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This is a large scale project developed in the capital of the Russian Federation (Moscow), in an urban space. It is a redevelopment of a public park located over an old nuclear shelter from the Soviet era.

Galopín, together with the project manager, has proposed 4 play areas created around the concept of age.

The most iconic area of the park is a customised combination of play structures from the Redes line consisting of a closed circuit with several levels of GLIÀFXOW\��

The park is located in a central area of the city with heavy usage and, therefore, the games that were installed took this circumstance into account for durability.

Galopín has supplied games from different lines to one of the main network of schools and nurseries in Southeastern Asia.

The shapes and colours of the Comic line blend in with the exotic surroundings of this warm part of the world.

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This project was carried out for a school’s educative space.

Due to the geographic location of the project, the climate and temperature of the area were taken into account. Therefore, elements such as the slide are adapted to the climate zone using materials that repel excessive heat.

This project was undertaken in the Francheville-Lyon area.

In the French market, the use and predominance of stainless steel in games is highly regarded; due to this fact, this luxurious line was chosen for this area.

There is a perfect adaptation of these games to public spaces with heavy usage that are exposed to vandalism.

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At the national level, Galopín has undertaken numerous projects throughout the years, having an important social impact and creating rich spaces along most of the Spanish territory.

Below is a selection of our projects, as an example of the ability to blend in with the surrounding landscapes as well as to adapt to the different characteristics of the area, whether they are natural or urban surroundings.

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The Agros de Ramírez play area is a space with a high usage located in the heart of the urban expansion area of Santiago de Compostela. It creates a leisure alternative for residents and even visitors, conditioning these multifunctional and versatile amenities.


CAMpUS STELLAE. THE MEDIEVAL pERIOD.The syncretistic cosmological conception prevailed in the Medieval period: the divine RUGHU� RI� WKH� VWDUV� DQG� WKH� VN\� GHÀQHG� WKH� W\SH�of terrestrial order, since the quintessence was endowed with an immutable perfection, superior WR�WKH�IRXU�HOHPHQWV��HDUWK��ÀUH��DLU�DQG�ZDWHU��WKDW�composed the world down here.

Hypothetically, “what is higher” is always closer to perfection than “what is lower”, while “what is lower” tends to mimic, whenever possible, “what is KLJKHUµ�WKLV�EHLQJ�ZKHUH�LW�UHFHLYHV�LWV�MXVWLÀFDWLRQ��Certainty is up there, while opinion is down here.


Campus Stellae in Latin means “Field of Stars”. This ÀHOG�RI�VWDUV��7KH�0LON\�:D\��LV�D�ÀHOG�FRYHULQJ�DOO�RI�the Earth’s population.

This playing Field tries to relate to the different ages, circumstances and backgrounds of the children of Santiago.

Thus, this is our proposal as the leitmotiv of the intervention:

��The legend of St. James the Apostle as a starting point, given the ideological importance of Santiago de Compostela.

��7KH� ÀHOG� RI� VWDUV� FRQFHSW� DV� WKH� FXUUHQW� DQG�medieval cosmologic order.

��It is a spot where people from different races and generations can take part in leisure activities in a collaborative and fun atmosphere.

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%,23+,/,$�� 7+(� +80$1� 1(('� 72� ,17(5$&7� :,7+�LIVING THINGS. Biophilia is our sense of connection with nature, between species, an innate drive in living creatures, due to evolution and natural selection, which acts intelligently and whose survival depends on the close, positive relationship between the environment and the practical appreciation of plants and animals by humans. In the words of (GZDUG�2��:LOVRQ��WKH�DXWKRU�ZKR�FRLQHG�WKH�WHUP�in the late 19th century: “it is the need of human beings to interact with a certain amount of other species in favour of their own well-being and mental health”.

)XUWKHUPRUH�� LW� KDV� EHHQ� VFLHQWLÀFDOO\� SURYHQ�that nature serves a therapeutic purpose for all individuals.

pergolas serve as spider webs for climbing during the day with LED lighting at night.

