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Proposal for Drainage Improvement in Kalmunai

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Project Proposal For : Storm Water Drainage Improvement In Kalmunai Kalmunai Municipal Council In partnership with UN-Habitat Submitted to – UN-Habitat
Page 1: Proposal for Drainage Improvement in Kalmunai

Project Proposal For

: Storm Water Drainage Improvement

In Kalmunai

Kalmunai Municipal Council

In partnership with


Submitted to – UN-Habitat

Page 2: Proposal for Drainage Improvement in Kalmunai

Project Name Storm Water Drainage improvement In Kalmunai

Principle objective

Improve the sanitation conditions of 3000 tsunami-affected

families in Kalmunai-03 , Kalmunai Municipal Council.

Project Location Kalmunai-3 (Kalmunai Municipal area)

Implementing Agency Kalmunai Municipal Council

Donor Agency UN-Habitat

Date of Proposal July 2010

Proposal Budget 4.5 Million LKR

Project Duration 04 Months

Contact persons Mr.M.Y Saleem (Kalmunai Municipal Commissioner)

[email protected]

Eng.A.J.A.H.Jowsi( Municipal Engineer)

[email protected]

Page 3: Proposal for Drainage Improvement in Kalmunai

1.0 Executive summary

This Proposal seeks assistance to address a serious issue of flooding in the Tsunami

affected coastal area Kalmuna-3 in which the Tamil and Muslim communities live. Due

to the topography of the area , that is the flat terrain , storm water discharge is difficult

as some natural ways are blocked by the Built structures .

The proposed interventions of this project are of two fold

1.0 Awareness building ,Cleaning and refurbishing the existing drains using Community

Based Organizations .(CBOs)

2.0 Construction of 57.5 m concrete drains and laying 182.5 m pre-cast concrete pipes

to carry the water to the nearest discharging points. Necessary Silt –traps and

Inspection manholes and road crossing culverts are laid by the hired contractor. will

It be given preference for CBOs in the bidding process as permitted by the Sri

Lankan law

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2.0 Background:

2.1 General features of the Project area


Kalmunai is situated in the coastal area of Ampara district of Eastern Province

along Baticallo – Ampara (A4) road. It is at nearly 250 km East of Colombo city

and lies between 81°-28’ to 81°-52’ E longitude and 7°-05’ to 7°-30’ N latitude.

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The project area is a flat terrain along the costal of 2.5 m elevation from

the Mean Sea Level in average, on a permeable sandy soil surrounded by

the India Sea and swamps on the west. It has approximately 67 square

kilometers of land area and it is stretching near 10 kilometer along the


The town is in the Indian Ocean and the lagoon drainage basin. About

90% of the town area is drained by these two basins, and the distance

between these two drainage areas is about 700m. There is no stream to

interconnect these two, as shown in the map


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Climatic Features

There are two major rainy seasons in a year in Sri Lanka, normally

Southwest Monsoon in May to September and Northeast Monsoon in

December to February. Due to the topological feature of Ampara and

Batticoloa area, it is dry during Southwest Monsoon period having an

average rainfall less than 250 mm. the Northeast Monsoon brings more

rainfall about 500-1000 mm. The average annual rainfall during 1961-2005

is about 1000-2000 mm.

The average temperature is about 28.70°C, and during dry period in April

to August temperature is 30.4°C. The temperature variation in this area

from year to year is less than 10%. The Table 2.1 shows the monthly

average rainfall and monthly average temperature in Ampara district.

Table 2.1:- The monthly average rainfall and temperature in Ampara district.

Month Rain fall (mm) Temperature (0C)

January 200 – 400 25.0 – 27.5

February 100 – 200 22.5 – 25.0

March 50 – 200 25.0 – 27.5

April 50 – 100 25.0 – 27.5

May 25 – 100 27.5

June 25 - 50 27.5

July 25 – 100 27.5

August 25 – 100 27.5

September 25 – 100 27.5

October 100 – 200 25.0 – 27.5

November 300 – 400 25.0 – 27.5

December 200 – 400 25.0 – 27.5

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2.2 Effect of Tsunami

The December 26th

2004 Tsunami has devastated the entire coastal region of the Amparai

district leaving untold hardships to the victimized people. Kalmunai is one of the hardly

hit area by tsunami

Kalmunai MC is one of the densely populated area where the human settlement is very

closely packed at the coastal line between sea shore and paddy land. More than 5000

houses were damaged and 3500 lives lost including their livelihood sources.

