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Prosperians 昕物 Vol.7

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Annual Publication of the HSBC Prosperity Hall, City University of Hong Kong - Vol.7
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Hall SongThe Hall song was written by our residencts in 2004. The lyrics aim at encouraging residents to conquer challenges in hall lives without fear, to help and care for each other, and to strive for bright prospects together, making Prosperity Hall an incubator for societal celebrities and elites.

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Traditions and Cultures in Prosperity HallHSBC Prosperity Hall is not just a place to sleep. Rather, it is our home. A place where we live, we grow, we prosper. Thanks to all the enthusiastic predecessors, a firm, yet lively, tradition is formed, laying a solid foundation for the youger Prosperians to build on, to enrich, and to pass on to the next generations.


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Signature BannerAs a new comer of Hall 2, the first hall tradition you will encounter would probably be the signature banner. The signature banner acts like the guest book signed in a banquet. What makes it different is that it is a huge guest book taking record of the existing and ex-residents.

You have just checked in at HSBC Prosperity Hall !

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Time TunnelIf you want to explore the history of Hall 2, you can travel through this “time tunnel”. Group photos of Prosperians taken on Prosperians Night are hanged chronologically on the ground floor corridor.

Annual Publication “昕物 Prosperians”The annual publication “Prosperians”was first published in 2005. Reading through the pages in the old issues, you will be able to rewind the old times where the precious moments of our residents were marked down.


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Hall 2 OcampWe are the first Hall to organise Orientation Camp in the Student Residence community. The orientation camp not only provides a chance for new residents to develop friendship with each other, it also help to strength the connection between the new and existing residents in our Hall. Games are specially designed to help students to get adapt to hall life. For example, a Cooking competition will be held in the Ocamp.

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Weekly Dessert GatheringWeekly floor dessert night is one of the most popular activities in our hall. Delicious and special desserts are made by Prosperians whole-heartedly. Every room will take turn to prepare dessert for the whole floor. Wide varieties, specialty and internationality of our floor desserts are similar to the famous restaurants introduced by the Michelin Guide.


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Prosperians NightProsperians Night is an important appointment for both the new and existing residents to come together at beginning of every semester. On that night, residents of the same floor will sit together at a round table which looks like the traditional reunion dinner we have in Lunar Chinese New Year’s Eve. Besides the delicious food, lucky draw and games, the most highlighted event would be the floor-photos taking session at the end, which would become a block of “Time Tunnel”.

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Wishing Board 勁過板The Chinese name of this wishing board “Ging Guo Ban 勁過板”literally means “passing through”a GPA of 3, or even exceed 4. On examination eves, residents will fill the wishing board up with their goals written on red papers. Besides, they will also touch the sugar cane hung on the board, playing with the homophone in

Cantonese(掂過碌蔗) , which symbolizes they will be able to do well in the exams.

The passing of Golden BowlThe Passing of Golden Bowl is a special ceremony in the Inauguration of Residents’ Association, which represents passing the spirit of prosperity and our history from the Ex-Residents’ Association to the new one.


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Signature bannerThe very first thing every Prosperian does when they enter the residence is to sign their names onto a huge banner. The first banner was born in 2002 and having a signature banner has become a yearly ritual. Hung up on the front wall, it serves as a guest book that records all who live and had lived in Hall 2.

Vending MachineThere is a drink vending machine at the G/F Lobby, you don’t have to walk far away for a cup of coffee.

Mail Boxes and Signature Banner 信箱 及 入宿簽名橫額

Hall Living Tips 住 Hall 小貼士

Sometimes, you may find that it’s hard to spend the 10 cent or 50 cent coins. Actually, you can insert all your 10, 50 cent coins in one batch(max $12.4 per order), buy a $5 coke and then you will get your change back in $1 or $2 dollar coins.


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G/F Common Room地下交誼室 (俗稱 - 地Com)

Just like a living room at home, the G/F common room is decorated with comfortable sofa, large wooden table, refrigerator, 37”LCD TV and Audio Visual equipments. You can watch HD TV channels, movies or even singing karaoke here. Usually, residents book it for gatherings and parties.

Hall Living Tips 住 Hall 小貼士

Please refer to the details operating instructions before using the AV equipments. Or you may ask RT for help!


