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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 3605–3615, 2012 www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/12/3605/2012/ doi:10.5194/nhess-12-3605-2012 © Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Propagation of Atlantic Ocean swells in the north Indian Ocean: a case study S. V. Samiksha 1 , P. Vethamony 1 , V. M. Aboobacker 2 , and R. Rashmi 1 1 National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa – 403004, India 2 Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI), National University of Singapore, Singapore Correspondence to: P. Vethamony ([email protected]) Received: 16 May 2012 – Revised: 13 September 2012 – Accepted: 30 October 2012 – Published: 7 December 2012 Abstract. An analysis of altimeter significant wave height data of May 2007 revealed the occurrence of an extreme weather event off southern tip of South Africa in the At- lantic Ocean, and generation of a series of very high swells at 40 S. These swells propagated towards northeast and broke over La R´ eunion island in the Indian Ocean on 12 May 2007. The wave model WAVEWATCH III was used to study the propagation of these swells in the Indian Ocean. The model was validated for the Indian Ocean using moored buoy data at 12 locations and merged altimeter wave data. The wave model accurately reproduced the event of May 2007. Swell heights, of the order of 15.0 m, at the generation area reduced to 6.0 m near La R´ eunion island. This study shows that the swells generated in the Roaring Forties of the Atlantic Ocean (between 15 to 80 E longitude) propagate in the NE/NNE direction towards the north Indian Ocean, and wave charac- teristics of the Arabian Sea are least influenced compared to that of Bay of Bengal, when swells from the Atlantic Ocean enter the Indian Ocean. The double peak spectrum extracted for the Bay of Bengal indicates that one of the peaks is due to swells generated off southern tip of South Africa. 1 Introduction Accurate wave information, including waves of extreme weather events, is very essential for a wide range of research and engineering applications. Wave statistics derived from point measurements were considered for obtaining reliable local wave climate in the past. However, these measurements are not sufficient to describe the regional wave patterns over a long period of time. This emphasizes the need to work on wave models driven by wind fields obtained from satellites measurements or models. Third-generation wave models are capable of predicting the waves reasonably well, and the ac- curacies can be still improved with appropriate representa- tion of extremely complex physical processes of wind gen- erated waves (Vledder, 2001; Polnikov et al., 2007). Third- generation models such as WAM (WAMDI Group, 1988) and WAVEWATCH III (Tolman, 1999) are widely applied for global as well as regional ocean state forecasts. The compo- nents of source function are used without prior restrictions on the spectral shape (Tolman, 1996). The shallow water wave model SWAN (SWAMP, 1985) has been designed specifi- cally for coastal wave prediction, and it is utilized at several coastal regions around the world. Francis and Stratton (1990) used altimeter wind speeds to provide information on the distribution of energy within the wave spectrum. Lionello et al. (1992) assimilated altime- ter wave data in a third-generation wave model. Wave pre- diction studies have been carried out for the Indian Ocean region using scatterometer winds (Bhatt et al., 2005, 2006; Vethamony et al., 2006; Swain et al., 2004; Muraleedharan et al., 2009). For the coastal regions of India (e.g. Paradip coast), nearshore wave parameters have been estimated by Aboobacker et al. (2009) using wave model. Sensitivity study of the input forcing, as well as assimilation experiments, for the coastal regions of India has been performed by Kumar et al. (2009). Vethamony et al. (2000) used ECMWF (Euro- pean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) winds in a second-generation wave model to hindcast waves for the north Indian Ocean. Studies on swells and their propagation in the world oceans have been of great interest to many researchers over the decades. Munk (1947) made an attempt to track the storms by using forerunners of the swells. Barber and Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
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Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 3605–3615, 2012www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/12/3605/2012/doi:10.5194/nhess-12-3605-2012© Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Natural Hazardsand Earth

System Sciences

Propagation of Atlantic Ocean swells in the north Indian Ocean:a case study

S. V. Samiksha1, P. Vethamony1, V. M. Aboobacker2, and R. Rashmi1

1National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa – 403004, India2Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI), National University of Singapore, Singapore

Correspondence to:P. Vethamony ([email protected])

