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Proposal an Analysis of Moral Value in Famous Soliloquy

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1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study In a civil society morality is always being an actual and relevant thing to be discussed about. Human being has the ability to think in rational and intellectual way. Accordingly, people have to conic into an agreement about the concept amorality in order to develop a better life in attaining human dignity. Furthmore, a comprehend discussion about morality is needed in this developing process. This statement related to GRHN 1993 especially in the National Development principle as the main principle that must be applied in national development planning and relaxation namely believe and pious the oneness of gad principle that is: Bahwa segala usaha an kegiatan pembangunan nasional dijiwai digerakkan dan dikendalikan oleh keimanan dan ketakwaan terhadap Tuhan yang maha Esa sebagai nilai luhur yang menjadi landasan spiritual moral dan etil dalam rangka pembangunan nasional sebagai pengalaman pancasila (1997 : 424) Indonesian people are facing crisis in all fields, let alone moral crisis. It is a common knowledge that every process brings out crisis. In addition, everything that happens is part of the process. Therefore, moral values need to be rising up. In this case, we have to discuss about moral and morality rationally as well as moral development. However, there is something that people have to bear in mind that is however hard they plan for something to be performed and whatever attempt they try to make, it would be garbage without moral development in it. It is because
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A. Background of the Study

In a civil society morality is always being an actual and relevant thing to be

discussed about. Human being has the ability to think in rational and intellectual way.

Accordingly, people have to conic into an agreement about the concept amorality in

order to develop a better life in attaining human dignity. Furthmore, a comprehend

discussion about morality is needed in this developing process.

This statement related to GRHN 1993 especially in the National Development

principle as the main principle that must be applied in national development planning

and relaxation namely believe and pious the oneness of gad principle that is:

Bahwa segala usaha an kegiatan pembangunan nasional dijiwai digerakkan

dan dikendalikan oleh keimanan dan ketakwaan terhadap Tuhan yang maha

Esa sebagai nilai luhur yang menjadi landasan spiritual moral dan etil dalam

rangka pembangunan nasional sebagai pengalaman pancasila (1997 : 424)

Indonesian people are facing crisis in all fields, let alone moral crisis. It is a

common knowledge that every process brings out crisis. In addition, everything that

happens is part of the process. Therefore, moral values need to be rising up.

In this case, we have to discuss about moral and morality rationally as well as

moral development. However, there is something that people have to bear in mind

that is however hard they plan for something to be performed and whatever attempt

they try to make, it would be garbage without moral development in it. It is because

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the process and vice versa. So without morality, it would be more dream to build a

civilized society.

Literature, as the other human creatures, is a work that involves many aspect

of human life. Besides the textual potential it processes, aspects of production in its

period also influence it. Considering the powerful effect of the production sometimes

the author has to say what he intends to tell the readers figuratively. In other words,

he is trying to hide the message. What is more, sometimes the author has to write

something contrast to what his/her inner self tells him/her. William Shakespeare

works however seem to be always closely, connected between the reality and what he

said he was so frankly speaking in his own word that sometimes touch and melt the

reader's heart and sometimes burn their emotion.

Based on what has been mentioned above, it does not mean that a literature

work an author has produced always takes its source from the value system of real

life. On the other hand, as its turn comes, a literature work can play its role in

contributing, the value system in human's life. Furthermore it plays its part as a

product of reflective imaginative thinking, which carries social, religious, moral,

philosophy and cultural values.

All of those values appears in a literature work are basically come out from

the real life of a complex society. In addition, a literature work is always considered

to offer new concepts and author’s opinions in remarking the phenomenon in human


Literature, works both oral and written, are artifacts the form and part of life.

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Expression of culture. Literature has elements such as ideas and activities. People can

find ideas that might lead to the destruction or the spirited appreciation in it. Also the

Find might fact of realities are stimulated so that they call be responded or negatively

hoping the development of some set of values established on the foundation of 1

social and culture aspects in order to influence determined the `growth and develop

meant or basic humanistic values.

