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Property of - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON,...

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Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale
Page 1: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 2: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 3: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …


:^ *•


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 4: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

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Page 5: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …



Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 6: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 7: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Illustrated Price List

No. 66

WSUlff\STOVES /1828 ,W», 1915


D. Moore CompanyLimited


Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of

Stoves and Ranges in Canada.

General Offices and Works


Catharine and Robert Streets.

Wholesale Agencies :

Winnipeg:, J. A. EVANS, Market and Princess Sts.

Vancouver, JOHN BURNS, 329 Railway St.

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Page 8: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

>. 'Muu-J!: CJ DiiirDiililV.

Our price is no higher than asked for other equal grades

of stoves and ranges, and "TREASLRES" possess qualit\

"vnd advantages not to be found in other goods of their kind.

Bear in mind that only the HIGHEST GRADE and

PLRF.ST PIG IRON are used in the manufacture of Treas-

ure Stoves.

TREASURE NICKEL is whitest, brightest and longest

lasting, is pvit through a special process before and after

electro plating.

TREASURE STOX'ES and RANGES made in Hamilton

and sold all over the Dominion of Canada.

-r^ ttt*-^


Catharine and Robert Streets,

Where "TREASURE'" Stoves and Ranges are made.

The D. Moore Company,Limited


I^P^All former Price Lists hereby cancelled.

.m~ For Telegraphic Code use this list only.

September, 1915,

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Page 9: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

'Tlhs ID. M-jd-d'ss ^^w '"S©:!!!pa21^


Telegraphic CodeCustomers Telegraphing orders or niakiiig enquiries will find

the following code of advantage, instead of writing out lengthytelegrams.

For other code words refer to the price list.

Code TelegraphiqueLes clients qui telegiaphient des commandes ou font quelques

demandes. trouveront qu il est avantngeux de se servir du codesuivant, plutot que d'ecrire de longs telegrammes.

Pour autres mots du code, voyez les pages Liste des pii.v.

Ship Vjy G. T. R. at once • vacantE.xpediez par G. T. R. immediatement i

Ship by C. P. R. at once ... ... ] ValanceExpediez pas C. P. R. immediatement '

Ship ii.\ M. C. R. at once ) ValeExjjediez pas M. C. 11. immediatement /

Ship by Dominion Express at once >

Expediez par Dominion Express immediatement »^ <i"se

Ship by Canadian Expi'ess at once I », .. ,

Expediez par Canadian Express immediatement / '^ "

Ship by American Express at- once i ,, ,

Expediez pas American Express immediatement ^vaior

Ship by rioat at once ' Valia ntExpediez par bateau immediatement *tvnciui

Ship by Freight, direct to 1

Expediez par Fret direct a / Value

Add to our order I

Ajoutez a notie commande (Valley

If our order has not yet V)een shipped I

Si notie commande n 'a pas encore ete expediee 'Van

If our order has been shipped /

Si notre commande a ete expediee < ^ apid

Change our order to read ' I

Changez notre commande pour lire ..'

S^ f^por

Quote prices by wire on the following \„Cotez les prix par telegramme sur ce qui suit J

^ anish

At what price and how soon can you furnish 1 ,,

A quel prix et quand pouvez vous nous fournir avec '* ^^'•

Have you shipped order of i ,, ,

.Vvez vous expedie la commande du »endor

When can you ship / , , , ,

Quand pouvez vous exp^dier <^ eroai

Send tracer immediately for shipment of ) ,. ...

Placez traceur immediatement pour I'expedition de (


Can you furnish from stock, if not, how long will it taketo make

Pouves-vous nous fournir de votre assortiment, si non. (<.Vessel

combien de temps faut-il pour fabriquer

TIave you in stock, if not, wliat quantity off

.\vez vous en assortiment, si non quelle quantite avez- vetovous

Can you sui)ply us from stock >. y^^.Pouvez vous nour fournir de votre assortiment avec i

Will send particulai-s by mail I

\-j;j,]n,.tXous enverrons les details par la poste /

Please answer our letter of ' Victor\'Veuillez rSpondre a notre lettre du *

Please .answer our telegram of ) ^,.V'euillez repondre h notre telegramme de t ^ 'S<>r

We can furnish them (or it) at I .....

Xous pouvons les (ou le) founir h i ^ '"''

We have in stock and can ship at once )

Nous avons en assortement et nous pouvons exp^dier - Violetimmediatement •

We have none in stock / ,,.., ,

N(jus n' en avons pas en assortiment *

We can furnish i

Xous pouvons foiiinir *

A'ocalProperty of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 10: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

a'iii 'IJ. ^M^^j!: uiLV^^^'iry.

Draft Check.

Mifili Grailc "TUl^ASLRl-V ' Ranj^cs, Hif;h Closets arc now

equipped with our new. Patent Draft Control Device. (Patent

applied for.) By a series of notches the Handle is moved from

Fiij^ht to Left, movinj* automatically inside Check Damper up and


Treasure Draft Check can be adjusted to suit any draft. It

will stay set at any anfjle. When the Handle is moved from

Rij5ht to Left the Damper is automatically lowered, and while it

checks fire by obstructing passage like '\n ordinary Damper, it, at

the same time leaves an opening above to let a current of air into

Pipe, and thus more effectively check the fire and incidentally

take odors from Top Cooking.

V\'hen the Handle is at the right side the Damper is shut

tight, and the heat, ami the stnoUe go u\> the (.himne)' uninter-


A regular Stove I'ipe Damper is located below the Check

Draft at the correct ilistance fronA the fire, so as to hold heat ot

the Oven w hen a \ery strong chimney draft is encountered.

This Patent Device gives belter results than any other Draft

Regulator on the market.

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Page 11: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …


Glass O. D.


N.P Tile and

Tile Pipe



Left Res. and

H. C.

(Left Res. only

supplied whenspecified.


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 12: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

WsiB ^Ij. 'Mdoxb O'DTnpsmjt


Square and

H. C.


Glass O. D..

Res. and

N. P. Tile


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Page 13: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

'Jfll 'd, LDj iVI D O j:' ri ^'DlrnpiiirlJ/'ci

"Sovereign Treasure" RangeSix Holes For Coal or Wood

With (Burnished) or Polished Tops.

Patent interlocking 3 sections Front and Back, 2 of which in each

are interchangeable Ventilated Fireback and Firefront.

Price includes special Wood Shaking Grate and Thermometer.

No. 9-220-Oven 20 x 20 x 13K inches.

Length of Wood 28 inches.

- Made with Right or Left Hand Reservoir.

Specify when ordering

Stove List

No. Price

9 220 Square and High Closet % 86 309 220 Square and N. P. Tile, H. C. 96 85

9 220 Square Glass O, D. and H. C. 90 52

9 220 Sq. Glass O. D. and N. P. Tile 101 049 220 Reservoir and High Closet. . 97 889 220 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C . . . 108 42

9 220 Res. Glass O. D. and H. C . . 102 10

9 220 Res. Glass O. D. A: N. P. Tile 1 12 629 220 Left Hand Res. and H. C . . . 96 85

9 220 Left Hand Res. i^c N. P. Tile 107 36Tile Back only on Regular H. C ex. 6 30Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H, C. extra. 4 21

Cast Base instead of Legs, extra. ... 1 05Waterfront, extra 5 80Wood Range, Special Linings, extra; 3 16


















Sovereign Treasure Wood Range

Fire Box 9 x 9 x 28 ins.

9 220 Square and High Closet 82 10

9 220 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . 92 629 220 Square Glass O. D. and H. C 86 309 220 Sq. Glass O. D. ^- N P. Tile 96 85

9 220 Res. and High Closet 93 689 220 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C. . . 104 20

9 220 Res. Glass O. D. and \\. C. . 97 889 220 Res. Glass O. I), i^' N \\ Tile 104 42

Lt. Hd. Res. deduct from regular Res 1 05Extras same as Coal and Wood Range.

Other prices page 21.

Abbreviations explained page 20.








Bui lace

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w Square and

H. C.

Res., N. P. Tile

H. C. and Tile


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Page 15: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

T:tm ID. mv UT3^^^ 't

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 16: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Til ii 'Sj. 'iVi u o-^'^ ^^u ^ oTiipasiJ.



Square and

H. C.

Either Drop Down

^^) or Roll up Door

\High Closet


Res. and H. C.


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 17: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Th.<MlDamuuTi (n©impmrnja

"Western Treasure" Range

Six Holes For Coal or Wood

Price includes Polished Top, Wood Shakings Grate

and Thermometer.

Nos. 8-18 and 9-18- Oven 18 x 20 x 12', inches.

No. 9-20—Oven 20 x 20 x 12>2 inches.

Length of Wood 26 inches.



8-18 Square and High Closet .

9-18 Square and High Closet

8 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C.

9-18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. .

9- 1 8 Res. and High Closet

9-18 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C9-20 Square and High Closet

9-20 Square and N. P Tile H. C . . .

9 20 Res. and High Closet

9 20 Res. and N. P. Tile H. CTile Back only on High Closet, extra. .

Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C. extra . .

Steel Base instead of Legs, extra. ...

Waterfront, extra

Watercoil (for Soft Coal), extra

Wood Back and Front on (C. and W.Range, extra

Wood Range, deduct

Thermometer, separate



$71 35

71 35

81 8881



8892 4075 78

86 3086 3096 83

6 304 20

1 05

5 806 62

2 10

4 21

1 05


















'Western Treasure" Wood Range

9 18 Square and High Closet 67 14

9 1 8 Res. and High Closet 77 679 18 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C 88 209 20 Square and High Closet 71 579 20 Res. and High Closet 82 10

9-20 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C 92 62







For extras see Coal and VV\iod prices, page 21.

— 11—

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Page 18: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

'i'j;ii; iD. iViDDJTii C^Diiipam^^Q


Square and

H, C.


Reservoir and

H. C.


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 19: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"^sm E)a IMlDDDfs rn 'DTLlV^ilvyc

••Selkirk Steel" RangeSix Holes For Coal or Wood

No. 92—Oven 20 x 19 x 12>i inches.

Length of Wood 26 inches with Wood Pocket Extension.

Draw Out Duplex Grates.

Reservoir is interchangeable for Right or Left Hand.

Large Fire Box for Coal or Wood.

Waterfront, Wood Grates. Wood Pocket and Cast Flue Back on

Coal Range supplied when specified.

Price includes Thermometer.

Stove List

No. Price

92 Square and H. C. for Coal only. .$ 53 6892 Sq. and N. P. Tile for Coal only. 64 20

92 Res. and H. C. for Coal only 63 1


92 Res. and N. P. Tile for Coal only 73 68Waterfront, extra 5 47Without Thermometer, deduct .... 1 06Tile Back only H. C. extra 6 30Cast Back Flue, extra I 05N. P. Towel Bar, e.xtra 1 05Wood Linings and Wood Pocket, ex. 3 15

l^olished Top. extra. 157


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Page 20: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"i'jlSi T). 5>iIt;DT2 (G© Tilpa 31Jo


Res. and H. C.

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 21: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Oie ID. M'D DTS viLVv^^iiy^

"Ne^v Domestic" Steel Range

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos 68 and 69-18 Oven 18 x 19 x 12 inches.

Price includes Wood Front.

Left or Right Hand Reservoir.

Length of Wood 25 inches



$50 5250 5261 05

61 05

60 0060 00



B68 18 Square and High Closet .

B69 18 Square and High Closet .

B68 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. (

B69 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. (

B68 18 Reservoir and High Closet

B69 68 Reservoir and High Closet

B68 18 Reservoir and N. P. Tile H. C. 70 52B69 18 Reservoir and N. P. Tile H. C. 70 52

Cast Back Flue, extra 1 06

Wood Extension Pocket to take 25 inch

wood, extra 1

Waterfront, extra 5

Thermometer, extra 1

N. P. Towel Bar, extra 1



















Wood only, to take 25 inch wood, same as Coal and Wood.


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 22: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

J112 D. MD DTB ^W T^ -in 11 21y .


Square and

H. C.



Left Res. and

H. C.

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 23: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

T'h^ ID. MV'r^B Cj ujiipSiSl^u

"New Doric" Steel Range

Four and Six Holes For Coal or WoodDuplex Grate

Nos. 48 and 49- 16 -Oven 16 x 19 x 12 inches.

Nos. 48 and 49-18—Oven 18 x 19 x 12 inches.

Nos. 48 and 49-16 Lenj^th of Wood 20 inches with Wood Exten-

sion. 25 inches.

No. 48—4-8 inch and 2-7 inch Covers.

No. 49—4-9 inch Covers.

Nos. 68-18 and 69-18~Length of Wood, 20 inches. With WoodExtension, 25 inches.

With 6 8-inch and 6 9-inch Covers respectively.

Reservoir Reversible, either Right or Left Hand.

Large Heavy Copper Tank. Reversible with End Shelf.

N. P. Towel Rod, N. P. Edges and Doors.

F'ireback and Front Grate Sections are made interlocking and

ventilated to protect from warping.

