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Projects with a Punch Science and Social Studies projects that will energize, educate, and engage students in any classroom. Walk away with materials and examples that you can take back to your classroom today! Project based learning has never been so easy! Excite your students with hands-on learning that will edutain! Presenters: Daniel Stanford, Jordan Marmara - Parkwood Middle School - Monroe, NC
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Daniel Stanford and Jordan Marmara Parkwood Middle School Monroe, NC With a
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Daniel Stanford and Jordan Marmara

Parkwood Middle School

Monroe, NC

With a

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“hands-on learning allows students

to build understanding that is

functional and to develop the

ability to inquire themselves, in

other words, to become

independent learners.”

Karen Worth, Education Development

Center, Inc.

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Project based learning is a

dynamic approach to

teaching in which students

explore real-world problems

and challenges. With this

type of active and engaged

learning, students are

inspired to obtain a deeper

knowledge of the subjects

they're studying

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Project Based Learning is an instructional approach built upon learning activities that engage student interest and


Project Based Learning is learning in depth. A well-designed project provokes students to encounter and struggle with concepts and principles of the content.

Project Based Learning teaches students 21st Century skills such as communication and presentation skills, organization and time management skills, research and

inquiry skills, self-assessment and reflection skills, and group participation and leadership skills.

Finally, Project Based Learning allows students to reflect upon their own ideas and opinions, exercise voice and choice, and make decisions that affect project outcomes and the learning process.

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projects are

related to your

what you’re


projects allow students

to interact and respond

to information

projects actively

engage students in

authentic learning


Of A Project

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Types of Projects

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Everyone Should

Have a Job!

Projects should

incorporate different

learning styles

Each person is responsible for the group

grade as well as his or her own grade

Everyone should be allowed to evaluate

the other group members

Every member of the group must help


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This is an

opportunity for

the individual to


Allow time for

questions and


Projects should

be compared to

the individual’s


Students should have


Allow time for longer


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Projects should be individual or small


Smaller objectives and less time consuming

Projects should work toward a common

goal but have different ways to

achieve it.

“Show and Tell” kind of


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To Be Effective, Projects

Should Be Fun for

and the

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Name: Pd

Project: Crazy Ocean Creature

Congratulations! You have been selected from a panel of scientists to create your very own fish for a Charlotte aquarium. Your mission is to create a fish that is unique, interesting, and based on facts learned from your science journals. Your job will be divided into two parts, the creation of an actual fish and a news article announcing the discovery of your fish.

Part 1: Create an Ocean Creature

You will be designing a 3D model of a fish or other aquatic organism. Remember, your fish needs to be unique and interesting. You must also be able to explain what all the parts of the fish are used for. Guidelines:

Your fish must be a 3-D model.

Do not use anything that will “go bad”. o (Ex: No Vegetables, Animals, Food, etc.)

Your fish must be original. Your fish should have adaptations for its environment.


Use household items. o (Ex: Soda Cans, Popsicle sticks, etc.)

Make your organism’s adaptations make sense. o (Ex: Lights for seeing in dark water)

Use research to help you create an organism with adaptations you can explain.

Grading Rubric: Points Earned:

Creativity: 15 PTS Originality: 10 PTS + Effort: 10 PTS + Adaptations: 15 PTS +


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Part 2: News Article

You will be writing a news article announcing that you have found the latest and greatest sea creature this century! This article will need to have the most detailed information available regarding your sea creature. Guidelines:

Your article must be roughly 1 page long. You will need to leave space for a picture of your creature. Your article must contain the following information:

o Where was your creature found? o In which zone of the ocean does your creature live? o What is the diet of your creature? o What are the adaptations that your fish has? What are

they used for? o What is the scientific name of your fish? What is its

common name? o What is your fish’s physical appearance (male or

female, size, color) Suggestions:

Use existing news articles on the internet to help you write your article.

Come up with a clever title for your article.

Be sure to include all the facts listed in the guidelines. Grading Rubric: Points Earned:

Creativity: 15 PTS Authenticity: 10 PTS + Effort: 10 PTS +

Information: 15 PTS +


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Congratulations! You have been chosen by a major

national comic book company to create a new comic book

character that will be included in a new comic book series.

