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Prophetic Medicine & Herbalism “The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one third with food, one third with drink and one third with air.” Prophet Muhammed PBUH. Narrated by: al-Tirmidhi (1381), Ibn Maajah (3349). OnIslam.net Website 1435 AH / 2014 AC
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PropheticMedicine &Herbalism

“The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach.It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls, to keep himgoing. If he must do that (fill his stomach), then let him fill one thirdwith food, one third with drink and one third with air.” ProphetMuhammed PBUH.

Narrated by: al-Tirmidhi (1381), Ibn Maajah (3349).

OnIslam.net Website

1435 AH / 2014 AC

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© OnIslam.net website 1435 AH / 2014 AC

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Table of ContentChapter I: Healthy Prophetic Advices ............................. 9

The Medicine of the Prophet: A Message Par Excellence 10

Health Benefits of Prophetic Condiments ....................... 27

Miracle Foods from Allah................................................ 38

Foods of the Prophet: Fruits & Vegetables of the Prophet48

Siwak: Preventive Medicine for Your Teeth .................... 59

Dental Health and the Miswak ....................................... 65

Grains of the Prophet ..................................................... 72

Chapter II: Islamic Heritage of Herbalism: .....................79

Herbs in Hadith: Exotic Herbs ......................................... 80

Timeless Black Seed ........................................................ 91

Barley: Ancient Food for Future Nutrition....................... 97

Pros & Cons of Garlic's Medicinal Properties ................ 110

Allah's Medicine Chest: Lemons.................................... 121

Parsley: Herbal Multivitamin ........................................ 130

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Stevia: Bittersweet Story .............................................. 139

Chapter III: Herbs in Modern Healthcare: ....................151

Health and Nutrition of The Prophet: Prophetic Sayings &Modern "Discoveries" ........................................................... 152

Prophetic Medicine: An Old Prescription for a New Era 164

Prophetic Medicine in Modern Life............................... 189

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IntroductionPraise be to Allah.

We thank Him, theMost High, and seekHis Help andForgiveness. Weseek refuge in Allahfrom the evils withinourselves and that of bad deeds.

He whom Allah guides, is truly guided, andwhom Allah leaves to stray, none can guidehim. We bear witness that there is no god butAllah and that Muhammad is His final Prophet(Peace and Blessings be Upon Him). We askAllah to bless our Prophet Muhammad, hisfamily, his Companions, and all his followers,from the beginning of his call to the Day ofJudgment.

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Prophetic Medicine simply refers to theactions done and thought said by the ProphetMuhammed with regards to sickness,treatment, nutrition, and hygiene. It is distinctfrom Islamic medicine, in that the latter is abroader category encompassing a variety ofmedical practices rooted in the Ancientcivilizations of the Muslim nations whichinfluenced Mediveval Islamic Medical sciences.

Prophetic medical traditions exhort humansto not simply stop at following Muhammad'steachings, but encourage them to search forcures as well. The literature of Propheticmedicine thus occupies a symbolic role in theelucidation of Islamic identity as constituted bya particular set of relationships to science,medicine, technology and nature.

Ibn Abbas has also narrated that ProphetMohammad (peace be upon him) said: “There

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are two blessings which many people lose:(They are) health and free time for doinggood.” (Al-Bukhari).

Prophet Muhammed PBUH had a firm beliefin the existence of a cause and a cure forevery disease and that was described in manyprophetic hadiths such as: “Make use ofmedical treatment, for Allah has not made adisease without appointing a remedy for it,with the exception of one disease, namely oldage.” Narrated by: Abu Dawud, Sunan AbuDawud.

About 50 hadiths on specific ailments andtheir remedies have been grouped togetherunder the Chapter called Kitab-al-Tibb of well-known collections of hadith by Bukhari,Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and others.

In addition of those, more than 300 hadithsreferred to hygiene, cleanliness, habit of eating

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and drinking. All these prophetic hadiths, whichnumber about 400, constitute the PropheticMedicine, and can be found together in theclassical books of Ibn al-Qayyim Aljouzi (8th

Century AD), Abu Nu’aim (5th Century AD),Abu Abd-Allah al-Dhahbi (8th Century AD), andAbu Bakar Ibn al-Sani (4th century AD).

In light of this, OnIslam.net is glad topresent this book, whose contents are basedmainly on articles and features provided byreputed doctors and health specialists, to helpboth Muslims and non-Muslims, understand theconcepts of Prophetic healthy advices and itsrelation with herbs.

We ask Allah Almighty to guide us all towhat is best in this world and in the Hereafter,Ameen.

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Chapter I: Healthy PropheticAdvices

Salman reported, The Messenger of Allah, peace andblessings of Allāh be on him, said "The blessing offood is the washing of hands before it, and thewashing of hands after it."

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The Medicine of the Prophet: A Message ParExcellence1

The traditions(sunnah) of theProphetMuhammad (maythe peace andblessings of Allahbe upon him) arerich in advice andinstructions onsuch matters ashygiene,sanitation, andtreatment of

1 This article is an edited version of a chapter from a book by theauthor entitled “Medicinal Plants in the Traditions of ProphetMuhammad.” It was submitted by Dr. M. Iqtedar Husain Farooqi andpublished with his permission.

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disease through the use of medication.

Referred to as Al-Tibb Al-Nabawi (propheticmedicine) by Muslims the world over, about 50prophetic traditions on specific ailments andtheir remedies have been grouped togetherunder the chapter referred to as Kitab-al-Tibb(the book of medicine) in the well-knowncollections of Hadith (prophetic sayings) byBukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, andmore.

Also, more than 300 traditions on aspects ofhygiene, cleanliness, habit of eating anddrinking, etc. find mention in these samecollections. All these traditions, which numberabout 400, constitute what is referred to asprophetic medicine, and can be found togetherin the classical books of Ibn al-Qayyim Aljouzi

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(8th century Hijrah), Abu Nu`aim (5th centuryHijrah), Abu Abdullah al-Dhahbi (8th centuryHijrah), and Abu Bakr ibn al-Sani (4th centuryHijrah). Most of these original Arabic treatiseshave been translated into English and otherlanguages.

Islamic Foundations of Well-Being

The Prophet Muhammad laid down thefoundation for a social order in which everymember of society was advised to maintain ahealthy life, physically, psychologically, andspiritually. No aspect of life was to bedisregarded.

In the opinion of Douglas Guthrie (A History ofMedicine, 1945), great advances in medicinemade by Muslims during the Middle Ages were

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mainly due to the impact of the traditions ofthe Prophet Muhammad. Guthrie writes, “Hadnot the Prophet Muhammad himself said, ‘OServant of God, use medicine, because Godhath not created a pain without a remedy forit’”? Guthrie failed to quote the source of thisimportant prophetic saying, but it is obviousthat he was referring to the famous hadithfrom Tirmidhi (one of the six most importantcollections of prophetic traditions).

As a matter of fact, there are several suchsayings in which the Prophet laid great stresson medicine and discouraged seeking helpthrough amulets, relics, and charms. Forinstance, the Prophet once said, “There is aremedy for every malady and when theremedy is applied to the disease, it is cured.”

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This and several such hadiths have beendescribed in Bukhari, Muslim, and Abu Dawud.

Once the Prophet was asked by one of hiscompanions, “Is there any good in medicine?”To this he emphatically replied, “Yes.” As aresult, Islamic teachings make it the duty ofevery society or group of people to conductresearch and discover the remedy for diseasesthat afflict human beings. The concept ofincurable diseases is thus alien to Islam.

Changing Age-Old Attitudes

There were several occasions when theProphet visited the sick, and after enquiringabout the ailments advised to take themedicine prescribed from experiencedphysicians. On several occasions he advised

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the sick to approach Harith bin Kalda, a well-known Jewish physician of Thaqif (a place nearMadinah, Saudi Arabia where the Prophetresided at the time). On one particularoccasion the Prophet visited Sa`d ibn AbiWaqqas who had suffered a heart attack.

When the Prophet placed his hand on the chestof Sa`d he felt great relief, but the Prophetcautioned him and said, “You’ve had a heartattack and therefore should consult Harith BinKalda, who is the expert physician.” It is theseand many other similar occasions that greatlychanged the attitude of the Arabs towardsdiseases. Arabs, during the pre-Islamic period,depended mainly on invoking supernatural aidor different deities for the treatment ofdisease.

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The Prophet Muhammad, realizing theconsequences of infectious epidemics, advisedhis companions that, “When you hear about abreak of plague in any area, do not enter thereand when it has broken in a land where youare, then do not run way from it (and thusspread it elsewhere).” On the basis of thishadith, Muslims considered precaution andvigilance against infectious epidemics as thecommand of God.

The Prophet also opposed charms andincantations as a form of remedy for diseases.On some occasions, however, when physicalremedy (medicine) was not available, heallowed, mainly for psychological reasons, therecitation of an incantation that has definitemeaning. He also declared the victims ofepidemics such as cholera and the plague as

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martyrs. This was a great consolation for thosewho suffered from it and realized the fatalconsequences.

The Prophet always cautioned physicians totake extreme care in treating their patientsand warned those not well-versed in the skill ofmedicine not to attempt treating the ill lestthey might be held responsible for anycomplications. Quackery is, therefore,forbidden in Islamic medical ethics.The Prophet Muhammad advised his followersto always care for their health, and wheneverthey were ill, whether seriously or otherwise,consoled them and told them not to feel thatthey were victims of the wrath of Allah.

“Disease,” he said, “is not the wrath of Allah,because Prophets also suffered great pains,

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much greater than ordinary people.” Imaginewhat a solace these sayings would haveprovided to the followers of Islam.

Hope as Medicine

There are many Prophetic hadiths in Bukhari,Muslim and others that show that people wereaccustomed to go to the Prophet regularly andtell him about their ailments. He would advisethem to resort to medicine first and then prayto God to get rid of the disease. On severaloccasions he would himself suggest certainmedicines. For instance, in case of loss ofappetite he frequently advised his followers totake talbina, a preparation made from barley.For constipation he used to recommend theuse of senna.

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He was also in favor of regular use of honey forkeeping fit. Similarly, for different ailments hewould advise the use of olives, black cumin,chicory, endive fenugreek, ginger, marjoram,saffron, vinegar, and watercress. Hadiths onthese medicines and others show the concernof the Prophet for the welfare and good healthof his followers. For even apparently smallmatters like drinking water, eating food, andkeeping clean and tidy he also gave advice. Heis noted to have said, “Cleanliness is half offaith.”

Some of the hadiths on black cumin, senna,and watercress are very thought provoking.For instance, the Prophet is reported to havesaid that, “Black cumin is a remedy for everydisease except death.” The Prophet expressed

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similar views on the efficacy of senna andcress.

The style and language of these hadiths are aclear indication of the fact that the Prophetplaced great stress on medicines. Thesehadiths also put emphasis on confidencebuilding of the ill towards their diseases andagonies suffered. Very rational advice wasgiven that none should be disheartened by theintensity and duration of the disease becauseremedies have been provided by nature. Theywere also advised not to be afraid ofimpending death.

Once during the time of the Prophet, a personcommitted suicide as he could not bear theagony of his disease. The Prophet condemnedthe act and refused to participate in the last

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rites. Thus, hopelessness, despondency,dejection and frustration on account of seriousdisease and pain are against the spirit andtenets of Islamic medical ethics, as shown bythe tradition of the Prophet.

Charms and Incantations: A Thing of thePast

There are several authentic hadiths, accordingto which people were said to come to theProphet for spiritual remedies for their illnessesand that of their kith and kin. The Prophet, ofcourse, prayed for them, but only aftersuggesting remedies in the form of medicines.Often he would advise the patients to consultthe best physician in the area. On one occasiona lady came to the Prophet with her child whowas bleeding because of a throat infection. He

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admonished her and advised her to treat thedisease by using the extract of costus andpseudo-saffron.

Similarly, once his wife complained of anabscess on her finger. The Prophet suggestedan application of sweet flag on the fingers andthen asked her to pray to Allah for recovery.There was also an occasion when a scorpion bitthe Prophet himself. He immediately asked forhot water to which salt was added. The hotsolution was poured on his bitten fingers whilehe recited Qur’anic verses.

These occasions and Prophetic hadiths ledMuslims to believe in the rationale of usingmedicine rather than resorting to charms andincantations. On several occasions he exhortedthem not to depend on supernatural methods

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of healing. He is also reported to have said,“charm is nothing but a work of Satan.”

The Human Prophet

Although the Prophet on one hand gavesuitable advice to his followers on earthlyaffairs when such situations were brought tohis attention, on the other hand he tried hisbest to create confidence in themselves so thatthey could act according to their ownexperience and opinions. Once, whilewithdrawing his advice given earlier on thecross pollination of date palm he said,“Whenever I command you to do somethingrelated to religion, do obey. And if I commandyou something about earthly matters, act onyour own (experience) and (do remember) Iam a human being.”

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Putting Prophetic Medicine IntoPerspective

In recent years, several books on propheticmedicine have been published, particularly inIndia and Pakistan, which do not project thetrue essence of the Prophet’s message. Forinstance, the author of a recently publishedbook entitled Tibbe Nabwi Aur Jadid Science(Prophetic Medicine and Modern Science),claims that Prophetic treatment of heart attackby eating seven dates, as was suggested toSa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, should still be preferredover modern by-pass surgery for the disease,provided people have faith in the treatment ofthe Prophet. The learned author failed tounderstand that the Prophet, while suggestingto Sa`d to take dates as temporary relief, also

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advised him to consult the expert physicianHarith bin Kalda for treatment.

As a matter of fact, it is not desirable toconsider the Prophet’s traditions on medicineas similar to the prescription of a physician. Inthis connection, the opinion of Ibn Khaldun(14th century AD) is highly relevant andrealistic. He says, “The Prophet’s mission wasto make known to us the prescription of theDivine Law and not to instruct us in medicineof the common practice of ordinary life”(Muqqaddima). In his opinion, even veryauthentic hadiths cannot be taken as a meremedicinal prescription, which is the duty of anexperienced physician.

He says, however, that “with sincere faith, onemay derive from them [hadiths] great

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advantage though this forms no part ofmedicine as it is properly called.” To emphasizehis point of view, Ibn Khaldun refers tooccasions when the Prophet tried to createconfidence in his followers by advising them totake their own judgments in worldly affairs.

Prophetic medicine is a message parexcellence. It is an advice to keep a healthybody and soul and to have faith in bothphysical and spiritual treatment. It is acommand to us to strive hard to find newermedicines and newer remedies. It is a warningto those who consider diseases as the will ofGod for which no remedy is needed. It is anadmonition for us to keep away from so-calledspiritual treatment based on superstitions likesorcery, amulets, and charms.