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Prosperians Reading Room頁欣書軒

Opposite to the G/F common room is the Prosperian Reading Room, a special room with a very comfortable setting and warm-coloured furniture. The most special thing in this room is the big bookshelf. Many books on the bookshelf were donated by our hall Alumni. Sometimes, if you were lucky enough, you may even find textbooks here.


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At the end of the corridor, you will find the “Tracks”and the Computer Room.

The room “Tracks”is named because it displays the tracks of our past residents. It is a showroom of our hall traditions and cultures. There are souvenirs and banners from past events. Hanging on the wall are cheerful photos of the residents participating in various hall activities such as hall orientation camp, singing contest, study tour and floor gatherings.

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Floor Common Room樓層交誼室Hall 2 is famous for its full collection of kitchenware that you could hardly found in other Halls. You can find these on nearly EVERY floor common room!


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Roof天台The laundry room is located on the roof of Hall 2. There are 5 washing machines, 3 drying machines and 2 dehydrating machines inside.

Hall Living Tips 住 Hall 小貼士

Do you know what do these function keys means?洗衣機大家可能用過好多次,但究竟你地知唔知 d 功能鍵有咩用呢?

Button 1: Start

Button 2: This feature provides extra rinse to the washing cycle.

Button 3: This feature stops the washing machine during the final rinse with a low water level. Press the Start button again to start spinning.

Button 4: “Extra Dirty” feature, include pre-wash and extra rinse.

Button 5: “Express washing” feature, reduce the water temperature by 5oC and four-minute wash.

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Showroom 306AHave you ever thought of decorating your bed-study room? Here is a showroom by two pretty gals, Germany and Sharon.

Reporter: Desmond

Desmond: I know you two have been living in 306A together for two years. This room must have some special meanings to you. Could you tell me something on this?

Sharon: This room gives me a homey feeling. Living in 306A is like living at home with everything I need available inside the room. Germany: As we are living in a relatively bigger room(Room A) than our toilet-mates, many of my friends like to visit me. I found a great feeling of having party here. We sing, we dance and we laugh. It is so free that we can do what we want without letting others know. HaHa!!!

Both: We always chat before we sleep. That is girls’ ‘pillow talk’. Also, 306A is full of precious memories of this Hall and the University.


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Desmond: Which part do you like most in this room?

Germany: My bed, definitely!!! My bed, actually that should be our bed, is like something with magic. It can encourage others to talk about themselves from the bottom of their hearts. I always dance on the bed. My roommate sometimes dances with me too. We are enjoying those fantastic nights.

Sharon: Same as my dearest Germany. We chat, we quarrel. We always gossip about others in this hall, and we also talk about every happy moment we had.

Desmond: It seems that 306A is a safe deposit box containing two-year memories of this room. What unforgettable memories do you have in 306A?

Both: At the beginning of the formation of NoNeed2Sleep(the 5th Residents’ Association Executive Committee of Hall 2), all of our RA members have slept on the floor in 306A for a whole night. We could hardly believe that more than ten people could cramp into a room. It was really one of the most memorable things in our hall life. At that period, we always played tricks on whoever came to our room. Eutonia, Nelson and Leo are some of the ‘good’ examples. We enjoy the tricks very much!!

Germany and Sharon

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On this floor: WANG Qi, GE Mier, WONG Ka Kan, TAM Po Fai, DOWNING Gareth Liam, YAHYA Yasir Ali, CHAN Chi Wo, CHEUNG Wai Chun, WAN Kin Keung, CAPON Charles Richard, CHEUNG Ka Lam, CHIU Ching Wai, NG Hei Man, LEE Wing Yan, CHAN Shui Ming, WONG Hong Lam, CHEUK Yeung Shing, CHEUNG Pui Kuen, TANG Hoi Ki, CHOI Shing Yan, ZHANG Shuangdi, TANG Pak Yu

Photos of you on 1st FloorBy Yasir and Alan WaiLun Wu

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

Yasir Ali and Alan WaiLun Wu likes this.