Your character will be features in the new series “The

Elements of Adventure”. The new character that you create

will be a comic superhero or villain based on one of the elements

listed on the Periodic Table of the Elements. To aid in explain your

new character, you will also write a short story that will accompany your


What Do I Need to Do?

1. Select an element from the Periodic Table and reserve it by

telling the comic book representative (Mr. Marmara). Students in the same class

will not be allowed to do this same element.

2. The characteristics of your element will determine the appearance of your

character. For example, the atomic weight and atomic number of your element

will help to determine the size and weight of your superhero/villain. The valence

electrons/electronegativity, reactivity, metal/nonmetal characteristics will help to

determine the strengths, weaknesses and character traits of your superhero as

well as who your allies/enemies are.

3. Create a detailed drawing, 3-D model, or short video presentation of your

superhero or villain, based on the characteristics of your element.

4. Attach a description of your hero/villain that answers the following questions:

a. What is your character’s name?

b. Is your character a Hero or a Villain?

c. Where did your character come from?

d. What are your character’s strengths?

e. What are your character’s weaknesses?

f. Who are the character’s enemies?

g. Who are the character’s allies?

h. Describe the character’s physical appearance

5. Write a short story that tells of one of the many adventures of your hero or villain

6. Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation

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Grading Rubric

50 PTS: All components are present & factually correct

25 PTS: M.I.N.T. Work, Creative & Neat

25PTS: Class presentation

Due Date

Your presentation with the comic book company is scheduled for:

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Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a travel brochure

for a specific ocean zone/ecosystem. You must convince potential

tourists that your ocean zone is the best, most interesting area of the

ocean to visit. Due to the weak economy, more tourists are needed and

so is your help!

Your travel brochure is due by:

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1. Fold a single sheet of paper into a travel brochure shape (Folding

it into thirds, as you would a letter works best)

2. Select one zone of the ocean (Intertidal, Neritic, Oceanic, Benthic,

Estuary) and include the name in some way on the FRONT cover.

You should also include a picture on your front cover.

3. The inside of the brochure must have the following:

a. Where is your zone/ecosystem located? (How do I get


b. What is the water like? (Visibility, Clarity, Temperature, etc)

c. What type of plants live there?

d. What type of animals live there?

e. Why would someone want to visit your zone/ecosystem?

(Pictures & words can be used to answer the questions above, be

as creative as you like, but be sure that your creative additions

have some connection to the facts presented to you in class).

4. The back must have your name, date, and class period.

How to earn Points:

Name of Zone on FRONT 5 Points

Picture of Zone on FRONT 5 Points

Location of Zone INSIDE 10 Points

Information about water INSIDE 10 Points

Information about plants INSIDE 10 Points

Information about animals INSIDE 10 Points

Name/Class Information on BACK 5 Points

M.I.N.T. Quality 10 Points

Correct Facts / Level of Detail 20 Points

Creativity 15 Points


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Congratulations! You have been selected to create a new

water quality bumper sticker for Union County Public Works!

The bumper sticker must follow certain criteria:

Use of Microsoft Publisher

Rectangular Shape

Dimensions: 10 ½ “ x 3 ¾ “

Must include at least one (1) of the following terms:

o pH

o Turbidity

o Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.)

o Nitrates (N-O)

o Temperature

o Bioindicator(s)

o Eutrophication

Describe what good water quality would “look like” using

at least one of the above terms.

Should include at least one illustration and/or picture*

Should be “Catchy”, “Creative” & “M.I.N.T.”

