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Project Monitoring Guidance March 2009
Page 1: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Project Monitoring Guidance March 2009

Page 2: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Diagram 1: Steps towards Certification

Page 3: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

1. Preliminary Site Evaluation The purpose of this activity is to produce an initial list of candidate sites. The SEASMART team will gather relevant information on all potential sites from various sources. These candidate sites will be examined and ranked based on a set of criteria that consider factors such as the state of the reefs and resources, target species variety, status of fishing practices, indication of local level government support, and accessibility. The site evaluation activity will produce a prioritized list of sites and an initial site profile. As the project progresses, there will be a need to screen additional potential sites and the preliminary site screening activity process will be repeated once a year. Specific Activities:

Gather information on possible sites from national and local level government agencies, development assistance agencies, fishers, exporters, and international organizations.

Screen potential sites using preliminary screening criteria.

Gather in-depth information on candidate sites from same and additional sources.

Develop prioritized site list and initial site profiles.

Review potential sites and identify new candidate sites.

Undertake screening and prioritization of new sites. Outputs:

Preliminary list of candidate sites.

Prioritized list of sites.

Initial site descriptions/profiles.

Periodically updated list of candidate sites.

Page 4: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 1: Preliminary Site Evaluation

Project File Number 2009/ ACTVITY 1 PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATION: Time Period

Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When Division Managers

PCD (PNG Country Director)




Prepare report on initial findings mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

Preliminary list of candidate sites. mm/dd/yy

Prioritized list of sites. mm/dd/yy

Initial site descriptions/profiles. mm/dd/yy

Periodically updated list of candidate sites. mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Agree further site selection activities may be undertaken in:

Site Name

Site Name

Site Name

Site Name

Site Name

* Date:

Page 5: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

2. Site Selection a. Field Scoping Based on the results of the initial candidate sites evaluation, field scoping will be conducted to gather, verify and evaluate more detailed information on each site. The entry point will normally be the local level government in each village or province. It is important to ensure the project activities are coordinated with the local level government agencies. The visits will be the first of a series of fisher and community stakeholder consultations to raise awareness of the project in order to ascertain the interest of the fishers and stakeholders in participating. Communities interested in moving forward with the project are expected to work with their local level government representatives to produce a letter inviting the program to their area. The information obtained from field scoping allows the site profiles to be expanded and result in the list of target sites for capacity building. In places where there are many strong candidate FMAs, the project will focus on one or two communities as demonstration sites in the beginning phase of the project. During this visit the team will undertake rapid resource assessment (RRA) of the target sites. The results of the assessment will be communicated to the fishers, community and stakeholders to raise their awareness of the state of the reefs and marine aquarium fish stocks. Presenting the results will also be used to create awareness of the methods and role of scientific assessment and monitoring. Based on the information gathered during the field scoping, the team will make decision whether to conduct follow-up with an in-depth certifiability analysis in each site. Specific Activities:

Hold meetings and consultations with the local level government, fishers and community stakeholders.

Expand site profile information.

Conduct RRA.


Expanded information base and site profile.

Letters of invitation from interested sites.

RRA results. b. In-Depth Certifiability Assessment The project team will collect information on occupational structure, community infrastructure, governance structure (formal and informal), religion, ethnicity, education level, coastal and marine product value, environmental awareness, perceived problems, local legislation, various livelihoods, and so on. The critically important interest, resources and political will of the local leadership to support the marine aquarium trade in the area will also be determined. There is also a need to record the baseline level of reef use and users. This includes documenting, as best possible, the level of illegal practices (e.g. destructive fishing). Assuming that the site has the potential to be certifiable, the findings from these assessment activities will determine the training needs and allow the project team to plan accordingly. Specific activities:

Undertake interviews, followed-up with telephone communication and correspondence with stakeholders and resource persons.


Scoping document:

Page 6: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

- Site selection questionaire - Species list - Income projection spreadsheet - Training plan document

Page 7: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site)

Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When DM PCD



Prepare report on field scoping findings mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

Expanded site profile. mm/dd/yy

Letter of invitation from interested site. mm/dd/yy

RRA results. mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Agree In-Depth Certifiability Assessment may be undertaken




Division Team Members


Prepare report on field scoping findings mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Output:

Site selection questionaire mm/dd/yy

Species list mm/dd/yy

Income projection spreadsheet mm/dd/yy

Training plan document mm/dd/yy

Draft workplan for training activities mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Agree RAM Survey, MAP Development, and Fishers Training may be undertaken





If no, explain reasons:

