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Project White Design Document

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  • 8/14/2019 Project White Design Document



    Project: White

    Design Document

    Robert I Chatman

    Updated 12/21/2008

    Project: White is an Unreal Tournament 3 Mod that focuses on team play. It is set in a star system on the

    verge of destruction, as its sun is caught up in the throes of a chain of supernovae. The colonies of this

    system have months till exodus, but which colonies will be included?

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    Design Document

    December 21, 2008

    Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008 2

    Table of Contents

    Change Log 4

    Introduction 5

    What is Project: White? 5

    Background and Setting 5

    The Star System of Taurus 1 5

    Setting 6

    Technology 6

    Game Design 7

    Game Types 7

    Territorial 7

    Push 7

    BioMega 7

    Three 8

    Death Run 8

    Sequential Map System 8

    Weapons 9

    Reloading & Clips 9

    Accuracy 9

    Weapon Usage 9

    Other Noteworthy Items 10

    Weapon Class Loadout System 10

    Explosives 11

    Standard Weapons 12

    Options/Attachments 20

    Player 21

    Class System 21

    Camera Movement 21

    Cover Mode 21

    Sprinting 21

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    Health 21

    Nano Probes 22

    User Interface (UI) 23

    HUD 23

    Landing Page 23

    Glossary 24

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    December 21, 2008

    Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008 4

    Change Log

    Name Date Comments

    Bob Chatman 01/04/09 Removing link to inspiration video for Fenrir

    Bob Chatman 12/21/08 Updated Weapon Specifications

    Bob Chatman 11/26/08 Working on WeaponsBob Chatman 11/10/08 Continuing work on the document, minor formatting tweaks

    Bob Chatman 11/02/08 Continuing work on the document.

    Bob Chatman 10/29/08 Continuing work on the document.

    Bob Chatman 10/18/08 Continuing work on the document.

    Bob Chatman 09/16/08 Formatting Document and extending contents to be more

    representative of my vision

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    Design Document

    December 21, 2008

    5 Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008


    What is Project: White?

    It is an Unreal Tournament 3 Modification with the express purpose of trying to successfully build out

    the White universe. The focus of this project is to bring a couple new game types to the Unreal Franchiseand at the same time network the team with the rest of the unreal community. Our projects heart is in

    multiplayer interaction over the internet or LAN, but we are going to include some extensions of the AI

    to allow it to make playing alone more interesting.

    It is highly important to keep in mind that our project is trying to push for believability, where we can.

    We do not have an emphasis on realism, so much as using reality as a guide. Our universe is different,

    but we are choosing to keep one foot in reality.

    Background and Setting

    The Star System of Taurus 1Taurus 1 is a star system with a large number of planets. It was colonized only a century ago by a

    scientifically humanoid race with the goal of learning more about their galaxy and ultimately the origins

    of life and so forth. Billions of people had moved to these planets and expanded the purpose of the

    colony out to include other, more entertaining and lucrative, needs.

    The third planet out, Lars, is the home of the most devastating discovery that the colonies had ever

    found, and the scientists who had found it were a bit ashamed to have the chance occurrence be named

    after him. The Kimb Effect is what happens when a star goes supernova in proximity to another similarly

    large star, triggering that one to go supernova. This discovery was made when Dr. Kimb had caught two

    supernovae within months of each other, only 18 light years away. As he let his math do the walking hecaught a third, only months later. A chain of stars were going supernovae, and they were leading right

    towards Taurus 1.

    He went public with his findings and got the colonies together for a discussion and it was put forward

    that they needed to get out of the system within three years or they would be witness to one of the

    most amazing sights availed to anyone ever to live. The skeptics had their say but ultimately the

    scientists had the data on their side. It was obvious that there was nothing that could be done to get the

    full three light years out of the zone that was soon to become a scene of superheated space gasses.

    Nothing conventional at least

    Plans were laid for a series of ships that the people of the colonies could use to exodus their population

    from the confines of this soon to be dead zone. The choice to go for the faster than light drive research

    was difficult to make but quickly turned into the only option. The research was had and the scientists

    achieved their goals quicker than expected. FTL was not just an option it actually baffled the scientists to

    think that they hadnt attempted it previously.

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    December 21, 2008

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    Construction was begun on a ship for each of the colonies, big enough to include their people and their

    own FTL drive but something went wrong. Only months away from the expected date of their exodus a

    wave of their sister star, some three light years away, washed through their system and shifted the

    orbits of three planets. As they wobbled, two fell too close to the sun and their production was brought

    to a halt. They were unable to properly develop the parts they needed to allow the exodus to go withoutissue. Of the 11 colony ships only 7 would be able to be completed.

