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PRO SLAVERY REVOLUTION. MARYLAM) "THK HEAHT OF OUR UNION.' IIV A. J. II. MP..¦.i "Oo.. HicKa of Marjlaiid rrhakcw the nttUmttmt Stnf«>.m.- ttn. mt irfli.a. la Call a ajit-. lal i.>kili ol th- i.glaUt-.- fnr tl.r a_f D-aa ot jonli'g otbat S-ittr.am fita'ra in iVrnilug i a-rparat* aa_i.a-rar\ - Umsoi.i. tha Natiun'm enimpli-.l rJh_rt- Dalf rtut, amid Diiuniou a jar». And uiaik the State wr.< Myal tieart Beata for tbe Union *-_r_'.... Unf'.rl tle Nnln.ii'a haiiiter'd l.lue, Ar.d ftaah iu gnlra from hill to bill; Ft-r M»rti»m>, thank Ood' ietme. Tr_e to tlie Union atill! Bei old ! fmm Verunn 8 aolemn gloom Our Fathek lifta bia guardian band; Befcold from Vtmon'a ailent tomb He poiutsto-MAiirt.aitnl Aa if, in aootb, hia Molher'a name ConM liuk no won.l.ier aoil witli iiue I Ko at-ed baet tboii, O Ualtiroore I Ot Btoiietl .li_ft*, Ut crowii tl'v alior* ! JFhU* mll tl.e wave* of C'beSHptuike Tbeir teaward toiig thy truth bIimII apcak, And r-iiiinl our bt.ie, leturniug alnpn Cry " Uaios -tii.i. I"' with eug_r Up* I F.r, bigli on AlJ-ghauy s edge, And blue Kotoeliu'a miaty rid^-e. Aad up Ui. tut-ieul Waxrior cragi, 1 ». Uu tbou.aud atarry fluga; Aud, wov.n with every e'rpe and euuc, lu tcrolla of (.loiy rii-bnig t'ai, I ae* ih_ l si-'.s a u-iii.' biti.il tli c!*«p tlie roue of ULury luud I He_-t of our 1.lk>u I.nobly ateeled To btt.sl and t afllt- Dau,;er'a aliocka f- Tuud. iti tlie cLungiug bui__-!i_ld. Trik, at tle Hali.t-Ho-t! Beart t>f tbe I'nion '-Muryland' Clurp (l.titi iU UauuM' in Uiy lutud! Lei thia tby faiih ref.t; Wkere Culvert'a tolerent tootetepa trod. Aud gootl C.Bl.i (...»- womtiip'd Qai l_er..drep witl.b th,\ hoilowed BOd. __ut tboii thnt Flair- for aj* Fria. SuMjnebanna* jo\on. tide, And wbtre I'utuxemm water'e gl-ie. To W ii oirreoo's atinlit eitle, Te Soutbern muidena ria.' Cro! crown -with wreathe your pwiriot Wind. Go' bleta tl e brave who loyal tlMid I. (in' tftr.,1 tl.e anna ut' Mary land Witli lipa. itud ahaaka, und e\ .-a Ho .wett.r Up, no pnrer i heek, Jt'o brigbur tye. in love umy a|K!itk No wani.er Ueurt ti.e world _oiii__.iid, Tbun aaaaaVl aaaal -in Hmvi.*aa ' I_ithfiil, an id tbe faithle*. uow, <) Hat*r ol'tl. South! thou axl '.... IltLCefi'i. unr ltar>uei-lit.rer tiiou. Tby naiue." Tl Ui.ii. a lle_i t! Onr !.'!_>,. .hall wuvo -our I'nion »t_n_, While beatf the heart ot Maryland! IROM WASHLNGTON. .TOE PK__.IEKT'8 UOCRSE.THB HORDEK H *vK BTAT-M, fi-tn Oar Bpt._ C_ne«.---ecl. WAMiiMiToN, Jan. 2, 1861. The doubta of the Uresideut being abie to atund vp ncaii.at tlu- r_vo.otk._ta °fill Kager. He bat h_*n ao long under their iu»prra'.iiina and niuut- pttiationa, thal _.. ia ahaaal taeasahta of taking a correct vit-w of atfaii-. His miud ia debauihed with tbo notion tbat the MOfd.f State. baw in- truiaic at'ility to contend with tbo Federal (i.v -Tnuieiit. There eould not be a greater mi-Uke. Deap muat be the diBappoiutment and amrtilica- tion of the tecediug Stalea, aliould they uttenip!, ta mea-UTe itrenuth with the Oeaaral Chirani- n-t-nt. Tbey will, iiiili-id,.aaOotai-nor. Efataajo-d m%)o oi Soi.tb t'nrolttia, " buve a hard titn«." But tbe I'rt-eidi-nt. iu the etceaa ot hia tiuiidity, and witb bia qr-BaathiB* '_ tmot tm tiie alav-- hoUler, ia uuabk tapai.trra lhat tmttktlmrH ttt trenie _a_-_BaaM -biti fiiaoeiated ftaai tho «u{i- port denvrd from tbe Government ti tbe I Ily atiuie Btiange prtK-eaate of reaaoiiiug, he aat-ma io bave eoine to the conelusiiin that thiri Owveriinieut i* to he brukeu up any wa>, aad that in the general disintegratiou one State will be juat aa strois_ aa aaotlier. Tbia tho dreary (-llat-y that wtiutea the eoni'luaiona tt all the ¦aaaha-aa.ta. Tbey think tln-> can pull d.-wu the Goveinttii-nt. and redueai all the Statea that entnpoae it le one oommon level, and ooe rom- _D4>n ru;n. Tbe> aab-T* iu dividing tbe public mmtrttt) aa though it were tbe asaet* of a bank- rupt eoni ern, aud lhat eacb State can t»ke ita ahare, -bouider tt* pa_:k !ke aome I«raehti. pedtiUr, aud be_in tbe wnrld anew. Clingmanof Jiorlh Uunilma developed thia profound uleii on tke very hrst day of tbe aemtoo. It ia dreadfitl to bave such a ItHHW-jointed aud de.tying piece of mortality at the helm of the atate io aueh a time a* thia. ^V reo,uire lii'e, aad vigor. and activity, aud deteruiinaUoB, u-*h_ -»UL We want a pilot who ia every inch a iiajj. A inan in courage, in hope, io re*olution, iu Haatirtty. in aiadnni, aud ia uufliaching purpoae. Thia Fedenil Governroeot ia great and poarerful sod wterwhelming in actioD. lt has the power «f a giunt over any of theae confedeTated Statea, if it but chooae to put forth it* atrengtii. The, loyalty ol the body of the people ia unqueation- mhle. There ia a deep-gro.ided revereuco aud hy*. for the CouatituUou aud Union, whuA m th*. beart. of the uiaaaee anioucte to a fanatinam. It ean be rouaed to feartul higbti by a aingle irrvocation. Ignomioy and ruin wait upon the Btate that takea up artua against the Federal jn.wer. if that power pute on ita aroior aud gov_ -Ui-th io the full prenitude of ita might. And thia ia the goapel wbub muat be preaohed to bbvo Mnila aa well a* State* from perdition. "What can theae Border Slave State* do b_i'ore the tramp of Federal armiea, drawn from the -aat honlea of popuLutim in the Free Statea, beat on the righteou* errand of preaerving tbia, their Ca|iitol, and thia, their Government; aud that, ia their view, the beat aud leaat oppreaaive Oov-nunent on the face of the earth » Kvery obstach will reei aud fail Btrnttt their tread. And if Slavery he on-\ that will go down aloug arith nat 1* it poaaible that tlie people of the Border (Slave Sutea ran be 80 Winded aa not to *¦.«. thiii I It aurely Bbiruld be d.-ar to the moat obtor* and niole-ejed. Pray heaven they irtuy mnti ii ia time. That tl:ey uiiiy not tak.-, »r if they do tak'-, th-t ibey tuay be apeed.ly eared .*>f the inor_1 diatemper that ia iinbhii.ing tho »nind and un-ettling tb- judgnienta §t tbe peopl" M the Jowe- tier ti Klavehoiding Htatea. The puipcae* of tht b-ailing Kevoiutio'i^t* ar.t little aaert of dUbalieaL V e are a gn-at -nd liroeperou- ai.d bl*pj jhijiIi. Thej proj>o*e, a- rordnnr to the view ol Mr. Benjaiuni, to tear _4oa.i the Gotewimeut, aud, if -BC-.-tjjtg caaipliah tlwir thjtttt, to dre:ie»i the land '.n the JJie aud the bltxid tuid tue desolation ol . m ! j_u*d I wr.e wi»r. Ihil i* the pieture oj_»n|y and d'tatir.eMy prceCntVd by tho BeaBBMr froui I eiitii-i_ai.fi. iu bia place in tho .Senatii ehuioU'r. Ti.ey pr.ifoaa themr-'lvea willttig t*> bravai it all. ay, wi Icoiiif it ul).MMM. Lh_.i aabp-l to a 0011- atitntit.nal decieion nf tht. poiople in regard te tbe efettiofl of a PtaBWcul for tho briof t'Tin »f li.iir jearc. Waa there ever BB__ pigantii: folh fti;d inadinaa ' Aud will tbe Bnrder Bbl*- SlaV*, tbnt have bitherto neitln r ente.rt-tned uor co.v t4iiplnted any Bu.h btdenijl paraaee, al!<>w then. brhca to bo -nildtnly and titithiiikiugly burried li.t.. aueh a frightiul abyaa aa thia? l nleae tbo pet-ple 4»| th.iKi- Slnlfe. aluiU tfvMX>nu9 utferly ln'- r.ft of all laaaaa, it aeeuia iuipr.'oiibiV. Iiet then. jiii.H- wbile there yet time. Thia Vation.il Goveniuiciit will be pr^erved. Thia CapiuJ aill b«- retaiued nnd niainUiined at all hazard Ko itiii'l-r whut tt coat-, no mattt-r whut tbe sacriftce. It aill be do ie. ^ lt ia (ti be bnped the Preaident will bv prompt- ed by thia laat .mVlli.enet- from Gtnirgia to emerge froin tbo dangeroua and fatal delumouti by wbich he hua been eii('4>nraged and blinded, and cunie out into the li.'bt of day nod HM hia nwit and th«- coutit.ry'a poob__i in ita true light. lt ia not too lute for hi ¦ to retricv.. his reputa- tuia aud rett-ne the forgivene** if uot tb*? bone- d.etion* of hia countrytneu who n.ean to atand by the country and ita flng. And they are mil- fat.ns, and tbey will M-T0 with the might ol* aill.tma. i' t\ fa THB fffNM-U FORTS. DAkMt'S fP__C_* |r>.ai tlm 8paM.li. CoaearxirKlrut. Wasiiim.ton, Jan. H, 1861. The coiinf qnencea of the vacillatiou, tini.tlitt. nnd imh.-cil.ty of tho Preaident. are ju«t begin- liiig to ahow theiDMlvea. The newa tlat Qaetgia Lns 0(1.0-, even before secediug, upon the two phtieipal forta of that State, wbich guard the barbor of Satanab, i* animuueed tbia ln.Tiiin,. One ef tbeni, Fort Puliski, ia a po^erful fort- rtia, ouounting 150 guni, 66 of wbich are 32- rouiicerr, .Ml oi them -t-pnundeaa, and __, H aud Ili-iiii-h nn.rttira and bmvit/era. Fort .luckm.n. _B other fnrt ae.zed, moui.ta 14 gtina, a. which 10 are .4 pt-i.dera. This, I aupjioae, ia but tho bceirtning. EfafJ iiD^uardcd port of the S uth ia uow likely to fail in qui.k surcearion mto the handa of tbe revolutinmrtta. 1 prtruine we ninv r-xpect to hear ol the lo** nf tbe forta of Ifabslo and at the DK'i.rbB of the Iliaaiaaippi without delay. Hnw it aill be with tbe very iinpr.rtaut uavai atatinn and lt.r~ at E-MBCala, I do nl know. ESiailB-iag may fail, if t.ot captured where ther- il no foro*. tlia-u by tnncbcry and tr.aaoa where there is. lf the (iovernment hat a< ted witb vifSf and celcritj ot Ibe atart there would _a\e been no diffkilty of tbia aort. Ai it ia, time, whi-h uow fliea qu.ckly ln th' operatiotia of tbe rev.lution- i*t», will soon diicloae t.ua the reatilt the futtire haa in atore. blr. Haktr'a spteob reoeivea bi_h pratai for it* great nb'lity. l'.ut tiie atsM^asioniata uo longer cnre for talfc. The motit of them bu«ied then.- 14Uea durtiig ita delivery reading and writiug, e_4_aB._| Mr. Benjamin, wh.nn be 00 badly rt.-atvd. lt l.K.ka uow as though tho rovolutioii- i-ta nieant to oo tm and take paBBBHioa of all tbe VJmU-d StaU-a fort* aud araeuala and navy yarde in tbe South whien can be taken, and whiJe thia is doing to ait bere in OoBBBBHi an.l i brtntet all meaaurt-a dosi_:ied to thwart or ptic- i.>h auch proceedit.fia. They aleo lasifB le pre¬ vent, if poaeibie, the Baaatt_| of the faBBO by wbich Mr. l.iuiolr. waa made Pnttioot Mr. Toc..ba at.iwed tbia latter ptir|HH»e before leating beaana. Tbs. may be expecU-d to tiiako the re\'ilii'i(.»i, whieh tl.ey have now f.irmally mm u:eiir.-d by leizing tlu) Cniti-d BtatM 1-1-1 and ar ini.I- in Cbari.-nton atid Savnnnah, an tbeta-fb, ao lorn:.dB.le eaal a* aide ipffaai ea jM)HKiiiie. What <-an be ao prepoaterona aa prop4r*ing eeeaHaBBbae on the __-far| queation to men eu- mmti -n eaei traitoroua work I i. B, I*. a FMii eiottou. P-dbj Our S.*--ibl -4>rr**p«_4».__ Maion, Gu., Jan. I, 1861a lnaane and joyful excitement over tiie futare, _h tlii-ir tollv paiuta it; rage as luaano agaimst the Adnuuiatration, whos.; very unbecility cnn*ea their pluna to halt; l_NI denunciatious againat all who abriuk lroin pttlitical suieide.on tbe part of the rabble; |__0Wa_ endeavora to prove tbat bankruptcy ia n aatioual Heoe_f, fre_b ap- p4 ala to Southern pugnwity, turgid rbeUihe, and luost tranaparent atphistry.on the part of the d> _L_i\o^uee, gloomy count-uaucea audheavy hearta, tlie sjaraee ef doubt and difquiet.on the part of tboms from whom reason has not finally departed; restlesanesa by day, forbidden m.-a'tinga by night, furtive Usteu-iga and strange luiagminKB at all t,nif,a__on tlie part of tbo alave; npon theae thingi tbe aun «rf the New Year riaea here. Tbir incid4-nta wbicb mark the progreaa of t_e rebell-_ in Georgia are eomparatively few at preaent, and tl.ere ia much lanieuesa about the duily narrative. The talb of one man ia the Utlk of a whole claaa, und the aame sentimenta are repeatved in laugtiage. but little changed. Now and then a auapect«d alraiiger aidlera injury aod Iom, and ib ai-nt out of the SUte. The other day, for inataaee, near Athena, freorgia, a gei.tietnan from U.e North wbo waa traveling for hia heultb, but who wae not helplcM by reaaon of diaiaae, waa charg. _ with being an Abolitioniat; he atated elearly the purpoae of bia vi*it to l_e South, autttaining hi^ worda by t-ertiCi-atea and eiimmiiu.cationa t'rom nidit-u! iiun. Ilit it waa/not enough for the EiaiiiiniDg board; ho did not look aick, thoy eaid; they didn't believe he was aick; aome ol tbim, the wagB of tho party, auggeaUMl that tb.y piacbcc a modo af treatmeut wbich woubl probably be efficacioua in hia caae, and ninde joeular allusions to tar-water nnd bump- seed. This exrited the laugbter of their leas niuible-wilted brothera to aueh a degn* that tLey giaid-biiinoredly permitted the patient to aBBfe tiiwu witb all hia hair upon his head, and without. stripra or tar. They only kept bim in a eold riH.m all night, aud oompelled him to ride on boraebaek in the gray of tho morning to a itation twehe niiles diataut, promiaing to aei^l hia -B_gage after him to anotber town. It is but a kindnesa to aay that invalida who tbiuk of eep-M V) a waruier eluuate will do well to ovoid the Soutliern State*. Tbey might truv.l in e\ery ».:.e, and recfive uot the leuat moleata- tiou. IVrbapa, eapecially if they ar4; femal.58, ai.d if Uiiy look very ill, the chant^ia are deeid- i diy againet ti. ir mcoting with trouble. But ibey can ba._l> help seeing i-nongb to mabe them aiixioua. and tima their IMMPf or im- j.i.m nn nl will be retjirded. Tbe eleeiion of I)i.lega^.a, whieh ia to take jl.i.e toiuorrow, mariea aome exr-itemont; lhe v-'ilt )<)!. will have before thia renches you. j.,;l BM ruy bere, tbough I thinb I havo made a -ijitila.