*Be sure to cite the website where images are retrieved from

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PROJECT: W.Q.B.S- Grading Rubric

Use of Microsoft Publisher……………………………..5 PTS

(Follow Template)

Correct Shape …………………………………………….…5 PTS


Correct Size……………………………………………………5 PTS

(10 ½ “ x 3 ¾ “)

Use of one vocabulary term…………………………..10 PTS

(Use from previous page)

Explanation of vocabulary term……………………..25 PTS

(Explains what healthy water would look like

to the understanding of the general public)

Use of illustration(s) or picture (s)………………….20 PTS

(1 predesigned or personally

created illustration)

Correct citation of picture(s)………………………….10 PTS

(Citation of illustrator on sticker)

Creative & Catchy…………………………………………10 PTS

(Helps to summarize the idea of good water

quality in a catchy, bumper-sticker style, way)

M.I.N.T (Quality of Work)..………………………….…..10 PTS

(Work is Meritorious, Interesting, Neat, Thoughtful)

TOTAL POINTS: …………………………………………………..100 PTS

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African Mask Project

Name: ____________________ Mask Creativity ______/25 Accuracy ______/25 Museum Piece Grammar ______/15

Information _______/15 Presentation Delivery _______/10 Notes ________/10 Total: __________/100

African Mask Project

Name: ____________________ Mask Creativity ______/25 Accuracy ______/25 Museum Piece Grammar ______/15

Information _______/15 Presentation Delivery _______/10 Notes ________/10 Total: __________/100

African Mask Project

Name: ____________________ Mask Creativity ______/25 Accuracy ______/25 Museum Piece Grammar ______/15

Information _______/15 Presentation Delivery _______/10 Notes ________/10 Total: __________/100

African Mask Project

Name: ____________________ Mask Creativity ______/25 Accuracy ______/25 Museum Piece Grammar ______/15

Information _______/15 Presentation Delivery _______/10 Notes ________/10 Total: __________/100

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Africa is a land full of customs and rituals. One of the most colorful displays of tribal ritual can be found in the many masking ceremonies throughout the continent. Although masking ceremonies are not as common place in Africa as they once were, masks are still looked at as an important part of African

culture and history and are still used in important rituals and celebrations.

As one of the leading experts on African culture, you have been asked by a major museum to help design a new African display for the “Cultures of the World” exhibit! They would like you to research and recreate an authentic African tribal mask! In order to complete the display you will need to submit a write-up about the mask and the tribe where the mask originated. Below you will find the specifics of your assignment. Have fun and congratulations on being chosen to participate in this wonderful opportunity!

African Mask Project



1. You will need to make a 2-3 minute formal presentation to the museum board (your classmates) about your mask and your research.

2. You will need to show off your mask and briefly outline your research.

3. You will need to make notes during presentations so that the information can be compiled for the exhibit.


1. Do some research and choose of the hundreds of masks found in Afri-ca.

2. Record any important information.

3. Get a description of the mask such as size, color, shape, etc…

4. Draw a sketch or print out a picture of your mask.

5. Using various material recreate the mask using accurate colors and shapes.

Museum Piece:

1. After you have done the research, you should write a one page summary of your results.

2. You will need at least one paragraph explaining the ethnic group/tribe that your mask originates from. Be sure to include information about culture, history, location, etc..

3. You will need at least one paragraph detailing the ceremonial use for your mask.

Points Mask 50

Creativity - 25 pts

Accuracy - 25pts

Museum Piece 30

Neatness and Grammar - 15pts

Required Information - 15pts

Presentation 20


Research an African mask and ethnic group.

Recreate the mask

Prepare a paper outlining your research.

Present your findings and mask to the class.

Due : Thur sday - Feb rua ry 2 1 , 2008

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What Is This All About:

Get a canned food item (with the label still on it). Using information that you get from

your research, you are going to create a new label that will fit over the original label.

Your label needs to be colorful, creative, and neat. It will be used to highlight one of the

problems that faces Africa today. The made-up contents of your can will be used to help

solve the problem.

So What Do You Need to Do?

Research one of the many problems that is facing Africa today. Once you have picked a

problem and researched it, you need to answer the following questions on the new

label of the can:

What is the problem?

Why does the problem exists?

Where in Africa is this a problem?

How will the contents of your can will help to solve the problem.?

After the project is

finished, I will donate all

of the canned food items

to charity.


Due Thursday 1/3/08

AfriCAN Project

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Congratulations! You have been chosen by

the CEO of a major cereal company to

serve as the head designer for a new com-

memorative cereal box. Your task will be to

redesign a cereal box to honor one of

America’s first Revolutionaries.

