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    A List of Holdings

    Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library



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    Compiled by:

    David J. Haight

    April 2008 


    Such terms as “information,” “political warfare,” “propaganda,” “psychological strategy,” and

    “psychological warfare” are frequently used, often interchangeably, but are difficult to define. In preparing this guide, the Library staff recognizing this difficulty, have, therefore, interpreted themeanings of these related words broadly to cover actions, activities, symbols, thoughts, beliefs andmedia aimed at influencing public opinion at home and abroad. Efforts to “win the hearts and minds” of people have been attempted through many means including such conventional methods as radio andtelevision broadcasts, public speeches, leaflets, newspapers, and the like. In addition, these efforts havecovered such things as trade fairs, cultural diplomacy (a term which may itself mean different things todifferent people), the People-to-People program as well as actions of governments themselves anddevelopments within countries. For example, efforts to restore and protect civil rights for minoritygroups within the United States certainly had and continue to have an impact on opinion at home andabroad. Wide use of labels such as “Free World,” is, itself, a form of propaganda intended to influence

     particular audiences. One of the best known “psychological warriors,” C.D. Jackson, pointed out that psychological warfare (or any of its related terms) cannot be separated from the actions of thesponsoring entity (in Jackson’s case and in most instances listed herein, the United States Government).

    Instead, each policy implemented or action taken by the government has an impact on national and/orinternational opinion.

    This guide includes a select bibliography of works which address various aspects of information(or propaganda). Users are urged to consult these and other studies of the subject to gain a betterunderstanding of information and propaganda activities. Please also note that given the nature of thesubject matter covered by this guide, it is highly unlikely that all possible sources of documentation in

    the Library’s holdings on this topic are cited herein. Therefore, the guide should be considered as asupplement to, rather than a replacement for, finding aids to the Library’s 530-plus manuscriptcollections.



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    Adkins, Bertha S.: Papers, 1948-1971

    Box 29 [Trip to Finland, Norway, Sweden and Soviet Union, August-September 1959] (1)Box 30 [Trip to Finland, Norway, Sweden and Soviet Union, August-September 1959] (2)(3)Box 30 [Good-will Trip to Poland, November, 1959] (1)-(3)

    Anderson, Robert B.: Papers, 1933-1989 Box 26 Miscellaneous (4) [torture of American POWs in Korea]Box 119 He-Hi (1)-(5) [H. Struve Hensel re William Godel]Box 227-229 Asia Foundation [including Asia Foundation Board meetings; budget]Box 230 Centennial Fund Campaign [American University at Beirut]Box 299 King Ranch [life in Cuban prison; Latin American reaction to Castro and Bay of Pigs]Box 323 Campbell, Paul, et al. [America Needs an Ideology]

    Aurand, Evan P.: Papers, 1934-1972

    Box 8 Air War College, 1953 Study No. 3, The Current World conflict [ideological basis ofconflict]

    Aurand, Henry S.: Papers 1873-1978Box 54 [Subject File:] Washington Trip (Army Commanders’ Conference), December 1950 (1)-

    (2) [Karl R. Bendetsen on Korean War, international communism and U.S. sponsoredcovert operations]

    Bacon, Edward A.: Papers, 1864; 1896-1968

    Box 25 Yarrow, Bernard “Bernie” 1964-67 [re Free Europe Committee]

    Barker, Ray W.: Papers, 1942-1946Box 2 Leaflets dropped into occupied countries

    Bauer, Robert A.: Papers, 1939-1998 (closed pending processing)

    Box 1 Manuscripts, Lectures, Etc. [historical issues of the VOA Broadcasts to Austria, 1945-55;McCarty attack on the VOA]

    Box 1 Manuscripts, Lectures, Etc. [the art of persuasion in foreign affairs

    Box 1 India [Women’s Training College and USIS; USIS monthly reportsBox 1 Post Reports [Bauer’s coverage of the Hungarian Revolt and Middle East Crisis]

    Edward L. Beach and Evan P. Aurand: Records, 1953-1961

    Box 21 People-to-People Program [visit by Hope ship to Indonesia; Canberra; Italy]



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    Benedict, Stephen: Papers, 1952-1960

    Box 1 8-25-52 New York City, American Legion Convention [liberation of captive peoples;Communist expansion and subversion]

    Box 4 10-3-52 Statement to be broadcast to Iron Curtain Countries By Radio Free EuropeBox 4-5 10-8-52 San Francisco, California (1)-(3) [foreign policy speech; Cold War]Box 8 Speech Suggestions (Mostly non-Staff) (1)-(3)

    Benson, Ezra Taft: Papers, 1952-1961Box 16 Russia (1)-(6) [Christianity in Russia; booklet on communist ideology]

    Boillot, Claude E.: Papers, 1934-1984. Boillot served with British intelligence during World War IIand participated in missions into Nazi occupied France. Check finding aid for complete folder list.

    Box 1 CALPOBox 1 Operation “Decoy” Box 1 Operation “Francois” Box 2 Progress Reports (1)(2)

    Bortman, Mark: Papers, 1956-1967. Mark Bortman was Chairman of the Civic Committee of thePeople-to-People Program and member of People-to-People’s National Board of Directors. His papersconstitute a source of documentation on the role of cultural and personal diplomacy in fosteringinternational understanding and consequently, projecting a positive image of America abroad. Pleaseconsult finding aid for a list of folder titles including countries, agencies, and general topics. A fewselected folders are listed below.

    Box 3 [Department of State Course on Ideological Conflict] (1)-(3)Box 3 Hope-People-to-PeopleBox 3-4 Information Agency 1963 (1)-(4) [includes material for 1964, 1965, 1967]Box 7 War College (1)-(3)

    Box 10 Dwight D. EisenhowerBox 10 Eisenhower-Chairman of PPPBox 12 Hubert H. HumphreyBox 12-13 Johnson, Lyndon B. (1)-(3) and background materialBox 13 Kennedy, John F. (1)-(3)Box 15 Rowan, Carl, Director, USIA

    Brownell, Herbert, Jr.: Papers, 1877-1988

    Box 17 H (1)-(4) [GOP work with foreign language groups]Box 25 DR (1)(2) [John Foster Dulles re Harold Stassen, Korea trip]

    Box 27 S (1)(2) [Martha Schmidt re Radio Free Europe]Box 61 State, Secretary of (1)(2) [holdings of U.S. libraries abroad]

    Bull, Harold R.: Papers, 1943-1968

    Box 1 Miscellaneous Military Letters 25 Oct. 1943-5 July 1946 [8 folders]Contain scattered references to OSS and SOE activities



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    Burns, Arthur F.: Papers, 1928-1969 Box 210 [Rylaarsdam, J. Coert. “The Arab State of Mind”, 1956]

    Butcher, Harry C.: Papers, 1910-1959

    Box 1-5 Correspondence 1942-1945 [scattered items regarding press relations, censorship]Box 16 Correspondence June 1945 [General Ed. C. Betts re OSS war crimes motion picture]Box 16 Items Concerning Operations of DDE Which Could Be Used for Speeches

    [POWs and war crimes]

    Byroade, Henry A.: Papers, 1940-1992. Henry Byroade served as Assistant Secretary of State for NearEastern, South Asian and African Affairs under President Truman and later was U.S. Ambassador toEgypt, the Union of South Africa, Afghanistan, the Philippines and Pakistan.

    Box 1 News Articles Miscellaneous [Arab newspapers commentary on U.S. Understanding ofArab culture]

    Cabot, John M.: Papers, 1929-1978 [Microfilm copies]. John Cabot was a career foreign service

    officer, serving in the Department of State in Washington, DC and in posts in China, Colombia, Brazil,Finland, Sweden, Poland and Yugoslavia.

    Reel 6-Folder #9 Yugoslavia, 1947 [Embassy correspondence]Reel 6-Folder #10 Yugoslavia, 1947 [Embassy correspondence and personal speeches]Reel 10-Folder #128 Poland 1962 [Embassy correspondence]Reel 10-Folder #129 Poland, 1962 cont. [Embassy correspondence]Reel 10-Folder #130 Poland, 1962-65 [speeches]Reel 10-Folders #131-133 Poland, 1963 [Embassy correspondence]Reel 11-Folders #135-139 [Poland 1964-1965]

    Cochran, Jacqueline: Papers, 1932-75I. General Files Series

    Box 98 People-to-People Program 1958 (1)(2)Box 106 People-to-People Program 1959 (1)(2)Box 106 Radio & TV Broadcasts 1959 [Voice of America]Box 128 People-to-People Program 1960-61

    Collins, J. Lawton: Papers, 1896-1975

    Box 28 Lansdale, Edward G. (Colonel) (1)(2)Box 29 Militant Liberty Plan

    Box 31 United States Information AgencyBox 33 Advisory Committee on Non-military Instruction-DOD, 1962 (1)(2)

    Combined Chiefs of Staff: Conference Proceedings, 1941-1945. Should check for discussions of policy of Unconditional Surrender and its psychological impact on Axis Powers. See for example, Box1- CASABLANCA Conference for reference to announcement of this policy. Also see Box 3,TERMINAL Conference for application of concept to Japan in summer of 1945.



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    Cook, Gilbert R.: Papers, 1908-1959Box 3 German Anti-Allied Propaganda, 1920sBox 5 Morale of the U.S. Army, Study of, 1941 (1)-(3) [by H. Howell for New York Times]

    Couch, Virgil L.: Papers, 1927-1980. Virgil Couch served in the Federal Civil Defense Administrationduring the Eisenhower Administration where he helped direct U.S. civil defense programs aimed at

     preparing the general public for a possible nuclear attack. While possibly technically not psychologicalwarfare in a narrow sense, the materials contained within the Couch Papers reflect U.S. Governmentactivities having psychological impact on the American people. Users should consult the finding aid forcomplete list of folder titles and description of the collection. A few folder titles are listed below.

    Box 2 Civil Defense Facts, Speakers Kit, 1955-1956 [information on fall out and evacuation;women in civil defense]

    Box 2 Defense Against Disaster, Speakers Kit, 1957-1958 [speeches for different audiences oncivil defense]

    Box 3 Human Behavior under Disaster ConditionsBox 3 Operation You, Your Role in Civil Defense, Information Kit, 1955

    Devers, Jacob L.: Papers, 1939-1949. Microfilm copies of Papers at York County, PennsylvaniaHistorical Society.