* /t'niaik in a prevvme Jetter. tbat tbe cvn- aervntive foeling I bave ». v.:ral t.ia -pikn of niUHt not le ukt'. to be :i fieling .".hili i* o pr«-u-ni |he Mai-' if fo'.igiu from notdiag fin.'ill), tfceagb it i.iu> Jriuv Um _et for a Ut-Bl liin.. Iaa *>..Maaa wiB be Bectjanffcahed iaaajlt) of BB._ fi'elini.'. rmt thia «'<.naervatiam will hear it« fruit bereaiter. Unlena muiio turu of ei.-nV riHoen tl.- ul'in S"itr..ra a.'ntiuiouf iu all **0':t_ ei u he.tr! t, tbiia iiui.iiii' .all upi-n a ai igh- isafae, tha ioi.i>eriiti Te el.'ii.i ui of wbieh 1 mttk v. .11 !-. in <-.ii.tirj.al Iti.6 witb the r-.l .1 I ii-t-iii.fiti_.r-., who are detei inined tu atai-1 at Uu- beltii of Hie iii-w abip of State Ihey ar.- ao ha<tily laaachiaf. Whea tbo tax.a bt-^u. Ui prer.1 baaaHf arlaai luxuriea, eoniforta, nireaaarw-a diaappeiir before the poM-rty whirh will *"rely .oine-tl.eii ti.e (.oiiM-rvatue pnrty will tuuke iU voi.e h> ard, and tbat will be a strile for powar, b whi.>b tl..- Di-unioniKta may fO under. I ri-h being ttiiium on thia point, becanao it BOB-M to me that t.. thaM quiet, BaaaH.ti.e nieu we ahould lonk, if to any IB tbr; South, fnr the acfmn whieh ia tn bfing the traitora baek to rt-ua*ri »»- toyalty. SL-ce it haa becoine __Kurately knowu how fur the tnaiou of the South Cftrolu.ii.ns haa goiie, and tbat Major Anderaon haa not yet bIiowii any aiguc of an iutention to bombard the City of C_if-iatia. the publie feeUng is quiet, thougb truall armi»a of very badl)-drille.l tne are tyiof in wait for the MHBMM tt mmVtm t«> the uaaitt- arue of their heroie rattleanake br-.iiren. Wi-re I a Sontii (arolinian, with any taxable property, l ahould moat devoutly pray that thi<ae rampant loldiera might atay in Georgia, unlesa they w-uld bitid tbemselvea to pay for their own whisky. On the other hand, were I a ifenrgian, I think 1 would vote lor ptf.g the whiahy, if tlie lel lowa would only tuke tbemaelvea olf to tho gory tield. 0_e ef these sora of Mara aaid to me the other duv.ho live* ia Savai.uah, I inu-t tell ion." If tho Abolitiouiata want tn aend down againit ub ai. unm, wa_ know how to rereive them, I rerktm." He looked ao dutholi.ally ma- heii.ua tbat I a»ked if ln- had any aperi .1 pfctt. " I reektn bo,' aaid he, "all we'vo gof to do ia to let the water into our nce tielda. and by aud by Ytliow .lat-k wi.uld light ou tlie whole N'nilli- ern erew. and you know well «noti_h that hi» gtip ia ttttt," A uice Chri.-tian typeof a »oldier, tbat yeaag >»an Oce ran-ly baa ao jti.od au oppi-rtuuty of learniiig tLe opinion of hia felluw-rreatun-a BOB .t-ruing biuiaell and thoae wlmin be reprr-enl* «¦ iall* to the lot of a etirraipi.deut of 1 HI Tkiiii n thia Southern land. 1 thia uioruing mtmMi ul an mfonnal raeeting of citireu* aud I'.al". r». held iu tbe publie rtK.m of the lu.te!, to diBrtini. ihe uffuira ot tl.e QatioD and topic* t-u_giat. d bj tbat au'-jeet. It appear* t.iat Bome Sotitln rn iuau reaidiiig at tl.e North had Bt nt down a cop) of your "inceudiary ahei-t," which cotittiiuetl iundr> Ut.e.a wriltin fr.ni th:* vi.inity. The moat eager intereat waa mani- feried b> tLe crowd to l^aru the uame of tb_ wnter, and varioua oonjeetiirea were hduarded. Anni'g ______ waa thia, that it murt be aa iuJ:- uduul vtbo had nrentJ) piw-ed through tho |oWB for tl..- i.t. i.ri.le and prainewortby purpoae of rariac, bj Bitraetka or tmmtttmm, <-orua ujmhi the ttth He bad ealled bi.naelf a "chiropedi-t, and thia aui-pirioua, inemiiprahaad_.. *id, aa it apl-eured, unpronounceable uame routin-ed tin- bat-riKui iaaaiaitara, who no* raealBd tha riat-, tbat Le war tl.e rrmntial. Tlu) nul) viiiiii-.l the) had him. Othera dei land thit tlie) ili-ln't believe thal waa the man, for he laaaad "like aafbod) rlae," and it ranie out in Iho il;*- t-ii amu that ui-i-ording to popular bt.af iio BM waa even ninoNly coMKCted vtitu Tm Tkihi Kl wl.ii had BO. a liowing benrd, atrai._'.' pl70 lt*. mi u iii.'-l ^N.e.lliur hat. The inno^eut " Chiro- pidiat," tiM., had a P..a. Bad it 0tt w.-ll U' di rati ..d that ttltnT) _M Mfllfeiai tkt d.ti_»-r- oua pn(ri-r war a eoiiaialent imti-n-aia-ant in prin riplea nt.d |.rartir.'. " .n)h..w." aaid on.-, ju-t Irtfre »l:i« In-ekiiig up ot tlie ¦aatiag, " Wi'te got to look aharp after tlu M f<-_"WB, and I re- k> 'i thin'd bt a'aaag-H pwUj nn ___' iraoaaajbi one of 'rm.'' I did not think it nec-<iry to giw- audilde e - prrwioD to my thnnki for the honor inten.|e,|. but 1 tnift I wna a|ti>ropiiat» ly grateful. Tl.-. ataoding ruinor here ia that Tur Tr.iitrvr ainl A."t..r Houie have Ih en aaeked hy a MO. "I atarviii^' lalmrera, and that Mr. Or.-iley hat Ut-.i banged in the City Hall I'ark. One feela au a!- mi-»at irreaiatible iticlination U " m-H " then- fil- lowe, tbe) are ao ft!"t<iuiidiiigl) igiiorant aboal B. North. ao -reduloua of auytliitig told th-ni ti lbe prejuditv- of the Ilepiiblii-ana. a voii:k khom thk hkkkn hountvins C--e*l*--->'«« - Ibr m. Y. Tribuiif. BiMiiiriMi, Vt., l>or. 30, IHiil. To Norlri.rn men who lotro tbeir (VMint-y, thre* tnodea ol aetion nn- jirea-nted for rhoioe: Tirtt.- To wait the developnient of evetite, ohmrvo Uie I'rtr-deut a Kuat ue_t triday, trunt in Providrnce, and keep on waiting. tirrvnd: Aaiiit"i\idu-_a. to quii-tl) prepuroumlioiii-l. inuaki ta, und w e that Wl Bl- not foreatalled iu the .xTupaniy of Waabiagion. Third: fljenimd ayrtemutlf orguniiation, alftion of tnie and ermpetent leadna, iiiiiilitry drill, _jid tlioMugh prepatation for the wonrt of emergeniiea. ln tbia liltle Ktate of Vtruumt there are t-oojian. wbo wuuld willin^rly qnii und go to Waabingv-ii at tlieir own iBptnae, to eee that lbe inauguration -.1 .ui e.iiir.liiiiliiiiiaIl)-^U--t«d Fn*ideiit ia not previ-nti d bv fon-e, if tbey were eonfident that by g ing they i _uld Maaaaahab any praeiicable gcaai. lbe prapaiaaaa M auib ajourmy with ruo_t would require tiine; and i- auch a iieeeiirity ia likely to exiat, comt-rt and orvun imiioii ia nt-eajuMury. All they want ia to know hoir dnt v, ui. the opiniuna of thoao wbo are in a poaitiou lo kio'w tbe wanta of the oouutr.v ar. to be bet-.li-1. TbnB fur Thk Tkihi m haa pieaerved aileui. ou tlieie |K>iiita, bal mallera aro hurryiug TtfUh to a < umh; and, if i' wonld not be lontrury 10 vour idta* of tle pul-lic xood, we in thee" parta woubi Uketo na. vourviewaou tiie pointa here iniperfe. tlv pr.sni_-L ' MOL'NTAINK.KR. ¦ GOV. I'KKINSS CALFMNT f>S TIIE Ni:W YOKK VOUMKKRS. To I. riitor of Tht A'. V. Tribunt. Hik: Inurareut ajieech mad.- hy (lov. Pit-kena <A Houtli Caroiinu he allowed hia good aei_ar io d.ptu1 for a time, iu order to givt utit-iaiie. lo a uu*t uiwid.ni. m* aUittmeut relativi to tl.e New-York v_lunt-«ni tliai »ci\ediu tlie wiu- with J-e.Mfo. TluU K*-llleB8_B (1) Baaa.d ia pabatBiaa niai ut lhi batUa af Cliurubnaro, f.ugbt iu Auguat, 1S1T. ia wliitli tin- N-w-lork regi- iiniit and the l'alim-Uo rt .iir.ent fou^dit nide by ode, lhat the former abowed a waul of pbyaiud toiiruge, while tbe latter ptifoniiod frata ol val.r. Thiaatau.- uieut migbt do very well for rbetoriraJ ttt et, and mftt to ereate a f__BB J ride iu tlioae Bnutb Caroliniuna who do nol know tbi. ttttt in tb. ___.. Hi^ "7 und ihe re- portaoi tl.e §mmmi ojkara arho t-a.k p rl iu ti.e kattla Bbov* IliilailBll U' iitidthe tertimo.iyof l:viiigWituiN--a, ataie that the New-York regiment n-rf oui. ilid tlnir dtitv, bnt pirfoimed a promita-iit part in tlie triiiinph* arl ievt-l bv the Ameriiana iu that baltle. To piali the unalogy a little furtber, by t»ntru_ting the 1-rt* tt kiiled and wimnded oftbe Nuw-Yorkeia aud l'.iliu't-o reg.leut. it will be at-eii the loriner waa the iriraler. During tht war wiib Me>i''-' tb*- l.ii.lieal f.;..-Uuga 4'\i-<ed Utwe.il tb. N'.w-.'.rk u.d E-ba-Bo regi- i..i.t.. ur.i'.b. ,,... r"'li o__*eiet«eeat_e sarvivanj nt bntb teajim fttta, abd Boboa. aii be r.oro laieibil Ibea-n *..:>* __>.l_-i adSeati when tbey r.,.) .' e ralnmnioua aa_*rtk_a of th.ir G "V'Tiior. I fiuir.lv aeadrfi lba| rv\ ayafatliba bave baea with Baitrtl CaniKna; bul >. t'< <r nata'a n tie pre*- ort BBM-l-aa] 4-ai. 6__ no OlboC Bafperl tban Ibata-fabod ay fo-abood, eltefed l-aeeabbmtcmhtt exeeativc "tii.er, ibcflaball btd 04. ftaaauD, Bad ).,,..<.., kd wbb ibooa wbo bare ttttk ea ii-;,-.;.b. a N a-taaaVa-i nttk, (O.VCILIATIGN I'HGl'OSEI). A i'.nu.vivittiiu ronaajMaieai prop.'*e»i ii_t |_a_i (i,-..lii:ii hhnll ici'i iliute ber *i'ter Staft* no fo.OWal " "lb.-h.nte ..| Baaak Ciu..ilrw dib.I, ttmttt aae «.i exp*'. .,.,. __ _..... ,i _- |_ha-_*_§__(. haa as k.ug in.-u.-t, tu (-" |T(t ; r, BM- BB ''¦ 81 Bb_ SSOkfV llt the HTi.rt offi. 4 Mr. ¦sarat-toaaaVaaai aat,tbtatmbIta ->-s_ p-ais-alissas -r.cr.d, _-kiiPwlr_getbe wr.nig-be huadoa. by luipr***liig aud lii.pil.uning f i -e.nieii fr..111 ollni.r btuK-a, g.'Ufy tt no rri ., _b.BB -l.e I- -id-'-J- BBBBBaJ. to th* _..Bgl rorapact, to tvke fr.jm i...rlf ti - g ¦*.* ._..t nur n«rt Dal fr?; t_B.| makr no u ., _r__*| f.. rtli, .*____. l.rr trocpa fron. th* r biti-d ti.«.e-r.rt. mb,aaaa*t*_-_Bsajttttt ftmt tum*--. *i».b, ¦alu IB*1-Bi_.I Bl BtaBSaaS..a fot all thr daiuage doa* or SSBBB-8* h4.-ortier.iM,.n.torhrfnit_d.->'ateao.-to_iyHtlwn. .'*.NS Ma!r«. a. far a. in lier pS**r| aeveutb. ,ir» a.i8ic_»Ot **- e-.-'itj 0 beins brreafli r . qalet and peaaealile rSta.lt. .' t4Luul.i B "lb li Iii.. au U,i*. th/re -i.«-y kv ro h-dtatloo ln _>U.gthat_«allarf.It>a. who haieao loug, wltbool a mur" _iir, paid r.onrlrod.o. tbroaai.d-of dnllar* for thn tnirport of ber po.tal BWvIbS *"d t'uatou. Ituuar. -UI .yjutlaue to a-H-t b*r chrrrfolK aa tbey bave alre.dy dou*. H." SOITII CAROLINA. ¦ AT-ftlA- *l D vv a s. 11». F\n t 11\ _C-_aBEa, "Tm" l^w _-oo< it riott," f CaaausTOB, Not. lf, UMfc S In K. |.ti mlior Inat, ¦oaoral gentb tne.i of I'liarieoton mot to confor in reference to tbe rorition of the Souih in tbe event of tbo aaaa.IB of Sir. I.ini-illl uud tlie !_.-1 -.ibiii an party t<' aawer. Ibsa iiti'.;rn_l aoaUug wnr ll.e niigiii ol tbe nryaiiirjitioii knuwi. iu lliia i-ui- nini.ttyiu. "'1'nr l^Nl Avx.iiaii"s." Tbe olijo<tr ol Ibe Arwxii.titnare: t'ir.- lu i-.iilui t ii crr. H|ioi! laaee with 1> ading n.<-n in ike Sonth, aud, by an iatanbaaje of itiforina- tioa und vii wa, pn-paie ibe Hb.vo Bt.it.-o to uietl tlie. impeiidiiig .tiirir. , t gsraBBi Ita paoeai-i pritrt, and ostribnte ia tba Blavt >t.iten traeta, poaifa-ete, _^.,daa_aodteaa_bn »),, n 10 a c.nivi' !i"t> ..( tb. ir darger, anrt 10 urg.- tho ce.irrity of rtaitting North. r;i and Federal aggrea- ri..n. Tkrr,l; Toiii'|tiire ir.to thia ib-f.-n-eH of the htateatid lalolle.taalanaaaa h-areartoa abkb aai. ni-i ibe I/C. i>biti:r. lo etii! li-b promptly uu etlt-ctiv.- military i>i_Biibaiien Totrlcit ibeeeobjeete, a brief and MBBja Co-lUta tion war BBo.itad. fnagtinfj h Plaafcia_,adaeralltraaad 1 n-t.ri.rer, lil.d aa Kxirmive I'miitliiltie, Bae*__lly cbarjiid wi'b ."niliicting tbe biirinee* af IM AsOD ia- ik-ii. I »ue liutidie- aii.t rixty-oix th'-neaiid paiupbleti bu\o been publkbod, tn.d doaaaa. lor furiiior aujipliai a.eit leiveii fi.'ii. tiery .juMner. Tba Aaoociati-iii i* n«w p._-)..i< neieihl _| tbi-ui throuxb b *»C4>ud und ttii.l c.'iti"!.. ll.e t <nvonti..ra in *. veral of tho f-.nthern Stntea vs i:l r. on te ele.t.d. Ihe Norlh io |.re|.iti in* to aooltiO ruid ooi.nliute ib.- loatb, b\ .bcLdaaia mi'l ovort.ae. 'j fr *«. i m "t '..> /«''. v "¦o'lid t-i iiaattitai to tm trntH -1 __ai ' '. s "'.d ttdeptttihtce, nnd it * .,, , r .-..../- .' ./. Tk< dianriefara < mrtmaru i (*-*.- wttk tktt apattal thjeei. Fuinla aie aaaa.an toenaH. _ toact anaaptly. " flio |4r»0 Ao*. _.iiou' i* Ut-oiing for tl.e Si.'ith, nnd aoko voti. alil. lam 4ei. -**«..tfu.lt. >..¦' oh*4l»l.l .e-vai.t KtlBf.l I S .-.)! HUfN, .('balruian of l_S KirruUv. ('.uimr'tee. KK< M r.'KT Ml rVm:K .l\TIKI'r4TINO IJffl'flU, r-tu- Ttt |r»a iaiilk iiaa*.. \V. jul'l-l. k .*> IBTO Itiier* _aai an o.licer in ibe ¦ad ct Aiiij. Aadenaa la * ia__i*ala__B«ilv, trhWh now anrsar for Iba 9tm\ t.n.o. Ibay a_l ae foillrd "Ir. t ly n.trrtBtUig, tt* oxhililling tlie |x._thtm bjkI uiteiili- it el the imtilroHi al Folt ^;|lllU.r: Foht Mo-arata, i>ec. :.'., i*xi. Hi i>) .i. Fat-BBi l-ul^ iWs ¦araiagiaroasa aace ui\i ti ti. ib-ai out ibe w i.-i.-n and ia.iti-co.un.it.inia, and HM .ai in *| Ua ot rail. aud fua/, baa t> «n .-n«- ol h_rJ vrork I buvo i.ikrd^veryfiiuig upexorpt the .im- l.rt olotcont- of n -t.l.lior'a e<iuij.nn i' tbal ir. knifo aad f'.ik.t ..il.-l.pirh r. %. Ivor. »iid inyftotit.l.-barrelad gim a blank.-t or «o i-iimjiU-l-my luvuriea. 'I (,r |..IiK4rl ueUj glVea >Ui b_V the eiM.loait men I* about twOBty daTr, v*bon ibaCViM.Wtaaoraa.i.111__aaa irtuni-U ti'in IV___fa_tO.. TasajOO may look for the laidi-t kiud t.t rt.'oni.. Waata m* .<> jiVoeaj that ur. i|4<< l" f*ivi- au.-h .a .MOBB1 of ourwelv*** at| our tiiei.d- ne«rxl i.o! bo arhan.od »t. Vot it will ba al- u,..«i iu i aaa j u«i la -batkrj t....t r..riu;i.l_fur.»' -iivuld Orb-cl-Ulj i'rriare lor wt.i.t BIBI/bodf u.W «_o* ll.llrl tO li.4 Il-iUli. Ilirre I i.v. I.. n .et a few nd'er* ..f aid from tbo Sertaara Htauo. lUgiaaeata woald iaa»a, aad la ttamy, aad it ir h_ba_ oao al tt. n,.«.t cbeeriag | _._gt»-iu .! tuiii- ur rx,. ii. ii.c tl.at w,e havo. videnit- ol pracli* .uir,id|_th) but at <> *i*will oo aaawead..aalaa bj oiuir i.i tho peoaee Doearaaeai at WHoiiingtou. |Vewi-t~ t..rii.t_iii tbeirouit ofmir p..eiii..u wiih HiaahaTi Iba attatt oi u.o aaak ;.<>t.l.