• The first step in the assignment is to choose one

person from American history who is considered a

revolutionary. (see the list on the back)

• The next step should be to conduct research on

this person using class notes, textbooks, , and oth-

er outside resources (both internet and print re-


~ The research should include biographical

information that details who the person was, facts

about their life, and why they are considered one

of America’s first revolutionaries

• The final step will then be to re-design a cereal

box that commemorates the life of this historical

figure and includes an essay about his/her life.


Thursday December 15 (A day)


Friday December 16 (B day)

One side panel should include at least one interesting

quote from your hero and a brief background as to when

and why the particular quote was given, or to what event

the quote refers.

Another side panel should include some random trivial

facts about your person – important relatives, funny

facts, strange facts about the person’s death, interesting

information about a political campaign, etc.

The box top should include some kind of reference to

the most significant event in your person’s life. (The

thing that made your person a revolutionary). This

reference could be in the form or a slogan or other brief

statement – but it should be brief. It is to be used as a

“grabber” to make your reader interested in reading the

historical essay on the back of your box.

The box bottom should include your name, your class

period, and any and sources that you used during your


The front of the box should include the name of

the cereal – a creative name that somehow relates

to your person - and a picture of the person. This

can be printed, or hand-drawn. It might also

include other slogans, catch-phrases, or other

comments that relate to your figure. (For

example, one dealing with President Obama might

say “change you can crunch into”)

The back of the box should include detailed

information about your figure. Here you are

writing an original biographical story about your

chosen person. The story should include the

following components:

Information on the person’s life (birth,

education, etc…)

Information on the events that made your

person and revolutionary figure (his/her role in the

American Revolution).

The back may include some small pictures, but

should mostly be a historical/biographical essay

Cereal Box


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Nathan Hale

James Madison

James Monroe

William Prescott

George Rogers Clark

Molly Pitcher

Abigail Adams

Martha Washington

Betsy Ross

Deborah Sampson

Website Resources










Grading Criteria

Cover – 10 points (design, images, slogans)

Sides – 5 points each (quotes, anecdotes, trivia)

Top/Bottom – 5 points each (Grabber, name,


Back – 40 points (Details, accuracy, grammar)

Neatness – 10 points

Creativity - 10 points (overall look, creativity)

Presentation – 10 points (clarity, preparedness,

substance, professionalism)

• **If you select someone who is not on the list or you

copy and paste any part of your essay you WILL NOT



Patrick Henry

John Adams

Samuel Adams

Benjamin Franklin

John Hancock

Joseph Warren

Richard Henery Lee

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

Paul Revere

Benedict Arnold

John Paul Jones

Nathanael Greene

John Jay

Thomas Paine

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Cereal Box Project

Name:________________________________________________________ Period:____________________

Cover: ________________ Neatness: ________________

Sides: ________________ Creativity: ________________

Top/Bottom: __________ Presentation: ________________

Back: ________________ TOTAL: ________________

Cereal Box Project

Name:________________________________________________________ Period:____________________

Cover: ________________ Neatness: ________________

Sides: ________________ Creativity: ________________

Top/Bottom: __________ Presentation: ________________

Back: ________________ TOTAL: ________________

Cereal Box Project

Name:________________________________________________________ Period:____________________

Cover: ________________ Neatness: ________________

Sides: ________________ Creativity: ________________

Top/Bottom: __________ Presentation: ________________

Back: ________________ TOTAL: ________________

Cereal Box Project

Name:________________________________________________________ Period:____________________

Cover: ________________ Neatness: ________________

Sides: ________________ Creativity: ________________

Top/Bottom: __________ Presentation: ________________

Back: ________________ TOTAL: ________________

Cereal Box Project

Name:________________________________________________________ Period:____________________

Cover: ________________ Neatness: ________________

Sides: ________________ Creativity: ________________

Top/Bottom: __________ Presentation: ________________

Back: ________________ TOTAL: ________________

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Civil War Timeline


Due Friday March 11, 2011

As a class we are going to create a human timeline! For your part, you are going

to research an assigned date and present it to the class as a part of the timeline.