Grace Ng 作為一個freshman 喺 hall2 住左差唔多一年, hall2 104B 俾我既感覺, 係唔經唔覺間成為左我另一個屋企。坦白講我留喺 hall 既時間真係多過我番自己屋企, 多到甚至就連我爸爸媽媽都會經常埋怨我。 作為一樓樓主, 一樓俾我最深既印象除左熱鬧, 似屋企之外, 仲有既就係激氣, 成日都要打鑼打鼓咁四圍搵番屬於一樓 common room 既野, 又要成日執走雪櫃入面變壞晒既食物。雖然係激氣, 但我真係好享受呢一年同一樓所有 floor mates 一齊共渡既所有時光,包括兩次 prosperian night, 無數既糖水會, 唔知幾多個煮宵夜既晚上,你地義憤填膺咁幫我手去搵番晒屬於一樓既用具等等。同你地一齊過既日子真係好開心, 好快樂, 即使係呢段日子我地可能會各自面對好多唔開心既野, 但係我地無形中就好似成為左一家人, 好多野都會搵大家傾。住喺一樓成年, 我多左既唔單止係一班朋友, 仲係一班屋企人, 真係好開心係呢一年有機會住喺hall2, 同你地相識。March 2011 ‧Like

Gareth Living in Hall 2 is great, you get to meet a diverse group of people and have a lot of fun. I really look forward to the dessert meetings and everyone has a great time at the Poon Choi Banquet. You get to make a lot of new friends and learn a lot about different nationalities and cultures.March 2011 ‧Like

Alan WaiLun Wu I have been the first and second floor residence tutor for more than a year. Being a RT in Hall 2, it was really busy and tired, but, thanks to the residents, I enjoyed the hall life here. I won’t forget the great time with RA and RTs. I won’t forget the time we watch films together in my room.I won’t forget the time we had snacks together in the midnight. I LOVE HALL2 !

March 2011 ‧Like


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On this floor: ZHANG Hongyi, CHEUNG Pak Chuen, LI Zhibin, CHU Hung Wing Peter, CHIN Tai Ting Ronald, WONG Hok Man, WONG Siu Hang, SONG Qiaochu, LI Na, WU Zhefeng, CHONG Hua May, FUNG Kam Tong, CHIU Tsz Ming, YEUNG Ka Wai, CHENG Ngai Keung, WONG Kwan Shing, MAK Ka Lung, XIAN Li, YIP Siu Keung, LAM Hon Cheung, SHUM Chik Lai, CHAN Ka Hong, NG Tsz Fung A

Photos of you on 2nd FloorBy Yasir and Alan WaiLun Wu

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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WU, Zhefeng Maple My experience in Hall 2: This is my second year living in Hall 2 and I enjoy Hall 2’s life because it gives me the feeling of home. I remember the first time when I walked in Hall 2, I immediately fell in love with it because of the wall color,cream yellow, which is my favorite wall color. As time goes by, I got more attached to hall 2 because of friendly hall mates and kind security guards as well as various hall activities.March 2011 ‧Like

Yasir Ali I’ve been studying in CityU for almost 3 years and it’s during my last semester that I’ve been given the opportunity to become the floor tutor of Hall 2: Prosperity Hall. It has been quite an enjoyable ride. Becoming a hall tutor gave new colors to my residence life because I’ve never been so involved in hall activities. And I must say that Hall 2 is quite active, it never makes you feel left out and there’s always something happening. I have very caring floor mates who’re always ready to help-out. They were kind enough to help me set my room and helped me get to know all my new floor mates.We have a nice hall master who’s given us a lot of liberty in organizing events and managing the hall. He is always willing to share his unique life experiences and give you advice on university life. Thanks Kevin.So what’s it like to be a hall tutor? You have to attend the weekly tutor-meetings during which you plan hall activities and discuss any floor related problems. You should attend the weekly dessert gatherings on your floors; not only do you get to have some exotic desserts, but it’s also a chance for you to meet all your floor mates and know how they’re doing. Hall 2 arranges several functions during the semester and you should help the management team with the preparation of these functions. For example, I worked on organizing the multicultural night and the hall sports teams for the Edmond Ko Cup.If you try to involve yourself with your floor-mates and the floor activities then it becomes a very enjoyable experience.March 2011 ‧Like


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On this floor: TIAN Shi Qing, REN Ren, POON Wan Yi, LEUNG Yuen Ying, TRULSEN Tine T, SIN Pik Man, TSAI Man Man, ZHOU Yuan, WANG Meng, LI Hiu Ying, CHONG Hoi Mei, ZHANG Meng Wei, LI Xiao Yu, SO Wing, LO Chui Ying, JUNG Yang Sik, LONG Shao Yuan, YUNG Kwok Shing, MAHLIG Justin, WONG Suet Ting, CHENG Miu Ling, WANG Yu Lin, GUO Yu Shan