The sense of literature; cannot be defined definitely, though, intuitive

phenomenon of' it is regarded as the recapitulation of' ideas that directly links to the

reality, fictional, a work that has aesthetic value and possible to raise ambiguity of

meaning to its readers.

Materially the meaning of' literature words. As Jonathan Culler said, the

words must be set in such a way that by reading activities people will get some

models of let's say, social world, personality, human interaction as well as individual


Related to the statement above with the situation that we face

nowdays-marked speed and alternation in many aspects of society life. The reality

speed progress in the science and technology in one side it supports developments

that hare purpose to improve human life.

B. Rationale of the Study

In the middle of the arena social politics conflicts today that marked by

employing various violence forms almost all life side. Lately, large number of society

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has a antisocial attitude. Realize or unrealized, structural or sporadic, these are not

just the politics, elite but also common people in this country that they have bad

attitude until those events eau lead to arouse apprehension and disturbance.

The social reality that inclined be opposed to peace in our society can be

audience such us just a few number of society who has Gail (braveness) defend

glorious values, especially in defend to rightness, honesty and maintenance moral


Ray of reformation, unexpected it is brings about moral crisis. It’s very

dangerous if here is no preventive effort to solve it. In establishing, our behavior that

we are going to do often we’ve done moral judgments in order to our goal suitable

with moral value priority it is connected to human being function as social creature

that it cannot be separated with society. Bergson ( 1974: 6) stated:

If would therefore be a mistake to approach a openly social morality with

neglecting individual duties. Even if we were only in theory under state of

obligation towards other men, we should be so in fact towards ourselves, since

social solidarity exist only in so far a social ego is super added. In each of us,

to the individual self to cultivate this social ego is the essence of our

obligation to society….”’

Bergson, a French philosopher who studied and research about moral in

literature, put emotion on the glorious place. The sample that he has given in this case

is created by literature awaken emotion in heart conscience human being and it puts

human being to act morally. Bergson argues ( 1974-.57)

It is emotion, which drives the intelligence forward in spite of obstacles. It is

the emotion above all which vivifies or father vitalizes the intellectual

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elements with which it is destined to write. Constantly collecting, everything

that can be worked in with them and finally compelling, the enunciation of

the problem to expand into its solution...

A work of a genius is in most cases the outcome of an emotion unique of it's

kind, which seemed to battle expression, and yet which had to express itself. The

emotion excited US by a great dramati : work is of quite a distinct character.

Determining of' Shakespeare "hamlet" especially in Hamlet’s fatuous

soliloquy “To he or not to be" as the object of' his research by consideration that the

author has created ideas through Hamlet figure alone with the unique words, as the

result of a very engrossed in reflection of living that it is consist of how higher

morality value there. As the totally of author spiritual power explanation in giving

reaction for everything that occurred. Beside that I challenged, impressed until

focusing in soliloquy Hamlet that the longest on-, and largest one and famous, it's

start by "To be or not to be”. Base on the some consideration above, so that analysis

of Shakespeare’s Hamlet is interesting to do.

C. Research Question

Referring to the background and rationale, which has given an little picture, so

the problem that comes up in this research is: What are the moral values of Hamlet’s

famous soliloquy "To he or not to be” in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet"?

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D. Objective of Research

The objective of this research is to understanding morality value of Hamlet’s

soliloquy “To be or not to be” in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet”?

E. Significance of Research

This research is expected to brings any significance of follows :

1. To be good information to readers who want to know more about

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” and his Drama

2. To be a simple and briefly source material foe readers in discussing moral

value that consists of a drama

F. Scope of Research

The complexity of the value that car be anal analyzed in Shakespeare’s only

focused on analyzing moral value in Hamlet soliloquy “To be or not to be”

G. Definitions of Terms

1. Analysis is study of something by examining it’s parts (Oxford 1991 : 13)

2. Context of situation is the environment in which the meaning of the text are

being exchanged

3. Discourse analysis is the search for what gives discourse coherence or the

study of relationship between language and context in which it is used

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4. Extrinsic approach is way of dealing or analyzing by external elements of

drama such as values, economic aspects or social aspects

5. Field of Discourse is what is happening in the text, including what is being

talked about

6. Intrinsic approach is way of dealing or analyzing by internal elements of

drama that consist of plot setting, character, theme, etc.