In conclusion, the goal of this project was not to compete with the landscape, but to act coherently within the context of an open and cosmopolitan city like Santiago de Compostela. Matters such as being consistent with the use of techniques and materials, inspired by the principle of eco-design and biophilia, the study of our environmental footprint, being respectful with tradition and culture, must be shown impeccably in their concept, accomplishment and effective use.

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pUBLIC SpACE: A REFLECTION OF THE CITY’S pRIDE.:H�XQGHUVWDQG that public spaces are an excellent indicator of their society’s self esteem, and the showcase of a community. In that sense, working for the pride and to defend the local culture is positive and rewarding aspect for industries, trades and craftsmen.

ELEMENTS FOR pLAY AND SpORT��Combinations Demod

Demod is synonymous with modularity and versatility. The space created by the basic shape of the three wide towers with a square and triangular base make it an ideal game for LQWHUYHQWLRQV� LQ� XUEDQ� VSDFHV�ZLWK� D� VLJQLÀFDQW�population density.

��Redes Domo 5The support structure creates a transparent dome that mimics the celestial dome. The basic unit where the design of this range starts is the arc, although it also features some straight lines. :LWK� WKDW� HOHPHQW�� ZKLFK� QDWXUDOO\� HQFORVHV�the space, users are able to play in different atmospheres.

DIFFERENTIATING FACTORSThemes, the stainless steel roofs of Demod can be punctuated to create the constellations of the stars. The slides are made of stainless steel and the springs can be adapted from Fusion (featuring stars and moons) which have a luxurious feel, are resistant and prevent vandalism.

Quality of the Materials:��post lacquered with a dark grey “martelé” enamel. ��Structure (bridges, bars, handrails) in stainless steel. ��platforms made with grey HpL.

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The basic principles brought forward for this project can be summarized in their essentially educational value. The goal of this project is not to compete with nature, but rather to try to teach us how to look at it.

ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTpRINT7KH� VLJQLÀFDQW� VDYLQJV� LQ� HPLVVLRQV� ZLWK� WKH� XVH�of material has an impact on the environmental footprint. In our search for coherence and sustainability, locally sourced materials and labour have been used whenever possible.

5(63(&7�)25�285�2:1�&8/785(:H� XQGHUVWDQG� WKDW� LW� LV� HVVHQWLDO� WR� KDYH� DQ�awareness of the history, archaeology, and even the industrial background, as well as the local anthropologic and ethnographic aspects.

,Q�WKLV�VHQVH��WKH�ÀVKHUPHQ�JXLOGV��WKH�DVVRFLDWLRQV�defending native species, and associations defending the preservation and recovery of history, anthropology and industrial architecture have all been taken into account. That way, the information provided by them, their records and memories are registered in the proposed educational contents.

:LWK�UHJDUG�WR�WKH�SURSRVDOV��ZH�EHOLHYH�WKDW�WKHLU�success will depend on the usefulness provided to the surrounding communities. It is a matter of attaining multipurpose spaces that can be used as showcases or museum elements, but also to organise neighbourhood meetings, so that the community will take ownership of it and obtain SURÀWDELOLW\�IURP�VXVWDLQDEOH�WRXULVP����

BIOpHILIA, SOCIALISATION AND pRIDEThe concept of biophilia, coined by Edward O. :LOVRQ�� H[SODLQV� KRZ� FRQWDFW� ZLWK� WKH� QDWXUDO�HQYLURQPHQW� LV� EHQHÀFLDO� WR� RXU� KHDOWK�� ,W� KDV�EHHQ� VFLHQWLÀFDOO\� SURYHQ� WKDW� QDWXUH� KDV� D�WKHUDSHXWLF�HIIHFW�RQ�LQGLYLGXDOV��:H�EHOLHYH�WKDW�the surroundings are the perfect framework to experiment these positive effects on our wellbeing.


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AREA 1: OS FROITOS DO MANDEO. Praia do Pedrido (Bergondo) Galicia, Spain.

7KH� VKDSHV� RI� WUDGLWLRQDO� ÀVKLQJ� ERDWV� DUH�disappearing at an increasing rate due to the PHDVXUHV� WR� UHQRYDWH� WKH� WUDGLWLRQDO� ÁHHW�� 7KH�reutilisation of these pieces of human ingenuity, apart from their use in marine or industrial archaeology is commendable, to give them a new purpose as the support and main piece for the structure of a playground game. An old ÀVKLQJ� ERDW� LV� QRW� RQO\� D� WUHDVXUH� UHFRYHUHG� IRU�the children, but an acknowledgement to the old trades and the industrial archaeology, a simple way of explaining how things work.