Photos of you on 3rd FloorBy Flora Kayen

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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LI Xiaoyu Angel 住在 HALL 2 的生活精彩紛呈!我們一起住在這裏,遇到志同道合的朋友,分享火花迸現的想法,品嘗迥異的別樣文化!March 2011 ‧Like

JUNG Yang Sik Steve It’s really lucky that I got my room in Hall 2. I made many good friends here. I will never forget the moments in Hall 2! =]March 2011 ‧Like

LI Xiaoyu Angel 宿舍生活總而言之既有趣又有挑戰性,有趣的是一大群性格迥異的人能團結在一起為宿舍的榮譽而努力,挑戰的是不稱心的小事無法避免,但這卻能讓我們學會更好地與人相處,和睦待人。言而總之,讓我們向社會生活更近了一步。March 2011 ‧Like

So Wing 住 Hall 是種病,且不知不覺的令你身陷囹圄。明明你胖了,黑眼圈長大了,你還是會義無反顧地住下去。March 2011 ‧Like

Flora Kayen This is the 7th semester I have been living in Hall 2. Faces keep changing. Yet, the spirit of prosperity and the feeling of family last forever! Once being Prosperians, you are prosperians forever!March 2011 ‧Like


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On this floor: LAM Tung Ting, TSENG Wai Ki, FU RUI Chen, WANG Rui Jie, JOURDAN Elizabeth D, LEUNG Ka Yan, CHEUNG Ching Man, YIP Mei Shan, NG Suet Yi Michelle, WOO Pui Man, LO Hiu Fong, TAM Lai Hung, JIANG Lu, IP Yan Wai, ZHU Chu Han, ZHENG Xiang Feng, WENG Mo Yue, WANG Yue, KONG Pui Ying Michel, CHEUNG Ka Yue Effie, WAN Dian, WU Tong

Photos of you on 4th FloorBy Flora Kayen

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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Emily Cheung 業昕人相處融洽,四樓人更像是一家人,每天都做開心快活人。March 2011 ‧Like

Yip Mei Shan Eva Hall 2 gives me a warm and happy atmosphere to live in. Everyone in the hall is so nice to me, even the security guards. Especially for my lovely floormates, we have regular dessert night, we will have much fun everytime!! I really love to live in this place!March 2011 ‧Like

Lam Tung Ting Dorothy Hall 2 is just like a big family. I am really pound to be one of the Prosperians. She has given me a wonderful hall life and delighted my University life!March 2011 ‧Like

TSENG, Wai Ki Becky 在 HALL 2 的大家庭中,不經不覺已經第3年了。這裡早就是我的家,每一年都接觸到新的,來自不同地方的朋友 。 是4樓的姐妹們令我留在這裡, 捨不得離去 。謝謝。March 2011 ‧Like

JOURDAN Elizabeth Apprehending the fact I’d just pass by my hallmates with a simple “Hi”, after meeting them, I immediately understood that some of these friendships will give a meaning to my exchange session. Indeed, discovering Hong Kong with a local friend, sharing our culture, those heartful dessert nights and hall activities, even knocking on my door with a friendly smile and have a chat have been the most significant moments of my time here. And I look forward to share even more and more.March 2011 ‧Like

Zhu Chuhan Corona 我愛上了這個像家一樣令我感到溫馨的地方。Tutor 以及同層的姐妹們,來自五湖四海但卻同真正的一家人一樣親密。不論平日學業多麼緊張,hall2 總能令我放鬆下來。hall 2 是我第二個家。March 2011 ‧Like

NG Suet Yi Michelle 雖然我不是個積極參與宿舍活動的人,但在HALL 2生活的確增加了我對城大的歸屬感。在宿舍裹,我享受認識新朋友,特別是認識一些不同國籍的人。March 2011 ‧Like


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On this floor: KWONG Chun Leung, LAM Ka Kit, CHAN Kwun Lun, ZHOU Ha Te, WAN Tsz Ki, CHEUNG Ka Hei, KWOK Ho Chung, HUI Ka Chun, LAM Chung Lung, FOK Man Kui, TRAN Anh Duy Andy, YANG Zhao Xuan, YANG Yu Chen, CHAN Ka Wai, LAU Kwan Lim, LI Rui, LIU Chang Hui, HUNG Ling Yu, SUN Zhen Han, SCHMITT Robert, TONG Wai Pang, CHONG Wing Chiu