7. Intrinsic moral values is moral that gaze at behaviour or something based on

the essence.

8. Mode of discourse is the part the language of the text is playing, including the

channel used in conveying the meaning.

9. Moral is lesson that a story or experience teachers, principles or standards of

behavior (Oxford, 1991: 269).

10. Moral values is the role of man attitude as human being.

11. Soliloquy is a discourse by a figure in a play or other work, generally spoken

when the character is alone (worlds of Drama Encyclopedia, 1985: 366).

12. Tenor of' discourse is (feat with persona( relationship involved including the

participants taking; part as well as their status and role.

H. Limitation of the Study

In arranging this study f met some difficulties priority about significant

literature that can help me in analyzing moral aspect totally, that 's why in rationale of

the research [Just focus analyze intrinsic moral value in Hamlet soliloquy.

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A. Drama

In analyzing drama, firstly we have to know what drama is. According to

Oxford dictionary "drama is play for the theatre, radio or television, plays in general

or series of exciting evens (Oxfords, 1995: 127)

Drama is work of literature or composition, which delineates life, acid human

activity means of presenting various action and dialogues between a groups of

character. As the most part of literature, drama is vehicle for life presentation of the

stage and although we may find ourselves wondering discursively into abstract

consideration imagery and irony that consist in a drama

Drama is more than representation of life and character through action and

dialogue; there are many values that give description about humanity life phenomeno

and its complexity (Simon and Schuster, 1996 : 5)

As a part of literature drama gives description about the meaning and, the

existence of life, suffering struggle for life and also the sense of love that has been

felt by human being

B. Moral

There are sonic definitions of moral. According to Durkheim moral has

important role in society life. Restrain and authority that applied by collective

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awareness appears in moral side. Actually the moral evidence is clearly but it is only

in social context, in his book: moral education", Durkheim says that "...but if there is

one fact that history has irrefutable demonstrated it is that the morality of each people

is directly related to the social structure of the people practicing it. The connection is

to intimate that, given the general character of the morality observed in a society, and

barring abnormal the connection is to ultimate that, and photo logical cases, one can

inter the nature or that society, the elements of it’s structure and the way it is

organized” (Juretna. A, 1994: 36).

Morality in all its forms is never met with except In society. It never varies

except in relation to social, condition. The duties of the individual towards his self

are, in reality duties towards society.

According to Henry Bergson, moral it self has two function are internal and

external. Internal function has repress characteristic, conservative and otoriter, at all

purpose to self defense while external morality has strong ness that appeals softly, it

is not just enough to social, but humanism also. (Djuretna. A. 1994: 86). This

statement supported and similar to Poepoprodjo who divided moral into two kinds,

Poepoprodjo (1998: 188) says that “moralitas adalah kualitas dalam perbuatan

manusia yang menunjukan bahwa perbuatan itu benar atau salah, baik atau buruk”.

Morality can be divide into two kinds they are: intrinsic moral and extrinsic moral.

Intrinsic moral and extrinsic moral. Intrinsic moral gaze at behavior or something

based on the essence. Free of each law form positive that gazed by good or bad

attitude, riot whatever someone commanded or it’s had forbidden. While extrinsic

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morality is moral that gaze at behavior as something that command or forbidden by

someone who holds the power or positive law whatever it is from helm, or from a

gad. Morality value teaches us to love each other not only human being but also to

animals and the things.

1. Moral Sense Theory

Do we have specific capability to find out and measure morality? Nearly late


century, some Inggris moralists consider that existence of good moral and bad

moral work on different ability that is intellect or common sense. This specific ability

the called moral instinct or moral intuition or moral sense. Anthony Ashley Cooper

who is very impressed and interest to philosophy mind about beauty (1711: 83) says

that beside the other forms available beautiful life. The sense of beauty it is a special

faculty of the mind and if it applying toward moral beauty it is become moral sense.