- ibeyare |*i!n<ily OflO lb* rt-utu-ent of dnug Un-n duty.a.d j.tl-.it ..neof tbebaatavldMieeBo. taelreoB-aa] aav I* !. ui.-l iu tlo fact thut BOl a mai. ha-dei»-rtt«!, or Uen iln.uk, 1- r ut_il> tbroe uiM tb*. llard bi work al BVOtyBja. ln.* t.e«n, _e art) now retmmf ni4.tr in e_nie*t. Iaa H<a»| ii.1 an_ t»o coti'-mi- itaot-" of ui... b_Mlajea and l.ut. Wete mivod i.ioi.l* iii* moruiiig, tbeeah Hw aurgiou a.nr ttioru will l.e few u.on who w.ll nol be killed onrii/bt, as only tbe bead ran ir-.hrlot.riUj e *««ti fr.-ni ..iitai.le; niul tta iho Pi-ii:id ir. i.uu.1 "i aarbaaaa.a_ bave >t ali to oai-thraOa aad 1 a'lpl*** atfl ha- n-reli i*u_.l n.un*xj ,te- ly u.oteetteajlive ti.nn could be d.'ix with o*. many ax.ur.d. 1 n- |* arr abeail organirod ;o attaik tw; moat of thr arri.tiK'montr are c.iiiph te. wo liarn; tbe plun of attaeb io aol * -mot. in.iee4| K.-rt 6aailat w.ll b.- B4i/id by tbi-ui; a battery will be -nl. ut M.utit I'l'.irai.t, aaatbei ea tbi* _>_jid Tbi te, then, will Ut Ht tl.e _i.yle* ot a ll___fo. of wbi. li we are to be tiie ii-i'er. KiMorneii uml ix-luti n* ot aiwaiiif will _0 thn I ebae WOrk. Kvery nitrbt a Ktmnior, aometriniv twq, tonieo doWll witb li i-aiiiple "f gUJio and a foruo ol iut-a t watcb its ai.d prevent io4»..forc*»ineiit* «eaward. Mata ra legle t" i"«k nbi r, quito _. *..tH»r ua Baybadji tn rd d. riie. Tha paapla Msaareaaarly anay, ooao. trv je<|'lo j'Biiir.iliirly. and u Ultle bbn-d let uui/ Bol bartn t.iem ui.i. b. K.'Kr S.BTii, Kveninif, Doo».1 M. I 1v.au liiiirn: lb-ore it io n iict.e* you, yoa will M-babs. bav* learfied Uiat we bavo Lt.-rally "tiiken the bi.i! l.y lb* l.onu-. .sooii after huiiboi ibia on__a_i at araeaaieel Kort llnuitiit, uud me now eotabbt-ed iii ibis iniprognable fort.***, where w. uio perlevlly uiiiil'I'ioHcbnble; while, ul lhe aiiuie liuie, wo raaaasaad partt.Uy iho aarhor ana t'ort Meabrailiaelt. Vreaeli ban beaa MMl iawa'eaoiy o%ht,_a_ baea wiit'bed aa clfra-l,, wilh it \iowlo prevmil tl.ir very ¦oaa, but aa bav-4' aeatbeaeal them. Humih ln Waj' Aadanaal wabaaaaBaia thut ir n.«t ¦_¦.lefta ap4 nribility, and who tuul niorv jiuignivul and a l. iu r ae.aa ol duty than bave ordmaiily guided pubbc aaa. At IVrt arloultrie. WO ciild not fail to have *>ic- ciinib4-4l b4 foro tho Urgo fortv that wa* pmbnbly on tti. j.int of b._ej laaaabo- ugninrt u*. BalaiaaB bat- teiiei", a li*e fne il TmV men atid u lew .-<Jumnn of ao- aa'tl', we meet havo been tt.rred to yield; aKbon/li it w. uld uol have been without tbe loaa, perhapa, of everv man there. Maj. Anderoon haa l-*.n delii/btod with tbo tannpe. atid aiuit of tl.ir little lorumand, not a m .h of wtuch wcukl buve ttiiiihed froia uny otru_i;lo that might hate l-efallon na. We are not io be tombed here. lt C four timeaaa large aa Fort Monltrie, but the walbi hio nxiy fett high, aud no landin. ran be mude. Ibe.e ir> but one regret; that la, thut Kort Moultrie lould not have been t.lowu np. To-night, however, evorytbing that cau be do*lroyod will bt?. I aui oure a gei.eml feelingof relief will Ih. experit-nced by the country at lui^e at thin atep, taken aolely upon Maj. Aadeiaoa'e roiapoaalbiUty. Not a oian at the fort had the aligbteot intiinatioti of tl io roove, nnd only "Of »r two ohVera, until ttie ino n.oi t it wi.Hoxe'iit.d. Gnr prnperty and tho fH.nihos ure all oafe hen*, with hix tnoniba' provtVionn, ho*.)ital atore*, _ 4-. ilo gun* at Moultiiu are spiked und lha Iaaoaaacatdowa, aotbat aeP_.wtto_af eeaoTar loal <>n that ati.k. Tlitre ia already a_i-e.it c-cile- uieut in the tily, *igual rocketa are tired from tbe irlni.d, bol it wurtiM) b.te, wo have de.iledl) got tho bull by the nin__o. Tbo reveaaf <an be collci ted now, ami tli.- Ai'ii i. ii-tintioii oaa della duty if it wiil. We ali tl ink we bave it ot the H^ht tbing, boeaeai ve gre alr. ti/¦ r thim e\i r; aud altn<>-itfli wo left our old 1.¦ n.o \t iti " -r. t. and dbdikod muih to waota- tho labor Uh*l bu« baatt la^iahivt tbat-, we aro iia.iiieatioa- ably uow in onr nabt ib>4-e und pi^ition ur aoldiera mi i iti/trir. Wi did niK leave from t'o.ir, but btH-amtc il,. H- < nr Mooa wonld bave been i_*L-o*ly -i..-.!. Hm-h, ril. b lt tbilig ifc iiilp.-ell.ie. -.li:lee,. iln -»¦ | ...| le ire I.- t,, uiiiit-tl to butt lli.il Iu i.'in iiguin-t t.oaa W'ulla, niul 1 bopo th. v have bratna onon_h left v<< io atteuipi tbat. T<-i'i"ri"w nu.'-'iitig. tbo otar- aads-riaaa will be boieted orer on new poaitkn, akboaajb thesigUi will otiu_ Nji.th Carolina to tbe _ab__ a Tlii: FATK Ot MAIiYI.AND OCT Ob' TIIE l MGN. JKtnv YNiiiUr Uutia baa writluo ua aduurabaa lillertohiacon-titurntahiihe Poarth Diatriat, f r ti .. wLt.le _l wl.it h we « iah wetould ladt- na How t.uly and fordbly do-a be pr.-a.nt to bia fellow-.i'L'.*'- IM inevitable niiuuqnei:i-aot the aeo-aaion ef Moryland, upon ihe intet'-aiH Bf Slavery , «"'! apoa the cM-B-MOl and buaineaa ot Hultimore. B*a*|ai If tlu- pr.ielil (iov.-nuueli. bc i'es!i'">'i I, j-lf] - biid alavih l.'ir-i luBethalroulj gOB.Uity fot IM "- lr ru i.f tl tir BSBTBa Ktery ri*MBmtrrfir.l line ot e >m- m.itii- ll.a ia r_\eifd. Cuati-m-Hwiiae 88-.-. ari-et l.crtaeieb-BU al every ir-.u'i-r. tier c.unner.- oa tln-ot-'-i. ir'iepie; ri'iviiv |-irat* OT t'.:e. ai)--rt of even uiutiline power. H_rgf__rl r_ilmud lu.a*-ecry rtlBtarli-B wl'ull il-llkea il Vul illule. ll two i-.p.i-- liir oiviie the Territoiy of tl.e Ui.it.' Suitc*, liury- Lii't. ia n it.rd wli.hev.-r ah» join. If th* iuttth, '-r will wi.lk -vi r lb* l'.::nia)lv.ti ia line i.u- ii.i li rieil. 'I'. e Alni'.iii rl.ive ti.'le will rodaea. their naih'-i vtlue bal-iw the coa'of ra__ng or auppotting tba.i; nnd if tbey Uwl i.ot BBacoad t'ley wauM be al uiidei't-t) l.y tl i ir ui«*i_r_. Free-trade will oten -very port, aud cotton und Wi.'oll'll flU'tOlii r, __M thi 'l!""u lilid ¦BBatia* Work. <>f Maryl.id would ue proatrate h-fore Earopeaia mmm- liiioi . The ejijet a*a of Oovrriiuioi.t _u_-t be doubled by tire itrf-tbiit ttt e-aily of u larire rtamlii,./ army; for i Tl tl e roiiditi'.i.- of prrnnt nruriiy will be goue, 'ind a grtat Ntulbein pearet di»id_d iroa ua by au :ih _;._, t. ili be an ever-imt tnding duiijier. ln the war o. _*.;.- iiration, and ever after, MaryUnd will he an outgotug j rovime, witbor.t a foitilication or aaataral botiiidury. alwava ov> iruii ut tbe fiiat rouid of ..ima iu_apable of bt ir g defended by the weiker power of arl i a. aaa will bi- a |«it, wliow- uutiir-.il line ol ileftHBM muat b. tl'<* Poton ae, und on tLie ride of wl ich uo -outaerii aruiy w ot ld vei ture a de< ui. e battle Tle hope that Bt.l'iiiior. will be the emporiiiui nf anch a Keptillie ii a iieliu-toti too ii-lic iloua to need ref- utatioti. Nothii.g inteiid i ttt the Smttli will ever p_rn Norfi Ik; ai.tl m m tle Weat ladiea we will oe m vi r. d by ciuti it -honaea, duliei, aud poli-i.al aulipa- li'ietf, in favor of New-Yor». Ia I't-t a Southern Itapal Uc new to Marvlaud 1 Jciuing a Noitbem one iaequtilly ao, ifat-ted li~«_i define tl elimiia *f tl.e two Bae-Mata. Tbe alaye iu teieet will b»- iuatai.tlj daHllijadl the great railro_d to ih. Wett ia cut ot. at Haiin-ir. Ferry, aud B.ili mote becom.a a tribu.iv to Ihe OOtitral f.u-rylviuiia roinl. All her 8-iitliern and Souili-We.tern U.la ia giT.e. and ber f-/i«igu aoaaMf-e (aa aeek lhaBBBBB oi.lt b) tbe luvor ol Virgir.ia or indt-r the guna of a powentil ravv. Iu wur rtili w.- a e the lr.nuor, and our aoil will l"e den.lated by the eo.it.nding armi.. Oar n.aiiufaitiiiing imlti/try wi.l be b-tter mnured; our r. iliiary tnn.tiei will be'bei tt pioected by tlu- Polimar; onr ftreign coumiene vill have tba pm' .-- li.ii i f a n_iritiu:e pow.r, uudwi alull BB EfBfl fr-.u. tl.e hiin.iliatioii of a European pratectofittaj but th* ai._i:tn ui.d abt-tliite dnitruni "U of ihe rlaveh-iltJing iniereft, ut d ile rucical change iu tlie relatiiua of o n |-piilation will gite a abm k to our ii.tenml qtdal Bad pi.rjeiily tbat tu-ithi-r thia nor the next generatiou will reco'ver from. 1IIN0K ITEMfi. Fi.iiRio* Bo>i'".-Bef. re llorida entered tho Ui it ii aha haaada B-IHoae. taraaf doOari efbpQ., wlieh were taken hy Ki-glia bm-kera. Tliey w^re ti. ver j.i.iti. ni r waa m}W0M ti them ever 'laaumetl by the Oeiiei'_lljov«i-i:meiit. A eoiuuiiraioii waa apiK-i :'. rnii e tb* tiinttcr a fcai yeai* rinee, wliii-t «a». in I.-.i.don, bal rituilly eo_clt.cal tbat t.oihiig eould tio .1- ii. fi r tl e 8M.liata.aa I.I.a, while ameTibeiof the Ui ion, eould ik.I be . o. n-ed le pay. Bal if H.ridu g(.ea _ut and beei.i. ea an iude|rMiiei't uanou ihe boud- h. I.era will probuLlv uak l-e Biiii.-h Oovernmeut lo nmjel l: yn.tnt ol lier. 11 lima bv aruied Ion e. Mia- ihaqipi Baa a a_.ar pmapeal befo'. her in reginl to her ii | uiiiattd b«-i.da. Here are two war* Lii I out ttt the new Southern UooMaiaiJ, iu addll __ ta iti daa- gtia of ivil und aervile oue.. Cott or It..Saya Thr Vtrkuhurg (Miaa.) Wkigt " At lbe k*a.t pfeaj. le eitiniute.i. willroat $J>,tiOQ,lrW to m_intain the Sute of Mi.-iaaippi *ut of lla. I'nion. All of tl.is will have to ka _*ad by din rt tu-utionon ber i-eotile. Are tlu v remly for iinyoub en.ergenry ?" Probablv we ol K-ntirkv had be'.ter wait ii Iii ile while aud a..- low >;i--_irippi geta alotljf w ii h her mfbi-r aerioua underta'-inK. Perhapa abe will take it hilo her h.ad to get over tho whole ditficulty by iaming ker '. bonda. Pl 1 M Kl ON KrvTt'CKT BbC-S-IOB, ''<i_, how abali I grt out of thia ? " rrii-d a horne drowning iu tbe river. "Take bold of my tait," anawered a itiniae ujon tlu--l.oie. I.hapa Soutli Camlit-t thinis tha Ke-tutky, invohed iu all the born.r- ot n-volutio ai.d i.order war, mi^iit tiud mftty iu taking bold oi ber tail. Thi- |foBTa*Waai ITiaiaMaWi- Whfl* tbo I'nit*. S'atea Arrenal in IL* tity ol Tha.Katon haa bemi fur- ni-l.ed by Haaratary Kluyd wftb 71,000 aUlud oi arma during the laat four )eura, lbe Ameiiul ul HpringtirId in tbia (Staie har uot, fur aa we know, re- e.ved a <nu of atiy -ort wbatcver. There are in tlutt orUtbl-ahment imt u.'.re iluu ti i.ty u.u-keia i.u afe 9t for Mrviit.; ui d u.t*t of lbe oiLer Fiee Maten ate in the aaiue dea- tttute c-udition. There aj.ptura lo have be.n a .y*'.e o.lii- et'.i-il ou tbe pait ut ti e Pre-idt i.t und hlr 0.*V net io aaa, ao far aa they rmild do a> withoit ex-itiug alarm, tbe wh'-le |xiwer of the Oovernmeut iu fllliiig lbe Soulb with uiu..- aud uiuuiti "tia of war at tbo ex- [eme tf tbe N-rth, ui.querli. u.illy with a view of peiu itiiiig Ibem, at ihe proptr uiomeiit, to fall iuto iet.lba_.-a. 1lie etfort l.ua l-een r-i l'_r aui r.-aati.l lhat if ihe ailitia of the Nor;b-VS't--t were ealled upon to i.i iu tl e euf. nenient f tle lawr, it la proba'de lhat n!l tl a (ii.vri-niu. r.t iiiu.k.la in tl.e aix State. woald be i.r' iltieut for the aruing of three n-gimenta. Thia r- uiiiliou of tl ii ga uuiat I e u.el by Sta'e im tion uiitii ». h line M tbt- IMmbI Oovi rnmeut, hy tlie vtsrdict of the pi0,'lei, ia tiai.rfnred la bauda tiuU will u.t make it an eii_iue for protx.OMiig, ei.coar-^ing, and re. Witrdii k treuron. [Cl ioiKo Tribune, Dee. _.. piKAiuti -hraiaiai "t lemna. T_bb.aoait W. A. LUia, wlich artivai here froiu New-York, ou Vt'eiiiureditv laat, bad on board 500 barre la cein.-nt, -011- ri_i nl to ort Muuline. We 1.ru lhat ita delivery to the Iniied Stalea oft.ier* baa aaaa prevented for the pr.-n i.t, and that it will be pbioed in atore. T_o figbt-l-W*!- alongr-ide taking tbe eetiieat oa boa d when tbe order for itr non-delivery wa_ laaalfad. We are ii f'.nned that a larfM bloek ol graiiite for Kort Sin_trr, pft>bal-lt Inteudcd for a car.-uiute, now liea on boyec A Coriijanv'a North rV.tff, |( iar.i.tui! Ciuri. r D*r. _». Phii tnri phii Mimtai.t PUPi-IKB nm Mhivuk. . The Thtladtlphta Jmjumr of yeaterday i'nnt:u:.a tbe follow ing atatemetil: rkune of our military coin a- niea are preianng tbemrelvee forany eoiergeucy wiii h iii.iv uii«- in lbe preaeut trouble-. Neat I u r|. y i-vi i.in. I'lirj i.ny A of tl e PUl-delphu 1 jgbt Ouaid Kigimetit, Cupt. C. I.- Miui/e-, wili meet at ibe State Aintii.l foi -dijll, wiere booka will be opened for the . -ioIIii . nt of vi_i__u< men. to cll the nui-a r-.p ..m.-r? to otiennf. aerxiie iu the tlefei.ae of the eonntrv. We leuii! tl.ut ii[-| lu Miiour lor niitibeml.ip of other miUta ry or»_ .>.i...M>'iia un< anuaoully nunierona Brns or SiioT-Or-ta and Pi»toi.«..Theextra.-ta which follow are Irom a l> Her wnnen bv a lady, B tiaiive of Hoatou, who livea on a plantation in Oeor gt*. The lettei ia dattvd iltc. 15: " I aee uo pornible h"p« of auving the Ifni >n unleaa tla- Nortbt-iu people repe.il iu intaiiatel) tbeir olmo.v- ionr lawa, iLiut do all in thi ir p >wer to a^peaae the ex* titeti feeliiiga of the South; und when d._nnion roni'-a, Hiiiven only knowa what will be the fate in atote for ua. at.d I niay have no oaBOftnakl of hea.iiun troui m_v raiatioiia aud friendant tle North. I eel.iom go to Sa'vi.iirah. and hear very lt'tle about puSlir opi< iou, bul I'idfje frt. what I aee in lhi papera, aud all tbat cau Lr Cad bv Toanall aud otht-ra waa thoo.-o lo Ijok fuirly into tl.e aubjett. You uak if ' I hear unyibing about iiiMiirettion, A.C.. in tl.b naigiiborhooil.' We rl,. every t i/.N' with liaded rlrearma ai baud. 1 do not auv tHat we are aetually iu cLiiger, but aotiu- of roy ni tghl-ora are mucl. fiigl.tened, aud w* have beeu iui\ ln ti to be pre|atred. Three plola have Laiely raw-n iHaaBHiiail will in rix BB.ea of ur, in all of whi- r. the wbitea wi n-to Le luurden-d. The oue beaded by Iii- I rni, at SkitldaWHV, war e.xpl ui.e-l iu a letfe-l flM>Ul the Houtli publirl.e-i iu Bortoll. 