    Box 1-Reel 1 Stuttgart Data [504-631] [alleged rape of German women by FrenchTroops]

    Box 1-Reel 3 Material from Captured Documents [302-390] [translation of German documents, 1944-1945, re Ardennes campaign, Hitler’s speeches and meetings with advisors]

    Box 1-Reel 4 Stuttgart Notes and Copies [668-796] [behavior of French troops inStuttgart]

    Dulles, John Foster: Papers, 1951-1959Draft Presidential Correspondence and Speeches Series

    Box 1 President’s Speech April 1953 (1)-(3) [Chance For Peace speech with comments by JohnFoster Dulles, Paul Nitze and Charles Bohlen]

    Box 1 Candor Speech Dec. 8, 1953 (1)-(3) [comments by John Foster Dulles, C.D Jackson andHenry Cabot Lodge]

    Box 1 President Eisenhower’s American Legion Speech-August 31, 1954

    General Correspondence and Memoranda Series

    Box 1 Memos of Conversation - General J Through K (1) [C.D. Jackson re Cold War strategy]Box 1 Memos of Conversation-General J Through K (2) [Senator Knowland’s conversations

    including reference to Satellite resolution]Box 2 Strictly Confidential-C-D (3) [William Donovan and SEATO]Box 2 Strictly Confidential-I-K (1) [Correspondence and Memoranda] [C.D. Jackson re

    Hungary, political warfare, Near East, Africa, Free Europe Committee]Box 3 Strictly Confidential-M (3) [Correspondence and Memoranda] [John J. McCloy and

    overseas libraries, Joseph McCarthy]Box 4 [Miscellaneous Correspondence August 14, 1953-August 22, 1955] [Scott McLeod re

    USIA exhibit]



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    Box 4 [Miscellaneous Correspondence August 15, 1956-October 11, 1956] [USIA budget proposal]

    Box 5 [Miscellaneous Correspondence October 12-30, 1956] [Dulles meeting with Ukranian-American group]

    Box 5 [Miscellaneous Correspondence November 5, 1956-December 28, 1956[George V. Allen re Greece and Cyprus]

    Box 5 [Miscellaneous Correspondence May 16, 1957-August 9, 1957] [OlympicGames and Red China]

    Box 5 [Miscellaneous Correspondence September 5, 1957-October 24, 1957][Harold Stassen re Little Rock desegregation]

    JFD Chronological SeriesBox 1 Chronological-John Foster Dulles February 1953 (1)-(6) [Liberation Resolution]Box 1 Chronological March 1-17, 1953 (1)-(5) [Chance for Peace speech]Box 2 Chronological-John Foster Dulles March 18-31, 1953 (1)-(5) [RFE and VOA; Soviet

    Union and Eastern Europe]Box 2 Chronological-John Foster Dulles April 1-31, 1953 (1)-(6) [President’s 

    Chance For Peace Speech; Senator Joseph McCarthy and communist books]Box 3 Chronological-John Foster Dulles June 1, 1953 (1)-(9) [overseas libraries; Walter White

    and books]Box 4 Chronological-John Foster Dulles July 1953 (1)-(6) [William J. Donovan; information

     program]Box 5 John Foster Dulles Chronological October 1953 (1)-(5) [genocide resolution; MIG pilot]Box 5 John Foster Dulles Chronological November 1953 (1)-(5) [genocide resolution]Box 7 John Foster Dulles Chronological March 1954 (1)-(4) [Radio Free Europe]Box 10 John Foster Dulles Chronological November 1954 (1)-(6) [William J. Donovan; VOA

     broadcasts]Box 11 John Foster Dulles Chronological February 1955 [Iron Curtain visitors]Box 11 John Foster Dulles Chronological May 1955 (1)-(4) [Nelson Rockefeller and David

    Sarnoff’s cold war plan; Rodgers and Hammerstein and festival of American culture]

    Box 11 John Foster Dulles Chronological June 1955 (1)-(5) [Edward Lansdale]Box 12 John Foster Dulles Chronological August 1955 (1)-(7) [political warfare]Box 13 John Foster Dulles Chronological March 1956 (1)(2) [U.S. prestige]Box 13 John Foster Dulles Chronological July 1956 (1)(2) [East-West exchanges]Box 14 John Foster Dulles Chronological September 1956 (1)-(3) [liberation of captive peoples]Box 15 John Foster Dulles Chronological October 1957 (1)-(4) [USSR and cultural exchanges]Box 16 John Foster Dulles Chronological July 1958 (1)-(4) [Soviet exchanges]Box 16 John Foster Dulles Chronological November 1958 (1)-(3) [USIA broadcasts]Box 17 John Foster Dulles Chronological January 1959 (1)-(3) [C.D. Jackson and Hungary]

    Personnel Series

    Box 1 Name File (Strictly Confidential) [D-F] [William Donovan and Thailand]Box 2 Name File (Strictly Confidential) [W-Y] [Whiting Willauer, Central America and C.D.

    Jackson]Box 3 Subject File (Strictly Confidential)-Negro Problem [consideration of black appointment

    for post behind Iron Curtain; representative of a non-Negro Minority group asAmbassador for cold war purposes]

    Box 8 Negro Ambassador [Eisenhower and positive progress in race relations]Box 10 V [Alan Valentine as President of Committee For a Free Asia]Box 16 Chron-June 1956 (1)-(4) [President’s Special Fund for sending performing artists on tour]



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    Box 16 Chron-September 1956 (1)-(4) [American National Theater and Academy (ANTA)]Box 18 Chron-May 1957 (1)-(3) [American National Theater and Academy (ANTA)]Box 19 Chron File-February 1958 (1)-(3) [USIA and film festivals]Box 19 Chron File-April 1958 (1)-(3) [Boston University jazz combo; USIA and film festivals]Box 19 Chron File-May 1958 (1)-(3) [Boston University jazz-dance quintet]Box 19 Chron File-June 1958 (1)-(3) [Berlin film festival; Freedom Day Celebration and Eastern

    European exiles and refugees]Box 20 Chron File-November 1958 (1)(2) [educational exchanges with USSR]

    Box 20 Chron File - March 1959 [James Moody Jazz Band tour and U.S. cultural presentation program]

    Box 21 Chron File July 1959 (1)(2) [international film festivals]

    Gerard C. Smith SeriesBox 1 Material from Gerard C. Smith’s Files 1958 (1)-(7) [psychological aspects of nuclear

    weapons; USSR propaganda]Box 2 [Notebook] General 10/1/58-1/10/59 [men of spirit (U.S.) vs. men of materialism


    Special Assistants Chronological Series

    Box 2 Chronological-O’Connor & Hanes March 19-31, 1953 (1)-(5) [statement re role ofAmerican Negro in international relations]

    Box 2 Chronological-O’Connor & Hanes April 1-31, 1953 (1)-(8) [anti-communist motion pictures and radio programs; Radio Free Europe]

    Box 3 Chronological-O’Connor & Hanes June 1-[30] 1953 (1)-(5) [InternationalInformation Agency; overseas libraries]

    Box 3 Chronological-O’Connor and Hanes July-1953 (1)-(4) [bookburning]Box 3 O’Connor -Hanes Chronological August 1953 (1)-(5) [National Committee for a Free

    Europe]Box 4 O’Connor -Hanes Chronological January 1954 (1)-(5) [Scott McLeod and USIA displays]Box 5 O’Connor -Hanes Chronological March 1954 (1)-(5) [U.S. information and

     propaganda programs]Box 6 O’Connor -Hanes Chronological August 1954 (1)-(5) [Ambassador William Donovan and

    SEATO; Pete Carroll re C.D. Jackson’s economic plan; Free Europe Committee]Box 9 O’Connor -Hanes Chronological October 1955 (1)-(4) [Karl Harr and Institute on Political

    Warfare; Crusade for Freedom]Box 9 Macomber-Hanes Chronological February 1956 (1)-(4) [Radio Free Europe]Box 11 Macomber-Drain Chronological April 1957 91)-(3) [National Symphony

    Orchestra and sponsored international tours]Box 11 Macomber-Drain Chronological May 1957 (1)-(3) [International University of Social

    Studies (Pro Deo) in Rome]Box 11 Macomber-Drain Chronological June 1957 (1)(2) [balloon testing]

    Box 12 Greene-Boster Chronological March 1958 (1)-(4) [U.S. overseas image]Box 12 Greene-Boster Chronological April 1958 (1)-(4) [Polish leaders’ visit to U.S.]Box 13 Greene-Boster Chronological October 1958 (1)-(3) [Free World Spiritual

    Values and Communist World]

    Subject SeriesBox 1 Book-burning (1)-(6) [International Information Administration and use of

    Communist literature]



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    Box 7 Nelson Rockefeller [United States information program; political warfare; David Sarnoff plan for waging cold war]

    Box 8 Yalta-Malta Papers etc. 1955Box 8 Confidential-Memos and Letters (1)-(3) [psychological warfare]Box 12 USSR- Note of 12/21/53 re President’s Atomic Proposal of 12/8/53

    Telephone Conversations SeriesBox 1 Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or from White House) January 1953-April 1953 (1)

    [C.D. Jackson and draft statement; International Information Agency reorganization;President’s Change for Peace speech]

    Box 1 Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or from White House) January 1953-April 1953 (3)[psychological warfare; International Information Agency]

    Box 1 Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or From White House) May-June 1953 (1) [JosephMcCarthy and Radio Berlin; East German uprising]

    Box 1 Telephone Memoranda (Excepting to or From White House) May-June 1953 (2) [GeneralSmith re Thailand and Southeast Asia]

    Box 1 Telephone Memoranda (Except to and from White House) July-October 31, 1953 (1)[UN resolution re biological warfare; genocide convention; biological warfare charges]

    Box 1 Telephone Memoranda (Except to and from White House) July-October 31, 1953 (2)

    [Allen Dulles, Heritage Foundation and Radio Free Europe]Box 1 Telephone Memoranda (Except to and from White House) July-Oct 31, 1953 (5) [C.D.

    Jackson and Germany]Box 2 Telephone Memoranda (Except to and From White House) November 1, 1953-December

    31, 1953 (2) [Candor speech]Box 2 Telephone Memos (Except to and From White House) May 1, 1954-June

    30, 1954 (2) [Frank Wisner re German riots]Box 2 Telephone Memos (Except to and From White House) July 1, 1954-August 31, 1954 (1)

    [C.D. Jackson re speech proposal]Box 2 Telephone Memos (Except to and From White House) July 1, 1954-August 31, 1954 (4)

    [C.D. Jackson; Henry Luce re C.D. Jackson and re Indochina]

    Box 2 Telephone Memos (Except to and From White House) July 1, 1954-August 31, 1954 (5)[C.D. Jackson re article on Guatemala]

    Box 4 Telephone Conv.-General May 2, 1955-Aug. 31, 1955 (3) [Allen Dullesre Rockefeller plan for political warfare]

    Box 4 Telephone Conv. – General May 2, 1955 – Aug 31, 1955 (7) [David Sarnoff plan re ColdWar]

    Box 4 Telephone Conv. - General Sept. 1, 1955 to Dec. 1, 1955 (3) [Karl Harr and politicalwarfare institution]

    Box 4 Memoranda of Telcon. General January 3, 1956-April 30, 1956 (4) [balloons]Box 5 Memoranda of Telcon. General January 3, 1956-April 30, 1956 (5) [balloons]Box 5 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. General July 12, 1956 to Sept. 29, 1956 (6) Radio Free

    Europe; Poland and riots]Box 7 Memoranda Tel. Conv. General September 2, 1957 to October 31, 1957 (2) [George

    Allen as head of USIA]Box 7 Memoranda Tel. Conv. General September 2, 1957 to October 31, 1957 (3)

    [Herbert Brownell and impact of Little Rock]Box 8 Memoranda Tel. Conv. General Jan. 2, 1958-March 31, 1958 (4) [C.D. Jackson and

    return to White House staff]Box 8 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. General June 2, 1958 to July 31, 1958 (1) [balloons and




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    Box 9 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. General August 1, 1958 to October 31, 1958 (4)[C.D. Jackson and Far East America Council]

    Box 9 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. General August 1, 1958 to October 31, 1958 (5)[C.D. Jackson and Middle East]

    Box 10 White House Telephone Conversations January to April 1953 [C.D. Jackson and draft ofPresident’s Speech; Emmet Hughes and President’s speech; liberation resolutions]

    Box 10 White House Telephone Conversations May-December 31, 1953 (1) [C.D. Jackson andAtoms for Peace]

    Box 10 White House Telephone Conversations May-December 31, 1953 (2) [C.D. Jackson andCandor speech]

    Box 10 White House Telephone Conversations May-December 31, 1953 (3) [Robert Johnson’sstatement on books; Berlin uprising; overseas libraries; Radio Free Europe and Berlin]

    Box 10 White House Telephone Memos Jan. 1, 1954-June 30, 1954 (2) [C.D. Jackson; BerlinConference]

    Box 10 Telephone Conv. White House Mar. 7, 1955 to Aug 29, 1955 (2) [executive branch andcold war strategy]

    Box 11 Telephone Conv. White House Sept. 1, 1955 to December 30, 1955 [Nelson Rockefellerand organizational matters; Volunteer Freedom Corp (VFC)]

    Box 11 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House January 3, 1956-August 31, 1956 (1)

    [Republican platform and liberation of Communist dominated countries]Box 11 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House September 4, 1956 to Dec. 31, 1956 (2)

    [Stevenson re 1952 Republican pledge on liberation]Box 12 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House March 1957 to Aug. 30, 1957 (1) [Crusade for

    Freedom]Box 12 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House Sept. 2, 1957 to Dec. 26, 1957 (3) [Little Rock]Box 12 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House Jan. 2, 1958 to March 31, 1958 (2) [C.D.