Page 8: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

3. Resource Assessment and Monitoring a. Conduct Baseline Resource Assessment and Monitoring of Collection Areas There is a need to collect and document information on baseline conditions of the reef and fishery resources as the basis for management recommendations and ongoing monitoring. The status of the site’s marine resources, especially the condition of the reefs and abundance/diversity of species are vital information necessary before capacity building interventions begin. Initially, as part of the site selection process described above, rapid assessments will be made at candidate sites to evaluate reef type and the abundance and diversity of the target species. If a given site is considered to be suitable for potential certification, then a detailed baseline survey will be carried out using the RAM Survey. The sampling design will depend on the size of the fishery-managed area, but typically would require a minimum of five surveys inside and five outside each area. This sample size has proven adequate for establishing the baseline condition. The RAM Survey teams will be responsible for all fieldwork, analysis and reporting with respect to monitoring. Training will be provided to local monitoring groups, e.g. local level government, fishers and/or academic institutions, to continue to monitor each fishery managed area and maintain in coordination and in collaboration with the stakeholders of the area. Each area will be remonitored once per year by the project team and all data will be analyzed and management recommendations will be reviewed and adjusted as needed. Specific Activities:

Conduct RAM Survey of the fishery areas and nearby 'control' sites.

Training of local monitoring groups.

Annual monitoring, i.e. re-survey, of certified fishery managed areas. Outputs:

RAM baseline assessment data.

Local groups capable of collecting data.

RAM monitoring data.

b. Develop and Communicate Management Recommendations for MAPs The baseline data will be analyzed with respect to diversity and abundance of target species as well as overall reef health. If a serious problem is detected in terms of the status of the aquarium fish and shellfish stocks or the reef health is considered very poor, and difficult to rehabilitate due to external conditions (e.g. pollution) then a recommendation will be made to not continue work in the area.

If the area is considered potentially certifiable, the analyses and recommendations on management of the fishery area will be provided to the MAP committee for integration in the MAP. The monitoring will result in recommendations to be included in the ongoing improvement of the fishery management area plan (MAP), (e.g. location and size of fish replenishment areas, instituting total allowable catch limit, harvest rotation patterns, etc.).

The results of the RAM full assessment will be communicated to the fishers, community and stakeholders to increase their awareness of the state of the reefs and marine aquarium fish stocks and the importance of scientific monitoring.

Specific Activities:

Collate and analyze data collected.

Produce recommendations to be included in revision of the MAP.

Communicate results to fishers, community and stakeholders.

Page 9: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name


Report compiling and analyzing assessment and monitoring data.

Analysis of fish and invertebrate stocks and overall coral reef health.

Recommendations to the MAP for improved management of the area, i.e. total allowable catch (TAC) level, fish replenishment area location, etc.

Page 10: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 3: Resource Assessment and Monitoring (per site)


Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When DM PCD


RAM Division Manager


Prepare report mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

RAM baseline assessment data. mm/dd/yy

List of local groups capable of collecting data. mm/dd/yy

RAM Survey monitoring data. mm/dd/yy

Monthly Progress Report 1 mm/dd/yy

Monthly Progress Report 2 mm/dd/yy

* Date:


RAM Division Manager


Prepare report mm/dd/yy

Review Outputs for: Date completed Outputs:

Report compiling and analyzing assessment mm/dd/yy and monitoring data.

Analysis of fish and invertebrate stocks mm/dd/yy and overall coral reef health.

Recommendations to the MAP, i.e. TAC, mm/dd/yy FRAs, etc.

Monthly Progress Report 1 mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Agree pre-assessment of MAP may be undertaken





If no, explain reasons:

Page 11: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

4. Management Area Plan (MAP) Development a. Develop Collection Area Management Plans The SEASMART Program requires a Management Area Plan (MAP) to be developed for the fishery area at each site through a multi-stakeholder process. Active and meaningful involvement of key stakeholders in developing and implementing a management plan for the reef area and resources is crucial. The project team will bring local stakeholders together to develop the awareness of the need for a management plan for their area's reef and its resources and outline the process. Local level government officials will be important participants in this process. This participatory planning process will result in a MAP Committee being formed to establish and follow through on a workplan for drafting the management plan. The MAP Committee will be assisted to collate the information collected in the previous activities into a draft management plan. Gaps where more information is needed will be identified and the information obtained. The draft MAP will be presented in individual and group meetings to stakeholders to discuss and resolve concerns and build support from the local leadership to develop and implement reef management for the area and resources used by fishers. This process will build the capacity of fishers and other stakeholders to understand reef resource management planning and develop management tools and interventions appropriate to their site, e.g. FRAs, harvest limits on certain species, harvest rotation patterns.

