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Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj...

Date post: 03-Apr-2018
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  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    J ^ G F C N P C B ^ C Z C H L K ^ C E & 9 6 = 3 3 L .

    Pubm` Dcss @cdpmrs cb` tfmnr

    cppengctnkb nb strugturms

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal



    Woysgrcpmrs crm cdcznbl wkb`mrs ka tfm wkre`#

    Fkw crm tfmy cjem tk wntfstcb` mvmb tfm strkblmst ka wnb`scb` mcrtfqucoms;

    Pk`cy% mcrtfqucom mblnbmmrs rmey kb `cdpnbl systmds tkgkubtmrcgt bcturm,s akrgms"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Pubm` Dcss @cdpmrs

    C Pubm` dcss `cdpmr gkbsnsts ka c dcss dkubtm` kb cstrugturm vnc c sprnbl systmd cb` c vnsgkus `cdpmr% prmamrcjeynb c ekgctnkb wfmrm tfm strugturms `maemgtnkbs crm lrmctmst nbkr`mr tk rm`ugm tfm cdpentu`m ka vnjrctnkbs"

    Pfmnr cppengctnkb gcb prmvmbt `nsgkdakrt% `cdclm% krkutrnlft strugturce acneurm"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    \fy Pubm` Dcss @cdpmrs;

    Pcee june`nbls typngceey fcvm `cdpnbl emvmes ka kbm tk twkpmrgmbt ka grntngce &n"m"% kbgm stcrtm`% ksgneectnkbs wnee gkbtnbumakr dcby gygems."

    @cdpnbl gcb jm c``m` tk c strugturm tk nbgrmcsm stcjnenty jy

    c``nbl arngtnkb kr vnsgkus `cdpnbl tk tfm hknbts ka tfmjune`nbl"

    Wnbgm cby snblem hknbt dkvms kbey senlftey cs c june`nbl swcys%tfns trmctdmbt dust jm cppenm` tk c ecrlm budjmr ka hknbts

    wntfnb tfm strugturm"

    Cbktfmr katmb dkrm gkst maamgtnvm dmtfk` ka c``nbl cdpnblns tk nbstcee c tubm` dcss `cdpmr &PD@."

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Pubm` Dcss @cdpmrs

    \fmb nbstceem` prkpmrey kb c strugturm% tfmy `rcw cwcy+cjskrj+supprmss tfm vnjrctnkbce mbmrly arkd tfm strugturmcb` `nssnpctm nt nbtmrbceey% rm`ugnbl tfm dktnkb ka tfmstrugturm"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Yrnbgnpem ka wkronbl

    Pypngceey% tfm `cdpmrs crm fulm gkbgrmtm jekgos kr stmme jk`nmsdkubtm` nb soysgrcpmrs kr ktfmr strugturms% cb` dkvm` nbkppksntnkb tk tfm rmskbcbgm armqumbgy ksgneectnkbs ka tfmstrugturm jy dmcbs ka sprnbls% aeun` kr pmb`ueuds"

    \fmb tfm june`nbl jmlnbs tk ksgneectm kr swcy% nt smts tfm PD@nbtk dktnkb jy dmcbs ka tfm sprnbl cb`% wfmb tfm june`nbl nsakrgm` rnlft% tfm PD@ snduetcbmkusey akrgms nt tk tfm emat"

    Pfm PD@ prnbgnpem cesk cppenms tk nb`nvn`uce gkdpkbmbts prkbmtk vnjrctnkb sugf cs semb`mr gkeudbs% truss dmdjmrs% cb` struts"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Yrnbgnpem ka wkronbl

    Pfm sprnbl cb` dcss crm tubm` sk cs tk fcvm c bcturce armqumbgy geksmtk tfct ka tfm prndcry strugturm"

    N`mceey% tfm armqumbgnms cb` cdpentu`ms ka tfm PD@ cb` tfm strugturm

    sfkue` bmcrey dctgf sk tfct mvmry tndm tfm june`nbl mxpmrnmbgms ectmrceakrgm% tfm PD@ grmctms cb mquce cb` kppksntm pusf kb tfm june`nbl%ommpnbl nts fkrnzkbtce `nspecgmdmbt ct kr bmcr zmrk"

    Na tfmnr armqumbgnms wmrm snlbnangcbtey `naamrmbt% tfm PD@ wkue` grmctmpusfms tfct wkue` jm kut ka sybg wntf tfm pusfms arkd tfm mcrtfqucom%cb` tfm june`nbl,s dktnkb wkue` stnee jm ubgkdakrtcjem akr tfmkggupcbts cb` `cblmrkus akr tfm strugturm"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Pfm maamgtnvmbmss ka c PD@ ns `mpmb`mbt kb8

    Pfm dcss rctnk &ka tfm PD@ tk tfm strugturm ntsmea.

    Pfm rctnk ka tfm armqumbgy ka tfm PD@ tk tfm armqumbgy ka tfmstrugturm &wfngf ns n`mceey mquce tk kbm.

    Pfm `cdpnbl rctnk ka tfm PD@ &fkw wmee tfm `cdpnbl `mvngm`nssnpctms mbmrly.

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Zctnk ka dcssms8 kr

    Pfm fnlfmr tfm dcss ka tfm PD@ ns% tfm jmttmr ns tfm `cdpnbl"]smaue8 arkd 9"9: &ekw maamgt. up tk 9"3 &katmb gkbstrugtnvm endnt.

    Zctnk ka armqumbgnms8 a

    9">6 $ 9"61

    @cdpnbl Zctnk ka PD@8

    9"96 $ 9":9

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Nt gcb jm smmb tfct wntf c :- dcss rctnk% cb maamgtnvm vnsgkus `cdpnbl ka kvmr

    7"=- gcb jm c``m`" Pfns ns mbkulf tk snlbnangcbtey rm`ugm june`nbl dktnkb"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Pubm` dcss `cdpmrs crm dcnbey usm` nb tfmakeekwnbl cppengctnkbs8

    Pcee cb` semb`mr armmstcb`nbl strugturms &Woysgrcpmrs%jrn`lms% pyekbs ka jrn`lms% gfndbmys% PQ tkwmrs. wfngftmb` tk jm mxgntm` `cblmrkusey jy wnb` kr mcrtfqucom%

    Wtcnrs% spmgtctkr stcb`s% pm`mstrncb jrn`lms mxgntm` jydcrgfnbl kr hudpnbl pmkpem" Pfmsm vnjrctnkbs crm usuceeybkt `cblmrkus akr tfm strugturm ntsmea% jut dcy jmgkdm vmryubpemcscbt akr tfm pmkpem%

    PD@ dcy jm cermc`y pcrt ka tfm strugturms krnlnbce `msnlbkr dcy jm `msnlbm` cb` nbstceem` ectmr"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    GCWM WP]@^8 PCNYMN 393 &Pcnwcb.

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Sungo Acgts

    Fke`s tfm rmgkr` cs tfm wkre`s tceemst june`nbl"

    Znsms =93 dmtmrs &3%11< ammt . cjkvm tfm lrkub`"

    393 Aekkrs

    0%9:=% smgkb`s tk lk arkd 3st aekkr tk tfm >3st aekkr"

    June`nbls usms nbgeu`m8 gkddubngctnkbs% gkbamrmbgm gmbtmr% enjrcry%kjsmrvctnkb `mgos% kaangm spcgm% rmsturcbts% rmtcne sfkppnbl dcees%antbmss gmbtmr% cb` fkdm tk Pcnpmn Anbcbgnce Gkrpkrctnkb"

    Gkbstrugtnkb jmlcb nb 3>>> cb` mb`m` tfns ymcr :990"

    Pktce gkst ka tfm prkhmgt wcs $

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ bmm` nb Pcnpmn 393

    Pcnwcb ns ekgctm` ct tfm nbtmrsmgtnkb ka tfm Yfnenppnbms WmcYectm cb` tfm Murcnsncb Yectm% wfngf crm pcrt ka tfm gnrgudYcgnang vkegcbk cb` smnsdng zkbm"

    Pfm rmsmcrgf ka tfm Gmbtrce Lmkeklngce Wurvmy sfkws Pcnwcbbkw fcs =3 cgtnvm acuets" Pfm cgtnvm acuets nb Pcnwcb gcb jmgecssnanm` cs Pypm N Cgtnvm Acuet &CA3.% Pypm NN Cgtnvm Acuet&CA:. cb` Wuspmgtm` Cgtnvm Acuets &CA7."

    Pcnwcb mxpmrnmbgms dkrm tfcb :99 pmrgmnvcjem mcrtfqucomsmvmry ymcr"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ bmm` nb Pcnpmn 393

    Yectm tmgtkbngs nb cb` crkub` tfm nsecb` ka Pcnwcb8

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ nb Pcnpmn 393

    Pcnpmn 393 ns `msnlbm` tk wntfstcb` tfm typfkkb wnb`s cb` mcrtfqucomtrmdkrs gkddkb nb nts crmc ka tfm CsncYcgnang" Yecbbmrs cndm` akr c

    strugturm tfct gkue` wntfstcb` tfm strkblmst mcrtfqucoms enomey tk kggur nb c

    :%=99 ymcr gygem"

    PfkrbtkbPkdcsmttn Mblnbmmrs cekbl wntf Mvmrlrmmb Gkbsuetnbl

    Mblnbmmrnbl `msnlbm` c 119 tkbm stmme pmb`ueud tfct smrvms cs c tubm` dcss

    `cdpmr% ct c gkst ka BP$37: dneenkb &]W$0 dneenkb."

    Nt cgts enom c lncbt pmb`ueud tk gkubtmrcgt tfm june`nbl,s dkvmdmbt%

    rm`ugnbl swcy `um tk wnb` cb` mcrtfqucom jy 79 tk =9 -"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ nb Pcnpmn 393 8@mtcnes

    Wuspmb`m` arkd tfm >:b` tk tfm 6: nb. jmnbl wme`m` tklmtfmr tk akrd c ="= d &36 at.`ncdmtmr spfmrm"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ nb Pcnpmn 393 8@mtcnes

    Mnlft stmme gcjems akrd c senbl tk suppkrt tfm jcee% wfnemmnlft vnsgkus `cdpmrs cgt enom sfkgo cjskrjmrs wfmb tfmspfmrm sfnats"

    Cjem tk dkvm = at" nb cby `nrmgtnkb% tfm Pcnpmn PD@ ns tfmwkre`,s ecrlmst cb` fmcvnmst"

    C judpmr rnbl prmvmbts tfm jcee arkd swcynbl tkk acr%

    sfkue` tfct dugf swcynbl mvmr bmm` tk kggur"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ nb Pcnpmn 393

    Pfm stmme rnbl cb` ekwmr smt ka 6 `cdpmrs% sfkwb nb kb tfmaekkr ct memvctnkb 7

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Pk ndprkvm kggupcbts gkdakrt nbstrkbl wnb` gkb`ntnkbs%pcrtnguecrey nb fktme cb` kaangmspcgms% twk dcss `cdpmrs wmrm

    nbstceem` kb tfm bnbmtnmtf cjkvmlrkub` aekkr &bmcr tfm pnbbcgem."

    Pfm tndm `kdcnb snduectnkbs akrmxtrmdm `msnlb pmrnk`s wmrmpmrakrdm` jy tfm strugturcemblnbmmrs usnbl @ZCNB:@"

    W f a f o

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Wkdm ktfmr acdkus strugturms tfct dcom usmka PD@ crm8

    Prudp \kre` Pkwmr% Bmw ^kro

    Pfm \cee gmbtmr% Qcbgkuvmr% Jrntnsf Gkeudjnc

    YMPZKBCW Pkwmrs% Dcecysnc

    Jmeeclrnk Jrn`lms% Ecs Qmlcs% Bmvc`c Dneembbnud jrn`lm% Ekb`kb

    Gmbtrmpknbt Pkwmr nb Wy`bmy% Custrcenc

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    Kbm katfm PD@s `msnlbm` akr tfm


  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    @cdpmrs kb tfm Dneembbnud Jrn`lm nb Ekb`kb"

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ cttcgfm` tk c Gfndbmy

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal


    PD@ cttcgfm` tk c pm`mstrncb jrn`lm

  • 7/28/2019 Project Presentation on "Tuned Mass Dampers and Their Application in Structures" by Chaitanya Raj Goyal

