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Proses Pengolahan Air Buangan_2

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  • 8/19/2019 Proses Pengolahan Air Buangan_2


    Proses Pengolahan A

    BuanganPengertian, Sumber & Karakteristik Limbah

    Ida Mu

  • 8/19/2019 Proses Pengolahan Air Buangan_2


    What Is Wastewater?

    Wastewater ,” also known as “sewage,” originated from houshuman and animal wastes, industrial wastewaters, storm runogroundwater infiltration.

    Air limbah adalah sisa dari suatu hasil usaha dan atau kegiatberwujud cair; (PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIATAHUN 2001 TENTANG PENGELOLAAN KUALITAS AIR DAN PENGPENCEMARAN AIR)

    Wastewater, basically, is the flow of used water from a comm99,94% water by weight (Water Pollution Control Federation, remaining 0,06% is material dissolved or suspended in the wa

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    Sumber limbah

    Limbah cair domestik adalah cairan hasil buangan yang berperumahan, bangunan perdagangan, perkantoran, dan saryang sejenis. Menurut Hammer (1977), volume limbah cair daperumahan bervariasi, dari 200 sampai dengan 400 liter/orantergantung dari tipe rumah.

    Limbah cair industri adalah cairan hasil buangan yang berasproses/sisa dari suatu kegiatan/usaha industri yang berwujud

    kehadirannya pada suatu saat dan tempat tidak dihendakikarena tidak mempunyai nilai ekonomis sehingga cenderung

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    Sumber limbah

    Aktivitas manusia.

    Jenis aktivitas manusia yang menghasilkan limbah cair dian

    Aktivitas bidang rumah tangga,

    Aktivitas bidang perkantoran,

    Aktivitas bidang perdagangan,

    Aktivitas bidang perindustrian, Aktivitas bidang pertanian,

    Aktivitas bidang pelayanan jasa

    Aktivitas alam

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    Characteristics of Wastewater

    The nature of wastewater includes physical, chemical, and bcharacteristics which depend on the water usage in the comindustrial and commercial contributions, weather, and infiltra

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    Physical properties of wastew

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    Physical properties of wastewate

    When fresh, wastewater is gray in color and has a musty and unpleasant odor.

    The color gradually changes with time from gray to black.

    Foul and unpleasant odor may then develop as a result of se

    The most important physical characteristics of wastewater arperature and its solids concentration.

    Temperature affects chemical reaction and biological activisuch as total suspended solids (TSS), and volatile suspended saffect the operation and sizing of treatment units.

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    Solids comprise matter suspended or dissolved in wastewater

    Solids are divided into several different fractions and their coprovide useful information for characterization of waste-wateof treatment processes.

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    - Total solids

    Total solids (TS) is the sum of total suspended solids and total d(TDS). Each of these groups can be further divided into volatifractions.

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    Total suspended solids

    Total suspended solids (TSS) are referred to as nonfilterable re

    The TSS is a very important quality parameter for wastewater wastewater treatment effluent standard.

    The TSS standards for primary and secondary effluents are usuand 12 mg/L, respectively.

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    Total dissolved solids

    Dissolved solids are also called filterable residues. Total dissolvraw wastewater are in the range of 250 to 850 mg/L.

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    Fixed and volatile solids

    The residue from TS, TSS, or TDS tests is ignited to constant wei

    The weight lost on ignition is called volatile solids, whereas thesolids represent the fixed total, suspended, or dissolved solids

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    Chemical constituents ofwastewater

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    The dissolved and suspended solids in wastewater contain orinorganic material.

    Organic matter may include carbohydrates, fats, oils, greaseproteins, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals, volatile

    compounds, and other toxic chemicals (household and indu

    Inorganics may include heavy metals, nutrients (nitrogen andpH, alkalinity, chlorides, sulfur, and other inorganic pollutants.

    Gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen smethane may be present in a wastewater.

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    Normal ranges of nitrogen levels in domestic raw wastewatemg/L for total nitrogen (the sum of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, anitrogen); 12 to 50 mg/L ammonia nitrogen; and 8 to 35 mg/L

    nitrogen (WEF 1996a).