    The game play begins at this point. Only months from the date when they need to have their organized

    exodus the colonies are now forced to fight over the remaining parts, pushing and capturing parts to

    allow their colony to be a part of the exodus.


    The many planets of the Taurus 1 System allow for an almost uninhibited creative vision. The cities and

    factories of the colonies are reminiscent of the vision of communist Russia, where everything is very

    simple and plain. Poured concrete and molded cinderblock brick work where people live.

    Due to heavy industrial utilization we should have smog and desert like areas around any single city or

    factory. The feeling we are trying to convey here is that things are bleak and the people are working

    beyond their means to achieve the impossible and get off of their planet and or moon. We could do a

    map or two on a moon with a short day time period of only a few minutes just for theatrical effect. It

    could be the case that the day time of this specific moon makes it impossible to be outdoors, as such

    everything in the environment should be adapted to fit this fact, including gold and aluminum shielded

    buildings or some such thing.


    These colonies have been devoting their industrial engine to nothing but this exodus for years, so it can

    be accepted that their weapons are not advanced, and may not entirely fit into the rest of the

    environment. The colonies have extensive work with lasers in communication and mobility studies, but

    there are no weapon applications available. They have achieved interplanetary drives, so moving from

    planet to planet only takes a matter of days.

    AI and computer automation are not widely used. People are allowed to do even the most hazardous of

    tasks, regardless of loss of life. The ultimate goal is the exodus and if a few hundred or thousand seats

    could be freed up that is a good thing.

    All units are given a multi-purpose environmental suit, referred to as MPES, which provides shielding

    from heat, nuclear radiation, biological contaminants, and ballistic rounds. It comes fitted with anoxygen mask to allow the units to breathe in the field, but needs to be replenished at regular intervals.

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    Design Document

    December 21, 2008

    7 Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008

    Game DesignTeam play is our primary focus. We are doing what we can to choose to expand upon the concepts that

    we feel are conducive to it in ways that are both fun and understandable. When we have a choice

    between fun and interesting and enforced team play we are going to lean towards fun.

    Game Types


    A number of zones will be noted on the map, each with its own award value and achievement. The

    zones are initially free, but when a player moves into it a timer is started. The player captures the zone

    when they have stayed within the confines of the zone and kept the opposition from entering it.

    When a zone has both sides in it the timer is halted and restarted when the zone is again only inhabited

    by one players side. In the occurrence of trying to capture a zone that has already been captured the

    opposition may have to wait a longer period of time to take control. With each zone that is captured

    your team is given further advantage over the opposition, who will quickly lose their militant backing

    and have to go to another location for a part.

    Each team starts out with x number of respawns or resource points and forfeits them as they progress

    through the game. The team with 0 respawns is forced to regroup and assault another location. You can

    look at this as a bit of the economics of our game, where the team only has x amount of resources to

    expend on this battle. This amount may vary depending on the map.

    The mappers are given a number of configurable options for each of these zones, including the number

    of players to capture and the length of time they need to be within it in order to do so.


    An extension of the concept behind territorial, Push is a linear battle where the teams capture the zones

    in a mapper defined order and eventually collide somewhere between them. Another point of interest

    that sets this apart from the disorganization of the territorial game is the Tram, which is a logistical

    machine that carries troops and materials to the forward lines.


    Bringing the fun of being part of a mission, cooperatively working towards the extraction of a part for

    the exodus, to the gritty drama of an infected population, BioMega opens up a scary aspect to the game.

    The team drops into the arena and have a series of objectives to secure or accomplish, but a small

    portion of the assault crew are exposed to a harmful agent that is tearing their brain and immunesystem apart. While the team is moving forward with accomplishing the objective the infected people

    have been pulled to the less productive side, instead believing that their only choice now is to make

    everyones last moments of life a complete and utter mess.

    The infected players only gain points individually, but are unable to really do much of anything. They are

    cut off from interaction on the chat level and are fighting against the assault team by infecting them.

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    December 21, 2008

    Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008 8

    The infection shows seconds later and that player is no longer contributing to the whole. The infected

    players lose points as the assault team gets closer to completing their objectives. When infecting

    another player the infected person will be set apart for a moment, but it will be barely noticeable. The

    infection takes a few seconds to set in, and its a gradual process. That is to say that


    Trial by fire is a label applied to a difficult test of ones merits or skills. In the world of White, many of the

    pieces to the FTL puzzle are locked away in heavily guarded and fortified locations. An elite group of

    assaulters is selected to attack these bases while a diversionary attack is held in another. Up against stiff

    resistance and mounting odds, a small group of attackers has been charged with securing entrance to

    the base.

