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Project_The Inrease in Social and Cultural Capital in Areas With a Roma Population_march 2013

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  • 8/12/2019 Project_The Inrease in Social and Cultural Capital in Areas With a Roma Population_march 2013





    The short presentation of the project

    July 2010August 2013

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    Short description of the project activities

    ACTIVITY 1: A survey and an evaluation of the projects in the field of Roma education that

    have been completed so far; this activity shall present a starting point for the development

    of other forms of educational work with Roma children.

    Project partner: Institute for Ethnic Studies

    Several projects for the improvement of the situation of the Roma in Slovenia have been

    carried out so far. There is, however, no holistic overview, nor a survey about the broad

    range of projects and other activities that have been carried out so far (both nationally and

    internationally) for the improvement of the Roma community in Slovenia. Resulting from

    this, different ministries and foundations, are financing projects with a similar, or even with

    the same content, while - in some fields of education there is still a lack of projects.Furthermore there is a deficiency of information about the effects of the particular measures

    taken and the activities preformed within these projects. In order to further improve the rise

    of social and cultural capital in Roma settlements, it is important to gain data about practices

    and activities that have proved efficient in these fields, as well as about those which have

    not. With a systematic overview and evaluation of the projects carried out so far, as well as

    of the work done in the field of the education of Roma, the duplication of certain activities

    could be prevented. We would rather upgrade the past work and at the same time direct the

    planning of certain activities to the fields that have been overlooked so far.

    The mentioned overview shall not be limited to collecting and reviewing research and

    project reports, but shall contain information on the effects of the performed measures as

    well. This information will be collected directly from the respective target population. This

    way it will become clear which measures and activities have had positive results and which

    have not. The reasons for a greater success of some activities and a minor one of some

    others will be known. A study on the aid for the Roma in the field of education, based on the

    SWOT analysis (PSPN matrix); will present the basis for possible changes and augmentations

    of activities, planned within this project.

    ACTIVITY 2: The elaboration of a spatial and demographic analysis, as well as an estimation

    of developmental possibilities in the field of school- and preschool-education, as well as

    cultural and other activities in areas with a Roma population.

    Project partners: Institute for Ethnic Studies, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia

    Roma settlements are a specific phenomenon in Slovenia. In the past no continuous care

    was taken of these settlements and their development. According to data of Dr. Jernej

    Zupani, published in the work Roma settlements as a specific part of the system of

    settlements in Slovenia, in 25 Slovenian communities, there are approximately 6.500 Roma,who live in 105 Roma settlements (31 of them are juridically settled, 74 are not.) All steps

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    undertaken within this activity will apply to the entire Roma population, in all parts of

    Slovenia, and to all settlements where Roma live together. Spatial and demographic analyses

    of the present situation will be helpful for planning the future development of school and

    preschool education of Roma children und cultural and other activities, connected to Roma

    communities. The mentioned analyses will furthermore support the measures for the

    improvement of the quality of life and the social and cultural capital in areas, where

    members of Roma community live.

    The measures carried out within this activity will bring the most up-to-date, pluralistic and

    complex data, as well as analyses of spatial and demographical structures of settlements,

    where members of Roma community live. The same applies for the collection of thematic

    maps, which will be developed within this context. Spatial and demographic analyses of the

    present state will be used to simplify the planning and to estimate the possibilities of a

    future development of school- and preschool education of Roma children, as well as other

    activities, connected to the Roma community. Besides that the mentioned analyses supportthe measures of raising the quality of life and the social and cultural capital in areas where

    Roma live.