Received: 16 May 2012 – Revised: 13 September 2012 – Accepted: 30 October 2012 – Published: 7 December 2012

Abstract. An analysis of altimeter significant wave heightdata of May 2007 revealed the occurrence of an extremeweather event off southern tip of South Africa in the At-lantic Ocean, and generation of a series of very high swells at40◦ S. These swells propagated towards northeast and brokeover La Reunion island in the Indian Ocean on 12 May 2007.The wave model WAVEWATCH III was used to study thepropagation of these swells in the Indian Ocean. The modelwas validated for the Indian Ocean using moored buoy dataat 12 locations and merged altimeter wave data. The wavemodel accurately reproduced the event of May 2007. Swellheights, of the order of 15.0 m, at the generation area reducedto 6.0 m near La Reunion island. This study shows that theswells generated in the Roaring Forties of the Atlantic Ocean(between 15◦ to 80◦ E longitude) propagate in the NE/NNEdirection towards the north Indian Ocean, and wave charac-teristics of the Arabian Sea are least influenced compared tothat of Bay of Bengal, when swells from the Atlantic Oceanenter the Indian Ocean. The double peak spectrum extractedfor the Bay of Bengal indicates that one of the peaks is dueto swells generated off southern tip of South Africa.

1 Introduction

Accurate wave information, including waves of extremeweather events, is very essential for a wide range of researchand engineering applications. Wave statistics derived frompoint measurements were considered for obtaining reliablelocal wave climate in the past. However, these measurementsare not sufficient to describe the regional wave patterns overa long period of time. This emphasizes the need to work onwave models driven by wind fields obtained from satellites

measurements or models. Third-generation wave models arecapable of predicting the waves reasonably well, and the ac-curacies can be still improved with appropriate representa-tion of extremely complex physical processes of wind gen-erated waves (Vledder, 2001; Polnikov et al., 2007). Third-generation models such as WAM (WAMDI Group, 1988) andWAVEWATCH III (Tolman, 1999) are widely applied forglobal as well as regional ocean state forecasts. The compo-nents of source function are used without prior restrictions onthe spectral shape (Tolman, 1996). The shallow water wavemodel SWAN (SWAMP, 1985) has been designed specifi-cally for coastal wave prediction, and it is utilized at severalcoastal regions around the world.

Francis and Stratton (1990) used altimeter wind speedsto provide information on the distribution of energy withinthe wave spectrum. Lionello et al. (1992) assimilated altime-ter wave data in a third-generation wave model. Wave pre-diction studies have been carried out for the Indian Oceanregion using scatterometer winds (Bhatt et al., 2005, 2006;Vethamony et al., 2006; Swain et al., 2004; Muraleedharanet al., 2009). For the coastal regions of India (e.g. Paradipcoast), nearshore wave parameters have been estimated byAboobacker et al. (2009) using wave model. Sensitivity studyof the input forcing, as well as assimilation experiments, forthe coastal regions of India has been performed by Kumaret al. (2009). Vethamony et al. (2000) used ECMWF (Euro-pean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) winds ina second-generation wave model to hindcast waves for thenorth Indian Ocean.

Studies on swells and their propagation in the worldoceans have been of great interest to many researchersover the decades. Munk (1947) made an attempt to trackthe storms by using forerunners of the swells. Barber and

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Ursell (1948) measured frequency spectra of ocean wavesin order to develop a reliable method for predicting ampli-tude and period of wind waves and swell from meteorolog-ical charts and forecasts. Snodgrass (1966) focused on theevolution of the swell energy along the propagation direc-tion in the North Atlantic Ocean. Studies conducted over thelast few decades have expanded these initial insights, reveal-ing that the presence of swells affects several important pro-cesses at the air–sea interface such as the modulation, block-age and suppression of short period wind-generated waves.Hanson and Phillips (1999) investigated the wind sea growthand dissipation in a swell-dominated, open ocean environ-ment to explore the use of wave parameters in air–sea processmodelling.