    Based on the movie 300, Three chooses a small percentage (ballpark of 25%, no more than 5) players to

    assault a base in a chasm or tunnel etc. The attacking team is given a number of powerful weapons and

    lots of things to hide behind, while the defending forces, basically everyone else on the server, are

    cooped up in their base with selected weaponry. The defenders gain points for the amount of time that

    the attackers are held back, and the attackers gain points for accomplishing the objectives, including:

    Reaching the wall and planting the explosive charge Destroying minor objectives Not dying for a period of time Achieving the goal without dying

    Death Run

    The antithesis to Three, Defending a little supported outpost is the premise behind Death Run. The

    assaulters and defenders are divided up into equal teams and posed against each other. The mapperswill have created a number of kismet driven elements that the defenders have control over. They may

    have walls that move or traps that are triggered. Each of the traps are tied to other items in the map, so

    when a wall is moved to block one entrance, another may be opened, or a lift be raise. Think about the

    game mouse trap.

    Sequential Map System

    Following the premise behind Push game play, our maps are tied together to create a route or path that

    includes a series of cities. Winning or losing will change your path through the system and may make

    other parts available to your team.

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    December 21, 2008

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    The weapons in White are all mass driver type weapons, that is to say there are no energy weapons.

    Technology related to lasers and sound based weapons was diverted into developing the tram and its

    associated devices because there was more priority to move things around than to protect them from

    invaders. It is important to note that every weapon is designed with simple looking exterior, masking acomplicated and or technical interior.

    Reloading & Clips

    Our weapons will feature reloading and clip management. Keeping track of the weapons ammo count is

    going to be handled by a readout on the weapon or screen for now, but may eventually be removed

    entirely to provide a more elite friendly game mode. Instead, we should move to an audible change in

    the weapon sounds as the weapon is fired.


    Accuracy is dependent upon stance, cover and speed the player is moving.

    Weapon Usage

    None of our weapons have a secondary fire. Instead the alt fire will be a toggle between firing modes

    that will still be executed by the primary fire button. None of the weapons will have any overly

    complicated processes required to use them. There are no one shot one kill weapons, and all scores will

    need to be tweaked as the game continues development.









    Movement vs. Stance - Accuracy Scores





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    Design Document

    December 21, 2008

    Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008 10

    Other Noteworthy Items

    The last round fired and the first round fired are the most powerful. Players should be killing each other within 3-8 rounds from automatic When a player is hit by a round to their center mass they should be given an impulse backwards

    Weapon Class Loadout System

    Players begin their trek with two weapons which are class based. There is nothing saying that the player

    must hold onto only two weapons, these are simply suggested loadouts. Holding more weapons is a

    burden in weight which translates into more momentum when running or sprinting as well as slower

    pace overall and increased time when transitioning between the various stances.

    Class Primary / Secondary Loadout Explosives

    Light Sniper Rifle + 4 Reloads

    SMG + 7 Reloads

    4 Concussion Grenades

    2 Trip Mines

    Med Assault Rifle + 4 ReloadsPistol + 6 Reloads

    6 Fragmentation Grenades

    Heavy MG + 2 Reloads

    SMG + 3 Reloads

    2 Trip Mines

    2 Fragmentation Grenades

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  • 8/14/2019 Project White Design Document


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    December 21, 2008

    Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008 12

    Standard Weapons


    Specification Value

    Name P-88

    Cartridge 11mm

    Capacity 12 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (25oz - 38oz) or (1.5625lbs - 2.375 lbs)

    Firing Modes Single

    Automatic (300rpm)

    Sights None IronSight

    Effective Range Up to 45 meters

    Attachments Silencer Decreases accuracy and effective range

    Flashlight Decreases accuracy

    Files WIP\reijih\Concepts\pistol.jpg


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    December 21, 2008

    13 Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008

    Submachine Guns

    Specification Value

    Name KL-35 Valkylrie

    Cartridge 11mm

    Capacity 32 RoundsWeight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (7lbs - 11lbs)

    Firing Modes Burst (5 round 400rpm)

    Automatic (950rpm)

    Sights None IronSight


    Effective Range 10 to 60 meters

    Attachments Silencer Decreases accuracy and effective range

    Flashlight Decreases accuracy

    Files WIP\bob_gneu\Models\SMG\maya\Tech90_Final-02.mb


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    December 21, 2008

    Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008 14


    Specification Value

    Name SSS-42 ForkTongue

    Cartridge Incindiary


    Capacity 8 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (8lbs - 12lbs)

    Firing Modes Single

    Sights None IronSight

    Effective Range Up to 30 yards

    Attachments Flashlight Decreases accuracy

    Files WIP\bob_gneu\Models\Shotgun\maya\shotgun_world.ma

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    December 21, 2008

    15 Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008


    Specification Value

    Name M-48A Longbow

    Cartridge Non Jacketed Round 9.42mm

    Capacity 5 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (12lbs - 19lbs)