The entire road and drainage system in the vicinity of the coastal area was totally

damaged. Immediate actions have been taken by volunteer organizations and other Non

governmental organizations with the support of the local community to immediately

restore the normal life.

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3.0 Justification of the project

Flooding is the most significant problem identified during the rainy seasons and it

causes property damages, interruption to the public health and mobility.

Incapacity of a well built drainage system is the major cause of the problem


The project implementation area is a most density populated and highly limited in

terms of living spaces. Once the rainy season begins, problem of flooding will

begin concurrently as well. On top of the mentioned factors the landscape (i.e.

real flat) will be a major cause of flooding. Even though a drainage system is

existed in certain areas, it is not functional due to several reasons such as lack of

proper engineering, incomplete network.

(Existing drainage network was built before 10-15 years and at some places

,areas where the terrain extremely flat, it had been difficult to maintain the


At present KMC has the technical staff and required leveling instruments and it

is able to plot Longitudinal sections (LS) (provided in the annex-2 ) .

The general concept of the public is flooding is most significant problem/issue

which should be resolved soon as possible because it will recover the tangible

loses as well as the intangible as community interrelationship, harmony and


At the city consultation programs , the issue of Kalmunai-3 drainage is always

taken as one of the most significant . During the rainy seasons, the project area

is completely inundated. To drain out the water , at some areas roads to be cut

and at some points water passes through houses , lands of religious places of the

other community . This caused conflicts of interest amongst the both

communities ( at the rainy seasons )

Another important aspect is the occurrence of intensified storms in short duration

as the consequence of climate change; with increasing development and

occupation of bare lands and swamps . So the build drainage system is important

for the project area to resist flooding which would be severe than past .

So from the environmental and social point of view this project is very important

as this makes peaceful hygienic situation in the project area and this falls in the

first priorities of Kalmunai MC

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A. Project area During the flood occurred in 2008

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B. Drains were filled with Garbage –An Action to be taken with the support of the

Public Health Inspectors (PHIs)

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C One portion of drain is completely damaged, need to reconstruct

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4.0 Objectives

4.1 Principle objective

improve the sanitation conditions of 3000 tsunami-affected families in Kalmunai Municipal Council.

4.2 Specific Objectives

1.0 Increase the community participation in maintaining the drains Garbage free by building ownership and awareness

2.0 Decrease the risks of flooding and volume of stagnant water in the drain and ands of the project area constructing new drains and repairing the existing drains

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5.0 Outcomes of the project

1.0 Minimized Health hazard: Threats from mosquito breeding grounds and

contamination water due to sewage and solid waste are minimized . As the project

area is the lowest region almost all the gardens of the houses are inundated causing

greater discomfort for the inhabitants.

2.0 Damages to roads and building is prevented as they flooding is reduced. In each

year roads and land areas were excavated to drain out the water which makes

difficulties in the transport in the roads .

3.0 Increased social harmony in between the Muslim and Tamil communities as the rain

water from the Muslim area is ultimately discharged to its destination without

flooding the area of Tamil community .

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6.0 Project area and Beneficiaries

There are around 3000 direct beneficiaries (comprising both Tamil and Muslims ) who

will get the direct benefit of the project . As depicted in the picture below . The direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project are the poor people who are mainly

fisherman and small scale vendors . Most of them work as the waged labors.

The main benefit is the control of diseases alike Dengue and Chikun-guniya so that the

people can work and make their livelihood well .

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7.0 Project activities

1 Community Awareness raising ;

The community will be made aware of the project and implementation by

awareness discussions and consultation meetings. A sign board will be placed at

the project site mentioning the details of the project (Name, implementing

authority, funding agency and the budget). In addition, handbills will be

distributed to the community in the area.

2 Cleaning of Blocked Drains :

about 200 m of blocked drain to be cleaned

3 Refurbishment of the existing drain

At some points the existing drainage canals needed to be repaired , at some points

the cover slabs to be provided .

4 Construction of covered drains and Necessary structures

Appoximately 260 m of covered drains to be constructed including the road


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8.0 Project Management and mechanisms

Works department of Kalmunai municipal council will undertake the technical activities

of the project such as designing , preparation of detailed estimates, preparation of tender

documents for the construction, technical evaluation of the bidders and the monitoring of

the construction works .Municipal TOs will supervise and ensure the quality of the works

in terms of materials and workmanship .

