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prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped...

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Page 1: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

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Page 2: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

College ProsPeCtusnambour Christian College

as we celebrate more than 36 years as a leading sunshine Coast school, we reflect on how Nambour Christian College has grown from its first intake of 36 students in 1980, to a large, well equipped facility comprising three sub-schools, an Early Learning Centre and a 55 hectare outdoor education campus at Imbil in addition to second campus in the far North Queensland town of Normanton.

As students complete their education at Nambour Christian College, they develop a comprehensive understanding of Christian values, a clear appreciation of the importance of lifelong learning and a desire to shape their own future, and of the society into which they go.

Our aim is to work with parents, local churches and the community in providing a quality educational environment that fosters security, support and success in academic, spiritual, social and physical areas of students’ lives.

Choosing the right school for our children is one of the greatest gifts we as parents can give them in their journey through life. We trust that the information provided in this Prospectus will assist you as you make this important decision.

We also invite you to see how Nambour Christian College can provide your child with an outstanding education, promising them the best possible start and a lifelong advantage.

I look forward to meeting with you when you visit our College.

Bruce Campbell Head of College

WELCOmE tO Nambour christiaN college

traNsformiNg LIvEs, impactiNg the World fOr ChrIst

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Page 3: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

College ProsPeCtusnambour Christian College

Nambour Christian College is a leading independent school on Queensland’s sunshine Coast offering excellence in Christian education from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.

the central role of the Christian faith is captured in the school’s mission statement: to provide a secure and supportive Christ-centred learning community where a commitment to excellence, creativity and service is encouraged and modelled.

although welcoming students from all faiths, enrolment at NCC requires an understanding that all students will participate in Christian worship and in the study of the Bible. Our Christian ministry programs include Chapel services, camps and mid-week student’s fellowships and staff gatherings. While Gospel ministry is foundational there is also a strong emphasis on the out workings

of the Christian faith, evident in the areas of empathy, morality, kindness, and tolerance and whole school philanthropic projects.

Pastoral Care is a significant part of the NCC offering. Classroom and family group teachers and year level co-ordinators provide care, support and guidance to the individual students as well as offering a variety of programs that support the wellbeing of our students. further professional support is provided by the school counsellors for those students with particular needs.

If you are looking for a well-established school that caters for individual needs of students, then why not visit our College and see what makes NCC such a special place.

a leadiNg suNshINE COAst sChOOLWELCOmE tO Nambour christiaN college

Ncc is a Well-established school that caters for iNdividual Needs of studeNts, Why Not visit our stuNNiNg campus aNd see What makes Ncc so special. security support success

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Page 4: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

College ProsPeCtusnambour Christian College

NCC is an academically strong school offering a variety of subjects that meet the needs of our students. Our educational programs are designed to enrich each student socially, emotionally, physically and spirituality. this holistic education approach is the hallmark of an NCC educational offering. teaching and learning is central to NCC, and so too is the development of good character and servant-hearted leadership.

With the growing impact of modern technologies on teaching and learning, NCC has a strong ICt backbone, including projectors in most teaching rooms and interactive whiteboards. the introduction of a one-to-one laptop program across all academic years from Years 4 to 12 has meant that learning remains vibrant and contemporary.

NCC has well established school based traineeship programs, allowing students to access industry and business across the sunshine Coast for one day each week. several school based subjects also offer students v.E.t qualifications.

tEAChING & learNiNg

What i like about Ncc is that the teachers are committed aNd cariNg, aNd go beyoNd the call of duty to help the studeNts; the seNse of commuNity; the facilities; the subjects aNd extra-curricular activities offered; great values; the safe, acceptiNg eNviroNmeNt for the studeNts to do their best.

creative & performiNg arts sport outdoor educatioN

missioN trips music

Internationally, nationally and on the sunshine Coast, Nambour Christian College provides a diverse range of opportunities for students to be involved in co-curricular activities.

these can be broadly grouped into the following areas:

• music

• sport

• Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA)

• Outdoor Education

• mission trips

• Cultural Exchange and Other

students are challenged to develop their gifts and talents and to consider ways in which they can lead and serve others both within and outside the school community.

there are numerous opportunities for our students to be part of and enjoy a broad range of experiences with co-curricular activities designed with our students in mind and to significantly enrich their educational experience at NCC.


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Page 5: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

College ProsPeCtusnambour Christian College

At our sunshine Coast school campus you not only experience a rainforest setting and stunning gardens but also gain an appreciation of the first class facilities provided for our students.

You will quickly realise the enormous depth of resources available to your child as we help them achieve their full potential and develop their talents and skills.

modern, brightly coloured, architecturally designed buildings offer generous classroom and teaching spaces and foster a friendly, uplifting and personal learning environment. All classrooms are air-conditioned.

this facility caters for a number of sports and is used for both training and competition. A special feature is the climbing wall and a fully equipped weights room.

fIrst CLAss college facilities

health & fitNess ceNtre• A computerised resource Centre accommodating extensive library and technology resources

• A fully equipped hospitality ‘trades skills Centre’ building with modern commercial kitchen and bakery, restaurant (seating 100 people) and catering facilities

• manual Arts building complemented by a graphics design laboratory

• Purpose designed science laboratories – Physics, Chemistry and Biology

sPECIALLY dEsIGNEd learNiNg facilities At NAmBOur ChrIstIAN COLLEGE

• A fully equipped speech and drama facility, including Film and television studio, with extensive costume wardrobe and stage props

• specialised music studios and visual Arts centres

• A fully functioning Agricultural farm (Berakah farm), allowing your child to learn about growing crops and caring for livestock

