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Blood Donation System (VB Script)
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Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology Department of Computing Diploma in Business Information Technology EC2316 Blood Donation Management System Name: Low Junren Student ID: 00005191 Supervisor: Ms Rajesvary Submission date: [Type text] Page 1

Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology

Department of Computing

Diploma in Business Information Technology


Blood Donation Management System

Name: Low JunrenStudent ID: 00005191Supervisor: Ms RajesvarySubmission date:

This project is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for Diploma in Business in Information Technology, Nilai University


I declare that this report entitled Blood Donation Management System is my own work except as cited in the references. The report has not been accepted for any degree or diploma and is not being submitted concurrently in candidature for any degree or other award

Signature: .Name: .Date: .


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Ms Rajesvary as well as our principal Project Lecturer Ms Harlina. Who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic of Blood Donation Management System. Which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things. Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finishing this project within the limited time.I am making this project not only for marks but to also increase my knowledge. Thanks again to the friend and lecture that help me so much in the project of Blood Donation Management System.

AbstractThis system is created for those people who are willing to donate their blood and help other patients. This system is a system that can add donor details to save the donor who just come to donate blood or maybe if the donor for 5 year no comes it will delete the details. Another function is if the donor forgot their IC or id it can click search button to search for their details. In addition the system also store blood group details and hospital order details. We will send the blood pack since every weekend to the hospital and tell the hospital we will reach the blood pack in anytime. Besides that, the system also got estimate function estimate the blood donor is it suitable to donate blood; if the blood volume is not over 2500ml it cannot to donate blood at the time. Other than that, the system adds a new feature that is got pet blood donation. This feature is to help those pet are lack of blood. The pet is same as the human blood donation, first the pet also need to estimate is it suitable to donate blood but for the pet is to estimate the weight. The pet owner needs to enter the information of the pet to register as in the system to store in the database or to modify the pet information or maybe the pet already a long time no come donate blood also will be delete the details. In the pet blood group details, the user also needs to input information and save it. They refer to the blood group details and check the pet blood pack and it also same as the hospital order details but we send pet blood pack to veterinary hospital in every weekend.

Table of contents

ContentsPage Number


Statement of submissions2



Table of contents5-6

Chapter 1: introduction

1.1 Project Background


1.2 Problem Statement

1.3 Objective and Goals

1.4 Scope

1.5 Process Model and Methodology1.5.1Waterfall Model8

1.6 Gantt Chart9

1.7 Summary

Chapter 2: Requirement Engineering

2.1 Introduction10

2.2 Functional Requirements

2.3 Non-functional requirements

2.4 Requirement Matrix

2.5 System Requirements2.5.1 Hardware Requirements2.5.2 Software Requirements11

2.6 Summary

Chapter 3: Analysis

3.1 Introduction12

3.2 Data Flow Diagram

3.2.1 Context Diagram

3.2.2 Level 1 Diagram13

3.2.3 Level 2 Diagram14-19

3.3 Process Specification20-22

3.4 Normalization23-24

3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram24

3.6 Data Dictionary25

Chapter 4: Design

4.1 Introduction26

4.2 Interface Design26-31

4.3 Database Design31-33

4.4 Architecture Design33-34

4.5 Procedural Design Language4.5.1 Pseudo Code34-37

4.6 Summary37

Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing38-44

Chapter 6: Testing45

Chapter 7: Result and Conclusion46

Chapter 8: Future Works47


CHAPTER 1: Introduction1.1 Project BackgroundThe purpose that I do this project because I am taking project course and I am requires building a system. I choose the title of Blood Donation Management System, I found that this system seems like quite rare this is because nowadays a lot of health care clinic or veterinary clinic they are still using handwriting to record the donor information. Besides that they estimate human blood volume by using the estimate tools to estimate the human blood volume to make sure that donor can donate blood or not. Lastly, this is the reason that I choose this title Blood Donation Management System and develop it for the staff to use.