    This project activity will consist of the following interrelated sections:

    a)Historical analysis of demographic and spatial development and an analysis of thepresent demographic structure of settlements with Roma population in Slovenia:

    In settlements where Roma live, it is necessary to analyse in details, and based on

    different sources, the present demographic structures of Roma settlements in Slovenia,

    as well as their historical demographic and spatial development. Based on this

    demographic and spatial analysis a better understanding of the present development ofRoma settlements will be possible, as well as the planning of their future development

    within the measures of this activity.

    b) Spatial analysis and thematic mapping of the settling of Roma:The elaborates about Roma population that have been created so far, contain only

    tabular descriptions of Roma settlements. These data are not located in space (except

    by geographical names) and they are not shown on cartographic material with different

    scales. The spatial dispersion of Roma settlements and their other characteristics have a

    direct influence on the possibilities of inclusion of Roma children, adolescents and their

    parents into the local environment.

    c) Demographic analysis and thematic mapping of Roma settling:All elaborates about the Roma population include only textual and tabular demographic

    data. These demographic sources are dispersed at different institutions. The data are

    not located in space (except by geographical names) and they are not shown on

    cartographic material with different scales. The spatial distribution of Roma settlements

    and the social background of Roma parents and their children influence directly the

    possibilities of integrating Roma children, adolescents and parents into the local


    d) Spatial analysis and accessibility of present locations of the educational, cultural andsports premises:

    An egalitarian inclusion of the Roma population into the system of education, sports andculture, which helps raising the quality of their life, is not possible without an optimal

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    usage of the capacities and locations of the existing premises. The basic idea is to move

    as few Roma settlements as possible, to have a minimum of daily migrations and to

    include as many Roma as possible into the existing programmes. Without the knowledge

    of the above mentioned facts about these objects the planning of activities (e.g.

    education) is not possible.

    e)Analysis of real estate, infrastructure and topography of Roma settlements:The aim of the project is to support the integration of Roma children (and parents) into

    the local environment, as well as to organize educational, sportive and cultural activities

    in Roma settlements and in locations, easily reachable for Roma children. Investments

    into infrastructure, real estate and activities in urban, as well as in rural environment

    will be necessary. Therefore a precise analysis of the characteristics of Roma

    settlements at present and of their broader environment has to be established.

    f) The determination of potential locations for future educational, cultural, sportive andother objects, as well as the estimation of a possible development of the chosen

    settlements with Roma population

    The aim of the project is the determination of locations for different activities of Roma

    children, in order to include these children into the national educational system. The

    locations can be determined on the basis of all analyses made before.

    ACTIVITY 3: Promotion, information and clarification of facts about Roma pre-school

    education to the public

    Project partner: Educational Research Institute

    This project activity consists of the following interrelated sections:

    a) The importance of knowledge and education:One of the reasons, why Roma parents mostly do not stimulate their children to study, is

    the fact that for most of the Roma education does not present an important value.

    Therefore all educators working on this project will be trained to inform parents with

    every activity, organized on the level of pre-school education, about the importance of

    knowledge and pre-school education.

    b) Social justice in education:The educators who will carry out the planned educational activities will be faced with

    prejudice and stereotypes; therefore it is important that they are able to realize them

    and to overcome them in an appropriate way. In the process of their training they will

    be sensitized to create an intercultural environment for the specific needs of Roma

    children. They will also be taught how to approach these children and their parents with

    respect and will get to know the strategies of individualized and differentiated

    approaches to teaching. The pedagogical approaches used, will be based on the needs

    of these children and on their childrens rights. The educators will be given permanenttraining, since their professional development presents an important precondition to

    insure a quality education for all studentsand so for the Roma.

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    ACTIVITY 4: Development and implementation of different forms of educational work for

    pre-school children and their families, as well as children starting school and their families.

    Project partner: Educational Research Institute

    This project activity consists of the following interrelated sections:

    a) Introductory and animation days in kindergartens and schoolsThe aim of introductory and animation days in kindergartens is to establish connections

    among different kindergartens and their respective nearby Roma settlements, as well as

    with families with pre-school children (reaching-out approach). The kindergartens taking

    part in into this activity, will organize throughout the entire year activities for children

    and parents, aimed at easing the inclusion of Roma children into institutions of this kind.

    Programmes within this activity will include presentations of the work in kindergartens,

    personal contact between the kindergartens, parents and children, and trust-building

    among them. Furthermore the importance of the work of kindergartens for the furtherdevelopment and success in the lives of the children will be explained to parents.