• Extensive sporting and recreational facilities, including sports fields, tennis and basketball courts, as well as the health & fitness Centre (see details to right)

• Lecture theatre/Auditorium and an Outdoor stage/Amphitheatre facility

• A Primary school multi-Purpose Centre (Abbenbroek building) incorporating a library, science laboratory, performing arts room, music ensemble rehearsal centre, music classroom, six instrumental music tuition rooms and a large undercover recreation area

• Award winning Early Learning Centre with its stunning design and playscaped areas for students aged 2.5 years old to school age

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Page 6: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

College ProsPeCtusnambour Christian College

the atmosphere iN our primary school is Warm aNd cariNg, offeriNg studeNts a stimulatiNg, eNriched aNd discipliNed educatioNal eNviroNmeNt.

the strength of any building rests in its foundations. Likewise when building character, it is vital to lay the right foundations early.

for this reason, we place enormous emphasis on creating the perfect setting – delivering structure, learning and fun.

the atmosphere in our Primary school is warm and caring, offering students a stimulating, enriched and disciplined educational environment. from the very beginning, emphasis is placed on your child understanding literacy and numeracy, with additional learning enrichment available when needed. Our class sizes in Junior Primary are limited to ensure that the needs of each child are properly met.

students have their own teacher for core subjects, with access to specialists for music, Library and Physical Education. they also have exposure to other, more diversified areas of learning and a wide range of

experiences and challenges. Year 4 students are involved in a unique instrumental music program, where each child learns a musical instrument and participates and performs in the Year 4 band.

technology is an integral part of learning. students have their own personal device from Years 4 to 6, with class sets of tablets in Prep to Year 3 classrooms.

Each class enjoys a solid foundation of biblical teaching through stories, singing and morning prayer. musical groups such as choirs, bands, orchestras and ensembles, as well as debating, public speaking and chess are all very stimulating to young minds.

With access to the health & fitness Centre from the two adjoining Primary ovals, students enjoy the most comprehensive and modern facilities of any Primary school on the sunshine Coast.

primary school BuILdING thE fOuNdAtION

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Page 7: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

College ProsPeCtusnambour Christian College

to ensure that all students have the opportunity of reaching their full potential, the curriculum has been carefully designed to be meaningful and appropriately challenging. middle school students need the opportunity to continue core learning through building on the foundations from Primary schooling and extend into a range of more specialised learning where they explore new and exciting elective subjects in technology and the Arts.

In brief, the NCC middle school aims to combine fresh and relevant academic challenges within a safe, nurturing environment. the emphasis is on security, support and success so that students can build a bridge between the essential learning of the primary years to the specialised pathways presented in the senior years.

the NCC middle school includes carefully planned and specialised learning areas which allow a flexible use of space both within and outside of classrooms. the design of these spaces allows students to be creative and collaborate in their learning journey. the middle school environment is enhanced with its own large undercover recreation area that is used extensively for assemblies, rehearsals, sport and social interaction.

middle school staff are carefully selected and continue to develop their understanding and role as teachers and mentors of young people. teachers are involved in helping young people and parents in many special learning experiences which assist the journey of the adolescent toward a fulfilled identity and purpose as young men and women.

sECurItY, support, suCCess

as the first school oN the suNshiNe coast to offer middle school, We kNoW hoW to Nurture aNd support studeNts through this excitiNg aNd challeNgiNg phase of life.

In 1999, Nambour Christian College opened its purposeful middle school and was the first school to do so on the sunshine Coast.

In embarking on an authentic journey into middle schooling, NCC continues to acknowledge the distinct physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual changes for young people around the ages of 12 to 15. the NCC middle school has been created to nurture students and to help them grow through this exciting and challenging phase of life.

suNshINE COAst’s fIrstmiddle school

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Page 8: prospectus - Nambour Christian College · in co-curricular activities. these can be broadly grouped into the following areas: • music • sport • Creative and Performing Arts

College ProsPeCtusnambour Christian College

the Nambour Christian College (NCC) senior school aims to prepare students to be ready for life beyond school. In doing so, students have the option to study courses across a complete range of academic and vocational education subjects. We also help students to understand their special interests and gifts, and develop the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful future.

students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through a variety of activities and courses. the values and culture of the College are foundational to understanding God’s love and guiding principles taught at NCC. Our graduates are confident young men and women ready to step out into society equipped for the journey ahead.

the curriculum in the senior school is governed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) syllabus documents. many courses are carefully designed to prepare students for the expectations required at university and tertiary institutions and contribute towards their university entrance score. In addition, a number of courses are certificate based, and students completing these courses will gain accreditation towards

an apprenticeship or further studies in their chosen field. students can also choose to study a subject at the university of the sunshine Coast whilst in the senior school through participation in their headstart program.

Core subjects such as focus in Years 10 and 11 and Exit Preparation in Year 12 provide students with vocational learning, career education and life skills. much of the content taught in these courses helps students to successfully navigate their way through the senior years. In Christian Living, students engage with challenging and thought provoking material in order to motivate them to think deeply about the gospel message and what it means to them individually. throughout this course students are presented with a Christian Worldview on a variety of subjects including relevant global and social issues. Annually, students also complete a community service unit.

upon successful completion of Year 12, students will be presented their Queensland Certificate of Education from the QCAA.

seNior school & beyoNdEQuIPPING fOr thE futurE

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nambour christian college

COLLEGE AddrEss 2 mcKenzie road, Woombye QLd 4559

POstAL AddrEss PO Box 500, Nambour QLd 4560

PhONE (07) 5451 3333 (Overseas +61 7 5451 3333)

EmAIL [email protected]

WWW.Ncc.qld.edu.auCrICOs PrOvIdEr NumBEr: 01461G