Stove List

No. Price

B48 ib Square and Tea Shelf '^34 20

B49 16 Square and Tea Shelf 34 20

B48 16 Square and High Closet 43 15

849 16 Square and High Closet 43 15

B49 16 Res. and High Closet 49 88

B68 18 Square and Tea Shelf 36 30

B69 18 Square and Tea Shelf 36 30

B68 18 Square and High Closet.. . . 45 25

B69 18 Square and High Closet 45 25

B69 1 8 Res. and High Closet 52 10

Reservoir separate 5 05

Wood Extension (to take 25 in. wood.)

extra > 05

Thermometer, extra t 05

Waterfront, extra 5 47

Guard on High Closet, extra 52

Nickel Plated Res. Cheek, extra 52

Wood only, to take 25 in wood, same price as

Selling CodePrice Word
















Coal and Wood.

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 24: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

The D. Moore t3 o'lnv'av^iy.





— 1«

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Page 25: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Tlh© ID. mt)m^ 'Diiiijjiilri^yt

"Sunset" Steel Range

Four Holes For Coal or Wood

(Duplex Grates)

Nos. 7-12 and 8-12—Oven 17 x 14 x 10 inches.

No. 9-14—Oven 19 x 14 x 10 inches.

No. 9-14 has 4-9 inch holes.

No. 8-12 has 3-8 inch and 1-6 inch holes.

No. 7-12 has 4-7 inch holes.




7 12 Square.

8 12 ••

9 14

List Selling CodePrice Price Word$17 47 .... Beak

. 18 52 .... Beem

. 21 47 .... Beauty


8 12 Reservoir.

9 14

Wood Only

9-14 Square9 14 Reservoir.

Reservoir only

Down Draft. . .

22 52

24 93

21 47

24 93

4 0042







— 19-

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Page 26: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Ventilating and Interlocking

Fire Box Linings

The three sections of fireback and firefront are

so constructed they interlock with each other and

therefore cannot warp They are also interclianjic-

able each section being exactly the same on Othello

Treasure Range. On Sovereign Treasure Flange

the left and centre sections of Front and Back are

exactly the same, and are interchangeable.

These sections are connected to a Patent Venti-

lator Flue which draws the Hot Air from behind, and

conducts it to the Flues of Range. This keeps them

from burning out and adds additional heat to oven.

Abbreviations and Explanations

The fi>llo\\ing abbreviations occur throughout parts of this

book, to simplify and shorten sentences.

T S. -Tea Shelf.

U.S. High Shelf.

II. C. High Closet.

N. F>.-Nickel Plated.

Ther. — ThLrmmnetcr.

Lt. or Fit.- Left or Right Hanil.

Res. --Reservoir.

Wft.— Waterfront.

N. F*.— Mirror ("luanl aiul N. P. Drop Door.

(ilassO. 1). Cl.vss Oven Door.


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Page 27: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

^jie D. Mode's ^^^^ - '£> snpa saj


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Page 28: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

TLii Id. 'MvoTi <S©impa2ijc


Square andH. S.


Res. & H. C.


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 29: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"^dXB ID. M'DDTS ^ Diiiiipiiia^c

"Othello" Treasure RangeSix Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 8 and 9-19—Oven 19 x 18 x 12 inches.

No. 9-21—See next page.

Length of Wood 28 inches

Price includes Thermometer, N. P. Base, Polished Top,and Wood Bottom,

With Iron Linings, unless Fire Brick are ordered.

Extra large Ash Pan, Ash F^it. Fire Box, Oven. etc.

High Closets made Plain or with Tile Back only, or F'ldl

Nickel Plated Tile or Tile Pipe. Glass Oven Door or Plain Door.

The highest class production on the market in Cast Ranges.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word8 19 Square and High Shelf ,$ 72 93 ... Cedilla8 19 Square and High Closet 81 56 ... Celarent8 19 Square and N. P. Tile H. C 92 08 .... Certitude8-19 Square Glass O. D. and H. S. 77 14 . Cest8-19 Square Glass O. D. and H. C. 85 77 ... Cesura8-19 Sq. Glass O. D. and N. P. Tile 96 28 .... Chamblis8 19 Res. and High Shelf 85 77 .... Cerate8 19 Res. and High Closet 94 43 .... Cercarian8 19 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C... 104 94 .... Chafe8 19 Res. Glass O. D. and H. S. 89 98 .... Chamfer8 19 Res. Glass O. D. and H. C... 98 62 .... Chank8 19 Res. GlassO.D.andN.P.Tile 109 13 ... Chafron9-19 Square and High Shelf 72 93 .... Cedrine9 19 Square and High Closet 81 56 .... Celotomy9 19 Square and N. F^ Tile H C. 92 08 .... Challenge9 19 Square Glass O.D. and H. S. 77 14 .... Cestoid9 19 Square Glass O. D and H.C. 85 77 .... Cetine9 19 Sq. Glass O.D. and N. P. Tile 96 29 .... Chabuk9-19 F^es. and High Shelf 85 77 .... Cerberean9-19 Res. and High Closet 94 43 .... Cere9 19 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C . . 104 94 .... Champaign9 19 Res., Glass O. D. and H. S... 89 98 .... Champery9 19 Res., Glass O. D. and H. C. 98 62 ... Chanson9 19 Res.. GlassO. D. ^' N.F>.Tile 109 13 ... CharioteerTile Back only on regular FL C. extra 6 31 .... BanyonFlat Tile F^ipe with Tile H. C. extra 4 21 ... ByssusWaterfront, extra 5 78 .... CerasinGlass Oven F)oor, extra 4 22 .... CedarWood only, deduct 4 22 ....

"Othello Treasure" Wood RangeFire Box 9 x 7 x 28.

19 Square and High Shelf $ 68 72191919191919

Res. and High Shelf.Fies. and FFigh ClosetRes. and N. P. Tile H. C. ..

Res., Glass O. D. and FF. S. .

Res.. Glass O. D. and H. C.Res.. Glass O. D. and N. l\

Tile H. CFire Brick or Frcin Linings.Other extras, see page 2F.

> 68 72 ...

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Glass O. D.,

Res. and N. P.

Tile H. C.


Res., Glass O D.

1^ N. P. Tile H. C.

and Tile Pipe


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Page 31: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

TliB ID. Wx)'Drh C3'D:mp^iija

^'Othello" Treasure RangeSix Holes For Coal or Wood

No. 9-21—Oven 22 x 20 x 1-5 inches.

Length Wood of 28 inches.

Nos. 8 and 9- 19- See page 21.

Length of Wood 28 inches.

Price includes Thermometer, N. I^. Base, Polished Top andWood Bottom.

With Iron Lining's, unless Fire Brick are ordered.

Extra large Ash Pan, Ash Pit, Fire Box, Oven, etc.

High Closets made Plain or with Tile Back only, or Full Nickel

F^lated Tile or Tile Pipe, Glass Oven Door or Plain Door.

The highest class production on the market in Cast Ranges.



9 21 Square and High Shelf

9 21 Square and High Closet

9 21 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . .

9 21 Sq , Glass O. D. and H. S9 21 Sq.. Glass O. D. and H. C9 21 Sq., Glass O. D. .S: N. P. Tile

9 21 fies. and High Shelf

9 21 Res. and High Closet

9 21 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C9 21 Res.. Glass O. D. and H. S. .

9 21 Res., Glass O. D and H. C.9 21 Res., Glass O. D. A: N. P. Tile

Tile Back only on regular H. C, ex.

1-lat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C, extra

Waterfront, extra

Glass Oven Door, extra

Wood only, deduct



|j 79 24

87 87

98 4083 46

92 08102 61

92 08100 71

111 24

96 19

104 92

1 15 45


























"Othello" Treasure Wood RangeFire Box 9 x 7 x 28.

9 21 Square and I ligh Shelf

9 21 Res. and High Shelf

9 21 Res. and High Closet

9 21 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C . .

9 21 Res.. Glass O. D. and H. S.

9 21 Res., Glass O D. and H. C.9 21 Res.. Glass O. D. Sc N. P. Til

Fxtras (same as Coal or Wood Range)

I'ire Brick or Iron Linings.

75 03

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"TilB Id. M d D-j! ii ^SS? t3 1) Til T)amT



Square and

H. C.


Res. and

H. S.

— 2(i

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'^'ji3 ID. W/D'o-r: 'n osipamyo

"British Treasure Range"

"B" or Regular Finish

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

With (F^urnished) or Polished Tops.

Price inchides Thermometer, N. P. Base and Wood Bottom,

Back and Front, and orders should state whether "A" or "B" is


"A" or plain finish can be furnished when specified.

Nos. 8 and 9-18 -Oven 18 x 18 x 11>2 inches.

Length of Wood 22 inches

No. 9-20—Oven 20 x 20 x 12 inches.

Length of Wood 24 inches

Stove List Selling

No. Price Price

49 18 Square .$ 56 0949 18 Square and HifSh Shelf 62 4249 18 Square and Hi^h Closet . .. 70 8368 18 Square 56 0968 18 Square and High Shelf 62 4268 18 Square and Hijsh Closet 70 8368 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C 81 3649 18 Reservoir 67 8849 18 Reservoir and Hijsh Shelf.. 74 2049 18 Reservoir and Hijsh Closet. . . 82 6168 18 Reservoir 67 8868 18 Reservoir and Hif^h Shelf.. . 74 2068 18 Reservoir and Hijsh Closet. . . 82 6168-18 Reservoir and N. P. Tile H. C. 93 14

49 20 Square 62 8249 20 Square and High Shelf 69 I 5

49 20 Square and High Closet 77 14

69 20 Square 63 8869 20 Square and High Shelf 70 2069 20 Square and High Closet 78 4069 20 Square and N. l\ Tile H. C. . 88 9349 20 Reservoir 74 51

49 20 Reservoir and High Shelf. . 80 8349 20 Reservoir and High Closet. . 88 7269 20 Reservoir 75 7869 20 Reservoir and High Shelf . . 82 0969 20 Reservoir and High Closet... 90 51

69 20 Reservoir and N. P. Tile H. C. 101 04Tile Back only on regular H. C. extra

Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C, extra

Waterfront, extra

Without N. P. Base deductWitJAOut Thermometer deductFor Coal only deiiuct

For Wood only deduct

Special Basket Wood Grate for Wood only.

!-\ir other extras see page 19.


1 574 21




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Tsi3 ID^ 'M'DUj;^ *S©SQpa3a^a


N. P. Base,

Square & H. S.


N. P. Base,

Res. & H. C.


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a'lhii Id. ^Mu^-ri 'D'llVp^'Sl'J,

"City Treasure" Range

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 28 and 29—Oven 19% x 17', x 113<,' inches.

Length of Wood 23' _ inches.

No. 28-0-8 in. Holes. No. 29—4-9 in. and 2-() in Holes.

Price includes Thermometer and N. P. Base.

29 includes Wood Back and Loose Bottom.

No. 28 City supplied with Clay Linings unless Iron are specified.

No. 29 with Iron Linings.

Can be supplied with Gas Attachment same as City on page 30.

Stove List

No. Price

28 Square $52 20

28 Square and High Shelf 58 2028 Square and High Closet 63 3628 Reservoir 62 93

28 Reservoir and High Shelf 68 93

28 Reservoir and High Closet 73 4629 Square 53 26

29 Square and High Shelf 59 25

29 Square and High Closet 64 09

29 Reservoir 63 9929 Reservoir and High Shelf 70 5229 Reservoir and High Closet 74 73

Without N. P. Base, deduct 168Without Thermometer, deduct 1 05

Gas Attachment, Nos. 28 Sc 29. extra. 18 95

(Orders should state whether Natural

or Artificial Gas is to be used.)

Waterfront 5 47

For Coal only. No. 29. deduct 73

N. P. High Shelf. Full Polish, extra.. . 1 57

N. P. End Shelf Bracket 52

N. P. Tile High Closet, extra 10 52

Tile Back only on regular H. C, extra 6 31
























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^'iiii ID. IVlDD-.Ti; ^Co^ilV^TLja



Nos 8 & 9


Square Steel H. S.

and Gas Attach.

Nos. 28 & 29.


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Tfelj. Mdc^iT' uiLVv^l):^^

"City Treasure" Rangesix Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 8 and 9—Oven 19% x 17% x 11% inches.

Price does not include Thermometer or N. P. Base.

Length of Wood, 23 'o inches

This pattern City Treasure can still be supplied.

The Duplex Grates are Draw-Out Grates, similar to Sovereignand British Treasure, removed without any trouble.

Stove List

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^J'li i ID. "M u Dirs ^Mvi '^ ^—^ P ^ 21y u




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ThjB ID. MvuTB rn ©231pamy.

"IXL Treasure" Range

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

No. 108-Oven 17' 2 x 17'4 x 10 inches.

Length of Wood 18 inches

Nos. 208 and 209 Oven 19 x 19 x 10 inches.

Length of Wood 22 inches

Coal Fire Box is straight, well proportioned. Fitted with NewDockash Duplex Grates.