Chen et al. (2002) analyzed the available simultaneousmeasurements from National Aeronautics and Space Admin-istration (NASA) satellite sensors, the TOPEX altimeter, theNSCAT and QuikSCAT scatterometers and produced globalmaps of swell and wind sea climate. The study explainedthat there are three well-defined swell-dominated zones in thetropical areas of Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The per-sistent, strong winds over the Southern Ocean generate highwaves that travel thousands of kilometers to the Indian Oceanas large swell component (Alves, 2006). These swells, on en-tering the Indian Ocean region, contribute to the total waveheight of the surface waves. Ardhuin et al. (2009) providedan accurate estimation of dissipation rate of swell energyacross the oceans. Further, Ardhuin et al. (2010) proposeda set of parameterization for the dissipation source terms ofthe wave energy balance equation based on known propertiesof swell dissipation and wave breaking statistics.

The generation and growing processes of wind seas havebeen the main focus in the development of wave models forforecasting purposes till recently. There has been a renewedinterest in the study of swells particularly related to theirpropagation and attenuation (Alves, 2006; WISE, 2007; Ard-huin et al., 2009). It has been shown that swell decay ratesare related to a reverse momentum flux process (Donelan etal., 1997; Grachev and Fairall, 2001), occurring as a swellperforms work on the overlying atmosphere (Semedo et al.,2009). The study by Bhowmick et al. (2011) shows that theIndian Ocean is dominated by swells of considerable ampli-tudes. These swells arrive from the Southern Ocean duringmost part of the year and can grow significantly under theinfluence of strong winds such as storms. The study furthersuggests that the swells arriving at the north Indian Oceanduring early or mid-May carry unique signatures of ap-proaching monsoon. In the pre-monsoon months of April andMay, the significant wave heights in the north Indian Oceanare relatively low in the range of 0.5–1 m. However, duringsouthwest monsoon (June–September), the swells of largeramplitudes start propagating in the Indian Ocean from theSouthern Ocean, and the significant wave height increases toapproximately 2.0–3.0 m.

In the present study, the wave model WAVEWATCH III(hereinafter referred to as WW III) has been used to simu-late the waves in the Indian Ocean. WW III (Tolman, 1997,1998a, b, 2002a, b, 2003) is a fully spectral third-generationocean wind-wave model, developed for the regional sea waveprediction at the Ocean Modeling Branch of the Environ-mental Modeling Center of the National Centers for Envi-ronmental Prediction (NCEP), USA. The present study aimsat validating WW III for the Indian Ocean and understand-ing the characteristics of swells coming from the AtlanticOcean into the Indian Ocean and their propagation in thenorth Indian Ocean (the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal).For this purpose, a case study of swells generated in the At-lantic Ocean (near 40◦ S off South Africa) during an extremeweather event, in May 2007, has been taken up and collo-cated satellite data and modelling results have been used.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Data used

The model domain used for the present study is shown inFig. 1a. The moored buoy network established by the Na-tional Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, In-dia, under the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), India, pro-vided in-situ wave observations in the Indian Ocean for val-idating the WW III model results. Measured data of 12 lo-cations (Fig. 1b), representing both the Arabian Sea and theBay of Bengal, have been used. The data were measured atthe rate of 1 Hz for 17 min at every 3-h duration. The pro-cessor on the buoy applies wave analysis software, whichuses a fast Fourier transform on the wave record to obtain thepower spectrum. Both directional and non-directional analy-ses are carried out to calculate a range of wave parameters.In the wave spectrum, the frequency range between 0.04 and0.10 Hz is considered low-frequency (swell) components andbetween 0.10 and 0.50 Hz is considered high-frequency (sea)components (Rajesh et al., 2009).

The altimeter significant wave height (Hs) data are ob-tained from the IFREMER CERSAT altimeterHs database.The database is constructed using the Geophysical DataRecords (GDR) for each altimeter, and correctingHs mea-surements according to previous studies. The database in-cludes altimeter significant wave heights of 16-yr periodfrom the six altimeter missions ERS 1&2, TOPEX/Poseidon,GEOSAT Follow-ON (GFO) (Naval Oceanographic Office,2002), Jason-1 (Picot et al., 2003) and ENVISAT (ESA,2002). Each altimeter data product has specific characteris-tics (format, flags), and, in order to facilitate the access to al-timeterHs measurements, data were extracted from the orig-inal products, screened according to quality flag values, cor-rected and gathered into homogeneous daily data files. Var-ious quality flags applied to different altimeter datasets aredetailed in Queffeulou et al. (2003, 2004).