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Health Benefits of Prophetic Condiments1

The Prophet’sfavoritecondiments werehoney, olive oil,salt, and vinegar.The Qur’an(2:168) says, "Yeapeople: eat ofwhat is on earth,lawful andwholesome." According to Muslim, Allah’sMessenger said, "The stomach is the centralbasin of the body, and the veins are connectedto it. When the stomach is healthy, it passeson its condition to the veins, and in turn theveins will circulate the same; and when thestomach is putrescence, the veins will absorbsuch putrescence and issue the same."

1 By Karima Burns.

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We can assume from this Hadith that theProphet ate what suited his stomach. And whatbetter time to eat the best and the mostsuitable foods than during Ramadan? For theProphet has said, "Fast (the month ofRamadan) so to heal your bodies fromdiseases."

Using the Hadith as a guide, I have explored,in a five-part series, how some of the Prophet’sfavorite foods are beneficial to our health. Partone deals with condiments; Part two, withfruits; Part three, with vegetables; Part four,with meat and milk products; and Part five,with grains.Honey

In Bukhari (Volume 7: Book 65), Aishanarrates that, "Allah's Apostle used to love

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sweet edible things and honey." He alsoattributed many healing powers to honey. TheHoly Qur’an (16:69) says, "From its [the bee’s]belly, comes forth a drink of varying colorswherein is a cure for people. Surely there is asign for those who would give thought."

Honey is not just a sugar, but also a complexcombination of enzymes, organic acids, esters,antibiotic agents, trace minerals, and yetunidentified components! One pound of honeycontains 1.4 grams of protein, 23 milligrams ofcalcium, 73 milligrams of phosphorus, 4.1milligrams of iron, 1 milligram of niacin and 16milligrams of vitamin C. Honey has beenattributed externally with healing wounds andburns, and making the skin supple andsmooth. Internally, honey is a cure-all, with

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specific benefits for the digestive system andas a tonic for general health and well-being.

Olive Oil

The Prophet also advised us to, "Use olive oilas a food and ointment for it comes from ablessed tree" (Tirmidi). In Crete, a recentstudy showed that even though 90% ofCretans consume an average of 60-70 poundsof oil a year per person, the incidence ofcoronary disease is very low compared to othercountries.

Everyone knows that animal fats containsaturated fatty acids that vertically increaseblood cholesterol levels. But mono-unsaturatedfatty acids, like olive oil, control LDL levelswhile raising HDL levels. In fact, no other

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naturally produced oil has as large an amountof monounsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleicacid) as olive oil.

Olive oil also contains vitamins E and K, andpolyphenols, which provide a defensemechanism that delays aging and preventscarcinogenesis, atherosclerosis, liver disorders,and inflammations. Oleates in the oil alsopromote bone formation in children and protectthe bones of the elderly. Even The Journal ofthe National Cancer Institute reported thatolive oil offers strong protection in the fightagainst breast cancer.


Contrary to popular modern belief, salt is alsoa beneficial condiment. The Prophet said, "Saltis the master of your food. God sent down four

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blessings from the sky - fire, water, iron andsalt" (Ibn Maja). UNICEF reports that the bodyneeds only minute amounts of iodine (fromiodized salt) to function properly. Yet, a lack ofthe nutrient causes various disorders, fromstunted growth to cretinism, a most seriouscondition.

Even mild deficiency produces mentalimpairment. Studies estimate that childrenliving in iodine- deficient areas forfeit up to 10to 15 IQ points.

Doctors often recommend replacing water andsalt lost during exercise and when workingoutside in jobs such as agriculture. Increasedsalt intakes have been used successfully tocombat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well.Dramatic deficiencies or "excessive" sodium

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intakes have been associated with otherconditions and diseases such as stomachcancer. Testing the salinity of perspiration hasproven to be a good test for cystic fibrosis. Themost talked-about effect of salt is theassociation of dietary sodium and elevatedblood pressures (hypertension). However, theAmerican Society published a good overview ofrecent scientific evidence as a supplement toThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition forClinical Nutrition in February 1997, and theMedical Journal of Australia reviewed thatdebate earlier this year. They found that thekidneys efficiently process this "excess" sodiumin healthy people.

In fact, in cases of hypotension, genetic factorsexplain a quarter to a half of blood pressurevariability – five times more than

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environmental factors such as stress, physicalactivity/exercise, smoking and, of course, diet.Among dietary risk factors, obesity is generallyrecognized as the most important followed byexcess alcohol consumption and then saltintake.

In May 1998, JAMA published a large meta-analysis confirming a 1996 study anddocumenting, as well, a series of adversechanges to blood chemistry among thoseplaced on low-sodium diets in clinical trials. Alltold, there have been six clinical trials, five ofwhich were limited to randomized controlledtrials. These provide consistent evidence ofonly a minor blood pressure response to arestriction of dietary sodium.Vinegar

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The Prophet has also called vinegar a "blessedseasoning" (Muslim). Modern science hasconfirmed that it indeed does have many"blessings." A recent book called, simply,Vinegar talks about many ways in whichvinegar benefits our health, and citesnumerous scientific proofs of this claim.However, vinegar "miracles" were known evenbefore the time of the Prophet (SAW).

The first-century Greek doctor Dioscorides,who traveled widely with the Roman army, wasa careful observer of the medicine of his time.In his writings, he describes the use of asubstance he calls 'oxymel,' or sour honey, forarthritis-like pains.

Over the centuries, oxymel – a combination ofapple cider vinegar and honey – has been

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widely used to dissolve painful calciumdeposits in the body, and for other healthproblems such as hay fever. This is becauseapple cider vinegar is nutrient-rich, includingamino acids, enzymes, manganese,magnesium, potassium, and silicon. Itimproves metabolism and can counteract theeffects of excess lactic acid in the bloodstreamreleased during exercise and stress.

It has also been used as a tonic to help thosewith arthritis, blood pressure, cholesterol,colds, constipation, cramps, diabetes, diarrhea,indigestion, muscle stiffness, and sore throat.In his over 300-page book Vinegar, D.Lawrence cites over 100 studies in praise ofthe condiment.

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Many more claims of vinegar’s benefits aredocumented in respected journals like ScienceDigest, The Pharmacological Basis ofTherapeutics and The Journal of the AmericanMedical Association.

Perhaps, though, the most important thing wecan learn from Prophetic nutrition ismoderation. As we sort through the wisdoms ofProphetic nutrition in our attempt to reconcilethem with modern "science," we must alwaysremember what the Qur’an (20:8 1) says, “Eatof the good things We have provided for yoursustenance, but commit no excess therein."

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Miracle Foods from Allah1

The Qur'an (Surat Al-A'raf: 7:160) says,"Eat of the good foods We have provided foryou."

The question may arise: if Allah has providedus with so many good foods, why are so manypeople starving and many more suffering frommalnutrition?

The answer may lie in our ignorance of theabundance that has been sent to us by Allah.

We have beenblessed withmany "miraclefoods" thatprovide us withincredible

1 By Karima Burns.

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amounts of concentrated nutrition and healingand are also affordable. Many of these foodscan be grown or found in any environment.The modern market, however, is marketingmany of them as "super foods," and in theprocess, charging many times their actualcosts, which creates the illusion that healthyeating is expensive.

On the other hand, there are agencies that areexploring the possibility of providing some ofthese "super foods" to supply nutrition topoverty stricken areas of the world. The Qur'anhints at some of these secrets when it says, "Itis He who has made the sea subject... that yemay seek (thus) of the bounty of Allah" (SuratYunus: 10:14), and "From within their bodies,a drink of varying colors comes. Wherein is

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healing for me: Verily this is a sign for thosewho give thought" (Surat An-Nahl: 16:69).

In fact, most super foods are readily found innature and require minimal planting orharvesting. Some of the most readily availableare bee pollen, spirulina (algae), kelp, royaljelly, honey, wheat grass, flax seeds, andalfalfa and other sprouts. Among herbs thathave been taken as sustenance foods ismarshmallow root, used by the Chinese,Assyrians, Egyptians, and Greeks in times offamine.

These "miracle foods" are readily availablesources of food for countries that are plaguedby famine and malnutrition, and they can beused to give a nutritional boost to people whohave adequate nutrition, are fasting, or are

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suffering from a chronic illness. Many, such asbee pollen and algae, are used across specieslines so we are not inventing the idea of superfoods - we are simply rediscovering them.

It is best to consume super foods regularly, toself-harvest them, or to buy them from areputable source that does not alter them byextracting substances from them or adding tothem (e.g., by making them into a health drinkwith fructose and other additives). Thefollowing is a list of some "miracle foods":

1. Spirulina (Blue Green Algae): Blue Green

Algae is the superior form of spirulina;

however, they are both essentially the

same thing - algae that survives in hot

sunny climates and is thought by many to

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be the solution to world hunger. Algae

produce twenty times as much protein as

soybeans. Furthermore, it contains many

nutrients not found in any other single

food source such as gamma-linoleic acid,

vitamin B-12, iron, essential amino acids,

chlorophyll, RNA, DNA, and phycocyanin

(a substance that has increased the life

span in lab rats). Algae curb the appetite,

reduce cholesterol levels, and aid in

mineral absorption. You can harvest it at

any natural water source (within specific

guidelines only - not all algae is edible) or

you can buy it in capsule or powder form.

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2. Kelp: Kelp is another type of seaweed

and can be eaten raw, cooked, whole or

chopped. It comes as a liquid, powder or

dried. Used as a salt substitute to provide

iodine as well as sodium, it contains

many minerals and vitamins in

concentrate, especially B vitamins. It is

beneficial to brain tissue, sensory nerves,

the skin, nails, and blood vessels.

3. Honey: Comprised of 35% protein and

containing half of all the amino acids the

body needs, honey also has many other

essential nutrients such as B-complex

and vitamins C, D and E.

4. Bee-Pollen: The powder produced by the

anthers of flowers and collected by bees,

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bee pollen contains 15% protein, B-

complex vitamins, vitamin C, amino

acids, essential fatty acids, enzymes,

carotene, calcium, copper, iron,

magnesium, potassium, and plant sterols.

It has an anti-microbial effect on the

body and strengthens the immune


5. Royal Jelly: A combination of honey and

pollen that is refined inside the nurse bee

and secreted, this substance provides the

benefits of both pollen and honey plus a

high concentration of pantothenic acid

(vitamin B).

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6. Wheat Grass: Research shows that one

pound of wheat grass is equal in nutrients

and vitamin content to twenty-five

pounds of choice vegetables. It is a living

food that provides a powerhouse of

nutrition available to all, and it helps in

the elimination of cancerous growths.

Produced by sprouting wheat berries, one

of the cheapest grains on the market,

wheat grass can be grown easily on trays

with a little water in only three days time

from "planting" to "harvest." Whole-

wheat berries (before they become flour)

are sold for about 15 cents a pound.

Twenty-five pounds worth of wheat

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berries could supply a family with meals

for almost a year.

7. Alfalfa: Often used for livestock, alfalfa's

benefits for human consumption are

largely ignored. In fact, in some areas,

valuable alfalfa is fed to livestock while

neighboring people search for nutrition in

their own food. Its roots, which grow

nearly 10 feet underground, may account

for the fact that it is one of the most

mineral-dense foods around. It contains

ALL of the known vitamins and most

minerals such as calcium, magnesium,

phosphorus, potassium, and chlorophyll.

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Allah has provided us with many more "miraclefoods." Many of the tonic herbs fall into thiscategory as well as many fruits such as acerolaberries, and vegetables such as sprouts.Everyone should partake of these miraclefoods, easily found or cultivated throughoutthe earth, that Allah has sent us for nutritionand healing. The Qur'an (Surat AlInshiraH: 94:5) says, "Verily, with everydifficulty there is relief."

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Foods of the Prophet: Fruits & Vegetables of theProphet1

Modern Muslimsoften turn to booksand magazines tofind out what foodswill make themhealthy, however,the Qur’an andHadith haveprovided the Islamiccommunity withmany ideas of foods that should be included inthe ideal diet.

The Qur’an mentions many fruits andvegetables as well as meat, milk and manyspices among the foods Muslims can enjoy and

1 By Karima Burns.

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thrive on. Among some of the fruits andvegetables mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadithare melons, grapes, citrus, squash, figs anddates.

The Qur’an (Surat Ar-Rahman: 55:68) saysthat "fruits, palm trees and pomegranates"were provided for our nourishment. Bukharistates that Melon was among one of the fruitsmost often eaten by the prophet (PBUH).

In fact, melon is one of the bestrecommendations for health the prophet(PBUH) has given us. Melon is one of the fewfruits and vegetables rich in both vitamin C andBeta-Carotene. In addition, half a meloncontains 825 milligrams of potassium (24% ofthe USRDA). The body uses potassium to helpeliminate excess sodium, which in largeamounts can cause blood pressure to rise, says

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Dr. George Webb, an associate professor ofphysiology and biophysics at the University ofVermont College of Medicine.

Factually, in an international study of morethan 10,000 people, researchers found thatthose with the highest potassium levels hadthe lowest blood pressures. In addition,potassium helps keep the body's LDL(dangerous cholesterol) from sticking to theartery walls. Melons also provide a very rarenutrient called folate, a B vitamin, which isessential in combating birth defects and heartdisease.

Prevention's New Foods for Healing Guidementions a study of almost 4,000 mothers thatrevealed that those who got enough folatewere 60% less likely to have children withbrain and spinal cord defects.

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Additionally, men can benefit from folate too.Folate controls the levels of a chemical called"homocysteine" in the body, which whenallowed to exist in excess can contribute toartery clogging and thus heart disease.

Citrus is also a favored fruit of the Qur’an andHadith. The prophet has said, "The parable of abeliever who reads the Qur’an regularly is likethat of a citrus it has a good taste and a goodfragrance". Similarly, just as the Qur’an willprovide a healthy spiritual life, the citrus fruitscan provide a healthy physical life for thebeliever.

In reality, all citrus is packed with manyvaluable nutrients. Most famous of these isvitamin C. Vitamin C is famed for its powerfulantioxidant properties (meaning that it disarms

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powerful oxygen molecules in the body thatcontribute to cancer and heart disease).

The body also uses vitamin C to manufacturecollagen; the substance that glues cellstogether and is essential for healing. A largelemon contains about 75 percent of the USRDAof vitamin C.

In addition, substances dubbed limonene andlimonese have been found to block some ofthe cellular changes that can lead to cancer.Oranges are perhaps the most universallyknown sources of vitamin C (117 percent ofthe USRDA), yet, fruits like the kiwi andacerola berry contain more vitamin C than anorange, and researchers have found thatalthough oranges are a valuable source ofvitamin C that this vitamin accounts for only

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about 15% of the total healing activity in anorange.