1.2 Problem StatementThere are some problems if the Blood Donation Management System is not implementing. The problem is just like what I told the staff is still using handwriting to record the donor information. The problem is wasting a lot time to record donor information. If use the system it can save a lot of time for input each of the information and it also can help admin faster to estimate the donor blood volume to decide that the donor is it enable to donate blood.1.3 Objectives and GoalsThe objective of this project is to improve the quality of recording and management of information, to save time to manage information, to provide free blood pack to hospital that lack of blood. The System can record information so the admin can reveal back the information by enter relate details and click search to search the information. This system is simple to use, the user can learn the system by a short period.1.4 ScopeThis Blood Donation Management System is created for health care clinic staff uses. The system it helps the admin save time to input information and manage the information. The system also records the information to the database so the admin can reveal anytime by enter related information and search it. The system is easy to understand and it not too complex to use it so the admin it will start to know how to use the system by learning in a short time. Moreover, the admin no need to use handwriting anymore to save the donor information, the admin can straight use the system and enter donor information and save it.1.5 Process Model and Methodology1.5.1 Waterfall ModelThe waterfall model is a sequential design process, used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards like a waterfall through the phases of requirement, verification, Design, Production and Implementation and Maintenance. I choose this waterfall model to do the system because when it is creating system part it needs to have a clear process to show that the process how the system does do. Once the work start it cannot go back to the first stage. There are 5 stages of them that are requirement, design, implementation, verification, maintenance. Requirement is to find the current clinic is facing what problem and why the problem will affect to them. Second stage design, means is just draw a prototype or storyboard of the system and label it the function in the system. Third stage implementation, start to do system with adding the function and implement function correctly in the system to avoid that the function not work. Fourth stage verification, to test the system ensure is meet the requirement and test the system and make sure there are no any bug of any error that affect the system. Lastly, for the maintenance, after check all the things if modify anything it need to make sure will not affect the code in the system and change the system more effective.

Figure 1.11.6 Gantt chart

Figure 1.21.7 SummaryThis system is Blood Donation Management System, before this system implement there are problems in the clinic that is wasting a lot of time to manage the information. The system objective is to help the admin and hospital because the admin can save a lot time to manage the information or modify the information or the admin can use the system to estimate the blood volume faster so the donor no need to wait the result so long. This system it gives the clinic or hospital a lot of advantage because the system help the admin save time to record information and we can send blood pack to the hospital so the hospital can get the blood pack before the hospital is not enough blood to use. The system is using waterfall model to start develop because the progress is not turning back to the first stage once the progress is start.


2.1 IntroductionThis chapter is talking about that blood donation management system how are the functional requirements, non-functional requirements, requirement matrix and the system which hardware and software that the blood donation management system uses. There are few functional requirements and non-functional requirements, these requirements it explain that the how the system work and it takes time to learn the system. Besides that, this system also needs hardware requirement and software requirement to support the system so that the system only can work as well.

2.2 Functional Requirements Add donor information or the blood group details The system able to record information to database Remove or update details searching and retrieval of a record Generate Reports

2.3 Non-Functional Requirements Ease of use learning time for commands Expected response times for the system The size of the system Operating environment constraints

2.4 Requirements MatrixFunctional RequirementProcessFunction

To add detailsAdd details in databaseAdd

To delete detailsDelete details in databaseDelete

To change detailsUpdate new information Update

To search detailsSearch for detailsSearch

To Create a reportsGenerate reportsGenerate

2.5 System Requirements2.5.1 Hardware Requirements Desktop Printer Mouse Keyboard Hardisk space 10gb 1 gb RAM2.5.2 Software Requirements Window xp / 7 / 8 Microsoft access 2007 Microsoft visual studio Microsoft .Net framework 4.52.6 SummaryAs a summary, the system is added functional requirement to let the system work, there are add, update, delete, search and generate report function to make it as a normal application system. The admin can learn and understand the system easily but it takes some times to fully know how to use the system. Other than that, the systems need hardware such as main hardware desktop, normal accessories, require hardisk space need 10gb to store a lot of information and 1gb RAM to performance the system so it not will delay and for the software the system is using window xp, window 7 or window 8. Otherwise, it also needs Microsoft access to do database and visual studio to do system and the Microsoft net framework must be install in the desktop if don't have the program it not work as normal.