    Firing Modes Single

    Sights ACOG

    2x -5x ScopeEffective Range 30 to 140 meters

    Attachments Bipod

    Grenade Launcher


    Specification Value

    Name SR1 Viper

    Cartridge Non Jacketed Round 7.92mm

    Capacity 5 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (16lbs - 22lbs)Firing Modes Single

    Sights ACOG

    2x -5x Scope

    Effective Range 50 to 180 meters

    Attachments Bipod


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    Assault Rifles

    Specification Value

    Name KL-75

    Cartridge 7.62 x 39mmCapacity 44 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (11lbs - 19lbs)

    Firing Modes Burst

    Automatic (650 rounds per minute)

    Sights None Ironsight


    Effective Range 30 to 140 meters

    Attachments Silencer Decreases accuracy and effective range

    Flashlight Decreases accuracy

    Grenade Launcher Decreases Accuracy

    Skeleton Key

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    Sniper Rifles

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    19 Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008

    Specification Value

    Name H2 Siphon

    Cartridge 9 x 39mm

    Capacity 12 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (11.5lbs - 15lbs)Firing Modes Single

    Sights ACOG

    2x - 5x Scope

    Effective Range Greater than 100 yards

    Attachments Flash / Sound Suppressor


    Specification Value

    Name ATB 14mm Silkworm

    Cartridge 14 x 68mmCapacity 4 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (24lbs - 39lbs)

    Firing Modes Single

    Sights ACOG

    5x Scope

    Effective Range Greater than 100 yards

    Attachments Flash / Sound Suppressor


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    December 21, 2008

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    Rocket Launchers

    Specification Value

    Name Six Pack

    Cartridge Self Propelled Rocket

    Capacity 6 Rounds

    Weight (Unloaded - Loaded) (xxoz - xxoz) or (11.5lbs 29.5lbs)

    Firing Modes Single

    Automatic (120 rounds per minute)

    Sights Scope Provided

    Effective Range Greater than 40 yards

    Attachments None


    Name Weight Impact

    Acog Scope 8oz Improved Accuracy when scoped

    Bipod 1.325lbs Improved Accuracy when deployed

    Recoil Control Butt Stock 5lbs Decreased Recoil Kick

    Extended Clips N/A Increase Loadout Capacity by 20%

    Skeleton Key 4lbs Decreased Accuracy

    Inaccurate Shotgun Blast

    Grenade Launcher 6-9lbs Decreased Accuracy

    Reduced Recoil

    Flashlight 3oz Reduced Accuracy

    Silencer 4-12oz Reduced Accuracy

    2x 5x Scope 18oz Improved Accuracy

    No peripheral vision

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  • 8/14/2019 Project White Design Document


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    December 21, 2008

    Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008 22

    You can live without nano probes, but your probes are useless without health.

    Nano Probes

    The medic has a primary role of giving you a syringe of nano probes. The probes are injected individually

    and will automatically correct health and broken limbs. They are spent continuously, but when you have

    low health or a broken limb the probes are spent at a faster pace. When nano probes are exhausted

    regeneration is stopped.

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    23 Robert I Chatman - Updated: 12/21/2008

    User Interface (UI)

    Similar to the architecture we should avoid anything where it would be super artsy and instead push for

    intuitive and simple.

    HUDThe hud is going to be slowly whittled away, to become the bare minimum items that will need to be

    present for the game to be anything more than a confusing maze with mysterious deaths. Following is a

    table of necessary items and their location. Please consult this listing for any clarification.

    Item Location Notes

    Weapon Name HUD Bottom Right

    Weapon Ammo Count On butt or stock of weapon May be hidden on some weapons

    Health HUD Bottom Left

    Stance Hidden

    Compass HUD Bottom Center

    Resource Counter HUD Top CenterWaypoints Imposed on hud in middle of players view Color tweaked by players

    Armor HUD Bottom Left

    Other Weapons Hidden Depends on user feedback

    Landing Page

    The background is going to be a moving image of a star coming around the far side of a planet. The star

    should have bloom and its light should be pulsating while the planet is rotating.

    On the right, centered, is the main menu system. It will list the standard items that UT3 does, allowing

    an intuitive menu system and avoiding the confusion of having to learn a new menu system.

    Instant Action Multiplayer Community Settings Exit

    On the bottom right should be the Version of UT3 and the Version of White and the release code name

    as well. On the bottom left should be a quick blurb about what is currently selected within the menu.

    The current user should also be included in this area.

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    Term Definition

    RPM Rounds Per Minute