Oranges actually have much more to offer.Hesperidin, found in oranges has been foundby Brazilian researchers to stop inflammationwithout damaging the stomach lining as aspirincan. Oranges also contain limonene, whichaccording to Michael Gould, a professor ofhuman oncology at the University of WisconsinMedical School "cause cancer cells to self-destruct."

In the Medicine of the Prophet it is alsomentioned that God's Messenger (PBUH) lovedgrapes and melons. Although alcohol isforbidden, the Qur’an mentions grapes alonesix times. Grape juice has recently been foundto be an important source of flavanoids thatcan lower risk for cancer, lower cholesterol,

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prevent hardening of the arteries and fightheart disease.

In 1996 scientists noticed that although theFrench ate four times as much butter and lardas Americans and had higher cholesterol andblood pressure that they had two and a halftimes less incidences of heart attacks.

The general public was thrilled when theconclusion was finally made that the flavanoidsin red wine were responsible. However,Muslims can now celebrate over the recentfinding that grape juice contains the sameflavanoids and nutrients as red wine (in abouthalf the concentration) with none of theundesired side effects of alcohol.

Squash is among the vegetables mentioned bythe prophet. A Hadith from Bukhari quotes that

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Ibn Malik said, "A tailor invited the Prophet toa meal that he had prepared, and I went alongwith the Prophet. The tailor presented barleybread and soup containing gourd and curedmeat.

I saw the Prophet picking the pieces of gourdfrom around the dish, and since then I havekept on liking gourd." Dexter L. Morris, MD,PhD, vice chairman and associate professor inthe department of emergency medicine at theUniversity of Northern Carolina School ofMedicine says that "Squash and gourd containsuch a rich array of vitamins and minerals andother compounds that scientists have justbegun to map its healing power."

However, they have managed to come to atleast a few conclusions and one is that squashis one of the richest sources of vitamin C and

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beta-carotene (25% and 66% respectively).Scientists have found that people who havemore vitamin C in the diets over time havefewer lung ailments as the vitamin getstransported to the lining of the lung as servesas an antioxidant there.

Even dried fruits are beneficial according to theQur’an and Hadith. The Prophet (PBUP)mentioned figs and then stated, "If I had tomention a fruit that descended from paradise Iwould say this is it because the paradisiacalfruits do not have pits...eat from these fruitsfor they prevent hemorrhoids, prevent pilesand help gout." (Bukhari)

Figs are a top source of fiber, as well aspotassium and vitamin B6. Fiber results inbulkier stools, which lessen the incidence ofconstipation, hemorrhoids and colon cancer.

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Fiber also lowers cholesterol and the risk ofheart disease. Just one fig provides 20% of theUSRDA of fiber.

A Harvard University study of 43,757 menages 40 to 75 found that those who got themost fiber had about half the risk of getting aheart attack as those who got the least.Furthermore, men who added just 10 grams offiber a day to their diet (6 figs) lowered theirincidence of heart disease by 30%.

This could also be why fibrous dates areanother favored food of the Prophet who said,"Whoever takes seven 'Ajwa dates in themorning will not be effected by magic orpoison on that day." (Bukhari) The Prophetalso said, "There is a tree among the treeswhich is similar to a Muslim (in goodness), andthat is the date palm tree."

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As Muslims we are wise to include these foodsin our diet. Allah has blessed us with manygood foods and in the Qur’an (Surat Al-A'raf:7:160) it says "Eat of the good foods We haveprovided for you."

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Siwak: Preventive Medicine for Your Teeth

One of the bestways to protectone’s teeth is thesiwak, which wasmentioned inseveral sayingsof ProphetMuhammad(PBUH).

Siwak are thewicks that areused to rubinside the mouth,and they get their name from the Arabic word“yudlik,” which can be roughly translated tomean “massage” (i.e., massage the inside ofthe mouth). It means more than “tooth brush.”

The best type of siwak is that which comesfrom the araak tree. The siwak of the Prophet(PBUH) was from that tree. The siwak is a

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natural twig fortified with natural minerals thathelp clean the teeth, other inhibitors thatprevent gums from bleeding, cleaning agentsthat kill microbes and germs and a scent thatgives breath a naturally fresh smell. The siwakis an ideal, natural brush that has beenendowed with more than any artificialtoothpaste could ever have.

Like a toothbrush, the wicks on the siwak cleanbetween the teeth and do not break under anyamount of pressure; rather, they are flexibleand strong. The small wicks bend to theappropriate shape to get plaque and leftoverfood out from in between teeth while avoidingany damage to the gums.

The Prophet (PBUH) taught us more than1,400 years ago to use the siwak to clean our

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teeth and mouth and give it a nice scent. Anasquoted the Prophet (PBUH) as saying:“Whenever the Angel Gabriel would visit me,he would advise me to use the siwak.”

The leftovers of food found between teethprovide an excellent environment for thefestering of millions of bacteria, which can leadto painful and bloody gum disease and cysts.In the worst cases, there can be inflammationof the jawbones.

Bacteria also produce damaging enzymes thateat away at the calcium of the teeth, whichcauses cavities. In severe cases, the bacteriaproduce gases that emit nasty stenches fromthe mouth. Recent studies have found thatsiwak has natural minerals that kill microbesand germs and remove plaque.

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The Prophet (PBUH) used to rub the siwak overhis tongue, teeth and gums. Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari said, “I visited the Prophet, peace beupon him, and the siwak was at the edge of histongue.”

Chemical Breakdown of a Siwak

Siwak has 19 beneficial ingredients in it. Mostimportant among them are:

Antibacterial acidic inhibitors that fight decayand diarrhea. They are natural disinfectantsand can be used to stop bleeding. Theydisinfect the gums and teeth and close anymicroscopic cuts that may have existed in thegums. On first usage, the siwak will tasteharsh, and maybe even burn, because of amustard-like substance found in it, but this isthe ingredient that fights decay in the mouthand kills germs.

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Minerals such as sodium chloride, potassium,sodium bicarbonate and calcium oxides. Theseclean the teeth. For instance, the AmericanDental Association considers sodiumbicarbonate to be a preferred ingredient intoothpastes.

Natural scented oils that taste and smell nice,give the mouth a nice smell. They make upabout 1% of the siwak.

Enzymes that prevent the buildup of plaquethat causes gum disease. Plaque is also the no.1 cause of premature loss of teeth.

Anti-decay and anti-germ ingredients that actas a penicillin of sorts, decreasing the amountof bacteria in the mouth, which means cleanerteeth and cleaner air when breathing throughthe mouth.Some researchers have found that tooth decayis rapid when a dry brush is used, and thatwetting one’s toothbrush mitigates thedamage. So the siwak should be dampenedbefore usage. If there is no alternative, one’ssaliva will suffice to dampen the stick. Siwak

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also has chemicals that cause the mouth toproduce extra saliva, which is the mouth’sorganic defense and cleaning mechanism.

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Dental Health and the Miswak1

"Good dental health is more than the absenceof disease or toothdecay in yourmouth," says DavidKennedy, DDS andauthor of How toSave YourTeeth (Kennedy,pg.3). "It is anintegral part ofyour well being.People withexceptionallyhealthy bodiesusually havehealthy teeth and gums." Teeth are also ablessing from Allah. It is said that, "If the eyesare a window to the soul then the mouth is thedoorway to the body" (Stay, p.5).

1 By Laylah Al-Husaini.

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Teeth play an important function in thedigestive process. They are important inhelping people to speak and in upholding one'sfacial structure. Without teeth, nobody wouldbe able to say anything comprehendible, if atall. Without teeth you would have to swallowyour food without being able to chew it first,which is unhealthy for the digestive system.

However, despite their important functions,teeth are the least cared for part of the body.But, cleaning one's teeth does not have to becomplicated. Eating unprocessed food andstaying away from sugary sweets are simplekeys to good dental health.

Caries, or dental decay, is the most commondisease affecting the teeth. People eating largeamounts of processed foods or sweets and

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then forgetting - or not wanting - to brushtheir teeth afterwards, end up causing easilyavoidable decaying of the teeth. While chewingfood, small pieces tend to become stuck to thesurface of the teeth, as well as in betweenthem.

Leaving those pieces there for a long period oftime causes the food to go bad, which in turnattracts bacteria that dig holes in the teeth.Most people do not realize the damage that isbeing done until the tooth is already decayedand must be pulled out by a dentist.

In addition, poor dental health also leads tobad breath and many other diseases, includingmalocclusion, periodontal diseases or even oralcancer.

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David Kennedy documents that the devastatingeffects of sweet-rich diets were documented asearly as 1938. In many industrializedcountries, dental decay is becoming lesscommon due to renewed awareness and effortstowards dental health. However, in thedeveloping world, where previously manypeople were free of dental decay, it isbecoming increasingly common (Kennedy, pg.10).

Dr. Weston Price, a dentist, set out on a worldexpedition to discover why, as a general rule,societies untouched by modern civilization hadexcellent teeth, whereas civilized societies hadcomparatively poor teeth. He compiled aphotographic record of his travels andconcluded that diet - not poor brushing habits,was the culprit (Kennedy, p.2). However,

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proper care of the teeth was the second mostinfluential factor in people with healthy teeth.

According to researchers, the people with thebest teeth are not those who have the fanciestsonic toothbrushes - but those who use theirtoothbrushes regularly and after each snackand meal. In fact, ancient cultures anddeveloping nations lacked the technology tocreate such machines for the teeth, yet therehave always been reliable ways to clean them.

American Indians used fresh bark fromthe prickly ash tree to clean their teeth. Thesap from this tree kills bacteria. Mojave DesertIndians used twigs from the cresotebush andrural villagers in India used the neem tree.

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Muslims use what is called a miswak. Amiswak, or siwak, is a small stick with whichthe teeth are rubbed and cleaned. The end isshaped into a brush through biting or chewing,which serve to separate the fibers and releasethe healing herbal powers of the twig. Someadvantages of the miswak are that is does notrequire toothpaste, water or a special area touse it, and may be easily carried in one's purseor pocket. It is also disposable andbiodegradable - therefore, it is the ultimateenvironmentally safe toothbrush. Some peopleeven believe it works better than a toothbrush.

Nevertheless, a more compelling reason to usethe miswak is that it is Sunnah to do so. AbuHurairah reported that Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) said, "Were it not that I mightoverburden believers, I would have ordered

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them to use the miswak at every prayer"(Imam Muslim, Vol. 1).

According to researchers, it is this regularcleaning of the teeth, along with a proper diet,that makes the difference between healthy andunhealthy teeth.

Keeping your teeth clean is as importantIslamically as it is medically. It is as difficult toenvision speaking to Allah (through prayer)with bad breath and dirty teeth as it is toenvision speaking to a friend when you aresuffering from bad breath and dirty teeth.

The Prophet himself (PBUH), used to usethe miswak before every prayer (Sahih Muslim,Vol.1). Modern science suggests we would dowell to follow his example.

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Grains of the Prophet1

There is a famousHadith reported by AbuHurairah that, "Allahnever inflicts a diseaseunless he makes acure for it..." (SahihBukhari).

While some of us may assume that this cure isalways in the form of a medicine or herbs, theHadith does not state that. Two of the greatestcures Allah has given us for heart disease arefoods that the Prophet (PBUH) ate: wholewheat and barley.

Both of them provide multiple benefits in thefight against heart disease as they both lower

1 By Karima Burns.

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cholesterol, increase proper elimination ofwastes by the body, facilitate proper bloodclotting, and improve general circulation andcellular health. When Sahl bin Sad was asked,"Did Allah's Apostle ever eat white flour?" hereplied, "Allah's Apostle never saw white flour[from the time] Allah sent him as an Apostletill He took him unto Him."

Modern science has long been againstprocessed breads, even when they aresupposedly "enriched." E. Cheraskin, in hisbook Diet and Disease, compares enrichingwhite flour with "robbing someone in a darkalley of their clothes and wallet, and thengiving them back their underclothes and busmoney to get home."

In addition to the fact that white flour has nonutritional value, it can leech vitamins and

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minerals from the body as well. This is becausenutrient-void foods do not supply all of thenutrients that are needed for their digestion;hence, they must take the nutrients that arelacking from the body. White flour can evenmimic white sugar, creating problems for thehypoglycemic or diabetic person (Pritchard,Healing with Whole Foods).

According to nutritionists Jean Anderson andBarbara Deskin, whole-wheat flour, high inprotein and fiber, is far superior in nutrition towhite flour. Whole grain wheat contains a largeamount of Vitamin E, mostly concentrated inits germ layer.

Research on the Vitamin E found in wheatdiscovered that of 31,000 people studied,those who ate whole wheat bread had a muchlower risk of heart disease than those who ate

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white bread. Michael H. Davidson, MD,president of the Chicago Center for ClinicalResearch, says that this is because the VitaminE in wheat causes the liver to produce lesscholesterol. He found that subjects in his studywho consumed ½-cup of wheat germ daily for14 weeks saw their cholesterol levels drop byseven percent.

Although wheat has undeniable healthbenefits, we need to be aware of the dangersof its overuse. Eaten daily, whole wheat can bedetrimental to the health as it causes bloatingin many people and often encourages thegrowth of unfriendly (candida albicanus)bacteria in the colon. It can also encourageweight gain and cause allergic reactions inmany people when overeaten.

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It is revealing that Prophet Muhammad (PBUP)did not indulge in regular wheat consumption,but ate instead mostly barley and bread madefrom barley flour. Abu Hazim narrated (inSahih Bukhari) that he asked the Prophet(PBUH), "Did you use to sift barley flour?" TheProphet answered, "No, but we used to blowoff the husk (of the barley)." Barley is so easilydigested that the Prophet even recommendedthat barley soup (talbinah) be used for allstomach ailments (Sahih Bukhari). Possessingeven more health benefits than wheat, barleyis extremely high in calcium and protein, and isfar less allergenic. It does not encouragebloating or unhealthy bacterial growth;therefore, while wheat is healthful, barley isbetter for daily consumption.

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One of the richest sources of tocotrienols,powerful antioxidants that help reduce damageto the body from dangerous oxygen moleculescalled free radicals, barley also reduces thebody's production of cholesterol in the liver.David Jenkins, MD, professor of nutritionalsciences at the University of Toronto says,“Tocotrienols are potentially more powerfulantioxidants than other chemical versions ofvitamin E.” Barley is also a lot more affordablethan most vitamin E supplements on themarket.