Nos. 108 and 208 has 6-8 inch Pot Holes.

No. 209 has 4-9 inch and 2-5 inch Pot Holes.

Stove List

No. Price

108 Square $33 99108 Square and High Shelf 38 42108 Square and High Closet 43 68208 Square 37 48

208 Square and High Shelf 42 00208 Square and High Closet 48 42

208 Reservoir 48 20

208 Reservoir and High Shelf 52 10

208 Reservoir and High Closet 59 IS

209 Square 37 48

209 Square and High Shelf 42 00209 Square and High Closet 48 42

209 Reservoir 48 20

209 Reservoir and High Shelf 52 10

209 Reservoir and High Closet 59 15

Gas Attachment, No. 208 iV" 209, extra . 18 94

(Orders should state whether Natural

or Artificial Gas is to be used).

Waterfront, extra 5 47

Thermometer, extra I 05Wood Lining (Front, Back and Sliding

Bottom.) No. 208 and No. 209 1 89N. P. Front Base Strip and Legs, extra 1 05

N P. High Shelf. Full Polish, extra. ... 1 58

Wood Range same price as Coal and Wood.

Selling CodePrice Word






















For other Fxtras see page 19.

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"i'iici ID. J.VIdo-j:'' ^SDTiipHLrry.


Square and

H. C. and Gas



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T^^mlDamo^j^i uTSipm.m.j,

"IXL Treasure Range"

With Gas AttachmentGas Oven 12 x 19 x 8jo inches.

Gas Top has 2-8 inch holes and 1-4 inch Simmer Cover.

Supplied with 2 Open Covers or 2 Closed Covers.

Will burn either Natural or Artificial Gas.

Fitted with Adjustable Lever Valves and Air Mixers.

NOTE—Orders should state if for Natural or Artificial Gas.

Stove List

No. Price

208 Square and Attachment. $55 88208 Square. Hij^h Shelf i^ Attachment. 60 42208 Square, Hijsh Closet \- Attachment 66 83209 Square and Attachment 55 88209 Square. Hif|h Shelf cV: Attachment. 60 42209 Square. Hij^h Closet iV Attachment 66 83Gas Attachment, separate 18 95Oven Thermometer, extra 1 05






Coal and Wood"Family Treasure" Cook

Four Holes For Coal or Wood

No. 9-18-Oven 20% x 18 x 12>^ inches.

Length of Wood 24 inches.

Duplex Grate for Coal. Large Fire Box for Wood.

With Nickel Top and Hearth Edges.

Can be fitted for wood only.

With Leg Base. Grates easily removed. Steel Oven Bottom.

Stove List Selling

No. Price Price

9 18 Square $49 049 20 • 53 359 18 Reservoir 59 889 20 64 20Waterfront, extra 5 78160 High Shelf, extra 6 84Thermometer, extra 1 05For Wood only (on C. A: W. Cook) deductFor Coal only (on C. & W. Cook) deduct.

(18 inch)

(20 inch

4 2!


"Family Treasure" Wood Cook9 20 Square $49 149 18 Reservoir 55 689 20 Reservoir 60 00





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Tivii :d. m-d'ojts 'VVTil'pV.'j:iy,

"Diamond Treasure" Cook

Four Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 8 and 9-19—Oven 213<; x 18 x 11 inches.

Length of Wood 21 inches.

Also Steel Base and Steel Oven.


REGULAR FINISH—Without Steel Leg Base.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word8-19 Square $35 04 ... Elej^y

9 1


Square 35 04 ... Elfin


8 19 Reservoir 46 10 .... Element

9 19 Reservoir 46 10 lilope


Waterfront, extra 5 47 .... EmberFor Coal Only, Deduct 94 ....

Steel Base, extra 1 06 . Elate

Price includes Coal and Wood LininjSs.


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The D.Moors ^'C oiinplixij,

NEW BERMUDAwith Reservoir

NEW FLORIDAwith Reservoir

PANSYwith Reservoir


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TlyB Ij. Muurh

Wood Cooks

"New Bermuda" Wood CookFour Holes For Wood Only

No. 9-2(5 -Oven 24i,r x 27' , x Ifi inches.

Length of Wood 28 inches

Sheet Steel Oven.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Prce Price Word9 26 Square, Steel Border $49 04 .... Falconry

9 26 Reservoir. Steel Border 61 56 .... Fallen

50 Hif5h Shelf 6 84 ... DimerOn Lej^s without Base Strips, deduct. . 1 57

Cast Border Supjjlied. if jjreferred.

"New Florida" Wood CookFour Holes

No. 9-24—Oven 25 x 25 x 14 inches.

Length of Wood 27 inches

Steel Oven Bottom.

Stove List Selling CodeNo Price Price Word9 24 Square, Fancy Border $44 72 .... Faculty

9 24 Reservoir, Fancy Border 55 26 P'anatic

50 High Shelf 6 84 .... DimerOn LefSs without Base Strips, deduct. . 1 06

If Shelf under hearth required add 1 06

"Pansy" Wood CookFour Holes For Wood Only

Oven 20 x 20 x 12

Length of Wood 23>^' inches

Steel Oven Bottom. Copper Reservoir, with Nici<el Plated OvenDoor Panels. First-class Baker.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word9 20 Square $29 1


.... Fancy9 20 Reservoir 38 94 .... Focus


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a'Ji ^ "U. M U Dlb ^^» t^ D 2np 31 111J u






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Four Holes

"Daisy" Wood Cook

Oven 22 x 23 x \2X inches.

Length of Wood 26 inches.

For Wood Only



9-22 Square9 22 With Galvanized Reservoir.

List Selling CodePrice Price Word

.$29 04 ... Elusory

35 04 .... Eldorado

Reservoir is detachable, can be fitted on Square Stove.

"Silver New Jewel" Wood Cook

Four Holes For Wood OnlyOven 19 x 21 x 12 inches.

Length of Wood 25 ' ^ inches.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word9-19 Square $24 20 .... Eatal

9-19 Reservoir 33 68 ... Father

"Nelson" Wood Cook

Four Holes.

No. 8-16—Oven 17 x 18 x 9', inches.

Length of Wood 20 inches.



8 16 Square.

List Selling CodePrice Price Word

.$16 84 .... Fig


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T5aa D. 1S©©!?3 ^^. €©2npasi7aN*!ooRy


B. B.

or Straight)


P. C. (or

with Oven I

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^fslB ID. Md oir-Ji vj.iiip'^'iiy^

Base Burners

•'Art Treasure"

Double Heating Base Burner

Double Heating attachment on all Stoves.

For Coal, Etc.

On Nickel F^lated "Never Break" Steel Base and Legs.

The ''Art Treasure" is constructed oi. the most advancedprinciples, combining every modern and practical idea knownto stove builders Stove sits on Treasure "Never Break" SteeJ

Leg Base, which adds greatly to its appearance. The SwingTop, Removable Jacket and Reflector Top, Side Wings, NamePlate, Ash-Pit Door P^anel and Removable Foot Rails are Plated

by ''Treasure" Special Process Nickel, which makes themwhitest, brightest and longest lasting

The Duplex Grates are large with .Annular Shaking Ring,

and will stand more and last longer than anyother Base Burner made,

Circular Draft Regulator on Ash Pit Doorscrews in, not out. With it you secure perfect

control of the fire.

Treasure Ash Shelf, Jewel Knobs.

The Oven Flue used in all Treasure

Base Burners is so constructed that the

fire travels over the oven top, down the

back and under the oven at both sides to

the base of the stove, and returns up the

flue in the centre. You will note by this

that the fire travels around the oven

twice before entering the chimney, econo-

mizing to the extent of about 40%, and

baking equal to a cook stove.



400 Base Burner



Fire Pot






$71 78

76 62



Parlor Cook

400 Base Burner, with Oven.

50014 83 14

87 88






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Tsl3 X). mooT^^^At3 DJ:npS217.


B B.

I or Straight)


P. C. (or with



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TsxB IDa MlvuT^ Iffll '0'Qmimmm3

"Empire Treasure"

Double Heating Base Burner

For Coal, Etc.

Straight Stoves made in two sizes—Nos. 514 and 515.

Oven Stove one size—No. 514.

Made with the Two Flue Construction, which compels all

heated air to come in contact with the entire outside radiating

surface, which makes it a very powerful heater. All the Cold

Air is taken from the floor, and distributed through the rooms,

thoroughly ventilating and heating them.


The Oven is large and has two eight-inch pot holes, is easily

regulated, quickly heated, and bakes to perfection.

Draw-Out Firepot and Grate. Can reverse Fire-pot, making

it last twice as long.

Fire will keep in without replenishing for ii4 hours or more.

Circular Draft Regulator on Ash Pit Door, Screws in and

out, secures an air-tight fit and perfect control of fire.

Base Burner (B. B.



514 Straight

515 Straight.

Fire Pot

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^'h^ Id. Mddt^4«ogR0




B. B.

(or Straight I


P. C. (or

with Oven)


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Til ii ID. M D U-C b ^^, ''CJ 'D 2il p li -III 'J

"Crown Treasure"

Double Heating Base Burner

For Coal, Etc.

Straight Stove made in Four Sizes, 412, 41-5. 414, 415.

Oven Stove in Two Sizes. 415. 414.

Duplex Grata and .Annular Shaking Ring on Empire and

Crown Treasure Base Burners operates easily at all times.

"No poking necessary." This style of grate gives room for a

large deep fire poi, consequently more radiation and greater

iieating capacity'. Fire pot and grate complete, can easily be re-

placed without dismantling the stove.

Fire Pot is Reversible, thus making same last twice as long

as other pots.

Tea Kettle Attachment has large griddle hole, and will take

a good size utensil.

Nickel Ornamentation Fancy Leg Base. Name Plate. Foot

Rails, Top Ornament FLxtreme Dome Top, including SwingCover and Jacket, all of which are removable.

Straight (B. B.)


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With Oven


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'^i'jiB Da Mo'DTS ^m^, (^©wsipm,mj.

••Ruby Treasure"

Base Burner

For Coal, Etc.

Straight Stove made in two sizes — Nos. 11 and 12.

Oven Stove in one size—No. 12.

Combines all the Features which have been found necessary

to make this class of stove a very powerful and economical


Firepot easily replaced, and large enough to hold fire for

twelve hours without touching.

Oven Steel Lined, large and same construction as high

|)riced Base Burners.

Nickel Ornamentation— Fancy Leg Base, Name Plate. Foot

Rail. Top Ornament and Swing Cover, with handsome Bronze



Stove Fire Pot List Selling CodeNo. Diam. Price Price Word11 Base Burner 10'^, $3 1 78 .... Glow12 • 11>4 36 10 ... Gold

With Oven

12 ParlorCook 11'^ $4^94 .... Golf


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ThB ^U. JYI'DDT 'or^ipiiinja

Double Heating Oak Stoves

"Treasure Heater"

A Double Heating Oak Stove

A Double Heater Hot Blast. Air-Tij^ht. Smoke Consumer, orSelf-Feeding Hard Coal Oak Heater.

For Coal or Wood

Fitted with Duplex Grate and Annular Shaking Ring for Coal.N. P. Steel Base—"Never Break." Large Double Feed Dooradmits large knotty pieces of wood


No. Diam.614 Without Feed 14

616 Without Feed 16

618 Without Feed 18

614 With Feed 14

616 With Feed Hi

618 With Feed IS

614 and 616 Self Feeder extra618 Self Feeder extra .^^

For Wood only deductExtended Top on 618 add

•'PLAIN FINISH"618 Without Feed618 With Feed

List Selling CodePrice Price Word


$46 3151 3656 5148 1053 1458 82

1 782 301 054 21

48 0950 40


NOTE— Duplex Coal Grate furnished unless otherwise ordered.

Orders should state if Magazine Feeder is wanted.

"Riverside Oak"For Coal or Wood

With Ventiduct

The Ventiduct takes air from floor or takes fresh air fromoutsiile through the floor, passes it through fire chamber, intenselyheating and thoroughly jjurif\ ing the air. and then distributing it

through open swing cover or upstairs through air pipe.


No.23 Cosl or Wood.24

List Selling CodePrice Price Word$35 78 .... Hack38 94 ... Haddock

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The D. M©©ff© ^^^ € o rn v n 217






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"H'ji3 ID. M u usi'^ l^ii^ ^ t) 22ipm 2iy


"Oak Treasure"

Double Heater

A Very Powerful Double Heating Stove at Medium Price

Takes the cold air from floor and may be conveyed

to rooms above.


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TslB X>. SVlDDiTi C D liil " u rl It J. ^/ J



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ThB ID. MocD^-e i©imp?i3ijL.

'*Air Blast Treasure Oak"

For Coal or Wood

With Mica Door, Flat Shakings Grate.

N. P. Legs and Base.

An Air Blast N. P. Screw Draft at front just over firepot lets

in an air supply which ij^nites with gases of coal. N. P. Reflectorthrows heat to the floor. Large ash pan.