A series of workshops and meetings with the community stakeholders will be conducted to review, revise

and endorse the MAP. The MAP will be subject to ongoing improvement, especially as additional data on

the status and trends in reef resources becomes available through the periodic monitoring of reef health

and fish stocks through RAM resurveys.

In addition to the MAP, supporting documents for Certification will also be produced. These documents

include policy manual, procedures manual, forms, resource assessment data, MAP meeting minutes,


Specific activities:

Identify relevant stakeholders and conduct individual meetings with stakeholder groups.

Identify potential MAP Committee members and establish the planning committee and create a work

plan to develop the MAP.

Conduct meetings with individual stakeholders and groups to develop draft MAP content.

Convene MAP committee meetings to review the draft plan, identify gaps and obtain missing


Produce certification supporting documents (i.e. policy manual, procedures manual, forms, resource

assessment data, MAP meeting minutes, records)

Undertake a series of local stakeholder workshops to review and revise the MAP and supporting


Finalize the MAP and supporting documents through endorsement from stakeholders.

Identify existing monitoring and enforcement ordinances and programs.

Identify and assess the capabilities of monitoring and enforcement groups. Outputs:

List of stakeholders.

MAP committee formed and operating.

Workplan to develop the MAP.

Draft MAP documents

Certification supporting documents (i.e. policy manual, procedures manual, forms, resource

assessment data, MAP meeting minutes, records)

MAP and supporting documents formally accepted by stakeholders.

Page 12: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Final MAP document and supporting documents

b. Establish Fish Replenishment Areas in Each FMA The lack of information on the extent of fishing effort, the lack of long term data on the status of the coral reefs and stocks of aquarium organisms and the difficulty in establishing species specific management measures mean that a precautionary approach must be taken to ensuring the sustainability for the marine aquarium fishery. Every fishery area will include at least one and typically, several, fish replenishment areas. These areas would be completely off-limits to all aquarium fishing and will act as reseeding sources for the surrounding fishery areas. The size and location of the FRAs would be proposed based on the results of the RAM baseline assessments. The proposed reserves would be developed and discussed with fishers and other stakeholders through the MAP Committee process. The FRAs would be included in revisions to the MAP that are agreed upon by the committee. The no harvest areas would be mapped and marked and informational materials made available to ensure fishers were well informed and aware of the reserves. Specific Activities:

Identify potential FRAs.

Conduct workshops with fishers and community stakeholders though the MAP Committee to finalize FRAs

Develop maps, informational materials and boundary markers. Outputs:

FRAs established.

Maps and informational materials on location for FRAs.

Marked boundaries of reserves. (Optional)

Page 13: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 4: MAP Development (per site)

Project File Number 2009/ MAP DEVELOPMENT: Site Name

Activity and Comments Main responsibility for activity

Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When DM PCD



Prepare report on outcomes mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

List of stakeholders mm/dd/yy

MAP Committee formed and operating. mm/dd/yy

Work plan to develop the MAP mm/dd/yy

Draft MAP documents:

- Draft 1 mm/dd/yy

- Draft 2 mm/dd/yy

- Draft 3 mm/dd/yy

- Final Draft mm/dd/yy

Certification supporting documents:

- Policy manual mm/dd/yy

- Procedures manual mm/dd/yy

- Forms mm/dd/yy

- Resource assessment data mm/dd/yy

- MAP meeting minutes mm/dd/yy

- Records mm/dd/yy

Monthly Progress Report 1 mm/dd/yy

Monthly Progress Report 2 mm/dd/yy

MAP and supporting documents formally mm/dd/yy

accepted by stakeholders.

Final MAP and supporting documents mm/dd/yy

* Date:


RAM/ MAP Division Manager


Prepare report on outcomes mm/dd/yy

Review Outputs for: Date completed Outputs:

Fish Replenishment Area established. mm/dd/yy

Maps and informational materials on mm/dd/yy location of FRAs.