CHAPTER 3: Analysis

3.1 Introduction

The data flow diagram is include of context diagram, level 1 diagram and level 2 diagrams. The diagram is shows that the process of the Blood Donation Management System. Process specification is written how the process it work and the step of the process. Normalization is including that the UNF, 1NF and 2NF, that means there are several tables that expand it to another table. Entity Relationship Diagram is the relationship with the table system that I create such as maybe many donors can provide information. Lastly for the data dictionary is write to let us know that we set which field name is primary key or foreign key.

3.2.1 Context Diagram

Figure 3.1

3.2.2 Data Flow Level 1 Diagram

Figure 3.2

3.2.3 Data Flow Level 2 Diagram

Figure 3.3

Figure 3.4

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.6

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8

Figure 3.9

Figure 3.10

Figure 3.11

Figure 3.12

Figure 3.13

Figure 3.14

Figure 3.15

Figure 3.16

Figure 3.17

Figure 3.18

Figure 3.19

Figure 3.20

Figure 3.21

Figure 3.22

Figure 3.23

Figure 3.24

Figure 3.25

Figure 3.26DFD Explanation

First process is the process 1, donor details. The blood donors provide information to the admin and go through process 1.1 and admin enter the information that the blood donor provide and save to database.

Second process is the process 2, blood group details. Admin already gets information from the blood donors and go through process 2.1 and admin enter the information and save to database.

Third process is the process 3, hospital order details, Admin get information about the hospital details and go through the process 3.1 and enter the information and save to database.

Fourth process is the process 4, pet details, the pet owner provide the information of the pet to the admin and go through process 4.1 and enter the information that the pet owner provide and save to database.

Fifth process is the process 5, pet blood group details. Admin already gets information from the pet owner so go through process 5.1 and enter the information and save to database

Sixth process is the process 6, veterinary hospital order details. Admin get information about the veterinary hospital order details and pass through process 6.1 and enter the information and save to database.

Seventh process is the process 7, update details, the admin if got anything want to modify or check any incorrect information want to change and pass through 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 and enter the correct information and save to database.

Eighth process is the process 8, search details, if the donor forgot their information the admin can help them find the information by using search function and pass through 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6 and enter the related information and click search it will display information.

Ninth process is the process 9, delete details, if the donor had many years about 5 to 10 years to come to donate blood the admin is able to delete the details by pass through the 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6 and find the information that the admin want to delete and click delete button.

3.3 Process Specification

Process 1.1The blood donor provide details to the admin about their donor ID, donor IC, name, age, address, phone number, blood group, gender, height, weight and medical history. Then the admin will add their details and save their details into the database.

Process 2.1The admin will click add button and input the donor ID, donor IC, blood group of the blood donor, donate date, storage date and expired date, lastly enter the blood volume that the donor had donate how many blood. After that, the admin will save the information into database.

Process 3.1A hospital order detail is the hospital may order the blood pack from us and we send it to the hospital for backup blood pack. The admin click add button and enter the order ID, hospital name, hospital address and hospital phone number, date and hospital email. After that the admin save the details into the database.

Process 4.1 Admin add pet details such as donor ID, pet owner IC, pet owner name, pet name, pet age, pet weight, phone number, pet type, address and pet medical history. Then the admin save the pet details into the database for store information.

Process 5.1The admin will add pet blood group details by click the add button and input the donor ID, pet owner IC, pet blood group of the blood donor, donate date, storage date and expired date, lastly enter the blood volume that the pet had donate how many blood. After that, the admin will save the record into database.

Process 6.1A veterinary hospital order detail is the hospital may order the pet blood pack from us and we send it to the veterinary hospital for backup blood pack because the hospital maybe is lack of blood pack to save the pet that they needs. The admin click add button and enter the order ID, veterinary hospital name, veterinary hospital address and veterinary hospital phone number, date and veterinary hospital email. After that the admin save the details into the database.

Process 7.1 The admin can update for any details if there is any wrong about the information. Admin just go to page that the admin want to modify and click the update button. There are donor details, blood group details, hospital order details, pet details, pet blood group details and veterinary hospital order details. After the admin edit finish about the details then click save, the database will update to the new information.