1'he laat w aa found out b.r: wit-k. i ot two milta frnm ua. I do not i- -I at hlerty io ;rive the gentlem_n'i. n;.'ne who oivua the pluuii.iiou, for he ined 10 hu. h it up. Hia i.e.'io- had ren ivi d a letter fnun u white uu_u telliug them a ,;r. al (ieiieiiil waa cou.iiig to live tl.em, but tney muat tirat kill tbeir uiaater'a fauiily. It muat have been wr.it -n by aonie otie who ui.deiatiaal tbe iiegm chiirai-tor, for it'wu- wt 11 raliuLited to exrite their teeliugaf* " Tl.ere ia now a report that du...i>: thr t'hriatmaa hulidaya thert- le to be u n***g ou tue ialimla, aml if nn. .-~Ii.l ile lu.roiH will of t'OuiM loid ulong tbia al'on aud, aecoiditig to lbe report, ' buru our Iii«imm4 over our heaxla.' I .anitot hring myaolf tn beli.-v" it, bul it eruiij.lv ia Uot a |iear.inl tliiug U. think of. 'll.iii i* lo he uiwiing to-iuoirow, hiid a patr I ia to he orgi.i i/a d. Tbey n.uy perl.upB ob.iu tk.ie extra pioteuiou fnui towu." lavaoaaaa imkm arrra thi- Pwhob. Ib|b 7**« Ctmlirrl/ttttl (Md.l Ctrtittnoud TrJegraph. .' Our country it baing ilo-ded witli llimii ion doenm ..ta. Oui Meimtor iu tle l-'_i-l._ture uf AlarvLnd, lltm. Ti.onur .letli Tat.n M. Kui,', Ina received a iiiiuiUr of there j eatib-iii irodurtiotir, and, ii ia ruroored, ia htimly eii^uged ui tlu irt'ir.ulal.ou. We had thou-iit ketuir of our N iii.ti.i-, aml but uit. r lbe great rorpria* aud iu- digiiaiion wt.ii'li ia telt bv a Large luuiurity ni onrpoo- ple at thit etlori to r-.aiui-e audue ex> itemetit aad en- gender bitterue. and hate aiuong oar citiaen*- TMl AfT o.PlKWi IN ('HAHI.-aTON HlHBolt . The tran.fer of the United Nmti a n-venue e itter brig in Cbarleirton llarbor, the other day, to the 8«jeaaion leu'lera, aaya Tke Wmthtnklon ..._"-, waa k* K't.* and atrocioua au aet ol* naked piracy.aa ever wu* perpe- traieU. Hi r romniuuder, a Niuth Caroliuian, one uu.iiiii-K wioto to tl.e Ti.*ury Oi>partiueut B letter re'iguiig biaeommiaiion io th*_er\ioo of the Uuited Ptultr. On tl e .u!>' aftenmon Ii«_ir haTgr*! hv rr»w. nnd, prefei r!i:iK tn al 8 Ne th*. frtiw IbO <>h&f*ti'.ii of t i ir .._iba no l i i e>i Staita Buil.TB, awora ilinin it aa* i.iil.rf of "be irdopeud-i.t Stateof S4>uth t^'.irolina. iiad. htirtbf tbePabBcttolag, inuohdmai the v.-bboI ;wd b; j.;..;rt.nai"-'o tb». property «f tiie onid uil'.peiiilenl _tute Sc-ride Capt. O-ete ot Kuntb C-rollaa, wb>« ra- cerjtrr l.t'r-.yed nu- truet i.i tbe Hurbor ot <!__.__»_. tbe "lil.ei* i.t l.e v*. «*1 were: Kirat I.icnt. Vnetr- wad, S-.ot.d I.ieut. 11. <>. J'tter (u .'on of the Lit>. i-ore I'oiier), ind Tbird I.i* .r. If. J. <"._mbr_J oi Ui. Wbeu OtmUi t-w-.k jrttm --i»" ol Iba brlgla tba ii.,,.. #.f giaui|-, Can Haa. Ihey.liia.onj.talj r.iirvdta tbeii'y aadnaxliad llapapartaaal bare >'f OatUfa H' t; tkt an-lvea i wui'ing furtter ordera fhaa the l.ov- omment here. Tii>: Si'iKiib flpfs, Ma_ of tho aaaaaa that w.__ ar ikcd ui Kon Al .uliii.-, u.e aon in g -.xi oooditbm\tba ine'alj ii-a t'at t! Ui.itod Btatao OBoaae wiae «__*¦ I aaaaaa to bave in the tou.h-b. I**, b< i ig reinoved. Oar am iaa Lilhiv-Umviththi taers.. Ckarlettua..lan. -..Tne Coiiveniion ba.'e beeu dis- t-nafa g, a Itb rkaed do4>r-. how to heai in Mnj. Ander- 04 n, aud to make r'ort -i.tuter meleaa to tho Vaderal (ioM-ii.n.iLt. Yariouo plane bave been propoaed, hat tlu- naar-urta limtlly lil upon, hpo tw», whi.li it io im portatt tl at O igreae, tbe I'reaidcnt and .bt War Da* jarin ei.t rbould hiiow at onee, and tlirrcfore thov ap- peai _nt in Th* £_«*_.*, if not anticipa-ed ai \V_b- tiiKi.n. ln tbe firat pkiee all anprornbeo to tho Klute by b>tid | tu. wati led by State i-oope, u.uny of w.oin are ca\al- ry. Eveiv border iown not o: ly haa it? hiied polioe, luf it* n if »ety ^oaidr. TLeoi.ly aiiproaeh e_i¦_.g lo tl t PtaBi ir bv ih-h, and the nbjec't of tho Couventitm i_ to ijevent t.iiit.r.etiien'H by eitber of tbe aiaanela. tf v iih tl.eie aie fot.).tl a firat ranui . akag u id ,-kiitii.g Goiernor'a and 11.11* Iol_:i'l.-. tbe aecond, ti a abip .haniel rasBOBa from weat to eaat, and tbe entra. ie to wbut io | oiuted out by tbe light-booae; tbe tbird i-l in m I ir I ig tl.e *nntbeni c-ant, aod tbe fon.ti. ia a rii.all ooe, muii.ly uoed by fial.erineu. Bnt one of tl ere ibannelocau te uaed by T4j*aeb nf auy ai7c, ui d bi ii g baoyrd ont and pro»e.(i d by fhe Gov- einn et t, tl.e pnrpm- ia to de-trov, if need be._ll tbeee p.otettion* hi '. guire* to tbe harb-.r and city. Al o r-e.-ret ordera bave heea given, if nocd Ih-, to keep oi.t rcent'ircemei.ta by aea to,eend veooela in *__» oi tbe four Clumnclo. Ttve 4ruio. U aucb here) tbat thort will i,41 be a m. mta__ hc-it.itioh 'o a*i_o iipor. any ven-ela in port tie. torary for tbat purpoiie. Krerythuijr ia i.|. ti u war footing. Tu* Fi»i.c»ii Loan SraTr.M..South Carolina !«_. Nuurauua, t'r.na Ki.u, und GuiU-rJiiiab., or ihe S' a. nt Mi ,\i.", i-i euu-rii g upon tl.e for.ed loun ay*teia. I'l.bfic opnien eoBBBOBI a man 10 leiid to tbo State ua i-i Mexiro. On one tV ie ofi.oo.Jj, woitb about $1 >,0Q_ B iind 1. -an war levied by thi* " pnbli. opuni n |3,C0t.! Tl e tu_atiou upon negroee ia Irifntfal, ^J. 1 er ead. I ioy tbat dame inu»t pay lor the liddb r. Thk I'miiii Statk!. Vasaau 6tat_nikd tr Caaattrroa,.Tbe reaeaaa eaaaat wld io imv.- t.iki n by tbe aeeeeabadaai.I fj_a.aaaa i* an old \,\k*- b". t, n. w .-hli'-d tl e Aiken. She ni.-niito no gina and i.. ii erely I iied by (iov4-r.iinent, and in im-.l aa a c-.'ter. Tl eio bax been i,o Ui.i od Stat.a reveuurciitierot, .h;- ?tuiion rinio >-54, wbon ole foundered in ag-11 at tbe barbor, and all handa wero loet ex-ept two of tbe cr. w. Tl.e otl er veori-la of tho li.it. 1 Sf'iie* ii> ( I. lUriou bnrbor are tbe mhoui99t IVtiel formeriy beloniii.g to ibe War or Navy Deiartiuen.: aaOH nervicodiiiiirKftol-loii.iHWiir-.Blf uow tireai +* a qiaiuiitine hi.lk duri... tbeyell<>wfever ni'.nrh*. bt-ina MBed by lhe Trensury llt-p .rtmeiit U> tlie Chaii-nttai Board tM llealtb for "that p:irpo*e. The light-: tei der rthooiier, Goveruor Ak.-u ia ured Li tranoji'irt i' g -iii| li< - io tl.e lixht-houaea and in reuiovingami re| la< i. g buoya in tb« hurbor. Tbe anrvoymg a bix- iitrCrawfoid wa_ foraierlv a reve-ue ..Oer, BnJ W-' tie llag-4ip of tbe reveuue tleit tn l>-3i; d..ri:i_ thrr Nnllifuaii.'ii, abe, witb eixbt otber*, capt ured and took pe-WlioaOflbe t-mu»,».U..iibiig General Hayne; tb -;. M-I.ioier Crawfoid ir iLe i ld oue of tb*t name robuilt.. Sle 1* now engHged aeraniag tbe hairwir and iiilorttr mar Cbarleiton. Tbe dCaaiatlva eteamer rire-VTIv ie. art ourvoy), ptirclaied of COaH.ldore Vand. rldfr. .or tbe siirvcv of ibe Suvunnah river waa two Bl aa tbe aaaaaea tiom New-Y..rk ia Cba lerum, h_*__C to keep in abore. A t'..lt'a revolver placed on a piv4>t, would l«jan effi.ient battery for ber.and iu iiiet lhe* ouly one »Le could ca.ry with any degroe ot oufety- Ti * above-UHUit- veertlr ure a .-olleclion of old. rottea i lui k», ai d not worth iii required) tbe powder arvt rbell to blnw ttem out of tbe water. T_ere ia a liglt- Toa*<rl atati-iied ou Katllenuake aboab.. twtuty ns-a U:ib-e i.. ii. lhe 4 ity of ( hui ler n Th-t IH1>« TH»» »«a Kr4iit.*H CiVAI.H 'Ile _itmbe>a nt ile v<».th Carolina Le>j,i lathe \t *. u.bl> *it wiib Unir bata on. Ile l.'lerk, clo btd 'V u.) Ki i copnl ileri/yn an, calla the roll. The rnoaan j.. r, tu ir nt of the 8pc_kar'a ro.tn, atrtke- hie *t_lT ur_ ti.>-fli-4'i. i-ivLig "iit, " Mab0 way for tbe Hpaaker;'' th-- IJootko) per repeata ii h.udly with three heavy r_r-7- of in Btaft, m.d then tbe Speaker biineelf, rloahed in _ mb bbie nu.i-Jiiie iebe, luarc-eo up |_a aiafo la r_a t__* A CiivatJtOOS Dfiti..Iientenant I'tiderwond. aaaasj in couua. d of the revenoe cuttor Aik a, r;.. -. ti ttt tap uiu <.<tte tbe touioia-der of the cotlor. w ae' mi.i'Vi ed Baa raj_i i^t mhi.o time befo. a ?4 ulh t aro- lina devtjded tof>> out, ond ugr»ed when the >ut-4 de. lioi.-d u. i.o ont of the lidin, to rooigu and turn tb_ \ervil a\er lo bim, Lietit. I'uderw ».«, hutinate.d ol doii.g M ba aadati Kort Snmter neforo Maj >r Andor- -. t. to. k | o*»e**ion nf it, ..i a e.xaniii.od if for sevend. lu uio, i.i.d ti.ii.lly | lu tu tl.e tutter in rtn-b a p<> Uaa r tn b rt \ e bei ot lo> water higb uud dry on L.id. W ile -ho wa* thua ritu tati tbe S«*>-efoi'iniHta took p.»*« m Rr.tn . f 1 ir, t',.ittiii t'ooie being otill in coBimandy and I .ieut.-nan Underwood, being bia sub-anli ;a e, war. of c noe, poweile* toact. faptaio Cooto trir>ir informed Lieutei a.t l ndor-ood ibatfciaBenioa»w<aul t loi to ii .uiiod Uieraauy longer. Tbo "Cabllinniidan** oe.euude, projocted for tbe* deKfbt of tbe South ('ar<dinar'ornii.i-Bi.>ner*,oiir<inat4*4. not witb tbe KepubUcana f Waobington, who n..*_ munl er aouie two'lioueai d or wore, but auio;ik" tb.* I'liion men of otl'er partiea. All over the eity th«» otaraiid airi,ea may be eeen l>a_f| aiid b_d_. - rt. Ui.i n are worn aa an off-aet to ti.e cockadea of tbe. SeceoriotjirU. Tbe mili'aiy couipanieH are all, Wti_ au lUrigmti.ant. xoeptun, tor the l'ni-'U. TLe Navanaah lort* were wknl by riii/.n. of* Cooi^ia, at *«atgeaiiona telo^rapbed from WaohiiiL-t.^u by the Geor^ia dt-legation in Con_re-~. Ibezeakiua but i^i.oraiit fsoutii Carolina warriore* moui.tirg gnaid au tLereaioaat, unnaed ao they u.e tn> o.. (oruie-nd hardrbipo, onrler greatlv. Tbe weutbar baa been q. ile i-b', aa wellaaaamp, ai.d their raLttivar in ( haile t n ar. in great diatreaa about them. ibe rii.tli.ita of pn-cfi. ul receaaion are already found U> r»*> li.u. Ji n oi* '.it-a« tban waa anticipaUrw, allho.ufb ihe br>t aaa I mo nol b«eu hred yet. It ahould, iu tht oa daya o/eimgninary portent, art".»rd aon e little cont-1-ti.m to know tbat'tbo killku; of r*. cou latani in tmttle iaaverae to the " true art 'of war. uo we Imrn fr. ui Col. l't-urd, "Garibuldi* Kt.v.*b-- miii!, who ia repoited U> b_ve B__'ef rille ahotXiug in- wai: 8 " Mind, if ever you go i illo Hbooiing. uae yoar niia in a a. ieiitilic maniitr. Recollett alwaya not tt> _-._ ytnr man, lut to wouud biui; then it take* two nu_ t<> t_riy him oft, und Lbooe two uien never bl any .1 ui.i'-.oii t- lack tbe M.00 day. With a >!i<il«i«>- baia.00 ritle, theiefoie, you may got lid.f nx meu a*. eacb lii-cbnige.' A Tuaitok iv ouk M.i'-r. -'Ile editors of . .«. Riehm, -./ Ekfktttt lliriirt at _ of New-York u very* ll.-diu-a'a head of an BB_..* Koad tbe _B_ton)_a scioll: Nb« riaa, D«o. ti, 1808. (IrBTiB-VKrV; I hav* ._pl«aiar*U»l.'(.riu v«-u lb»t H .. (**> iptiuoi. tf-.-ir b.ghly rn pectahle aud inC.jeutlaJ rltlreur b.*ro_ l!». .1.1. eity _tU br 'u* ihnaier of tke b.o.l(o*t bgBt* thai titre- . rei ol..r c. d ibrUtrud-ui, l. .vuirt..ug U iiu< dou* r«rv aiHuvlv- \o .| pe«*e-t.- fcou'b. A.r.ad-.Mr. Karigan ba* 18 WM __*} r. « ) -o ild tlie Oruth. lt nul) r.-q.ii r- lil- aigua. Ul .!.. .il._ ...,* I . iu loadli.a.ito irar ip yo.'i aallroerti at prepar ti __. K rer i.ri_li . jo'ir B). ii i" all *ei.tloo* of Virilti.a, aad by -i-i-l bv »e v.lllb*.r Ulug»allrigl.t, IraBipUogtba lyiti|,thi*v_a-, »bi_- r.. ej Rriul llaai - .'..der r«.t. I ut tlie kn..i ial b'n 1. »c . . - aarlv io\ u ur.D lu all parta of tbv wurld oa trlckatarra ar.d K._. rl! :. A-k_a\ Luin r. .a ViKii.sii..Kroui a lette r* nvea bv m ii.entltDiMnof Uiiatily from a rcLtive io r_t<4er_ Yirrii i h nativeof thht rkate, now livn.g ioe «. a H»atk__a kigbly actump-oied, .md holdiug iu. o_h ial |oriii' ii of n.uili iidirortrou*. nmr .h1, too, to u \ Dia ludy, wo ure i-ri-iitte.1 to make the following ex- t._4_»: ... -, Uee. -J4. IW>. '.Mr Piiit F-: Ihave juat recei.elu le'ter fr.Hii Ll-. II. -yabeliHo )iiBir-c*iv4jd»W-ert:i.i« yoe, in wlichyuuiay you do uot njiirt* havbi^ Vt*p« loi Liiuoli-. f hoy, Ht-t Aliei.tbo i toleralle b dly- ing oWLggi r, tu d upniinot rli.arolo of Southern <""¦-- gn**i_4_i for v4__ojiaot)«^'ry NetlAer* bmb. ***** ohi untii tm-jtttk tojtlii mmtUirdaard,a_«r_a tt h.m.,.'f to tote for thr IVor-Urra mb iu'i'K. A* u- __ the rhatferitig abotu " m-ii....: li'...." what ir Ibe -_a. I le fact 1 Ia n. t Hlavery a " aeet-ooal" inaU' tUm f Ai d haa it uot bten the aoune of all our troubU-a rroo t, e MgitiimiB" l.'eir.. i-.t n o.e.v >e<» haa «*/U. n aa ii ou a new phaae of Slavery pitipagandisin. ..Th* ui<o-i ..» »'4v.i ni -<a -..r .i.u-.u.k.ti for tl ia puruoae, and when Califoniia rontinned free. ia apiteiu, ;.ll i-i.one u. tte t4Hitmry, -by, tu b*A m ,,.., ot eouioe Wall atreet w*k o.mvuW.1 wi i\ iaiio4K tbr-tf.and 'te I'uion Committee of la* m i.irtiea waa b.oughr forth. Bnt v.by wko,.. t^.a ._.... .i.iit When iou baar V4>ur I»fU'4»crii_a ni-.! hUow .iti* aa .Ul-i..gm _bo*it ^_/_*!'.U7vjf,^v_^_ii aattahftm r_..*"l b_ve _-_i_a gre'i tfcal of uaayo. Uvo to our pit.a-t tr-nbles, and h_va neard auaf ¦ t_a. 1. A 2* M__utnla tn juat UU tb. m tl ia,« aid noibing more: ITte »""'«"' mtvpU hmtr Bloek R ,,*bh.«<» ; tket ftf'.*W'I<__* ll mucr-'- * k--*- trrr . t rrtontci.r.tot.e'Wodn.y.'b t h aaaraaU ia-Bhi t at Ootl wotU bt pltoi ed to brtng Other mmtt to o**t our ftJalUhilH); it it only our adcertastet *ko art "Tbe mateor bere ia seriooa oga.»gh ui all soben.aau
Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · PROSLAVERY REVOLUTION. MARYLAM) "THKHEAHTOFOURUNION.' IIV A. J. II. MP..¦.i "Oo..HicKaofMarjlaiid rrhakcwthe nttUmttmtStnf«>.m.-ttn. mtirfli.a. laCall