This Series is not shown previously.


Stove Fire Pot

No. Diam.

116 Without Feed 14

118 Without Feed Hi

116 With Feed 14

118 With Feed 16

Feeder separate


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Hot Blast Stoves

'Moore's" Double-Heater Hot Blast

Hot-Air Pipe for Heating Rooms Upstairs.

For Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Lignite, Slack, Etc.

Stove Diam. List Selling CodeNo. Body Price Price Word1118 18 inch. ^33 14 .... Hornet

••Moore's" Hot Blast

Very powerful Heater, with Hot Blast Pipe for

consuming Gases.

For Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Lignite, Slack, Etc.

Made with Cast Iron Bottom, Large Ash Pan.

N. P. Border and 2 Front Legs.

Stove Diam. List Selling CodeNo. Body. Price Price Word315 15 inch. $23 16 ... Hammer318 IS inch. 28 20 Hamper


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'^l^'h'^ Id. 'iVIoDi^j OirnpSiSl^^a



•^P^ %




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Tim Id. "Mvutb ^fflS ^©mxprnm-^

Hot Blast Stoves

"Moore's" Hot Blast

For Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Lignite, Slack, Etc.


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Quebec Heater

Brick linings throughout, N. P. Ring. Slow combustion

Stove for Coal. Has Duplex Grates, with Triangular

Revolving Grates. Can easily be removed. Has large

Ash F^it. Heavy Steel Body lined with fire brick. The best

construction made in this line.


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Islh IDa M©Djr <S©impsiinjci

'Moore's Tortoise or Quebec Heater'

Brick Lined Tliroughout

With N. P. RinjJs. Slow Combustion Stove for Coal.

Steve Combustion List

No. Chamber Height Price

2 7'4 X 21 27 inches $ 9 78

3 9^2 x22 31 inches 12 00

4 11 x23 34 inches 14 20

5 15 x26 59 inches 18 62









For Hard or Soft Coal or Coke


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Laundry Stoves





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"Tailors and Empire Laundry"

For Coal or Coke

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a'jiii 'Jj. 'Muuj^i^ C Din-jj^sry^

Heating Stoves for Wood




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"New Todd Star Heater"

For Wood Only.

This Stove is a Base Burner, sending the heat around the

fhies in bottom of stove under the fire.

The Cleanout is under the Hearth Plate.

Russia Iron Body, Heavy Cast Linings. Double Heater has

Hot Air Collar, for conveying heat upstairs.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word50 Single Heater, 25 inch wood $25 04 .... ILirdness

50 Double Heater, 25 inch wood 31 04 .... Harpy

"Hickory Treasure Air-Tight"

With Nickel Plated Top Edge.

For Wood Only.

Cast Iron Top and Bottom, very strongest construction.

Cast Iron Lining reaches nearly to the top of steel, making it

the very best air-tight construction used, so as to last longer and

protect body.

Top has 2-8 inch holes and cross centre. Will take a washboiler.

Spark-Arrester in Draft Door.

Stove Size of List Selling CodeNo. Feed Price Price Word21 9X X 12 inches $19 46 .... Hough25 10>4 X 13)4 inches 22 62 .... Hour


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1330 Series


1025 Series


823 Series


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Air-Tight Wood Heaters

3 Series of Cast Top

"Moore's Double Heater" Air-Tight

For Wood, Etc.


Cast Top Line

A very powerful Double Heater. Takes the cold air fromthe floor, passes it around the stove, heating it and driving it

upstairs through the Hot Air Pipes. Body made of Russia Iron.

Top Cast Iron. Double Swing Cover.


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Tji^ "Jjj ^S>j1uL)'j^^ ^^^y ^ o'sivv^^svy




(523 Series)




(23 Seriesi



(Sheet Iron Seriesi


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^'ji3 D. Mvv'j^s ^"Sosiipamj.

AIR-TIGHTS- Continued3 Series of Sheet Top.

••Moore's" Air-TightFor Wood, Etc. Steel Top Line

Fitted with Malleable Hinges on N. P. Draft.

Patent Corrugated Double Linings.


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a'jiii 'IJ. MdoiT: C D jiiTJiiiirr

Box Stoves

"Black Giant Box"

Extra Heavy

For Wood



Length of

Wood-")!) inch W'iukI-'.1. iiH-lA W.>o>.i



$21 5715 78






For Wood


The nutiAber denotes the lenj^th

of wood taken u itii

closed door.



Length of

Wood22 inch Wood2-5 inch Wood2S inch Wood-5! inch Wood')() itich Wcnnl



$ 8 8410 8413 7814 9420 42






Steel Camp Stoves


Camp Stove

For Wood, Htc.



Length of

Wood24 inch7>{) inch



$6 747 36





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Natural Gas Heating Stoves

*'Charm Treasure'

For Natural Qas


Nos. 16 and 18 is fitted with 2 Taps.

Larf5e Hot Air Flue takes cold air from floor and sends apowerful heat out on top.

A Nickel Plated Reflector at top and above fire, throwinj5heat to floor.


Calculated to be equivalent to 16-inch and 18-inch Oak Stovesrespectively. With Kettle Hole in centre of top and SwingGriddle Cover on Nos. 16 and 18.

No. 14 No. 16 No. 18

Width of Body 10 in. 15 in. 18 in.

Depth of Body 7 in. 8 in. 9 in.

Spread of Legs 19xl5>^ in. 21x15,'^ in. 25x15% in.

Height iV Depth of Fire Place 6 in, 6 in. 6% in.

Height of Steel Body abo\eFire Place 15 in. 17 in. 19 in.

Stove List

No. Price

4 Height over all. 37 inches $14 2016 '• ' 40 •• 21 5718 " " 42 ' 25 26



CodeWordJ im'Jiffy


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'JL ^'lj/S:-Ruux^ ^Sk '^ ^ ^^^ ^-^ Si ::riJ


Gas Ranges

No. 334C


Gas Range

No. 354


Gas Range


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No. 334C-Gas Range

For Natural or Artificial Gas


Canopy to carry off steam and cooking odors.

Bakinji Oven US x 19 in. Length 59 in. Shelf 4 in.

2 Burners in Baking Oven.

Large Burner in Boiling or Broiling Oven.

Top Supplied with 1 Giant Burner and Simmer Burner, Porcelain

Broiler Pan in Broiler Oven.

Suecify for Natural or Artificial Gas when ordering.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word

334C-N ( Natural Gas) $ 57 88 .... Storer

334C A (Artificial Gas) 57 88 .... Stote

No. 354—Gas Range

For Natural or Artificial Gas


Baking Oven 16 x 19 x 12', in. Length 57 in. Shelf 4 in.

Sujjplied with 1 Giant Burner and 5 Regular Burners.

Specify for Natural or .Artificial Gas when ordering.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word

354 N (Natural Gas) .*ti45 26 .... Stour

354 A (Artificial Gas) 45 26 ... Stout

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a'jti 1^. 'Muo-j:- O' ILi Tj iiJ;!'^''.

Gas Ranges

No. 154



No. 174


No. 113




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TlhB ID. MvorB ©©smpairiju

No. 154—Gas RangeHeavy Polished Steel, Cast Door Frames

Top, 22 X 55 in. Oven 18 x 19 in.

Each Range fitted with 1 Giant, 1 Simmer and 5 Regular Burners.

Nickel doors, manifold name plates, etc. ; adjustable cocks,explosion catch, patent saftey lighter; removable burners. Ahandsome, moderately priced range.

State if for Natural or Artificial Gas.


No. Gas Price

154N Natural $33 68154A Artificial 33 68


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Tsi'^ Id. iML^oj^- GDiriipa^iy.


IWtWr^Set of Hollow-Ware (Regular)

Short Pot.


Btllied l>ot


No. Price

8 Per Set, Straight $3 36

9 " " 3 68

8 Lonj5 Pot 1 36

. 1 51

. 1 28

1 42



1 26

1 53

. 1 68


. 1 00

. 1 15

1 30

1 42

. I 00

1 15

. 1 30




. 1 02



Scotch Bowl. M'4 in. diam .



11 V


3 Yankee Bowl. 10








Round (iriildle















Ma rami











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^n.:o.vToo..-^ -

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Th'^ ID. 'Md'Jj:: C Din'jjHiii:^.

Stove Pipe Dampers


No. Price

3 inch "Treasurt;'

Damper, F^er doz. $1 26

4 ••

" " 1 36

5 ••••

••1 48

6 " " 1 577 •• •' •• 1 78








Combination Reducing Covers

List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word8 Per Set. each $0 59 .... Nod9 • • 72 .... Noise

Reducing Rings

List Selling CodeNo Price Price Word10 to 9 RinfJs. per do/. $3 80 ....

9 to 8 •• 3 32 ....

8 to 7 •• 2 88 ....

Honey Extractor Castings



Per Set. 20*4 inches iliameter.

List Selling CodePrice Price Word$4 00 ....


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Index to Telegraphic Code Words


\-astWndor\erl.alN'erifyX'essel\'eto\'ex\'iaductVictoi VVipfor\'illa



1 JuoyantI '.urlapI '.uccanI iuzzardI luskiiiI luchraiieUuddlei-BedivilBustlingButtockBelgraveBuskBuxonByssusBystaiid



I iinervateIJiononiyBlandnessBipartientBlaseBillBiteBovineBanyonByssusBallistaMidientnisciue



M Bolide

f BolusBombardiei-BombicBonanzaBonesetBonitoBonspielr^ombayBorachieBoi'ageBordalBoreas

J BoskBourdonBourgeois



t^ Braxy« Brinish« Brindledtt- Brisket



J BitternBehest

,. BiscutcateBiremeBirchenBivouachedBelialBivalvingBraeBravuraDauphinBrailBrehon


(^elarentOeititade• "est< 'esuraChamblis

^ Cerate— (^ercarian

> « Chafe1^ Cham fenCM Chank

I ChafronCedrime

^ Celotomy^ Challenge


Cestoidcs Cetime

1^ Chabuk


I Charioteerj

BanyonliyssusCerasiii< "edai'Cenobite

CO Cerise'^ Ceroticg, I'hauceOS Channel^ Chant


CellingJ Celature




Chaco< 'eliacCeltic

ra Chastel.\''2 Chandler

). M Chantey"* Charism

Banyon1 lyssusCerasin


J CenotaphCentric'"ei-ateCeil< "hai'nel<'elebrityChayi


,- tic

/"M Cannabal(? Canopy

CantabCantata< 'anf I'lliiirv

Caiiticlf'< 'antileverCan toonCantrip(^anzoneCape

oi' 'a pi in

^ Capi-ate

g, Caprinees Capstan0-1 ("apsule

<''ai)1ious< "aplivatcCajuit< "ai-amelCaratCanard< 'apiiclir

S < "apisti-ani» Car'ol)

^ CarolasOi Cauter

Careen' 'autions< "a vale


I >'Avy1 JescribeDescryDescipientDesmanDesultryDetainerDetentiJetergeDeterrent

^ Detonateot Detort» Detrude

'^g DespotCL, I )awk


DadoDampedDartDabatableDeanDearthl^anisonDaredDaubDecagramDebarkDealeDawk1 )azzleDawnDawdleDauphin

^ Danuber^^ Darby* Dartaisca Darwin^ Dernier

Desci'\-I )awnI )auphin



-] IdalianIdealizeIdolatorIgnobleIndianaIllumineImagervIllationIllc^allvlllel„.i-;il


IllisionIllogical1 magoIn:age


(^ ImbarImbibeInclineIncludeIncloseInduceI >au))lijnIndiana10asoRmeryElvanElysianKnamel

J KlklOarnestRarlOnemvKimProperty of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

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Index to Telegraphic Code Words—Continued









Hasher,- Haslet" Hass.ick§5 HastyOS Halyard~ Harness


§ Haluo1 ^ Halcyon

OB HalyardS, Harness


- Heckler"* Heifei-

- S, Helical

jg HeadlongHeaderHeady

n Heathen) ^ Heckr M HeddleI ^ Heave' * Hedger


k"^ Hammer

' HamperHornet

^- „ • tHamiota•5i Haitiifv


« HookJ


Ivy) _ Itemr ^ Iterate' Iteration



£, Hope« Hurdle&< Hussar



^'S) Hoard^ Hide


' HuntHop

/ HornIs Hone

) HonerHoney

, g Honest

»' ^ Jerkin

Jersey\ JangleI

JanitorS Japanoj Japhetic^ JumbleCL, Jump



\ S Stock' * Stop

IS Stoi-e/ a, Stein


/ 6B


' MaliceMandateMandible


IMahoganyMammalMammonManumitMapperyMa randMarginalMarlineMarshalMartinetMartvrMastic

J Mata<lor;iMattingMatt


}^r tc

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Illustrated Price List

No. 66

Winnipeg Edition

W^€1828 ,t 1 1915


D. Moore CompanyLimited


Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of

Stoves and Ranges in Canada.

General Offices and Works:

Catharine and Robert Streets.