In addition to enjoying an area close to the water, children can see on the boat the usefulness and meaning of the elements: the shape of the hull and the sheer, the development of the gunnel or the shape of the stern show the logic behind the traditional uses and tasks.

The river not only houses the species captured by ÀVKHUPHQ�EXW�DOVR�KHOSHG�WR�JLYH�OLIH�WR�WKH�ODUJH�oak and chestnut trees that still grow on its shores, witnessing past practices. Interestingly, these resources and technology also served to build the ancient bridges that crossed the river to carry the ÀUVW�VWHDP�UDLOZD\V��

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These are naval archaeology pieces coming from important ship-scrapping businesses, master ÀVKHUPHQ�� ÀVKHUPHQ� JXLOGV� DQG� ULYHU� FDUSHQWHUV��The goal is to connect them with the history and traditional uses, respecting their nature while, at the same time, showing a proven ability to create safe playing equipment with leisure and exercising value. This way, a traditional wood boat was arranged with additional leisure and interpretive HOHPHQWV�DERXW�ZDWHU�DQG� WKH� ÀVKLQJ� WUDGH��1RW�only is the inside of the boat capable of providing discovery and adventure for children, its access has been created with a Tibetan bridge and wood stumps indicating the route. The elevated passage made with Robinia wood enables access to the Tibetan bridge with the tide is high.

Furthermore, a series of educative panels with WKHPHV� UHODWHG� WR� ÀVKLQJ� LQ� WKH� %HUJRQGR� DUHD��WKH� PDQXIDFWXUH� RI� D� ÀVKLQJ� ERDW�� GLIIHUHQW�VSHFLHV� RI� ÀVK� DQG� VHDIRRG� DV� ZHOO� DV� WKH�KDQGPDGH� FRQVWUXFWLRQ� RI� ÀVKLQJ� HTXLSPHQW�and the exploitation of salt marshes. On the other hand, there is also a photographic collage from the documentation provided by the “Miño Local Fishermen Association”. Finally, there are weathering steel silhouettes reminiscent of the DUHD·V�VSHFLÀF�WKHPH��

Fishing boat turned into a play area and a locomotive.

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AREA 2: AS BEIRAS DO MANDEO. Reboredo (Oza dos Ríos) Galicia, Spain. The intervention is located within pleasant surroundings where the vegetation and the river are the centre of attention. The proposal tries to add value to this natural area so that the elements that are introduced do not in any way create competition with the pre-existing elements. This way, the project aims to introduce a number of structures that are visually inconspicuous, formed by wood posts, ropes and mesh, so that these pieces do not interfere in the observation of the landscape.

Access to the river beach has been cleaned and ÀWWHG�XVLQJ�VRIW�PDWHULDOV�VXFK�DV�FRPSDFWHG�VRLO�and grass.

A series of elevated paths have been arranged throughout the different woodlands existing within the area, using rope, tree stumps and mesh anchored to the trees, as well as several vertical posts made of natural wood. Children are known to like climbing trees and this way we can grant that wish in a safe and fun manner.

In one of the forest glades, a circular area has been paved with gravel and enclosed with wood posts so as to serve as a curve. Natural wood ÀJXUH�HOHPHQWV�KDYH�EHHQ�SODFHG�ZLWKLQ�WKLV�DUHD��designed as a leisure area for small children. There DUH�UROH�SOD\LQJ�ÀJXUH�JDPHV��ZKHUH�WKH�FKLOGUHQ�can be watched by their parents very easily, while at the same time allowing them the freedom to play.

For movement playing, a zip line and a swing have been installed, which are very attractive to middle-aged children.

A storyteller game with the shape of a half-circle has also been installed in this natural area, together with a throne in the middle for the children to play DQG�IRU�WKH�DGXOWV�WR�WHOO�WKHP�VWRULHV��:LWK�D�QDWXUDO�background, the sound and smell of nature help to create the appropriate atmosphere for this type of activities.