IIV A. J. II. MP..¦.i"Oo.. HicKa of Marjlaiid rrhakcw the nttUmttmt Stnf«>.m.-

ttn. mt irfli.a. la Call a ajit-. lal i.>kili ol th- i.glaUt-.- fnr tl.ra_fD-aa ot jonli'g otbat S-ittr.am fita'ra in iVrnilug i a-rparat*aa_i.a-rar\ -

Umsoi.i. tha Natiun'm enimpli-.l rJh_rt-Dalf rtut, amid Diiuniou a jar».

And uiaik the State wr.< Myal tieartBeata for tbe Union *-_r_'....

Unf'.rl tle Nnln.ii'a haiiiter'd l.lue,Ar.d ftaah iu gnlra from hill to bill;

Ft-r M»rti»m>, thank Ood' ietme.Tr_e to tlie Union atill!

Bei old ! fmm Verunn 8 aolemn gloomOur Fathek lifta bia guardian band;

Befcold from Vtmon'a ailent tombHe poiutsto-MAiirt.aitnl

Aa if, in aootb, hia Molher'a nameConM liuk no won.l.ier aoil witli iiue I

Ko at-ed baet tboii, O Ualtiroore IOt Btoiietl .li_ft*, Ut crowii tl'v alior* !JFhU* mll tl.e wave* of C'beSHptuikeTbeir teaward toiig thy truth bIimII apcak,And r-iiiinl our bt.ie, leturniug alnpnCry " Uaios -tii.i. I"' with eug_r Up* IF.r, bigli on AlJ-ghauy s edge,And blue Kotoeliu'a miaty rid^-e.Aad up Ui. tut-ieul Waxrior cragi,1 ». Uu tbou.aud atarry fluga;Aud, wov.n with every e'rpe and euuc,lu tcrolla of (.loiy rii-bnig t'ai,I ae* ih_ l si-'.s a u-iii.' biti.iltli c!*«p tlie roue of ULury luud I

He_-t of our 1.lk>u I.nobly ateeledTo btt.sl and t afllt- Dau,;er'a aliockaf-

Tuud. iti tlie cLungiug bui__-!i_ld.Trik, at tle Hali.t-Ho-t!

Beart t>f tbe I'nion '-Muryland'Clurp (l.titi iU UauuM' in Uiy lutud!

Lei thia tby faiih ref.t;Wkere Culvert'a tolerent tootetepa trod.Aud gootl C.Bl.i (...»- womtiip'd Qail_er..drep witl.b th,\ hoilowed BOd.__ut tboii thnt Flair- for aj*

Fria. SuMjnebanna* jo\on. tide,And wbtre I'utuxemm water'e gl-ie.To W ii oirreoo's atinlit eitle,Te Soutbern muidena ria.'

Cro! crown -with wreathe your pwiriot Wind.Go' bleta tl e brave who loyal tlMid I.(in' tftr.,1 tl.e anna ut' Mary land

Witli lipa. itud ahaaka, und e\ .-a

Ho .wett.r Up, no pnrer i heek,Jt'o brigbur tye. in love umy a|K!itkNo wani.er Ueurt ti.e world _oiii__.iid,Tbun aaaaaVl aaaal -in Hmvi.*aa '

I_ithfiil, an id tbe faithle*. uow,<) Hat*r ol'tl. South! thou axl '....

IltLCefi'i. unr ltar>uei-lit.rer tiiou.Tby naiue." Tl t» Ui.ii. a lle_i t!

Onr !.'!_>,. .hall wuvo -our I'nion »t_n_,While beatf the heart ot Maryland!


BTAT-M,fi-tn Oar Bpt._ C_ne«.---ecl.

WAMiiMiToN, Jan. 2, 1861.The doubta of the Uresideut being abie to atund

vp ncaii.at tlu- r_vo.otk._ta °fill Kager. He bath_*n ao long under their iu»prra'.iiina and niuut-

pttiationa, thal _.. ia ahaaal taeasahta of taking a

correct vit-w of atfaii-. His miud ia debauihedwith tbo notion tbat the MOfd.f State. baw in-truiaic at'ility to contend with tbo Federal (i.v

-Tnuieiit. There eould not be a greater mi-Uke.

Deap muat be the diBappoiutment and amrtilica-tion of the tecediug Stalea, aliould they uttenip!,ta mea-UTe itrenuth with the Oeaaral Chirani-n-t-nt. Tbey will, iiiili-id,.aaOotai-nor. Efataajo-dm%)o oi Soi.tb t'nrolttia, " buve a hard titn«."But tbe I'rt-eidi-nt. iu the etceaa ot hia tiuiidity,and witb bia qr-BaathiB* '_ tmot tm tiie alav--hoUler, ia uuabk tapai.trra lhat tmttktlmrH ttt

trenie _a_-_BaaM -biti fiiaoeiated ftaai tho «u{i-port denvrd from tbe Government ti tbe I

Ily atiuie Btiange prtK-eaate of reaaoiiiug, he

aat-ma io bave eoine to the conelusiiin that thiriOwveriinieut i* to he brukeu up any wa>, aadthat in the general disintegratiou one State will

be juat aa strois_ aa aaotlier. Tbia i« tho dreary(-llat-y that wtiutea the eoni'luaiona tt all the

¦aaaha-aa.ta. Tbey think tln-> can pull d.-wuthe Goveinttii-nt. and redueai all the Statea that

entnpoae it le one oommon level, and ooe rom-

_D4>n ru;n. Tbe> aab-T* iu dividing tbe publicmmtrttt) aa though it were tbe asaet* of a bank-

rupt eoni ern, aud lhat eacb State can t»ke itaahare, -bouider tt* pa_:k !ke aome I«raehti.pedtiUr, aud be_in tbe wnrld anew. ClingmanofJiorlh Uunilma developed thia profound uleii on

tke very hrst day of tbe aemtoo.

It ia dreadfitl to bave such a ItHHW-jointed aud

de.tying piece of mortality at the helm of theatate io aueh a time a* thia. ^V reo,uire lii'e,aad vigor. and activity, aud deteruiinaUoB, u-*h_

-»UL We want a pilot who ia every inch a iiajj.

A inan in courage, in hope, io re*olution, iu

Haatirtty. in aiadnni, aud ia uufliaching purpoae.Thia Fedenil Governroeot ia great and poarerfulsod wterwhelming in actioD. lt has the power«f a giunt over any of theae confedeTated Statea,if it but chooae to put forth it* atrengtii. The,loyalty ol the body of the people ia unqueation-mhle. There ia a deep-gro.ided revereuco audhy*. for the CouatituUou aud Union, whuA m

th*. beart. of the uiaaaee anioucte to a fanatinam.It ean be rouaed to feartul higbti by a aingleirrvocation. Ignomioy and ruin wait upon theBtate that takea up artua against the Federaljn.wer. if that power pute on ita aroior aud gov_-Ui-th io the full prenitude of ita might.And thia ia the goapel wbub muat be preaohed

to bbvo Mnila aa well a* State* from perdition."What can theae Border Slave State* do b_i'orethe tramp of Federal armiea, drawn from the-aat honlea of popuLutim in the Free Statea,beat on the righteou* errand of preaerving tbia,their Ca|iitol, and thia, their Government; audthat, ia their view, the beat aud leaat oppreaaiveOov-nunent on the face of the earth » Kveryobstach will reei aud fail Btrnttt their tread.And if Slavery he on-\ that will go down alougarith nat

1* it poaaible that tlie people of the Border(Slave Sutea ran be 80 Winded aa not to *¦.«.

thiii I It aurely Bbiruld be d.-ar to the moat

obtor* and niole-ejed. Pray heaven they irtuymnti ii ia time. That tl:ey uiiiy not tak.-, »r if

they do tak'-, th-t ibey tuay be apeed.ly eared.*>f the inor_1 diatemper that ia iinbhii.ing tho

»nind and un-ettling tb- judgnienta §t tbe peopl"M the Jowe- tier ti Klavehoiding Htatea.

The puipcae* of tht b-ailing Kevoiutio'i^t* ar.t

little aaert of dUbalieaL V e are a gn-at -nd

liroeperou- ai.d bl*pj jhijiIi. Thej proj>o*e, a-

rordnnr to the view ol Mr. Benjaiuni, to tear

_4oa.i the Gotewimeut, aud, if -BC-.-tjjtg _»

caaipliah tlwir thjtttt, to dre:ie»i the land '.n theJJie aud the bltxid tuid tue desolation ol . m !

j_u*d I wr.e wi»r. Ihil i* the pieture oj_»n|y

and d'tatir.eMy prceCntVd by tho BeaBBMr frouiI eiitii-i_ai.fi. iu bia place in tho .Senatii ehuioU'r.Ti.ey pr.ifoaa themr-'lvea willttig t*> bravai it all.ay, wi Icoiiif it ul).MMM. Lh_.i aabp-l to a 0011-atitntit.nal decieion nf tht. poiople in regard tetbe efettiofl of a PtaBWcul for tho briof t'Tin »fli.iir jearc. Waa there ever BB__ pigantii: folhfti;d inadinaa ' Aud will tbe Bnrder Bbl*- SlaV*,tbnt have bitherto neitln r ente.rt-tned uor co.v

t4iiplnted any Bu.h btdenijl paraaee, al!<>w then.brhca to bo -nildtnly and titithiiikiugly burriedli.t.. aueh a frightiul abyaa aa thia? l nleae tbopet-ple 4»| th.iKi- Slnlfe. aluiU tfvMX>nu9 utferly ln'-r.ft of all laaaaa, it aeeuia iuipr.'oiibiV. Iiet then.jiii.H- wbile there i« yet time. Thia Vation.ilGoveniuiciit will be pr^erved. Thia CapiuJaill b«- retaiued nnd niainUiined at all hazardKo itiii'l-r whut tt coat-, no mattt-r whut tbesacriftce. It aill be do ie.

^ lt ia (ti be bnped the Preaident will bv prompt-ed by thia laat .mVlli.enet- from Gtnirgia to

emerge froin tbo dangeroua and fatal delumoutiby wbich he hua been eii('4>nraged and blinded,and cunie out into the li.'bt of day nod HM hianwit and th«- coutit.ry'a poob__i in ita true light.lt ia not too lute for hi ¦ to retricv.. his reputa-tuia aud rett-ne the forgivene** if uot tb*? bone-d.etion* of hia countrytneu who n.ean to atand

by the country and ita flng. And they are mil-

fat.ns, and tbey will M-T0 with the might ol*

aill.tma. i' t\ fa

THB fffNM-U FORTS.DAkMt'S fP__C_*|r>.ai tlm 8paM.li. CoaearxirKlrut.

Wasiiim.ton, Jan. H, 1861.The coiinf qnencea of the vacillatiou, tini.tlitt.

nnd imh.-cil.ty of tho Preaident. are ju«t begin-liiig to ahow theiDMlvea. The newa tlat QaetgiaLns 0(1.0-, even before secediug, upon the two

phtieipal forta of that State, wbich guard thebarbor of Satanab, i* animuueed tbia ln.Tiiin,.One ef tbeni, Fort Puliski, ia a po^erful fort-rtia, ouounting 150 guni, 66 of wbich are 32-rouiicerr, .Ml oi them -t-pnundeaa, and __, H audIli-iiii-h nn.rttira and bmvit/era. Fort .luckm.n._B other fnrt ae.zed, moui.ta 14 gtina, a. which10 are .4 pt-i.dera.

This, I aupjioae, ia but tho bceirtning. EfafJiiD^uardcd port of the S uth ia uow likely tofail in qui.k surcearion mto the handa of tberevolutinmrtta. 1 prtruine we ninv r-xpect to hearol the lo** nf tbe forta of Ifabslo and at theDK'i.rbB of the Iliaaiaaippi without delay. Hnw itaill be with tbe very iinpr.rtaut uavai atatinn andlt.r~ at E-MBCala, I do nl know. ESiailB-iagmay fail, if t.ot captured where ther- il no foro*.tlia-u by tnncbcry and tr.aaoa where there is.

lf the (iovernment hat a< ted witb vifSf andcelcritj ot Ibe atart there would _a\e been no

diffkilty of tbia aort. Ai it ia, time, whi-h uow

fliea qu.ckly ln th' operatiotia of tbe rev.lution-i*t», will soon diicloae t.ua the reatilt the futtirehaa in atore.

blr. Haktr'a spteob reoeivea bi_h pratai for it*

great nb'lity. l'.ut tiie atsM^asioniata uo longercnre for talfc. The motit of them bu«ied then.-14Uea durtiig ita delivery reading and writiug,e_4_aB._| Mr. Benjamin, wh.nn be 00 badlyrt.-atvd. lt l.K.ka uow as though tho rovolutioii-i-ta nieant to oo tm and take paBBBHioa of alltbe VJmU-d StaU-a fort* aud araeuala and navy

yarde in tbe South whien can be taken, andwhiJe thia is doing to ait bere in OoBBBBHi an.li brtntet all meaaurt-a dosi_:ied to thwart or ptic-i.>h auch proceedit.fia. They aleo lasifB le pre¬vent, if poaeibie, the Baaatt_| of the faBBO bywbich Mr. l.iuiolr. waa made Pnttioot Mr.Toc..ba at.iwed tbia latter ptir|HH»e before leatingbeaana. Tbs. may be expecU-d to tiiako the

re\'ilii'i(.»i, whieh tl.ey have now f.irmally mmu:eiir.-d by leizing tlu) Cniti-d BtatM 1-1-1 andar ini.I- in Cbari.-nton atid Savnnnah, an tbeta-fb,ao lorn:.dB.le eaal a* aide ipffaai ea jM)HKiiiie.What <-an be ao prepoaterona aa prop4r*ing

eeeaHaBBbae on the __-far| queation to men eu-

mmti -n eaei traitoroua work I i. B, I*.

aFMii eiottou.

P-dbj Our S.*--ibl -4>rr**p«_4».__Maion, Gu., Jan. I, 1861a

lnaane and joyful excitement over tiie futare,_h tlii-ir tollv paiuta it; rage as luaano agaimstthe Adnuuiatration, whos.; very unbecility cnn*ea

their pluna to halt; l_NI denunciatious againatall who abriuk lroin pttlitical suieide.on tbe

part of the rabble; |__0Wa_ endeavora to provetbat bankruptcy ia n aatioual Heoe_f, fre_b ap-p4 ala to Southern pugnwity, turgid rbeUihe, andluost tranaparent atphistry.on the part of thed> _L_i\o^uee, gloomy count-uaucea audheavy hearta,tlie sjaraee ef doubt and difquiet.on the part oftboms from whom reason has not finally departed;restlesanesa by day, forbidden m.-a'tinga by night,furtive Usteu-iga and strange luiagminKB at allt,nif,a__on tlie part of tbo alave; npon theaethingi tbe aun «rf the New Year riaea here. Tbirincid4-nta wbicb mark the progreaa of t_e rebell-_in Georgia are eomparatively few at preaent, andtl.ere ia much lanieuesa about the duily narrative.The talb of one man ia the Utlk of a whole claaa,und the aame sentimenta are repeatved in laugtiage.but little changed. Now and then a auapect«dalraiiger aidlera injury aod Iom, and ib ai-nt out

of the SUte. The other day, for inataaee, near

Athena, freorgia, a gei.tietnan from U.e Northwbo waa traveling for hia heultb, but who wae

not helplcM by reaaon of diaiaae, waa charg. _

with being an Abolitioniat; he atated elearly the

purpoae of bia vi*it to l_e South, autttaining hi^worda by t-ertiCi-atea and eiimmiiu.cationa t'rom

nidit-u! iiun. Ilit it waa/not enough for theEiaiiiiniDg board; ho did not look aick, thoyeaid; they didn't believe he was aick; aome

ol tbim, the wagB of tho party, auggeaUMlthat tb.y piacbcc a modo af treatmeut wbichwoubl probably be efficacioua in hia caae, andninde joeular allusions to tar-water nnd bump-seed. This exrited the laugbter of their leasniuible-wilted brothera to aueh a degn* that

tLey giaid-biiinoredly permitted the patient to

aBBfe tiiwu witb all hia hair upon his head, andwithout. stripra or tar. They only kept bim ina eold riH.m all night, aud oompelled him to rideon boraebaek in the gray of tho morning to a

itation twehe niiles diataut, promiaing to aei^lhia -B_gage after him to anotber town. It isbut a kindnesa to aay that invalida who tbiuk of

eep-M V) a waruier eluuate will do well toovoid the Soutliern State*. Tbey might truv.lin e\ery ».:.e, and recfive uot the leuat moleata-tiou. IVrbapa, eapecially if they ar4; femal.58,ai.d if Uiiy look very ill, the chant^ia are deeid-i diy againet ti. ir mcoting with trouble. Butibey can ba._l> help seeing i-nongb to mabethem aiixioua. and tima their IMMPf or im-

j.i.m nn nl will be retjirded.Tbe eleeiion of I)i.lega^.a, whieh ia to take

jl.i.e toiuorrow, mariea aome exr-itemont; lhev-'ilt )<)!. will have before thia renches you.

j.,;l BM ruy bere, tbough I thinb I havo made a

-ijitila.* /t'niaik in a prevvme Jetter. tbat tbe cvn-

aervntive foeling I bave ». v.:ral t.ia -pikn ofniUHt not le ukt'. to be :i fieling .".hili i* o

pr«-u-ni |he Mai-' if fo'.igiu from notdiagfin.'ill), tfceagb it i.iu> Jriuv Um _et for a Ut-Blliin.. Iaa *>..Maaa wiB be Bectjanffcahed iaaajlt)of BB._ fi'elini.'. rmt thia «'<.naervatiam will hearit« fruit bereaiter. Unlena muiio turu of ei.-nV

riHoen tl.- ul'in S"itr..ra a.'ntiuiouf iu all **0':t_ei u he.tr! t, tbiia iiui.iiii' .all upi-n a ai igh- isafae,tha ioi.i>eriitiTe el.'ii.i ui of wbieh 1 mttk v. .11!-. in <-.ii.tirj.al Iti.6 witb the r-.l .1 I ii-t-iii.fiti_.r-.,who are detei inined tu atai-1 at Uu- beltii of Hieiii-w abip of State Ihey ar.- ao ha<tily laaachiaf.Whea tbo tax.a bt-^u. Ui prer.1 baaaHf arlaailuxuriea, eoniforta, nireaaarw-a diaappeiir beforethe poM-rty whirh will *"rely .oine-tl.eii ti.e

(.oiiM-rvatue pnrty will tuuke iU voi.e h> ard,and tbat will be a strile for powar, b whi.>b tl..-

Di-unioniKta may fO under. I ri-h being ttiiiumon thia point, becanao it BOB-M to me that t..