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Fig. 1. (a) Model domain and selected points in the Indian Oceanfor studying the propagation of swells during 2007(b) Buoy mea-surement locations (2006).

Accurate wind data are needed for better wave predictionespecially along the coastal region. Identifying the appropri-ate wind data with sufficient spatio-temporal resolution overa larger spatio-temporal scale is a major task which greatlydetermines the reliability and accuracy of wave model re-sults. Winds used as input to the model are NCEP Reanalysiswinds (u andv components) available for 6 hourly intervaland in 2.5◦ × 2.5◦ grids (Kalnay et al, 1996). The wind dataare further interpolated to 1◦

× 1◦ for all the model simula-tions. The comparison of NCEP winds with buoy winds attwo locations – DS2 (Arabian Sea) and DS5 (Bay of Ben-gal) – is given in Fig. 2, and the comparison shows the reli-ability of reanalysis winds (NCEP winds) in the wave model(WW III).

2.2 Methodology

WW III solves the spectral action density balance equationfor wave number-direction spectra. The growth, refractionand decay of each component of the complete sea state foreach specific frequency and direction are solved, giving com-plete and realistic characteristics of the transient wave field.The physical processes included in the model are refractionand straining of the wave field due to temporal and spa-tial variations of mean water depth and mean current, wavegrowth and decay due to the actions of wind, nonlinear res-onant interactions, dissipation by white-capping and bottomfriction. Details of the WW III model can be found in Tol-man (1999).

The bathymetry of the study area is prepared using theETOPO2 (Earth Topography 2 min) obtained from the Na-tional Geophysical Data Centre, USA. The complex vari-ation in the bathymetry calls for high spatial resolution inthe model. We have tested the performance of the modelfor the following three grid sizes: 0.25◦

× 0.25◦, 0.5◦× 0.5◦

and 1.0◦ × 1.0◦ . The accuracy of simulated wave parame-ters improved when we considered either 0.25◦

× 0.25◦ or0.5◦

× 0.5◦ grid size compared to 1.0◦× 1.0◦ grid. Accu-

racy is found to be the same for both 0.25◦× 0.25◦ and

0.5◦×0.5◦ grid sizes, but as the computational time is higher

for 0.25◦ × 0.25◦ grid, we have therefore run the model with0.5◦

× 0.5◦ grid.Most of the wave models could simulate the average wave

parameters to an agreeable extent, but reliable simulation ofswell components remains as a major limiting factor. Re-cently, for the Indian Ocean wave modelling, sensitivity anal-yses were carried out by Bhowmick et al. (2011) for WAMmodel and Aboobacker et al. (2011) for the MIKE 21 model.Hence, we have done the sensitivity analysis for WAVE-WATCH III by taking the southern boundary up to 60◦ S. Inthis study, we have done several model experiments, keep-ing the southern boundary at 40, 50, 60 and 70◦ S. However,we could not find any change in the wave parameters whenthe southern boundary was extended to south of 60◦ S. Samewas the case, when the domain was extended to west of 15◦ Eand east of 120◦ E. Hence, we considered the model domainbounded by latitudes 60◦ S to 30◦ N and longitudes 15◦ E to120◦ E for the present study (Fig. 1a). In the pre-processing,the NCEP winds were interpolated to the respective grids inthe bathymetry. Wave growth was computed using the sourceterms to account for wind input, non-linear wave-wave inter-actions and whitecapping. The effects of depth-induced re-fraction and island shadowing/blocking are included in thewave propagation scenario (Tolman, 2003). Model simula-tions have been carried out for two years (2006–2007) andvalidated with the buoy measurements of 2006. Swell prop-agation from the Atlantic Ocean into the north Indian Oceanhas been studied for the year 2007, particulary for an extremeweather event that happened in the same year.

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Fig. 2. Comparison of time series of NCEP winds (blue line) with buoy winds (black line) at two locations:(a) DS5 (Bay of Bengal) and(b) DS2 (Arabian Sea).