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For all these games, it is not necessary to use impact-absorbing materials and, this way, the areas affected are not aesthetically or environmentally altered, avoiding costly maintenance work. This decision has forced us to use elements that feature heights without slope so that they can be absorbed by grass or vegetation.

A number of benches and deckchairs made of acacia wood have been placed in areas allowing pleasant views of the river, encouraging conversation and socialisation. Furthermore, an educative panel showcasing the natural and animal species of the area has been included, as well as an information sign about the leisure areas. An outdoor eating area with barbecues and stone tables has been placed near the entrance to the bridge. The rubbish receptacles are hidden inside wood structures.


Circuit made of rope between the trees and storyteller.

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ZONA 3: A FORZA DA AUGA. A Rexedoira (Cesuras). Galicia, Spain.

7KLV�LV�D�QDWXUDO�ORFDWLRQ�ZKHUH�ZH�ÀQG�D�QXPEHU�RI�pre-existing elements such as a stone bridge, the traditional construction of navvies and a traditional mill.

First, the area surrounding the construction ZDV� FOHDUHG� DQG� ÀWWHG�� UHFRYHULQJ� WKH� RULJLQDO�volumes. The proposal has been focused on the rehabilitation of the traditional construction by the navvies, trying not to alter the character of the building and using traditional building techniques whenever possible.

This building will eventually enable usage as a centre for community meetings, exhibition centre, etc.

In the rear area of the building there is a stone wall that serves as a guardrail and to mark off the leisure area. Next to this area, an arcaded area has been created, which coincides with the frontage line. The public space enters the building with the outdoor paving extending indoors. On the back area, a showcase for exhibitions has been installed, together with educational panels with a theme that focuses on the history of hydraulic systems in mills and the different ways of water uses to create energy, as well as information related to the house of the navvies themselves.

This provides a shelter and rest area for hikers, and includes a building belonging to the same SXEOLF� VSDFH��ZKHUH� SHRSOH� FDQ� ÀQG� LQWHUHVWLQJ�information about the history and the trades in the area.

A two-metre high weathering steel silhouette UHSUHVHQWV� D� ÀJXUH� DVVRFLDWHG� ZLWK� WKH� VSHFLÀF�theme of the area.

House with Corten steel silhouette and puzzle

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ZONA 4: PARQUE ARQUEOLÓXICO DO MANDEO. Grixalba (Sobrado dos Monxes). Galicia, Spain.

A series of eclipse-shaped paths made of gravel have been plotted which run between a small plant mound, over which several stone menhirs resembling milestones have been arranged. It is a project similar to “Land Art” since, when seen IURP�WKH�VN\�LW�ORRNV�OLNH�D�WZR�FRORXU�&HOWLF�ÀJXUH�recorded on the earth.

On the surrounding area of this piece with eclipse-shaped paths, a series of elements featuring historical recreations have been placed, which become leisure play areas. This way, we have a small fort created with three interconnected circular pieces which materialise through some small stone walls over which the wood structures are placed forming the roofs, which are made using traditional materials such as wicker.

A Roman settlement has been recreated by using several elements. On one hand, there are two modular sets with two towers each, made of wood, with all kinds of play accessories such as rock-climbing walls, metal slides, gangways and ÀUH�EULJDGH�EDUV��2Q�WKH�RWKHU�KDQG��D�ODUJH�VHYHQ�metre high surveillance tower acts as a viewpoint to watch the surrounding landscape. This tower has several climbing levels, which means that the drop height is never higher than that allowed by regulations. For children this is a milestone game, since they can overcome different levels with complete safety until they reach the viewpoint and thus attain the goal of being able to watch the spectacular landscape from above.

7KH� XVH� RI� DUWLÀFLDO� LPSDFW� PDWHULDO� KDV� EHHQ�deemed unnecessary, since the drop heights are under control.

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This way, we can feature a plant surface all around the area and maintain the coherence with the philosophy of the project.

An educational puzzle game made of mobile pieces enables connecting images relating them to concepts. These images are explained in the plates attached to the game’s post and they show a theme about artefacts from different points in the history of mankind.