Furthermore, it contains lignana, found toprevent tiny blood clots from forming –perhaps providing a similar benefit to therecently popular “daily dose of aspirin” againstheart disease. Just one-half cup of barleycontains half the daily requirement forselenium in the diet and almost twenty-percent

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of the USRDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)of Vitamin E. Both of these have been found tobe powerful allies in the fight against cancer.Barley also contains beta-glucan, a type ofsoluble fiber that forms a gel in the smallintestine to which cholesterol binds and is thenexcreted from the body. This gel formingaction also prevents constipation and coloncancer. To get barley's healing benefits, it isrecommended by health experts that it beeaten in the same way that the Prophet(PBUH) did. Hulled barley (the husk looselyintact or “blown off”) is superior to processedbarley which has been cleaned and scrubbedmore than five times to create a quicker-cooking version that lacks most of barley'shealthful fiber, minerals and thiamin.

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Chapter II: Islamic Heritageof Herbalism:

Jabir reported, The Messenger of Allah, peace andblessings of Allah be on him, said: "When you go tosleep, put out the lamp and shut the doors and coverthe mouths of water-skins and cover food and drink."

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Herbs in Hadith: Exotic Herbs

Black SeedThe Prophet (PBUH)said, "If mycommunity had onlyknown what there isin fenugreek theywould have paid itsweight in gold."

When consideringthe value of herbs, it is not their cost or exoticquality that matters as much as theirversatility. Many herbs have been usedhistorically as "cure-alls" or potent "tonicherbs." Among these herbs are black seed,fenugreek and aloe vera, three of the Prophet's(PBUH) favorite herbs.

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Bukhari reports that the Prophet (PBUH)recommended that we "use black seedregularly because it has a cure for everydisease except death." The magazine FoodChemistry found black seed to be high inprotein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids,vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin as well ascalcium, potassium and iron. These are thevery nutrients that modern science has foundthat we most lack. We are encouraged to drinkmilk for calcium, to take supplements for EFA's(Essential Fatty Acids), and to consume niacinpills to lower our cholesterol; however, blackseed can provide many of these same benefits.It also provides many of the same nutrientsthat the FDA recommends to help preventdisease and slow down the aging process.

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Dr. Michael Tierra, author of PlanetaryHerbology, also found black seed to be high inthe above nutrients. In addition, he found aremarkable number of sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anti-carcinogenic properties. The Journal ofAmerican Scientists reports that black seed hasa number of useful properties such asantihistamine, antioxidant, antibiotic,antimycotic and broncho-dilating effects.

These findings possibly explain its long historyas a lung tonic. Black seed has been used foralmost 3,000 years to clear up blockages andphlegm in the lungs, asthma and asthmaattacks, and stuffy or runny noses with colds.Allah's Messenger (PBUH), in fact, used to soak20 seeds wrapped in a linen cloth in waterovernight, and place drops of this solution into

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his nostrils to relieve congestion and headcolds the following morning (Al-Akili, Medicineof the Prophet).

Another famous use of black seed is fordigestive problems - to "dry up" a soggystomach, ease colic pain, expel intestinalworms, and remove wind and bloating in theintestines caused by eating wheat bread. Thewarmth of black seed also increases the flow ofall fluids in the body including blood, urine, anursing mother's milk and weak or haltedmenses.

Black seed ointment is also useful for all kindsof ailments where a topical application isindicated including warts, skin allergies, insectbites, baldness and gray hair. In fact, black

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seed has been classified by many modernscientists as a "tonic herb" or "cure all."

Dr. Peter Schleicher, an immunologist inGermany, has found that black seed containsthe valuable unsaturated fatty acids, Linoleic(which stabilizes the cell membranes) andGammalinolen. Also, the Prostaglandin in blackseeds has the effect of inhibiting inflammation.This combination halts immune reactions andthe start of many chronic illnesses like eczema,asthma and even cancer.


Fenugreek is another herb that was favored bythe Prophet (PBUH) and herbalists forthousands of years. Qasim bin Abdur-Rahmannarrated that the Prophet said, "Mix fenugreek

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in your medicines." It is also related in thecollection of Hadith that the Prophet visitedone of his blessed companions, Sa'ad bin AbiWaqqass, who had contracted an illness duringhis stay in Mecca, and then requested that aphysician examine him. After a diagnosis wasmade, the Prophet (PBUH) said, "He will befine. Give him the soup of a concoction ofdates and fenugreek."

Fenugreek seeds have been found bylaboratory tests to be very high in a number ofnutrients, most notably fixed oils, which arecomparable to the beneficial cod liver oil andother therapeutic oils that contain highamounts of vitamin A and choline. For thisreason, fenugreek is often used to lower bloodcholesterol and provide strength to the bodysystems, particularly the heart, lungs and

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digestive system. These same ingredientsoxidize to produce the distinctive smell oneacquires when drinking fenugreek tea.

The trigonelline in the seeds has been provento have a hypoglycemic effect on rats, and haslong been a favorite for anyone suffering fromhypoglycemia and diabetes as well as fatigue.Fenugreek also contains saponins andsapogenins, which are materials essential forthe synthesis of steroid hormones and relateddrugs, giving it the same potential as wild yamhas recently become popular for - as a naturalestrogen replacement therapy. For this samereason, fenugreek has been used historicallyfor a multitude of female complaints - fromhalting painful menses to promoting lactationin new mothers.

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Fenugreek is also high in minerals andproteins, making it a valuable skin conditionerwhen the seeds are soaked and applied to theskin. The proteins in fenugreek are also high inlysine, tryptophan, fats, phosphorus and iron.For this reason, fenugreek is often used tocombat anemia. The seeds also have a uniqueability to bulk up when added to liquid so thetea is often drank unstrained as a remedyagainst constipation, urine retention andcandida albicanas.


Aloe vera is another very useful and favoriteherb of the Prophet (PBUH). Qays bin Rafi al-Qatsi narrates that God's messenger (PBUH)said, "Aloes and watercress are a sure cure forillness." In fact, in some areas of the world

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such as South America, aloe vera is still usedas an "all-purpose" cure. In some homes, it isthe ONLY herb used - for all illnesses.

One of its unique qualities is that you do nothave to cook or prepare it for internal orexternal applications, because it comes fromthe leaves as a ready-made gel that can bemixed with water and consumed OR applieddirectly to the skin from the cut leaves. In thissense, aloe vera is one of the most usefulplants to have around the house. Its onlydrawbacks are that it is usually too strong forchildren, or pregnant or nursing women to takeinternally, and the taste is quite offensive. Insome cases, people have had skin reactions tothe plant as well, indicating that although it isuseful, it should be used with caution.

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Aloe vera is most famous in the Western worldfor its external uses, particularly in treatingkitchen burns, acne and wounds from injuriesor surgery. In fact, documented cases ofradiation burn victims in Japan showed thataloe healed the burns more rapidly than anyother method. The mucilage in aloe, whichcontains mucopolysaccharides, is largelyresponsible for aloe's healing action both onburns and wounds. In fact, thesepolysaccharides show similar action ashyaluronic acid in lab tests. Aloe works mosteffectively when it is taken directly from thegrowing plant as it is sterile and will notcontaminate a burn or wound with bacteria.

Aloe also contains varying amounts ofanthraquinone glucosides, which have bittergripping cathartic principles. This explains its

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long history of internal uses as a colon cleanserand detoxification herb. It has also been usedto open obstructions in internal organs,particularly the liver. In fact, aloe's mucilageprovides a unique soothing effect to thedigestive system along with a cleansing effectfrom the polysaccharides.

We are wise to use these herbs that Allah hasprovided, remembering that, "For everymalady Allah created, He also created its cure(and he who) acquires such knowledge shallbenefit from it and one who ignores it willforgo such benefit" (Sahih Bukhari).

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Timeless Black Seed1

With it (water)He produces foryou corn, olives,date palms, and

grapes andevery kind offruit: Verily in

this is a sign forthose who givethought (Surat:


Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostlesaying "There is healing in Black Cumin for all

diseases except death."

Muslims have been using and promoting theuse of the "Black Seed" or "Al-habbat ulSawda" for hundreds of years.

1 By I. C. Abiff.

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Black seed has also been in use worldwide forover 3,000 years. However, many Muslims donot realize that black seed is not only aprophetic herb, but it also holds a unique placein the medicine of the Prophet.

Black seed is mentioned along with many othernatural cures in the Hadith (sayings of theProphet Mohammad [PBUH]) and in theQur'an. However, many herbs and naturalcures in the Hadith and Qur'an are simply"mentioned" briefly, leaving the bulk of thedescriptive narrative up to later Islamicscholars such as Ibn Sina or Ibn Rushd.

Black seed is one of the few that is said to"cure all diseases except death." It is unique inthat it was not used profusely before theProphet Mohammad who made its use popular,and it is one of the few herbs that is describedin great detail in the Hadith with recipes andinstructions on usage actually being found inthe Hadith themselves. Last, but not least,black seed has been studied by Muslims andnon-Muslims alike.

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Although there were more than 400 herbs inuse before the Prophet Mohammad andrecorded in the herbals of Galen andHippocrates, black seed was not one of themost popular remedies of the time. Because ofthe way Islam has spread, the usage andpopularity of black seed is widely known as a"remedy of the Prophet".

In fact, a large part of this herbal preparation'spopularity is based on the teachings of theProphet. The Prophet not only mentioned theusefulness of black seed in his teachings, butalso gave specific instructions on how toprepare the seed for medical use.

"The Prophet's Medicine" is a collection ofHadith that instruct Muslims on the subject ofsickness or medical treatment. Since the blackseed is mentioned so prominently in thesewritings, all eminent and famous hakims of thepast and present have written on the medicinalbenefits and healing properties of "kulunji."

In reality, since it was made popular in the7th Century, there has not been a period in

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Muslim history when the use of it was everstopped. At all times the seed was utilized withthe belief and faith that benefits will be derivedfrom practicing the Holy Prophet's Sunnah(Hana, 2001).

The black seed (nigella sativa) is an exampleof a prophetic remedy that has been studiedextensively by both Muslims and non-Muslims. Nigella sativa has been used sinceantiquity by Asian herbalists and pharmacists,and was used by the Romans for culinarypurposes.

The name nigella comes from the Latinword nigellus, meaning black. Nigella sativaare small matte black grains with a roughsurface and an oily white interior, similar toonion seeds. The seeds have little bouquet,though when rubbed, their aroma resemblesoregano.

They have a slightly bitter, peppery flavor anda crunchy texture. The seeds may be used

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whole or ground and are usually fried orroasted before use (they are easily crushed ina mortar). However, although the seeds havebeen used for thousands of years in thekitchen, they have also been useful in thepharmacy.

Modern Studies

Ahmad Akhtar studied the effects of the blackseed on nematoce worm infections in children(Akhtar, 1999). The black seeds contain over100 valuable components. Black seed is also asignificant source of fatty acids, proteins,carbohydrates and other vitamins andminerals.

The seeds are rich in sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anticarcinogenic activity (Tierra). The seeds arealso known to repel certain insects and can beused in the same way as mothballs.

Black seed is also used in India as a spice andcondiment and occasionally in Europe as botha pepper substitute and a spice. It is widely

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used in Indian cuisine, particularly in mildlybraised lamb dishes such as korma. It is alsoadded to vegetables and dhal dishes as well asto chutneys. The seeds are sprinkled on naan(bread) before baking and to some GaramMasala and Panch Phoran mixtures.

The Indians also use black seed medicinally asa carminative and stimulant, and to treatindigestion and bowel complaints. It is alsoused to induce post uterine contractions andpromote lactation.

Despite the cure-all benefits of black seed, itmust still be used with wisdom and caution."The seed yields a volatile oil containingmelanthin, nigilline, damascene and tannin.Melanthin is toxic in large dosages and nigillineis paralytic, so the spice must be used inmoderation (the epicenter).

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Barley: Ancient Food for Future Nutrition1

Evidence of thebeginning of cultivatedbarley goes back to theMiddle East, 6,000 yearsago. The fifth largestcultivated cereal crop inthe world still bearssome relations with thewild variety Hordeumspontaneum still grownin Iran and Iraq today(Wikipedia.com p.1).Considered to be themost drought and saline tolerant of cereals, itswide-ranged geographical distribution has ledto many varieties (CGIAR p.1).

1 By Hwaa Irfan.

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While an international consortium of scientistsfocus a multimillion-dollar effort into gatheringlocal Afghanistan seeds to revamp theiragriculture, many Afghanis can be found eating‘grass bread'.

The ancient grass barley is no longer availabledue to environmental conditions making food ascarce commodity. The consortium will re-introduce barley and other cereals includinggenetically ‘improved' seeds, but it is the hardybarley that would provide the most benefitright now (ICARDA p.1, 2).

Barley in Islamic Literature

Viewed as the only vegetation on earth thatcan become a sole source of nutrition frombirth to old age, scholars of hadiths (propheticsayings) have understood barley to be very

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nutritious, beneficial in coughs andinflammation of the stomach, and to have theability to expel toxins from the body and act asa good diuretic.

At least twenty-one hadiths recommend sattoo(powdered barley). Talbina is a meal madefrom satoo, formed by adding milk and honeyto the dried barley powder. The ProphetMuhammad (peace be upon him)recommended talbina for the sick and grieving(Khan p.1). He is quoted as saying, “At-talbinagives rest to the heart of the patient andmakes it active and relieves some of his sorrowand grief” (Bukhari 7:71#593).

According to Ibn al-Qayyim, barley water usingfive times the amount of water as barley,should be boiled until the contents reduce to

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three-quarters. This milky mixture is a thirstquencher.

While for Firdous Al-Hikmat, a suspensionprepared from one part barley and 15 partswater until the volume is reduced to two-thirdsafter boiling is beneficial (Khan p.1-3). TheJapanese drank the pure juice from youngbarley leaves in powdered form for a numberof years (Hagiwara p.4). Science has proventhe benefits of all of this and more.

Rediscovering Barley in Modern Research

Like most major crops grown today in the U.S.,barley originated from the Middle East; andlike most Western countries, barley is grownfor animal feed with the high quality barleyreserved for the production of beer and otheralcoholic beverages (Levin p.1). Saudi Arabia is

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the world's largest feed barley importer (Leep.3).

As a food, barley's long list of benefits include:18 amino acids of which eight are the essentialamino acids that the human body cannotproduce, sodium, potassium, calcium,magnesium antioxidants, glucan, iron, copper,phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta carotene,vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid andpantothenic acid. It also contains amylase,dextrin, phospholipids, maltose, glucose,sulfur, niacin and protein (herbsrainbear.comp.1).

Dr. Howard Lutz of the Institute ofPreventative Medicine in Washington is amazedat the properties of this grass. He referred to itas “…the most incredible product of thisdecade. It improves stamina, sexual energy,

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clarity of thought and reduces addiction tothings that are bad for you.”