Wholesale Agencies


Winnipeg:, J. A. EVANS, Market and Princess Sts.

Vancouver, JOHN BURNS, 329 Railway St.

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Our price is no higher than asked for other equal grades

of stoves and ranges, and "TREASURES" possess quality

and advantages not to be found in other goods of their kind.

Bear in mind that only the HIGHEST GRADE and

PUREST F'lG IRON are used in the manufacture of Treas-

ure Stoves.

TREASURE NICKEL is whitest, brightest and longest

lasting, is put through a special process before and after

electro plating.

TREASURE STOVES and RANGES made in Hamilton

and sold all over the Dominion of Canada.

*^ ^i^


Catharine and Robert Streets.

Where •'TREASURE" Stoves and Ranges are made.

The D. Moore Company,Limited


|ir"All former Price Lists hereby cancelled.

:m~ For Telegraphic Code use this list only.

September, 1915,

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Th.(B]D.WVD'TB^S/i t^'Dliilp^Sl^f.

Telegraphic CodeCustomers Telegraphin.^ urdets or making enquiries will tind

the following code of advantage, instead of writing out lengthytelegrams.

Foi- other code words iffer to the iii-ice list.

Code TelegraphiqueLes clients qui telegraphieiit des commaiides ou font quelques

demandes, trouveront qu il est avantageux de se servir du codesuivant, plutot que d'ecrire de longs telegrammes.

I'our autres mots du code, vo\ez les pages Liste des piix.

.Sliip h\ (i. T. U. at (jiice I vr.,,.-, ntiOxpediez par G. T. U. immediatement I


Ship b.\- C. P. R. at once / ValanceKxpediez pas C. P. R. immediatement i

Ship by M. C. R. at once 1 ValeF^xpediez pas M. C. R. immediatement /

Shijj by Dominion Kxpress at once ) ., .

Kxpediez par ]!)ominion Express immediatement |" \ alise

Ship by Canadian Express at once I ,^ .

Expediez par Canadian Express immediatement (^ '''""

Ship by American Express at once i „ , _

Expediez pas American Express immediatement \valor

Ship by Boat at once „ ' v-- r-Expediez par bateau immediatement *

anamShip by Freight, direct to I

Expediez par Fret direct ;"i I Value

Add to our order I

Ajoutez a notre commande iValley

If our order has not yet l)een shipped I

Si noti e commande n 'a ,pas encore ete expediee iVan

If our order has lieen shipped i

Si notre commande a ete expediee t Vai)id

Change our order to read (

Changez notre commande pour lire I^ apoi-

tjuote prices by wire on the following 1

Cotez les prix par telegramme sui' ce qui suit J^ anish

At what price and how soon can you furnish 1

A quel prix et quand pouvez vous nous fournir avec I*


Have you shipped ordei' of i

.\vez vous expedie la commande du \^ c'luo''

When can you ship i

(Juand pouvez vous expedier (^ ei'bal

Send tracer immediately for shipment of I , , ..

I'lacez traceui' immediatement pour 1' expedition de I


Can you furnish fmm stock, if not, how long will it takc'ito make I , . . . ,

Pouves-vous nous fournir de vntr-e assortiment, si non, |'*'^'^^'

c()ml)ien de t('mi)S faut-il pour fabriquei- I

Have you in slock, if not, what (juantit.v of i

.\vez vous en assoitimcnt. si non (luelle quantite avez- Vetovous ^

< "an you supply us fiom stock ) YevPouvez vous Hour fournir de voti-e assortiment avec i

Will send particulars V)y mail I \-i-,||,,,.tNous enveri-ons les details par la poste I

Please answer our letter of / v'ir.tnivVeuillez repondre a notre lettre du *

Please answer our telegram of /

Veuillez I'^pondre it noti-e telegiamme de \ * 'Ror

We can furnish them (or it) atI -i-nNous pouvons les (ou le) founii- :"l i^ '"''

We have in stock and can ship at once )

Nous avons en assoitement et nous pouvons expedier \'iulotimmediatement t

We have none in stock ' \-i.Nous n' en avons pas en assortiment \

We can furnish / , ^ _, .

Nous pouvons fouiiiir \ocai


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"f- Jj. ^Nluu^ii n. Djiipaiii^/'a

Draft Check.

Hifih Grade "TRllASL'^K' ' Ranges, High Closets are now

equipped with our new. Patent Draft Control Device. (Patent

applied for. I By a series of notches the Handle is moved from

Right to Left, moving automatically inside Check Damper up and


Treasure Draft Check can be adjusteil to suit any draft. It

will stay set at any angle. When the Handle is moved from

Right to Left the Damper is automatically lowered, and while it

checks fire b^' obstructing passage like in ordinary Damper, it, at

the same time leaves an opening above to let a current of air into

F'ipe, and thus more effectively check the fire and incidentally

take odors from Tojj Coi>king.

When the Handle is at the right sitle the Damper is shut

tiglit, and the heat, ami the smoke go up the chimney uninter-


A regular Stove Pipe Damper is located below the Check

Draft at the correct distance from the fire, so as to hold heat of

the Oven when a very strong chimney draft is encountered.

This Patent De\ice gives better results than tiny other Draft

Regulator on the market.

- 4

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Glass O. D.


N. P. Tile and

Tile Pipe


Left Res. and

H. C.

(Left Res. only

supplied whenspecified.


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Tsi^ ^U. 'Muu-j^^ 'Dliilp'rilriyti

''Sovereign Treasure" Range

Six Holes For Coal or Wood

With (Burnished) or I^olished Tops.

Patent interlockinjs 3 sections Front and Back, 2 of which in each

are interchangeable Ventilated Fireback and Firefront.

Price includes special Wood Shaking Grate and Thermometer.

No. 9-220-Oven 20 x 20 x 13% inches.

Length of Wood 28 inches.

Made with Right or Left Hand hieservoir.

Specify when ordering

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word

9 220 Square and High Closet $92 63 .... Buoyant

9 220 Square and N. P. Tile, H.C 103 66 .... Buchrane

9 220 Square Glass O. D. and H. C. 96 73 ... Buddler

9 220 Sq. Glass O. D. and N. P. Tile 107 47 ... Bedivil

9 220 Reservoir and High Closet. . . 105 15 ... Burden

9 220 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C... . 116 00 ... Bustling

9 220 Res. Glass O. D. and H. C . . 109 36 ... Buttock

9 220 Res. Glass O. D. & N. P. Tile 120 21 . . Belgrave

9 220 Left Hand Res. and H. C. ... 103 64 Burlap

9 220 Left Hand Res. cV: N. P. Tile 114 69 .... Busk

Tile Back only on Regular H. C. ex 6 73 .... BuxomFlat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C. extra. 4 42 Byssus

Cast Base instead of Legs, extra.... 1 05 .... Buskin

Waterfront, extra 6 31 .... Buzzard

Wood Range, Special Linings, extra; 3 78 ....

Sovereign Treasure Wood Range

Fire Box 9 x 9 x 28 ins.

9 220 Square and High Closet Buccan

9 220 Square and N. P. Tile H. C Bystand

9 220 Square Glass O. D. and H. C Buzzer

9 220 Sq. Glass O. D. tK: N P. Tile Buccinal

9 220 Res. and High Closet Burmese

9 220 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C Buffit

9 220 Res. Glass O. D. and H. C Buhl

9 220 Res. Glass O. D. <"^' N P. Tile Bulchin

Lt. \ Id. Res. deduct from regular Res Bullacc

Fxtras same as Coal and Wooti liange.

Other prices page 21.

Abbreviations explainetl page 20.


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Square and

H. C.

P. Tile

and Tile


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Page 97: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

^i'jlBlL). iVJuD-JTii 'Qov^iivsi^ry,

"Premier Treasure" Range

Six Holes For Coal or Wood

Price includes Polished Top, Thermometer, Polished Steel

and Wood Shakinj^ Grate.

Nos. 68-18 and (W- 18—Oven 18 x 20 x 12^ inches.

No. 69-20—Oven 20 x 20 x 12' 2 inches.

Length of Wood 26 inches.

Stove List

No. Price

86-18 Square and High Closet !p 81 80

96 18 Square and High Closet 81 80

86 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . 92 72

96 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . 92 72

96 18 Res. and High Closet 93 4696 18 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C 104 30

96 20 Square and High Closet 86 40

96 20 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . 97 25

96 20 Res. and High Closet 97 98

96 20 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C . . . 108 82

Tile Back only on regular H. C, ex.. 6 73

Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C, extra. 4 42

Waterfront, extra 631Watercoii (for Soft Coal), extra 6 84

Thermometer, separate 1 05

Steel Base instead of Legs, extra. ... 1 05

Wood Back and Front on C. and W.Range, extra 2 10

Selling CodePrice Word

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"^'1X3 '1j. ^Muu-J^i^ Vo'sirp'sXivj.


Square and

H. C.

Either Drop Downor Roll up Door

High Closet



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Page 99: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"Western Treasure" Range

Six Holes For Coal or Wood

Price includes Polished Top, Wood Shakings Grate

and Thermometer.

Nos. 8-18 and 9-18- Oven 18 x 20 x 12' 2 inches.

No. 9-20—Oven 20 x 20 x 12% inches.

Length of Wood 26 inches.

Stove List

No. Price

8-18 Square and High Closet $77 259-18 Square and High Closet 77 25

8-18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C 88 089 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C 88 089 18 lies, and High Closet 88 839 18 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C 99 669 20 Square and High Closet 81839 20 Square and N. P. Tile H. C . 92 669 20 Res. and High Closet 93 399 20 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C 104 22

Tile Back only on High Closet, extra. . 6 73Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C. extra . . 4 42

Steel Base instead of Legs, extra 1 05

Waterfront, extra 6 31

Watercoil (for Soft Coal), extra 6 84

Wood Back and Front on (C. and W.)Range, extra

Wood Range, deduct

Thermometer, separate 1 05

















"Western Treasure" Wood Range

9 18 Square and High Closet Bigot

9 18 Res. and High Closet Bison

9 18 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C Bidient

9 20 Square and High Closet Bijou

9 20 Res. and High Closet Bitter

9 20 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C Bisque

For extras see Coal and Wood prices, page 21,

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Square and

H, C.


Reservoir and

H. C.


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^l''h a Id . IVI u o -^B ^M* 'G D -ill v 11 lil 'J o


Res. and H. C.


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Page 103: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

^'jii Ij. MuD^ii 'Dailpliirl^^u

"New Domestic" Steel Range

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos 68 and 69-18 -Oven 18 x 19 x 12 inches.

Price includes Wood Front.

Left or Right Hand Reservoir.

Length of Wood 25 inches

Stove List

No. Price

B68 18 Square and High Closet .^iSS 88

B69 18 Square and High Closet 55 88

B68-18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . 66 72

869 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . 66 72

B68 18 Reservoir and High Closet... 65 88

B69 68 Reservoir and High Closet.. . . 65 88

B68 18 Reservoir and N. P. Tile H. C. 76 72

B69 18 Reservoir and N. P. Tile H. C. 76 72

Cast Back Flue, extra 1 32

Wood Extension Pocket to take 25 inch

wood, extra 1 26

Waterfront, extra 631Thermometer, extra 1 06

N. P. Towel Bar. extra 1 H

















Wood only, to take 2o inch wood, same as Coal and Wood.


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Tlia ID. ^Nlu^ji^ ^t;2npSiJ:iy.


Square and

H. C.


Res. and

— IH-

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Page 105: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"^113 ^U. M c; UTB Vliip'H'sVJa

"New Doric" Steel Range

Four and Six HolesDuplex Grate

For Coal or Wood

Nos. 48 and 49-16—Oven 16 x 1<) x 12 inches.

Nos. 48 and 49-18—Oven 18 x 19 x 12 inches.

Nos. 48 and 49-16-Len^th of Wood 20 inches with Wood Exten-

sion. 25 inches.

No. 48—4-8 inch and 2-7 inch Covers.

No. 49—4-9 inch Covers.

Nos. 68-18 and 69-18—Length of Wood, 20 inches. With WoodExtension. 25 inches.

With 6 8-inch and 6 9-inch Covers respectively.

Reservoir Reversible, either Rijsht or Left Hand.

Large Heavy Copper Tank. Reversible with End Shelf.

N. P. Towel Rod. N. P. Edges and Doors.

Fireback and Front Grate Sections are made interlocking and

ventilated to protect from warping.

Stove List

No. Price

B48-i6 Square and Tea Shelf $35 88

B49 16 Square and Tea Shelf 35 88

B48 16 Square and High Closet 45 68849 16 Square and High Closet 45 68B49 16 Res. and High Closet 5 1 90B68 18 Square and Tea Shelf 37 80

B69 18 Square and Tea Shelf 37 80B68 18 Square and High Closet.. .. 47 56

B69 18 Square and High Closet 47 56

B69 18 Res. and High Closet 54 30

Reservoir separate 5 57

Wood Extension (to take 25 in. wood.)

extra 1 26

Thermometer, extra 1 10

Waterfront, extra 631Guard on High Closet, extra 52

Nickel Plated Res. Cheek, extra 52

Wood only, to take 25 in wood, same price as Coal and Wood.