    Parents will be informed about the activities of the kindergartens and they will be able

    to visit them. Parents will be visited at home, they will be invited to events and

    workshops for children and parents, children will have the chance to borrow toys and

    books. Furthermore the kindergartens will include educated Roma from the local

    environment into their presentations, who will talk about their experience and will

    express the importance of education for the success of the individual. The introductory

    and animation days in primary schools are meant for parents who will send her children

    to school. The activities within this event will be organized according to a similar

    principle as those in the kindergartens. All activities organized during these days will beavailable to all local children.

    b)Kindergarten activities for children who do not go to the kindergarten and theirparents

    A programme for children who do not visit the kindergarten will be organized the entire

    year round in order to prepare them for visiting it in the future. In the kindergartens a

    programme for children, who do not visit the kindergarten will be organized the entire

    year around. This programme includes workshops (creative workshops, fairy-tale telling,

    and dance-workshops) once a week in the afternoon (2 hours) in the premises of the

    kindergartens or other places in Roma settlements. Parallel to the activities for children,

    activities empowering the parents in parenting and supporting the childrensdevelopment will be organized, too.

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    c) Creation and implementation of cultural and linguistic didactic means: three-lingualcomics (Carinthian Roma language, Prekmurje Roma language and Slovene)

    Examples of didactic materials, already prepared during the project

    Three-lingual picture dictionaries:

    d) Learning a second language in kindergartenIn the framework of this activity we will train educators for a multilingual development

    of children in a multicultural environment in kindergartens.

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    ACTIVITY 5: Empowerment programmes for Roma families at their educational work and

    the support of the development of children

    Project partner: Educational Research Institute

    Based on modern scientific findings on the importance of early initiatives for the

    development of children in endangered families, we will try to change the domestic

    environment of babies, toddlers (0-3 years) and pre-school children. The mentioned findings

    are based on experience and they are adapted for use. They will, thus, offer us examples of

    how to strengthen the domestic environment of these children. Our work will regularly be

    accompanied by meetings with trained animators who will explain the respective activities

    and their effects on this environment.

    ACTIVITY 6: Day centre for Roma ChildrenBrezje

    Project Partner: Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto

    The Day centre for Roma Children Brezje is open every day from Monday to Friday from 1.30

    5.00 p.m. The aim of this programme is to set up a daily contact between children and theemployees of the project, as well as to organize different activities for improving the level of

    human, social and cultural capital and to provide the conditions for the children, in which

    they can learn to develop positive social contacts.

    Aiming at this goal, several social games are organized, as well as creative workshops,dancing and music workshops with an emphasis on Roma culture, social and sportive games,

    as well as relaxation workshops and group training of four elements. The aim of this

    programme is a greater integration into the school system, this is why an important part of

    the programme is aimed at school assistance, helping with homework and learning the

    Slovene language. Currently, there are 48 children included into this programme.

    Everyday activities in the Day centre for Roma children Brezje

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    ACTIVITY 7: Day centre for Roma children mihel

    Project Partner: Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto

    This project activity consists of the following interrelated sections:

    a) Inclusion of pre-school childrenDue to the fact that pre-school children in the Roma Settlement of mihel do not visitthe kindergarten, the Association for Developing Voluntary Work Novo mesto will

    establish a programme for pre-school children, namely for the second age group

    (children between 3 and 6 years of age). A programme will take place every day from

    11.00 am 1.00 pm and will be based on the curriculum for kindergartens whichincludes the following activities: moving, language, society, nature and mathematics.

    b) Integration of primary school childrenThe first part of the programme (from 1.00 till 2.00 pm.) will be devoted to schoolassistance and assistance with doing homework, as well as learning the Slovene

    language. The second part of the programme (from 2.00 till 3.00 pm.) will aim at quality

    spare time of children, which again will increase their cultural, social and cultural capital.

    This part will include creative workshops, social workshops, sportive and social games,

    music and dance activities, as well as other sportive activities. Approximately 12 children

    will take part in this programme.

    c) Integration of parentsExperiences with the integration of Roma parents so far have shown that group

    activities are not the best way to improve this integration. Therefore in the Roma

    settlement of mihel, primarily individual work with parents is planned. Parents, andespecially mothers of the respective children, will be visited at their homes once ortwice a week. The aim of these meetings is not only the building of trust, but as well

    informing, consulting and enlightening the parents.