Furthermore, a number of interpretive panels featuring the area’s architectural resources have been placed, also featuring maps of the existing barrows and dolmens in Grixalba, the hiking path in A Cidadela and the route featuring multiple mills. Several pieces of park furniture (tables and benches) have also been placed in the area as resting elements, as well as a weathering steel ÀJXUH�DVVRFLDWHG�ZLWK�WKH�DUHD·V�VSHFLÀF�WKHPH��LQ�this case Roman history.

A parking area near the entrance has been created in order to prevent vehicles from entering the natural area, marking off the perimeter with plants to visually separate the parking area.

Roman settlement with menhirs and a circular path

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ZONA 5: O FOGAR DE MANDEO. Ponte Aranga (Aranga). Galicia, Spain.

The are where the project was undertaken runs paralel to the river, in a pleasant natural location that is optimal for relaxation and leisure activities. A series of balancing games in accordance with the space (Natura models) have been set up, designed for the youngest children. In addition, a “leisure mountain”, with the shape of a hexagonal pyramid cut short and made of wood has been built, which houses elements for climbing as well as a metal slide. These games feature a low height, making them ideal for young children.

A wooden vertical rock climbing wall was placed on the edge opposite to the access area, made from planks arranged vertically and which allows teenagers to exercise through climbing games. The

rock climbing wall requires an impact absorbing area which was marked off with a wooden sand box. The rock climbing wall follows a zigzag pattern which allows differentiating the different play areas.

parallel to the course of the river, as if it were a concretion of the movement of the water, a series of wooden hills have been arranged to act like rounded mounds with different heights and slopes. They are built with acacia wood beams placed over a structure. These rolling planes create a suggestive and fun landscape, giving the ground a sense of movement and showing volume. The use for these elements is variable, with possible uses as a place for resting, sitting down or lay down looking at the sky, as well as play in a course overcoming the various obstacles.

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A puzzle with educational purposes has also been placed for the children to play relating concepts by connecting a series of images about animal species.

In order to protect the play area, a fence made with wood logs has been built, preventing dangerous access to the river.

A series of interpretive panels have been placed in the area, some about the area’s hiking routes, VSHFLÀFDOO\� WKH� URXWH� IROORZLQJ� WKH�5LYHU�0DQGHR�banks, and the route on the Cambás Valley, and others about the animal species related to these URXWHV��$�ZHDWKHULQJ� VWHHO� ÀJXUH�DVVRFLDWHG�ZLWK�the theme of this area has also been included, in this case a hiker.

7R�ÀQLVK�RII��WKH�SDUN�IXUQLWXUH�FRQVLVWV�RI�D�PHWDOOLF�bike rack, benches, stone tables, a bench with backrest, perforated sheet metal rubbish receptacles and wood rubbish receptacles.

Mounds with wave shapes, leisure hexagonal pyramid and silhouette made with weathering steel

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Following educational criteria in areas designed IRU� \RXQJ� FKLOGUHQ�� ZH� XVH� D� ÀJXUDWLYH� GHVLJQ��:KHQ� WKH� XVHUV� DUH� ROGHU�� WKH� GHVLJQ� LV� PRUH�abstract, while still being suggestive, in order to provoke the scenes that enhance the themes while leaving room for imagination and the user’s own interpretation.


$W�VHD��ERDWV��VHD�KRUVHV��VWDUÀVK��FUDEV�DQG�ÀVKHV�can be seen. It is expected that children will interact with each other, maximising games that will invite them to develop social roles. The designs are based on the motor skill needs of young children.

SECOND SCENE (Up TO 8 YEARS OLD)Captain Nemo travels to Vigo in search of the treasures hidden inside the shipwrecks during the Battle of Rande. That is how Jules Verne tells the story in his novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under :DWHUµ�� 7R� EHQHÀW� IURP� WKLV� UHPDUNDEOH� VWRU\��several games were designed based on some of the novel’s symbolic elements.

��The NautilusThe famous submarine turns into a play structure allowing us to slide, climb or imagine we are Captain Nemo manning his legendary submarine.