    Jackson]Box 12 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House April 1, 1958 to July 31, 1958 (1) [C.D. Jackson;

     planes and balloons]Box 13 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House April 1, 1958 to July 31, 1958 (3) [balloons]

    Box 13 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House April 1, 1958 to July 31, 1958 (4) [C.D. Jacksonand psychological warfare slot]

    Box 13 Memoranda of Tel. Conv. White House August 1, 1958 to December 5, 1958 (1) [C.D.Jackson re Hungarian Kadar regime]

    White House Memoranda SeriesBox 1 White House Correspondence 1953 (1) [C.D. Jackson and Berlin Conference]Box 1 White House Correspondence 1953 (2) [C.D. Jackson re USSR and Germany]Box 1 White House Correspondence 1953 (4) [Chance for Peace speech]Box 1 White House Correspondence 1953 (5) [C.D. Jackson re Voice of America; Liberation


    Box 1 Meeting with the President 1953 [$100,000 Mig; Candor speech]Box 1 White House Correspondence 1954 (4) [C.D. Jackson]Box 1 Meetings with the President 1954 (1)(2) [C.D. Jackson economic plan]Box 3 Meetings with the President 1955 (3) [satellite resolution]Box 3 Meetings with the President 1955 (5) [William Donovan and Thailand]Box 4 White House Correspondence-General 1956 (5) [Quantico Panel and Geneva

    Conference]Box 4 Meetings with the President January 1956 through July 1956 (6) [RIAS and Eastern




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    Box 5 White House Correspondence-General 1957 (4) [Little Rock]Box 5 Meetings with the President 1957 (1) [U.S. disarmament proposals and world wide

    information campaign]Box 5 Meetings with the President 1957 (4) [USAF balloons]Box 6 Meetings with the President 1957 (5) [Arthur Larson and USIA]Box 6 White House-General Correspondence 1958 (1) [C.D. Jackson re seating

    of Hungarian delegates in UN]Box 6 White House-Meetings with the President 1/1-6/30/1958 (2) [balloon operations]

    Box 6 White House-Meetings with the President 1/1-6/30/1958 (6) [U.S. militaristic image]Box 6 White House-Meetings with the President 1/1-6/30/1958 (7) [C.D. Jackson]Box 7 White House-Meetings with the President July 1, 1958-December 31, 1958 (9) [balloons]Box 8 General Foreign Policy Matters (4) [Candor speech; C.D. Jackson]

    Dwight D. Eisenhower Library: Collection of 20th

     Century Military Records, 1918-1959

    Series I: Historical Studies Air UniversityBox 19 78 Morale in the AAF in World War IIBox 36 121 Special Operations: AAF Aid to European Resistance Movements, 1943-1945

    Series II: Library Reference PublicationsBox 3 What the Soldier Thinks, a Monthly Digest of War Department Studies on the Attitudes

    of American Troops, January 1944Box 19 Annex III: Civil Censorship (Excluding Press Censorship), Basic Preliminary Plan,

    Allied Occupation and Control of GermanyBox 21 Annex XXVI (Education) to Basic Preliminary Plan, Allied Control and Occupation of

    Germany (Control Council Period)Box 21 Annex XXXIII (Denazification) of Basic Preliminary Plan for Allied Control and

    Occupation of Germany

    Series VI: Recent AcquisitionsBox 1 SHAEF Booklet “Current Combat Leaflets” 1944 

    Series VII: European Advisory Committee MaterialBox 7 OSS, R&A Branch, Study 1934.1, The Clandestine Nazi Movement in Post-War

    GermanyBox 7 OSS, R&A Branch, Study 2189, Identification of Anti-Nazis in GermanyBox 8 OSS, R&A Branch, Study 3110, Leadership Principle and Criminal


    Eisenhower, Dwight D.: Papers, Pre-Presidential, 1916-1952Box 2 Adcock, C.L [Crusade for Freedom; Polish Army units]Box 10 Benton, William (1)(2) [information –  propaganda program; expanding information

     program]Box 11 Biddle, Anthony [memorandum to Biddle re psychological warfare]Box 13 Bracken, Brendan [British Minister of Information]Box 21 Catlin, George (2) [propaganda and NATO]Box 22 Churchill, Winston (8) [correspondence re propaganda and censorship]Box 24 Clay, Lucius D. (6) Crusade for Freedom]



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    Box 25 Collins, J. Lawton (3) [re value of Arthur Godfrey for propaganda purposes]Box 33 Davis, Elmer [Director, OWI]Box 35 Donovan, William [OSS Director]Box 41 Floege, Ernest F. [organizer of a resistance network in occupied Europe]Box 42 Forrestal, James (2) [Secretary of Army Kenneth Royall report on European Military

    situation in early 1949]Box 42 Forrestal, James (5) [psychological warfare]Box 45 Gailey, Charles K. Jr. [observations about U.S. morale, war effort]

    Box 48 Gray, Gordon [Director, Psychological Strategy Board]Box 51 Henm-Heral (Misc.) [interrogation report of Oscar Henschel, German

    industrialist and Nazi sympathizer]Box 52 Hoffman, G-Hoffr (Misc.) Gen. Tokarzewski, leader of Polish underground during

    WWII]Box 55 Harriman, W. Averell (3)(5) [need for skillful propaganda to counter Communist agenda;

    Arthur Godfrey and propaganda]Box 55 Hartle, Russell P. [Axis propaganda re disaffected behavior of American

    soldiers; need for positive propaganda to promote Anglo-American partnership]Box 58 Huebner, Clarence R. [a “subversive” editorial re editorial policy of The Stars and


    Box 58 Hughes, Everett (3) [memo re release of casualty figures]Box 61 Jackson, C.D. [Deputy Chief of Psychological War Division, SHAEF; psychological

    warfare activities in the West]Box 66 Keyes, Geoffrey [occupation forces and morale, administration; denazification program]Box 71 Lee, John C.H. [film for morale purposes, elimination of Nazism; the Army Talks

    Program]Box 73 McGre, MacGre-McKel, MacKel (Misc.) [B.M. McKelway re inspection of European

    concentration camps by American newspapermen]Box 75 McCloy, John J. (1)-(3) [German evaluations of NATO; administration of military

    occupation of Germany]Box 75 McClure, Robert A. [Chief PWD, SHAEF; reports re German reactions to Allied

     propaganda]Box 76 McNarney, Joseph T. (1)(2) [U.S. military forces in Germany; editorial policies for Stars

    and Stripes]Box 79 Macmillan, Harold [Italian government, political figures and armistice]Box 80 Marshall, George C. (1)-(12) [French morale; civil government in Germany; future

    occupation of Germany; importance of soldiers understanding causes and effects of thewar]

    Box 87 OD-OE (Misc.) [Gen. John O’Daniel re “Combat Principles of the Cold War”]Box 89 Pil-Pit (Misc.) [Walther B. Pitkin re psychological warfare]Box 90 PRO-PULI (Misc.) [Eisenhower memorandum re censorship]Box 90 Paley, William S.

    Box 91 Patton, George S. Jr. (1) [denazification policy; statement re U.S. and Britain ruling theworld; censorship problems]

    Box 93 Price, Byron [Director, Office of Censorship; report to President Truman re relations between U.S. occupation forces and German people]

    Box 94 Aral-Ran (Misc.) [H.R. Ramsdell re use of balloons for propaganda]Box 96 Ron-Roose (Misc.) [J.E. Ron re need to re-educate German children about Nazism and

    ultra-nationalism]Box 102 Sherl-Shev (Misc.) [Arthur Godfrey for information dissemination; Robert

    Sherwood re negative criticism of Crusade In Europe in England]





    Page 16 of 69 

    Box 32 Rosenberg Case Statement [1953; international impact]Box 33 Sprague Committee [President’s Committee on] Information Activities Abroad [1960]

    [report covering U.S. psychological warfare and international information programs;topics covered include radio broadcasting; Free Europe Committee; voluntary foreignaid; unattributed activities; image of America abroad]

    Box 37 USIA [United States Information Agency] (1)(2) [1953-1961]

    Ann C. Whitman (ACW) Diary Series

    Box 1 ACW Diary Nov.-Dec. 1953 (2) [phone call from C.D Jackson re Operation Candor]Box 1 ACW Diary January 1954 (3) [international information activities]Box 3 ACW Diary August 1954 (3) [C.D. Jackson re foreign policy including psychological

    warfare]Box 3 ACW Diary November 1954 (1) [U.S. information program]Box 5 ACW Diary May 1955 (2) [Nelson Rockefeller; USIA; Knowland’s proposed cold war

    strategy board; Eisenhower and definition of “Cold War”] Box 5 ACW Diary June 1955 (4) [psychological warfare]Box 6 ACW Diary July 1955 (1)(2) [Open Skies proposal; Geneva Conference]Box 6 ACW Diary August 1955 (5) [U.S. information program]Box 10 ACW Diary June 1959 (2) [USIA]

    Box 11 ACW Diary November 1959 [U.S. propaganda activities]

    Cabinet Series (See also Cabinet Series in Records of White House Staff Secretary for handwrittennotes of Cabinet meetings]Box 1 Cabinet meeting of February 25, 1953 [C.D. Jackson presentation on psychological

    warfare]Box 1 Cabinet Meeting of March 6, 1953 [Stalin’s death] Box 2 Cabinet Meeting of March 27, 1953 [psychological warfare]Box 2 Cabinet Meeting of April 24, 1953 [Eisenhower’s speech before American Society of

     Newspaper Editors (Chance for Peace Speech)]Box 2 Cabinet Meeting of July 10, 1953 [information center libraries overseas]

    Box 3 Cabinet Meeting of August 18, 1954 [International Trade Fair and cultural relations]Box 5 Cabinet Meeting of July 1, 1955 [Theodore Streibert briefing on communist propaganda]Box 10 Cabinet Meeting of March 21, 1958 [U.S. militaristic image in Far East]Box 14 Cabinet Meeting of November 6, 1959 [harm to foreign relations caused by racial

    discrimination]Box 15 Cabinet Meeting of December 11, 1959 [book On the Beach and concern over

     psychological impact on American people concerning nuclear war]Box 15 Cabinet Meeting of March 4, 1960 [Air Force manual alleging Communist

    infiltration of churches]

    Campaign Series

    Box 20 Livingston-Long [Eisenhower letter to Henry Cabot Lodge re Poland, Katyn Massacre]

    DDE Diary SeriesBox 3 DDE Diary Aug-Sept 1953 (1)(2) [$100,000 MIG]Box 3 DDE Diary October 1953 (1)-(4) [C.D. Jackson speech]Box 4 DDE Diary December 1953 (1)(2) [Eisenhower ’s Atoms for Peace speech;

    Psychological Warfare Board and Korea]Box 5 Phone Calls July-Dec. 1953 (1)(2) [Atoms for Peace]Box 5 DDE Diary-January 1954 (1)(2) [Sigurd Larmon as replacement for C.D. Jackson]



    Page 17 of 69 

    Box 6 DDE Diary April 1954 (1)-(3) [letter to C.D. Jackson re foreign economic policy;Eisenhower re Robert McClure and psychological warfare]