Now maybe one can better understand why theProphet (peace be upon him) advised itsconsumption for the sick and grieving. Afterall, it is at these times that one's poor appetitecan encourage further illness or even causeone to seek satisfaction from harmfulsubstances. If one's mind is clear, one is alsobetter able to respect the cycle of life.

Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, a plant geneticist whobecame disillusioned with the side effects ofmodern drugs, researched 150 types of barleyover a 15-year period. Hagiwara, working atthe Office of Science and Technology andJapan Food Analysis Center, discovered thatthe high organic sodium content of barleykeeps calcium in solution form in the

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bloodstream and it actually dissolves calciumdeposits in the joints.

Barley also replaces the organic sodium of thestomach lining, which assists digestion byimproving the hydrochloric acid in thestomach. The enzyme superoxide dismutase,SOD, was isolated from barley and has beenfound to be a powerful antioxidant thatprotects the cells against the disease-causingfree radicals that destroy healthy cells(Wheatgrass.com p.1, 2).

With no known contraindications, barley hasbeen a remedy for indigestion, diarrhea, andinflammatory conditions of the stomach andbowels. The soothing effect on the digestivetract originates from the grain itself when thehusk is removed (Yahoo p.1).

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Fresh Barley, Powdered Barley, BarleyJuice and Barley Soup!Hazim asked Sahl, “Did you use white flourduring the lifetime of the Prophet?” Sahlreplied, “No.” Hazim asked, “Did you use to siftbarley flour?” He said, “No, but we used toblow off the husk (of the barley)” (Bukhari7:65 #321).

This shows knowledge of how best to get thebenefits from barley. As a slow digesting food,it is recommended during the fasts of Ramadanwhen one's diet should differ from one'snormal diet in simplicity.

In traditional Chinese herbal medicine, thedried or germinated shoots of the commonvariety, Hordeum vulgare, are used to improvepoor digestion as the result of a weak spleen

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and abdomen, anorexia and abdominaldistension.

Combined with hawthorn fruit, it stops milksecretions and painful breasts and is thus notrecommended for lactating women. It is also illadvised for pregnant women as it promotescontractions. It is of benefit, however, duringthe process of childbirth (Reid p.136).

Barley water using 3 tablespoons of barleyboiled in 3 cups of water for one hour and thenstrained and cooled is placed on the face as askin freshener, meanwhile cleansing andsoftening normal skin. After rinsing, any leftover water can be refrigerated. Drinking barleywater clears the skin.

Honey and orange juice can be added to makeit more palatable (herbsrainbear p.1, 2). Added

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to diluted cow's milk, it becomes a nutritionaldrink for young children (Yahoo p.1).

Biologist Yasno Hotta of the University ofCalifornia identified P4D1 in barley, which hasa strong action on human DNA. PD41suppresses and cures cell death and delaysaging as well as curing pancreatitis, stomatitis(inflammation of the oral cavity), dermatitis,lacerations of the stomach and duodenum.

He also found barley water or juice to bestronger than steroid drugs with fewer sideeffects. Dr. Hagiwara found damaged DNArepaired itself quickly when barley juice wasadded. The high chlorophyll content in barleyneutralizes and removes toxins from the body.

Experiments show chlorophyll to be similar tohuman hemoglobin and when given to anemic

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animals, the red blood cell count returned tonormal within 4 -5 days of administration(Hagiwara p.5, 6).

Today, the US Department of Agriculture'sPlant Genome Research Program is trying tomap 40 countries. It's sub-project, the NorthAmerican Barley Genome Mapping Projectusing 50 scientists and 26 universities andfederal laboratories in the US and Canada,means to identify the genes of barley as it isviewed as an economically important crop(ehpnet p.1, 2).

In terms of crop improvements, plant scientistDr. A. Rafiq Islam of Australia has produced ahybrid of wheat and barley in wheatcytoplasm. His stocks have been utilized in 200laboratories around the world for the mappingof protein and isozyme genes and he iscurrently researching into the water and salinetolerant genes found in the wild variety only

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found in the Middle East in order to improvewheat (adelaide p.1).

The variety ‘Rihane 03' is produced by ICARDAand is grown over 200,000 hectares in Iraqdue to increased yield. This could contradictthe aim to collect the wild variety as opposedto the ‘pedigree' varieties grown in developedcountries (CGIAR p.2).

Would it not be more profitable to look atimproved means of sustainable farmingpractices? Otherwise it would seem that westand to lose the heritage of Hordeumspontaneum. With famine and war everywhere,this provides the immediate answer toappropriate food aid preventing disease andmalnutrition.

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In addition, as an introduced crop where foodis scarce, barley could act as an importantsource of food providing an economic basebeneficial to both humans and animals. It isonly global food politics that prevents the bestuse of the world's natural resources and theworld's most nutritional plant.

Barley Soup – Yemen

1 cup dried barley, ½ cup dried lentils, 6 cupsof water, 3 small diced onions, 2 tablespoonsolive oil, 1 tsp. tumeric, ½ tsp. ground blackpepper, 1 cup of cooked chickpeas.

Fry onions in hot olive oil until golden.Combine in a saucepan with all the otheringredients except for the chickpeas and bringto a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 1 -1½ hours stirring occasionally. Add chickpeasnear the end of cooking time. Bon appetite!

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Pros & Cons of Garlic's Medicinal Properties1

Garlic, despite itsoffensive odor, hasremained a part of thedomestic arena withproperties establishedin traditional andholistic healingpractices. Naturalhealers know thatgarlic is a powerfulmedicine.

Recently, however, modern medicine has alsostudied garlic as more and more bacteriabecome increasingly resistant against man-made antibiotics. In their studies, scientists

1 By Hwaa Irfan.

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have found that garlic is indeed a powerfulhealer but that it does not come without somedangers and side-effects. Natural healers areaware of these side effects as well and oftentake them into consideration when suggestinggarlic as a medicine.

The scent of garlic is one of its potentiallyharmful side-effects. Scent has a powerful butsubtle affect on the mind-body relationship.The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) once informedhis followers: "Whoever has eaten [garlic]should not approach the mosque" (SahihBukhari 7:65 #362). At first this might seemlike a personal request, but when one looksdeeper, a larger picture can be seen throughvibrational medicine.

Within the subtle energies of the human body,the odor of garlic blocks the throat, abdominal

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and base chakras. Chakras are energy centersin the body. All things being related, when thethroat chakra is blocked there is an inability toexpress oneself emotionally.

When the abdominal chakra is blocked there isa sense of self-affliction with psychosomaticillnesses. Awakened, there is an ability tomaster one’s desires followed by increasedintuition. Pertaining to the environment of themosque, the odor would disturb one’s intentand affect one’s ability to submit in prayer.

The base chakra is concerned with the sense ofbeing grounded. It influences the lowerextremities as used in sujud (prostration),especially the thigh muscles and tissues andthe circulation in the feet. When one isn’tgrounded, there are hidden fears and aninability to focus on important issues.

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When this chakra is awakened, one is calm andmore able to initiate spiritual practices. If one’smind is agitated in the state of prayer, thenthe act of prayer becomes purely physical.Therefore, the unity in congregational prayerbecomes disturbed on an energy level.

As such, the sulfur content in garlic interfereswith vibrational healing remedies and methods(Gurudas, p.62, 63). Fortunately there is aquick cure for this odor: chewing a sprig ofparsley can eliminate any odor before visitingthe mosque.

Medical science has also found a reason,however, why the odor of garlic is unpleasantand sometimes harmful. On the physiologicallevel, when garlic is crushed, the sudden airexposure activates the enzyme allinase, whichforms allicin (Gislason, p.3).

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Allicin is the principle aromatic property ingarlic that contains the sulfur containingterpene, the source of the odor. The process ofcooking destroys the allinase. The sulfur inallicin releases bile from the gall bladder anddecreases cholesterol in the liver(Indiantimes.com p.1).

Allicin destroys the hydrogen required bybacteria and interferes with the DNApolymerases needed for the replication ofbacterial chromosomes (Healthology, p.2).When there is deficiency of iron in the blood,the sulfur interferes with vibrational medicinedue to the sulfuric interaction with theammonia in the skin (Gurudas, p.63).

Even though, this interaction with the skin cansometimes prove useful as well. Dr. RonaldCutler and his team at the University of EastLondon developed a cream containing allicin in

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a stable but odorless form. Tested against 30different samples of Staphylococcus aureustaken from patients, the extract killed allsamples of the bacteria.

Dr. Jaya Prakash of the National University ofHealth Sciences in Illinois, U.S., also foundallicin affective against the bacteriaenterococci, now resistant against theantibiotic vancomycin (Reuters, p.1, 2).

Further laboratory studies have shown garliccapable of preventing the growth of 23organisms. Two of these are campylobacterand helicobacter. Campylobacter andhelicobacter are animal pathogens that havebecome human gastrointestinal pathogens.

Campylobacter causes acute gastroenteritisand is viewed as a precursor to acuteneurological diseases. It affects the young who

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may be exposed to contaminated animalproducts and water. Helicobacter causeschronic gastritis and has a role in the formationof peptic ulcers (Perez, p.1).

They have become increasingly resistant toantibiotics and made research on naturalremedies imperative (MRC, p.2). Evidenceshows that garlic supports the development ofthe natural bacterial flora whilst killingpathogenic organisms.

Countless Components & Benefits

Another of garlic’s many components isselenium. However, the amount of selenium isdependent on where the garlic is grown.Selenium is a part of the enzyme gluthathioneperoxidase, which helps to detoxify the bodyby converting the hydrogen produced from

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white blood cells fighting foreign substancesinto water. Selenium is effective in destroyingthe chronic yeast infection caused by thefungus candida albicans (Healthology, p.2).

Professor Cywes of the South African RedCross Hospital discovered a very serious caseof candida infection when he operated on ababy. The infection had spread throughout thelength of the esophagus and gastro-intestinaltract.

By agitating, centrifuging and finallysupernating crushed garlic in some water; theywere able to clear the infection by adding thegarlic solution to the baby’s milk. The infectionwas eliminated within 48 hours. The solutionwas the equivalent to a bulb and a half ofgarlic daily (MRC, p.1).

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The anti-clotting component in garlic, ajoene,is not present in preparations like garlic oil andtablets. It is released in the process ofingesting freshly crushed garlic (Gisalon, p.3).By preventing blood clotting, which builds-upplaque, one prevents the hardening of arteriesthat contribute to heart disease (Indiantimes,p.1).

However, anyone who takes blood-thinningdrugs like Ticlopidine and Coumadin shouldavoid garlic, as a reaction occurs betweenthese drugs and garlic –causing excessivebleeding to occur (Healthology, p. 1,2).

Thirty years of research has shown garlic to beeffective in reducing cholesterol levels. Freshgarlic oxidizes blood fats that would otherwiseincrease the risk of heart disease and isaffective in cancer prevention (HRF, p.2). A1994 study of 41,000 women who consumed a

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weekly serving of garlic demonstrated a 35%decrease in the risk of colon cancer (HRF, p.2).

Garlic is known to reduce systolic bloodpressure and lower the blood sugar. However,this means that garlic would not be the herb ofchoice for many hypoglycemics (those whosuffer from low blood sugar).

Like all herbs, therapeutic amounts onpersonal biochemistry, contrary to mass-produced drugs. For instance, those withsensitive stomachs may not be able to tolerateraw garlic.

In Germany, herbs are sold for therapeutic useand are under obligatory standardization. TheGerman Commission determined that 4000mcgof allicin is the equivalent of the requiredtherapeutic dose (Healthology, p.2).

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The virtues of garlic do not outweigh thedisadvantages. Both aspects have a place inthe scheme of things. However, like mostthings, one has to recognize how and whenbest to use it.

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Allah's Medicine Chest: Lemons1

Lemons are just oneexample of thesimple bountiesAllah has providedus with. Althoughthey may just be a"customary fruit,"they containflavanoids, whichare often referredto as 'naturesbiologicalmodifiers,' becauseof their ability to modify the body's reactions toother compounds such as: allergens, virusesand carcinogens.

Lemons are usually known for their highcontent of Vitamin C - four times higher thanthat of oranges. Hungarian scientist, AlbertSzent-Gyorgi, uncovered a synergy between

1 By Hwaa Irfan.

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pure vitamin C and a then unidentified co-factor in the peels of lemons and called theresulting compound Vitamin P.

Still known as such, Vitamin P particularlybenefits the capillaries by reducing pain andimproving blood circulation. It also healscataracts, decreases bile production, alleviatesherpes and lowers blood cholesterol levels(Murray, p. 1).

Other important properties of lemons are theirmineral contents. They contain 48.3%potassium, which nourishes the brain andnerve cells; 29.9% calcium, which buildsstrong bones and teeth; and 4.4% magnesium,which in conjunction with calcium, plays animportant part in the formation of albumen inthe blood.

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In addition to their nutritional benefits, thesmell and the taste of lemons can help fuel ageneral release of stress. In aromatherapy,lemon oil is used as a muscle relaxant and askin and circulation stimulant. Rubbed on theface, lemons open up the pores releasing heatand refreshing the skin.

Lemons have other therapeutic effects on thebody as well. Drinking lemon juice helpscleanse the lymphatic system, invigorate skintissue and increase the blood flow (Gurudas, p.167). This might be one reason for thepopularity of lemonade on a hot, sticky day.

Eaten during pregnancy, lemons help build thedeveloping baby's bones. Lemons also aid inthe digestion of heavy meals by producing the

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necessary enzymes and in the assimilation ofprotein, calcium, zinc and vitamins.Lemons also have cholesterol-loweringproperties, thus preventing hair loss and evencausing hair regeneration. They counteractcases of anxiety and depression; stimulate theliver and the gall bladder, causing a release incongestion; stimulate the formation of valuableleukocytes in the fight against viral andinfectious diseases; drain excess water incases of water retention; reduce uric acid; andstimulate the lymphatic system in cases ofcellulite and obesity (Gurudas, p. 168).

In order to fully benefit from their effects,lemons should be consumed without sugar.Otherwise the negative effects of the sugar(such as lowering immunity, interfering withdigestion and leeching vitamins and minerals

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from the system) may outweigh their beneficialeffects.

The limonenes and liminoids in lemons, andother citrus fruits, increase the activity ofenzymes that detoxify certain carcinogens.These alkaloids bind mutated cells and help thebody to eliminate them before they becomecarcinogenic (Messina p.2).

Health Tips

To relieve a cold and sore throat, mix ateaspoon of honey and the juice of one lemon,in a glass of water and drink every two hours.Another family remedy, which I use frequently,is a clove of crushed garlic, mixed with half alemon and sweetened with honey. This usuallyclears up anything I may be "coming downwith" by the time Fajr prayer arrives.