What do I need to do?

Research your date and find information about the who, what, when,

where, why and how of the event.

Next you will need to use that information to write a 1-2 page summary of

your event. You will need to tell the “story” of what happened and why it

was important during the Civil War.

After that, you need to create a display that visually tells the story of your

event. This can be a poster, project display board, t-shirt, etc… You should

include pictures and descriptions of the details and the people that were

part of your event.

Finally, you will need to create a 2-3 minute presentation that you will give

to the class

How will I be graded?

40% - Display

40% - Written summary

20% - Presentation

Be sure that you cite all of your sources, and you DO NOT COPY AND

PASTE ANY PART OF YOUR PAPER. Work that is copied, will not receive


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Create Your Own Culture Project 1st 6 Weeks Project


Culture Worksheets 25pts

Museum Display 25pts

Required Elements 25pts

Creativity 25pts

Total 100pts

Group grades____________________ total_________

_______ + ________ / 2= ___________

Project Grade_________________

Create Your Own Culture Project 1st 6 Weeks Project


Culture Worksheets 25pts

Museum Display 25pts

Required Elements 25pts

Creativity 25pts

Total 100pts

Group grades____________________ total_________

_______ + ________ / 2= ___________

Project Grade_________________

Create your own culture

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Group member grade

Name grade reason

Your name____________________________________

Create your own culture

Group member grade

Name grade reason

Your name____________________________________

Create your own culture

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Cultural museum score sheet

Culture display artifacts creativity total

Group members:____________________________________ ____________________________________

Culture name: _____________________________________

Create your own culture

Cultural museum score sheet

Culture display artifacts creativity total

Group members:____________________________________ ____________________________________

Culture name: _____________________________________

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Create Your Own Culture

The Stanford institute has stumbled across several new

cultures in the Parkwood Area! These new cultures have been found with

complete histories, societies and many cultural characteristics. The

question now is, who are these people? As anthropologists, you have

been given the task of unearthing these new societies. You will work

with a team to solve this mystery and trace these cultures through their

governments, economies, clothing, food, etc… Together with the Stanford

institute you will present your findings at a special museum exhibit.

Have fun and good luck!

The culture you present must include the following aspects:

-Completed Worksheet Packet

- An exhibit that details all of the findings (from the


- Models of housing, clothing and currency

- Three additional artifacts from the optional list

- A five to ten minute presentation explaining the culture

Create Your Own Culture

The Stanford institute has stumbled across several new

cultures in the Parkwood Area! These new cultures have been found with

complete histories, societies and many cultural characteristics. The

question now is, who are these people? As anthropologists, you have

been given the task of unearthing these new societies. You will work

with a team to solve this mystery and trace these cultures through their

governments, economies, clothing, food, etc… Together with the Stanford

institute you will present your findings on September 16 or 17 at a

special museum exhibit. Have fun and good luck!

The culture you present must include the following aspects:

-Completed Worksheet Packet

- An exhibit that details all of the findings (from the


- Models of housing, clothing and currency

- Three additional artifacts from the optional list

- A five to ten minute presentation explaining the culture

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Create Your Own Island Project - Grade Sheet


Creativity _______/20 Five Parts of a Map _________/50 Three Geographic Features ______/30

Total___________/100 Grade__________

Create Your Own Island Project - Grade Sheet


Creativity _______/20 Five Parts of a Map _________/50 Three Geographic Features ______/30

Total___________/100 Grade__________

Create Your Own Island Project - Grade Sheet


Creativity _______/20 Five Parts of a Map _________/50 Three Geographic Features ______/30

Total___________/100 Grade__________

Create Your Own Island Project - Grade Sheet


Creativity _______/20 Five Parts of a Map _________/50 Three Geographic Features ______/30

Total___________/100 Grade__________

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fakebook Home Profile Friends Inbox (1) Settings Log out

Cynthia Winter 5 minutes ago

Wall Info Photos +

March 3rd

, what a great day. My new baby boy has been born! Thanks for all of your thoughts.