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    Roma Educational Incubator - Day centre for Roma children mihel

    ACTIVITY 8: Establishing equal chances for the integration of Roma children into

    kindergartens: Kindergarten Kerinov grm

    Project partner: Elementary School Leskovec pri Krkem Kindergarten

    The Kindergarten of the Elementary School Leskovec pri Krkem is developing andintroducingon the basis of long-time work-experiences with Romaa pilot programme forpre-school Roma children and their families. The integration of Roma children into

    kindergartens in the earliest period of life in the long run establishes a higher self-esteem ofRoma children and increases their participation and success in school. The programme in the

    kindergarten Kerinov grm is implemented according to the methodology step by step,taking into account the state curriculum for kindergartens. From the preparative

    kindergarten the children are gradually integrating into the regular kindergarten (by the last

    year before school at latest) and from there into school, where they have more equal

    chances and better preconditions for a bigger success.

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    The opening of the kindergarten in Roma settlement Kerinov grm

    The kindergarten in Roma settlement Kerinov grm

    One of the important aspects of this activity is also participation and active inclusion of

    Roma parents and youth into the programme of the project in cooperation with different

    organizations (health centre, centre for social care, employment centre and different

    societies). Roma parents namely only gradually build up trust towards the kindergarten

    and the educators there. With an everyday routine they are getting used to a regular contactwith the kindergarten. In the rooms of a preparative kindergarten in the settlement, parents

    are included together with their children into everyday activities. Later on and gradually,

    separate activities for children will be organized and separate ones for mothers. In the

    kitchen, household workshops for mothers and young Roma girls will take place. Parents will

    be informed about the importance of education of children and their inclusion into

    kindergarten from an early period of life on. In workshops parents will gain new experience

    and knowledge about housekeeping and healthy food (cooking, washing, cleaning), baby-

    care, and education of children, health care, vaccination, contagious diseases, addiction,

    healthy sex, social aid and possibilities of employment. With different workshops and

    lectures parents will be educated in fields which interest them and which they need to

    improve their general knowledge, with a stress on the development of literacy in the family.

    ACTIVITY 9: Offering school assistance on primary and secondary school levels, as well as

    other activities for the improvement of the integration of Roma children into the

    educational process.

    Project partner: Institute for Ethnic Studies, Roma Academic Club

    The aim of this activity is to improve the integration of Roma students and pupils into the

    educational process, to improve their results in school, to minimize the number of school

    dropouts and to enlarge the motivation for education. The activities, organized around the

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    concept of the so-called Roma educational incubators, are focused primarily on different

    forms of additional school assistance for Roma students and pupils, as well as on additional

    encouragement and motivation of gifted Roma children to study and continue their

    education as long as possible, as well as encouraging their parents to support them in doing

    so. For Roma children, who visit the primary school, two forms of additional school

    assistance are organized in school and out of school. For Roma students of secondaryschool assistance is organized in the afternoon as well. School assistance to pupils is

    normally offered in the Roma settlements, either at students homes or in the vicinity. Forindividuals who offer school assistance, we organize shorter trainings, where they get to

    know the bases of pedagogy, didactics, etc.

    In the school year 2010/2011, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 the school assistance was offered

    in the Roma educational incubators in all regions with the higher share of Roma population.

    The school assistance was offered by 40 educators to more than 200 Roma children.

    The school assistance in the Roma Educational Incubators in the Roma settlements Rosalnice (the Municipality

    of Metlika) and Kamenci (the Municipality of renovci).

    The school assistance in the Roma Educational Incubator in the Roma settlements Smrekec (the Municipality of


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    ACTIVITY 10: Planning, organization and implementation of trainings for teachers, social

    workers and other experts for the work with Roma children and youth with an emphasis

    on practical work experience

    Project partner: Institute for Ethnic Studies

    The concept of training teachers, social workers and other specialists for this project was

    established in a slightly different manner. At the sole planning of these trainings we want to

    create an active cooperation between university teachers, researchers and project

    participants who do practical work (educators and teachers, as well as experts in

    kindergartens and schools) and the members of the Roma community who present the

    Roma intelligentsia.

