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Prophecy - New Testament

Date post: 29-Nov-2014
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Part 4 of a four part series given at NHBC by elder Evan Davis in June 2012.
  • 2. REVELATION 5 THE SCROLL Title to the Earth Like Jeremiah 32:6-15 Kinsman Redeemer has paid Possession is the next step Kept secure in the hand of God Seals are additional security and all have a purpose
  • 3. BREAKING OF THE SEALS Rider on a White Horse (1-2) War (3-4) Famine (5-6) Death (7-8) 25% of population dies Martyrs (9-11) Natural Disasters (12-17) All the rest from #7 (8:1-5)
  • 4. TRUMPETS 1/3 of Vegetation destroyed (7) 1/3 of Sea turned to blood (8-9) 1/3 of fresh water bitter (10-11) 1/3 of heavenly lights out (12-13) Locust like demon creatures (9:1-12) Invasion by huge army (9:13-21) Kill 1/3 of world population =50%
  • 5. 7th TRUMPET BIG EVENTS Death of the Two Witnesses Resurrection of the Two Witnesses Ascension of the Two Witnesses Satan thrown out of heaven (12:7-9) Israel in hiding (14) Satan goes after believers (17) Worship of the Beast
  • 6. BOWLS Sores and pain (16:1-2) All sea turned to blood (3) All fresh water to blood (4-7) Intensity of Sun increased (8-9) Darkness on Beast kingdom (10-11) Euphrates dried, invasion (12-16) Huge earthquakes (17-21)
  • 7. ARMAGEDON Not just a battle = campaign Polemas not mache in Greek Not an isolated area (14:19-20) Includes Edom (Isaiah 63:1-6) Jerusalem Valley of Jehosophat Edom Armageddon
  • 8. INTERVENTIONS OF GOD Creation Fall Flood Law Incarnation Crucifixion Resurrection
  • 9. INTERVENTIONS OF GOD Rapture Glorious Appearing Millennial Rule End of World New Heavens and Earth
  • 10. DAY OF THE LORD Past References Assyrian Conquest (Amos 5:18-20) Babylonian Conquest (Lam. 2:21-22) Medes destroy Babylon (Is.13:6,9,17- 20) These people not known when written Cyrus mentioned by name
  • 11. DAY OF THE LORD (FUTURE) Timing (Isaiah 2:10-12) 6th seal (Rev. 6:12-16) Purpose: Judgment (Is. 34:1-8) Armies drawn in to destruction Joel 3:1-16; Zech. 14:1-3, 12-15 Destruction (I Thess. 5:1-11) Like a thief in the night
  • 12. DAY OF THE LORDTWOFOLD NATURE Both a period and an actual day Includes both darkness and light Judge + Millennium Zech. 14:1-5 One Day event Coming of the Lord Malachi 3:2-5 Heavenly changes Joel 2:30-31 Salvation of Israel Zech. 12:10
  • 13. DAY OF THE LORD - TERMS Day of Lord (Zeph. 1:14-17) Great disruption Time of Jacobs Trouble (Jer. 30:4-9) Time is determined by God - shortened Great Tribulation Daniel 12:1-3; Mt. 24:21, 29 Starts with Abomination of Desolation Middle of the Tribulation period Ends rebellion (Daniel 9:24)
  • 14. JUDGMENT OF FALSE RELIGION Babylon and False Religion Jer. 7:16-20 Queen of Heaven Jer. 44:15-19; 24-27 Ez. 8:12, 13, 16-18 wrath on idolatry Zech. 5:6-11 Established in Babylon The Great Harlot Rev. 17 Some amalgamation of religion If no truth, anything goes here
  • 15. JUDGMENT OF NATIONS Matthew 25:31-46 The initiation of theocratic rule Everyone alive comes to judgment Only believers will enter kingdom When: Glorious return Mt. 25:31 Who: Individuals How: Relation to believing Israel Reward: Populate the Kingdom
  • 16. PRETRIBULATION RAPTURE Nature of the Church Immanence of Lords Return Church inconsistent with the Tribulation
  • 17. NATURE OF THE CHURCH An O/T Mystery (Eph. 3:4-10) Unique relationship to Christ (Mt. 16:18) Analogy: Body of Christ (Eph. 1:20- 23) Analogy: Building (Eph. 2:19-22) Analogy: Marriage (Eph. 5:27)
  • 18. JEWISH MARRIAGE Betrothal Price Dwelling Place Return of Groom Return to Fathers house Consummation Wedding Feast
  • 19. IMMANENT RETURN Expectation of early church I Cor. 1:7, 4:5, 15:51-52, 16:22 Phil. 3:20, 4:5 I Thes. 1:10 II Thes. 3:10-12 Jas. 5:7-9 I John 2:28 Promise: John 14:2
  • 20. CHURCH IS INCONSISTENT WITHTHE TRIBULATION PERIOD Character of Tribulation Targeted at Israel as a nation A time of judgment of sin A time of the wrath of God Characteristics of the Church A multi-racial entity of believers Judgment completed at the cross Specifically excluded from Gods wrath
  • 21. Wrath and the Church I Thes. 1:10 Delivered from wrath to come I Thes. 4:13-18 Taken out of world to meet the Lord in the air I Thes. 5:1-11 Not destined for wrath II Thes. 2:1-12 Connection to the Holy Spirit is permanent He goes
  • 22. JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST Rapture > Bema > Marriage > Return Who: Believers only I Cor. 3:15, II Cor. 5:10 Where: Bema honors bestowed How: Includes motivation, action and results Rewards along with Well done
  • 23. CROWNS Incorruptible race run acceptably (I Cor. 9:25) Life resisting temptation (Jas. 1:12) Rejoicing-Reaching others (I Thes. 2:19) Righteousness return (II Tim. 4:8) Glory under shepherds (I Peter 5:4)
  • 24. Pretribulation Rapture Fits with overall scripture Literal reading of the words Consistent with the mind of Christ No wrath is retained for the redeemed There is no judgment for sin yet to come for believers