Selling CodePrice Word


.... ^Biramous"X?:^.^ Bittern


... Biscutcate


.... Birchen

.... Birouached

^iijfj Belial

.... Bivalving







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"ll'i.i; I^. i^OC^^: CJ o 111 '

fj li ill iy






— lb-

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Page 107: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

^di'^ Id. ^MuuTh rJoiiiipiiin^B

"Sunset" Steel Range

Four Holes For Coal or Wood

(Duplex Grates)

Nos. 7-12 and 8-12—Oven 17 x 14 \ lU inches.

No. 9-14—Oven 19 x 14 x 10 inches.

No. 9-14 has 4-9 inch holes.

No. 8-12 has -5-8 inch and 1-6 inch holes.

No. 7-12 has 4-7 inch holes.


Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word7-12 Square $19 15 .... Beak8 12 • 20 42 .... Beam^ '"< 23 66 .... lieauty


S 1 2 Reservoir 24 63 ... Bearer*^ 14 • 27 05 ... Beautiful

Wood Only

9 14 Square 23 66 ... Beck^> 1 4 [Reservoir 27 05 ... Bedford

Reservoir only 4 21 BegoniaDown Draft 52 .... Beldam


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^S'lm Xj.'Mw^-j^ usiip^siya

Ventilating and Interlocking

Fire Box Linings

The three sections of fireback and firefront arc

so constructed they interlock with each other and

therefore cannot warp They are also interchanj^e-

able each section being exactly the same on Othello

Treasure Range. On Sovereign Treasure Range

the left and centre sections of Front and Back are

exactly the same, and are interchangeable.

These sections are connected to a Patent Venti-

lator Flue which draws the Hot .Air from behind, and

conducts it to the Flues of Range. This keeps them

from burning out and adds additional heat to o\en.

Abbreviations and Explanations

The fi>ilinsing abbreviations occur tlwoughoiit parts of tliis

book, to simplify and shorten sentences.

I. S. Tea Shelf.

II. S. High Shelf.

H. C. High Closet.

N. P. -Nickel I>lated.

Ther. — Thermometer.

Lt. or Rt. Left or Right 1 l.uul.

lies. --Reservoir.

Wft.— Waterfront.

N. F>. Mirror (luard and N. P. Drop Door.

Glass (). I), (llass Oven Door.

— 2li-

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Tli3 ID. MQ'DDfs ^^m ^©m^pmmJ'

High Closets ist seiimg

No. Price Price

21 Drop Door N. P. Band on Guard

21 Othello. 7 in. Collar .f;i8 62220 Sovereign, 7 in. collar 18 62

21 A Drop Door—20 F^remier. 7 inch Collar 18 6220 Western, 7 inch Collar 18 62

21B Roll Up Door—20 Western, 7 inch Collar. ... 17 0521C Roll Up Door, no Lever Lift—

20 British. 7 inch Collar 18 6219 Drop Door N. P. Band on Guard

19 0thello, 7 inch Collar 18 6219A Drop Door 18 Premier, 7 inch Collar 18 62

18 Western. 7 inch Collar 18 6219B Roll Up Door "18 Western, 7 inch Collar .


17 0519C Roll Up Door, no Lever Lift-

IB British. 7 inch Collar 17 0520 Roll Up Door—92 Selkirk, 7 inch Collar 13 5718 Roll up Door— 18 New Domestic. 7 in. Collar 13 0518 •

28, 29 City, (also Nos. 8. 9).. 13 05186 " 208 & 209. L X. L., 6 in. Collar 13 0514 "

108 1 X. L.. 6 inch Collar 11 158 •'

18 New Doric, 7 inch Collar. 10 947 •'

16 New Doric, 7 inch Collar. 10 948 & 7 with Guard 11 36

High Shelves, Etc.

80 High Shelf. British A 8 8485 High Shelf, British B 8 84

N. P. finish on 80 and 85, extra 2 1060 High Shelf, 8 City 6 62160 High Shelf, 9 City 6 6216 High Shelf, 28 and 29 City, extra 8 00

N. P. Finish, 16 and 60, extra 1576 High Shelf, Pol. Steel and Iron, City 8 58

40 High Shelf, 108, 208 and 9, L X. L 5 68N. P. finish, No. 40. extra 157

Tile Closets(Can be furnished on Nos. 21. 19, 18 and 186. High Closets

Round Tile Pipe with N. P. Tile H. C, extra 17 05Flat Tile Pipe with N. P. Tile H. C, extra 14 94N. P. Tile H. C, extra 11 05Tile Back only on H. C extra 6 75N. P. Drop Door on H. C. only, extra 1 58Ornamental Top Guard with Mirror, extra 2 62


Without H. C. and with Guard on Sovereign. F^re-

mier, Western, deduct 17 36 . . .

Without H. C. and with Guard or T Shelf. NewDomestic, deduct 11 88 ....

TILE BACK only—Tile without N. P. Drop Door and N. P.

Mirror Guard. Frost Green Tile usually furnished unless Ivory

White is specified on this style.

N. P. TILE,—Ivory Tile usually sujiplied unless FVost Greenis specified.

Customers will oblige by stating color of tile.

-21 -

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""I'slB ID. iVlDU-Tii (S(D2npgi2iy=


Square andH. S.


Res. & H. C.


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TlXB X>. M'OVTh © 211 "D '2.111^3

"Othello" Treasure RangeSix Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 8 and 9-19—Oven 19 x 18 x 12 inches.

No. 9-21 See next pa^e.

Length of Wood 28 inches

Price includes Thermometer, N. P. Base, Polished Top.and Wood Bottom,

With Iron Lininj^s, unless Fire Brick are ordered.

Extra large Ash Pan, Ash Pit, Fire Box, Oven, etc.

High Closets made Plain or with Tile Back only, or Full

Nickel Plated Tile or Tile Pipe. Glass Oven Door or Plain Door.

The highest class production on the market in Cast Ranges.



Stove List

No. Price

8-19 Square and High Shelf $ 81 15

8 19 Square and High Closet 90 108 19 Square and N. P. Tile H. C 100 848-19 Square Glass O. D. and H. S. 85 368 19 Square Glass O. D. and H. C. 94 3 1

8 19 Sq. Glass O. D. and N. P. Tile 105 058 19 Res. and High Shelf 93 578 19 Res. and High Closet 102 548 19 Res. and N. P. TileH. C... 113 468 19 Res. Glass O. D. and H. S. . 97 788 19 Res. Glass O. D. and H. C . . 106 758 19 Res. GlassO.D.andN.P.Tile 117 689 19 Square and High Shelf 81 159 19 Square and High Closet 90 109 19 Square and N. P Tile H C. 100 849 19 Square Glass O. D. and H. S. 85 369 19 Square Glass O. D and H. C. 94 319 19 Sq.GlassO. D. andN. P. Tile 105 059 19 Res. and High Shelf 93 579 19 Res and High Closet 102 549 19 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C . . 1 13 469 19 Res.. Glass O. D. and H. S... 97 789 19 Res.. Glass O. D. and H. C. . 106 759 19 Res.. Glass O. D. iV N. P. Tile 117 68Tile Back only on regular H. C. extra 6 73Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C. extra 4 42Waterfront, extra 631Glass Oven Door, extra 4 21

Wood only, deduct ....

"Othello Treasure" Wood RangeFire Box 9 x 7 x 28

9 19 Square and High Shelf9 19 Res. and High Shelf9 19 Res. and High Closet9 19 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C. . .

9 19 Res.. Glass O. D. and H. S. .

9 19 Res.. Glass O. D. and H. C.9 19 Res., Glass O. D. and N. P.

Tile H. CI ire Brick or Iron Linings.

Other extras, see page 21.






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Glass O. D.,

Res. and N. P.

Tile H. C.


Res., Glass O D.

N. P. Tile H. C.

and Tile Pipe


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Page 113: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

T^B ID. W/O'DTB ^^imp^iiiija

"Othello" Treasure RangeSix Holes For Coal or Wood

No. 9-21—Oven 22 x 20 x 13 inches.

Length Wood of 28 inches.

Nos. 8 and 9-19-See page 21.

Length of Wood 28 inches.

Price includes Thermometer. N. P. Base, Polished Top andWood Bottom.

With Iron Linings, unless Fire Brick are ordered.

Extra large Ash Pan, Ash Pit, Fire Bjx, Oven, etc.

High Closets made Plain or with Tile Back only, or Full NickelPlated Tile or Tile Pipe, Glass Oven Door or Plain Door.

The highest class production on the market in Cast Ranges.



9 21 Square and High Shelf

9-21 Square and High Closet

9-21 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. . .

9-21 Sq . Glass O. D. and H. S9-21 Sq.. Glass O. D. and H. C9 21 Sq.. Glass O. D. it N. P. Tile

9 21 Res. and High Shelf

9 21 Res. and High Closet

9 21 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C9 21 Res., Glass O. D. and H. S. .

9 21 Res., Glass O. D and H. C.9 21 Res., Glass O. D. &: N. P. Tile

Tile Back only on regular H. C, ex.

Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C, extra

Waterfront, extra

Glass Oven Door, extra

Wood only, deduct



Ij; 88 31

97 36108 0892 52

101 57

112 31

100 74

109 68120 62104 95

113 89124 84

6 73

4 42

6 31

4 21

4 21



"Othello" Treasure Wood RangeFire Box 9 x 7 x 28.

9 21 Square and High Shelf $

9 21 Res. and High Shelf

9 21 Res. and High Closet

9-21 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C9-21 Res., Glass O. D. and H. S.. .

9-21 Res., Glass O D. and H. C. .

9 21 Res.. Glass O. D. iV: N. P. Tile

Extras (same as Coal or Wood Range),

l-'ire Brick or Iron Linings.






















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Square and

H. C.


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Page 115: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"British Treasure Range""B" or Regular Finish

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

With (Burnishei.1) or F^olished Tops.

Price includes Thermometer, N. P. Base and Wood Bottom,Back and Front, and orders should state whether "A" or "B" is


"A" or plain finish can be furnished when specified.

Nos. 8 and 9-18 -Oven 18 x 18 x 11', inches.

Leng^th of Wood 22 inches

No. 9-20 Oven 20 x 20 x 12 inches.

Leng^th of Wood 24 inches

Stove List Selling

No. Price Price

49 18 Square $ 61 88 ....

49-18 Square and High Shelf 68 74 ....

49-18 Square and High Closet . 77 4268 18 Square 61 88 ...68 18 Square and High Shelf 68 74 ....

68 18 Square and High Closet 77 4268 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. 88 4149 18 Reservoir 74 52 . .

49 18 Reservoir and High Shelf.


8125 ..

49-18 Reservoir and High Closet... 90 19 ....

68 18 Reservoir 74 52 ....

68 18 Reservoir and High Shelf .. . 81 25 ....

68 18 Reservoir and High Closet. .. 90 1968 18 Reservoir and N. P. Tile H. C. 101 1049 20 Square 69 31 ....

49-20 Square and High Shelf 76 22 ...

49 20 Square and High Closet 84 45 ....

69 20 Square 69 3 1

69 20 Square and High Shelf 76 22 ....

69 20 Square and High Closet 84 45 ...

69 20 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. 96 52 ...

49 20 Reservoir 81 88 ....

49 20 Reservoir and High Shelf. . . 88 62 ....

49 20 Reservoir and High Closet. 97 04 ....

69 20 Reservoir 81 8869 20 Reservoir and High Shelf. . . 88 62 ....

69 20 Reservoir and High Closet. . . 97 04 ....

69 20 Reservoir and N. P. TileH. C. 109 67 ....

Tile Back only on regular H.C extra 6 73 ....

Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H. C. extra 4 35 ....

Waterfront, extra 631 ....

Without N. P. Base deduct 2 10 ....

Without Thermometer deduct 1 05 ....

For Coal only deduct 1 57 ....

For Wood only deduct 4 35 ....

Special Basket Wood Grate for Wood only

I'ltr other extras see page 19.




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C D-inv^'-siya


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Page 117: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

ThB D. MlDt)2fS (S©sup 2. Day.

"City Treasure" Range

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 28 and 29—Oven 19% x 17',2 x \\% inches.

Length of Wood 23' _. inches.

No. 28-G-8 in. Holes. No. 29—4-9 in. and 2-6 in Holes.

Price includes Thermometer and N. P. Base.

29 includes Wood Back and Loose Bottom.

No. 28 City supplied with Clay Linings unless Iron are specified.

No. 29 with Iron Linings.

Can be supplied with Gas Attachment same as City on page 30.