    Our expert trainings are based on three interrelated working phases:a) In the first phasewe encouraged educators, teachers and other experts, who

    cooperate in our partner kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, as well as

    boarding schools, to write down their experience with Roma children, i.e. to write a

    diary. The content of it was focused on the descriptions of different experiences

    (positive and negative ones) of working with Roma children and youth. About the

    goals of this measure, about how to write and where to put the stress in their diaries,

    the participants of our project were informed at an introductory expert seminar.

    b) In the second phase, there was a common analysis and reflexion on the collectedmaterialput together by participants who do practical work, as well as researchers.

    The results of this analysis were:the presentation of the most critical challenges that all project collaborators face at

    their work;

    the elaboration of good solutions to these problems;

    the presentation of good practice examples at working with Roma children and


    to deal with each single point of view of the inclusion of Roma children into

    the educational system;

    to deal with a broader context in which specific problematic situations appear.

    After the completion of the analysis, several smaller workshops will be organized

    with the aim of establishing concrete suggestions for solving each single problematicsituation at the work with Roma children and youth. The participants at these

    workshops will be teachers and other educational employees. With the help of a

    coordinator, some former Roma students and pupils, as well as Roma representatives

    of the local community and the authors of the analysis (about 20 participants), all

    above mentioned suggestions and experiences will be brought together. The product

    of this workshop, which is meant for teachers and other employees within the school

    system, who besides their work have daily contacts with Roma children and youth,

    will be a manual for teachers and other employees who have daily working contacts

    with Roma children and youth.

    c) In the last year of the project seminars will be offered (each for up to 25 participants)where concrete suggestions and experiences will be presented, collected in an

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    analysis and in a manual. Besides that, the participants will be presented some

    possible examples of good practice and of the biggest obstacles in the field of

    education of the Roma population. The workshops will be coordinated by the authors

    of the analysis and the mentioned expert coordinator from outside of the project.

    ACTIVITY 11: The development of creative forms of school assistance for Roma students in

    the Roma settlement Hudeje.

    Project partner: Center for Social Work Trebnje

    The focus of this activity is on the extra-curricular school assistance, which is being offered in

    the Roma Educational Incubator in the Roma settlement Hudeje. This assistance is offered in

    the afternoon individually, as well as in groups. With these activities we would like to

    support and strengthen an inter-generational cooperation, which is why in the secondphaseparents of the children will be included as well. This way we want to gain a multipleeffect: the children will feel that their parents have an interest in their children getting a

    good education and are motivated to act in this direction, because this is an important part

    of every persons life, while at the same time, the parents will be part of the training foroffering their children school assistance themselves. School assistance is offered by the

    employees of the Centre for Social Work, but since it often happens that Roma childrendont understand Slovene a co-operator from the Roma settlement Hudeje participatestoo. The target group for this assistance consists of 15 to 20 Roma students. For every child,

    an individual plan of school assistance is being elaborated, as well as the goals and an

    approximate time-frame of their achievement.

    Roma Educational Incubator in Roma settlement Hudeje

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    ACTIVITY 12: Development and implementation of extra-curricular programmes and spare-

    time activities for children and parents in environments, where members of the Roma

    population live

    Project partner: Institute for Ethnic Studies, Roma Academic Club

    Roma children and youth, as well as their parents are only to a very small extent involved

    into spare-time activities. Within our project we are offering a range of activities that take

    place mostly in Roma settlements and should improve the quality of spare-time of Roma

    children and youth. The planned extra-curricular programmes are projected interestingly

    enough to be attractive to children of different age-groups, although they actually have an

    educational content. These activities take place outdoors or in the common premises of

    Roma settlements, but are attracting also the non-Roma population of the neighbouring

    places as well, due to the various performers and/or organizations implementing them.

    Some examples of such activities:

    a) Workshops for film and photography

    By organizing workshops for film and photography for children and youngsters, we would

    like to offer them a quality spare-time activity during summer holidays. The basic aim of

    these workshops is to awake their interest in the art of film-making and to teach them how

    to use a camera or a film camera. However, by taking part in this activity, they will gain many

    other skills as well. The product of this training will be a short film, or one or more photo

    exhibition(s)either of them presented by the participants of this workshop.