Moral beauty located at the balance that from what we called public and private

affection, balance f from social support and products a life that harmonic this theory

is estheticism moral

Francis Hutcheson (1725) expands A.S. Cooper's opinion separate moral

sense and aesthetic sense. Which moral sense's specific function is differentiating

between right and wrong. Here are different with Thomas Reid 92788: 6) that

explaining moral sense theory. He says "the abstract notion moral good and ill would

be of no use to direct our life, if we had not the power of applying it to particular

actions and determining what is morally good and what is morally ill. Some

philosopher, with whom I agree, describe this to an original power of faculty in man,

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which they call the moral sense, the moral faculty, and conscience

“The name of' the moral sense, tough more frequently given to conscience

since lord Shaftbury and Dr. Hutcheson wrote, is not new... It is dignity it is, without

doubt fat superior to other power of the mind, but there is this analog between it and

he eternal sense..."

Those theories demands there are different abilities from intellect to decide

which the right one and the wrong one. Basically moral decision is not different with

the other decision because moral is correctness, judgment, corm, ring between moral

sense and aesthetic seas; cannot solve anything because it can make a decision or

behavior that have moral vale become something that non rationale and unsuitable for

human being.

2. Universality of Moral

If we research mare detail, apparently moral means that life have a certain

final destination, so far this we just look at moral value for enough as formality while

the reality of moral values in anywhere, G. Gurvitch ( 1942: 55) states “moral values

are the most dynamic., the most creature, driving most powerfully towards constant


It is wrong for some people gaze that where there is no systematic, surely

there is no moral. No system it does not mean argue to prove no moral too. Such as

Sir John Lughock (Poesporodjo, 1998: 14) says that "almost entirely wanting in

moral feeling,” it means that different place different moral regulation. But from

research and surely, it appears based on consider superficial.

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Some anthropologist and sociologist such as Lowie, Golden Wiser, Paul

Radin, William Schmidt etc, who they have had investigated detail forward society

and ethnic group. They Gisbert, 1959: 185) conclude ...The fact of the universal

existence of a body of basic rules of morality present in ill societies without

distinction of face and culture has been established beyond doubt."

About the universality of morality, Immanuel Kant (1989: 310) argue that “no

man is wholly destitute of moral for how if he were totally unsusceptible of this

sensation he would be morally dead... then his humanity would be dissolved (as if it

were by chemical laws) into mere animalist”

But now how about if were facing the fact that generally moral law not

obeyed like in capitalism practice in ancient time or abortion, corruption in this era.

Well based on this case usually common people answer that if a law does not

followed it does not mean that there is no low. But the answer is not surely solution

he problem. There are two violation of moral law, they are deliberateness or caused

of does not know. In the first case, there is law but it does not followed, strength ness

has tied it until raising sense of guilt or feeling of remorse in the inner self.

3. The universality of Moral Value :

Here are the universalities of moral value:

1. It is related to human responsible

Moral value related to human being personal these cases also occur on other

value- but there is a specific sign of moral value that is related to human responsible.

This is referring to Berten's statement (1997: 143) that moral value is related to

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human responsible

2. It is related to conscience

To create floral value become reality is moral value appeal. One kind of moral

value characteristic it just this value that caused voice from conscience. Our

conscience blame if we disparage, or challenge and praising, us if we create moral


3. Make something compulsory

Moral value requires us absolutely and it could not bargain. Here we can use

famous difference that if said by filsufe German, Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)

between imperative hypothesis and imperative categories (Bertens, 1997: 144) while

the other value only related to imperative hypothesis. It means that if we want to

realize the other value we should go through on the certainly way, while moral value

requires just the way it is, with out pre-requirements for example honesty commend

us to return back everything that we have borrowed from someone like or dislike, this

necessity prevails absolutely. Absolute Obligatory that adheres to moral value come

from the facts that it is prevails to each person. Failure in applying moral value makes

lower a man as human.