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Model validation

Selection of appropriate wind data with sufficient spatial andtemporal resolutions over a large region is a major task whichgreatly determines the accuracy of model wave parameters.Accuracy of the wind input (NCEP Reanalysis) was tested bycomparing the NCEP winds with the measured buoy windsat two locations (Fig. 2): DS2 (Arabian Sea) and DS5 (Bayof Bengal). Correlation coefficients of 0.87 (bias= −0.02,rms= 1.5) and 0.73 (bias= −0.4, rms= 2.07) were obtainedfor the wind speeds at DS2 and DS5. Seasonal variabili-ties, including monsoon conditions, are clearly evident in theNCEP winds as seen in the measurements. These give us theconfidence to use NCEP winds for the analysis and modelsimulations.

Firstly, we wanted to see how far the model simulationscan be brought very close to the observations. For this, wehave run the model for different seasons, and analysed thewave characteristics of the Indian Ocean. To check the com-patibility of the model for both deep water and shallow

water, the model results were compared with buoy data at12 locations (different depths) and also with altimeter waveheights. The results of validation experiments at two loca-tions are presented in Figs. 3a, b and 4. The validation fordeep water wave heights and wave directions (off Kakinada,off Pondicherry) is shown in Fig. 3a and b and shallow waterwave heights and directions (off Tuticorin) in Fig. 4. Valida-tion for wave period was not done due to unavailability ofmeasured average wave period data. Altimeter wave heightspresented in Figs. 3 and 4 also include validation. Tables 1and 2 show the statistical comparison of model results with(i) measured data of all available buoys and (ii) collocatedaltimeter data obtained from Ifremer (CERSAT, 1996). Cor-relation coefficient between model and buoyHs varies from0.79 to 0.92 for deep water and 0.21 to 0.75 for shallow water(Table 1).

We have considered the frequency range from 0.025 Hzto 1.0 Hz. As no signal was present in the high-frequencyregion, the model did not reproduce the same. As WAVE-WATCH III is specifically meant for deep water, and not forshallow water, we receive good statistical results for deep

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Fig. 3. (a)Comparison between measured (black line) (wave rider buoy) and modelled (red line) wave heights and wave directions for theperiod January–February 2006 (calm weather season). Altimeter data (blue dots) (deep water: DS5, off Kakinada).(b) Comparison betweenmeasured (black line) (wave rider buoy) and modelled (red line) wave heights and wave directions for the period May–September 2006(rough weather season). (deep water: OB08, off Pondicherry).

Table 1. Statistical parameters for wave height obtained by comparing model results with buoy data at a few locations in the Indian Ocean(January–February 2006).

Sr. No Buoy ID Location Mean (m) Bias (m) RMS (m) Bias/Mean SI Corr Coefft

Long (◦) Lat (◦)

1 DS5 83.265 14.004 0.91 0.18 0.26 0.2 0.28 0.922 OB8 81.51 11.585 1.07 0.04 0.21 0.04 0.20 0.883 MB10 84.98 12.541 1.09 0.22 0.31 0.2 0.28 0.874 SW2 71.107 16.974 0.96 −0.26 0.32 −0.27 0.34 0.825 MB12 90.138 18.131 0.75 0.05 0.19 0.07 0.26 0.79

6 DS2 72.407 10.684 0.88 −0.07 0.19 −0.08 0.21 0.567 DS6 72.74 8.324 0.83 −0.01 0.17 −0.02 0.21 0.568 SW4 74.764 12.973 0.58 −0.19 0.22 −0.33 0.38 0.759 AN4 93.556 13.416 0.69 −0.23 0.32 −0.33 0.46 0.6410 AN3 91.66 10.52 1.16 −0.10 0.24 −0.09 0.21 0.6411 OB7 78.57 8.208 1.26 −0.48 0.57 −0.38 0.45 0.4412 SW5 78.233 8.709 0.75 −0.19 0.33 −0.25 0.41 0.21

* SI = Scatter Index.