    Workshops for film and photography already took place in the summer 2011. The short films are available at

    b) Roma summer camp

    The basic aim of organizing a summer camp for Roma children is to provide a possibility for

    quality spare-time during the summer holidays. The camp will be organized outdoors or in

    adequate premises. Most of the activity-providers are young academics, members of the

    Roma community, which willby their sole appearance, as well as the activities they offer present a role-model for the other (especially) Roma youngsters.

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    Some of the participants of the activities in the Roma Summer Camp 2011

    c) Educational activities within the framework of the festival of Roma culture Romanohon/Roma monthThe founder of the festival of Roma culture Romano hon/Roma month, which in 2012 tookplace for the fourth time, is the Roma Academic Club. Besides this club, the organizers of this

    festival are the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and the Union of Creative People in the Field

    of Culture from Maribor. Their primary aim is to present the variety and wealth of the Roma

    culture. The festival grows from year to year and besides several amusement events, offers

    activities with an educational content as well. Among them different workshops, lectures

    and other events, aimed at children, youth and adults.

    One of the activities of The Festival of Roma culture Romano hon and the organizers from Roma AcademicClub together with the Head of the Project Dr. Miran Komac

    d) Extra-curricular programme Football schoolFootball is attractive to Roma children and youth, which is why we decided to prepare an

    extra-curricular programme, entitled Football school, which will be open to non-Romachildren as well. The aim of the football school is not the search for talents, but primarily to

    provide a proper psychological and physical development for a healthy life. Any child can

    take part in the football school regardless of its physical predispositions and gender. The

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    main values which are passed over to children at this school are: diligence, tolerance,

    companionship, self-esteem and knowledge.

    With a regular participation in these guided activities children gain working habits, which

    later on help them to integrate easier into the broader society. A strong stress will be put on

    motivating the youngsters (children between 13 and 15 years of age) for the participation in

    the football school, since this means quality spare-time. The school of football will not offer

    only trainings and football-theory, but also lectures will be given to children and their

    parents. Through football trainings children will be taught how to live a healthy life-style.

    The topics will be, e.g. the healthy diet of a sportive person, the rules of hygiene, the

    dangers of drugs, alcohol and smoking. The school of football is open for Roma and non-

    Roma children.

    The participants from the programme Football school

    d) Different lectures for children, youth and parents

    The lectures for children, youth and parents will be primarily sociological (the topics will

    reach from discrimination, sexual education, integration of Roma into society, the education

    and employment of the Roma, etc.), while the lectures for the parents will primarily

    informative (the importance of education, inscription of children into secondary school,

    presentation of secondary school programmes, acquaintance with the rules in schools, as

    well as the law on education, motivation of children, etc.).

    e) Newspaper Projektne novine(Project news)The newspaper Projektne novine is aimed at informing the interested public about currentactivities and achievements of the project. The project paper was mostly created by the

    members by the Roma community and is besides other digital and electronic forms ofdissemination of project activities and results, an important media, received by a large part

    of Roma households. The aim of this newspaper is to encourage Roma students and pupils

    included into any of the project activities to write about them and to publish their writings,

    impressions and thoughts on the topic of education.

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    Year 2011:

    Year 2012:

    Already five issues of the Projektne novine were published (in 1000 copies each).

    ACTIVITY 13: Transnational links and the exchange of practices in the field of the education

    of the Roma

    Project partner: Institute for Ethnic Studies

    This project activity consists of the following interrelated sections:

    a)Acquaintance with practices in the field of the education of the Roma in some otherEuropean countries (visits of organizations and institutions, working in the field of the

    education of the Roma).