Stove List

No. Price

28 Square $57 3628 Square and High Shelf 63 88

28 Square and High Closet 69 14

28 Reservoir 68 62

28 Reservoir and High Shelf 75 0428 Reservoir and High Closet 79 7829 Square 58 72

29 Square and High Shelf 65 24

29 Square and High Closet 70 20

29 Reservoir 69 9829 Reservoir and High Shelf 76 93

29 Reservoir and High Closet 81 35

Without N. P. Base, deduct 1 68Without Thermometer, deduct 1 05

Gas Attachment, Nos. 28 iS: 29. extra. 20 52

(Orders should state whether Natural

or Artificial Gas is to be used.)

Waterfront 6 31

For Coal only, No. 29, deduct 73

N. P. High Shelf, Full Polish, extra.. . 2 10

N. P. End Shelf Bracket 52

N. P. Tile \ ligh Closet, extra 11 05

Tile Back only on regular H. C, extra 6 73

elling CodeWord





















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""I'll3 Xj. M


D-r ^ ^^f 0: o-iivp^'iiy



Nos 8 & 9


Square Steel H. S.

and Gas Attach.

Nos. 28 & 29.


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Tsm ID. mtjvj:i rn 'Dsnpaoriya

"City Treasure" RangeSix Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 8 and 9—Oven 19X x 17>^ x \\% inches.

Price does not include Thermometer or N. P. Base.

Length of Wood, Zi}., inches

This pattern City Treasure can still be supplied.

The Duplex Grates are Draw-Out Grates, similar to Sovereignand British Treasure, removed without any trouble.

Stove List

No. Price

8 Square ,"p53 1


8 Square and High Shelf 59 658 Square and High Closet 64 908 Reservoir 64 3h8 Reservoir and High Shelf 70 828 Reservoir and High Closet 75 569 Square 54 489 Square and High Shelf 60 999 Square and High Closet 65 929 Reservoir 65 749 Reservoir and High Shelf 72 179 Reservoir and High Closet 77 06Gas Attachment, Nos. 8 and 9. extra.


20 52Waterfront - 6 31Thermometer, extra 1 04N. P. Front Base Strip & Legs, extra. 2 10N. P. High Shelf. Full Polish, extra.. 1 57

For other extras see page 21 and 27.





"City Treasure" RangeFor Coal or Wood

WITH GAS ATTACHMENTGas Oven 12 x 19 x 8% inches.

Gas Top has 2-8 inch holes and 1-4 inch Simer Cover.

Supplied with 2 Open Covers or 2 Closed Covers.

Will burn either Natural or Artificial Gas.

Fitted with Adjustable .Lever Valves and Air Mixers.

Price includes Thermometer on Coal Oven.

Thermometer on Gas Oven extra.

Price also includes N. P. Base.

NOTE—Orders should state if for Natural or .Artificial Gas.

List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word28 Square and .Attachment $77 88 .... Danuber28 Square. High Shelf tV: .Attachinent 84 40 .... Darby28 Square. High Closet \- .Attachment 89 66 ... Dartais29 Square and .Attachment 79 24 ... Darwin29 Square. High Shelf A: .Attachment 85 78 .... Dernier29 Square. High Closet i^' .Attachment 90 72 .... DescryGas .Attachment, separate 20 52 .... DawkOven Thermometer for Gas Oven. ex. 1 04 .... DauphinTile H. C. can be furnished if desired. See page 27 for extras.

For other extras see page 21.


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T>ia X>. Mode's 'C^Dimpiinyo







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]^hM ID. M©t;!?s ^Goriipaai^a

"IXL Treasure" Range

Four and Six Holes For Coal or Wood

No. 108—Oven IT 2 x 17,'4 x 10 inches.

Length of Wood 18 inches

Nos. 208 and 209--Oven 19 x 19 x 10 inches.

Length of Wood 22 inches

Coal Fire Box is straight, well proportioned. Fitted with NewDockash Duplex Gratei..

Nos. 108 and 208 has 6-8 inch Pot Holes.

No. 209 has 4-9 inch and 2-5 inch Pot Holes.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word108 Square $37 88 .... Iberian

108 Square and High Shelf 42 62 ... Icing

108 Square and High Closet 47 78 .... Illume

208 Square 42 00 ... Iberis

208 Square and High Shelf 46 84 .... Idalian

208 Square and High Closet 5190 .... Idolator

208 Reservoir 53 16 ... Illation

208 Reservoir and High Shelf 57 90 ... llleberal

208 Reservoir and High Closet 62 94 ... lllision

209 Square 42 00 .... Ibex

209 Square and High Shelf 46 84 ... Idealize

209 Square and High Closet 5190 .... Ignoble

209 Reservoir 53 16 .. Illegally

209 Reservoir and High Shelf 57 90 . Illicit

209 Reservoir and High Closet 62 94 .. Illogical

Gas Attachment. No. 208 .V: 209. extra . 20 00 ... Indiana

(Orders should state whether Natural

or Artificial Gas is to be used).

Waterfront, extra 631 .... Image

Thermometer, extra 1 05 ... Dauphin

Wood Lining (Front, Back and Sliding

Bottom.) No. 208 and No. 209 Illumine

N. P. Front Base Strip and Lejgs. extra 1 05 .... Imagery

N P. High Shelf, Full Polish, extra.. . . 158 ... Imago

Wood Range same price as Coal and Wood.

For other I-^xtras see page 19.


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T^'v c. -r ^ j^ '^ ^ ^ n Dinpsiinyo


Square and

H. C. and Gas



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"IXL Treasure Range"With Gas AttachmentGas Oven 12 x 19 x 8}^ inches.

Gas Top has 2-8 inch holes and 1-4 inch Simmer Cover.

Supplied with 2 Open Covers or 2 Closed Covers.

Will burn either Natural or Artificial Gas.

Fitted with Adjustable Lever Valves and Air Mixers.

NOTE—Orders should state if for Natural or Artificial Gas.

Stove List

No. Price

208 Square and Attachment $6? 00208 Square. Hijsh Shelf it Attachment. 66 84208 Square, Hijsji Closet i^' Attachment 71 90209 Square and Attachment 62 00209 Square. Hi}|h Shelf .S: Attachment. 66 84209 Square. Hij^h Closet it Attachment 71 90Gas Attachment, separate . 20 90Oven Thermometer, extra 1 05







Coal and Wood"Family Treasure" Cook

Four Holes For Coal or Wood

No. !).KS-Oven 20% x 18 x 12>^ inches.

Length of Wood 24 inches.

Duplex Grate for Coal. Large Fire Box for Wood.

With Nickel Top and Hearth Edges.

Can be fitted for wood only.

With Leg Base. Grates easily ramoved. Steel Oven Bottom.

Stove List

No. Price

9 18 Square $54 009 20 58 429 18 Reservoir 65 15

9 20 • 69 76Waterfront, extra 6 31

160 High Shelf, extra 7 58Thermometer, extra 1 05For Wood only (on C. A: W. Cook) deduct 4 21

I'or Coal only (on C. & W. Cook) deduct.(18 inch)

(20 inch)



'Family Treasure" Wood Cook

9 20 Square $.

9 18 Reservoir9 20 Reservoir





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a'iii '1j. 'Muuj:- OltlipHliA^t




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"Diamond Treasure" Cook

Four Holes For Coal or Wood

Nos. 8 and 9-19—Oven 2\}.. x 18 x 11 inches.

Length of Wood 21 inches.

Also Steel Base and Steel Oven.


REGULAR FINISH—Without Steel Leg Base.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word8-19 Square $39 38 .... Elej^y

9 1


Square 39 38 ... FJf in


8 19 Reservoir 51 25 .... Element

9 19 Reservoir 51 25 Elope


Waterfront, extra 6 31 .... EmberFor Coal Only, Deduct 94

Steel Base, extra 1 06 .... Elate

Price inchkles Coal and Wood Lining's.

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n O-rrD'Sll'D^'Sl'Wt

NEW BERMUDAwith Reservoir

NEW FLORIDAwith Reservoir

PANSYwitli Reservoir

-08-Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

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Wood Cooks

"New Bermuda" Wood CookFour Holes For Wood Only

No. 9-26—Oven 24^ x 27'2 x 16 inches.

Length of Wood 28 inches

Sheet Steel Oven.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word9-^26 Square. Steel Border $54 10 .... Falconry

9 26 Reservoir, Steel Border 68 10 .... Fallen

50 High Shelf 7 58 ... DimerOn Legs without Base Strips, deduct. . 1 57

Cast Border Supplied, if preferred.

"New Florida" Wood CookFour Holes

No. 9-24 -Oven 25 x 25 x 14 inches.

Length of Wood 27 inches

Steel Oven Bottom.

Stove List Selling CodeNo Price Price Word9 24 Square, Fancy Border $49 47 .... Faculty

9-24 Reservoir. Fancy Border 61 94 ... Fanatic

50 High Shelf 7 58 .... Dimer

On Legs without Base Strips, deduct. . 1 06

If Shelf under hearth reciuired add 1 06

"Pansy" Wood CookFour Holes For Wood Only

Oven 20 X 20 X 12

Length of Wood 2i}<^ inches

Steel Oven Bottom. Copper Reservoir, with Nickel Plated OvenDoor Panels. First-class Baker.

Siove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word9 20 Square $30 2


.... Fancy9 20 [Reservoir 40 63 .... Focus

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Tlie ©=. Mode's ^^ Company.






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^A'siB ID. Mdqi^^ 'G'Oirnpiisrya


B. B.

(or Straight I


P. C. (or

with Oven)


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^ji3 ID. mt>m-i ©©riipiiinjc

Base Burners

"Art Treasure"

Double Heating Base Burner

Double HeatinfJ attachment on all Stoves.

For Coal, Etc.

On Nickel F^lated "Never Break" Steel Base and Legs.

The "Art Treasure" is constructed on the most advancedprinciples, combining every modern and practical idea knownto stove builders Stove sits on Treasure "Never Break" Stee]

Leg Base, which adds greatly to its appearance. The SwingTop. Removable Jacket and Reflector Top, Side Wings. NamePlate, Ash-F^it Door Panel and Removable Foot Rails are Plated

by 'Treasure" Special Process Nickel, which makes themwhitest, brightest and longest lasting

The Duplex Grates are large with Annular Shaking Ring,

and will stand more and last longer than anyother Base Burner made.

Circular Draft Regulator on Ash Pit Doorscrews in, not out. With it you secure perfect

control of the fire.

Treasure Ash Shelf, Jewel Knobs.

The Oven Flue used in all Treasure

Base Burners is so constructed that the

fire travels o\'er the oven top, down the

back and under the oven at both sides to

the base of the stove, and returns up the

flue in the centre You will note by this

that the fire travels around the oven

twice before entering the chimnej', econo-

mizing to the e.xtent of about 40%, and

baking equal to a cook stove.



400 Base Burner



Fire Pot List

Diam. Price

14 .i;76 63

l.T 81 78



Parlor Cook

400 Base Burner, with ()\cn.

50014 88 94

1-5 94 42





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^'Ii3 Jj. Mdc^jT' D '111 '

\j zi 21 '



B B.

(or Straight)


P. C. lor with



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"Empire Treasure"

Double Heating Base Burner

For Coal, Etc.

Straij5ht Stoves made in two sizes—Nos. 514 and 515.

Oven Stove one size— No. 514.

Matle with the Two Flue Construction, which compels all

heated air to come in contact with the entire outside radiatinj?

surface, which makes it a very powerful heater. All the Cold

Air is taken from the floor, and distributed through the rooms,

thorou{5hly ventilating and heating them.


The Oven is large and has two eight-inch pot holes, is easily

regulated, quickly heated, and bakes to perfection.

Draw-Out Firepot and Grate. Can reverse Fire-pot, making

it last twice as long.

Fire will keep in without replenishing for 24 hours or more.

Circular Draft Regulator on Ash Pit Door, Screws in and

out, secures an air-tight fit and perfect control of fire.



514 StraiglU .

515 Straight..

Base Burner (B. B.)

Fire Pot List

Diam. Price

. . . \5X $59 89

143^ 65 15

Selling CodePrice Word

. GamutGander

Parlor Cook (P C.)

514 With Oven 13% 72 00 .... Garli

Double Heating Attachments on all Stoves.


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'll'llii X>. iyic^C^jTi; C®2S!ipaia^c


/ '^i


B. B.

(or Straight I



P. C. (or

with Oven I

'*<?'•- MfWiv

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^cI'jlB ID. Mot)T2 ^^ ^ © 311pa 21J c

'Crown Treasure'

Double Heating Base Burner

For Coal, Etc.

Straij«ht Stove made in Four Sizes, 412, 415, 414, 41-5.

Oven Stove in Two Sizes. 413. 414.

Duplex Orate and Annular Shakings Ring on Empire and

Crown Treasure Base Burners operates easily at all times.

"No poking necessary." This style of grate gives room for a

large deep fire pot, consequently more radiation and greater

heating capacity. Fire pot and grate complete, can easily be re-

placed without dismantling the stove.

Fire Pot is Reversible, thus making same last twice as long

as other pots.

Tea Kettle Attachment has large griddle hole, and will take

a good size utensil.