It’s Day 156 on the trail and everyone is doing much better. I am expected to soon give birth to a lovely boy! Everyone please keep me in mind.

It has been a rough day on the trail and we are lacking food. A few died last night because of the harsh weather. RIP Thomas Fillmore. You are in our thoughts.

Day 146. I feel like I can’t take it any longer, I hope each of us can make it through. We always have one another and hopefully that is enough.

So, I am walking with you down the trail. You are going to have a baby soon. I promise I will be right beside you through everything, I know you are worried but I promise we will make it through together!

I think that I am dying I will miss you and I will see you in heaven.

I am so proud of how strong you have been through this walk. Remember I am by your side. Be safe!

It has been awhile since we have talked, I have had my baby and she is healthy! I hope you are getting along well and I will catch up with you soon when we reach our destination.

View photos of me (34) Cynthia Winter I am 26 years old and I am walking the Oregon Trail. I am all about cooking and also supporting my friends and family along the way.

Information Relationship Status: Married to James Anderson

Current City: Vale, Oregon Birthday: July 6, 1821


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Resting on the trail, it has been a long day! With- James Anderson

MaryAnn Wilkinson I am finally getting use to this Fakebook! Thanks for helping me set it up. It helps to keep everything much more organized and public. See you soon!

Everyone is making it just fine! Glad to see everyone is on the right track. I will try to keep you all posted as much as I can. Hopefully the rest of the trip will go just as smoothly.

Finally got this set up with the help of my friends! So glad to know I have them by my side for support. We all will be just fine!

fakebook Home Profile Friends Inbox (1) Settings Log out

Wall Info Photos +

Username: Cynthia Winter Works at Lives in From Born on

Farming Oregon Trail Charleston, SC July 6th, 1821

Edit Profile

Activities and Interests

Interests Interest Interest Interest

Basic Information

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About You: My name is Cynthia Winter and I am loved by my family and friends. I am married to James Anderson and we are a family of three. I gave birth to a healthy boy on March 3rd and since then I have faced many challenges which has made me grow into who I am today. I don’t have a well education but I expect to learn more as I travel on.

Networks: South Carolina Elementary, Charleston Church

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Hammurabi for President!!!!!!

Hammurabi (the ancient Babylonian king) has traveled through time and wants to be elected president of the United States! He has enlisted you and your team to be his

chief election officials. It is up to you to help him get elected.

Its just a couple of months until the primaries and Hammurabi has hired you and your team to create some magic! He has arrived in this century and wants to be in charge again, but people are worried that he is not modern enough. He needs your

help to sway public opinion to get people to elect him President of the United States.

Your team will research him and the types of problems that he dealt with during his ancient rule and translate that information into the skills he has to run our country today. You will become an expert in one part of his life and report that information

back to your team.

Each person in your group will become an expert in one aspect of Hammurabi's life.

Farming Issues in Mesopotamia

Crime Control in Mesopotamia

Economy in Mesopotamia

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Each group will create 3 campaign materials to assist Hammurabi in getting elected.

You must create at least one campaign item from each section.

Section 1

A Speech to United States televised on TV

A Speech to Fortune 500 Delegates

A Speech to Fraternal Order of Police

A TV ad with storyboard or script

Section 2

A Campaign Button

A Campaign Bumper Sticker

A Campaign Election Poster

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With the signing of the American Constitution, the principles and ideas presented in that document would forever effect the citizens of the United States. A little over 220 years later, those principles and ideas still serve as the guiding force of America today. Now, we are going to take our “hats off” to this timeless document by creating a

special hat that explores the theories of the Constitution!


First, using the Constitution, pick one of the amendments contained

in the document. Once you have chosen an amendment, next you

need to write a brief summary (3-4 paragraphs) explaining the

Constitutional amendment. Your summary should tell when the

amendment was added, explain what freedom or right is granted

by the amendment, and discuss the affect the amendment has on

American citizens. Finally, you need to create a hat that highlights

your chosen amendment. Your hat should illustrate the things that

were discussed in your summary. You should include symbols,

pictures, etc… that explain your Constitutional amendment and

shows examples of that amendment today. You may use any kind of

hat that you have, or you may make a paper hat. Also, you will be

asked to present your amendment and hat to the class with a 2-3

minute presentation.

Have fun and good luck!

Hats off to the Constitution!

Amendment Summary 40 pts

Hat 40 pts

Presentation 20 pts

Project Points


Your written summary MUST be your own work! Copy and pasting from the internet will not receive credit.

Be sure to work out your presentation, you should not just read your paper.

Be creative and have fun with your project!

Due Tuesday January 18, 2011

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Based on the skittles that you received, write down the following facts

Yellow – A North Carolina Symbol

Red – An Event from American History

Green – A Fact About North Carolina

Purple – A Person from American History

Orange – A Battle from an American War

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History Book Project

“The Life and Times of Mahatma


DUE Tuesday 4/21/09 or Wednesday 4/22

You have been asked by top publishing

company, Stanford Inc., to write a book

detailing the life of the great Indian

leader Gandhi!

Your book will be broken down into

chapters based on at least five key

events in Gandhi’s life. You will need

to have at least three to four

paragraphs written for each event.

Also, each event must have accompanying

pictures. As you write about each

event, remember to work toward

answering the common question of, “how

did Gandhi influence the world?”

Along with individual chapters, your

book must have a decorated front and

back cover, a title page, and a table

of contents.

Be creative, have fun, and do your


Page 47: Projectswithapunch

Grading: 50% All components are present.

25% Creativity, originality, and neatness. 25% Class presentation

My Migrat ion Stor y

What Do I Need to Do? 1. Interview parents/family members/guardians about moves your family has made. Ask them why these moves occurred and what was the attraction to the next place. Go as far back in your family’s history as you can. 2. On a poster board or in a media presentation show the above moves on a map. (Use different colors for mother’s family and father’s family). Maps may be of the world, the U.S., the state, or the county. 3. Save one part of the poster board or media presentation to display a flow chart or timeline that explains each of the moves with a sentence or two. 4. Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation and tell your story.

Where are you from? How did you get to North Car-

olina? These are questions that you may have asked or

been asked yourself. As we have studied, many peo-

ple came from all over American and the world to settle

in colonial North Carolina. So how did you get to North

Carolina? For your second six weeks project you are go-

ing to explore that idea!

For this project you are going to explore your family’s

journey to North Carolina. For some the journey will be

long while others may have no journey at all, but

everyone has a story to tell.

Due 11/5-11/6

Due 11/5-11/6

Useful website for family research: rootsweb.com This website contains collections of genealogy research. Many families are listed but

not all.

The Union County Public Library has free access to ancestry.com. You may use this service for two hours each day. It is an excellent resource.

Page 48: Projectswithapunch

Additional Items


Classified ad

Weather report

Comic Strip

Editorial article


Current Event # 1 20

Current Event # 2 20

Current Event # 3 20

Political Cartoon 20

Picture 10

Additional Items 10

Total 100


Today—partly cloudy with

a 30% chance of rain

As the Editor-N-Chief

of your own newspa-

per, it is up to you to

deliver a quality

first edition. Your

goal is to capture

your readers atten-

tion and inform

them about relevant

news items from the

Middle East.

In creating this

first edition of your

newspaper, you must

include three news

articles from the area

of the world known as

the Middle East. In

order to write these

articles you will need

to look at other

newspapers, the in-

ternet, television

news broadcasts,

news magazines,

etc… Once you have

found your three

articles, you will need

to write your own

summary of the event

including the who,

what, when, where,

why, and how. You

will also need to in-

clude a picture to ac-

company at least one

of the events.

After you have

created your three

news articles, you

must then include an

original political

cartoon that you have


Finally your

newspaper must

include 2 additional

items from the list to

the left.

Have fun and good

luck on your first






Due: March 2, 2009

What Do I Need to Do?

Helpful Websites

Tomorrow—Sunny with a

high of 70

Newspaper Project

Page 49: Projectswithapunch

Your Task: You need to review the list of possible categories

and through your research, you should be able to

pick one of the ancient kings or queens to give one

of the awards to.

Step 1 -

Decide what award you would like to give and to

whom you would like to give it. Do some research

and decide what king or queen you are going to

select and for what award.

Step 2 -

Write a speech in which you describe the life and

achievements of the king or queen you have

selected. You will also need to include the title of

your award and why this Pharaoh or Pharisee

deserves this ward. Your speech should be at

least two paragraphs. The first describing the life

of your chosen person and the second describing

your award and the reason for giving it.

Step 3 -

Finally you should create an award statue out of

whatever materials you have. The

Only requirements are that the stat-

ue has to be related to the award

and include the name of the

award and the person receiving


For hundreds of years Ancient Egypt was

ruled by Kings and Queens call Pharaohs

and Pharisees. The-

se men and women

ruled over one of

the largest em-

pires in all of the

ancient world.

Some of them

proved to be ex-

emplary rulers

while others

proved to be not

so great rulers.

As part of the

annual Ancient

Egyptian Oscar

Gala committee,

it is up to you to

select who should

receive this

year’s awards.

Possible Awards

Best Pharaoh or Pharisee in a Leading Role

Had the best leadership skills and ability

Best Pharaoh or Pharisee in a Supporting Role

Did the most for his or her people

Best Director

The Best Pharaoh or Pharisee

Best Breakthrough Performance

Changed Egypt the most

Best Original Performance

The most unique leader

Bloodiest Performance

Fought/Killed/Conquered the most

Bravest Performance

Took the biggest risk as a leader

Most Powerful Performance

The strongest leader

Wealthiest Performance

The wealthiest leader

Poorest Performance

The worst Pharaoh or Pharisee

And the Oscar Goes to… 3rd Six Weeks Project

Due 1/6 - 1/7

Page 50: Projectswithapunch

Egyptian Pharaoh Award



Organization 25pts

Accuracy of






Statue 25pts

Total 100pts


Page 51: Projectswithapunch

6th Six Weeks Project

A Tater in Time Project

From 1900 to 2010, America has gone through many changes to get to the modern America that we know today. With each passing decade, America has witnessed changing cultures, attitudes and ideas that make up the American spirit. Through the use of research, creativity, a little bit of ingenuity and your favorite type of potato, you are going to tell the story of one of the decades that have shaped American history. Here is what you need to do: 1. Once you have been assigned a decade, you must first do some research the in order to gain a sense of what it was like to live in America during that time period. Each project should include information on the following: Fashion/Clothing/Hairstyles (men and women) Music Entertainment/Recreation/Leisure Politics Economy Inventions, technology

2. After researching the decade, you will need to determine the format for your project. You may choose to write a 1-2 page paper outlining your research, or you make a PowerPoint or Video that presents your research.

3. Finally, once you have completed the other steps, you are going to create a “potato person” to accompany your research. Your potato should have hair and clothing that match your decade.

4. You will present your project and potato to the class in a 1-2 minute presentation.

Good Luck and Have Fun!





1980’s 1990’s


Page 52: Projectswithapunch

Name__________________________ Class______________

Write a Storyboard…

You have been hired by Steven Spielberg to transcribe the non-fiction

story of religious development into a cartoon feature film.

Create a storyboard for presentation to Mr. Spielberg at the first

developmental meeting.

On this page, draft your storyboard…Your story must include the historical

development of Islam, Judaism, or Christianity from your textbook

________________________ ______________________ _____________________

________________________ ______________________ _____________________

________________________ ______________________ _____________________

________________________ ______________________ _____________________

________________________ ______________________ _____________________

________________________ ______________________ _____________________

Page 53: Projectswithapunch

Woosh Book Instructions

Step 1

Fold the paper in half like a “hotdog”

Step 2

Open the paper back up – fold it in half like a “hamburger”

Step 3

With the fold at the top and the “flaps” at the bottom cut or tear the paper about half way

down the center

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Step 4

Open the paper all the way back up so that the cut or tear is in the center of the paper.

Step 5

Fold the paper again along the original “hotdog” fold so that the tear is along the top

Step 6

Hold paper at both ends and push towards the center

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Step 7

Fold flaps over to create the book