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For cystitis, to acidify the urine and to stopbladder infections, drink a glass of cherry juice,lemon juice and water on an hourly basis atthe first sign of infection (Stein, p.169).

For fevers, hot water and lemon juice willsupport and speed up the fevering process,helping the body fight-off infections or toxins.Without the fever, the immune system hasfewer ways to combat the disease. However, ifthere are bowel problems this should beavoided (Stein, p. 169).

For children, rub the body with two halves of alemon to open the pores of the skin andrelease the body heat.

To help proper assimilation of calcium andother minerals, or for leg cramps, sip a warmglass of water with a teaspoon of lemon juice(Stein, p.238).

As a mouthwash, lemons are more naturalthen fluoride and effective in removing plaque.They also whiten and strengthen tooth enamel(Gurudas, p.167).

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For diphtheria, use pure lemon juice everyhour as a gargle and swallow some until it cutsloose the false membrane in the throat.

One tablespoon of pure lemon juice beforeeach meal relieves asthma, (Kloss, p.660).

In cases of excessive menstruation, the juiceof 3-4 lemons a day will help.

Cooking Tips

With an increase in low-fat cooking, lemonshave become more popular in the West,because of their ability to add sparkle andfreshness to dishes. Lemons add a clean, yetcomplex flavor to dishes that were previouslyladen with salt or fat.

Lemons, which cleanse the system, can replacevinegar, which opposes the action of gastricjuices.

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Homemade Mayonnaise

Slowly pour corn oil, a beaten egg and a pinchof salt to the juice of half a lemon. This makesone small jar, which can be added as a sauceto other recipes.

Lemon Zest

After lemons are washed and dried, use agrater to remove the outer yellow layer of thepeel. This "zest" can be placed in a freezer forfuture use (Vegetarian Times, p.6).

Preserved Lemons

This is a Middle Eastern recipe used to flavorchicken dishes, stews and salads. Wash thelemons well and cut them into quarters (but

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not all the way through) or in half if you areusing limes. Put them in a wide necked jar(preferably glass or clay). Press the lemonsdown with a weight and add salt and water.The salted juices preserve the peels, which willsoften and mellow in a month. The juice can beused for seasoning (Roden, p.63).Remember that Allah (SWT) gave useverything we may need. We merely adaptthat bounty to the times by making newdiscoveries or rediscovering old applications.

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Parsley: Herbal Multivitamin1

"It is Allah Whomade out of thethings Hecreated, somethings to giveyou shade; ofthe hills Hemade some foryour shelter;He made yougarments toprotect you from heat, and coats of mail toprotect you from your (mutual) violence. Thusdoes He complete His favors on you that yemay bow to His Will (in Islam)." (Surat An-Nahl: 16:81).

1 By Nora Belfedal.

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Allah has always provided us with trees forshelter, plants for nourishment, and flowers forhealing. He also says, "O men! Eat the lawfuland good things out of what is in the earth,and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan;surely he is your open enemy." (Surat Al-Baqara: 2:168).

Parsley is one example of these "lawful andgood things" that is easily accessible and easyto use. Because it exists all over the world andgrows in mostly every climate, parsley is toooften underestimated. Cheap and easy tocultivate (it can be planted twice a year) it isusually used as a garnish in Westernrestaurants.

However, Muslims long ago discovered thatthis plant might contain some benefits beyond

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just decorating the dinner table. Perhaps this isbecause parsley is an indigenous herb inMiddle Eastern cuisine.

Originally from Sardaigne, it is alsocalled Petroselimum Sativum from the Greekword Petrosolinon, which means "leaves ofrocks." Although modern science candistinguish up to 40 varieties of parsley, onlytwo are widely used in the kitchen: the curled-leaf and plain-leaf (or Italian) parsley.

The flat-leafed (or Italian) parsley looks likethe Chinese cilantro to some people, so it isimportant to properly identify the herb(Alternet.org). New parsley has been recentlyfound (1978) in the sea as well. It is called seaparsley and resembles red seaweed. This newsea-parsley contains almost as many vitamins

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and amino acids as earth parsley(Collabo.com).

Hippocrates once has said, "May your diet beyour medicine." Today many herbalists aroundthe world recommend parsley as one of thesemedicinal foods and as a revitalizing springtonic. "In addition to providing essentialnutrients, it balances the energy of the organsimproving their ability to assimilate and utilizenutrients," writes Dr Gillian McKeith in herbook Living for Health (McKeith, p.21).

According to U.S. Department of Agriculture(USDA) statistics, one cup of minced parsleycontains more beta-carotene than a largecarrot, almost twice as much vitamin C as anorange, more calcium than a cup of milk, and20 times as much iron as one serving of liver(Hurley).

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"Parsley is just like an immune-enhancingmultivitamin and mineral complex in greenplant form," writes McKeith (McKeith, pg.4).

She compiled the following list of all thevitamins and minerals parsley contains:

1. Vitamin A or beta-carotene: used for

improving night vision and healthy skin.

2. All B Vitamins, especially B2, which is

required for the use of oxygen and amino

acids; B3, which is necessary for cell

respiration and helps in the release of

energy; and B9, which is a DNA


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3. Vitamin C: protects body against

pollutants and helps synthesizing


4. Vitamin E: powerful antioxidant and

protects cells from ageing.

5. Vitamin K: used to control blood clotting

and synthesize liver proteins.

6. Iron: needed for the production of

hemoglobin and for energy.

7. Manganese: helps the body to utilize

vitamin C, produces sex hormones and

breast milk.

8. Potassium: needed for growth, building

muscles and nerve transmission.

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9. Zinc: necessary for immune system

function and protects against skin

problems like acne.

10.Calcium: necessary for strong bones,

teeth and hair (note that dried parsley

contains more calcium than the fresh


Parsley is also very abundant in fibers andchlorophyll, which purify, stop the spread ofbacteria and help to increase immuneresponse. It also contains many otherimportant nutrients such as: lysine, glutamine,and vanadium (anyvitamins.com andaprifel.com).

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said, "There isno disease that Allah has created, except that

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He has also created its treatment" (Bukhari).Indeed, through the ages, parsley has beenused to treat several diseases such as cough,hair growth, arthritis and rheumatism. "It hashelped in passing all stones in bladderinfections," writes Varro E. Tyler, in hisbook Herbs of Choice (Tyler, p.76).

Furthermore, parsley is a cleansing agent forthe kidneys, liver and bladder and has adraining effect on cellulites. For women, itameliorates estrogen production, nourishes theblood of the uterus and assists women withmenstruation issues such as PMS andmenopause.

Although it is an important herb for women,pregnant women should not use it, for it maybring on early labor by stimulating uterine

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contractions. Nursing women should also avoidit as it may dry up milk (allheath.com).

Finally, parsley also has uses around thehome. It can keep a room smelling fresh andclean. When a person is frying food, a branchof parsley in the oil will keep the smell of theoil from spreading throughout the house. Inthis way parsley can assist Muslims in not onlybeing healthy, but in maintaining a clean homeas well.

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Stevia: Bittersweet Story1

Stevia is an herbthat holds promiseas a non-caloric,natural sweetener.Though it may notyet be swirlingaround in yourcoffee or tea,stevia has beenused as a healing herb in South America forhundreds of years. Stevia is steeped in folkloreand immersed in controversy.

Stevia is a member of the chrysanthemumfamily of plants. Originally, stevia grew wild inthe highland regions of Northern Paraguay andSouthern Brazil. The Guarani Indians used it

1 By Stephanie Rose Bird.

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since ancient times. Spanish and Portuguesefarmers cultivated it. The late 19th centurydoctor, Moises Santiago Bertoni, was the firstWesterner to discover it and champion its use.

Its scientific name, Stevia rebuadiani Bertoni,was punned in honor of Rebuadi, a Paraguayanchemist, and Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni.Stevia grows in China, Japan and other Asiancountries, South America, India, Europe andthe United States.

What Makes Stevia Different from OtherSweeteners

In the past, natural products such as honey,sugar and maple syrup were our primarysweeteners; today, the sugar shelves arecrowded with both natural and syntheticproducts. Sweet ‘n Low ™ (saccharin),

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NutraSweet and Equal ™ (aspartame) andSplenda ™ (sucralose) are the industry giants.Sweet ‘n Low ™ is labeled with warningsbecause it causes cancer in laboratory animals,while NutraSweet ™ has been under closescrutiny by consumers and the FDA for years.

Drs. Richard and Rachel Heller, authors of TheCarbohydrate Addicts Life SpanProgram assert, “The sweetness of sugarsubstitutes can falsely signal [to the] body thata 'sweet meal' is coming and excess insulinmay be released so as to handle the expectedonslaught of high caloric foods.

When no carbohydrates are forthcoming, thehigh levels of insulin that remain can easilylead to increases in cravings, weight-gain andassociated health risks.” (Heller, R. 2000).

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The Hellers contend that sugar substitutes areaddictive. Another disturbing finding points toa carbohydrate, insulin and fat connection.There are indications that excessive amountsof insulin in the bloodstream cause us to storemore fat and crave starches, snack foods andsweets-this, of course, delivers a doublewhammy for weight-watchers.

Linda and Bill Bonvie, investigative reportersand vocal proponents of Stevia, point out that75% of all non-drug related consumercomplaints are concerning aspartame.Dizziness, headaches, seizures and multiplesclerosis-like symptoms have all beenreported, yet the FDA will not take actionagainst the aspartame manufacturer.

The relationship between consumers, the FDA,artificial sweeteners and the naturally sweet

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herb Stevia is intense. Some people preferStevia to artificial sweeteners because it isnatural. Stevia also has health benefits. Itcontains vitamins and minerals and it has beenused to treat indigestion, tooth decay and skindisorders.

Stevia in the Midst of Trade Wars

Stevia has enjoyed widespread use in Japanand a few other countries since the early1970s. In Japan, there is a multimillion-dollarmarket for stevia, with a 41% market share ofthe sweetener industry. It is used in Japan inice cream, candies, pickles and soft drinks(Bonvie, L; Bonvie, B, 1996).

Initially there was a great deal of enthusiasmfor Stevia within tea manufacturingcorporations in the United States. Thomas J.Lipton ™; Celestial Seasonings™; TraditionalMedicinals™ and smaller companies added

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Stevia to certain blends, which presumablysold well.

In the 1980s, representatives from ananonymous firm lodged a trade complaint withthe FDA against the importation and use ofStevia (Bonvie, L; Bonvie, B, 1998). ThoughStevia had been health tested internationallyfor over 50 years, in 1991 the herb was placedon “import alert” (No: 45-06, May 17, 1991).

A virtual banishing of Stevia in the UnitedStates followed. In 1994, the FDA was forcedto modify its alert because of the DSHEA(Dietary Supplement Health and EducationAct). This act allows Stevia to be sold as adietary supplement (Bonvie, L; Bonvie, B,1996).

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The United States government continues torestrict its use in teas and other food products.It cannot be sold in the sugar or artificial sugarsection of the supermarket. Steviamanufacturers cannot package the herb withimagery that suggests that it is a sweetener forcoffee and such, though it is. Apparently, theFDA still believes Stevia is an “unsafe foodadditive” and a potential health threat (Bonvie,L; Bonvie, B, 1996).

In 1997, reports that Stevia is a potentialcause of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)circulated as a result of the graduate work ofBrazilian Maurio Alvarez. Alvarez believes hisstudy was taken out of context (Bonvie, L;Bonvie, B, 1998).

To this day, no scientific test has demonstratedthat Stevia poses any health threats. The Herb

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Research Foundation (HRF), America’sforemost source of accurate, science-basedinformation on the health benefits and safetyof herbs and dedicated to responsible informedself-care with medicinal plants, put out a verystrong endorsement for Stevia.

“The FDA took action against Stevia, not basedon any proclamation by the FDA toxicologist orconsumer complaints, but because of acomplaint from a company that didn’t wantStevia on the market.” This statement wasmade by Robert S. McCaleb, founder anddirector of HRF.

McCaleb is an internationally recognizedauthority on scientific and regulatory issuesaffecting herbs.

Common Forms of Stevia

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You will have to look long and hard to findStevia even at large health food markets suchas Whole Foods. It might be found nearadditives such as enzymes, brewers yeast oreven protein powders, though clearly itbelongs on the shelves with sweeteners. Hereare the common forms of Stevia sold in theUS:Dried Leaves: Pulverized leaves, sold by thepound or as a tea. The leaves are greenmaking them useful to blend into homemaderemedies and personal tea blends. The leaveshave a flavor (which some find offensive)similar to anise, fennel or licorice. Leaf powderis estimated to be 30 times sweeter thansugar. (Bonvie, L; Bonvie, B, 1996).


One form of the liquiliquefied Steviad is anextract concentrated black liquid, resulting

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from boiling the leaves in water. This type isblack. Clear liquid extracts are also available,readymade by various manufacturers.Liquefied Stevia extract is estimated to be 70times sweeter than sugar. (Bonvie, L; Bonvie,B, 1996) (Most liquid forms of Stevia are bestavoided by Muslims as they are formed byusing alcohol).Extract Powder

For those seeking convenience, the extract powder isthe best choice. The power is isolated compounds of thenaturally sweet constituents in Stevia, Rebaudioside Aand Stevioside, sold as a white powder in packetssimilar to the new sweetening product, Splenda ™ andthe other packaged sweeteners.

The white powder is estimated to be 300 times sweeterthan sugar and heat stable to 198 degrees Celsius (388degrees Fahrenheit) (Bonvie, L; Bonvie, B, 1996).

Pros & Cons of SteviaCons:

Some manufacturers adulterate Stevia with otherproducts, even sugar.

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Some customers have complained that Stevia causesheadaches and tastes awful [Amazon.com customerreviews of ‘The Stevia Cookbook’ (Sahelian, R; Gates, D,1999)].

No conclusive reports on safety. Not regulated as a food, but rather as a supplement. Not always clear how to use it to replace sugar or sugar

substitutes. Difficult to use for baking, does not react as with other

leaveners nor does it caramelize.

Pros: Nutritious; contains vitamins and minerals. Shown to attack plaque, improving oral hygiene and

health. Safe to use for diabetes, obesity and those with high

blood pressure. You can grow it yourself. Contains no calories. Has no impact on blood sugar. All natural.

Conclusion Anything in excess is toxic. Read labels carefully. Make sure that if the product is

enhanced it is enhanced with substances you approveof. Some Stevia powders contain fiber that quickly acts

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as a strong laxative if combined with coffee (a knownlaxative).

Buy from reputable sources, as prices vary widely frommanufacturer to manufacturer.