    Box 11 DDE Diary August 1955 (1)(2) [Eisenhower to Nelson Rockefeller re psychologicalwarfare and coordination of government operations]

    Box 11 DDE Diary-November 1955 (1)(2) [Radio Free Europe; Eisenhower to EdgarEisenhower re musicians in propaganda abroad]

    Box 16 July ’56 Miscellaneous (1)-(3) [Eisenhower to Eugene Holman on Radio Free Europe]Box 17 Aug. ’56 Diary-Staff Memos [memcon, Eisenhower, Streibert, Washburn, etc. re

    People-to-People conference; Senator Bush re platform mention of liberation of people behind Iron Curtain]

    Box 19 Oct. ’56 Diary-Staff memos [Hungary]Box 19  Nov. ’56 Diary-Staff Memos [Eisenhower conversation re Hungary and Cardinal

    Mindszenty]Box 20  Nov. ’56 Miscellaneous (1)-(4) [Eisenhower to C.D. Jackson re Hungary]Box 26 August 1957-Memo on Appts. (1)(2) [reaction to Eisenhower’s Islamic Center address;

    report re People-to-People program]Box 27 DDE Diary Oct. 1957 [letter, Eisenhower to Frank Altschull re USSR, expansion of

    communism in world and American free society]Box 27 October ’57 Staff Notes (1)(2) [People-to-People program; Little Rock]

    Box 30 DDE Dictation Jan. 1958 [Eisenhower to C.D. Jackson re position as Under Secretary ofState; Eisenhower to Herter re cultural exchanges with USSR]

    Box 31 DDE Dictation March 1958 [U.S.-USSR exchange]Box 31 Telephone Calls April 1958 [Eisenhower to Dulles re C.D. Jackson and psychological

    warfare]Box 32 May 1958-Staff Notes (1)(2) [Abbott Washburn on Spyros Skouras and Russian film

    exchange]Box 33 Toner Notes-May 1958 (1)(2) [Soviet Bloc propaganda on Vice President’s trip]Box 33 May 1958 DDE Dic. [memo re Strauss appointment and Atoms for Peace]Box 33 Telephone Calls-May 1958 [Eisenhower-Dulles re anti-American feeling in world]Box 33 June 1958-Staff Notes (1)-(3) [Brussels exhibit including memorandum of

    conversations and discussion of “Unfinished Business” exhibit] Box 34 Telephone Calls-July 1958 [John Foster Dulles and C.D. Jackson’s services]Box 35 Staff Memos July 1958 (1)(2) [Eisenhower and George V. Allen re radio operations in

    Middle East]Box 35 August 1958 Telephone Calls [Eisenhower to C.D. Jackson re Middle East speech drafts]Box 35 August 1958-Staff Notes (1)-(3) [USIA broadcast facilities]Box 37 DDE Dictation-Nov. 1958 [C.D. Jackson letter on Hungary]Box 37 Staff Notes Nov. 1958 [OCB and U.S. fair in Moscow]Box 37 DDE Dictation-Dec. 1958 [George V. Allen re VOA]Box 38 DDE Diary-Dec. 1958 [Kadar regime in Hungary and C.D. Jackson]Box 38 Staff Notes-Jan. 1959 (1)(2) [C.D. Jackson call re Willie Brandt visit as symbol to

    Europe and Germany]Box 39 Staff Notes March 1-15, 1959 (1)(2) [Hagerty, Leslie Glass of British Information

    Services re public statements by Macmillan during visit to Washington]Box 40 Staff Notes March 15-31, 1959 [Eisenhower conference with George V. Allen re

    Moscow Exhibit, People-to-People program, reorganization of USIA]Box 42 Staff Notes June 1-15, 1959 (1)(2) [Robert Thayer, Senator Fulbright re educational and

    cultural exchanges; Moscow Exhibit]Box 42 Staff Notes June 16-30, 1959 (1)(2) [Congresswoman Frances Bolton, Mrs. Zelma

    George and People-to-People program]



    Page 18 of 69 

    Box 43 DDE Dictation July 1959 (1)(2) [C.D. Jackson on meeting on Cold War]Box 45 Staff Notes October 1959 (1)(2) [Eisenhower re People-to-People]Box 46 DDE Dictation January 1960 [Eisenhower to C.D. Jackson re President’s

    Committee on Information Activities Abroad]Box 49 DDE Dictation April 1960 [Eisenhower re spiritual values and world situation]Box 52 DDE Dictation September 1960 [Eisenhower to C.D. Jackson re Khrushchev and

    United Nations]

    Dulles-Herter SeriesBox 1 Dulles, John F. June 1953 (1) [overseas libraries]Box 1 Dulles, John F. Sept. 1953 [$100,000 MIG]Box 2 Dulles, John F. Nov. 1953 [Berlin riots and psychological warfare]Box 2 Dulles, Feb. 1954 (1) [C.D. Jackson at Berlin]Box 2 Dulles, March 1954 (2) [Soviet Union and post-Berlin “psyche”] Box 3 Dulles, John Foster May 1954 (4) [Soviet aide-memoire re Atoms for Peace]Box 5 Dulles, John Foster March 1955 [American cultural festival in Paris]Box 5 Dulles, John Foster July 1955 [Lansdale and the Philippines]Box 7 Dulles, Foster, Sept. 1956 (2) [C.D. Jackson and visas for trips to Communist China;

    Adlai Stevenson and liberation pledge in Republican platform]

    Box 8 Dulles, John Foster June 1957 [Voice of America and propaganda]Box 9 Dulles, John Foster August 1957 (2) [Voice of America broadcasting policy]Box 9 Dulles, John Foster September 1957 (1) [SEATO and information activities]Box 9 Dulles, John Foster November 1957 (1) [Brussels Fair]Box 9 Dulles, John Foster January 58 (1) [U.S.-USSR exchange]Box 10 Dulles, John Foster March 1958 (1) [Eisenhower ’s Chance For Peace speech; U.S.-USSR

    armaments and student exchange]Box 10 Dulles, John Foster November 1958 [C.D. Jackson re Hungary]Box 10 Dulles, John Foster December 1958 [spiritual values of free world]

    International Series

    Box 1 AlbaniaBox 3 Bermuda-Pres Notes 12/53 (1)(2) [Atoms for Peace]Box 5 BulgariaBox 8 CzechoslovakiaBox 14 Germany 1953 (1)-(6)Box 28 Hungarian (1)(2)Box 28 Hungary, Mindzenty, CardinalBox 33 Italy (1)-(9)Box 49-53 USSR, Bulganin, Khrushchev foldersBox 54 Yugoslavia

    International Meetings SeriesBox 1 Bermuda-State Dept. Rpt – TOP SECRET (1)(3)Box 1 Bermuda-Hagerty NotesBox 1 Bermuda-British MemorandumBox 1 Geneva Conference July 18-23, 1955 (1)(2) [Folder 1]Box 2 Geneva Conference July 18-23, 1955 [Folders 1 and 2]Box 2 Geneva Notes-Goodpaster, Maj. John Eisenhower, Ann C. Whitman



    Page 19 of 69 

    Legislative Meetings Series

    Box 1 Meeting of February 16 [Supplementary Notes re secret agreements]Box 1 Meeting of March 2 [resolution on secret agreements]Box 1 Meeting of March 22, 1955 [memorandum re USIA]Box 1 Meeting of March 29 [USIA appropriations]Box 1 Bipartisan Congressional Luncheon Meeting, March 30, 1955 [Four-Power Conference

    and Russians use for propaganda purposes]Box 2 Meeting of June 8, 1955 [USIA]

    Box 2 Meeting of March 13, 1956 [USIA]Box 2 Meeting of May 8, 1957 [memorandum re Brussels Exhibition]Box 3 Meeting of June 5, 1958 [memorandum re USIA appropriations; Brussels Fair]Box 3 Meeting of June 17, 1958 [Brussels Fair]Box 3 Meeting of July 16, 1958 [Voice of America]Box 3 Meeting of July 29, 1958 [USIA supplemental appropriation]Box 3 Meeting of August 12, 1958 [USIA broadcast facilities; Surrender Studies]Box 3 Meeting of August 19, 1958 [USIA]

    Miscellaneous Series

    Box 5 President’s Committee on International Information Activities Report to the President

    June 30, 1953 [Jackson Committee report covering U.S. psychological warfare activities,overt and otherwise]

    NSC SeriesBox 4 131st Meeting February 11, 1953 [use of radio]Box 4 132nd Meeting of NSC, February 18, 1953 [Volunteer Freedom Corps]Box 4 134th Meeting of NSC, February 25, 1953 [Volunteer Freedom Corps]Box 4 135th Meeting of NSC, March 4, 1953 [USSR and Stalin]Box 4 140th Meeting of NSC, April 22, 1953 [Eisenhower ’s Speech of April 16]Box 4 141st Meeting of NSC, April 28, 1953 [Eisenhower ’s Speech of April 16]Box 4 143rd Meeting of NSC, May 6, 1953 [Thailand]

    Box 4 144th

     Meeting of NSC, May 13, 1953 [Thailand]Box 4 145th Meeting of NSC, May 20, 1953 [Volunteer Freedom Corps]Box 4 149th Meeting of NSC, June 9, 1953 [electro-magnetic communications]Box 4 150th Meeting of NSC, June 18, 1953 [East Germany; Czechoslovakia]Box 4 151st Meeting of NSC, June 25, 1953 [Czechoslovakia; Eastern Europe]Box 4 152nd Meeting of NSC, July 2, 1953 [report by President’s Committee on

    International Information Activities]Box 4 153rd Meeting of NSC, July 9, 1953 [electromagnetic communications; Eastern Europe;

    Volunteer Freedom CorpsBox 4 Minutes of 155th Meeting of NSC, July 16, 1953 [Project Solarium]Box 4 157th Meeting of NSC, July 30, 1953 [U.S. prestige abroad; Project Solarium]

    Box 4 159th

     Meeting of NSC, August 13, 1953 [Thailand]Box 4 164th Meeting of NSC, October 1, 1953 [U.S. prestige abroad]Box 4 167th Meeting of NSC, October 22, 1953 [electromagnetic communications; Jackson

    Committee recommendations]Box 5 174th Meeting of NSC, December 10, 1953 [Eisenhower ’s United Nations speech;

    Bermuda Conference]Box 5 188th Meeting of NSC, March 11, 1954 [Thailand]Box 5 189th Meeting of NSC, March 18, 1954 [electromagnetic communications]Box 5 193rd Meeting of NSC, April 13, 1954 [USIA and educational exchanges]



    Page 20 of 69 

    Box 5 197th Meeting of NSC, May 13, 1954 [Communist propaganda]Box 5 209th Meeting of NSC, August 5, 1954 [psychological warfare]Box 6 223rd Meeting of NSC, November 9, 1954 [electro-magnetic communications]Box 6 235th Meeting of NSC, February 3, 1955 [international broadcasting]Box 6 236th Meeting of NSC, February 10, 1955 [education and exchange]Box 6 240th Meeting of NSC, March 10, 1955 [foreign information and psychological warfare]Box 6 243rd Meeting of NSC, March 31, 1955 [Communist periodicals]Box 6 246th Meeting of NSC, April 28, 1955 [international broadcasting]

    Box 7 258th Meeting of NSC, September 8, 1955 [Volunteer Freedom Corps]Box 7 260th Meeting of NSC, October 6, 1955 [human effects of nuclear weapons development]Box 7 262nd Meeting of NSC, October 20, 1955 [Geneva and U.S. information programs]Box 7 267th Meeting of NSC, November 21, 1955 [U.S. foreign aid, military assistance and

    information programs]Box 7 268th Meeting of NSC, December 1, 1955 [Thailand]Box 7 279th Meeting of NSC, March 8, 1956 [Communist activities in U.S.]Box 8 289th Meeting of NSC, June 28, 1956 [East-West exchanges]Box 8 301st Meeting of NSC, October 26, 1956 [Poland; Hungary]Box 8 302nd Meeting of NSC, November 1, 1956 [Hungary]Box 8 303rd Meeting of NSC, November 8, 1956 [Hungary]

