquifer.

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It is a mosaic ecosystem. Stresses especially the marsh, of extraordinary importance as a transit breeding and wintering for thousands of European and African birds. In the park live unique species, and in serious danger of extinction, the Spanish imperial eagle and the Iberian lynx.

Doñana represents the confluence of a set of ecosystem (beach, dunes, marshes…) that gives this park a unique personality.

Marta Torres

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This name is given to many music styles. It started in 1950. Some of these styles come from Rock and Roll.One of the most famous rock groups was "The Beatles". It was a British rock group in 1960. They were very successful. In the group There were 4 people: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star.


It´s the popular music. It started in English countries in1950. It had black influence mainly at rythm and blues, and England folk. Nowadays it´s very important. Thera are many pop singers: Shakira, Rihanna, David Bustamante,...

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It started in black and Spanish New York people neighborhoods in 1980.Eminem is a famous rap singer. He became popular in 1999.

Electronic MusicIt was created in a radio in Colonia.


It´s the rap father. It´s originsare in the street expresion. This style includes graffiti or breacdance. Zpu is one of the more important hip-hop singers in Spain.

Rock & RollIt was called Sepia Music. After its name became Rock and Roll, because those words was the more repeated in rythm and blues

The most famous group was "The Rolling Stones", a british group with 5 singers: Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ian Steward and Dick Tylor

Paula Espada

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History:Valladolid was created in the Medium AgebyAlfonso VI. In 1.606 it turned into the capital of the Spanish Empire.Felipe II was born in the ValladolidPimental Palace and they baptised him in St.Pablo'scurch.After the post-war perid it changes intoanindustrial city.

Geography: Valladolid is in the Northwest of the Iberica Peninsula, inside a valley surrounded by a meseta. It is the capital of the province Valladolid and the community Castilla y León.

Places to visit:-St. Pablo's church:One of the best facades in stone of the world.

-The millenium dome: It is a new space in Valladolid with many diferent activities to carry out inside.

-Santa María la Antigua Church:An awesome romanic church.

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-National Museum of Sculpture:It has an extensive collection sculptural ranging from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.

-Campo Grande: A great park in the city centre for breath clean air and go for a walk.

-Plaza Mayor: A great square that is the citycentre.

Curiosities: Valladolid is called Pucela too and its inhabitants are vallisoletanos or pucelanos, normally they prefere to be called pucelanos.If you speak with people from Valladolid you will realise that they pronounce Spanish very well but they make a gramatical error known as leismo, it is very evident when you listeb to it.

Gastronomy:Typical dishes from Valladolid are its roastlamb and garlic soup, with its awesome bread andwine.

Sara de la Nogal

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It’s a book where people show you the incredible things that people do.


FOR USASHA MANDELAShe is the woman with the longest hair in the world.Her hair measured 19 meters. She hasn’t cut her hair for 25 years. Her hair weights 19 kilos.She let her hair grow because of anspiritual call.She was born in Trinidad & Tobago. https://youtu.be/TzYaFhZD5s0 Check it on youtube!

LEE REDMOON MELVIN FEIZELThe longest finger nails His nails measured

belonged to Lee Redmoon, 9,31m. Hehas let his who started to grow them fingernails grow for in 1979 and carefully 25 years.manicure them to reach Now he has the a total legth of 8,65m. world’s record.

Lee Redmoon has the longest woman fingernails and Melvis Field has the world record of woman and men.

Would you like to check it online? Click the link!https://youtu.be/kPxTqg2YgNI

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Chathie Jung’s waist is the same size as a regular jar of mayonnaise. She’s been wearinga corset every day and she now wears one 24hours a day. Her waist measures 38’1 cm.She was born in 1937 in Old Mystic.


RICK GENESTHe is one of the men with more tattos in the world. He wasborn in Châteauguay. He waited until he wasw16 to make his first tatto. He is an artist and amodel.



Mª del Mar Aguilera & Victoria Hernández

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