Allergists suggest adding new substances, even naturalones, to the diet slowly and watching carefully for anyunusual or troubling symptoms.

Stay tuned for more about Stevia.

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Chapter III: Herbs in ModernHealthcare:

Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them)reported: Messenger of Allah said, "Do not drink inone gulp like a camel, but in two or three (gulps).Mention the Name of Allah (i.e., say Bismillah) whenyou start drinking and praise Him (i.e., say Al-hamdulillah) after you have finished (drinking)." [At-Tirmidhi].

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Health and Nutrition of The Prophet: PropheticSayings & Modern "Discoveries"1

A tradition states,“There are no newideas, just newpeople to discoverthem." It is, in fact,amazing to find howmany "moderndiscoveries" havealready beenwritten about in theQur’an or Hadith.

There are a numberof words of adviceand nutritional habits of the prophet (PBUH)that have substantial support in recentscientific literature. Among this advice is thatwe should eat whole foods, we should combine

1 By Karima Burns.

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foods properly, we should eat foods in theirseasons, and we should not drink with meals.

In Sahih Al-Bukhari, a number of examples canbe found showing how carefully the prophetcombined foods. One hadith relates, "A manfrom among the Companions of the Prophet(PBUH) said, ‘The Prophet (PBUH) forbade(mixing) unripe dates and dried dates, and(mixing) raisins and dried dates. Aisha, (mayAllah be pleased with her), related that, "TheApostle of Allah (PBUH) used to eat melon withfresh dates, and he used to say, ‘The heat ofthe one is broken by the coolness of the other,and the coolness of the one by the heat of theother.’ He was also said to have nevercombined fish and milk.

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Modern science supports these habits byinforming us that the combination of foods weeat and the order in which we eat them arevery important factors in health. "Recently," ithas been found that foods require differentdigestive processes in the body; thus, they aremost easily digested when combined properly.

Modern scientists say that improper foodcombinations can cause a person toinadequately digest their food, which cancreate imbalances in PH levels, improperabsorption of nutrients, constipation or otherdigestive troubles. Dr. Ted Morter, in YourHealth... Your Choice, advises us to not eatfresh fruit with any other food, even dried fruit,since it is a pre-digested food that movesstraight through the stomach and into theintestines. When it is eaten with any other

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food, it ferments itself and anything else that isin the stomach.

The second advice given by Dr. Morter in hisbook is that we should start each meal off withsomething raw. The reason is that raw foodscontain the enzymes we need to digest ourfood. His third rule of food combining is toavoid mixing protein and starches. We may eatstarches with vegetables or vegetables withmeat, but we should do our best to avoidcombining starches and proteins. The reason isthat proteins and starches require completelydifferent environments for digestion.

Proteins need a more acidic environment whilecarbohydrates and starches can be digestedmuch more quickly. When a person combinesthem, neither food has the ideal environment.

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Furthermore, a protein meal takes up to fivehours for the body to digest so it should be thelast meal of the day when your body is notdigesting other foods as well.

Improper food combining will not cause aperson to become immediately sick, but it willprevent what they are eating from beingdigested and utilized to the best of its ability,which means they will need to eat more foodto get additional nutrients.

Modern allergists also advise against improperfood combining and tell us that manycombinations can create synergistic allergicreactions. In the book The Whole Way toAllergy Relief and Prevention, Dr. Krohnadvises us not to combine milk with chocolate,

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mint, or fish; corn and bananas; beef andyeast; eggs and apples; or cola and chocolate.

The hadith provide numerous examples of therespect the prophet had for the purity andvalue of water, and relate that he did not drinkwhile eating a meal. Sahih Bukhari relatesthat, "The Apostle of Allah (PBUH) came outfrom the valley of a mountain... there weresome dried dates on a shield before us. Wecalled him and he ate with us. He did not touchwater.” Experts in the field of food combininginform us that water impedes the digestiveprocess in the stomach when eaten within ahalf hour of a meal.

The Qur’an (Surat Al-Baqara: 2:168) advisesus, "Ye People, eat of what is on earth, lawfuland wholesome." In the time of the prophet,

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the choices of food were simply related towhether a food was halal or haram. However,in modern times we have many more choices.

Many people have difficulty understandingwhat "whole" foods are because so few peopleactually eat whole foods. As few as twohundred years ago, everyone consumed wholefoods because they did not have processedfoods as an option. In 1940, about 80% of thenation consumed whole foods.

Abram Hoffer, MD, and Morton Walker, DPM,report in their book, Putting it all Together:The New Orthomolecular Nutrition, that today,only 25% of the population actually eat "wholefoods."

A whole food is merely a food that has retainedits original constituents. An apple is a whole

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food and applesauce made from fresh applesat home in a grinder is a whole food. However,applesauce ground and cooked by machines,and then separated to create a better textureand supplemented with sugar and color is not awhole food. Wheat Berries are a whole food;therefore, flour made from pure ground wheatberries containing bran is a whole food. Flourmade by removing the bran and germ, andthen bleaching the final product (white flour) isnot a whole food.

Even some popular "health food" items fall intothe category of processed partial foods ratherthan whole foods. This list includes rice cakes,granola bars, pretzels, turkey and tofu hotdogs, whole grain cereals, and frozen juices.These so called "health foods" are only afraction more nutritious than their mainstreamprocessed counterparts.

It is important to eat whole foods (grains,vegetables and fruits) because they contain allthe nutrients that we need to thrive as human

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beings in their natural form. The more wechange them from their original state, the lessbenefit we get from them.

With new vitamins and minerals beingdiscovered every year, it is increasinglyobvious that Allah’s "Mother Nature" is wayahead of us, and we are not qualified toduplicate His process through our efforts to"enrich" processed foods in laboratories.Bernard Jensen, in his book, Chemistry of Mansays, "Natural foods contain all the vitaminsthat have been and will be discovered."

This apparent fact should make it obvious thatthe only way we can guarantee we are gettingall of our nutrients is to get them from wholefoods. Attempting to build our health any otherway is to merely make an educated guess.Furthermore, it does not make sense to eatdevitalized foods, and then spend time andmoney buying vitamins and supplements, andfollowing various health programs.

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In fact, processed foods actually have theability to leech nutrients from the system. E.Cheraskin, in his book Diet and Disease,reports that laboratory tests indicate thatprocessed foods do not have enough vitaminsand minerals to help in their own assimilation.Pasta, for instance, does not have sufficientamounts of vitamins, enzymes or even fiber toaid in the digestive process.

Manufacturers claim their products containhigh nutritious value, but they can only claimthat by adding synthetic vitamins and mineralsthat are not useful to the human body to them.The elements that comprise organic mineralsare loosely held together so that when theyenter the body, they can easily be assimilated.However, the constituent parts of inorganicminerals are held together by bonds that areso tight that the body cannot easily breakthem apart; therefore, we rarely benefit fromtheir consumption.

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The Qur’an (Surat Taha: 20:81) also advisesus to, "Eat of the good things We haveprovided for your sustenance, but commit noexcess therein." The Prophet himself wasalways known to eat fruits and vegetablesgrown in the region in which he lived and inseason (Al-Akili, Medicine of the Prophet).

Donald Lepore, a nutritionist and author of thebook The Ultimate Healing System, has foundin his allergy relief therapies that, "God did notpermit foods that are antagonistic to man’sexistence to be grown in the area ofconsumption."

We can often avoid most of our problems bysimply eating foods that are grown nearby andin season. Bernard Jensen, in his bookChemistry of Man, reports that unripe orimported produce, often found in grocerystores, is lacking in natural sodium amongother things.

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Furthermore, he has found that the chemistryof barley, for instance, warms the blood and isthus appropriate for winter months, but is notas advisable as a regular summer food unlessthere is a "cold" illness involved.

As you read through Qur’an and the Hadith,and compare them to modern scientific"discoveries," you will find again and again thatQur’anic and prophetic wisdoms are beingrediscovered.

This is, perhaps, one of the best reasons torefer to Qur’an and the Hadith as not only thestarting point for all knowledge, but as a"double-check" system for what we find insecular literature as well.

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Prophetic Medicine: An Old Prescription for a NewEra1

A genre of medicalwriting intendedas an alternativeto the exclusivelyGreek-basedmedical systemsderived fromGalen was thatcalled at-tibb an-nabawi or"PropheticMedicine."

The authors were clerics, rather thanphysicians, who advocated traditional medicineas mentioned in the Qur'an and as practicedduring the life of Prophet Muhammad. Itconcerned the medical ideas assimilated fromHellenistic society, thereby producing a guideto medical therapy acceptable to the religious.

1 By Hossam Arafa.

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Therapy consisted of diet and simplemedications (particularly honey), bloodlettingand cauterization, but no surgery. Topicscovered included fevers, leprosy, plague,poisonous bites, protection from night-flyinginsects, protection against the evil eye, rulesfor coitus eruptus, theories of embryology,proper conduct of physicians, and treatment ofminor illnesses such as headaches, nosebleeds,cough and colic. It was prohibited to drink wineor use soporific drugs as medicaments.

The treatises also provided numerous prayersand pious invocations to be used by the devoutpatient, with the occasional amulet andtalisman, as they were particularly popularbetween the 13th and 15th centuries. Some arestill available today in modern prints.

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In contrast to many writers on this topic, thehistorian and theologian adh-Dhahabi, whodied in 1348 (748 H), keenly attempted tocombine the traditional medicine of Arabia andthe revelations of the Prophet Muhammad withthe ideas and terminology from the Greek-based system. He frequently cited Hippocratesand Galen as well as medieval Islamicphysicians.

On the other hand, the popular treatise by thereligious scholar Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti, whodied in 1505 (911 H), was based almostexclusively upon what was known of medicalpractices during the time of the Prophet. It wasderived from the Qur'an, traditions of theProphet known as Hadith, and the practices ofthe early Muslim community.

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Although a considerable number of PropheticMedicine treatises were written, we do nothave the name of any medical practitionerknown for practicing this type of medicine. Thereason for this, of course, may well be that ourwritten sources are for the most part skewedtowards the Greek-based system and haveomitted details of other practices.

The treatises on Prophetic Medicine appear tohave been addressed to the same audience asthe Islamic tracts on the plague. Both types ofwritings were especially popular in the 13th and14th centuries, and later.

The plague tracts have as their primary focusthe collection and interpretation of varioushadiths that were considered relevant to the

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concept of infection and the appropriate socialreaction to contagious diseases.

They also attempted to offer some medicalexplanations and remedies for the plague, andsometimes a historical documentation of theplague up to that time. They, like the treatiseson Prophetic Medicine, were mainly written byreligious scholars, although a few werecomposed by writers trained both as physiciansand theologians.

Most Commonly Documented Prophetic Remedies:


Henna (scientifically known as lawsoniainermis) has been well known for a long timein the Muslim world. It is extensively grown in

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India and Sudan, and is used mainly forcosmetic purposes.

The plant is sometimes called the "Magic Plant"because it has a great healing effect, containsmany healing substances like tannine andother glue-like substances, and it has an anti-microbial and an anti-viral effect.It is natural, inexpensive, and has no knownside effects when taken orally.

Indications for its use are as follows:Burns: It is very effective when applied to afirst or second degree burn. It: -reduces pain.-reduces fluid loss from the burn site, which isimportant if the area is large. -has an anti-microbial effect, and so reduces the risk ofinfection. -sticks on the wound site untilhealing is complete. -is easy to apply either in

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paste or powder form. -is inexpensive andeasily available.

Healing Properties: Henna promotes woundhealing, especially chronic wounds and ulcers.The main cause of this is not known, but itmay be its nourishing effect on the wound andits anti-microbial properties.

Anti-Hemorrhage Effect: Henna has provento be efficient in the management of nosebleeding (epistaxis), providing a long-lastingcure. One dose is generally sufficient. It ismore successful than cauterization, whichnormally has to be repeated and cannotguarantee that there will not be a recurrenceof bleeding.

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The only side effect of henna here is that it cancause slight sneezing. Henna can be used atother sites like a bleeding duodenal ulcer oroesophageal varicose veins, with no knownside effects. Its anti-bleeding effect may bedue to its coagulation or local burningproperties.

Anti-Viral Effect: Henna has an anti-viraleffect. This is evident in its treatment of warts(particularly those that are resistant to liquidnitrogen treatment), Herpes Simplex (appliedas a powder, it dries the vesicles at the site,prevents ulceration and crust formation, andprevents secondary infection). This benefit ofhenna is very promising, and should beexplored further. It can also be used to treatAIDS.

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Onion seed or hibat al-barakah (Nigella sativa)

This plant is found throughout India in theform of bushes, with blue flowers, that reach aheight of approximately half a meter. Itoriginally came from Turkey and Italy, and wasbrought to India by physicians to be cultivated.The seeds are black and triangular in shape,have a strong pungent smell, and contain aconsiderable amount of oil.

It is incorrect that Arabs learnt about itsbenefits from Greeks because, before theadvent of Islam, there is no record of its use.Its therapeutic use was initiated after ProphetMuhammad (PBUH) mentioned its efficacy andits potential to cure. Abu Hurayrah states, "Ihave heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say

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that there is cure for every disease in blackseeds except death."Khalid Ibn Sa`ad states that he was travelingwith Ghalib Ibn Jabr when he (Ghalib) fell illduring the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew ofAyesha) came to meet us. On seeing thedistressed one, he took five or seven blackseeds, ground them, mixed them in olive oiland dropped them into both his (Ghalib's)nostrils. Ghalib Ibn Jabr became healthy withthis treatment.Aisha told us that the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) stated that there is cure in black seedsfor all ailments except sam. I asked him,"What is sam?" He said, "Death."

Chemical Composition: The seeds contain1.5 % volatile oil and 37.5 % non-volatile oil.In addition to this albumen, sugar, organic

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acids, glucoside, melanthin, metarbin andbitter substances are also found. The glucosideis toxic in nature; hence its consumption inlarge doses and for a prolonged period may beharmful.

Its therapeutic uses are as follows:-Zahbi stated that it removes the obstructionof any part of the body, expels the gases andstrengthens the stomach. -It is emmenagogue,lactogogue and a diuretic. -It is an anti-helminthic, if taken with vinegar and usefulwith chronic colds. -Its inhalation is beneficialin the treatment of common colds. -Its oil iseffective with alopecia (hair loss). -Half ateaspoon, if boiled in water, is helpful forasthma and alleviates the toxic effects of beeand wasp stings. -Continuous use of the seedsis effective for mad dog bites. -Paralysis, facial

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palsy, migraine, amnesia and palpitations arealso ailments which benefit from it. -It can alsobe used as an expectorant and antipyretic. -Itnormalizes the secretions of the stomach andpancreas. This is very effective in thetreatment of Diabetes Mellitus. -It expelsstones in the kidney and bladder if taken withhoney. -It is effective in jaundice when takenwith milk. -Its powder, when taken with water,is good for hemorrhoids. -If black seeds areboiled in vinegar and then applied to the teethand gums, it reduces inflammation and pain ofthe gums. -It is also reported that its finepowder is effective if applied in the earlystages of cataracts. -Black seed is also used forskin disorders. -The oil is also effective inearache.


