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Project Report

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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview A Mouse Interaction Using Hand Gesture is software that allows users to give mouse inputs to a system without using an actual mouse. To the extreme it can also be called as hardware because it uses an ordinary web camera. A virtual mouse can usually be operated with multiple input devices, which may include an actual mouse or a computer keyboard. Mouse Interaction Using Hand Gesture which uses web camera works with the help of different image processing techniques. In this the hand movements of a user is mapped into mouse inputs. A web camera is set to take images continuously. The user must have a particular color in his hand so that when the web camera takes image it must be visible in the image. This color is detected from the image pixel and the pixel position is mapped into mouse input. Depending upon the size of the image taken by camera various scaling techniques are used because the pixel position in the image will not have a correspondence with screen resolution. 1.2 Problem statement The prevailing system uses a physical device for mouse functionalities. The problem here is to develop a way so that humans can interact with a computer without having any 1
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Chapter 1


1.1 Overview

A Mouse Interaction Using Hand Gesture is software that allows users to give mouse inputs

to a system without using an actual mouse. To the extreme it can also be called as hardware

because it uses an ordinary web camera. A virtual mouse can usually be operated with

multiple input devices, which may include an actual mouse or a computer keyboard. Mouse

Interaction Using Hand Gesture which uses web camera works with the help of different image

processing techniques. In this the hand movements of a user is mapped into mouse inputs. A

web camera is set to take images continuously. The user must have a particular color in his hand

so that when the web camera takes image it must be visible in the image. This color is detected

from the image pixel and the pixel position is mapped into mouse input. Depending upon the

size of the image taken by camera various scaling techniques are used because the pixel

position in the image will not have a correspondence with screen resolution.

1.2 Problem statement

The prevailing system uses a physical device for mouse functionalities. The problem here is

to develop a way so that humans can interact with a computer without having any physical

connection with the computer. Many ideas were put forward but they all required physical

movement of hardware. So the final decision is to develop a virtual mouse which uses simple

and cheap image processing techniques.

1.3 Languages and Software Tools Used

Microsoft visual studio 2010 express edition is used as the integrated development

environment. C# language is used for programming with image processing techniques.

1.3.1 C# Language:

C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a

wide range of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. C# syntax is

highly expressive, it is also simple and easy to learn. Developers who know any of these

languages are typically able to begin working productively in C# within a very short time. C#


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syntax simplifies many of the complexities of C++ while providing powerful features such as

nullable value types, enumerations, delegates, anonymous methods and direct memory

access, which are not found in Java. As an object-oriented language, C# supports the

concepts of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. All variables and methods,

including the Main method, the application's entry point, are encapsulated within class

definitions. A class may inherit directly from one parent class, but it may implement any

number of interfaces.

1.3.2 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010:

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It

is used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows

Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code

together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows

Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft


Visual Studio supports different programming languages by means of language services,

which allow the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any

programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages

include C/C++ (via Visual C++), VB.NET (via Visual Basic .NET), C# (via Visual C#), and

F# (as of Visual Studio 2010[4]). Support for other languages such as M, Python, and Ruby

among others is available via language services installed separately. It also supports

XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS. Individual language-specific versions of

Visual Studio also exist which provide more limited language services to the user: Microsoft

Visual Basic, Visual J#, Visual C#, and Visual C++.


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Chapter 2


2.1 General

Feasibility study is very important aspect of building software. It will answer the question of

why would a developer build a software. Without planning, the software may not be able to

perform or function as planned and feasibility study makes sure the program created is

needed and will be appealing to the intended users. The decision to implement any new

project or program must be based on a thorough analysis of the current operation. In addition,

the impact of the implementation of the proposed project/program on the future operation of


The input to the feasibility study is outline description of the system and how it will be used

within an organization. The results of the feasibility study should be a report, which

recommends whether or not it is worth carrying on with the requirements engineering and

system development process. When the information is available, the feasibility study report is

prepared. This should make recommendation about whether or not the system development

should continue. It may propose changes to the scope, budget and schedule of the system and

suggest further high-level requirement of the system. A feasibility study should be relatively

cheap and quick.

2.2 Literature review

The prevailing system uses a physical device for mouse functionalities, the purpose of the

project is to create a virtual mouse that works with the help of a web camera. In this project a

camera continuously takes images of hand movements of a user, which is then mapped into

mouse inputs. This means that we can give inputs to computer without having any physical

connection with the computer and without having any hardware movements. In total it makes

life easy for user increasing comfort and improving usability.


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2.3 Existing system

Normally, whenever software is developed it is either a totally new product or a further

development of some existing product for an improvement to occur in the product, we need

that product to exist. There can be some drawbacks or some features missing in the original

product. Hence, the new product under development may think of overcoming these

drawbacks, and adding more features to the existing one.

In the existing system the mouse functionalities are implemented using a hardware device

such as optical mouse or track-pad etc. Due to the limitation of these physical devices the

useable command set is also limited and user depends on this hardware for its implementation

of mouse functions.

2.4 Proposed System

Our project “Mouse Interaction Using Hand Gesture” is an application to overcome the

drawbacks of the existing scenario. Foregoing the traditional mouse setup to interact with a

computer, strong gesture recognition could allow users to accomplish frequent or common

tasks using hand gestures to a camera. Most gesture-based interfaces researched so far have

needed a mouse or stylus pen as a gesture input device. This interface enables a user to

specify commands and additional parameters by drawing single intuitive gestures with his

finger. However, we believe that the idea of making gestures with a human finger appeals

more to not only experienced users but also novice users who are usually not accustomed to

using computer devices.

2.5 System Feasibility

The feasibility study is carried out to determine whether the proposed system can be

developed with the available resources. Feasibility study is a test of system proposed

according to its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet the user’s needs and

effective use of the resources.

It focuses on four major areas:

Operational feasibility

Technical feasibility


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Economical feasibility

Schedule feasibility

2.5.1 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility [4] is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems,

and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it

satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system


The application does provide an excellent Mouse interaction as expected and the system runs

without any problems. The application provides the user friendly mouse operations that can

performed with ease of use. The application is easy to modify and is easy to operate. Even a

novice user is able to work on it.

2.5.2 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility is the step of feasibility analysis that is concerned with determining

whether it is possible to code the project using the language selected.

During the technical analysis, the implementation of the designed system requires specific

additional software. The language selected for our coding is Visual C# and the developer

software is Visual studio 2010. Visual Studio 2010 is a toolkit to develop windows based

applications. It supports a variety of languages for the software development. The .NET

framework is a completely new model for building systems on the windows family of

operating system.

Features of .NET and Visual Studio

Full interoperability with existing Win32 code: .NET allows invoking raw C based

functions from managed code [1].

Complete and total language interaction [1]: Unlike classic COM .NET supports cross

language debugging. A common runtime engine is shared by all .NET aware


Multithreading [1]: .NET provides multithreading. This allows the software to run

modules in parallel.


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Direct access to windows API’s:.NET provides a direct access to windows APIs. The

APIs including DLL (Dynamic Link library) functions [1].

Visual Studio provides GUI design tools: For designing the software. It simplifies

overhead of coding to an extent and helps to reduce the software development time

and provides a better user friendly system.

2.5.3 Economic Feasibility

It is economically feasible to implement the project within the available budget. Our software

can be easily deployed on the existing infrastructure requiring a webcam. Moreover

maintenance is easy and even an average person can easily maintain and configure the

system. Therefore the cost incurring on training etc may be avoided.

2.6 Summary

Feasibility analysis is a process of validating whether the software to be developed is possible

with the current hardware and software technologies. In this stage, various factors such as,

time constraints, budgetary constraint etc, are considered. Also, here we check whether the

project to be developed will be cost-effective and can be developed with the given budgetary

constraints and time constraints.


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Chapter 3


3.1 General

System analysis is a detailed study of various operations performed by a system and their

relationships within and outside the system. During analysis, data are collected on the

available files, decision points and transactions handled by the present system. Interviews,

on-site observation and questionnaire are the tools used for system analysis.

There are two major activities in this phase [4]:

Requirement analysis

Requirement specification

3.2 Requirement Analysis

The requirement analysis process involves deriving the system requirements through

observations of existing systems, discussion with potential users and procedures, task

analysis and so on. The implementation of the software is of least importance to the end user.

The user interacts with the software through the user interface. Thus, any software to be

designed should have a good user interface that is relatively easy to learn and use.


analysis led to, need to provide improved, better and more comfortable user interactions with

the system using a hand gesture. To implement this webcam was necessary. There by,

providing all mouse functionalities in a more comfortable way.

3.3 Software Requirement Specification

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a complete description of the behavior of a

system to be developed. Requirement specification adds more information to requirement

definition. After the completion of analysis phase, requirements must be written or specified.

This also provides a reference for validation of the final product.


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3.3.1 Functional requirements

A functional specifications document is created after the software requirements specification

document. It provides more detail on information originally described in the software

requirements specification document. The functional specification document defines what the

functionality will be, but not how that functionality will be implemented.

The various Functional requirements of the system can be summarized as follows:

The system is will provide a good user interface through which the user can interact

with the system. The virtual mouse enables the user to give mouse inputs. [4]

Interactions are done using any colored objects.

The color should be differentiable from that of the environment.

3.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements describes constraints imposed on software and the restrictions

on freedom of designers.

The requirements here are:

The system handling by the user should be easy.

System should give a precise and optimum response.

3.4 System Requirements

3.4.1 Hardware Requirements

Processor Pentium 4

Memory 1GB RAM

Speed 1GHZ

Webcam 1.3 Mega Pixel

3.4.2 Software Requirements

Framework C# and .NET platform

Visual Studio 2010

Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 7.


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C# Language

C# language [1] is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented

programming language. C# has a unified type system. This unified type system is called

Common Type System (CTS) [4].

A unified type system implies that all types, including primitives such as integers, are

subclasses of the System. Object class. For example, every type inherits a ToString()method.

For performance reasons primitive types (and value types in general) are internally allocated

on the stack.

Features of C#

C# (pronounced “c sharp”)is the native language for the .NET Common Language Runtime.

It has been designed to fit seamlessly into the .NET Common Language Runtime. Code can

be in either Visual C++ or Visual Basic, but in most cases, C# will likely fit programmer’s


Component Software

The .NET Common Language Runtime is a component-based environment, and it should

come as no surprise that C# is designed to make component creation easier. It’s a

“component-centric” language, in that all objects are written as components, and the

component is the center of the action.

Component concepts, such as properties, methods, and events, are first-class citizens of the

language and of the underlying runtime environment. Declarative information (known as

attributes) can be applied to components to convey design- time and runtime information

about the component to other parts of the system. Documentation can be written inside the

component and exported to XML. C# objects don’t require header files, IDL files, or type

libraries to be created or used. Components created by C# are fully self-describing and can be

used without registration process. C# is aided in the creation of components by the .NET

Runtime and Frameworks, which provide a unified type system in which everything can be

treated as an object, but without the performance penalty associated with pure object systems,

such as Smalltalk.


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The Execution Environment

This section was once titled, “The Execution Engine,” but .NET Runtime is much more than

just an engine. The environment provides a simpler programming model, safety and security,

powerful tools support, and help with deployment, packaging, and other support.

Safety and Security

The .Net Runtime environment is designed to be a safe and secure environment. The .NET

Runtime is a managed environment, which means that the Runtime manages memory for the

programmer. Instead of having to manage memory allocation and de-allocation, the garbage

collector does it. Not only does garbage collection reduce the number of things to remember

when programming, in a server environment it can drastically reduce the number of memory

leaks. This makes high-availability systems much easier to develop.

Additionally, the .NET Runtime is a verified environment. At runtime, the environment

verifies that the executing code is type-safe. This can catch errors, such as passing the wrong

type to a function, and attacks, such as trying to read beyond allocated boundaries or

executing code at an arbitrary location.

The security system interacts with the verifier to ensure that code does only what it is

permitted to do. The security requirements for a specific piece of code can be expressed in a

finely grained manner, code can, for example, specify that it needs to be able to write a

scratch file, and that requirement will be checked execution.

Exception Handling

The first reason is that exception handling is deeply ingrained in the .NET Runtime, and is

therefore very common in C# code. The second reason is that it allows the code examples to

be better.

Trying and Catching

To deal with exceptions, code needs to be organized a bit differently. The sections of code

that might throw exceptions are placed in a try block, and the code to handle exceptions in the

try block is placed in a catch block.


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Visual Studio 2010

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It

can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows

Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code

together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows

Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft

Silverlight. Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code

refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-

level debugger. Other built-in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications,

web designer, class designer, and database schema designer [1].

Visual Studio 2010 comes with .NET framework 4.0 and supports developing applications

targeting Windows 7. It supports IBM DB2 and Oracle databases, in addition to Microsoft

SQL Server. It has integrated support for developing Microsoft Silverlight applications,

including an interactive designer. Visual Studio 2010 offers several tools to make parallel

programming simpler: in addition to the Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and the

Parallel Patterns Library for native code, Visual Studio 2010 includes tools for debugging

parallel applications. The new tools allow the visualization of parallel Tasks and their

runtime stacks. Tools for profiling parallel applications can be used for visualization of thread

wait-times and thread migrations across processor cores. Intel and Microsoft have jointly

pledged support for a new Concurrency Runtime in Visual Studio 2010 and Intel has

launched parallelism support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio[4].

3.5 Summary

Detailed study of the various operations performed by the system and their relationship

within and outside the system is studied. Non-Functional requirements which describe

constraints imposed on the software and the restriction on freedom of designing are also

studied and collected system requirements.


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Chapter 4


4.1 General

System design is a process through which requirements are translated into a representation of

software. Initially, the representation depicts a holistic view of software. Subsequent

refinement leads to a design representation that is very close to source code. Design is the

place where quality is fostered in software development.

4.2 Block diagram

Figure 4.1 Block diagram

The block diagram specifies how the project works in simple terms. Initially, we insert a

color band to our fingers and these colors are set in the project. A webcam takes continuous

sequence of image of the hand, based on the difference in location of the specified colored

object in the image sequences specific functionalities can be seen in the monitor.


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4.3 Use-Case Diagrams

4.4 Data Flow Diagram:


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The flow diagram depicts the way of flow of control as well as how the various events are

handled. A video source from the list available is selected and various color markers in the

hand are identified. The hand movements in front of the webcam are processed in the form of

continuous images and required color pixels are identified and based on the type and location

of these color pixels mouse inputs are mapped and mouse functionalities are implemented.

4.5 Summary

Subsequent refinement to the design representation is made that is very close to source code.

Requirements are translated into a representation of software. Different modules are

identified. Flow of data between different modules is analyzed.


Current Signal StatusFigure 4.2 Data flow Diagram

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Chapter 5


5.1 General

In detailed design we should know the organization of the design and what each function

should do. It is concerned with producing short design specification of each function. This

section provides a brief description of the various components that are used in our project

‘Mouse Interaction Using Hand Gestures’.

Webcam: It enables to detect bright colored objects, provided the color of the object and

environment should be different. The webcam should be minimum of 1.3Mp.The webcam is

connected to the computer using the data link. The webcam will detect the object and will be

processed accordingly and the outputs are displayed on the screen of the computer.

Colored Objects: It enables the selection of one or more markers. For Object detection we

make use of markers. Markers can be anything i.e. colored objects such as color band, ball,

pen etc. All the markers should satisfy one criterion that is it should be distinguishable from

its environment. Hence we can’t have a marker of the same color as that of the environment.

4.2 Modules Used

Video source selection:

This module is used to identify the various video sources present within the system. System

searches for and lists all active video sources attached to the system using drop-down list

provided by Visual studio 2010. It takes first video source as default. Thus this module helps

to select desired video source.

Object color selection:

User needs to move the colored object to the indicated location and click color selection

button provided by Visual Studio 2010. The selected colors are used to perform the required

operation. This module is used to select desired object of required color to track.

Processing the image sequence:


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The sequences of images are processed from video-source and selected object is identified

and thus mouse functions are implemented. Processing of image is initiated by the

NewFrameHandler event of VideoSourcePlayer class defined in Aforge library. In each image

location of the selected colour object is determined. And this location information is used for

performing different operations.