    The existing models of education of members of the Roma community in Europe

    differentiate depending on the starting point and goals of this education, which leads

    either to assimilation (i.e. to adapt as soon as possible to the educational system of the

    majority population) or to integration (i.e. to adapt the educational system of the

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    majority population gradually to the needs and wishes of the members of the Roma

    community). The comparison of international programmes in this field is of very big

    importance since the Roma as a minority are exposed to multiple discrimination and

    exclusion in almost all European countries. The European Union especially encourages

    the exchange of good practices in different European countries. For the members of the

    Roma community this is the possibility to gain greater awareness about ethnical identity

    and the value of culture and language.

    b) International conference with the aim of transnational exchange of experiences andgood practices, as well as discussion on improvements in the field of educational work

    with the Roma

    The main aim of the conference is the presentation of cases of good and bad practices in

    different countries. In an in-dept discussion about present issues from this field and

    from the lives of Roma and other ethnical community, open questions will be clarifies.

    The invited experts will speak from the points of view of different disciplines, since it is

    the fragmented discussion which presents the biggest obstacle for an integralunderstanding of the inclusion of the Roma into educational systems.

    The rights of Roma communities are written down in international conventions, state

    constitutions and laws. The problem, however, is that these rights are often not being

    exercised in practice. In the process of carrying out everything that is written, everybody

    is included from the members of the Roma communities to the countries and theadministrational bodies, as well as the civil society. At this meeting we would like to

    point out that it is of special importance that experts from Roma communities from

    different countries cooperate in this project from day one onwards. And such meetings

    are of special importance for creating and strengthening of ties between them.

    The international conference under the title Formal and nonformal education for Roma: different models andexperience already took place on the 21 October 2011 (in Ljubljana).

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    This monograph contains contributions to the

    international conference Formal and InformalEducation for Roma: Different Models and

    Experiences, held in Ljubljana on October 21, 2011 inthe framework of the project The increase in social and

    cultural capital in areas with a Roma population. At this

    conference we were able to present the aims of the

    project and the achievements and experiences of its

    first year in operation; we were also able to compare

    these with the motive impulses of educational policies,

    and with the results attained in this area, in some other

    European countries.

    c) Elaboration of an international comparative analysis of practices in the field ofeducational work with the Roma

    This analysis will comprise normative assurances, practices in several different countries

    and the trend of the development, as well as an identification of open key-questions. In

    the choice of examples from different European countries, we will take into account

    primarily those which assure the right of expressing, maintaining and encouraging

    ethnical identity, as well as show a broader understanding of the values of equality

    combined with social justice (fighting prejudice, approaching universal European values,respecting the cultural and linguistic differences). These fields are determined as

    priorities in the developmental programmes, adopted by the Republic of Slovenia for a

    more successful integration of the members of the Roma community. We will include

    two cases of segregation and separation of Roma and non-Roma students, which have

    been dealt with by the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg recently (against the Czech

    Republic and Croatia) and we will hull, from the analysis of legal opinions, actual

    statuses and responses of both countries, those elements which are similar to practices

    in other European countries.

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    The project in numbers:

    2010 2011 2012

    The inclusion ofkindergartens,

    elementary and

    secondary schools with

    Roma children in the

    project (from different

    Slovenian regions)

    10 kindergartens

    11 primary schools

    4 secondary schools

    1 boarding school

    12 kindergartens15 primary


    4 secondary


    1 boarding school

    12 kindergartens

    15 primary schools

    4 secondary


    1 boarding school

    The number of Roma

    children, included in

    different project


    171 children 1272 children 1011 children

    The number of

    educators, offering

    school assistance for

    Roma children and


    31 educators 46 educators 59 educators

    The number of

    different extra-

    curricular programmes

    and spare-time

    activities for children

    and parents in areas

    with Roma population

    40 different types of


    59 different types

    of activities

    (1290 performed


    112 different types

    of activities

    (1801 performed


    The number of

    different trainings for

    teachers, social

    workers and other

    experts for the work

    with Roma children

    and youth with an

    emphasis on practical

    work experience

    4 different types of


    13 different types

    of trainings

    (23 performed


    8 different types of


    (23 performed


    The number of

    teachers, social

    workers and other

    experts, included in the

    trainings for the work

    with Roma children

    and youth

    33 participants 225 participants 265 participants

    The number of parents

    directly included in the

    project activities

    / 282 parents 425 parents

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