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The olive, a sign of peace and friendshipthroughout the world, is described in the HolyQur'an in Surat At-Teen.Found extensively in Asia Minor, Palestine,Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, NorthAfrica, Algeria, Tunisia, the state of Californiain America, Mexico, Peru and southernAustralia, the olive plant stretches up to threemeters in height. Its leaves are bright greenand very attractive; and its fruits are brightbluish or violet in color.

Although olives consumed straight from theplant are very nutritious, they are not usuallyeaten due to their metallic taste. A pickledversion is consumed largely in Europe.

Olives are preserved in vinegar and importedfrom Spain, Italy, France, Turkey and Greece,

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and are favored in Europe and Arab countries.Olive oil is a good preservative for other foodssuch as sardines and other fish.The use of olives goes back to ancient times.Vessels full of olive oil have been found,among other articles, during the excavation ofancient Egyptian graves. According to thescholars of Hadith, when the Great Floodsubsided, the first thing to be seen on theearth was an olive tree.

According to Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah, SayyidAl-Ansari narrated that the Prophet (PBUH)said, "Eat olive oil and massage it over yourbodies since it is a holy (mubarak) tree."

According to Ibn Al-Juzi, Zanbi, Alqama IbnAmir narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said,"There is olive oil for you; eat it, massage it

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over your body, since it is effective forhemorrhoids." Basoor reported that Aqba IbnAmir narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) stated,"You have the olive oil from this Holy(mubarak) tree; treat yourself with this, sinceit cures the anal fissure." Abu Na'im reportedthat Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet(PBUH) stated, "Eat the olive oil and apply it(locally), since there is cure for seventydiseases in it, [and] one of them is leprosy."

Composition: Olive oil has a place inpharmacology in the U.S.A. and Britain. Bothof these countries have attributed primeimportance to olive oil in the treatment ofvarious ailments, and have fixed standardparameters to evaluate its purity.It contains palmatic acid, oleic acid, linoleicacid, steanic acid, myristic acid and glycerides.

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In this case, it is not dissolved in water but inalcohol, ether, chloroform and liquid paraffin.

The adulterant very often used in the olive oilsfound on the market is the seeds of the teaplant, arachis oil. Sometimes machine gun oiland refined machine oil are also found in it.

According to Ibn Al-Qayyim, the red colored oilis better than the blackish one. Its therapeuticuses are: -It gives exuberance to the facialcomplexion. -Prevention against poisons. -Regulates the digestive process. -Expelsintestinal parasites. -A good tonic, making thehair healthy, shiny and makes it stronger. Addsluster. -A massage of olive oil with ordinarysalt over the gums is a remedy for severaldiseases of the gums and teeth. -Localapplication of olive oil or the water extracted

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from the crushed olive oil leaves is effective onboils, rashes and itching. -Chronic ulcers andboils, which are difficult to heal, are healedwith olive oil when applied locally.According to Zahbi, it strengthens the hair andbody; hence can be used as a good tonic andfor delaying the aging process. -It helps raise alow libido. -A combination of normal saline andolive oil is highly effective in burns. -A soak ofolive leaves in water is effective against mouthand lip ulcers, and dermatitis due to allergies. -The concentrated watery solution of the extractof olive leaves and fruits is very effectiveagainst dental cavities and leukoplaquea in themouth.

This solution is applied along with vinegar foralopecia to enhance hair growth. -It is alsostated that the local application of this extract

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removes the scars of small pox and boils. -Ground olive seeds mixed with butter iseffective on brittle nails. -Pickles prepared fromolives are a good appetizer, and stopconstipation. -Its crushed leaves can beapplied locally to check excessive perspiration.-The water extracted from the leaves alongwith honey is used for ear drops and iseffective in various ear ailments. The oilprocured by burning the wood of the olivebranch is effective against all fungal infections,e.g., ringworm, tenia, versicolor in addition toeczema, psoriasis, dandruff and alopecia.

Applying olive oil on the scalp is highlyeffective against dandruff. -It causes hairgrowth and reduces hair loss. The applicationof olive oil in the eyes relieves inflammation. -A massage of olive oil all over the body tones

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up the muscles and organs, and relievesmuscular pain. -Some physicians also advocatea massage of olive oil for epilepsy. -It relievesthe sciatica and arthritis.

Ointment prepared from olive oil has very goodhealing agents:-It heals the sinuses and fistuli very quickly. -Iftaken internally, 25ml of olive oil mixed with250ml of barley water is highly effectiveagainst chronic constipation. -It is a gooddiuretic; hence is used in ascites. -It removeskidney stones. -In view of the research carriedout in the U.S. and Britain, one concludes thatit is good nourishment, particularly for kidneyailments where an intake of nitrogencontaining protein is contraindicated. -Wementioned already that the Prophet (PBUH)stated that it is a good remedy for anal fissure.

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Hence, patients were advised to take twospoonfuls of olive oil at bedtime and anointment was applied on the fissure locallybefore sleeping and in the morning. Theointment is prepared from eight spoonfuls ofolive oil and two spoonfuls of ground hennaleaves. -Its combination with other prescribeddrugs of Prophetic Medicine is a good remedyfor psoriasis and eczema. -The impressions ofseveral doctors practicing in Middle East andNorth Africa reveal that gastro-intestinalcancer is not detected among those who areused to consuming olive oil. Japanese doctorsalso endorse this, and have the opinion thatolive oil prevents the incidence of cancer in thegastro-intestinal tract.

Siwak & Dental Hygiene

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A variety of oral hygiene measures have beenperformed since the dawn of time. This hasbeen verified by various excavationsthroughout the world where toothpicks, chew-sticks, twigs, linen strips, birds' feathers,animal bones and porcupine quills wererecovered.Those that originated from plants, althoughprimitive, represent a transitional step towardsthe modern toothbrush. About 17 differentplants have been used as natural instrumentsof oral hygiene.

The most widely used twig since early times isthe Siwak or Miswak. The stick is obtainedfrom a plant called salvadore persica thatgrows around Makkah and in the Middle East ingeneral.

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Although there is no reference to the use ofthe siwak in the Qur'an, there are severalhadiths mentioning the benefits of siwak inmaintaining oral hygiene; hence, it has beenused widely among Muslims since the ProphetMuhammad (PBUH). In this respect, ourProphet (PBUH) can be considered among thefirst dental instructors of proper oral hygiene.

Composition: Salvadora persica is a smalltree or shrub with a crooked trunk that isseldom more than one foot in diameter. It hasscabrous and cracked bark, and is whitish withpendulous branches. The root bark is lightbrown and the inner surfaces are white. It hasan odor like cress, and its taste is warm andpungent

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To ascertain its chemical composition, the air-dried stem bark of salvadora persica wasextracted with 80% alcohol and then ether,and underwent exhaustive chemicalprocedures which indicated that it is composedof trim ethylamine, an alkaloid which may besalvadorine, chlorides, high amounts of fluorideand silica, sulfur, Vitamin C and smallquantities of tannins, saponins, fiavenoidsandsterols.

Repeated use of siwak during the day producesan unusually high level of oral cleanliness. Ithas been proven that plaque is formedimmediately after eating. After 24 hours, itstarts to act on the teeth. However, it can beeliminated through meticulous tooth-brushing.Proper oral hygiene should be taught bydentists, but it requires a person's time and

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dexterity. Among those Muslims who rituallypractice the use of siwak, rigid oral hygiene bya dentist may not be required.

Siwak and other twigs can be effective inremoving soft oral deposits. They can even bepromoted as effective instruments in oralhealth and dental programs for the populationat large.

There is evidence that salvadora persicacontains antibacterial properties. Some othercomponents are astringents, detergents andabrasives. These properties encourage sometoothpaste laboratories (Beckenham, UK,Sarakan Ltd.) to incorporate powdered stemsand/or root material of salvadora persica intheir products. Although commercial powdersmay be highly efficient in plaque removal, their

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use has been shown in a survey to cause ahigh incidence of gingivitis. Plaque eradicationis essential, but it should not be in a mannerthat creates negative side effects for othertissues.

In conclusion, siwak and powdered siwak areexcellent tools for oral cleanliness. They arehighly recommended in preventive dentalhealth programs in Muslim countries.Recommendations should be made tomanufacturers of toothpaste to include thepowdered form of siwak in an abrasive form oftoothpaste.

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Prophetic Medicine in Modern Life1

610 ADAllah’sMessenger said,“The stomach isthe centralbasin of thebody, and theveins areconnected to it.When thestomach ishealthy, itpasses on itscondition toveins, and in turn the veins will circulate thesame and when the stomach is putrescence,the veins will absorb such putrescence andissue the same” - Hadith of the ProphetMuhammad (PBUH).

1999 AD

1 By Karima Burns.

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“The diet of the future will not be designed tolose weight, but to cheat death. Within thenext few years, scientists hope to meldincreasing knowledge about the geneticmakeup of the human body with the equallypromising use of food as medicine to customizediets that can forestall, treat or even preventdisease.” - The Los Angeles Times

Aisha used to recommend At-Talbina for thesick and for such a person as grieved over adead person. She used to say, "I heard Allah'sApostle saying, 'At-Talbina’ gives rest to theheart of the patient and makes it active andrelieves some of his sorrow and grief. " In fact,the Prophet used to “prescribe” food forailments even more than he prescribed herbsor medicines.

The Prophet used everything from barley soupto honey to camel’s milk to heal his followersand advised them to eat certain foods toprevent or cure other ailments. In fact, food isone of the oldest and most respected healing

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tools available to man. Even the first fruits ofparadise - the apple and/or the pomegranate -have hundreds of curative properties (Yeager,p.21). The Chinese and Indian healers haveused the properties of food to heal forthousands of years.

Modern science is now “discovering” the powerthat food has. Bookshelves at the store arefilled with books on Ayurvedic medicine, bookslike Eat Right 4 Your Type, hundreds of bookson how to detoxify your body using diet and anequal number of books touting certain ways ofeating such as macrobiotic or vegan as a “cureall” for any disease. Other books give specificrecipes or lists of foods that cure variousdiseases.

The Los Angeles Times reported a few yearsago that, “...some experts are alreadyespousing the medicinal power of certain foodsto some patients. They are advisingmenopausal women to drink soy milk, which isthought to ease hot flashes and othersymptoms. They are suggesting fish high in

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omega-3 oils, like salmon, herring andmackerel, to patients at risk of cardiovasculardisease or breast cancer. And for men fearingprostate cancer, they are advising consumptionof more tomato-based products, such asspaghetti sauce--because tomatoes are high inlycopene, thought to reduce the risk of thisdisease” (Cimons).

In reality, healing with food is one of the oldestmethods of healing known to man and is not a“new” concept in any way. It is also one of themost economical and globally availablemethods of healing known to man. The ProphetMuhammad (PBUH) used it more than athousand years ago and even a thousand yearsbefore him the Chinese used it.

In fact, in areas where medicine and herbs arenot available, food can provide a solution tomany medical problems. In many developingcountries where people cannot afford to buymedicines, traditional healers commonly hand

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out prescriptions in terms of berries or cups ofoats.

In the book, Smoothies for Life, the followingrecipe is given for preventing osteoporosis:


1 cup nonfat yogurt1/2 cup nonfat milk1/4 cup pitted dates1 frozen banana3 tablespoons of tahiniAdd a sprig of mint, blend together and drink.Dates and Tahini are credited with giving thisnutritious shake a big calcium boost. In fact,foods like humus, zaatar or anything else witha large proportion of tahini or sesame seedswill help prevent osteoporosis.

In the book, Ayurvedic Cooking forWesterners, Amadea Morningstar gives thefollowing recipe to heal candida and depressionstemming from such a condition:

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Minestrone Soup

2/3 cup dried mung beans, navy beans andchick peas8 cups water1 bay leafCook the beans until done (soak overnightfirst).Wash and chop:2 potatoes1 carrot3 inches of leek2 stalks of celery1 cup of fresh green vegetablesAdd these vegetables to the pot with the beansand:1 cup rose petal tomato sauce1/2 cup white basmati rice1 tsp. salt2 tsp. sweet basil1/2 tsp. dried thymeSimmer for 45 minutes and serve.

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In the book, New Foods for Healing, the editorsof Prevention Magazine list recipes for almostevery disease including the following recipe forhigh cholesterol:

Oatmeal-Apricot Cookies

2/3 cup dried apricots, coarsely chopped1/3 cup boiling water1 cup packed light-brown sugar1/4 cup unsalted butter at room temperature1/4 cup fat-free egg substitute1 1/2 tsp. vanilla1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour1 tsp. ground cinnamon1 tsp. baking soda1/4 tsp. salt2 1/2 cups oats

Combine the apricots in the food processorwith the water until well-blended. Add this tothe sugar and butter in another bowl. Add theegg substitute and vanilla. Beat. Add the restof the ingredients except the oats and mix

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again. Sprinkle the oats over the mix, stirring.Bake at 350.

The key in this recipe is, of course, the oats.Oat bran and oatmeal, in fact, are still themost popular ways to lower cholesterol. Somedoctors even recommend that taking 1/2 cupof oat bran a day will cure cholesterol(Kowalski).

In Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchfordgives lists of foods that help to cure variousdiseases along with helpful recipes such as thefollowing dish for diabetics:

Millet with Onions

2 cups millet, soaked1/2 onion, diced2 carrots, diced1/4 cup hijiki, soaked and cut6 cups water1/2 tsp. sea saltToasted sesame seeds

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Layer vegetables in order given. Add millet,water and salt. Cover Bring to a boil. Reduceheat to low. Simmer 30 minutes. Stir andserved sprinkled with sesame seeds.

The secret to this recipe is the millet, a veryinexpensive and common grain.

Yuhanna bin Masawayh (known in the West asMesue), an accomplished Arabophonpharmacist, said, “A physician who can cure byusing only diet without drugs, is the mostsuccessful and skilled of all physicians.” This iscertainly true if you are on a budget, aretaking medications that may interfere withherbs, you want to seek a simpler solution, youwant to minimize side effects, or you live in acountry where many things are unavailable.

Certainly food should be considered a very realalternative to importing special medicines andherbs or taking risky medicines

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** The following website has a partial list ofsome foods and diets that cureillness: http://www.curezone.com/foods/