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water as shown in Table 1. Model and buoy comparison forcalm season (February 2006) is presented in Fig. 3a and forrough weather (May–September 2006) in Fig. 3b. Irrespec-tive of calm or rough weather, if high-frequency wave sig-nals had been present due to the prevailing winds, the modelwould have reproduced the same signals.

As WW III is a global model, it provides poor correla-tion for shallow water waves. It may be noted that both DS2and DS6 are shallow water buoys and not deep water buoys,even though the nomenclature used is DS instead of SW (de-ployed off Lakshadweep islands), and that is the reason forobtaining a poor correlation coefficient (Table 1). This showsthe need of coupling a global or regional model with a shal-low water or nearshore model for receiving accurate shallowwater wave prediction. Model wave direction matches verywell with the measurements for deep water buoys at boththe locations in the Indian Ocean. It may also be noted thatSW2 is not a shallow water buoy, but a deep water buoy (wa-ter depth= 2000 m). It is found that model simulation resultsmatch well with the altimeter data for most of the buoy loca-tions in the north Indian Ocean with correlation coefficientsranging from 0.54 to 0.84 (Table 2). As both the model andthe altimeter data are accurate for deep water, statistical anal-ysis has not been carried out for the shallow water buoy lo-cations.

3.2 Propagation of Atlantic Ocean swells in the northIndian Ocean

A series of very high waves broke over La Reunion is-land in the Indian Ocean on 12 May 2007, when there wasan extreme weather event that occurred off southern tip ofSouth Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. The waves did numer-ous damages on property and lives of Reunion and neigh-bouring islands, and the maximum wave height was 11.3 mand significant wave height 6.4 m. During 14–15 May, thesignificant wave height was 8.0 m, as measured by wavegauges (http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com). The storm engen-dered swells, which propagated in the Indian Ocean at about1000 km day−1, arrived at Reunion, where low winds donot disrupt the swell. Lasting long enough, and with arather large extension, it was observed by multiple altimetertracks. This event that took place in May 2007 affected thenorth Indian Ocean wave characteristics as the swell heightswere very high of the order of 15.0 m near the generationarea. The swells spread their energy as they travelled fromthe Atlantic Ocean towards the north Indian Ocean.

The present study aims at understanding the propagationof the Atlantic Ocean swells in the north Indian Ocean andtheir impact on the wave characteristics of the north IndianOcean. The wave model reproduced the event of May 2007accurately, and, therefore, we analysed the results of themodel to explain the above objective, along with the altimeterwave data. As we do not have in situ measurements duringMay 2007, we compared the model results with collocated

altimeter data. The match is found to be very good near theReunion island with significant heights ranging from 5.0 mto 6.0 m. (Figs. 5 and 6). Figure 6 shows the altimeter inter-polated data obtained from the merged satellite track data.

It was reported that the Southern Hemisphere has the high-est (frequency of occurrence) yearly storms (Alves, 2006).The Indian Ocean wave climate is mainly affected by theswells arriving from the western side, i.e. the eastward prop-agating swells from the Atlantic Ocean and also from theSouthern Hemisphere. The eastward propagating swells fromthe Atlantic Ocean (off South Africa) spread through the In-dian Ocean, reaching the coasts of Thailand, Indonesia andthe southwestern Australia. Swells from the Atlantic Oceanare observed throughout the year, propagating towards thenorth Indian Ocean. Alves (2006) proved that the extra-tropical areas in the Southern Hemisphere generate robustswell systems that spread energy in the entire global oceanand are a potentially important component of the wave cli-mate in most basins in both the hemispheres. The studyof Alves (2006) showed that the swells generated at for-ties propagate eastward into the tropical and the extratropi-cal latitudes of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Inthe present study, we find that the extent of swells com-ing from the Atlantic Ocean, and that they propagate be-yond the Equator having more effect in the Bay of Bengalthan in the Arabian Sea (Figs. 5 and 6). The model clearlybrings out the event of May 2007 that we have seen in the al-timeter data. The model results (Fig. 6) show that the swellsfrom the Atlantic Ocean with significant wave heights higherthan 15.0 m were observed near the swell generation areaon 10 May 2007 (near southern tip of South Africa), andpropagated towards the north Indian Ocean. The swells orig-inated from the southern tip of South Africa started prop-agating towards Madagascar and hit La Reunion island on12 May 2007 with significant wave heights reaching up to6.0 m. When the NCEP Reanalysis wind data (Fig. 7) of 11and 14 May were checked, we found that two major windsystems prevailed in the Indian Ocean on those days. Wecould see from the wind plots of 14 May 2007 (Fig. 7) thatwaves were following the winds. We could clearly find thatone swell system travelled to the north Indian Ocean and theother system towards the south Indian Ocean. After reachingthe islands, the swells propagated freely into large areas ofthe north Indian Ocean and the south Indian Ocean (towardsWestern Australia). We found (Figs. 6e, f and g) that the en-ergy spread towards the Bay of Bengal is higher than that inthe Arabian Sea (please refer to Fig. 9; also explained else-where). We can also observe that, after the swells hit the is-lands, major part of the swell energy dissipated and the swellheights reduced to 6.0 m (Fig. 5). Moreover, after hitting theIslands, the swells changed the direction of propagation fromsouthwest to northeast and travelled towards the Bay of Ben-gal, and further to Western Australia and Indonesia.