    Box 8 304th

     Meeting of NSC, November 15, 1956 [Hungary]Box 8 305th Meeting of NSC, [Hungary]Box 8 312th Meeting of NSC, [human effects of nuclear weapons development]Box 8 313th Meeting of NSC, February 21, 1957 [Poland; Hungary; defectors; escapees and

    refugees]Box 8 315th Meeting of NSC, March 6, 1957 [defectors, escapees and refugees]Box 8 320th Meeting of NSC, April 17, 1957 [political elements of national strategy]Box 9 327th Meeting of NSC, June 20, 1957 [Thailand]Box 9 333rd Meeting of NSC, August 1, 1957 [human effects of nuclear weapons development]Box 9 337th Meeting of NSC, September 22, 1957 [Thailand]Box 9 338th Meeting of NSC, October 2, 1957 [electro-magnetic communications]

    Box 10 369th

     Meeting of NSC, June 19, 1958 [organization for overseas psychologicaloperations]

    Box 10 381st Meeting of NSC, October 2, 1958 [image of America]Box 10 383rd Meeting of NSC, October 16, 1958 [Thailand]Box 10 392nd Meeting of NSC, December 23, 1958 [USIA report re President’s message and

    Moscow Exhibit]Box 11 405th Meeting of NSC, May 7, 1959 [overseas internal security program]Box 11 407th Meeting of the NSC, May 21, 1959 [East-West exchanges]Box 11 415th Meeting of the NSC, July 30, 1959 [Youth Festival in Vienna]Box 12 429th Meeting of NSC, December 16, 1959 [cold war; policy toward USSR and satellites]Box 12 441st Meeting of NSC, April 14, 1960 [Communist propaganda]

    Box 12 448th

     Meeting of NSC, June 22, 1960 [U.S. military personnel-morale and physicalcondition]

    Box 12 451st Meeting of NSC, July 15, 1960 [technical surveillance; East Germany]Box 13 460th Meeting of NSC, September 21, 1960 [defectors and refugees]Box 13 462nd Meeting of NSC, October 6, 1960 [East Germany]

    Name SeriesBox 7 Crittenberger, Gen. Willis D.Box 8 Donovan, General William [Algeria, Indochina; nuclear weapons]



    Page 21 of 69 

    Box 19 Howard Roy [USIA]Box 20 Larmon, Sigurd (2) [U.S. information program abroad, British public opinion polls]Box 22 McCloy, John J. [U.S. information program in Europe]Box 25 Pawley, William D. [Latin America; Cuba]Box 32 Stevenson, Adlai [Voice of America]

    Press Conferences SeriesBox 1 Press Conference 7/8/53 [message from George Meany and Walter Reuther re U.S. aid to

    workers in East Germany]Box 1 Press Conference 7/22/53 [notes and statements on East Germany and food]Box 4 Press Conference 8/4/55 [exchange of groups with USSR]Box 5 Press Conference 6/6/56 [People-to-People Program]Box 5 Press Conference 8/1/56 [hate campaign]Box 6 Press Conference 7/31/57 [Americans visiting Moscow; Youth Festival]Box 6 Press Conference 8/7/57 [Youth Festival]Box 7 Press Conference 8/6/58 [meeting with remarks by C.D. Jackson and Andrew

    Goodpaster]Box 8 Press Conference 6/17/59 [Olympic Games and Nationalist China; student exchange]Box 10 Press and Radio Conference 9/7/60 [U.S.-Soviet rivalry at Olympic Games]

    Speech Series Box 3 Speech 4/16/53 American Society Newspaper Editors Reading CopyBox 3 Speech-American Society of Newspaper Editors April 16, 1953Box 5 U.S. Information Agency-11/10/53Box 5 United Nations Speech 12/8/53 (1)(2) [Atoms for Peace Speech; Russian

    reaction to speech, New York Times article]Box 8 D-Day Statement 6/4/54 [memorandum and draft by C.D. Jackson]Box 11 Crusade for Freedom (TV) 2/8/55[transcript of closed circuit TV broadcast]Box 12 Penn State Graduation 6/11/55 [digest of Soviet activities and propaganda re peaceful

    uses of atomic energy]

    Box 12 UN 10th

     Anniversary 6/20/55Box 13 Atoms for Peace 7/28/55Box 16 Baylor University 5/25/56 (1)-(5)

    Dwight D. Eisenhower, Papers: Post-Presidential, 1961-1969. Processed series containing relevantdocumentation are listed below.

    1961 Principal File

    Box 11 International Rescue Committee’s Caribbean Refugee Program Box 11 Jackson, C.D.

    Box 14 Military Participation in Information ProgramsBox 16 People-to-PeopleBox 16 People-to-People-Joyce HallBox 24 Cronkite, Walter, Interview with DDE, May 23-29, 1961 (1)-(6) [Hungary, 1956; Yalta

    Agreement; moral and intellectual strength]

    1962 Principal File Box 20 Trips (TR)-Philadelphia, Pa. Radio Free Europe Luncheon, May 14, 1962Box 35 Hall, Joyce (only) [People-to-People]



    Page 22 of 69 

    Box 36 Ja [C.D. Jackson]Box 39 McK [Eisenhower trip to support People-to-People program]Box 41 Pau [William D. Pawley-Cuba]Box 41 Pe [Peace Corps]Box 42 Ri [Free Europe Committee]Box 44 Stennis, John (Subcommittee) [Eisenhower re communist threat, extremism, military role

    re communism]Box 47 Chron File February 1962 (3) [J. Edgar Hoover-Birch Society claims]

    Box 48 Chron File March 1962 (4)-(10) [troop informational programs]Box 48 Chron File April 1962 (1)-(6) [communist infiltration]Box 49 Chron File April 1962 (7)-(9) [People-to-People]

    1962-63 Signature FileBox 11 Invitations Declined (IN-2) Fl [C.D. Jackson, Free Europe Committee]Box 11 Invitations Declined (IN-2) L [right wing organization]Box 14 Legislation (LE) (1)(2) [Senator Stennis- censorship of military officers’ speeches]Box 26 Ben (1)-(3) [troop information programs]Box 35 Gas [Thomas S. Gates-use of military in Cold War education activities]Box 39 Hom [J. Edgar Hoover, John Birch Society]

    Box 40 Ja (1)(2) [C.D. Jackson; Project Hope]Box 46 Mer [Eisenhower-Eric Hoffer, The True Believer]Box 47 Mor (1)(2) [Moral Rearmament]Box 52 Ros (1)-(5) [WWII-Dachau]Box 56 Su [John Birch Society]Box 57 Ts (1)(2) [captive nations]Box 60 Whi (1)-(3) [ultraconservatives]Box 60 Wilson (1)-(3) [C. Wilson re conference of scientists, historians and People-to-People at

    United Nations]

    1963 Principal File

    Box 1 AP-1 Appointments-Brodeur, Malabar; Wells, Sam; Jackson, C.D. September 24, 1963Box 2 AP-1 Appointments-Hockey Team Oct 19, 1963 [People-to-People]Box 3 AP-1 Appointments-Reader’s Digest October 4, 1963 [People-to-People]Box 12 IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Radio Free Europe (Murphy, W.B.), May 23, 1963Box 17 IN-2 Invitations Declined (Ja-Je) [C.D. Jackson]Box 23 MB Memberships (E-G) [People-to-People]Box 24 MB Memberships (S) (1)(2) [Radio Liberty; Allen Dulles]Box 28 ME-4 Messages-General (S) (1) [Radio Liberty]Box 31 SP Speech, Radio Free Europe Luncheon, May 23, 1963Box 34 Ba (1)-(7) [Moral Rearmament]Box 35 Be (4)-(7) [extremists of left and right]

    Box 40 Cha (1)-(3) [People-to-People]Box 41 Co (2)-(9) [People-to-People]Box 43 Du (1)-(3) [Allen Dulles-Radio Liberty-American Liberation Committee]Box 45 Fi (1)-(4) [Leonard Finder-John Birch Society-extreme right]Box 45 Fo (1)-(3) [People-to-People]Box 58 Pe (1)-(3) [People-to-People]Box 60 Re (1)-(6) [John Birch Society; People-to-People]Box 62 Sch (1)-(6) [Radio Liberty]Box 66 U (1)-(3) [USIA-Voice of America]



    Page 23 of 69 

    Box 68 We (1)-(7) [Freedoms Foundation –  preserving basic rights and freedoms; R. Welch book]Box 68 Wh (1)-(4) [Eastern Europe]

    1964 Principal File

    Box 3 AP-1 Appointments Approved-Washburn, Abbott, Dec. 11, 1964 [People-to-People]Box 9 IN-1 Invitations Accepted People-to-People Planning Comm. Sept 14, 1964Box 9 IN-1 Invitations Accepted-People-to-People Board Meeting June 1, 1964Box 12 IN-2 Invitations Declined D M [Project HOPE]

    Box 19 ME-3-9 Messages-Veterans-Patriotic Groups (1)-(3) [Lithuania]Box 20 PP-People-to-People, 1964 (1)-(3)Box 35 Fo (1)-(3) [People-to-People]Box 38 Ha (1)-(11) [People-to-People]Box 40 Ja (1)-(4) [C.D. Jackson]Box 42 Ko (2)(3) [Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation]Box 43 Le (1)-(5) [People-to-People]Box 45 Me (1)-(4) [People-to-People Forum]Box 50 Pr (1)-(4) [Project Hope]Box 54 St (3)-(10) [T. Streibert- Radio Free Europe]Box 56 Washburn, Abbott [People-to-People; role of USIA]

    Box 58 Wr [World War II propaganda]

    1964 Signature File

    Box 4 A (1)-(3) [“Peaceful Coexistence: A Communist Blueprint for Victory”, by R. Allen]Box 8 J [C.D. Jackson]Box 9 P [People-to-People]Box 9 Party-to-People Forums [U.S. prestige; communism]Box 9 R (1)-(3) [Free Europe Committee report for 1963]

    1965 Principal File

    Box 1 AP-1 Greenewalt, C.H. (Radio Free Europe) [film interview and fund raising; current

    situation in Eastern Europe]Box 2 AP 1 Little Angels (Korean Cultural Freedom Foundation)Box 2 AP 1 Moon, S.M. (Korean Religious and Youth Leader)Box 2 AP 1 Morin, Pat, 8-25/65 (1)(2) [unconditional surrender demand; background of Atoms

    For Peace speech]Box 7 IN-1 People-to-People Community Chapter Conference, 10-7-65Box 7 IN-1 People-to-People Trustees Meeting (Bishop, L.K.) 9-16-65Box 7 IN-1 Polish association of Former Political PrisonersBox 13 Memoranda (For the Record or Files) (1)(2) [Radio Free Europe]Box 14 ME-5 Messages-Organizations (1)-(3) [People-to-People]Box 15 ME-5 Messages-Organizations (4)-(7) [USIA; Carl Rowan]

    Box 15 PP-1 People-to-People (Lists, Meetings, Minutes, etc.)Box 15 PP-2 People-to-People (General)Box 16 PP-2 People-to-People (General) (5)(6)Box 20 BER (1)(2) [People-to-People]Box 20 BI (1)(2) [People-to-People]Box 20 BOR [Frank Borman, Eisenhower and space program and race to Moon]Box 21 BRO (1)(2) [memo on Radio Free Europe broadcasts]Box 26 DIR [Walt Disney re People-to-People]Box 26 E (1) [Abbott Washburn; People-to-People]