Process 8.1If the donor had come last time so they no need to add a new profile into the system, the admin just need to go search section and input the donor ID, donor IC is in page donor and blood group page, for the Order ID is the hospital page part then the system will view the information. Another thing is admin can search for blood group details, donor details, pet details and pet blood group details, hospital order details and veterinary hospital order details. The admin search for this details because they want to check whether the admin itself input correctly and every time update the newest information to the database.

Process 9.1The admin can delete any details if there is any profile that already stored very long for maybe 5 to 10 years. Admin can just go to the page that the admin want to delete and click delete button. There are donor details, blood group details, hospital order details, pet details and pet blood group details and veterinary hospital order request. After the admin had chosen the details that the admin wan to delete then click delete then click save button, the database will automatic remove the information from the database and save it the previous information for the delete part empty.

3.4 NormalizationUNFDonor (Donor ID, Donor IC, Donor Name, Donor Age, Donor Address, Donor Phone Number, Donor Gender, Donor Blood Group, Donor Weight, Donor Height, Donor Medical History, Blood Group, Stored Date, Donate Date, Expired Date, Blood Volume, Order ID, Hospital Name, Hospital Phone Number, Hospital Address, Hospital Email, Pet Owner IC, Pet Owner Name, Address, Phone Number, Pet Name, Pet Age, Pet Type, Pet Weight, Pet Medical History, Pet Blood Group, Veterinary Hospital Name, Veterinary Hospital Address, Veterinary Hospital Email, Veterinary Hospital Phone Number)

1NFDonor (Donor ID, Donor IC, Donor Name, Donor Age, Donor Address, Donor Phone Number, Donor Gender, Donor Blood Group, Donor Weight, Donor Height, Donor Medical History, Pet Owner IC, Pet Owner Name, Address, Phone Number, Pet Name, Pet Age, Pet Type, Pet Weight, Pet Medical History)Blood Group (Donor ID, Donor IC, Blood Group, Stored Date, Donate Date, Expired Date, Blood Volume, Pet Blood Group)Hospital (Order ID, Hospital Name, Hospital Phone Number, Hospital Address, Hospital Email, Veterinary Hospital Name, Veterinary Hospital Address, Veterinary Hospital Email, Veterinary Hospital Phone Number)

2NFDonor (Donor ID, Donor IC, Donor Name, Donor Age, Donor Address, Donor Phone Number, Donor Gender, Donor Blood Group, Donor Weight, Donor Height, Donor Medical History)Pet (Donor ID, Pet Owner IC, Pet Owner Name, Address, Phone Number, Pet Name, Pet Age, Pet Type, Pet Weight, Pet Medical History)Blood Group (Donor ID, Donor IC, Blood Group, Stored Date, Donate Date, Expired Date, Blood Volume)Pet Blood Group (Donor ID, Pet Owner IC, Pet Blood Group, Stored Date, Donate Date, Expired Date, Blood Volume)Hospital (Order ID, Hospital Name, Hospital Phone Number, Hospital Address, Hospital Email, Veterinary Hospital Name, Veterinary Hospital Address, Veterinary Hospital Email, Veterinary Hospital Phone Number)Veterinary Hospital (Order ID, Veterinary Hospital Name, Veterinary Hospital Address, Veterinary Hospital Email, Veterinary Hospital Phone Number)

3.5 Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 3.27

3.6 Data Dictionary

Figure 3.28

CHAPTER 4: Design

4.1 IntroductionIn the design, it had sketch a fully storyboard about the Blood Donation Management System and it created the database in Microsoft access and there are few tables of them and I use the system and connect to the database. Architecture design is process of how the step is running in the system. Other than that, I had written the pseudo code in English language so it easy to understand how the process is running.

4.2 Interface DesignMain Page

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.2

When the user click add then user can input information, after enter information or change information then click save then will pop out a box say you had store your information or any error it will say please try again. The delete button is for the user to delete the details and for the back button is go back to the main page. The top button name search is for user easier to find the details, the user just enter the correct id or ic it will display the details. For the refresh button is to refresh the same page.