The Using:

The using statement allow the programmer to specify when objects that use resources should

release them. This statement is like pre-processor directive used in C and C++ languages. By

adding a statement like Using xyz will add an external assembly to the code file.

E.g. Using System.Forms

4.2.1 User Defined Functions:

public void videoSourcePlayer1_NewFrame(object sender, ref Bitmap image)

This function is called whenever a NewFrameHandler event occurs i.e whenever a new frame

arrives. As soon as a frame arrives it is processed inorder to find the location of the desired

colored object.

Processing is carried as follows:

Image is scanned and the desired pixels are retained as it is and the rest is made uniform

using Eucledian Filtering and Grayscaling which is available in Aforge library.

The retained pixels are identified and its location is obtained. Based on the locations of the

two colored objects we set the flags and perform the required operation.

public void initialise_mouse():

This function will initialise the mouse variables to predefined values.

public void DoLSMouseClick():

The function is used to perform mouse single left click operation. This function is called

based on the flags set during the processing of the image. The flags are constantly monitored

by the timer function.


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public void DoRightMouseClick():

The function is used to perform mouse single right click operation. This function is called

based on the flags set during the processing of the image. The flags are constantly monitored

by the timer function.

public void DoDoubleMouseClick():

The function is used to perform mouse left double click operation. This function is called

based on the flags set during the processing of the image. The flags are constantly monitored

by the timer function.

4.2.2 Windows forms Definition

Main Form

This form contains link to all other forms, i.e. it contains the following buttons:

Video source selection: This selection button lists all the available video sources

currently installed in the system. First video source in that list is set as default.

Object color selection: The colored objects are brought near small color picker on the

output screen and identified colors are selected. Two colors selected is name as

Color1 and Color2 respectively.

Color picker box: This color box saves the color of the object detected by the color


Move cursor: Below video source button there is a small checkbox named as “Cursor

Control”. This functionality is used to move the cursor by identifying the movement

of the colored object on the screen.

5.2 Algorithm

Img: signifies the image produced by the selected video-source.

color1: signifies the color of the first marker.

color2: signifies the color of the second marker.

EucledianColorfiltering is applied to the image Img to filter out undesired pixels.

GreyScaleFiltering is applied to convert image Img to greyscale image.


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BlobCounter is used to get location of the desired colored objects.

Based on the location of the colored objects, the required operations like mouse cursor

movement, mouse left click, mouse right click and mouse double clicking are


5.3 Summary

Various modules were used in proposed project. The study of detailed design of these

modules enabled us to improve upon the workability of the system. Application of algorithm

brought about the much needed synchrony amongst the modules. This study has opened up

the scope and need for incremental improvement of the application.


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Chapter 6


6.1 General

Testing a system’s capabilities is a very important task. Users are interested in getting a job

done and test cases should be chosen to identify aspects of the system that will stop them

from doing their job. Although errors, such as screen corruption, are irritating they are less

disruptive than errors, which cause loss of data or program termination. Testing typical

situations is very important. It is important that a system works under normal usage

conditions than occasional conditions that only arise with extreme data values. Some of the

most important testing methods are explained below:

6.2 Levels of Testing

6.2.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a testing in which the individual unit of the software is tested in isolation from

other parts of a program.

Unit Testing is primarily carried out by the developers themselves.

Deals functional correctness and the completeness of individual program units.

Unit testing focuses on verification on effort on the smallest unit of software design module.

The purpose of unit testing is to uncover errors in the smallest software unit in the routine.

Each routine will be tested individually using black box oriented test. The programmer of

each design will design a set of test cases for the module and ensure that the module is fully

tested importance or complex routine will also be tested by at least other person [4]. Test Cases

Test cases are the specific executable test that examines all aspects including inputs and

outputs of a system and then provides a detailed description of the steps that should be taken,

the results that should be achieved, and other elements that should be identified. Steps

explained in a test case include all details even if it they are assumed to be common

knowledge. Test cases are used as a technical explanation and reference guide for systems.