    Page 24 of 69 

    Box 28 FRI (1)(2) [Eisenhower comments on psychological warfare during WWII]Box 29 GE (1)(2) [Eisenhower re effect of dropping leaflets to German troops during WWII]Box 29 GOO (1)(2) [Radio Free Europe]Box 30 GOT [People-to-People]Box 30 GRE (1)(2) [Radio Free Europe]Box 32 HIL (1)-(3) [Eisenhower statement in 1951 concerning Hitler, German people and

    German army during WWII]Box 35 KI (1)(3) [People-to-People in Korea]

    Box 35 KR [Committee for Handicapped of People-to-People]Box 36 LAR (1)(2) [Sigurd Larmon and work of USIA and USIS libraries]Box 36 LE (1)(2) [People-to-People; World War II psychological warfare leaflets]Box 39 Miller (1)(2) [All American Conference to Combat Communism]Box 43 PI (1)-(3) [People-to-People]Box 43 R (1)-(4) [Radio Free Europe]Box 51 VE Day Program, CBS 5/7-8/65 [Eisenhower cautions about disparaging remarks about

    Germany]Box 52 WAS (1)-(3) [Abbott Washburn; People-to-People; Eisenhower and origins of People-to-


    1965 Signature FileBox 9 Birthday Correspondence (Gen. Eisenhower-1965) B (1)(2) [Mark Bortman; People-to-

    People]Box 18 People-to-PeopleBox 18 RA (1)-(4) Free Europe Committee report; religion behind Iron Curtain]Box 19 “Town Meeting of the World” (CBS-TV Presentation, 10-26-65-DDE Participating)

    [J. Edgar Hoover comments on communists speaking on college campuses]

    1966 Principal File

    Box 3 FA Foreign Affairs (Vietnam) (1)(2) [troop morale]Box 10 PE People-to-People (1)-(5)

    Box 11 PE People-to-People (6)Box 22 BAR (1)-(3) [Major Velma Barkley and troop morale in Vietnam]Box 27 COO (1)(2) [Lyndon B. Johnson and Eisenhower re People-to-People; Sister Cities

    Program]Box 33 Hall, Joyce (1)-(3) [People-to-People]Box 36 KI (1)-(5) [Asia University]Box 37 KN (1)-(3) [Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation and Radio Free Asia]Box 38 LI (2)(3) [Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation]Box 44 R (1)-(3) [Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation; Radio Free Asia]Box 45 RI (1)(2) [Free Europe, Inc.]

    1967 Principal FileBox 3 AP-1 Appointments Accepted, April 1967 (1)-(5) [Japanese-American Society for

     promotion of Goodwill and Friendship; transcript of 1953 Voice of America broadcast toUSSR re election of Eisenhower]

    Box 6 ED Education (1)-(4) [Eisenhower letter re Governor Romney and “brainwashed” onVietnam]

    Box 9 FA Foreign Affairs, Vietnam (1)-(6) [difficulties of getting Asians to oppose expansionof Communism; Citizens For Victory in Vietnam]



    Page 25 of 69 

    Box 23 ME-3 Messages to Organizations, Mar.-Aug. 1967 (1)-(4) [People- to-People; Japan-American Society; parade to support troops in Vietnam]

    Box 25 MR Mid-East Relief Corp., June-Aug. 1967 (1)-(4) [letters from Arab women and deepdivisions in Middle East]

    Box 25 NS National Security-Defense (1)-(5) [Walt Rostow’s help on United Nations speech in1958; war and need to defend principles, rights and helpless]

    Box 25 PE People-to-People Oct.-Dec. 1967 (1)-(3)Box 25 PE People-to-People, Jan.-Sept. 1967]

    Box 27 PL-7 Republican National Committee (1)(2) [foreign policy papers on American imageabroad]

    Box 34 PR-5-1-1 Broadcasts, Tapes, Films, Telecasts (CBS Interview on Vietnam) JamesHagerty criticizes staging; Eisenhower not explaining how progress could be made]

    Box 56 U (1)(2) [USO]

    1968 Principal FileBox 5 FA-Vietnam (1)-(4) [Goodpaster report on situation in Vietnam; need for leadership; Tet

    offensive; Oriental attitude toward life]Box 5 FF Freedoms Foundation (1)-(6) [correspondence re Vietnam, freedom, slavery,


    Box 12 MB-1 Memberships Accepted (Peace with Freedom) (1)-(5) [Citizens Committee forPeace with Freedom in Vietnam; Eisenhower statement for use]

    Box 13 MB-1 Memberships Accepted (Peace with Freedom) – Abbott Washburn Statement (1)(2)[Eisenhower comments on proposed policy statement on bombing North Vietnam]

    Box 16 MR Middle East Relief (1)(2) [Eisenhower re declining influence of U.S. in Middle East;report on cultural mission to Arab countries]

    Box 16 PE People-to-People (1)-(3)Box 40 G (1)-(3) [free nations vs. communism, Vietnam War, Ho Chi Minh; Ngo Dinh Diem]

    Convenience File, 1945-69

    Box 1 Messages-Speeches [Radio Free Asia; People-to-People]

    Box 1 Miscellaneous [Eisenhower views on topics including Cardinal Mindszenty]Box 1 People-to-People, Inc.

    Speeches SeriesBox 1 October 18, 1961 Al Smith Dinner Talk (1)-(3) [weaknesses of the Communist system]Box 1 November 10, 1961 Cleveland Case institute (1) [intellectual and spiritual preeminence

    of U.S. vis-à-vis global threat of communism]Box 2 November 11, 1961 Kansas City [People-to-People]Box 2 July 31, 1962 Stockholm, Sweden (1) [People-to-People; education in promoting

    friendship among nations]Box 4 November 13, 1962 Economic Club of New York (1)-(4) [Soviet Union, cold war and

    effects on Americans]Box 5 December 7, 1962 National Association of Manufacturers New York, New York (1)-(3)

    [Communist threat; military industrial complex]Box 5 Speeches (by Others 1962) (1)-(9) [William S. Paley; Nelson Rockefeller, Martin Luther

    King]Box 6 May 23, 1963 Radio Free Europe Luncheon [security based on moral, economic and

    military strength]Box 7 SP-1 Taras Shevchenko 6/27/64 [tribute to Tara Shevchenko, Ukranian hero;

    independence from Russian colonial rule]



    Page 26 of 69 

    Box 8 SP-2 [Speeches Made by Others-Sent to DDE 1964] [Ayn Rand speech draft onideological topics; Robert Merriam on People-to-People]

    Augusta-Walter Reed Series

    Box 1 Cuba (2) [William Pawley; Tractors For Freedom]Box 1 Goodpaster 1968 [Vietnam; Tet offensive]Box 1 Johnson, President Lyndon B. 1967 [international information programs]Box 2 Kennedy, John F. 1960-61 (1) [communist penetration of Latin America]

    Box 2 Memoranda of Conferences 1961-63 (1)(2) [Bay of Pigs; Sputnik; intelligence;Khrushchev; Laos, Thailand, Vietnam]

    Box 5 Drafts (3) [international propaganda]Box 8 The Cold War (1)-(7) [Eisenhower ’s introduction to communism at Army War

    College, pre-war and wartime experiences with communism; Cold War during 1950s]

    Special Names SeriesBox 2 Bullis, Harry A. [People-to-People]Box 4 Eisenhower, Milton, 1961 [“Tractors For Freedom”]Box 5 Gray, Gordon, 1963-66 [5412 Group, Cuban refugees]Box 5 Gruenther, Alfred M. 1963-66 (2) [People-to-People]

    Box 6 Gruenther, Alfred M. 1963-66 (3)(5) [People-to-People]Box 10 Hoover, J. Edgar 1961, 1962 [communism]Box 11 Jones, Charles S. 1964 [People-to-People]Box 17 Romney, 1967 (1) [Eisenhower and “brainwashing charge”, Vietnam]Box 18 Romney, George 1968 [brainwashing story]Box 19 Strauss, Lewis, 1963-66 (3)(4) [People-to-People; “Tractors For Freedom; U.S. prestige

    abroad]Box 20 Whitney, John Hay, 1961 [Eisenhower and Castro; Peace Corps]

    Dwight D. Eisenhower, Records as President 1953-1961 (White House Central Files)

    Confidential FileBox 12-13 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 [26 folders; speech drafts, memoranda,

    working group memoranda and other materials regarding development of PresidentEisenhower’s Atoms For Peace speech] 

    Box 13-14 Central Intelligence Agency (1)-(4)Box 28-30 Geneva Conference (Big Four Conference)Box 44 National Committee For a Free Europe (1)(2)Box 45 National Science Foundation [Atoms For Peace speech]Box 49-50 Operations Coordinating Board [six folders]Box 50 President’s Committee on International Information Activities [Korean conflict and


    Box 61 Psychological Warfare [use of radio in psychological warfare; foreign policy]Box 61 Radio Free EuropeBox 61-62 Rockefeller, Nelson [public opinion polls; psychological aspects of U.S. strategy]Box 62 Russia (1)-(5) [vulnerability of Soviet Union to political warfare]Box 63 Russia (6)(9) [Communist bloc vulnerabilities]Box 64 Russia (26)-(27) Communist propagandaBox 65 Russia-Stalin’s Death and Reaction and Results of President’s S peech of 4/16/53Box 67 State Department and Voice of America; East Berlin and East Germany; U.S. public

    opinion poll on Korea and Indochina]



    Page 27 of 69 

    Box 72 State Department of [Aug. 1956; opinion trends among America’s European Allies]Box 72 State Department of Nov. 1956 [Hungarian Revolution]Box 77 State Department of Jan.-Aug. 1959 [radio broadcasts to Eastern Europe; psychological

    warfare]Box 84 Tolstoy FoundationBox 99 United NationsBox 99 United Nations Speech of 12/8/53Box 99 United States Information Agency (1)-(3)

    Official File SeriesBox 33 OF 3-A-8, Army Department of the, Psychological Warfare CorpsBox 87-88 OF 3-R-3 Armed Forces Missing Members of Armed ForcesBox 90 OF 3-R-10, Armed Forces Committee on the Armed Forces Education ProgramBox 91 OF 3-Z Office of Psychological PolicyBox 91 OF-3-II Office of Armed Forces Information and EducationBox 92 OF 3-PP Defense Advisory Committee on Prisoners of WarBox 135 OF 8-F Donovan, Ambassadors and Ministers, Donovan, Hon. William J.Box 139 OF 8-F Wharton, Ambassadors and Ministers, Wharton, Clifton R.Box 141 OF-N International Educational Exchange Service (1)-(4)

    Box 142 OF 8-O United States Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange (1)(2)Box 244 OF 72-A-2 Harr, White House Office, Aides to the President, Harr, Hon. KarlBox 244 OF 72-A-2 Jackson, White House Office, Aides to the President, Jackson, C. D.Box 246 OF 72-A-2 Rockefeller, White House Office, Aides to the President, Rockefeller, NelsonBox 281 OF 72-F-1 National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency (1)-(4)Box 281 OF 72-F-3 National Security Council, Operations Coordinating BoardBox 453-454 OF 108-F Atoms For Peace (1)-(12)Box 492-493 OF 116-G Refugees — Displaced Persons 1953-1960Box 503 OF 116-DD American Culture FestivalBox 503 OF 116-FF Asian-African Conference (Bandung Conference)Box 570 OF 133-M Psychological Warfare

    Box 570 OF 133-M-1 Psychological Warfare, Pre. Common Internal Information Activities (1)-(5)Box 570 OF 133 M-2 Psychological Warfare, Psychological Operations Coordinating CommitteeBox 603-604 OF 139-B-1 International Trade FairsBox 607 OF 139-C PropagandaBox 686 OF 154-G Korean EmergencyBox 686 OF 154-H Wars, Prisoners of WarBox 687 OF 154-K War AtrocitiesBox 687 OF 154-M Wars, Germ Warfare Chemical WarfareBox 687 OF 154-N-1 and N-2 Wars Revolutions Against Russia in Poland and HungaryBox 688 OF 154-P Wars, Cold WarBox 724 OF 188 Hungary (Government and Legation of)

    Box 724 OF 188-A Joseph Cardinal MindszentyBox 733-735 OF 225 Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsBox 735 OF 225-A Stalin’s Death and Reactions and Results of Pres. Speech of 4/16/53Box 737 OF 230 Psychological Strategy BoardBox 748-749 OF 247 United States Information AgencyBox 755 OF 262 Operations Coordinating BoardBox 755 OF 263- Free Europe Committee Inc. Crusade For FreedomBox 762 OF 302 American Council for Nationalities ServiceBox 763 OF 315 Committee on Non-Military Defense



    Page 28 of 69 

    Box 764-768 OF 325 People-to-People ProgramBox 768 OF 328 Girard, William S.Box 775 OF 363 President’s Committee on Information Activities Abroad 

    General File Series

    Box 160 GF 7-A Jackson [C.D. Jackson]Box 172 GF 7-F Dir End. Operations Coordinating Board (as of 7/1/57)Box 207-209 GF 9-F International Information Administration

    Box 212 GF 9-M Int’l Cultural Exch. and Trade Fair Participation Act of 1956Box 851-856 GF 122-B Iron Curtain and Iron Curtain CountriesBox 872-873 GF 122-J Displaced Persons and RefugeesBox 875 GF 122-L Political Prisoners U.S. Citizens Held by Foreign CountriesBox 926 GF 125-E-2 Yalta ConferenceBox 927-929 GF 125-F Wars and War Veterans - Korean EmergencyBox 937 GF 125-T War and War Veterans-Cold WarBox 938 GF 125-U War and War Veterans Thirteen Americans Imprisoned by Chinese

    CommunistsBox 938 GF 125-V Germ WarfareBox 1079-1082 GF 137-I Exhibitions, Expositions and Fairs

    Box 1181-1184 GF 150-C-1 Communist PartyBox 1184-1185 GF 150-E Psychological WarfareBox 1185 GF 150-E-1- President’s Committee on International Information Activities 1952-53Box 1217 GF 155-C Atoms For PeaceBox 1218 GF 156-A PropagandaBox 1309-1311 GF 229 People-to-People Program

    President’s Personal File SeriesBox 620-623 PPF 20-L American Society of Newspaper EditorsBox 628-629 PPF 20-A-7 Speech at United Nations General Assembly, Dec. 8, 1953Box 784 PPF 47 American Friends of the Captive Nations

    Box 784 PPF 47 American Friends of the Middle EastBox 784 PPF 47 American Friends of VietnamBox 797 PPF 47 Baltic States Freedom CommitteeBox 811 PPF 47 Federation of Islamic AssociationsBox 811 PPF 47 First Aid For HungaryBox 821 PPF 47 International Rescue CommitteeBox 928 PPF 58-F Wars World War IIIBox 928 PPF 58-G Wars Korean EmergencyBox 933 PPF 135 Sarnoff, DavidBox 947 PPF 393 Crittenberger, Lt. Gen. Willis D.Box 947 PPF 423 Jackson, C.D.

    Box 955 PPF 653 McClure, Maj. Gen. Robert

    Eisenhower, Milton S.: Papers, 1938-85. Milton Eisenhower, a brother of Dwight Eisenhower, was president of three major universities, an adviser to President Eisenhower and held various government positions including Associate Director of the Office of War Information in 1942-1943 (The Papers ofEdward Lilly contain numerous messages and memoranda from, to, or concerning Milton Eisenhower).

    Box 1 1938-1945 [Office of War Information]Box 13 Presidential Commission on Radio Free Europe



    Page 29 of 69 

    Box 13 Presidential Study Commission on International Radio Broadcasting (1)-(4)

    Eskind, David B.: Papers, 1940-1973. David Eskind was a radio scriptwriter and producer. His papersconsist primarily of copies of radio scripts and recordings of programs he prepared for the Armed ForcesRadio Service in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

    Box 1 Armed Forces Radio RecordingsBox 1 Armed Forces Radio Scripts (1)-(14)

    Finder, Leonard V.: Papers, 1930-69. Leonard Finder was a newspaper editor and personal friend ofDwight Eisenhower. His papers document his opposition to the John Birch Society and other extremistgroups and contain samples of political propaganda.

    Box 7 Anti-Semitism (1951-52)Box 15 Propaganda Correspondence [United Nations and communism, Goldwater, Rockefeller,

    Republican Party and extremist groups]Box 16-18 Extremist AssociationsBox 32 Anti-CommunismBox 33-34 Propaganda (1)-(8)

    FitzGerald, Dennis A.: Papers, 1945-69. Dennis FitzGerald, an agricultural economist, helped directthe Agricultural Division of the Economic Cooperation Division and remained in government service asa Deputy Director of the Mutual Security Administration, Foreign Operations Administration andInternational Cooperation Administration.

    Box 20 Telephone Conversations January 1-April 30, 1953 (1)-(4) [U.S. Information services]Box 21 Telephone Conversations October 1-December 30, 1953 (1)-(4) [National Committee For

    a Free Europe]Box 24 Telephone Conversations July 13-August 3, 1956 (1)(2) [NSC 1290-d program]Box 24 Telephone Conversations August 6-August 31, 1956 (1)-(4) [propaganda and malaria

     program; Guatemala and 1290-d program]Box 25 Telephone Conversations April-May 1957 (1)-(4) [Radio Vietnam]Box 26 Telephone Conversations March-April 1958 (1)-(4) [cultural and training activities]Box 27 Telephone Conversations October, November, December 1958 (1)-(5) [U.S. cultural

    exhibit in USSR]Box 27 Telephone Conversations May 1959 (1)-(3) [Project Hope]Box 28 Telephone Conversations January, February and March 1960 (1)-(5) [Project Hope]Box 28 Telephone Conversations May 1960 (1)(2) [English language training; Saigon Mission

    and civil police]Box 29 Telephone Conversations September-October 1960 (1)-(4) [English language teaching in

    the Congo; African-American Institute and the education of African students in the U.S.]

    Box 30 Telephone Conversations April 1961 (1)-(3) [Edward Lansdale, Vietnam and fieldarrangements]

    Box 30 Telephone Conversations May 1961 (1)-(4) [Project Hope]Box 31 Telephone Conversations July-August 1961 (1)-(6) [women’s rights conference; English

    language teaching]Box 34 Reading File August 1, 1953-September 30, 1953 (3) [FOA and psychological strategy;

    morale situation in Saigon]



    Page 30 of 69 

    Box 36 Reading File 1/5/58 6/30/58 (1)-(5) [ICA and the promotion of home economics asmeans of combating communism among women; cultural and educational exchangeactivities]

    Box 37 Reading File 7/1/58- 12/3j0/58 (1)-(5) [overseas internal security in Lebanon]Box 37 Reading File 7/1/59-12/30/59 [Project Hope; University of Beirut and other Middle

    Eastern universities; international educational activities]Box 37 Reading File 7/1/60-12/30/60 (1)-(4) [American University in Beirut; foreign exchange]Box 37 Administration-Operation Reindeer (Christmas Food Package Program) [U.S.

    Government program of distributing food to foreign governments and peoples in order to promote more favorable attitudes toward America]

    Flemming, Arthur S.: Papers, 1939-1996. Arthur Flemming held many position within the U.S.Government including member of the U.S. Civil Service Commission, Director, Office of DefenseMobilization and from 1958 to 1961, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. He was also auniversity president and was active in the National Council of Churches. He served as Chairman, U.S.Commission on Civil Rights from 1974-1982.

    Box 20 People-to-People ProgramBox 30 [Williams, Walter] [Gus Hall visit to University of Oregon]

    Box 86 COEBG, 53-55: Intelligence ActivitiesBox 104 Japan International University Foundation (1)-(8) [1949-1952]Box 121 NCCC: Division of Overseas Ministries (1)-(6) [religion in communist dominated areas]Box 122 NCCC: General Board and Office of General Secretary 1967[religious freedom in

    Communist dominated areas]Box 197 [Candor and Credibility] [policy towards Southeast Asia]Box 220 September 11, 1943 “This is Our War” Armed Services Forces, War Department 

    Francis, Clarence: Papers, 1933-73. Clarence Francis, a prominent food industry executive, heldnumerous government positions involving defense mobilization, distribution of food services and,

    during the Eisenhower Administration was a special consultant in charge of disposal of agriculturalsurpluses in accordance with Public Law 480.

    Box 9 Trip to Russia- July 1959 [U.S. exhibition in Moscow, Khrushchev-Nixon kitchendebate]

    Francis, Clarence: Records, 1954-60Box 14 Crusade For Freedom [Radio Free Europe]Box 14 Crusade For Freedom 1956Box 16 Amer.-Korean FoundationBox 21 America Illustrated-final English Texts (an American Public for distribution in the

    USSR)Box 21 Crusade for Freedom

    Frank, Tim: Propaganda Leaflets, 1945 and 1952-53

    Box 1 Free World Weekly Digest (Chinese) (1)(2) [newsletter giving news from Alliedviewpoint]

    Box 1 Free World Weekly Digest (Korean) (1)(2)Box 1 Rehabilitation News (Korean) [reconstruction of South Korea]



    Page 31 of 69 

    Box 1 Miscellaneous Leaflets (Chinese) (1)-(3) [Korean War]Box 1 Miscellaneous Leaflets (Korean) (1)-(6) [Korean War]Box 1 Korean Army Leaflets [Korean War]Box 2 8th U.S. Army Leaflets (Chinese) (1)-(3)Box 2 8th U.S. Army Leaflets (Korean) (1)-(3)Box 2 Allied Leaflets (1)(2) [includes Russian language leaflet aimed at Soviet pilots flying for

     North Korea]Box 2 Communist Leaflets [English leaflets aimed at U.S. and British forces, Korean War]

    Box 2 World War II Leaflets [one Nazi leaflet and three Allied leaflets, 1945]

    Gale, Oliver M.: Papers, 1957-60, 1971, 1974. Oliver Gale was a special assistant to the Secretary ofDefense from 1957-1960. His duties involved speech and public statement preparation, press relations,liaison with the White House, contacts with Congressional leaders and handling of the Secretary ofDefense’s personal correspondence.

    Box 1 Washington Journal, Vol. I, July 1957 to Dec. 1958 (5) [USIA; Voice of America]Box 1 Washington Journal, Vol. II, Jan. 1959 to June 1960 (3) [George V. Allen re American

    Exhibition in Moscow]Box 1 Washington Journal, Vol. II, Jan 1959 to June 1960 (5) [movie “On the Beach”]

    Box 2 Washington Journal, Vol. II, Jan 1959 to June 1960 (6) [Air Force manual allegescommunist inclinations by officials of National Council of Churches]

    Gray, Gordon: Papers, 1946-76. Gordon Gray was a government official, newspaper publisher, anduniversity president. He served in the Truman Administration as Secretary of the Army, was involvedwith National Security Council matters in both the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations and from1958 to 1961 was Special Assistant to the President For National Security Affairs.