thaM quiet, BaaaH.ti.e nieu we ahould lonk, if

to any IB tbr; South, fnr the acfmn whieh ia tn

bfing the traitora baek to rt-ua*ri »»- toyalty.SL-ce it haa becoine __Kurately knowu how

fur the tnaiou of the South Cftrolu.ii.ns haa goiie,and tbat Major Anderaon haa not yet bIiowii anyaiguc of an iutention to bombard the City ofC_if-iatia. the publie feeUng is quiet, thougbtruall armi»a of very badl)-drille.l tne are tyiofin wait for the MHBMM tt mmVtm t«> the uaaitt-arue of their heroie rattleanake br-.iiren. Wi-reI a Sontii (arolinian, with any taxable property,l ahould moat devoutly pray that thi<ae rampantloldiera might atay in Georgia, unlesa they w-uldbitid tbemselvea to pay for their own whisky.On the other hand, were I a ifenrgian, I think1 would vote lor ptf.g the whiahy, if tlie lellowa would only tuke tbemaelvea olf to tho gorytield. 0_e ef these sora of Mara aaid to me theother duv.ho live* ia Savai.uah, I inu-t tellion." If tho Abolitiouiata want tn aend down

againit ub ai. unm, wa_ know how to rereivethem, I rerktm." He looked ao dutholi.ally ma-

heii.ua tbat I a»ked if ln- had any aperi .1 pfctt." I reektn bo,' aaid he, "all we'vo gof to do iato let the water into our nce tielda. and by aud

by Ytliow .lat-k wi.uld light ou tlie whole N'nilli-ern erew. and you know well «noti_h that hi»

gtip ia ttttt," A uice Chri.-tian typeof a »oldier,tbat yeaag >»an

Oce ran-ly baa ao jti.od au oppi-rtuuty of

learniiig tLe opinion of hia felluw-rreatun-a BOB

.t-ruing biuiaell and thoae wlmin be reprr-enl* «¦

iall* to the lot of a etirraipi.deut of 1 HITkiiii n thia Southern land. 1 thia uioruingmtmMi ul an mfonnal raeeting of citireu* audI'.al". r». held iu tbe publie rtK.m of the lu.te!,to diBrtini. ihe uffuira ot tl.e QatioD and topic*t-u_giat. d bj tbat au'-jeet. It appear* t.iat

Bome Sotitln rn iuau reaidiiig at tl.e North hadBt nt down a cop) of your "inceudiary ahei-t,"which cotittiiuetl iundr> Ut.e.a wriltin fr.ni th:*

vi.inity. The moat eager intereat waa mani-

feried b> tLe crowd to l^aru the uame of tb_wnter, and varioua oonjeetiirea were hduarded.Anni'g ______ waa thia, that it murt be aa iuJ:-uduul vtbo had nrentJ) piw-ed through tho |oWBfor tl..- i.t. i.ri.le and prainewortby purpoae of

rariac, bj Bitraetka or tmmtttmm, <-orua ujmhithe ttth He bad ealled bi.naelf a "chiropedi-t,and thia aui-pirioua, inemiiprahaad_.. *id, aa it

apl-eured, unpronounceable uame routin-ed tin-

bat-riKui iaaaiaitara, who no* raealBd tha riat-,tbat Le war tl.e rrmntial. Tlu) nul) viiiiii-.l

the) had him. Othera dei land thit tlie) ili-ln'tbelieve thal waa the man, for he laaaad"like aafbod) rlae," and it ranie out in Iho il;*-

t-ii amu that ui-i-ording to popular bt.af iio BM

waa even ninoNly coMKCted vtitu Tm Tkihi Klwl.ii had BO. a liowing benrd, atrai._'.' pl70 lt*.mi u iii.'-l ^N.e.lliur hat. The inno^eut " Chiro-

pidiat," tiM., had a P..a. Bad it 0tt w.-ll U'

di rati ..d that ttltnT) _M Mfllfeiai tkt d.ti_»-r-oua pn(ri-r war a eoiiaialent imti-n-aia-ant in prinriplea nt.d |.rartir.'. " .n)h..w." aaid on.-, ju-tIrtfre »l:i« In-ekiiig up ot tlie ¦aatiag, " Wi'te

got to look aharp after tlu M f<-_"WB, and I re- k> 'i

thin'd bt a'aaag-H pwUj nn ___' iraoaaajbione of 'rm.''

I did not think it nec-<iry to giw- audilde e -

prrwioD to my thnnki for the honor inten.|e,|.but 1 tnift I wna a|ti>ropiiat» ly grateful. Tl.-.

ataoding ruinor here ia that Tur Tr.iitrvr ainlA."t..r Houie have Ih en aaeked hy a MO. "I

atarviii^' lalmrera, and that Mr. Or.-iley hat Ut-.i

banged in the City Hall I'ark. One feela au a!-

mi-»at irreaiatible iticlination U " m-H " then- fil-

lowe, tbe) are ao ft!"t<iuiidiiigl) igiiorant aboal B.

North. ao -reduloua of auytliitig told th-ni ti lbeprejuditv- of the Ilepiiblii-ana.a voii:k khom thk hkkkn hountvinsC--e*l*--->'«« - Ibr m. Y. Tribuiif.

BiMiiiriMi, Vt., l>or. 30, IHiil.To Norlri.rn men who lotro tbeir (VMint-y, thre*

tnodea ol aetion nn- jirea-nted for rhoioe:Tirtt.- To wait the developnient of evetite, ohmrvo

Uie I'rtr-deut a Kuat ue_t triday, trunt in Providrnce,and keep on waiting.

tirrvnd: Aaiiit"i\idu-_a. to quii-tl) prepuroumlioiii-l.inuaki ta, und w e that Wl Bl- not foreatalled iu the.xTupaniy of Waabiagion.

Third: fljenimd ayrtemutlf orguniiation, alftionof tnie and ermpetent leadna, iiiiiilitry drill, _jidtlioMugh prepatation for the wonrt of emergeniiea.

ln tbia liltle Ktate of Vtruumt there are t-oojian.

wbo wuuld willin^rly qnii und go to Waabingv-ii at

tlieir own iBptnae, to eee that lbe inauguration -.1 .ui

e.iiir.liiiiliiiiiaIl)-^U--t«d Fn*ideiit ia not previ-nti d bvfon-e, if tbey were eonfident that by g ing they i _uldMaaaaahab any praeiicable gcaai. lbe prapaiaaaa Mauib ajourmy with ruo_t would require tiine; and i-auch a iieeeiirity ia likely to exiat, comt-rt and orvunimiioii ia nt-eajuMury. All they want ia to know hoirdnt v, ui. the opiniuna of thoao wbo are in a poaitiou lokio'w tbe wanta of the oouutr.v ar. to be bet-.li-1.TbnB fur Thk Tkihi m haa pieaerved aileui. ou

tlieie |K>iiita, bal mallera aro hurryiug TtfUh to a< umh; and, if i' wonld not be lontrury 10 vour idta* oftle pul-lic xood, we in thee" parta woubi Uketo na.

vourviewaou tiie pointa here iniperfe. tlv pr.sni_-L' MOL'NTAINK.KR.¦


To I. riitor of Tht A'. V. Tribunt.

Hik: Inurareut ajieech mad.- hy (lov. Pit-kena <AHoutli Caroiinu he allowed hia good aei_ar io d.ptu1 fora time, iu order to givt utit-iaiie. lo a uu*t uiwid.ni.m*aUittmeut relativi to tl.e New-York v_lunt-«ni tliai»ci\ediu tlie wiu- with J-e.Mfo. TluU K*-llleB8_B (1)Baaa.d ia pabatBiaa niai ut lhi batUa af Cliurubnaro,f.ugbt iu Auguat, 1S1T. ia wliitli tin- N-w-lork regi-iiniit and the l'alim-Uo rt .iir.ent fou^dit nide by ode,lhat the former abowed a waul of pbyaiud toiiruge,while tbe latter ptifoniiod frata ol val.r. Thiaatau.-uieut migbt do very well for rbetoriraJ ttt et, and mfttto ereate a f__BB J ride iu tlioae Bnutb Caroliniuna whodo nol know tbi. ttttt in tb. ___.. Hi^ "7 und ihe re-

portaoi tl.e §mmmi ojkara arho t-a.k p rl iu ti.e kattlaBbov* IliilailBll U' iitidthe tertimo.iyof l:viiigWituiN--a,ataie that the New-York regiment n-rf oui. ilid tlnirdtitv, bnt pirfoimed a promita-iit part in tlie triiiinph*arl ievt-l bv the Ameriiana iu that baltle. To pialithe unalogy a little furtber, by t»ntru_ting the 1-rt* ttkiiled and wimnded oftbe Nuw-Yorkeia aud l'.iliu't-oreg.leut. it will be at-eii the loriner waa the iriraler.

During tht war wiib Me>i''-' tb*- l.ii.lieal f.;..-Uuga

4'\i-<ed Utwe.il tb. N'.w-.'.rk u.d E-ba-Bo regi-i..i.t.. ur.i'.b. ,,... r"'li o__*eiet«eeat_esarvivanj nt bntb teajim fttta, abd Boboa. aii be r.oro

laieibil Ibea-n *..:>* __>.l_-i adSeati when tbeyr.,.) .' e ralnmnioua aa_*rtk_a of th.ir G "V'Tiior.

I fiuir.lv aeadrfi lba| rv\ ayafatliba bave baeawith Baitrtl CaniKna; bul >. t'< <r nata'a n tie pre*-ort BBM-l-aa] 4-ai. 6__ no OlboC Bafperl tbanIbata-fabod ay fo-abood, eltefed l-aeeabbmtcmhttexeeativc "tii.er, ibcflaball btd 04. ftaaauD, Bad).,,..<.., kd wbb ibooa wbo bare ttttk ea

ii-;,-.;.b. a N a-taaaVa-i nttk,

(O.VCILIATIGN I'HGl'OSEI).A i'.nu.vivittiiu ronaajMaieai prop.'*e»i ii_t |_a_i

(i,-..lii:ii hhnll ici'i iliute ber *i'ter Staft* no fo.OWal" "lb.-h.nte ..| Baaak Ciu..ilrw dib.I, ttmttt aae «.i exp*'.

.,.,. __ _..... ,i _- |_ha-_*_§__(. haa as k.ug in.-u.-t, tu (-"

|T(t ; r, BM- BB ''¦ 81 Bb_ SSOkfV llt the HTi.rt offi.4 Mr.

¦sarat-toaaaVaaai aat,tbtatmbIta ->-s_ p-ais-alissas-r.cr.d, _-kiiPwlr_getbe wr.nig-be huadoa. by luipr***liig aud

lii.pil.uning f i -e.nieii fr..111 ollni.r btuK-a, g.'Ufy tt no rri .,

_b.BB -l.e I- -id-'-J- BBBBBaJ. to th* _..Bgl rorapact, to tvkefr.jm i...rlf ti - g ¦*.* ._..t nur n«rt Dal fr?; t_B.| makr no

u ., _r__*| f.. rtli, .*____. l.rr trocpa fron. th* r biti-d

ti.«.e-r.rt. mb,aaaa*t*_-_Bsajttttt ftmt tum*--. *i».b,¦alu IB*1-Bi_.I Bl BtaBSaaS..a fot all thr daiuage doa* or

SSBBB-8* h4.-ortier.iM,.n.torhrfnit_d.->'ateao.-to_iyHtlwn..'*.NS Ma!r«. a. far a. in lier pS**r| aeveutb. ,ir» a.i8ic_»Ot **-

e-.-'itj 0 beins brreafli r . qalet and peaaealile rSta.lt..' t4Luul.i B "lb li Iii.. au U,i*. th/re -i.«-y kv ro h-dtatloo ln

_>U.gthat_«allarf.It>a. who haieao loug, wltbool a mur"

_iir, paid r.onrlrod.o. tbroaai.d-of dnllar* for thn tnirport of ber

po.tal BWvIbS *"d t'uatou. Ituuar. -UI .yjutlaue to a-H-t b*rchrrrfolK aa tbey bave alre.dy dou*. H."

SOITII CAROLINA.¦ AT-ftlA- *l D vv a s. 11».

F\n t 11\ _C-_aBEa, "Tm" l^w _-oo< it riott," fCaaausTOB, Not. lf, UMfc S

In K. |.ti mlior Inat, ¦oaoral gentb tne.i of I'liarieotonmot to confor in reference to tbe rorition of the Souihin tbe event of tbo aaaa.IB of Sir. I.ini-illl uud tlie!_.-1 -.ibiii an party t<' aawer. Ibsa iiti'.;rn_l aoaUugwnr ll.e niigiii ol tbe nryaiiirjitioii knuwi. iu lliia i-ui-

nini.ttyiu. "'1'nr l^Nl Avx.iiaii"s."Tbe olijo<tr ol Ibe Arwxii.titnare:t'ir.- lu i-.iilui t ii crr. H|ioi! laaee with 1> ading

n.<-n in ike Sonth, aud, by an iatanbaaje of itiforina-tioa und vii wa, pn-paie ibe Hb.vo Bt.it.-o to uietl tlie.

impeiidiiig .tiirir., t

gsraBBi Ita paoeai-i pritrt, and ostribnte ia tbaBlavt >t.iten traeta, poaifa-ete, _^.,daa_aodteaa_bn»),, n 10 a c.nivi' !i"t> ..( tb. ir darger, anrt 10 urg.- thoce.irrity of rtaitting North. r;i and Federal aggrea-ri..n.

Tkrr,l; Toiii'|tiire ir.to thia ib-f.-n-eH of the htateatidlalolle.taalanaaaa h-areartoa abkb aai. ni-i ibeI/C. i>biti:r. lo etii! li-b promptly uu etlt-ctiv.- militaryi>i_Biibaiien

Totrlcit ibeeeobjeete, a brief and MBBja Co-lUtation war BBo.itad. fnagtinfj h Plaafcia_,adaeralltraaad1 n-t.ri.rer, lil.d aa Kxirmive I'miitliiltie, Bae*__llycbarjiid wi'b ."niliicting tbe biirinee* af IM AsOD ia-ik-ii. I »ue liutidie- aii.t rixty-oix th'-neaiid paiupbletibu\o been publkbod, tn.d doaaaa. lor furiiior aujipliaia.eit leiveii fi.'ii. tiery .juMner. Tba Aaoociati-iii i*n«w p._-)..i< neieihl _| tbi-ui throuxb b *»C4>ud und ttii.lc.'iti"!..

ll.e t <nvonti..ra in *. veral of tho f-.nthern Stnteavs i:l r. on te ele.t.d. Ihe Norlh io |.re|.iti in* to aooltiOruid ooi.nliute ib.- loatb, b\ .bcLdaaia mi'l ovort.ae.'j fr *«. i m "t '..> /«''. v "¦o'lid t-i iiaattitai to tmtrntH -1 __ai ' '. s "'.d ttdeptttihtce, nnd it *

.,, , r .-..../- .' ./. Tk< dianriefara <

mrtmaru i (*-*.- wttk tktt apattal thjeei. Fuinlaaie aaaa.an toenaH. _ toact anaaptly. " flio |4r»0Ao*. _.iiou' i* Ut-oiing for tl.e Si.'ith, nnd aoko voti.

alil.lam 4ei. -**«..tfu.lt. >..¦' oh*4l»l.l .e-vai.t

KtlBf.l I S .-.)! HUfN,.('balruian of l_S KirruUv. ('.uimr'tee.

KK< M r.'KT Ml rVm:K.l\TIKI'r4TINO IJffl'flU,r-tu- Ttt |r»a iaiilk iiaa*..

\V. jul'l-l. k .*> IBTO Itiier* _aai an o.licer in ibe¦ad ct Aiiij. Aadenaa la * ia__i*ala__B«ilv,

trhWh now anrsar for Iba 9tm\ t.n.o. Ibay a_l aefoillrd "Ir. t ly n.trrtBtUig, tt* oxhililling tlie |x._thtmbjkI uiteiili- it el the imtilroHi al Folt ^;|lllU.r:

Foht Mo-arata, i>ec. :.'., i*xi.Hi i>) .i. Fat-BBi l-ul^ iWs ¦araiagiaroasa aace

ui\i ti ti. ib-ai out ibe w i.-i.-n and ia.iti-co.un.it.inia, andHM .ai in *| Ua ot rail. aud fua/, baa t> «n .-n«- ol h_rJvrork I buvo i.ikrd^veryfiiuig upexorpt the .im-l.rt olotcont- of n -t.l.lior'a e<iuij.nn i' tbal ir. knifo

aad f'.ik.t ..il.-l.pirh r. %. Ivor. »iid inyftotit.l.-barreladgim a blank.-t or «o i-iimjiU-l-my luvuriea.

'I (,r |..IiK4rl ueUj glVea >Ui b_V the eiM.loait men I*

about twOBty daTr, v*bon ibaCViM.Wtaaoraa.i.111__aaairtuni-U ti'in IV___fa_tO.. TasajOO may look forthe laidi-t kiud t.t rt.'oni.. Waata m* .<> jiVoeajthat ur. i|4<< l" f*ivi- au.-h .a .MOBB1 of ourwelv*** at|our tiiei.d- ne«rxl i.o! bo arhan.od »t. Vot it will ba al-u,..«i iu i aaa j u«i la -batkrj t....t r..riu;i.l_fur.»' -iivuldOrb-cl-Ulj i'rriare lor wt.i.t BIBI/bodf u.W «_o*

ll.llrl tO li.4 Il-iUli.Ilirre I i.v. I.. n .et a few nd'er* ..f aid from tbo

Sertaara Htauo. lUgiaaeata woald iaa»a, aad la ttamy,aad it ir h_ba_ oao al tt. n,.«.t cbeeriag | _._gt»-iu

.! tuiii- ur rx,. ii. ii.c tl.at w,e havo. videnit- ol pracli*.uir,id|_th) but at <> *i*will oo aaawead..aalaabj oiuir i.i tho peoaee Doearaaeai at WHoiiingtou.|Vewi-t~ t..rii.t_iii tbeirouit ofmir p..eiii..u wiihHiaahaTi Iba attatt oi u.o aaak ;.<>t.l.- ibeyare|*i!n<ily OflO lb* rt-utu-ent of dnug Un-n duty.a.dj.tl-.it ..neof tbebaatavldMieeBo. taelreoB-aa] aavI* !. ui.-l iu tlo fact thut BOl a mai. ha-dei»-rtt«!, or

Uen iln.uk, 1- r ut_il> tbroe uiM tb*.llard bi work al BVOtyBja. ln.* t.e«n, _e art) now

retmmf ni4.tr in e_nie*t. Iaa H<a»| ii.1 an_ t»o coti'-mi-

itaot-" of ui... b_Mlajea and l.ut. Wete mivod i.ioi.l*iii* moruiiig, tbeeah Hw aurgiou a.nr ttioru will l.efew u.on who w.ll nol be killed onrii/bt, as onlytbe bead ran ir-.hrlot.riUj e *««ti fr.-ni ..iitai.le; niul tta

iho Pi-ii:id ir. i.uu.1 "i aarbaaaa.a_ bave >t ali tooai-thraOa aad 1 a'lpl*** atfl ha- n-reli i*u_.l n.un*xj ,te-

ly u.oteetteajlive ti.nn could be d.'ix with o*. manyax.ur.d.