Test cases indicate the various test carried out and comparing the results obtained from the

test cases with the expected results. These will help us to know the different user inputs and


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the results obtained for those inputs. The test cases generated for our project has been

displayed in the Table 6.1

Steps Input Specification

Expected Result

Obtained Result


1 Video source


Video source

must be selected

Video source is


As Expected

2 No video source Error message is

must be


Error message is


As Expected

3 Color 1 picker Color 1 must be


Color 1 is


As Expected

4 Color 2 picker Color 2 must be


Color 20 is


As Expected

5 Cursor control Moves the

mouse cursor

Moves the

mouse cursor

As Expected

6 Left click


Must click the

selected object

Clicks the

selected object

As Expected

7 Right click


Must click the

selected object

Clicks the

selected object

As Expected

8 Double click


Must click the

selected object

Clicks the

selected object

As Expected

Table 6.1 Test cases


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6.2.2 Modules Testing

A module is a collection of related components. Each such individual module and function

was put to test. In our project Video source selection module, Object color selection module,

Image sequence processing module were tested and found to be working as expected.

6.2.3 System Testing

The sub-systems are integrated to make up the entire system. During this phase of testing,

various sub-systems that were obtained after integration were put to use. System test will

involve some testing by the client. The Video source selection module, Object color selection

module, Image sequence processing module are put together as a single system and tested [4].

When integrated, the system was working successfully.

6.2.4 Acceptance Testing

It is the final stage of the testing process. During this phase the final product is given to some

of the potential clients and feedback is obtained. After this test some small modification are

made and finally the system is ready.

6.7 Summary

Testing typical situations is very important. It is important that a system works under normal

values. Different types of testing are done for the application developed. The test cases are

chosen to identify aspects of the system that will stop them from doing their job.


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Chapter 7


New advancements in technologies in computer vision and human computer interaction have

brought a great change in living conditions. Recently, there has been a surge in interest in

recognizing human hand gesture. Hand-gesture recognition has various applications like

computer games (Motion sensing Games), machinery control and through mouse

replacement. This project was developed and implemented successfully. The practical

knowledge and technical skill we have gained through the project was vast and valuable.

With only the help of a normal webcam we can make a user experience of mouse interaction

without a physical device.


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[1] Andrew Troelsen, Pro C# with .NET 3.0, Special Edition, Dream tech press, 2007.

[2] Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition,

Pearson Education, 2003.

[3] Herbert Schildt, C# : The Complete Reference, 5th Edition, Tata Mc-GrawHill, 2004.

[4] Ian Somerville, Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.


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Appendix A


A Mouse Interaction Using Hand Gesture is software that allows users to give mouse inputs

to a system without using an actual mouse. It is easy to use and provides user comfort.

Initially .NET framework has to be installed within the system for the working of this project,

also a webcam or any video source is required for the proper working of the project.

There are following steps to be followed by a user in order to use this software:

Open the application a main form is displayed in the screen.

Select the video source from the list available in the drop-box present at right end of

the main form. Select one of the devices and click ok button. As ok button is pressed

video will be displayed in two video-boxes within the form .At any moment you want

to stop the video streaming just click the disconnect button present next to the ok


There is a small red box within in the second video-box this is called as color picker.

Bring the colored band attached to the finger or colored object over the color picker,

the objects color can be seen as background of the select color button at the right end

of the main form. By clicking the button the objects color is chosen.

Follow the step3 for next colored object. Once the color of the colored band or object

is selected, we when move these colored bands attached to the fingers in front of the

webcam we can see these color bands identified in the video-box. The first color is

used for clicking purpose and second color is used for cursor movement.

Select the cursor movement checkbox present at the top right end for cursor

movement in the display. Selecting this will move the mouse pointer in the direction

of the direction of the colored band.

When we bring the two color bands together left click is implemented at the mouse

pointer, this is shown by the overlap of the color identifiers in the second video-box in

the main form.

When two color bands are brought along x-axis in a single line with few meters apart

then right click is implemented at position of the mouse pointer.


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When two color bands are brought along y-axis in a single line with few meters apart

then double click is implemented at position of the mouse pointer.

Following these steps will implement all the functionalities of the mouse thus will work as a

virtual mouse.


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Appendix B


A.1 The Microsoft visual studio environment


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A.2 The view of the interface

A.3 Identifying the color of the marker


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A.4 Detecting the motion of two colored-objects

A.5 Demonstrating clicking functions


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