    Box 1 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1963 [U.S. ideological offensive]Box 1 [Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1967-68] [Sprague Committee]Box 1 [Dwight D. Eisenhower 1947-55] [Committee on International Information Activities]

    Box 2 [Gordon Gray-President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board]Box 2 [PSB Personal 1951-52] J (1)-(3) [Joseph Stalin; cold war policy; psychological warfare

    seminar; Psychological Strategy Board and Department of State]Box 3 PSB PersonalBox 3 PSB Chronological File August-Oct. 1951Box 3 PSB Chronological File November-December 1951Box 3 President Truman- Psychological Strategy Board 1951 and 1952 [Italian elections;

     psychological warfare seminar]

    Gruenther, Alfred: Papers, 1941-83. Alfred Gruenther was Chief of Staff to SACEURs Dwight

    Eisenhower and Alfred Gruenther, 1951-1953 and SACEUR from 1953 to 1956.

    Family Correspondence Series, 1946-56 Box 1 Homer Gruenther 1953 (1)(2) [C.D. Jackson; C.D. Jackson and Emmet Hughes as

    authors of “Chance For Peace” speech] Box 1 Homer Gruenther, 1954 (1) [Crusade for Freedom]Box 2 Homer Gruenther 1955 (1) [conversation between Eisenhower and Molotov at

    Geneva comparing freedom in U.S. and Russia]



    Page 32 of 69 

    General Correspondence Series, 1946-62

    Box 6 Donovan, William J. (1)(2) [Communist party in France]Box 7 Fodor, M.W. (1)(2) [Yugoslavia, USSR in Eastern Europe]Box 17 Spofford, C.M. [psychological warfare; Radio Free Europe]Box 28 Donovan, Hon. Wm. J. (1)(2)Box 32 Jackson, C.D.Box 45 Wilson, Charles E. [Radio Free Europe]

    NATO SeriesBox 1 [TOP SECRET Correspondence] (1)-(3) [Communism in Italy]Box 4 Rockefeller, Nelson A. [1954-56] [opinion surveys of Western Europe’s reaction to

    Geneva Conference]Box 5 C (3) [Free Europe Committee]Box 6 H (2) [Free Europe Committee]Box 8 U [Free Europe Committee and Human Rights Day]Box 12 Correspondence, Speeches and Miscellaneous Materials (2) [transcript of Khrushchev’s

    speech to 20th Congress of Communist Party]Box 15 “A Psychological Defence of the Free World” by Jean-Paul David

    U.S. Army SeriesBox 1 Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (1)-(7) [JCS conference on USSR and U.S.

    strategic planning, 1948-49]Box 3 Correspondence 1943-50 (1)-(8) [General William Donovan and OSS; neuropsychiatric

    casualties in Fifth Army during Italian, Sicilian and Tunisian campaigns]

    Hagerty, James C.: Papers, 1952-1974. James Hagerty served as Press Secretary to PresidentEisenhower from 1953 to 1961 and later was an executive with American Broadcasting Company

    Box 1-1A Hagerty Diary-covers primarily year 1954 with scattered items in 1955 and a few forearly 1956. Psychological warfare not cited in index but a few topics with psychological

    overtones are. These include Bandung Conference, April 27, 1955, Central IntelligenceAgency- several dates; Guatemala; Alger Hiss; internal security; Ladejinsky Case; Unionof Soviet Socialist Republics; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; United StatesInformation Agency; Voice of America; Yalta Papers]

    Box 2 Big Four Summit, Geneva, July 1955 JCH Notes [cold war, international tensions,international communism]

    Box 2 Bi-Partisan Leaders Meetings, 1955 JCH Notes [cultural exchange]Box 2 Bi-Partisan Leaders Meetings, 1956 JCH Notes [Hungary]Box 2 Bi-Partisan Leaders Meetings, 1959 JCH Notes [USIA]Box 2 Bi-Partisan Leaders Meetings, 1960 JCH Notes [intelligence and espionage]Box 2 Cabinet Meetings, 1954 JCH Notes [cultural exchange]

    Box 3 Memos of Conversation (JCH) 1960 [Eisenhower meeting with Ben Gurion includingreference to propaganda; Khrushchev visit to United Nations]

    Box 3 Miscellaneous Notes (JCH) 1955 [anti-Red legislation]Box 3 Miscellaneous Notes (JCH) 1959 (1) [captive nations]Box 4 Miscellaneous Notes (JCH) 1959 (2) [cultural exchange]Box 4 Miscellaneous Notes (JCH) Undated (2) [psychological warfare, State and USIA, cultural

    exchange]Box 7 Operation Ambassador [1957-59, orphanage run by U.S. Naval Air Facility, Naples]Box 20 European Trip-Overall Reaction [poll results on success of trip]



    Page 33 of 69 

    Box 21 Khrushchev Visit-State Dept. Notes on [personal account by State Department observeron Khrushchev’s daily reactions] 

    Box 21 Khrushchev Visit --#2 folder [USIA bulletin on Soviet propaganda]Box 22 USIS [11 Nation Trip- Italy]Box 23 Turkey [USIS report on Eisenhower visit]Box 27 South American Trip — Confidential Data on Each Country [USIA information on

    Argentina and Brazil]Box 110 Dwight D. Eisenhower Correspondence, 1964 [C.D. Jackson]

    Box 114 JCH Personal Correspondence, 1971 (2)-(3) [USIA]Box 115 Lyndon B. Johnson Correspondence, 1967-1973 [Hagerty and offer of position with

    USIA]Box 117 Speeches 1961 [speech re how rest of world views the U.S.]Box 117 Speeches, 1962 (1) [communism vs. free world]Box 118 Speeches 1962 (2)(3) [need for Free World to promote its values]Box 118 Speeches, 1963 (1)(2) [free world vs. communism]Box 118 Speeches, 1964 (1)-(4) [Army Information School]

    Hall, George: Papers, 1976-1999. George Hall was a Professor of English at the University of Main at

    Presque Islands. In the 1970s he gathered information for a biography of his aunt Mattie Pinette whoserved in the Women’s Army Corps in World War II, seeing duty with Robert McClure, Chief,

    Psychological Warfare Branch, Allied Forces Headquarters. After serving in General Eisenhower’sheadquarters at the time of OVERLORD, Ms. Pinette later served on the staff of Major General John T.Lewis, head of SHAEF mission to French Government. After the war she accompanied diplomaticmissions to Palestine and Greece and eventually became a personnel officer at the Atomic EnergyCommission.

    Box 1 Articles by Mattie Pinette (1) [draft speech re Atoms for Peace, 1957]Box 1 Interview-Mattie on Casablanca [work for Col. McClure]Box 1 Interview-Mattie on Greece and Palestine [psychological warfare; Charles

    Hazeltine, Richard Crossman, propaganda leaflets; study of Palestine; Greece; actors put

    in concentration camps]

    Hanes, John W. Jr.: Papers, 1950-1970. John Hanes was a Special Assistant to Secretary of State JohnFoster Dulles from 1953-57 and Administrator, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, 1958-61.Hanes worked with immigration and refugee issues so his papers should be checked for psychologicalaspects of immigration legislation.

    Box 5 Congressional Meeting on the Hill 1959-1960 [Hanes memcons re refugee Legislation]Box 9 Oct. 7, 1957 Annual Meeting of the American Immigration Conference, New York

    [Hanes speech “The United States Role in International Migration]Box 10 Mar. 12, 1959 National Council on Naturalization and Citizenship “The Individual and

    United States Foreign Policy” (1)(2) Box 10 Mar. 24, 1959 Chicago Conference of Foreign Relations —“Passports and the Communist

    Conspiracy” (1)-(4)

    Harr, Karl G., Jr.: Papers, 1943-90. Karl Harr served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense andfrom 1958-1961 as Special Assistant to the President for Security Operations Coordination. In thiscapacity he was vice chairman of the Operations Coordinating Board and was concerned with the psychological impact of various national security policy actions.



    Page 34 of 69 

    Box 1 Personal Correspondence, 1955 (1)(2) [David Sarnoff and Cold War program; C.D.Jackson; proposal for political warfare with communists; William Jackson; William R.Kintner]

    Box 1 Personal Correspondence, 1956 (1)-(4) [William Kintner; proposal for institution tocombat communism; American Committee for Cultural Freedom]

    Box 1 Personal Correspondence, 1957 (1)-(5) [lack of response to Sputnik]Box 1 Personal Correspondence, 1958 (1)-(3) [psychological warfare; book, Ugly American]Box 2 Personal Correspondence, 1958 (4)-(8) [American propaganda effort abroad; USIA]

    Box 2 Personal Correspondence, 1960 (1)-(3) [comments on Sprague Report]Box 3 International Freedom, Proposal for Fund and Institute, Notebook 1954-55 (1)-(5)

    [communist threat; need to develop institute to combat communism]Box 4 International Freedom, Proposed Institute and Committee, 1955-56Box 4 Khrushchev’s Use of the Scriptures, 1959 [memo by Frederic Fox listing Khrushchev’s

    citing of Biblical texts and references to the Deity during visit to U.S. in 1959]Box 4 Operations Coordinating Board, 1953-1959 (1)(2)Box 5-6 Writings by Karl Harr-Chapter Drafts [proposed book on Cold War; political warfare in

    Free World; C.D. Jackson]

    Hauge, Gabriel: Records, 1952-58. Gabriel Hauge served as Assistant to the President for EconomicAffairs from 1953 to 1958.

    Box 1-2 Reports [materials related to the Fifth International Conference sponsored by TheCongress for Cultural Freedom in Milan, Italy, 1955; basic theme of reports is freedomversus totalitarianism, nature of Soviet system, capitalism compared with communism]

    Hazeltine, Charles B: Papers, 1942-1944. Charles Hazeltine served as chief of the PsychologicalWarfare Branch, Allied Forces Headquarters (PWB/AFHQ) from 1942-44.

    Box 1 P.W. B. (1)-(4) [includes history of psychological warfare in North African Theater;numerous memoranda and printed matter re psychological warfare in North Africa and

    Mediterranean. Also includes a PWB “report” on the birth of  Christ apparently prepared by someone in PSB as a joke]

    Jackson, C.D.: Papers, 1931-1967. C.D. Jackson, a publishing executive in Henry Luce’s Time,Incorporated publishing company, was a practitioner of psychological warfare during World War II andin the cold war years which followed. His early propaganda work involved running the Council ForDemocracy, an organization aimed at warning the American people of the threats posed by suchideologies as communism and Nazism. He served in General Eisenhower’s combined operational

    headquarters, AFHQ and SHAEF as a civilian employee of OWI and a deputy director dealing with psychological warfare matters. During the late 1940s Jackson helped establish and run the Free Europe

    Committee and its organ, Radio Free Europe and during the 1950s served President Eisenhower as aSpecial Assistant for Cold War Planning with his focus on international information and psychologicalwarfare matters. His papers constitute one of the most important sources of information on propagandaand psychological warfare in the Library’s holdings. The first 20 or so boxes pertain primarily to

    Jackson’s duties in World War II while the remainder of the collection contains extensive files on theCouncil For Democracy, the Free Europe Committee or National Committee For a Free Europe as it wasformerly called, and on Jackson’s work in the Eisenhower Administration as a Presidential advisor. The

    files listed below are selective and users are urged to consult the finding aid to the Jackson Papers for acomplete list of file folders.



    Page 35 of 69 

    Box 1 Algiers-London (1)-(9) [Psychological Warfare Branch, Allied Forces Headquarters(PWB/AFHQ) matters Italy, Mediterranean, France]

    Box 2 “A” Day Paris (1)(2) [plans for dissemination of information upon end of resistance inGermany]

    Box 2 Atrocities [German atrocities in France and Belgium; report on concentration camp]Box 2-3 Basic PWB-AFHQ [6 folders] [“black” and “white” propaganda; German home front;

    Italy and North Africa; France; Middle East; psychological warfare operations]Box 3 Brussels-Paris (1)(2) [Allied propaganda; PWD activities in liberated territory; displaced

     persons; Germany]Box 3-4 Cairo-Algiers [6 folders] [radio broadcasting; Political Warfare Executive; leaflet and

    radio operatio