1 n- |* arr abeail organirod ;o attaik tw; moat ofthr arri.tiK'montr are c.iiiph te. wo liarn; tbe plun ofattaeb io aol * -mot. in.iee4| K.-rt 6aailat w.ll b.-B4i/id by tbi-ui; a battery will be -nl. ut M.utitI'l'.irai.t, aaatbei ea tbi* _>_jid Tbi te, then, will UtHt tl.e _i.yle* ot a ll___fo. of wbi. li we are to be tiieii-i'er. KiMorneii uml ix-luti n* ot aiwaiiif will _0 thn

I ebae WOrk. Kvery nitrbt a Ktmnior, aometriniv twq,tonieo doWll witb li i-aiiiple "f gUJio and a foruo ol iut-a

t watcb its ai.d prevent io4»..forc*»ineiit* «eaward.Mata ra legle t" i"«k nbi r, quito _. *..tH»r ua Baybadjitn rd d. riie. Tha paapla Msaareaaarly anay, ooao.trv je<|'lo j'Biiir.iliirly. and u Ultle bbn-d let uui/ Bolbartn t.iem ui.i. b.

K.'Kr S.BTii, Kveninif, Doo».1M. I 1v.au liiiirn: lb-ore it io n iict.e* you, yoa

will M-babs. bav* learfied Uiat we bavo Lt.-rally"tiiken the bi.i! l.y lb* l.onu-. .sooii after huiiboi ibia

on__a_i at araeaaieel Kort llnuitiit, uud me noweotabbt-ed iii ibis iniprognable fort.***, where w. uio

perlevlly uiiiil'I'ioHcbnble; while, ul lhe aiiuie liuie, wo

raaaasaad partt.Uy iho aarhor ana t'ort Meabrailiaelt.Vreaeli ban beaa MMl iawa'eaoiy o%ht,_a_ baeawiit'bed aa clfra-l,, wilh it \iowlo prevmil tl.ir very¦oaa, but aa bav-4' aeatbeaeal them. Humih ln Waj'Aadanaal wabaaaaBaia thut ir n.«t ¦_¦.leftaap4 nribility, and who tuul niorv jiuignivul and a

l. iu r ae.aa ol duty than bave ordmaiily guided pubbcaaa.

At IVrt arloultrie. WO ciild not fail to have *>ic-

ciinib4-4l b4 foro tho Urgo fortv that wa* pmbnbly on

tti. j.int of b._ej laaaabo- ugninrt u*. BalaiaaB bat-teiiei", a li*e fne il TmV men atid u lew .-<Jumnn of ao-

aa'tl', we meet havo been tt.rred to yield; aKbon/li itw. uld uol have been without tbe loaa, perhapa, ofeverv man there.

Maj. Anderoon haa l-*.n delii/btod with tbo tannpe.atid aiuit of tl.ir little lorumand, not a m .h of wtuchwcukl buve ttiiiihed froia uny otru_i;lo that mighthate l-efallon na. We are not io be tombed here. ltC four timeaaa large aa Fort Monltrie, but the walbihio nxiy fett high, aud no landin. ran be mude.Ibe.e ir> but one regret; that la, thut Kort Moultrielould not have been t.lowu np. To-night, however,evorytbing that cau be do*lroyod will bt?. I aui ourea gei.eml feelingof relief will Ih. experit-nced by thecountry at lui^e at thin atep, taken aolely upon Maj.Aadeiaoa'e roiapoaalbiUty.Not a oian at the fort had the aligbteot intiinatioti of

tl io roove, nnd only "Of »r two ohVera, until ttie inon.oi t it wi.Hoxe'iit.d. Gnr prnperty and tho fH.nihosure all oafe hen*, with hix tnoniba' provtVionn, ho*.)italatore*, _ 4-. ilo gun* at Moultiiu are spiked und lhaIaaoaaacatdowa, aotbat aeP_.wtto_af eeaoTarloal <>n that ati.k. Tlitre ia already a_i-e.it c-cile-uieut in the tily, *igual rocketa are tired from tbeirlni.d, bol it wurtiM) b.te, wo have de.iledl) got thobull by the nin__o. Tbo reveaaf <an be collci ted now,ami tli.- Ai'ii i. ii-tintioii oaa della duty if it wiil.We ali tl ink we bave it ot the H^ht tbing, boeaeai

ve gre alr. ti/¦ r thim e\i r; aud altn<>-itfli wo left ourold 1.¦ n.o \t iti " -r. t. and dbdikod muih to waota- tholabor Uh*l bu« baatt la^iahivt tbat-, we aro iia.iiieatioa-ably uow in onr nabt ib>4-e und pi^ition ur aoldierami i iti/trir. Wi did niK leave from t'o.ir, but btH-amtc

il,. H- < nr Mooa wonld bave been i_*L-o*ly -i..-.!. Hm-h,ril. b lt tbilig ifc iiilp.-ell.ie. -.li:lee,. iln -»¦ | ...| le ire I.-t,, uiiiit-tl to butt lli.il Iu i.'in iiguin-t t.oaa W'ulla,niul 1 bopo th. v have bratna onon_h left v<< io atteuipitbat. T<-i'i"ri"w nu.'-'iitig. tbo otar- aads-riaaa willbe boieted orer on new poaitkn, akboaajb thesigUiwill otiu_ Nji.th Carolina to tbe _ab__



JKtnv YNiiiUr Uutia baa writluo ua aduurabaa

lillertohiacon-titurntahiihe Poarth Diatriat, f r ti ..

wLt.le _l wl.it h we « iah wetould ladt- na How t.ulyand fordbly do-a be pr.-a.nt to bia fellow-.i'L'.*'- IM

inevitable niiuuqnei:i-aot the aeo-aaion ef Moryland,upon ihe intet'-aiH Bf Slavery , «"'! apoa the cM-B-MOland buaineaa ot Hultimore. B*a*|ai

If tlu- pr.ielil (iov.-nuueli. bc i'es!i'">'i I, j-lf] -

biid alavih l.'ir-i luBethalroulj gOB.Uity fot IM "-

lr ru i.f tl tir BSBTBa Ktery ri*MBmtrrfir.l line ot e >m-

m.itii- ll.a ia r_\eifd. Cuati-m-Hwiiae 88-.-. ari-etl.crtaeieb-BU al every ir-.u'i-r. tier c.unner.- oatln-ot-'-i. ir'iepie; ri'iviiv |-irat* OT t'.:e. ai)--rt ofeven uiutiline power. H_rgf__rl r_ilmud lu.a*-ecryrtlBtarli-B wl'ull il-llkea il Vul illule. ll two i-.p.i--liir oiviie the Territoiy of tl.e Ui.it.' Suitc*, liury-Lii't. ia n it.rd wli.hev.-r ah» join. If th* iuttth,

'-r will wi.lk -vi r lb* l'.::nia)lv.ti ia line i.u-ii.i li rieil. 'I'. e Alni'.iii rl.ive ti.'le will rodaea. theirnaih'-i vtlue bal-iw the coa'of ra__ng or auppottingtba.i; nnd if tbey Uwl i.ot BBacoad t'ley wauM beal uiidei't-t) l.y tl i ir ui«*i_r_.

Free-trade will oten -very port, aud cotton undWi.'oll'll flU'tOlii r, __M thi 'l!""u lilid ¦BBatia* Work. <>fMaryl.id would ue proatrate h-fore Earopeaia mmm-liiioi . The ejijet a*a of Oovrriiuioi.t _u_-t be doubledby tire itrf-tbiit ttt e-aily of u larire rtamlii,./ army; fori Tl tl e roiiditi'.i.- of prrnnt nruriiy will be goue, 'inda grtat Ntulbein pearet di»id_d iroa ua by au :ih _;._,t. ili be an ever-imt tnding duiijier. ln the war o. _*.;.-iiration, and ever after, MaryUnd will he an outgotugj rovime, witbor.t a foitilication or aaataral botiiidury.alwava ov> iruii ut tbe fiiat rouid of ..ima iu_apable ofbt ir g defended by the weiker power of arl i a. aaa willbi- a |«it, wliow- uutiir-.il line ol ileftHBM muat b. tl'<*Poton ae, und on tLie ride of wl ich uo -outaerii aruiyw ot ld vei ture a de< ui. e battleTle hope that Bt.l'iiiior. will be the emporiiiui nf

anch a Keptillie ii a iieliu-toti too ii-lic iloua to need ref-utatioti. Nothii.g inteiid i ttt the Smttli will ever

p_rn Norfi Ik; ai.tl m m tle Weat ladiea we will oem vi r. d by ciuti it -honaea, duliei, aud poli-i.al aulipa-li'ietf, in favor of New-Yor».

Ia I't-t a Southern Itapal Uc new to Marvlaud 1Jciuing a Noitbem one iaequtilly ao, ifat-ted li~«_i

define tl elimiia *f tl.e two Bae-Mata. Tbe alaye iuteieet will b»- iuatai.tlj daHllijadl the great railro_dto ih. Wett ia cut ot. at Haiin-ir. Ferry, aud B.ilimote becom.a a tribu.iv to Ihe OOtitral f.u-rylviuiiaroinl. All her 8-iitliern and Souili-We.tern U.la iagiT.e. and ber f-/i«igu aoaaMf-e (aa aeek lhaBBBBBoi.lt b) tbe luvor ol Virgir.ia or indt-r the guna of a

powentil ravv. Iu wur rtili w.- a e the lr.nuor, andour aoil will l"e den.lated by the eo.it.nding armi..Oar n.aiiufaitiiiing imlti/try wi.l be b-tter mnured;

our r. iliiary tnn.tiei will be'bei tt pioected by tlu-Polimar; onr ftreign coumiene vill have tba pm' .--

li.ii i f a n_iritiu:e pow.r, uudwi alull BB EfBfl fr-.u.tl.e hiin.iliatioii of a European pratectofittaj but th*ai._i:tn ui.d abt-tliite dnitruni "U of ihe rlaveh-iltJinginiereft, ut d ile rucical change iu tlie relatiiua of o n

|-piilation will gite a abm k to our ii.tenml qtdal Badpi.rjeiily tbat tu-ithi-r thia nor the next generatiouwill reco'ver from.

1IIN0K ITEMfi.Fi.iiRio* Bo>i'".-Bef. re llorida entered tho

Ui it ii aha haaada B-IHoae. taraaf doOari efbpQ.,wlieh were taken hy Ki-glia bm-kera. Tliey w^re

ti. ver j.i.iti. ni r waa m}W0M ti them ever 'laaumetl bythe Oeiiei'_lljov«i-i:meiit. A eoiuuiiraioii waa apiK-i :'.

rnii e tb* tiinttcr a fcai yeai* rinee, wliii-t «a». inI.-.i.don, bal rituilly eo_clt.cal tbat t.oihiig eould tio.1- ii. fi r tl e 8M.liata.aa I.I.a, while ameTibeiofthe Ui ion, eould ik.I be . o. n-ed le pay. Bal if H.ridug(.ea _ut and beei.i. ea an iude|rMiiei't uanou ihe boud-h. I.era will probuLlv uak l-e Biiii.-h Oovernmeut lo

nmjel l: yn.tnt ol lier. 11 lima bv aruied Ion e. Mia-ihaqipi Baa a a_.ar pmapeal befo'. her in reginl toher ii | uiiiattd b«-i.da. Here are two war* Lii I out tttthe new Southern UooMaiaiJ, iu addll __ ta iti daa-gtia of ivil und aervile oue..

Cott or It..Saya Thr Vtrkuhurg (Miaa.) Wkigt" At lbe k*a.t pfeaj. le eitiniute.i. willroat $J>,tiOQ,lrWto m_intain the Sute of Mi.-iaaippi *ut of lla.I'nion. All of tl.is will have to ka _*ad by din rttu-utionon ber i-eotile. Are tlu v remly for iinyouben.ergenry ?" Probablv we ol K-ntirkv had be'.terwait ii Iii ile while aud a..- low >;i--_irippi geta alotljfw ii h her mfbi-r aerioua underta'-inK. Perhapa abe willtake it hilo her h.ad to get over tho whole ditficulty byiaming ker '. bonda.

Pl 1 M Kl ON KrvTt'CKT BbC-S-IOB, ''<i_, howabali I grt out of thia ? " rrii-d a horne drowning iu tberiver. "Take bold of my tait," anawered a itiniae

ujon tlu--l.oie. I.hapa Soutli Camlit-t thinis thaKe-tutky, invohed iu all the born.r- ot n-volutioai.d i.order war, mi^iit tiud mftty iu taking bold oi bertail.Thi- |foBTa*Waai ITiaiaMaWi- Whfl* tbo I'nit*.

S'atea Arrenal in IL* tity ol Tha.Katon haa bemi fur-ni-l.ed by Haaratary Kluyd wftb 71,000 aUlud oi arma

during the laat four )eura, lbe Ameiiul ul HpringtirId intbia (Staie har uot, _¦ fur aa we know, re- e.ved a <nuof atiy -ort wbatcver. There are in tlutt orUtbl-ahmentimt u.'.re iluu ti i.ty u.u-keia i.u afe 9t for Mrviit.;ui d u.t*t of lbe oiLer Fiee Maten ate in the aaiue dea-tttute c-udition. There aj.ptura lo have be.n a .y*'.eo.lii- et'.i-il ou tbe pait ut ti e Pre-idt i.t und hlr 0.*Vnet io aaa, ao far aa they rmild do a> withoit ex-itiugalarm, tbe wh'-le |xiwer of the Oovernmeut iu fllliiiglbe Soulb with uiu..- aud uiuuiti "tia of war at tbo ex-

[eme tf tbe N-rth, ui.querli. u.illy with a view ofpeiu itiiiig Ibem, at ihe proptr uiomeiit, to fall iutoiet.lba_.-a. 1lie etfort l.ua l-een r-i l'_r aui r.-aati.l lhatif ihe ailitia of the Nor;b-VS't--t were ealled upon to

i.i iu tl e euf. nenient f tle lawr, it la proba'de lhatn!l tl a (ii.vri-niu. r.t iiiu.k.la in tl.e aix State. woald bei.r' iltieut for the aruing of three n-gimenta. Thiar- uiiiliou of tl ii ga uuiat I e u.el by Sta'e im tion uiitii». h line M tbt- IMmbI Oovi rnmeut, hy tlie vtsrdictof the pi0,'lei, ia tiai.rfnred la bauda tiuU will u.tmake it an eii_iue for protx.OMiig, ei.coar-^ing, and re.Witrdii k treuron. [Cl ioiKo Tribune, Dee. _..

piKAiuti -hraiaiai "t lemna. T_bb.aoaitW. A. LUia, wlich artivai here froiu New-York, ou

Vt'eiiiureditv laat, bad on board 500 barre la cein.-nt, -011-

ri_i nl to ort Muuline. We 1.ru lhat ita deliveryto the Iniied Stalea oft.ier* baa aaaa prevented for thepr.-n i.t, and that it will be pbioed in atore. T_ofigbt-l-W*!- alongr-ide taking tbe eetiieat oa boa dwhen tbe order for itr non-delivery wa_ laaalfad.We are ii f'.nned that a larfM bloek ol graiiite for

Kort Sin_trr, pft>bal-lt Inteudcd for a car.-uiute, nowliea on boyec A Coriijanv'a North rV.tff,

|( iar.i.tui! Ciuri. r D*r. _».Phii tnri phii Mimtai.t PUPi-IKB nm Mhivuk.

. The Thtladtlphta Jmjumr of yeaterday i'nnt:u:.atbe follow ing atatemetil: rkune of our military coin a-niea are preianng tbemrelvee forany eoiergeucy wiii hiii.iv uii«- in lbe preaeut trouble-. Neat I u r|. yi-vi i.in. I'lirj i.ny A of tl e PUl-delphu 1 jgbt OuaidKigimetit, Cupt. C. I.- Miui/e-, wili meet at ibe StateAintii.l foi-dijll, wiere booka will be opened for the. -ioIIii . nt of vi_i__u< men. to cll the nui-a r-.p ..m.-r?to otiennf. aerxiie iu the tlefei.ae of the eonntrv. Weleuii! tl.ut ii[-| lu Miiour lor niitibeml.ip of other miUtary or»_ .>.i...M>'iia un< anuaoully nunierona

Brns or SiioT-Or-ta and Pi»toi.«..Theextra.-tawhich follow are Irom a l> Her wnnen bv a lady, Btiaiive of Hoatou, who livea on a plantation in Oeorgt*. The lettei ia dattvd iltc. 15:" I aee uo pornible h"p« of auving the Ifni >n unleaa

tla- Nortbt-iu people repe.il iu intaiiatel) tbeir olmo.v-ionr lawa, iLiut do all in thi ir p >wer to a^peaae the ex*

titeti feeliiiga of the South; und when d._nnion roni'-a,Hiiiven only knowa what will be the fate in atote forua. at.d I niay have no oaBOftnakl of hea.iiun troui

m_v raiatioiia aud friendant tle North. I eel.iom go toSa'vi.iirah. and hear very lt'tle about puSlir opi< iou,bul I'idfje frt. what I aee in lhi papera, aud all tbatcau Lr Cad bv Toanall aud otht-ra waa thoo.-o lo Ijokfuirly into tl.e aubjett. You uak if ' I hear unyibingabout iiiMiirettion, A.C.. in tl.b naigiiborhooil.' Werl,. every t i/.N' with liaded rlrearma ai baud. 1 donot auv tHat we are aetually iu cLiiger, but aotiu- ofroy ni tghl-ora are mucl. fiigl.tened, aud w* have beeuiui\ ln ti to be pre|atred. Three plola have Laiely raw-niHaaBHiiail will in rix BB.ea of ur, in all of whi- r. thewbitea wi n-to Le luurden-d. The oue beaded by Iii-I rni, at SkitldaWHV, war e.xpl ui.e-l iu a letfe-l flM>Ul theHoutli publirl.e-i iu Bortoll. 1'he laat w aa found outb.r: wit-k. i ot two milta frnm ua. I do not i- -I athlerty io ;rive the gentlem_n'i. n;.'ne who oivua thepluuii.iiou, for he ined 10 hu. h it up. Hia i.e.'io- hadren ivi d a letter fnun u white uu_u telliug them a ,;r. al(ieiieiiil waa cou.iiig to live tl.em, but tney muat tiratkill tbeir uiaater'a fauiily. It muat have been wr.it -n

by aonie otie who ui.deiatiaal tbe iiegm chiirai-tor, forit'wu- wt 11 raliuLited to exrite their teeliugaf*" Tl.ere ia now a report that du...i>: thr t'hriatmaa

hulidaya thert- le to be u n***g ou tue ialimla, aml ifnn. .-~Ii.l ile lu.roiH will of t'OuiM loid ulong tbiaal'on aud, aecoiditig to lbe report, ' buru our Iii«imm4over our heaxla.' I .anitot hring myaolf tn beli.-v" it,bul it eruiij.lv ia Uot a |iear.inl tliiug U. think of.'ll.iii i* lo he uiwiing to-iuoirow, hiid a patr I ia tohe orgi.i i/a d. Tbey n.uy perl.upB ob.iu tk.ie extrapioteuiou fnui towu."lavaoaaaa imkm arrra thi- Pwhob. Ib|b 7**«

Ctmlirrl/ttttl (Md.l Ctrtittnoud TrJegraph. .' Ourcountry it baing ilo-ded witli llimii ion doenm ..ta.Oui Meimtor iu tle l-'_i-l._ture uf AlarvLnd, lltm.Ti.onur .letli Tat.n M. Kui,', Ina received a iiiiuiUr ofthere j eatib-iii irodurtiotir, and, ii ia ruroored, ia htimlyeii^uged ui tlu irt'ir.ulal.ou. We had thou-iit ketuirof our N iii.ti.i-, aml but uit. r lbe great rorpria* aud iu-digiiaiion wt.ii'li ia telt bv a Large luuiurity ni onrpoo-ple at thit etlori to r-.aiui-e audue ex> itemetit aad en-

gender bitterue. and hate aiuong oar citiaen*-TMl AfT o.PlKWi IN ('HAHI.-aTON HlHBolt .