Figure 4.3

When the user click add then user can input information, after enter information or change information then click save then will pop out a box say you had store your information or any error will say please try again . The delete button is for the user to delete the details and for the back button is go back to the main page. The top button name search is for user easier to find the details, the user just enter the correct id or ic it will display the details. The user click the generate report button it will open another page to display the result in the blood group details. For the refresh button is to refresh the same page.

Figure 4.4

When the user click add then user can input information, after enter information or change information then click save then will pop out a box say you had store your information or any error it will say please try again. The delete button is for the user to delete the details and for the back button is go back to the main page. The top button name search is for user easier to find the details, the user just enter the correct id or ic it will display the details. For the refresh button is to refresh the same page. Estimate Blood Volume part

Figure 4.5

Figure 4.6

The estimate button is to calculate the blood volume of the donor is it enough of blood to donate if not enough then the donor cannot donate blood. User need to select the gender and enter weight and height and click estimate then it will start calculate the blood volume and it will display the box in the blood volume box. For the back button is back to the page of estimate selection page.

Figure 4.7

The estimate button is to calculate the pet weight of the pet is it enough of blood to donate if not enough then the pet cannot donate blood. User need pet age and pet weight and click estimate then it will start calculate the pet weight and it will display the box in the kilogram box. For the back button is back to the page of estimate selection page.

Figure 4.8

When the user click add then user can input information, after enter information or change information then click save then will pop out a box say you had store your information or any error it will say please try again. The delete button is for the user to delete the details and for the back button is go back to the main page. The top button name search is for user easier to find the details, the user just enter the correct id or ic it will display the details. For the refresh button is to refresh the same page.

Figure 4.9

When the user click add then user can input information, after enter information or change information then click save then will pop out a box say you had store your information or any error will say please try again . The delete button is for the user to delete the details and for the back button is go back to the main page. The top button name search is for user easier to find the details, the user just enter the correct id or ic it will display the details. The user click the generate report button it will open another page to display the result in the blood group details. For the refresh button is to refresh the same page.

Figure 4.10

When the user click add then user can input information, after enter information or change information then click save then will pop out a box say you had store your information or any error it will say please try again. The delete button is for the user to delete the details and for the back button is go back to the main page. The top button name search is for user easier to find the details, the user just enter the correct id or ic it will display the details. For the refresh button is to refresh the same page. 4.3 Database Design