��El The Shipwreck. Consists of a play structure reproducing the skeleton of a mythological marine animal, with the ribs of a whale, as well as the frames, keel, gunwale, wheel, boom and gunnel, and the castles of the bow and stern. The structure is also reminiscent of a ship in a shipyard, and it houses spaces for climbing inside, as well as accessories that increase its value for usage and play.

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��The *KrakenThis is a piece with a strong presence, formed by curved tubes which hold rope mesh, bars to slide, swings or balance elements that create a complex and organic structure held together by WKH� DUPV� RI� WKH� JLDQW� RFWRSXV�� �:LWK� WKH� DUULYDO�of electronic games, by distributing the LED push buttons throughout the arms, we have achieved a modern reinterpretation of these popular games, seeking interaction between the users through the electronic game, which forces them to follow lights and sounds, climb and be fast following the signals from the game. This set allows housing a large number of users who can exercise with every type of activity.

��The merry-go-roundsCreated based on a water swirl, it incites users to be coordinated in order to achieve the best effect and speed.

Apart from featuring a visual game with painted swirls, the merry-go-rounds can hold many users and are liked by children of all ages.

THIRD SCENE (Up TO 16 YEARS OLD) Inspired in the Battle of Rande or Battle of Vigo, it was an important naval battle held in the Strait of Rande inside the St. Simon Inlet (where the Rande Bridge is now located), inside the Vigo Estuary. The Battle was held on the 23rd of October, 1702 when the squadrons of the Anglo-Dutch coalition faced the Spanish and French coalition, within the FRQWH[W�RI�WKH�:DU�RI�6SDQLVK�6XFFHVVLRQ���

The Battle of Rande is represented with cable-stayed struts resembling masts and the boom of the wrecked vessels. The central piece is *prometeo.

This central element was developed precisely with LQVSLUDWLRQ�IURP�WKH�IRUHVDLO�RI�D�À[HG�IRUHPDVW��,WV�oscillating movement is reminiscent of a wave or a moving ship. It can hold dozens of people who can get wild emotions if they synchronise. This is a piece that was selected by Art History professor Marisa Sobrino for the exhibition at the Vigo Museum of Contemporary Art “100 Years of Galician Industrial Design”.

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The art of necessity. It received several awards and LW�LV�WKH�ELJJHVW�FHUWLÀHG�URFNHU�LQ�WKH�ZRUOG��

:LWK� WKH� VFHQH�� WKH� VDLOV� RI� JUDQG� YHVVHOV� DUH�evoked in an abstract yet suggestive manner, thus turning the users into vessel crew members who climb up the masts or hold on the rails against the waves of the ocean.

All the play elements in this area are capable of holding dozens of users and maximise the integration of different generations since people of all ages dare to experience the thrilling sensation of rearrangement from this large piece.

Some structures such as prometeo can be interpreted as a game, as an engineering piece or as an sculpture. It is the user who takes advantage of the function that proves to be the most interesting or intriguing for them.

All of the elements contain climbing, sliding, balance or physical challenge devices. Its power and strength indicate that this is no ordinary element, but a game where we can dominate something very strong, such would be required for a vessel endeavoured to take on an a wild ocean.

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7KH�JUHDW�DZDUHQHVV�WRZDUGV�QDWXUH�KDV�LQÁXHQFHG�Galopin playgrounds to have an understanding for its projects on natural grounds as an ideal mechanism to integrate the play elements in the environment in a harmonious manner, without altering the natural surroundings.

This careful way of working, taking into account the respect for the surroundings enables project with minimum impact while keeping a strong connection with the environment.

The use of wood as the main material enhances the alignment of the elements with the space where they are located, achieving visual and form coherence.


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This large area is linked to the two main park accesses, mostly surrounded by vegetation and DOPRVW� ÁDW�� ZKLFK� FUHDWHV� DQ� RSWLPDO� QDWXUDO�scenario for the installation of a play area like the one that is required.

One of the premises for this intervention was to bring about a set of elements with a large capacity to attract, being able to host a large number of users simultaneously.

This way, besides offering an attractive play area, we were able to control waiting times between the arrival and departure of large groups (day trips, school visits...) and the beginning and end of the routes, concentrating all the children in an accessible area, delimited and liked to the parking area access.