4. Formal

Moral value is not mean that can be sit on the topper that the other values, it

cannot be separated with the other. That is why Max Scheler state the same case that

is in moral values consists of the other values.

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C. The Definition of Value

Arijarkora stated that value is truth of matter that caused the mater suitable to

he pursued by human. Furthermore lie is explained that in the truth the value

interrelated with the kindness. It is differentiate the kindness more adheres on the

matter, while value more so and the people attitude toward something or the good

matter. (In Suwond, 1994: 3)

Rahim (Muh. Sikki, 1991 : 7) said that value forms essential basic from

culture is traditional of ideas mainly which adheres on the self In this definition

culture from part of- life which relatively contains the rule had to become base about

what we surly, what must we do and what must be avoid to do. While the Liang Gie

described his opinion that the value is the right thing, good and beauty. (Sugiargo,


Based on both of statement above, so the writer concludes that that value has

relationship with moral of human being and it cannot be a apart one to another.

Values in Literature

Values is important thing or uses full for human beings or humanity that is

being the source of literary work” (Arifin, 1991:80)

From the definition above the writer concludes that literary work as much as

valuable it man is able attitude toward another because literature will give

contribution for formed the value system.

The matter based Suyitno opinion that literature and value system of file are

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social phenomenon which are mutual lit out in it present as thing existentially; as a

art form, literature acquires res source from life which has value system and the end

literature will giving contribution for the formed of system. (Suyitno, 1986: 3)

D. Soliloquy

Soliloquy means that a discourse by a figure in a play or other work, generally

Spoken when the character is alone. It is purpose is to inform, the audience of the

characters innermost feeling and thoughts and sometimes, to give information about

other in the action. A famous soliloquy is Hamlet's soliloquy “To be or not to be".

Farid Gaban in his book titled “Belajar tidak bicara”, “soliloquy" gives description

about soliloquy. Farid Gaban (1997: 7) says that "bicara sama dengan orang lain, jika

itu tidak bisa dilakukan karena satu dan lain hal maka ada pilihan lain yaitu soliloqui

Different with dialogue and advice in soliloquy involved am elements that it

cannot be separately it self, that is characteristic which not belong for another effect

outside, that is why soliloquy near by two things; vastness and honestly. Muhammad

Goenawan argues that :

“Tapi sebenarnya soliloquy hanyalah sebuah kuasi monolog, terutama karena

sebuah kalimat, juga dalam soliloquy merupakan sebuah jembatan yang

dibangun dari dari sebelah sini saja”. Dalam lakon Shakespeare, seorang

peran Hamlet, misalnya akan berdiri menyisih ketepi pentas dan

mengucapkan sejumlah kata-kata yang dikesankan lebih tertuju kedalam

dirinya sendiri. Tetapi bagaimanapun juga semua itu bagian dari metode peran

panggung, ketika rasa dan renungan harus dikemukakan di dalamnya (Farid

Gaban, 1997 :8)

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In the certain meaning, soliloquy can he said as statement in weakness form

by someone to remind the other people order to do not bad behavior by speak in

heart. It is indeed the things that constricted situation nowadays. Precisely moral

appeal that honest almost become repetition, just thrown in the room cannot produce

sound, anything more ever ideal feedback.

Hamlet's Soliloquy

To be or not to be:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of' outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them. To die, to die, to sleep

No more - and by a sleep to say we end

The heartache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to! 'This a consummation

Devoutly to be wished. To (lie, to sleep

To sleep - purchase to dream may come

When give us pause. There's the respect

That makes calamity of’ so long life.

For who would bear the whips and acorns of , limit-

The-oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely

the pangs of despised love, the law's delay,

"she insolence of office, and the spurts

That patient merit of the unworthy takes-

When he him self might his quietus make

With bare bad kin? Who would Car del s bear.

To grunt and sweat under a weary life, .

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscovered Country, front whose bourn

No traveler returns, puzzles lie will

And makes us rather bear those ills we have,

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us ail,

And thus the native hue of resolution

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Is sick lied other with the pale cast of thought.