Marked boundaries of FRAs. mm/dd/yy

Monthly Progress Report 1 mm/dd/yy

Monthly Progress Report 2 mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Page 14: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

5. Training of Fishers a. Conduct Fishers Training Program The FFD training team will conduct training based on the FFD training manual. The training manual will be specifically designed and adapted to address the needs of the fishers at each site and local conditions. FIshers will be trained in net collection, proper post-harvest handling and holding, documentation (i.e. logbooks), and order management (i.e. invoicing and inventory control). The FFD training team will conduct orientation meeting with candidate fishers and develop a training plan and timeline. The skills of trainees will be rated and follow-up extension training scheduled where needed. This activity will also include training of trainers whereby a number of the best fishers will be trained to work as trainers at other sites, expanding the possibilities for replication of success. In addition to the technical training, fishers' organizational capacity will be strengthened by developing a fisher's association at each site. All fishers will receive training in basic technical skills to enable them to develop and run the business profitably by organizing fishing, holding, packing and transporting activities according to market demands, seasonal variations, and other factors. The FFD training team will also assist the fishers to develop their business skills, such as quality control in documentation, post harvest handling, and packing, developing and maintaining reliable communications and interactions with their buyers and implementing sound and well documented financial transactions. Specific Activities:

Hold training orientation for fishers.

Develop training plan

Adapt training materials to site conditions.

Conduct underwater training in net fishing techniques.

Conduct training in post harvest holding, handling, and packing.

Conduct training in log book/documentation and traceability.

Undertake skills rating of fishers.

Conduct training of trainers.

Assist fishers to form a group and create processes for collective efforts.

Conduct training in organizational and business development.

Conduct training in financial and inventory management.


Training orientation

Training plan

Fishers training progress report

Fishers’ group formed

Certification supporting documents produced (i.e. policy manual, procedures manual, work instructions, forms, fishers manual, fishers’ organization meeting minutes, records)

Fishers able to be certified and ready for certification pre-assessment.

Page 15: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 5: Training of Fishers (per site)

Project File Number 2009/ TRAINING OF FISHERS: Site Name

Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When DM PCD



Prepare report on outcomes mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

Training orientation mm/dd/yy

- Attendance list mm/dd/yy

Training plan

Fishers Training progress reports 1 mm/dd/yy

Monthly progress reports 2 mm/dd/yy

List of trainees and trainees profiles mm/dd/yy

Fishers training progress report

Skills rating mm/dd/yy

Fisher’s organization formed. mm/dd/yy

Fisher’s trained in financial mm/dd/yy Management skills.

- Progress reports (attendance, progress, etc.) mm/dd/yy

Certification Supporting documents:

- Policy manual mm/dd/yy

- Procedures manual mm/dd/yy

- Work instructions mm/dd/yy

- Forms mm/dd/yy

- Fishers manual mm/dd/yy

- Fishers’ organization meeting mm/dd/yy


- Records mm/dd/yy

Shipment 1 mm/dd/yy

Shipment 2 mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Page 16: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 5: Training of Fishers (continued) Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity


Agree Pre-Assessment To Certification may be undertaken * Date:

** Date:

If no, explain reasons:

Page 17: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

5. Pre-Assessment and Initial Standards Implementation After the training progam is completed, the readiness of the site and fishers for formal third-party Certification will be evaluated through a pre-assessment, i.e. a certification "dry run". The pre-assessment usually identifies some deficiencies, especially in situation involving the first preparation and a new certification system. Based on these findings, a gap analysis will be conducted and a series of corrective action recommendations produced. The project team will work with the fishers and community to develop a workplan to implement corrective actions. The project team will continue to monitor compliance to prepare the fishers and the MAP for certification. The team will monitor fisher's shipment, delivery records and identify non-compliance. Indication of non-compliance will be the basis for possible detailed on-site investigations and extension efforts to correct problems, e.g. through refresher training or on-going skills improvement At the end project team re-evaluate the readiness for formal Certification assessment. Specific Activities:

Undertake pre-assessment visit with Certification checklist.

Conduct gap analysis.

Develop list of corrective actions recommendations and workplan.

Implement corrective actions

Conduct intensive site monitoring visits for 4 weeks.

Record and query non-compliance.

Monitor fisher shipment and delivery records for 4 weeks.

Provide continued training, e.g. skills and business training, where needed. Outputs:

Pre-assessment report and corrective actions recommendations.

Workplan to implement corrective actions.

Report of 4-week monitoring and compliance record.

Site and fishers fully ready for formal Certification assessment.

Page 18: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 6: Pre-Assessment and Initial Standards Implementation (per site)

Project File Number 2009/


Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When DM PCD

6.a UNDERTAKE PRE-ASSESSMENT Compliance Monitoring


Prepare report on outcomes mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

Pre-assessment report and corrective actions mm/dd/yy recommendations

Workplan to implement corrective actions. mm/dd/yy actions recommendations.