The proposal for AREA 1 is based on the recovery of part of the local history through the materialisation of a recognisable object that is linked to one of the most outstanding excerpts from the history and past of Montealegre, such as the existence of a monastery located in the surrounding area and the presence of the religious order who left their mark through the centuries.

The “monastery” is, therefore, an exclusive element that was designed as a function of the needs that were detected and the theme that was chosen, being guided by the general principles of intervention in natural areas and which shares its characteristics with “Natura”.

This set allows for up to 80 children of different ages to play simultaneously, and is complemented by a wide array of educational and auxiliary elements that are suitable for everyone.

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This area is based on the recovery of a wild na-tural area as a play and landscape exploration area.

Located near the highest part of the park and enjoying spectacular views of the city of Ourense and its surroundings, this play area is in essence an organic proposal with a very low visual impact based on the use of completely natural materials, some even recovered from the surroundings themselves.

The game is part of the landscape blending with nature. It is born out of the surroundings, being sensitive towards the pre-existing elements.

The goal is not to compete with the landscape, but rather to attempt to teach people to look at it from a different perspective.

Thus, we have created a natural course comprised of elevated walkways, areas with ropes and nets, rock-climbing walls and balancing elements, which blend together with the elements that are present in the area (rocks, trees...).

The set is made of Robinia wood, using only whole pieces without destroying their internal structure. This ensures a higher durability and a lower consumption, obtaining full use of the piece and a low rate of processing of the raw material.

The circuit comprises sets of triangular nets, walkways and slides made of Robinia wood.

In addition, there are two rock-climbing walls made of wood as well as seesaws.

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The surface of the project area is 551.50 m2; the plot is located on terraced land, featuring a slope that is also usable as a play area. In the area, we can see a background comprised of natural materials and an upper platform where a viewpoint is located, all surrounded by a large forested green space.

A nearby area has also been developed with the placement of games for small children (aged between 0.5 and 5 years) with a surface of 204.60 m2. This is important because it enables easy communication between the two areas, and to the main entrances of the park.

The area is characterized by being a peaceful green space inside the city, and it has become a real place for outdoor relaxation and leisure in the neighbourhood and surrounding areas. The development was carried out with care, taking into account these special characteristics.


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:H� KDYH� SURSRVHG� VWUXFWXUHV� WKDW� DUH� YHU\�“transparent” and subtle, which encourage both fun and participation for children and adults; also providing multiple option for play. It is an abstract GHVLJQ� VHHNLQJ� ERWK� HIÀFLHQF\� DQG� LQWHJUDWLRQ�with its surroundings.

All of the proposed elements feature discrete colours and high durability. The elements seek to attain chromatic consistency and a high quality of PDWHULDO��:H�KDYH�IXUWKHU�UHGXFHG�WKH�DPRXQW�RI�materials used, producing elements that are less exposed to vandalism, since they do not feature large surfaces.

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:H� KDYH� SURSRVHG� VWUXFWXUHV� WKDW� DUH� YHU\�“transparent” and subtle which encourage fun and participation for both children and adults; also providing multiple option for play. It is an abstract GHVLJQ� VHHNLQJ� ERWK� HIÀFLHQF\� DQG� LQWHJUDWLRQ�with its surroundings.

All of the proposed elements feature discrete colours and highly durable materials. The elements seek to attain chromatic consistency and a high quality of material. The elements seek to attain chromatic consistency and a high quality of PDWHULDOV��:H�KDYH�IXUWKHU�UHGXFHG�WKH�DPRXQW�RI�materials used, producing elements that are less exposed to vandalism, since they do not feature large surfaces.

Against other options, Galopín has chosen cleaner, more transparent structures where, nevertheless many children and adults can play.

This play area is designed for users 5 years old and up, and it encourages participation and shared playing among them, regardless of their age.

Since these are light elements, they free up space in the park, allowing children to run freely from one game to the other, without obstacles, which maximises they park’s dynamism and the children’s physical exercise.

All the elements are dynamic, and they’re based on movement. The slides, the tubes, the swings, the merry-go-rounds, the cable-stayed game and even prometeo itself take advantage of the slope, nothing is static. Even the swings’ post seem to be moving, like prometeo, who lets itself be moved by the wind besides its size and sturdiness.