And enterprise of great pitch and moment,

With this regard their currents turn away

And lose the mine o f action - So ft you

know, the fair Ophelia - Nymph, in thy Orisons

Be all my sins remembered

E. Discourse Analysis

Firstly the term of discourse analysis introduced in the linguistic by Zellig.

Harris (1952) that beginning observation towards the rule of language (grammar)

that explained how about sentence in connected to grammar Lint has expanded.

Discourse analysis term also actually similar with text analysis but only, this term

generally used in the certain Europe tradition, such as work of Red Van Dijk, etc.,

about text grammatical (Stubb, 1983: 10).

Discourse analysis is kind of- linguistic that expanded to analyzing language

unity, which it is larger than sentences in order to disentangle a unity of language

discourse cannot be apart from utilizing of- the other language science side such ad

semantics, syntaxes, phonology etc. In the psycholinguistic side, about discourse

analysis crystal (1985: 96) says "Jika wacana sebagai (unit) perilaku, maka is adalah

sehimpun ujaran yang merupakan peristiwa yang dapat dikenali (tanpa merujuk pada

penstrukturan (kebahasaanya) seperti misalnya, percakapan, lelucon, khotbah,


Van Dicjk argues. This term text will here be used to denote the abstract

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theoretical construct underlying what is usually, called discourse-, While Halliday

(1980: 19) stated that "the world is used in linguistic refer to any passage, spoken or

written whatever length that does form unified whole". It means that language user

knows if facing with a text or discourse whatever it is perfect or not. Guy Cook

(1986: 6) says that the search for what gives discourse coherence.

1. Pragmatic

Gillian Brown 09S3: 26) armies that

"Any analysis approach in linguistic which involves contextual consideration

necessary belongs to that area of language study called pragmatics, we are

concerned with what people using language are doing and accounting for the

linguist features in the discourse as the means employed in what they are doing”.

Based on the statement above pragmatics can be concluded that it is analyzing

language by concern in context judgments, here language focused as communication

tool in a discourse at least an analyst have to know who is the speaker, hearer, time

and place on the text

2. Implicature, Presupposition, Interference and Reference


Implicatere term was used by Grice (1975) in explaining something that

probably it's different what the speaker say and the speaker purpose to do exactly.

There is a conventional implicature, which according to Grice it is definite by

"conventional meaning of the words that, used". Implicature is pragmatic meaning

side and it have specific characteristic. Large number of them generated by literal

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meaning or statement conventionally, that produced on the specific context by

speaker and listener and also depends oil cooperative principle between shaker and



According to Stalnaker ( 1978: 32 1 ) presupposition is common ground

between speaker and listener. So it is no important to say it. The source

presupposition is speaker. In the discourse analysis, presupposition of speaker about

what accepts possibility, of listener (Givon: 1979). The more intimate relation

Between speaker and listener, more they sharing experience and knowledge each

other, so more presupposition that unspoken In the verbal interaction.


Inference often most be create by listener sometimes listener does not know

what the meaning of speaker statement. Gumpers 1977:21) advice in order to

proactive in using reference pragmatically than just logically. Also is important to

consider about inference inference based on sociocultural knowledge because on the

inference is need to use assumption that it can connect between two things which

relevant each other but only the connection unclearly.


In the discourse analysis, reference refers to things, animal or people that

aimed by speaker. Job of listener is identifying something or someone that aimed of

speaker. Strawson (1950: 30) shed that referring, is not something to do with

statement. Beside that everybody have own representation or type about world or

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everything. That is why reference that aimed by speaker probably different that

between speaker presentational and listener too in order to be same or at least nearly

same representation. A listener using speaker statement that it is a unity

representation. Here speaker listener or reader it self must be consider about context

of a text

3. Language, Context and Text

One-way strives for language understanding is text studies. Context terms and

texts located together, mind that both of them are aspects from the same process.