Involving the Community based organizations

. All the procurement works will be done according to Financial Regulation (FR) of the

Government; where ever possible community based construction programs will be

implemented in accordance with the FR. Municipal Finance committee will decide to

implement the construction employing the contractors and suppliers by open competitive

bidding , Community based organizations will also be given opportunities in the tender


Cleaning of the existing drains will have to be performed using the local community

labor force, Community based organizations will be involved in this process.

Awareness Programs with the support of CBOs

Municipal health department in collaboration with the CBOs like “Samurdhi Societies”

and Rural Development Societies will carry out the necessary awareness programs with

the involvement of the Public Health Inspectors (PHI) from the Municipal council and

Provincial Health Department.

As the Ministry of Health has already issued strict orders to the area MOHs ( Medical

Officer Of Health ) to take strict measures on the prevention of Dengue , the MOH is

eager to support the improvement of drainage system in the area under his purview.

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8.1 Monitoring

A steering committee will be formed for the monitoring of the project. This will have

monthly field inspection and feed back to the project. This steering committee


� Mayor-

� Commissioner

� Municipal officers ( Engineer, MOH, PHIs and TOs)

� Councilors

� Representatives of CBO

� Representatives from Community ( senior citizens )

A monthly progress report will be prepared by the program manager indicting the key

achievements ,changes and problems or issued faced by the Project .

There will be a debriefing meeting to be held before the project implantation to introduce

the project and to select the members for the steering committee of the project to ensure

active and committed people are involved in the project monitoring from the community .

8.2 Evaluation

At the End of the project , Kalmunai Municipal council will evaluate project in order to

learn lessons from the project for improving its effectiveness in implementing future


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9.0 Sustainability

9.1 Maintenance works by Municipality

After completion of the project regular maintenance activities such as cleaning the

blocked sections and repair of broken sections will be carried out by the works

department of the municipality which carries out drainage maintenance works .

Regular garbage collection at the project to reduce the dumping of Garbage , Municipal

Public Health Inspector (PHI) will regularly visit the area and regulate house owners who

throw the garbage in to drains .

In addition, silt traps and manholes will be inspected regularly by the Municipal

Technical Officer to ensure smooth flow . Community Based Organizations would also

monitor and coordinate with the area PHI regular garbage collection .

9.2 Community ownership and maintenance by the Community

It s planned to get community involvement at all the stages of the projects ie Planning,

Implementing and the maintenance.

1. Manage the improved utilities and infrastructure with community participation

and community ownership, by involving community bodies in the project

monitoring .

2. Awareness promotion and community education by the CBOs in collaboration

with the Municipal health department .

4 Manage the Drains garbage free and a sound, hygienic environmental location,

by introducing community based cleaning programs .

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10.0 Risk assessment:

No major risks could be predicted at the moment.

Possibility of Garbage dumping and blocking at the downstream, This will be

mitigated by promoting the community ownership and enforcing by laws related

to dumping of garbage and connecting waste water line to drains.

11. Gender –

Women participation in the awareness programs to be encouraged . Women field

officers will be employed in the cleaning program to promote participation of women in

the cleaning programs .

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12. Budget

Kalmunai Municipal Council

Budget for the "Storm Water Improvement Project in Kalmunai "

item Description Qty unit Rate Amount

Component -1 Rehablitating the existing Drains

1/a Cleaning of the existing Drains 35.00 L.days 700 24,500.00

1/b Placing cover slabs ( 450*1000*100) 180.00 Nos 1350 243,000.00

1/c Repairing the existing culverts ( 2nos) 2 Nos 50,000.00 100,000

Total cost of Component -1 367,500.00

Component -2 constructing new drains

2/a Construction of Covered drain 57.5 m Refer BOQ 972,839.71

2/b Construction of culverts Refer BOQ 452,499.83

2/c Construction silt trap and manhole Refer BOQ 362,091.39

2/d Laying hume pipes Refer BOQ


Total cost of component -2 4,085,530.76

Grand Total of construction 4,453,030.76

Allow for the Contigencies and Administrative costs 46,969.24

Grand Total 4,500,000.00

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Annexes –

1.0 Map showing existing drainage and proposed drainage

2.0 Longitudinal section

3.0 Detailed Drawings of the Drainage

4.0 Engineer’s Estimate

5.0 Time frame