    The organic nitrogen concentration is determined by a total nitrogen (TKN) analysis

    Typical total phosphorus concentrations of raw wastewater ra20 mg/L, which includes 1 to 5 mg/L of organic phosphorus amg/L of inorganic phosphorus (WEF 1996a).

    Both nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater serve as essentibiological growth and reproduction during wastewater treatprocesses and in the natural water.

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    Biochemical Oxygen Demand

    The strength (organic content) of a wastewater is usually medays biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygenand total organic carbon.

    The BOD5 test measures the amount of oxygen required to oxorganic matter in the sample during 5 days of biological stab20°C.

    The ratio of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in wastewater important for biological treatment processes.

    The commonly accepted BOD/N/P weight ratio for biologica100/5/1; i.e. 100 mg/L BOD to 5 mg/L nitrogen to 1 mg/L phosratios for raw sanitary wastewater and settled (primary) efflue100/17/5 and 100/23/7, respectively.

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    Chemical oxygen demand

    The chemical oxygen demand is a measurement of the oxygof the organic matter content of a sample that is susceptibleby a strong chemical oxidant, such as potassium dichromate

    the COD test is useful for controlling and monitoring wastewaprocesses.

    The COD test takes 3 to 4 h rather than 5 days for BOD data.

    The COD results are typically higher than the BOD values.

    The correlation between COD and BOD varies from plant to BOD: COD ratio also varies across the plant from influent to peffluent. The ratio is typically 0.5:1 for raw wastewater and malow as 0.1:1 for well-stabilized secondary effluent. The normalfor raw wastewater is 200 to 600 mg/L (WEF 1996a).

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    Biological characteristics ofwastewater

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    The principal groups of microorganisms found in wastew

    bacteria, fungi, protozoa, microscopic plants and anim


    Most microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa) are responsi

    beneficial for biological treatment processes of wastew

    However, some pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa,

    found in wastewater are of public concern.

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    Indicator bacteria Pathogenic organisms are usually excreted by humans from the

    tract and discharge to wastewater.

    Water-borne diseases include cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid fev

    and dysentery.

    The number of pathogenic organisms in waste-waters is generalland they are difficult to isolate and identify. Therefore, indicator as total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC), and fecal streptococcas indicator organisms.

    total coliform (TC) has long been used as an indicator of pathogcontamination of a water that poses a public health risk.

    Fecal coliform (FC), which is more fecal-specific, has been adopstandard indicator of contamination in natural waters

    Fecal streptococci are present in the intestines of warmbloodedinsects, and they are present in the environment (water, soil, andfor long periods of time. Escherichia coli bacteria have also beenindicator.

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    Calculation of bacterial density

    MPN method. Caliform density is estimated in terms of the monumber (MPN).

  • 8/19/2019 Proses Pengolahan Air Buangan_2


    Algae Algae are most commonly used to assess the extent that prim

    ductivity (algal activity) affects the DO resources of surface w

    Many factors affect the distribution, density and species comalgae in natural waters. These include the physical charactewater, length of storage, temperature, chemical compositionreproduction and elimination, floods, nutrients, human activitelements, and seasonal cycles.

    the Shannon — Weiner diversity index, is widely used for algal communities of other organisms. The formula is (Shannon and


  • 8/19/2019 Proses Pengolahan Air Buangan_2


    Contoh Soal A well-mixed 25 mL of raw wastewater is used for TS analyses

    50 mL of raw wastewater is used for suspended solids analyse(wt.) of evaporating dish with and without the sample either

    evaporated, or ignited were determined to constant weight Standard Methods (APHA et al, 1998). The laboratory results a

    Tare wt. of evaporating dish = 42.472,3 g

    Wt. of dish plus residue after evaporation at 105°C = 42.498,6 g

    Wt. of dish plus residue after ignition at 550°C = 42.486,3 g

    Tare wt. of filter plus Gooch crucible = 21.530,8 g

    Wt. of residue and filter plus crucible after drying at 105°C = 21.54

    Wt. of residue and filter plus crucible after ignition at 550°C = 21.5

    Compute the concentrations of total solids, volatile solids, fixesuspended solids, volatile suspended solids, and fixed suspen

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