Nickel Ornamentation—Fancy Leg Base. Name Plate, Foot

Hails. Top Ornament Extreme Dome Top, including SwingCover and Jacket, all of which are removable.

Straight (B. B.



4 1 2 Base Burner



413 Parlor Cook.414

Fire Pot

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^r^f "iL J iVioD'-i'i; 'Gd Tilpa 3:1To




With Oven


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Thm Dp M©©i?3 ^^m. S© anpam^

'•Ruby Treasure'

Base Burner

For Coal. Etc.

Straight Stove made in two sizes— Nos. 11 and 12.

Oven Stove in one size—No. 12.

Combines all the Features which have been found necessary

to make this class of stove a very powerful and economical


Firepot easily replaced, and large enough to hold fire for

twelve hours without touching.

Oven Steel Lined, large and same construction as high

priced Base Burners.

Nickel Ornamentation— Fancy Leg Base, Name Plate. Foot

Rail, Top Ornament and Swing Cover, with handsome Bronze



Stove Fire Pot List Selling CodeNo. Diam. Price Price Word1


Base Burner 10'


<|i3-' 57 .... Glow12 ' 11>.^ 38 00 ... Gold

With Oven

12 ParlorCook 11


^ $45 15 .... Golf


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""I'll3 X* . 5VI U OJr3 ^^Hf, '^ ^ ^ii P ^ '-^'iy "





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Double Heating Oak Stoves

"Treasure Heater"

A Double Heating Oak Stove

A Double Heater Hot Blast, Air-Tight, Smoke Consumer, orSelf-Feeding Hard Coal Oak Heater.

For Coal or Wood

Fitted with Duplex Grate and Annular Shaking Ring for Coal.N. P. Steel Base—"Never Break." Large Double Feed Dooradmits large knotty pieces of wood


No.Fire Pot List Selling CodeDiam. Price Price Word

614 Without Feed616 Without Feed618 Without Feed614 With Feed616 With Feed618 With Feed614 and 616 Self Feeder extra618 Self Feeder extra ...

For Wood only deductExtended Top on 618 add

"PLAIN FINISH"618 Without Feed618 With Feed


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"Tsi^ 'JJ. 'Muuj^: uisip^-jiy^





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"Oak Treasure"

Double Heater

A Very Powerful Double Heating Stove at Medium Price

Takes the cold air from floor and may be conveyed

to rooms above.


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a'iiii 'L). 'i:-A'ju^ 0211 iJiilii-V.




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^'xLSi ID. M-DDTi;

"Air Blast Treasure Oak"

For Coal or Wood

With Mica Door. Flat Shaking Grate.

N. P. Legs and Base.

An Air Blast N. P. Screw Draft at front just over firepot lets

in an air supply which ignites with gases of coal. N. P. Reflectorthrows heat to the floor. Large ash pan.

This Series is not shown previt)usly.


Stove Fire Pot

No. Diam.

116 Without Feed 14

118 Without Feed 16

116 With Feed 14

118 With Feed 16

Feeder separate


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^':iiii 'ij.'Muu-j!^ C o:£iiV^^iv.







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Hot Blast Stoves

Moore's" Double-Heater Hot Blast

Hot-Air Pipe for Heating Rooms Upstairs.

For Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Lignite, Slack, Etc.

Stove Diam. List Selling CodeNo. Body Price Price Word1118 18 inch. $35 89 .... Hornet

"Moore's" Hot Blast

Very powerful Heater, with Hot Blast Pipe for

consuming Gases.

For Soft Coal, Hard CoaL Lignite, Slack, Etc.

Made with Cast Iron Bottom, Large Ash Pan.

N. P. Border and 2 Front Legs.

Stove Diam. List Selling CodeNo. Body. Price Price Word315 1-5 inch. $24 10 ... Hammer318 IHinch. 29 57 .... Hamper

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— .j,S-

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Hot Blast Stoves

"Moore's" Hot Blast

For Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Lignite, Slack, Etc.


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"Moore's Tortoise or Quebec Heater'

Brick Lined Throughout

With N. P. Rinf^s. Slow Combustion Stove for Coal.

Stove Combustion List

No. Chamber Height Price

2 7'4 X 21 27 inches $10 74

3 9'2 x22 31 inches 13 26

4 11 x25 34 inches 15 905 15 X 2B 39 inches 20 22









For Hard or Soft Coal or Coke





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Laundry Stoves





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Thm IDu MMtjTh (0®impmsiy.

"Tailors and Empire Laundry'

For Coal or Coke



9 Mnipire Laundry. 18 irons.

Fire Pot

Measure- List

ment Price

\2x5X $17 15

9 Tailors' Heater. 15 irons. 12 x 5'2 19 15

Selling CodePrice Word.... Jabber

.... Jacent


Cooking or Laundry Stoves

For Coal, Etc.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Style Price Price Word128 Two 8 in. holes and long Centre. $1 I 30 . Imprint

129 Two 9 in. holes and long Centre. .11 36 ... Impress

48 Four 8 in. holes and long Centre 17 68 .... Improve


Cooking or Laundry Stove

For Coal, Etc.



18 Two 8 in. holes and long Centre.

List Selling CodePrice Price Word

.$7 90 .... Imperil


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^L- 'Sj. "i\'1 C DUVV-^'sVV^

Heating Stoves for Wood

vc^r -




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"New Todd Star Heater"

For Wood Only.

This Stove is a Base Burner. sendinj| the heat around the

flues in bottom of stove under the fire.

The Cleanout is under the Hearth Plate.

Russia Iron Body. Heavy Cast Linings. Double Heater has

Hot Air Collar, for conveying heat upstairs.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word50 Single Heater, 25 inch wood $26 94 .... Hardness

50 Double Heater, 25 inch wood 33 26 .... Harpy

"Hickory Treasure Air-Tight"

With Nickel Plated Top Edge.

For Wood Only.

Cast Iron Top and Bottom, very strongest construction.

Cast Iron Lining reaches nearly to the top of steel, making it

the very best air-tight construction used, so as to last longer and

protect body.

Top has 2-8 inch holes and cross centre. Will take a washboiler.

Spark-Arrester in Draft Door.

Stove Size of List Selling CodeNo. Feed Price Price Word21 9X X 12 inches $2105 .... Hough25 10>^ X 13^4 inches 23 78 .... Hour

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1330 Series


1025 Series


823 Series


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TlhS D. SVI'DDTS t3'D!MpiiSi^c

Air-Tight Wood Heaters

3 Series of Cast Top

•'Moore's Double Heater" Air-Tight


For Wood, Etc. Cast Top Line

A very powerful Double Heater. Takes the cold air fromthe floor, passes it around the stove, heati ig it and driving it

upstairs through the Hot Air Pipes. Body made of Russia iron.

Top Cast iron. Double Swing Cover.


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Tlho ©a M©©2- Dinpa3i;ya



(523 Series)



(23 Series I



(Sheet Iron Seriesi


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Tlhd ID. Mwm<B (0®S!mpiimy«

AIR-TIGHTS Continued3 Series of Sheet Top.

**Moore's" Air-TightFor Wood, Etc. Steel Top Line

Fitted with Malleable Hinges on N. F^. Draft.

Patent Corrugated Double Linings.


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"i'ji3 XJ-. "M u u-j:^ ^H^ ^ ^ ^^J- IP ^ -^iJ -

Box Stoves

"Black Giant Box"

Extra Heavy

For Wood


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Natural Gas Heating Stoves

"Charm Treasure"

For Natural Gas

Nos. 16 and 18 is fitted with 2 Taps.

Large Hot Air Flue takes cold air from floor and sends apowerful heat out on top.

A Nickel Plated Reflector at top and above fire, throwingheat to floor.


Calculated to be equivalent to 16-inch and 18-inch Oak Stovesrespectively. With Kettle Yio\e in centre of top and SwingGriddle Cover on Nos. 16 and 18.

No. 14 No. 16 No. 18

Width of Body 10 in. 15 in. 18 in.

Depth of Body 7 in. 8 in. 9 in.

Spread of Legs 19xl5>< in. 21xl5>< in. 25x15% in.

Height A: Depth of Fire Place 6 in, 6 in. 6% in.

Height of Steel Body aboveFire Place 15 in. 17 in. 19 in.

Stove List

No. Price

4 Height over all. 37 inches $18 5216 '• 40 • 23 1618 " 42 •• 27 14



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Page 160: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"IiiB 1j.Muuj:b D-rn pHllIJo

Gas Ranges

No. 334C


Gas Range



No. 354


Gas Range

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 161: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

T'h(B IDc MI©©Df© ^^^^ - V Tilpa inJ


No. 334C-Gas Range

For Natural or Artificial Gas


Canopy to carry off steam and cooking odors.

Bakinf5 Oven 16 x 19 in. Lenj^th 59 in. Slieif 4 in.

2 Burners in Baking Oven.

Large Burner in Boiling or Broiling Oven.

Top Supplied with 1 Giant Burner and Simmer Burner, Porcelain

Broiler Pan in Broiler Oven.

Specify for Natural or Artificial Gas when ordering.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word

334C^N (Natural Gas) $61 25 .... Storer

334C A (Artificial Gas) 6125 .... Stote

No. 354—Gas Range

For Natural or Artificial Gas


Baking Oven 16 x 19 x 12"_. in. Length 57 in. Shelf 4 in.

Supjjlied with 1 Giant Burner and 5 Regular Burners.

Specify for Natural or .Artificial Gas when ordering.

Stove List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word

354 -N (Natural Gas) $47 99 .... Stour

354-A (Artificial Gas) 47 99 ... Stout


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 162: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

""I'll i; 'JJ. "M D oj: '^ .f^^ C D -illp si -a



Gas Ranges

No. 154



No. 174


No. 113




Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 163: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

^Jjis Dj 2V1 DOT'S t^'om^mmj'.

No. 154—Gas RangeHeavy Polished Steel, Cast Door Frames

Top, 22 X 55 in. Oven 18 x 19 in.

Each Range fitted with 1 Giant, 1 Simmer and 3 Regular Burners.

Nickel doors, manifold name plates, etc. ; adjustable cocks,

explosion catch, patent saftey lighter; removable burners. Ahandsome, moderately priced range.

State if for Natural or Artificial Gas.


No. Gas Price

154N Natural $36 42154A Artificial 36 42


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 164: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

ThB ID. ^luDU^si ' C3 D 'ill ''V si'iry



r*Qr ,Set of Hollow-Ware (Regular)

No.List Selling

Price Price

8 Per Set, Straifiht $3 65

9 '• " 4 09

8 Lonj5 Pot 1 47

9 "1 68

8 Short Pot 1 38

8 Spider

9 •

7 Bellied l^ot.



2 Scotch




3 N'.\iikee



8 Uc.uiul




lioul, i)'4 in. diam





Bowl. 10




1 57



1 40

1 68

1 89


1 05

1 26

1 42

1 56

1 12

1 26

1 44




1 09















Ma rand










- 7(i—

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 165: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

TllS X). MVDTB (0©aaipiimjc

Tea Kettles

List Selling

No. Price Price

9 Cast Iron $1 68

10 1 89



Farmer's Feed Pot

List S'-lling

No. Price Price

20 Quart Eccentric Pit $2 52

32 3 67



Ham Boilers






$4 73

. 5 26





Waffle Irons


8- 9

9 10


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 166: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

"J'jia ID. ^ViDDLiTi; tiDiriipSilri^u

Stove Pipe Dampers

List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word3 inch "Treasure ' Damper, Per doz. $1 26 .... Nard

4 • • " " 1 47 ... . Narrate

5 •• " • 1 57 . . . Narration

6 ' " •• 1 68 ... . Narrow7 •• •• •' '•

1 99 . . . . Narcissus

Combination Reducing Covers

List Selling CodeNo. Price Price Word8 Per Set. each .-fO 64 .... Nod9 • • 80 .... Noise

Reducing Rings

List Selling CodeNo Price Price Word10 to 9 RinfSs. per doz $4 27

9 to 8 •• 3 67 ...

8 to 7 • 2 94

Honey Extractor Castings

-lAI'ANNKI)List Selling Code

No. Price Price Wordl>er Set. 20% inches diameter $4 00 ...


Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 167: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Index to Telegraphic Code Words





lianditi '.a ne1 iarriclpIJalefuli;alkP.aroqueBanterDauphinBaitBaldeagle

BinervateBionomyBlandnessBipartieiitBlaseBillBiteBovineBanyonBvssusBalliKtar.idientI iistiue


" BolereSi Bolide

I Bolus

1 lonibicliunanza


iiif •le-t







t- Braxy<D Brinish^ P.rindledcu T'.risket


I BispolarI



' BiremeBirchenIMvouachedBidialBiva lyingBraeBravuraDauphinBrailBrehon


B.eautifulr.erkB.-dfordI '.<u()niaBrldamlU-akI '.eam


Chafron i

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 168: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Index to Telegraphic Code Words—Continued

Elegy \

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 169: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 170: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 171: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale

Page 172: Property of  - Not for Resale · 1828,W»,\STOVES/ 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in …

Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale