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Table 2. Statistical parameters for wave height obtained by comparing model results with altimeter data at the few buoy locations in theIndian Ocean (January–February 2006).

Sr. No Buoy ID Location Mean (m) Bias (m) RMS (m) Bias/Mean SI Corr Coefft

Long (◦) Lat (◦)

1 DS5 83.265 14.004 0.88 0.27 0.39 0.30 0.44 0.782 OB8 81.51 11.585 1.02 0.20 0.35 0.19 0.34 0.773 MB10 84.98 12.541 0.98 0.40 0.47 0.41 0.48 0.844 SW2 71.107 16.974 0.90 −0.07 0.23 −0.08 0.26 0.845 MB12 90.138 18.131 0.72 0.18 0.31 0.25 0.43 0.54

* SI = Scatter Index.

Fig. 4. Comparison between measured (black line) (moored buoy) and modelled (red line) wave heights and wave directions for the periodJanuary–February 2006. Altimeter data (blue dots) (shallow water: SW5, off Tuticorin).

In order to study the propagation of swells at different re-gions in the Indian Ocean, significant wave heights (Fig. 9)were extracted for those regions (Fig. 1a). Figure 7 showsthe prevailing wind systems in the Indian Ocean during thisevent. Near the generation area (P1), the swell significantwave height was 15.0 m (please refer to the box marked inFig. 9). As the swells propagated, the magnitude of swellheights decreased along the path P1–P2–P4–P5 due to en-ergy dissipation, whereas, along the path P2–P3, the magni-tude increased due to the presence of whirl/eddy winds. Dueto this whirl effect, wind energy was added at the point P3.Subsequently, the significant wave height increased to about18.0 m (refer to the box marked in Fig. 9). Further, as theswell travelled from P3 to P8 (near southwest Australia), theenergy got dissipated, resulting into lower swell heights offsouthwest Australia. Along the path P1–P2 – La (La Reunionisland), swell height decreased from 10.0 m to 6.0 m.

One of the objectives of the present study is to understandhow these swell systems affect the north Indian Ocean wavecharacteristics. We found that the height of swells decreasedalong the path P4–P5–P6 due to dissipation of energy, and

there was no significant effect of these swells in the ArabianSea (P6). However, in the Bay of Bengal considerable ef-fect is observed. Initially, swell height decreased (along thepath P2–P4–P5), and then increased along the path P5–P7(P7 refers to the Bay of Bengal) due to addition of swell sys-tems as well as wind systems already present in the Bay ofBengal. The observed wind systems in the Bay of Bengalare as follows: one along the path P1–P2–P4–P5–P7, and theother from the west coast of Australia (Fig. 7). Therefore, wefind the presence of two significant swell systems in the Bayof Bengal.