Report of 4-week monitoring and compliance mm/dd/yy record

* Date:

Agree Assessment may be undertaken * Date:

* Date:

If no, explain reasons:

Page 19: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

7. Certification Formal certification assessment will be the ultimate verification of compliance with the Standards by the site and fishers. The assessment is carried out by an independent certifier who will conduct document review, interviews fisher’ skills examination, etc. The certifier produces a certification assessment report. If there are deficiencies, these will be identified and a series of corrective actions required in order for the site and fishers to finalize their certification. Specific Activities:

Certification assessment by independent certifier.

Develop corrective action recommendations and workplan, if needed.

Implement corrective actions, if needed.

Develop report on the implementation to corrective action plan

Assess implementation of corrective action

Develop response to certifier


Proposed corrective action plan

List of items missed by or differences to Pre-Assessment

Overview of conduct of assessment by certifier

Completeness of implementation

Proposed response to certifier

Certification is finalized

Page 20: Project Monitoring Guidance - Amazon S3 · Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 2: Site Selection (per site) Project File Number 2009/ ACTIVITY 2 SITE SELECTION: Site Name

Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 7: Pre-Assessment and Initial Standards Implementation (per site)

Project File Number 2009/ CERTIFICATION: Site Name

Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When DM PCD


Certifier mm/dd/yy

Assign Representative that will witness the assessment

Division Manager

mm/dd/yy * Date:

Prepare report on assessment visit Certifier mm/dd/yy

Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

Corrective action necessary mm/dd/yy

Proposed corrective action plan mm/dd/yy

Overview of conduct of assessment by certifier mm/dd/yy

Items missed by or differences to mm/dd/yy Pre-Assessment

* Date:

Assist fishers and MAP Committee to produce and implement corrective action plan.

Division Manager


Report reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

Completeness of implementation mm/dd/yy

Proposed response to certifier mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Agree Periodic Standards Compliance Monitoring may be commenced

* Date:



If no, explain reasons:

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8. Periodic Standards Compliance Monitoring, Surveillance Visits, and Socio-Economic Monitoring An important aspect of Certification implementation is to monitor the fishers and their management system (e.g. FRA, species list, collect-to-order requirements, log-book keeping, fishers skills rating) to ensure they maintain compliance with their certified status. To achieve this, the project team will conduct extension work by having periodic field visits to monitor compliance for a year. The project team will conduct scheduled and unannounced visits to the fishery areas. This compliance monitoring will also occur off-site where fisher's shipment and delivery records are periodically evaluated to detect anomalies and trace them to individual fishers. Indication of non-compliance will be the basis for possible detailed on-site investigations and extension efforts to correct problems, e.g. through refresher training or on-going skills improvement. Monitoring will also be done on the business practices of the fishers’ association to make sure that activities continue to be profitable beyond the life of the project. In addition to the compliance monitoring, the project team will also conduct regular socio-economic surveys over a period of time. The purpose of this survey is to assess impact of the marine aquarium trade to the program beneficiaries leading to good understanding of community socio-economics conditions over time. The factors contributing to changes in quality of life will be monitored, i.e. income, access to schools, health care, mobility, access to capital, etc. Specific Activities:

Conduct periodic site monitoring visits for 12 months with scheduled and unannounced visits.

Monitor fisher shipment and delivery records for 12 months.

Provide targeted extension work, e.g. skills and business training, where needed.

Record and query anomalies.

Conduct field investigations if necessary.

Organize certifier surveillance and re-assessment visits

Conduct periodic socio-economic survey Outputs:

Report of 12-month monitoring and compliance record

Certifier’s report on surveillance and re-assessment visits

Continued and consistent compliance by certified sites

Regular socio-economic data collection

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Sample Project Monitoring Sheet for Activity 8: Periodic Standards Compliance Moinitoring and Certifier Surveillance (per site)

Project File Number 2009/


Activity and Comments Main responsibility

for activity Approval/ Authorisation To Move To Next Activity

By Whom

By When DM PCD


Division Manager


Prepare plan for monitoring and compliance visit mm/dd/yy

Plan reviewed and checked for: Date completed Outputs:

Report of 12-month monitoring and compliance mm/dd/yy record.

Certifier’s report on surveillance and mm/dd/yy re-assessment visits

Continued and consistent compliance by mm/dd/yy certified sites.

Regular socio-economic data collection:

- Socio-economic survey 1 mm/dd/yy

- Socio-economic survey 2 mm/dd/yy

* Date:

Agree that project may phase-out from the area * Date:

If no, explain reasons:
