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Physics project 2014-2015 Ashwin Francis XII A
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Ashwin Francis


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In the accomplishment of this project successfully,many




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people ha)e *est o+ne upon me their *lessins an

the heart

plee support, this time I am utili.in to than/ all the

people +ho ha)e *een concerne +ith project

Primarily I +oul than/ o for *ein a*le to complete


project +ith success (hen I +oul li/e to than/ my


'r DI IN% an physics teacher 'rs NEE$"'

E%"$, +hose

)alua*le uiance has *een the ones that helpe me

patch this

project an ma/e it full proof success his suestionsan his

instructions has ser)e as the major contri*utor

to+ars the

completion of the project

 (hen I +oul li/e to than/ my parents an friens +ho


helpe me +ith their )alua*le suestions an

uiance has

*een helpful in )arious phases of the completion of the


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$ast *ut not the least I +oul li/e to than/ my


+ho ha)e helpe me a lot


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 An electric generator  is a device that

converts mechanical energy to electrical

energy. A generator forces electric current

to flow through an external circuit. The

source of mechanical energy may be a

reciprocating or turbine steam engine,water falling through a turbine or 

waterwheel, an internal combustion

engine, a wind turbine, a

hand crank, compressed air , or any other 

source of mechanical energy. Generatorsprovide nearly all of the power for electric

power grids

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1 (he stron manetic >el is prouce *y a current ?o+throuh the >el coil of the rotor

2 (he >el coil in the rotor recei)es e@citation throuh the use of 

 slip rins an *rushes

6 (+o *rushes are sprin-hel  in contact +ith the slip rins  to pro)ie the continuous

connection *et+een the >el  coil an the e@ternal e@citationcircuit

4  (he armature is containe +ithinthe +inins of the stator an is

connecte to the output

5 Each time the rotor ma/es one

complete re)olution, one complete

cycle of "3 is e)elope

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 8 " enerator has many turns of +ire

+oun into the slots of the rotor 9 (he manitue of "3 )oltae

enerate *y an "3 enerator is

epenent on the >el strenth an

spee of the rotor

; 'ost enerators are operate at aconstant speeA therefore, theenerate )oltae epens on >ele@citation, or strenth

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l 4 - 1cm @ 2cm @ 5cm ceramic manet

l 1 - 'anet +ire 200ft spool

l 1 - 'iniature Incanescent $amp, 15#


l 1 - 3ar*oar strip, ;cm @ 60cm

l 1 - $are nail, ;cm lon or more

l 'isc - Knife or sanpaper to strip the+ires

l 'isc - tape to hol +ire o+n

l &ptionalB han rill or electric rill tospin itChan rill is *est

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:irst ma/e the hollo+-ene *o@ core thecar*oar strip li/e soB 

:ol it li/e this an tape it securely


se the nail to po/e a hole perfectly straiht

throuh the center of the *o@, oin throuh *oth



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sies an all Chole three layers of car*oar (hen pull the nail out an use it to +ien all theholes slihtly, so +hen you put the nail *ac/

throuh, it +ill *e a *it loose an a*le to spin

"t this point you shoul clamp four manetsaroun the nail an i)e it a spin (his ma/essure the *o@ is lare enouh (he nail an

manets shoul spin freely (he corners of the

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manets shoul N&( *ump the insie of the *o@as they spin If the *o@ is a *it too small, starto)er an ma/e it a little *ier Either that, or try

a thinner nail

Pic/ the spool of num*er-60 manet +ire :romthe /it of spools (his is the thinnest (ape oneen of the num*er-60 manet +ire to the sie of the *o@, then +in all of the +ire onto the *o@ assho+n Its &K to co)er up the nail hole

 Pull the tape en of the +ire out, then tapeo+n *oth of the +ires so the coil oesntun+in

 !ou shoul ha)e a*out 10cm of +ire left stic/in

out se sanpaper or the ee of a /nife to

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scrape the thin plastic coatin oF 2cm of the +ireens emo)e e)ery *it of re coatin, so the+ire ens are coppery

prea the +ire a+ay from the nail hole an tapeit in place tic/ the nail *ac/ throuh the holesan ma/e sure it can spin

 (a/e your four manets, stic/ them face to facein t+o pairs, (hen stic/ the t+o pairs insie the*o@ an on either sie of the nail so they ra*

the nail Push them aroun until they aresome+hat *alance an e)en, then spin the nailan see if they turn freely If you +ish, you canstic/ 2cm sGuares of car*oar*et+een the manets to straihten them, antape the manets so they ont mo)e aroun onthe nail

'a/e sure that each en of the enerators +iresare totally cleare of re plastic coatin If thereis a *it of plastic left, it can act as an insulator+hich turns oF your liht *ul* circuit

 (+ist the scrape en of each enerator +iresecurely aroun the sil)er tip of each +ire from

the small liht *ul*CIf necessary, use a /nife to strip more plasticfrom the ens of the liht *ul* +ires &neenerator +ire oes to one liht *ul* +ire, theother enerator +ire oes to the other liht *ul*+ire, an the t+o t+iste +ire connectionsshoul not touch toether In the t+iste +ires,metal must touch metal +ith noplastic in *et+een

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"ll metals contain a mo)a*le su*stance calle

Helectric chareH E)en unchare +ires are fullof chare "fter all, the atoms of the metal are

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mae half of positi)e protons an half of neati)eelectrons 'etals are special *ecause theirelectrons ont stay connecte to the metal

atoms, instea they ?y aroun insie the metalan form a type of electric HliGuiH insie the+ires "ll +ires are full of electric ?ui 'oernscientists call this the Helectron seaH or HelectronasH It is not in)isi*le, it actually i)es metalstheir sil)ery shine (he electron as is li/e asil)ery ?ui

hen a circle of +ire surrouns a manetic >el,an the manetic >el then chanes, a circularHpressureH calle #oltae appears (his circular)oltae trys to force the mo)a*le chares in the+ire to rotate aroun the circle In other +ors,mo)in manets create electric currents in

close circles of +ire " mo)in manet causes apumpin action If the circuit is not complete, ifthere is a *rea/, then the pumpin force +illcause no chare ?o+ =ut if the circuit isHcompleteH or HcloseH, then the manetspumpin action can force the electrons of the coilto *ein ?o+in (his is a *asic la+ of physics,

an it is use *y all coilJmanet electricenerators

hen the circuit is close an the manet ismo)in, chares in the metal are force to ?o+

 (he chares of the liht *ul*s >lament arepushe alon hen the chares +ithin thecopper +ire pass into the thin liht *ul* >lament,



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their spee reatly increases hen the chareslea)e the >lament an mo)e *ac/ into the

1 "ircraft au@iliary po+er eneration, +inenerators, hih spee as tur*ineenerators

2 y*ri electric )ehicle CE# ri)esystems, automoti)e starter enerators

6 "n ac enerator, or alternator, is use toprouce ac )oltaes for transmission )ia theri system or, locally, as porta*leenerators

4 "ll of our househol appliances runs on accurrentE@B efrierator, +ashin machines, o)en,lihts, fan etc


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E@pression for Instantaneous emf ProuceB

$et position of the coil at any time t It ma/e

anle G +ith )ertical If + is uniform anular

spee of the coil

  (hen G +t

= *e the strenth of manetic >el n *e the

num*er of turns in the coil an " area of the coil

then manetic ?u@ +ith the coil in this position is

i)en *yB

  f n=" 3os G n=" 3os +t

  DiFerentiate +rt time

  n=" C-in +t +

  -n=" + in +t

  e - C-n=" + in +t


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  ma@imum )alue of emf say E0

e E0 in +t 

1ELciency of an "3 enerator is the ratio of

the useful po+er output to the total po+er


2=ecause any mechanical process e@periences

some losses, no "3 enerators can *e 100

percent eLcient

6ELciency of an "3 enerator can *e

calculate usin EGuation 4ELciency C&utput JInput @ 100

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1N3E( te@t*oo/ class 12


6 +++yahoocom 

4 +++scri*com


5 +++oolecom




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