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Proof, Computation, & Randomness Kurt Gödel John von Neumann and Theoretical Computer Science Avi...

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Proof, Computation, & Randomness Kurt Gödel John von Neumann and Theoretical Computer Science Avi Wigderson School of Mathematics Institute for Advanced Study

Proof, Computation, & Randomness

Kurt Gödel John von Neumann

and Theoretical Computer ScienceAvi Wigderson

School of MathematicsInstitute for Advanced


Fundamental concepts:• Proof vs. Truth Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem• Computation and its limitations, computation in

nature• Efficient Computation • Gödel’s letter, and the P vs. NP problem• Limits of Knowledge• Randomness: Probabilistic algorithms,

pseudorandomness, weak random sources• Cryptography: Secrets• Probabilistic Proofs• Game Strategy, Rationality, Through computational complexity glasses

ProofAxioms: self evident statements (eg 0 + 1 = 1 )Deduction rules: simple, local (eg A, B AB )

A proof of statement T is a sequenceA1, A2, …,Ak, Ak+1…., Ai, …, An=T, such that• A1, A2, …., Ak are axioms• Each subsequent Ai is derived from two

previous statements by a deduction rule.

Truth of axioms implies truth of T

Verification: fast&simple mechanical procedure.


Inputs: available data (eg bits, numbers,…)Operations: simple, local (eg x,y xy )

A computation of a function f is a sequencex1, x2, …,xk, xk+1 …., xi, …, xn=f(x1,…,xk), s.t.• x1, x2, …,xk are inputs • Each xi is computed from two previously

computed values by a basic operation

A finite program specifies which op to apply next

Computation is everywhere

Church-Turing Thesis: “Turing machine captures every realistic physical model of computation”

Computation: evolution of an environment via repeated application of simple, local rules

[von Neumann’s cellular automata](Almost) all Physics and Biology theories satisfy!- Weather - Proteins in a cell -Magnetization- Ant hills - Fission - Epidemics - Brain - Populations - Burning fireNature provides ideas/technologies for computingUnderstanding algorithms is essential to science.

Computation vs. ProofCommon feature: Simple, local stepsCan every true statement be proven?Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem [1931]:Some true statements are unprovable!Can every function be computed?Turing’s Undecidability Theorem [1936]:Some functions are not computable!

Proof: f(T) = 1 if statement T is true. f(T) = 0 if T is false. A program for f is a complete proof system


Limits of Knowledge (I)

Undecidable Problems Example of input

Diophantine equations ( integer solutions?)

Bug-free programs(Does P0 always halt?)

Infection (will it die out?)

Input: x (integer) Program P0

(1) if x=1 halt

(2) if x is even, set x x/2 and go to (1)

(3) if x is odd, set x 3x+1 and go to (1)

Xn+Yn=Zn, n>2

Limits of Knowledge (II)

Decidable: Solvable in finite time.Which problems are efficiently solvable?

[’60s Cobham, Edmonds, Rabin] Efficient:Time grows moderately with data

size.P – problems which can be solved efficiently

[’70s Cook, Levin, Karp] NP – problems which can be verified efficiently

Efficient Computation & P vs. NP

Gödel’s letter to von Neumann [1954]:Theorem f(T,n)=1 if T has a proof of length n Proving f(T,n)=0 otherwise.This problem is decidable! Is it tractable??Algorithm for f: Try all possible sequences of length n; for each, check (easy) if it proves T.Time complexity: >2n steps (terribly inefficient)

Is there an efficient algorithm (n or n2 steps)?Can one avoid “brute force” search, when efficient

verification exists?This is the P vs. NP question – central to Math &


Limits of Knowledge (II)

P – problems for which solutions can be efficiently found. Everything we can know.

NP – problems for which solutions can be easily verified. Everything we want to


• Mathematician: Given a statement, find a proof• Scientist: Given data on some phenomena, find a

theory explaining it.• Engineer: Given constraints (size,weight,energy), find a design (bridge, medicine, phone)

All expect to know when they succeeded!

Does P=NP ?NP-complete – Hardest problems in NP 1000’s of them across the sciences.- Math Is a given knot is unknotted?- CS Can we satisfy a set of constraints?- Biology Find the shape of protein folding - Physics Determining min energyAll equally difficult! If any is easy: P=NP.

- Strong evidence that PNP- Sources of new technologies: Quantum,


Probabilistic Algorithms

- Use independent, unbiased coin tosses 011101001111100100001…

- Perform task with very high probabilityAre probabilistic algorithms much faster

than deterministic ones?

YES: Examples all over CS, Statistical Physics,

Math, Biology, Operations Research, Economics…

No: Theorem [Blum-Micali-Yao, Nisan-Impagliazzo-Wigderson]Assuming (something like) “P≠NP” !Hard problems Pseudo-random generators






Game Theory

Applications:Analyzed on perfect randomness

biased, dependentReality:

Sources of imperfectrandomness Stock


Sun spotsRadioactivedecay

Extractor Theory

Unreasonable usefulness of hard problems -

CryptographyAssumption: Factoring Integers has no

efficient algorithm (assumption implies P NP)

Secret communicationDigital signaturesElectronic cashZero-knowledge proofsPoker on the telephoneE-commerceEverything!

Efficient players!Impossible in information- theoretic setting!

Can we base cryptographyon P NP?

p,q pq



The Millionaires’ Problem

- Both want to know who is richer- Neither gets any other information

Theorem[Yao] Possible if:- Factoring is hard- Players are efficient


Probabilistic Proof SystemsIs a mathematical statement claim true? E.g.

claim: “No integers x, y, z, n>2 satisfy xn +yn = zn “ claim: “The map of Africa is 3-colorable”

An efficient Verifier V(claim, argument) satisfies:

*) If claim is true then V(claim, argument) = TRUEfor some argument (in which case claim=theorem, argument=proof)

**) If claim is false then V(claim, argument) = FALSE for every argument


with probability > 99%



Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCPs)

claim: The Riemann HypothesisProver: (argument)Verifier: (editor/referee/amateur)

Verifier’s concern: Is the argument correct?PCPs: Verifier reads 100 (random) bits of the argument.

Thm [Arora-Safra, Arora-Lund-Motwani-Sudan-Szegedy]:Every proof can be efficiently transformed to a PCP Refereeing (even by amateurs) in a jiffy!Major application – approximation algorithms

Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs

[Goldwasser-Micali-Rackoff]claim: The Riemann HypothesisProver: (argument)Verifier: (editor/referee/amateur)

Prover’s concern: Will Verifier publish first?ZK proofs: argument reveals only correctness!

Theorem [Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson]:Every proof can be efficiently transformed to ZK proofassuming Factoring is HARDMajor application - cryptography

Game Theoryvon Neumann 1928: The minimax Theoremvon Neumann & Morgenstern 1944: Game

TheoryMake conflicts in Economics, Politics, War & life,

amenable to mathematical analysis

Is there always a rational solution to conflicts?zero-sum games: YES [von Neumann 1928]Reasonable theory? YES: computing it is in Pstrategic games: YES [Nash 1950]Reasonable theory? NO: PPAD-completeAlgorithmic Game Theory Agents: efficient algs

ConclusionsEfficient computation: A lens through

which basic notions get new meaning:

- Proof - Game / Strategy- Randomness - Secret / Privacy- Learning - Knowledge- Fault-tolerance - Small-world phenomena

Every natural theory must be efficient!

P vs NP captures how much we can know!

There is much more I haven’t told you about..