Figure 4.11

Figure 4.12

Figure 4.13

Figure 4.14

Figure 4.15

Figure 4.164.4 Architecture Design

Figure 4.17

Figure 4.18 4.5 Pseudo Code1.0 User opens the main page2.0 User choose option donor detailDonor Details Add and Save function3.0 If input donor details already exist in the system then prompt box show please try again4.0 Else save to databaseDonor Details Save function5.0 If users save modify donor details then success saves to database6.0 Else prompt boxes please try again Donor Details Search function7.0 If user search by donor ID or IC then display information8.0 Else prompt box please enter correct information to searchDonor Details Delete function9.0 If user delete donor details then success save to databaseDonor Details Return function10.0 User finishes manage donor details back to main page11.0 User choose option blood group detailsBlood Group Details Add and Save function12.0 If input blood group already exist in the system then prompt box show please try again13.0 Else save to databaseBlood Group Details save function14.0 If User saves modify blood group details then successes save to database15.0 Else prompt boxes please try againBlood Group Details Search function16.0 If user search by donor ID or IC then display information17.0 Else prompt box please enter correct information to searchBlood Group Details Delete function18.0 If user delete blood group details then success save to databaseBlood Group Details generate report function19.0 If users click generate report then show information in other formBlood Group Details return function20.0 User finishes manage blood group details back to main page21.0 User choose option Hospital order detailsHospital Order Details Add and Save function22.0 If input hospital order already exist in system then prompt box show please try again23.0 Else save to databaseHospital Order Details Save function24.0 If User saves modify hospital order details then successes save to database25.0 Else prompt boxes please try againHospital Order Details Search function26.0 If users search by Order id then display information27.0 Else prompt box please enter correct information to searchHospital Order Details Delete function28.0 If user delete hospital order details then success save to databaseHospital Order Details return function29.0 User finishes manage hospital order details back to main page30.0 User choose option estimate blood volume31.0 User choose option human blood volumeEstimate human blood volume function32.0 If select male then input weight and height start calculation and show information33.0 If select female then input weight and height start calculation and show informationReturn function to estimate selection page34.0 User done estimate blood volume back to page selection35.0 User choose option estimate pet weightEstimate pet weight function36.0 If input pet age and weight start calculation and show informationReturn function 37.0 User done estimate pet weight back to main page38.0 User choose option pet detailsPet Details Add and Save function39.0 If input pet details already exist in system then prompt box show please try again40.0 Else save to databasePet Details Save function41.0 If User saves modify pet details then successes save to database42.0 Else prompt boxes please try againPet Details Search function43.0 If users search by donor id or pet owner ic then display information44.0 Else prompt box please enter correct information to searchPet Details Delete function45.0 If users delete pet details then success save to databasePet Details return function46.0 User finishes manage pet details back to main page47.0 User choose option pet blood group detailsPet Blood Group Details Add and Save function48.0 If input pet blood group already exist in system then prompt box show please try again49.0 Else save to databasePet Blood Group Details Save function50.0 If User saves modify pet blood group details then successes save to database51.0 Else prompt boxes please try againPet Blood Group Details Search function52.0 If user searches by donor ID or pet owner IC then display information53.0 Else prompt box please enter correct information to searchPet Blood Group Details Delete function54.0 If user delete pet blood group details then success save to databasePet Blood Group Detail generate report function55.0 If users click generate report then show information in other formPet Blood Group Details return function56.0 User finishes manage pet blood group details back to main page57.0 User choose option veterinary hospital order detailsVeterinary Hospital Order Details Add and Save function58.0 If input veterinary hospital order already exist in system then prompt box show please try again59.0 Else save to databaseVeterinary Hospital Order Details Save function60.0 If User saves modify veterinary hospital order details then successes save to database61.0 Else prompt boxes please try againVeterinary Hospital Order Details Search function62.0 If users search by Order id then display information63.0 Else prompt box please enter correct information to searchVeterinary Hospital Order Details Delete function64.0 If users delete veterinary hospital order details then success save to databaseVeterinary Hospital Order Details return function65.0 User finishes manage veterinary hospital order details back to main pageSummaryIn the design part, it had include the interface design, database design that show the data type and data length that validate, architecture design and pseudo code to explain the step of the each function that run in the blood donation management system. So the user can easily understand the process of each function.



Public Class Form1Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Button to page Donor Details'Form2.Show()End SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button to page Blood Group Details'Form3.Show()End SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click'Button to page Hospital Order Details'Form4.Show()End SubPrivate Sub Button7_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click'Button to page Estimate Blood Volume Page'Form5.Show()End SubPrivate Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click'Button to page Pet Details'Form8.Show()End SubPrivate Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click'Button to page Pet Blood Group Details'Form9.Show()End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button to page Veterinary Hospital Order Details'Form10.Show()End SubEnd Class