The tran.fer of the United Nmti a n-venue e itter brigin Cbarleirton llarbor, the other day, to the 8«jeaaionleu'lera, aaya Tke Wmthtnklon ..._"-, waa k* K't.* andatrocioua au aet ol* naked piracy.aa ever wu* perpe-traieU. Hi r romniuuder, a Niuth Caroliuian, one

uu.iiiii-K wioto to tl.e Ti.*ury Oi>partiueut B letterre'iguiig biaeommiaiion io th*_er\ioo of the Uuited

Ptultr. On tl e .u!>' aftenmon Ii«_ir haTgr*! hv rr»w.

nnd, prefei r!i:iK tn al 8 Ne th*. frtiw IbO <>h&f*ti'.ii oft i ir .._iba no l i i e>i Staita Buil.TB, awora ilinin it aa*i.iil.rf of "be irdopeud-i.t Stateof S4>uth t^'.irolina. iiad.htirtbf tbePabBcttolag, inuohdmai the v.-bboI ;wdb; j.;..;rt.nai"-'o tb». property «f tiie onid uil'.peiiilenl_tute Sc-ride Capt. O-ete ot Kuntb C-rollaa, wb>« ra-cerjtrr l.t'r-.yed nu- truet i.i tbe Hurbor ot <!__.__»_.tbe "lil.ei* i.t l.e v*. «*1 were: Kirat I.icnt. Vnetr-wad, S-.ot.d I.ieut. 11. <>. J'tter (u .'on of the Lit>.

i-ore I'oiier), ind Tbird I.i* .r. If. J. <"._mbr_Joi Ui. Wbeu OtmUi t-w-.k jrttm --i»" ol Iba brlgla tbaii.,,.. #.f giaui|-, Can Haa. Ihey.liia.onj.talj r.iirvdtatbeii'y aadnaxliad llapapartaaal bare >'f OatUfaH' t; tkt an-lvea i wui'ing furtter ordera fhaa the l.ov-omment here.

Tii>: Si'iKiib flpfs, Ma_ of tho aaaaaa that w.__ar ikcd ui Kon Al .uliii.-, u.e aon in g -.xi oooditbm\tbaine'alj ii-a t'at t! *¦ Ui.itod Btatao OBoaae wiae «__*¦

I aaaaaa to bave in the tou.h-b. I**, b< i ig reinoved.Oar am iaa Lilhiv-Umviththi taers..

Ckarlettua..lan. -..Tne Coiiveniion ba.'e beeu dis-t-nafa g, a Itb rkaed do4>r-. how to heai in Mnj. Ander-04 n, aud to make r'ort -i.tuter meleaa to tho Vaderal(ioM-ii.n.iLt. Yariouo plane bave been propoaed, hattlu- naar-urta limtlly lil upon, hpo tw», whi.li it io importatt tl at O igreae, tbe I'reaidcnt and .bt War Da*jarin ei.t rbould hiiow at onee, and tlirrcfore thov ap-peai _nt in Th* £_«*_.*, if not anticipa-ed ai \V_b-tiiKi.n.

ln tbe firat pkiee all anprornbeo to tho Klute by b>tid| tu. wati led by State i-oope, u.uny of w.oin are ca\al-ry. Eveiv border iown not o: ly haa it? hiied polioe,luf it* n if »ety ^oaidr. TLeoi.ly aiiproaeh e_i¦_.g lotl t PtaBi ir bv ih-h, and the nbjec't of tho Couventitm i_to ijevent t.iiit.r.etiien'H by eitber of tbe aiaanela.tf v iih tl.eie aie fot.).tl a firat ranui . akag u id,-kiitii.g Goiernor'a and 11.11* Iol_:i'l.-. tbe aecond,ti a abip .haniel rasBOBa from weat to eaat, and tbeentra. ie to wbut io | oiuted out by tbe light-booae;tbe tbird i-l in m I ir I ig tl.e *nntbeni c-ant, aod tbefon.ti. ia a rii.all ooe, muii.ly uoed by fial.erineu. Bntone of tl ere ibannelocau te uaed by T4j*aeb nf auyai7c, ui d bi ii g baoyrd ont and pro»e.(i d by fhe Gov-einn et t, tl.e pnrpm- ia to de-trov, if need be._ll tbeeep.otettion* hi '. guire* to tbe harb-.r and city.Al o r-e.-ret ordera bave heea given, if nocd Ih-, to

keep oi.t rcent'ircemei.ta by aea to,eend veooela in *__»oi tbe four Clumnclo. Ttve 4ruio. U aucb here) tbat thortwill i,41 be a m. mta__ hc-it.itioh 'o a*i_o iipor. anyven-ela in port tie. torary for tbat purpoiie. Krerythuijria i.|. ti u war footing.Tu* Fi»i.c»ii Loan SraTr.M..South Carolina !«_.

Nuurauua, t'r.na Ki.u, und GuiU-rJiiiab., or ihe S' a.

nt Mi ,\i.", i-i euu-rii g upon tl.e for.ed loun ay*teia.I'l.bfic opnien eoBBBOBI a man 10 leiid to tbo State ua i-i

Mexiro. On one tV ie ofi.oo.Jj, woitb about $1 >,0Q_B iind 1. -an war levied by thi* " pnbli. opuni n

|3,C0t.! Tl e tu_atiou upon negroee ia Irifntfal, ^J.1 er ead. I ioy tbat dame inu»t pay lor the liddb r.

Thk I'miiii Statk!. Vasaau 6tat_nikd trCaaattrroa,.Tbe reaeaaa eaaaat wld io imv.-t.iki n by tbe aeeeeabadaai.I fj_a.aaaa i* an old \,\k*-b". t, n. w .-hli'-d tl e Aiken. She ni.-niito no gina andi.. ii erely I iied by (iov4-r.iinent, and in im-.l aa a c-.'ter.Tl eio bax been i,o Ui.i od Stat.a reveuurciitierot, .h;-?tuiion rinio >-54, wbon ole foundered in ag-11 attbe barbor, and all handa wero loet ex-ept two of tbecr. w. Tl.e otl er veori-la of tho li.it. 1 Sf'iie* ii>( I. lUriou bnrbor are tbe mhoui99t IVtiel formeriybeloniii.g to ibe War or Navy Deiartiuen.: aaOHnervicodiiiiirKftol-loii.iHWiir-.Blf i« uow tireai +* a

qiaiuiitine hi.lk duri... tbeyell<>wfever ni'.nrh*. bt-inaMBed by lhe Trensury llt-p .rtmeiit U> tlie Chaii-nttaiBoard tM llealtb for "that p:irpo*e. The light-:tei der rthooiier, Goveruor Ak.-u ia ured Li tranoji'irti' g -iii| li< - io tl.e lixht-houaea and in reuiovingamire| la< i. g buoya in tb« hurbor. Tbe anrvoymg a bix-iitrCrawfoid wa_ foraierlv a reve-ue ..Oer, BnJ W-'tie llag-4ip of tbe reveuue tleit tn l>-3i; d..ri:i_ thrrNnllifuaii.'ii, abe, witb eixbt otber*, capt ured and tookpe-WlioaOflbe t-mu»,».U..iibiig General Hayne; tb -;.M-I.ioier Crawfoid ir iLe i ld oue of tb*t name robuilt..Sle 1* now engHged aeraniag tbe hairwir and iiilorttrmar Cbarleiton. Tbe dCaaiatlva eteamer rire-VTIvie. art ourvoy), ptirclaied of COaH.ldore Vand. rldfr..or tbe siirvcv of ibe Suvunnah river waa two Blaa tbe aaaaaea tiom New-Y..rk ia Cba lerum, h_*__Cto keep in abore. A t'..lt'a revolver placed on a piv4>t,would l«jan effi.ient battery for ber.and iu iiiet lhe*ouly one »Le could ca.ry with any degroe ot oufety-Ti * above-UHUit- veertlr ure a .-olleclion of old. rotteai lui k», ai d not worth iii required) tbe powder arvtrbell to blnw ttem out of tbe water. T_ere ia a liglt-Toa*<rl atati-iied ou Katllenuake aboab.. twtuty ns-aU:ib-e i.. ii. lhe 4 ity of ( hui ler n

Th-t IH1>« TH»» »«a Kr4iit.*H CiVAI.H'Ile _itmbe>a nt ile v<».th Carolina Le>j,i lathe \t*. u.bl> *it wiib Unir bata on. Ile l.'lerk, clo btd 'Vu.) Ki i copnl ileri/yn an, calla the roll. The rnoaanj.. r, tu ir nt of the 8pc_kar'a ro.tn, atrtke- hie *t_lT ur_ti.>-fli-4'i. i-ivLig "iit, " Mab0 way for tbe Hpaaker;''th-- IJootko) per repeata ii h.udly with three heavy r_r-7-of in Btaft, m.d then tbe Speaker biineelf, rloahed in _

mb bbie nu.i-Jiiie iebe, luarc-eo up |_a aiafo la r_at__*A CiivatJtOOS Dfiti..Iientenant I'tiderwond.

aaaasj in couua. d of the revenoe cuttor Aik a, r;.. -.

ti ttt tap uiu <.<tte tbe touioia-der of the cotlor. w ae'

mi.i'Vi ed Baa raj_i i^t mhi.o time befo. a ?4 ulh t aro-lina devtjded tof>> out, ond ugr»ed when the >ut-4 de.lioi.-d u. i.o ont of the lidin, to rooigu and turn tb_\ervil a\er lo bim, Lietit. I'uderw ».«, hutinate.d oldoii.g M ba aadati Kort Snmter neforo Maj >r Andor--. t. to. k | o*»e**ion nf it, ..i a e.xaniii.od if for sevend.lu uio, i.i.d ti.ii.lly | lu tu tl.e tutter in rtn-b a p<> Uaar tn b rt \ e bei ot lo> water higb uud dry on L.id.W ile -ho wa* thua ritu tati tbe S«*>-efoi'iniHta took p.»*«m Rr.tn . f 1 ir, t',.ittiii t'ooie being otill in coBimandyand I .ieut.-nan Underwood, being bia sub-anli ;a e,war. of c noe, poweile* toact. faptaio Cooto trir>irinformed Lieutei a.t l ndor-ood ibatfciaBenioa»w<aul tloi to ii .uiiod Uieraauy longer.Tbo "Cabllinniidan** oe.euude, projocted for tbe*

deKfbt of tbe South ('ar<dinar'ornii.i-Bi.>ner*,oiir<inat4*4.not witb tbe KepubUcana f Waobington, who n..*_munl er aouie two'lioueai d or wore, but auio;ik" tb.*I'liion men of otl'er partiea. All over the eity th«»otaraiid airi,ea may be eeen l>a_f| aiid b_d_. - rt.Ui.i n are worn aa an off-aet to ti.e cockadea of tbe.SeceoriotjirU. Tbe mili'aiy couipanieH are all, Wti_au lUrigmti.ant. xoeptun, tor the l'ni-'U.TLe Navanaah lort* were wknl by riii/.n. of*

Cooi^ia, at *«atgeaiiona telo^rapbed from WaohiiiL-t.^uby the Geor^ia dt-legation in Con_re-~.Ibezeakiua but i^i.oraiit fsoutii Carolina warriore*

moui.tirg gnaid au tLereaioaat, unnaed ao they u.e tn>o.. (oruie-nd hardrbipo, onrler greatlv. Tbe weutbarbaa been q. ile i-b', aa wellaaaamp, ai.d their raLttivarin ( haile t n ar. in great diatreaa about them. iberii.tli.ita of pn-cfi. ul receaaion are already found U> r»*>li.u. Ji n oi* '.it-a« tban waa anticipaUrw, allho.ufb ihebr>t aaa I mo nol b«eu hred yet.It ahould, iu tht oa daya o/eimgninary portent, art".»rdaon e little cont-1-ti.m to know tbat'tbo killku; of r*.cou latani in tmttle iaaverae to the " true art 'of war.uo we Imrn fr. ui Col. l't-urd, "Garibuldi* Kt.v.*b--miii!, who ia repoited U> b_ve B__'ef rille ahotXiug in-wai: 8" Mind, if ever you go i illo Hbooiing. uae yoar niia

in a a. ieiitilic maniitr. Recollett alwaya not tt> _-._

ytnr man, lut to wouud biui; then it take* two nu_t<> t_riy him oft, und Lbooe two uien never bl any.1 ui.i'-.oii t- lack tbe M.00 day. With a >!i<il«i«>-baia.00 ritle, theiefoie, you may got lid.f nx meu a*.eacb lii-cbnige.'A Tuaitok iv ouk M.i'-r. -'Ile editors of . .«.

Riehm, -./ Ekfktttt lliriirt at _ of New-York u very*ll.-diu-a'a head of an BB_..* Koad tbe _B_ton)_ascioll:

Nb« riaa, D«o. ti, 1808.(IrBTiB-VKrV; I hav* ._pl«aiar*U»l.'(.riu v«-u lb»t H .. (**>

iptiuoi. tf-.-ir b.ghly rn pectahle aud inC.jeutlaJ rltlreur b.*ro_l!». .1.1. eity _tU br 'u* ihnaier of tke b.o.l(o*t bgBt* thai titre-. rei ol..r c. d ibrUtrud-ui, l. .vuirt..ug U iiu< dou* r«rv aiHuvlv-\o .| pe«*e-t.- fcou'b. A.r.ad-.Mr. Karigan ba* 18 WM __*}r. « ) -o ild tlie Oruth. lt nul) r.-q.ii r- lil- aigua. Ul .!.. .il._...,* I . iu loadli.a.ito irar ip yo.'i aallroerti at prepar ti __.

K rer i.ri_li . jo'ir B). ii i" all *ei.tloo* of Virilti.a, aad by -i-i-l bv»e v.lllb*.r Ulug»allrigl.t, IraBipUogtba lyiti|,thi*v_a-, »bi_-r.. ej Rriul llaai - .'..der r«.t. I ut tlie kn..i ial b'n 1. »c . . -

aarlv io\ u ur.D lu all parta of tbv wurld oa trlckatarra ar.d K._.R» rl! :. A-k_a\

Luin r. .a ViKii.sii..Kroui a lette r* nveabv m ii.entltDiMnof Uiiatily from a rcLtive io r_t<4er_Yirrii i h nativeof thht rkate, now livn.g ioe «. a

H»atk__a kigbly actump-oied, .md holdiug iu. o_h ial|oriii' ii of n.uili iidirortrou*.nmr .h1, too, to u \Dia ludy, wo ure i-ri-iitte.1 to make the following ex-t._4_»: ...

-, Uee. -J4. IW>.'.Mr Piiit F-: Ihave juat recei.elu le'ter

fr.Hii Ll-. II. -yabeliHo )iiBir-c*iv4jd»W-ert:i.i«yoe, in wlichyuuiay you do uot njiirt* havbi^ Vt*p«loi Liiuoli-. f hoy, Ht-t Aliei.tbo i toleralle b dly-ing oWLggi r, tu d upniinot rli.arolo of Southern <""¦--

gn**i_4_i for v4__ojiaot)«^'ry NetlAer* bmb. *****ohi untii tm-jtttk tojtlii mmtUirdaard,a_«r_a tt

h.m.,.'f to tote for thr IVor-Urra mb iu'i'K. A* u- __

the rhatferitig abotu " m-ii....: li'...." what ir Ibe -_a.

I le fact 1 Ia n. t Hlavery a " aeet-ooal" inaU' tUm fAi d haa it uot bten the aoune of all our troubU-a rroot, e MgitiimiB" l.'eir.. i-.t n o.e.v >e<» haa «*/U.n aa ii ou a new phaae of Slavery pitipagandisin.

..Th* ui<o-i ..» »'4v.i ni -<a -..r .i.u-.u.k.ti for

tl ia puruoae, and when Califoniia rontinned free. iaapiteiu, ;.ll i-i.one u. tte t4Hitmry, -by, tu b*A m,,.., ot eouioe Wall atreet w*k o.mvuW.1 wi i\

iaiio4K tbr-tf.and 'te I'uion Committee of la* mi.irtiea waa b.oughr forth. Bnt v.by wko,.. t^.a._.... .i.iit When iou baar V4>ur I»fU'4»crii_ani-.!hUow .iti* aa .Ul-i..gm _bo*it ^_/_*!'.U7vjf,^v_^_ii

aattahftmr_..*"l b_ve _-_i_a gre'i tfcal of uaayo.

Uvo to our pit.a-t tr-nbles, and h_va neard auaf¦ t_a. 1. A 2* M__utnla tn

juat UU tb. m tl ia,« aid noibing more: ITte »""'«"'

mtvpU hmtr Bloek R ,,*bh.«<» ; tket ftf'.*W'I<__*ll mucr-'- * k--*- trrr. t -»

rrtontci.r.tot.e'Wodn.y.'b t h aaaraaU ia-Bhit at Ootl wotU bt pltoi ed to brtng Other mmtt to o**t

our ftJalUhilH); it it only our adcertastet *ko art

"Tbe mateor bere ia seriooa oga.»gh ui all soben.aau