Furthermore, all these elements prevent children from crowding, enhance interaction and cooperation among themselves and their surroundings. The generational interaction with adults has also been taken into account, since it is always a positive aspect, especially if it is channelled through playing.

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From the moment that it was opened, this park has received great acceptance from the citizens of A Coruña and general and the neighbourhood in particular. The area residents are for the most part couples with children and the park allows them to enjoy leisure and playing on a daily basis. parents and the elderly also enjoy the green space where they can walk, play sports or sit down to talk and rest. The park thus becomes a place to enjoy leisure time, a meeting point for the residents of the area and coexistence among the different generations.

The entire park is the centre of attention, children have the possibility to know the elements that are provided in the surrounding area which is nature itself; it is not about limiting the children to an enclosed area, but to allow

them to freely explore nature and to have fun and discover through learning.

This way, the games never compete with the park, they must allow transparency to perceive the trees and the surroundings, with nature as the true centre of attention.

On the other hand, the location of the viewpoint above the play area has reasserted our idea to avoid installing elements with too much visual impact. In particular, prometeo is characterised in that it doesn’t overpower the area where it is located, mimicking the natural surroundings and even becomes part of the context within the park.

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This is a live sculpture that can be touched and where children can play which becomes the central piece of the prometeo park, which apart from being the biggest seesaw in the world, it is an awarded piece that has been exhibited in museums such as the MARCO (Museum of Contemporary Art) in Vigo. The feedback from the users and the media has been extremely positive and the creator, who has been awarded for his designs, KDV�VDLG��´:H�DUH�XVHG�WR�VHHLQJ�DUWZRUN�GLVSOD\HG�LQ�PXVHXPV�WKDW�ZH�FDQ�VHH�EXW�QHYHU�WRXFK��3URPHWHR�LV�D�PRQXPHQWDO�SLHFH�WKDW�KDV�EHHQ�FHUWLÀHG�DV�D�JDPH��LV�IXQ�DQG�H[FLWLQJ��ZKLOH�DW�WKH�VDPH�WLPH�LW�LV�VDIH�and it can be used but a large number of users of all ages”.


7+5((�',))(5(17�:$<6�2)�+$9,1*�)81�7$.,1*�ADVANTAGE OF THE GROUND

In order to take advantage of the different characteristics of the ground to play, we have come up with three different ways of sliding and climbing: the inclined rock-climbing wall, the slide with parallel straight metal tubes and the sheet metal slide. From the beginning, we were seeking elements with low maintenance and different purposes. For example, the rock-climbing wall is inserted directly into the rubber ground and the slides (made of large stainless steel tubes) take advantage of the slope to enhance the fun experience. The sheet metal slide completes the set by adapting perfectly to the sloping ground.

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%DVHG�RQ�WKH�SRVWV�RI�3URPHWHR��D�VSDFH�ZLWK�WKUHH�VZLQJV�LV�FUHDWHG��WZR�ZLWK�D�ÁDW�VKDSH�DQG�RQH�ZLWK�the shape of a basket. The inclined posts give the feeling that the entire set is moving, while at the same time giving a fun touch to the element.


These elements resemble ship masts or bows and are designed in metal. They look like real urban “trees” where children can reach heights to observe the city. They allow users to play and to observe the park from an elevated point of view. They coexist perfectly with the prometeo because they are part of the same range. It enables users to climb up a rope.

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These are fully dynamic elements that allow for immediate interaction between children. They are PDGH�RI� VWDLQOHVV� VWHHO� LQ�GLIIHUHQW�GLDPHWHUV��:H�have installed three merry-go-rounds in different shapes to allow children to share the fun with their friends.


This is a game for two users. The movement takes place from interaction and cooperation among both users. They are made of stainless steel, SURYLGLQJ�WKHP�ZLWK�DQ�LPSHFFDEOH�ÀQLVK��


:H� IRXQG� LW� DGHTXDWH� WR� SURYLGH� DQ� DUHD�VSHFLÀFDOO\� IRU� \RXQJ� FKLOGUHQ�� 7KH\� PXVW� EH�supervised by adults and if the children play together they are easier to watch. An area dedicated to the youngest children has also been placed in the upper part of the park.

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