Photos of you on 5th FloorBy George Wan

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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Leo LIU 儘管就外觀佈置、樓層設計及配套設施來講,這個地方與其他樓層並沒有太大分別。但在錯落而齊全的鍋碗瓢盆中,在 floormate 相遇時的點頭問好中,我總是在這個遠離故鄉千里的城市中,甚或有些單調的地方,找到久違的溫暖的歸屬感 — 匯豐業昕堂五樓。March 2011 ‧Like

Vic Lau Kwan Lim This is my third and probably the last year living on 5/F. During the three years hall living experience, Hall 2 fifth floor has become my second home. I will miss this place and everything happened here. I hope Hall 2 and 5/F will be prosperous forever.March 2011 ‧Like

Calvin Chan Ka Wai This year is my third year in hall 2, 5/F. I am glad that I was assigned to hall 2, 5/F in my first year. Otherwise, I might not be able to live in hall for 3 years. Hall 2, 5/F floor is my second home. In these three years. I spend more time in hall even than at home. I am the only child at home; however, I have lots of elder brothers in 5/F, such as Fat and Uncle George. I really appreciate the tender care they gave to me.March 2011 ‧Like

Godfrey LI The life on the 5th floor is wonderful! There are local students, mainland students and exchange students. Different cultures interact and exchange everyday. We can learn a lot from chats, games and dessert meetings. It helps to widen my horizon. There are a lot of activities in this floor including dessert meeting, floor decoration, floor dinner and games, which all make our life interesting and exciting. Living here is not just part of daily life but also a process helping us to enrich our minds. That makes my life colorful and meaningful. I love the life on 5th floor.March 2011 ‧Like


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George Wan 不經不覺已在Hall 2 生活了足足四年,由普通宿生成為舍堂導師,再即將由舍堂導師成為出來社會工作的人...很想將格林威治標準時間撥慢四年,讓我可以再一次享受宿舍生活:通宵研究國粹、啤啤夫之夜、由大埔行山行到沙頭角、夜晚踩單車去尖沙咀海旁、睇鬼片嗌到被人投訴...業昕人就是有種瘋癲的特質。看到這裡的你,請不要再摺,好好享受你還可以瘋癲的時間吧。March 2011 ‧Like

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On this floor: LIU Jing, LI Hao Si, AN Le, ZHAO Ding, ZHU Yi Chen, TAM Wilson Wai Shun, YIP Tak Lun, LAU Ka Ho, SZE Chun Sing, XU Yuan Hao, QIAO Yuan Wu, HO Ka Wai, ZHANG Cheng, TURTIAINEN Tomi Henrik, YAU Ming Kin, WU Yi Chen, GUO Si Cen, PAO Suet Ying, WANG Yu Jue, ZHAO Xi Yan Wan, WONG Lai Yeung, PAN Yu Zhen, CHAN Sau Yee

Photos of you on 6th FloorBy George Wan

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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KaHo LAU 住在 hall 2 這一年,很開心,認識了一班很好的朋友,學習照顧自己之餘也充滿練習英語和普通話的機會,令我最後一年的大學生活變得更有意思。March 2011 ‧Like

Wilson TAM It is my greatest fortune to live in Hall 2!

Hall 2 is a place where culture, cooking, fashion and hobbies intersect! It allows you to grow and learn by interacting with people from all over the world. You will never be alone! Be prepared to be packed with laughter!

In the coming year, Hall 2 will surely be my first and only preference again!.March 2011 ‧Like

Victor SZE 我是 SEM B WEEK3 才加入業昕的大家庭,但是很快就融入了業昕堂的生活,認識了一群很好的floormate,令我的大學生活充實了不少。March 2011 ‧Like

Hymns YIP 第二年住係602B,感覺一年比一年好,最開心係人氣多左,大家都好nice。March 2011 ‧Like


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On this floor: LO Ming Man, KAI Wai Ying, KONG Wai Lam, HO Ching Sze, WIENS Johnna Sue, YANG Wen Yi, CHENG Ming, ZHENG Kai Lun, POON Pui Yu, MOK Wai Yee, LAM Isabella Candice, CLARE Brooke, GU Yi Chen, SHEN Lu, LEONG Pui Kwan, LUI Siu Lai, LEUNG Kwai Ching, WAN Wai Kit, WANG Xiao Wen, LING Chen, Ho Yuet Niki, LAM Tak Ping