Public Class Form2Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Blood_DonationDataSet.Donor_Details' table. Youcan move, or remove it, as needed.Me.Donor_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Donor_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Add function for Donor Details'Me.Donor_DetailsBindingSource.AddNew()End SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click'Save Button for update or store information'TryMe.Validate()Me.Donor_DetailsBindingSource.EndEdit()Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet)MsgBox("You Had Save Information")Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please Try Again")End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click'Delete function for Donor Details'Me.Donor_DetailsBindingSource.RemoveCurrent()End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to main page'Form1.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub SearchToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) HandlesSearchToolStripButton.Click'Search function for searching Donor Details'TryMe.Donor_DetailsTableAdapter.Search(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Donor_Details,Donor_IDToolStripTextBox.Text, Donor_ICToolStripTextBox.Text)Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button for refresh page'Me.Donor_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Donor_Details)End SubEnd ClassForm3Public Class Form3Private Sub Form3_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Blood_DonationDataSet.Blood_Group_Details' table.You can move, or remove it, as needed.Me.Blood_Group_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Blood_Group_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Add function for Donor Details'Me.Blood_Group_DetailsBindingSource.AddNew()End SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click'Save Button for update or store information'TryMe.Validate()Me.Blood_Group_DetailsBindingSource.EndEdit()Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet)MsgBox("You Had Save Information")Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please Try Again")End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click'Delete function for Donor Details'Me.Blood_Group_DetailsBindingSource.RemoveCurrent()End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to main page'Form1.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub SearchToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) HandlesSearchToolStripButton.Click'Search function for searching Donor Details'TryMe.Blood_Group_DetailsTableAdapter.Search(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Blood_Group_Details,Donor_IDToolStripTextBox.Text, Donor_ICToolStripTextBox.Text)Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button for refresh page'Me.Blood_Group_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Blood_Group_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click'Button for generate report'Form11.Show()End SubEnd ClassForm4Public Class Form4Private Sub Form4_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Blood_DonationDataSet.Hospital_Order_Details'table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.Me.Hospital_Order_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Hospital_Order_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Add function for Donor Details'Me.Hospital_Order_DetailsBindingSource.AddNew()End SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click'Save Button for update or store information'TryMe.Validate()Me.Hospital_Order_DetailsBindingSource.EndEdit()Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet)MsgBox("You Had Save Information")Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please Try Again")End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click'Delete function for Donor Details'Me.Hospital_Order_DetailsBindingSource.RemoveCurrent()End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to main page'Form1.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub SearchToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) HandlesSearchToolStripButton.Click'Search function for searching Donor Details'TryMe.Hospital_Order_DetailsTableAdapter.Search(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Hospital_Order_Details, Order_IDToolStripTextBox.Text)Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button for refresh page'Me.Hospital_Order_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Hospital_Order_Details)End SubEnd ClassForm5Public Class Form5Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to main page'Form1.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Button for go to estimate blood volume page'Form6.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button for go to estimate pet weight page'Form7.Show()Me.Close()End SubEnd ClassForm6Public Class Form6Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to page of estimate blood volume'Form5.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Button for estimate blood volume by using calculate function'Dim BV As DecimalDim h As DecimalDim w As Decimalh = CDbl(Donor_HeightTextBox.Text)w = CDbl(Donor_WeightTextBox.Text)'Male and Female formula calculation'If ComboBox1.Text = "Male" ThenBV = (0.3669 * (h * h * h) + (0.03219 * w) + 0.6041)TextBox1.Text = Str(BV)BV = Math.Round(BV, 2)TextBox1.Text = BV.ToString("0.00")ElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Female" ThenBV = (0.3561 * (h * h * h) + (0.03308 * w) + 0.1833)TextBox1.Text = Str(BV)BV = Math.Round(BV, 2)TextBox1.Text = BV.ToString("0.00")End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form6_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LoadEnd SubEnd ClassForm7Public Class Form7Private Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to page of estimate blood volume'Form5.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Button for estimate pet weight by using calculate function'Dim weight As DecimalDim a As DecimalDim w As Decimala = CDbl(Donor_HeightTextBox.Text)w = CDbl(Donor_WeightTextBox.Text)'Pet weight formula calculation'weight = w / a * 52TextBox1.Text = Str(weight)weight = Math.Round(weight, 2)TextBox1.Text = weight.ToString("0")End SubEnd ClassForm8Public Class Form8Private Sub Form8_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Details' table. You canmove, or remove it, as needed.Me.Pet_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Add function for Donor Details'Me.Pet_DetailsBindingSource.AddNew()End SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click'Save Button for update or store information'TryMe.Validate()Me.Pet_DetailsBindingSource.EndEdit()Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet)MsgBox("You Had Save Information")Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please Try Again")End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click'Delete function for Donor Details'Me.Pet_DetailsBindingSource.RemoveCurrent()End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to main page'Form1.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub SearchToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) HandlesSearchToolStripButton.Click'Search function for searching Donor Details'TryMe.Pet_DetailsTableAdapter.Search(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Details,Donor_IDToolStripTextBox.Text, Pet_Owner_ICToolStripTextBox.Text)Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button for refresh page'Me.Pet_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Details)End SubEnd ClassForm9Public Class Form9Private Sub Form9_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Blood_Group_Details'table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.Me.Pet_Blood_Group_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Blood_Group_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Add function for Donor Details'Me.Pet_Blood_Group_DetailsBindingSource.AddNew()End SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click'Save Button for update or store information'TryMe.Validate()Me.Pet_Blood_Group_DetailsBindingSource.EndEdit()Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet)MsgBox("You Had Save Information")Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please Try Again")End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click'Delete function for Donor Details'Me.Pet_Blood_Group_DetailsBindingSource.RemoveCurrent()End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to main page'Form1.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub SearchToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) HandlesSearchToolStripButton.Click'Search function for searching Donor Details'TryMe.Pet_Blood_Group_DetailsTableAdapter.Search(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Blood_Group_Details, Donor_IDToolStripTextBox.Text, Pet_Owner_ICToolStripTextBox.Text)Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button for refresh page'Me.Pet_Blood_Group_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Pet_Blood_Group_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click'Button for generate report'Form12.Show()End SubEnd ClassForm10Private Sub Form10_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Blood_DonationDataSet.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_Details' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.Me.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_Details)End SubPrivate Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click'Add function for Donor Details'Me.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_DetailsBindingSource.AddNew()End SubPrivate Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click'Save Button for update or store information'TryMe.Validate()Me.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_DetailsBindingSource.EndEdit()Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateAll(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet)MsgBox("You had Save Information")Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please Try Again")End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click'Delete function for Donor Details'Me.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_DetailsBindingSource.RemoveCurrent()End SubPrivate Sub Button6_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click'Button for go back to main page'Form1.Show()Me.Close()End SubPrivate Sub SearchToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) HandlesSearchToolStripButton.Click'Search function for searching Donor Details'TryMe.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_DetailsTableAdapter.Search(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_Details, Order_IDToolStripTextBox.Text)Catch ex As System.ExceptionSystem.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message)End TryEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click'Button for refresh page'Me.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_DetailsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.Blood_DonationDataSet.Veterinary_Hospital_Order_Details)End SubEnd Class