There are texts and also there are the other text that encloses it is context. Even

meaning of the thing teat enclosing text involves not-verbal but all text circles. Here,

l' am going to explain about context earlier that text with reason that actually the

situation earlier that discourse which related to the situation


Many linguist gives definition of language or language characteristic. Bloch

and Trater gives definition language as a system or arbitrary vocal symbol, language

as system, clearly, start from sound, phoneme, morpheme, word, sentence all of them

have roles

Language Function

There are groupings languages that have known. Malinowski (1923: 34)

divides language function into two groups: pragmatic and magic Austria, Karl Buhler

(1934 : 33) divides language function into expressive language, cognitive language

and representational. Different with Brown that divide language function in two

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groups that are transactional which language function involve express contain and

language include social relation expression as interactional

a. Transactional

The most important of language function is information convey. Lyons (1977:

33) argue that communication means easily use in feeling, heart situation and

behavior but it indicate factual information convey. Generally transactional stress on

information effectively

b. Interactional

Language function indicates to steady and protect social relation. Brown and

Levinson argue how important social relation understanding language function. There

are various written that aimed not to information but take care social relation;

congratulation says, letter, game etc.


Context is the words and sentences before and after sentence that learning by

someone (Malinowski, 1,3_13: 36) science are meaning, studies and all meaning are

functions in the context. Here firth, there are main of view about situation context:

a. Participants; in the situation firth describe person or something, at least similar as

participants role

b. Action; what they are doing, involves verbal action and non-verbal action

c. The other characteristic situation that relevant with everything and circles action,

as long as , have connected to things that still doing

d. Impact of verbal action, formed changes that have spoken by participants in the

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Generally there specific characteristic of situation

1. Field : refer to action doing by someone

2. Tenor : refer to person as participant in the action characteristic of participant

state and participants role

3. Mode : refer to apart of function language something expel fed by

participant, text symbol organization including the media of communication


Definition of text as simple as well as language as function. In this case,

language that doing certain function in the situation context, different with words or

sentence. Specific characteristic of text that is even though if we write down a text

likely just contain the words and sentence that have meaning text as an product or

output, something that can be analyzed because have media or arrangement


Filmore (1977: 119) says that the task is to determine what we can know

about the meaning, and context of an utterance 'given only the knowledge that the

utterance has occurred.

Page 23: Proposal an Analysis of Moral Value in Famous Soliloquy




A. Kind of the Research

The research in descriptive qualitative, through this research the writer 'D

analyzes about moral values revealed in famous Soliloquy of Hamlet "To be or not to

be" namely analyzing the data without using the statistic

B. Source of the Data

The source of the data in his research consists of' primary and secondary data.

The primary data of this research is "The major tragedies of Shakespeare". The

tragedy of Hamlet prince of Denmark, which consist Carrious soliloquy of Hamlet

“To be or not to be" edited by Edward Hubler, published by Cambridge Press 1956

and significant literature that relevant with this research as secondary data.

C. Method and Technique of Research

1. Method of Research

In arranging this research, the writer will use Library method is to collect the

arranging data from some literatures, which are closely related to this research is

written materials. Firstly, writer reading "The tragedy of I am let et mince of hamlet

prince of Denmark” which it contain famous soliloquy of Hamlet "To be or not to be"

Page 24: Proposal an Analysis of Moral Value in Famous Soliloquy


and then a writer make classification and identifying the materials to be analyzed

2. Technique of Research

In this research, writer will use documentation technique that is making

documentation about the data and information that Will be taken Iron written

materials. Beside that, writer will use extrinsic approach because here writer going to

analyze about moral value, while moral value it self is extrinsic aspects of' drama,

without ignoring intrinsic approach surely. Also writer will use functional approach,

this method is used by consideration that the object of' research is imaginative


D. Technique of Analysis Data

In analyzing data of this research writer will use discourse analysis; because

writer to find out and explain about moral value of Hamlet's soliloquy “To be or not

to be" that must be focus on utilizing of language context text.

E. Data Selection

From the data that will he taken from written then collected and selected to be

objected analysis in this research.

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