Further, spectral analysis was carried out to check the pres-ence of two swell systems in the Bay of Bengal. Figure 8aand c represent the spectra extracted at the location P1 be-fore and during the event, respectively. Figure 8b and d rep-resent the spectra at location P7 before and during the event.P1 is the swell generation area, and P7 is the point in the Bayof Bengal, where we extracted the spectra. It can be seenfrom the figures that, at point P1 before the event occurred,the peak frequency was approximately 0.14 Hz (Fig. 8a),whereas during the event the peak frequency shifted to less

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Fig. 5. Propagation of swells during May 2007 in the north IndianOcean (WW III model).

than 0.1 Hz (Fig. 8c). Peak frequency remained constant aslong as the event persisted, but with change in the energy.Fig. 8d presents two spectral peaks: the one at the low fre-quency (Peak 1) represents the waves coming from the west-ern Australian region, and the other peak (Peak 2) representsthe waves from P1. Our calculation shows that it takes nearly2.5 days for the swells from P1 to arrive at P7.

As the model has been validated for the year 2006 for dif-ferent buoy locations in the north Indian Ocean (Tables 1 and2), wave parameters have been extracted at a few locationsfor May 2007, before, during and after the extreme event.We find that, on an average,≈ 1.0 m wave height was no-ticed at these locations before the extreme event (in the ab-sence of swells), whereas, during the swell propagation, anincrement of 1.0 m to 2.0 m was observed in the significantwave heights in the Bay of Bengal (P7) (Fig. 9) and an in-

Fig. 6. Propagation of swells during May 2007 in the north IndianOcean (altimeter data).

crement of 2.0 m to 3.0 m off the southern tip of India (P5).After the swells reached the coast of western Australia, theycompletely lost the energy and the wave heights reduced tothe normal heights of 1.0 m (Fig. 9). However, in the Ara-bian Sea (P6) during the entire period, only a constant waveheight of 1.0 m existed (Fig. 9). This shows that the ArabianSea is least affected by the swells generated in the AtlanticOcean.

The study reveals that the swells generated in the Roar-ing Forties (between 15◦ to 80◦ E longitude) propagate inthe SW/SSW direction towards the north Indian Ocean.This happens during pre-monsoon season (February to May)when the large-scale winds are weak, and swells from thesouth Indian Ocean dominate. During SW monsoon season,

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Fig. 7.Major wind systems in the Indian Ocean during May 2007.

the swells are higher in the Arabian Sea than in the Bay ofBengal, because the potential swell generation area is in theArabian Sea (Aboobacker et al., 2011). On the other hand,during NE monsoon season, NE swells are stronger in theBay of Bengal than in the Arabian Sea. More quantitativeanalysis is necessary to understand the effect of south IndianOcean swells in the Bay of Bengal during northeast mon-soon.

4 Conclusions

The third-generation wave model WAVEWATCH III hasbeen successfully implemented for the Indian Ocean, andthe results are validated with the measurements. The mod-elled wave parameters show good correlation with the mea-sured data. The propagation of Atlantic Ocean swells dur-ing May 2007 event has been successfully reproduced bythe wave model, and this has been further confirmed by themerged altimeter significant wave heights. We find that the

Fig. 8. Typical 2-D energy spectra at two locations P1 and P7(a)and(b) before and(c) and (d) during the event in May 2007.

Fig. 9. Significant wave heights at different locations in the IndianOcean during May 2007 (to describe the impact of south IndianOcean swells in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal).

swells generated in the Atlantic Ocean near the southern tipof South Africa propagated towards the north Indian Ocean.The magnitude of swell height was around 15.0 m (near thegeneration area) and when it propagated towards the northIndian Ocean reduced to around 6.0 m (near La Reunion is-land). Analysis of model results also reveals that wave char-acteristics of the Arabian Sea are least influenced comparedto those of the Bay of Bengal when the Atlantic or the SouthIndian Ocean swells enter the north Indian Ocean.

Acknowledgements.We thank S. R. Shetye, Director, NationalInstitute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa for his interest in this study.We are grateful to CERSAT, IFREMER, France for providing therequired altimeter data and INCOIS, Hyderabad for providingthe buoy data for model validation. Authors are thankful to ourcolleagues for their valuable contributions. The generation of veryhigh swells is reported in the AVISO site. The NIO contributionnumber is 5267.

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Edited by: S. TintiReviewed by: two anonymous referees


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