There are 10 forms in the system, these forms include add, delete, save, modify, search, estimate blood volume and pet weight function to run in this system. The source code estimate is use calculation formula to calculate the human blood volume and pet weight. The source code is visual studio is less code, to avoid error or bug and redundant code. We use source code and take the binding source data from the database, means that select the table and take the textbox label from the binding sources data through the database so it no need to set or manage the difficulty and if the user saves details it will automatic store information into the database or the user want to search information they source code is to get information from the binding source data and view to the user.


Figure 6.1

CHAPTER 7: Results and Conclusion

In conclusion, this project report has show that the purpose of using technology in manages common blood donation management process of a health care clinic.This project documentation is consist the method used to create the project application system which the blood donation management system that is used by admin. With the blood donation management system it runs in the clinic, the admin can manage information and help donor estimate blood volume faster and it help hospital a lot because clinic will send the blood pack each weekends to fulfill the stock if the hospital is lack of blood. The management it also can reduce any complain due to the service performance slow and reduce the time of the store details.


The application system of the project is to develop for the future, to be expanded to another level which means that in the future the system maybe can implement more function to clinic or hospital and use by different department. If the project application system and documentation is using as a prototype to make the system more effective and more efficient, it might able to save a lot of time to create a new system if they are refer the prototype. The oldest versions there are contain the common function which that are add information, save information or modify information, delete information, search information and generate report. So when they want to create a new system they can refer the prototype and make improvement to let the system more easily to use. Instead of this system is offline, it is possible to develop to become an online blood donation management system and try to set security and protection in the system. If the system is success put into the online blood donation management system then it can save the information with online database and set the firewall so when some hacker are try to penetrate the database the firewall will detect and the system programmer it can faster find solution and defend the database. Lastly, in the future the system might be able to expand for more animal to donate blood to help other animal.


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