Photos of you on 7th FloorBy Chris Yang

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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Chris Yang 同一個宿舍住了四年, 對業昕堂的感情就好像腰間的肥膘,有增無減又揮之不去。舍堂好比一個小社會,形形色色的人,大大小小的事,每天都有新的歡笑也有新的煩惱。好也罷,壞也罷,都是新奇和有趣的經歷和值得珍惜和懷念的回憶。一想到畢業之後,離開業昕堂,每週少了例行的糖水會,恐怕連味蕾都會失落和牽掛吧!March 2011 ‧Like

Leong Pui Kwan Wendy Living in hall 2 is my happiest memory throughout my university life till now. There, I have met life- long friends, learned something that I can never learn in my studies, to name but a few. Like many year one university students, getting used to university life is already a big challenge, not to mention living far away from home for the first time. However, I believe I am a lucky person. Thanks to my new friends from hall 2, I soon got used to my hall life. They always accompany me at night like chatting together, drinking, watching movies in room and even monkeying around. This happy time passes quickly without realizing.Indeed, I was an introvert person in the past. After living at hall for almost half a year, I have grown up a lot. Through participating in different activities like being mc in prosperian night and joining different competitions, I am braver and more willing to talk to others. Choosing to live in hall 2 really is one of my correct decisions made in my university life.P.S. I love my friends, all residents and hall 2! You gave me an unforgettable memory in my life.March 2011 ‧Like


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On this floor: YIP Kin Ning, KU Tsz Wai, CHENG Yuen Ting, CHUNG Man Lai, WONG J Jane, CHAN Pui Sze, CHAN Yuk Yu, WU Yi Chen, CHOU Ying Chun, SUN Shuo, MARIN BOURCEREA Marlene, LAM Lai Ting, LOK Yik Tsz, CHENG Yi Ki, YOON Jeong Min, ZHANG Nian Tong, HE Zhe, GUNAWAN William, JIAO Shu Ming, TSANG Yuk Fai, YUEN Chun Ho, LAU Wai Man, SO Kam Hung

Photos of you on 8th FloorBy Chris Yang

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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Mabel Lam HSBC Prosperity Hall is my second home. I am so glad to be one of the prosperians!!!I have been living here for 2 years and played different roles. For example, i was a member of RA last year, councilor and floor representative this year. I am so happy to have a chance to serve Prosperians. I remember that I am one of the volunteer to be floor representative this year, as I want to bring a harmany atmosphere to my dear 8/F floormate. We all have some nicemoment in our common room during dessert night, right? That’s really a precious time to all of us!!! Thanks for you guy for these wonderful memories!!.March 2011 ‧Like

Kin Ning Yip 當初擔任樓主時,以為自己是業昕的大車輪,後來才發現自己是螺絲。因為知道為業昕服務的人有很多。March 2011 ‧Like


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On this floor: XU Wen Bo, ASCHER Sebastian Alois, ZHANG Dai Yi, SUN Hao, LAM Tsz Fung, NG Yu Ming, LI Chiu, HU Ke Qiu, QUAN Yi Yu, YEUNG Ka Hing, LUO Wen Yang, CUI Shuo, CHENG Cheong Wa, IGE Temitayo Adeyinka, HUANG Hai Long, ZHANG Jian Nan, LAM Ka Chun, LAU Tsz Lok, LAM Wai Ho L, CHAN Tsz Ho, ZHAO Guan Feng, LEE Jong Hyun

Photos of you on 9th FloorBy IvaN LAM

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

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LUO Wenyang Winfrid 我在 hall 2 的九樓開始了香港生活的第一年,這裡給了我十分愉快的經歷。九樓的個性和威名,首先來自它裝備齊全的 common room。從人力驅動的搟麵杖到電力驅動的打蛋器,或者說從傳統的到現代的、東方的到西方的,各種廚具和調料一應俱全。這件事往遠了說,是樓層裡多元文化的縮影;往近了說,這是九樓對宿生種種關心體貼的一個例證。這一切要感謝 tutor Ivan。他對我的熱心幫助,當然還有他做的蛋糕,都是我忘不掉的。而熱情的 local 層友們,也讓我更快的適應了新生活。他們還一度宣稱要教我廣東話,可惜結果是我讓他們的普通話進步甚大。也許多年以後,九樓牆上的照片已經換了多次,九樓的廚具也不再是我熟悉的那一批,但九樓所留給我的記憶,一定還會和 Ivan 剛出爐的美食一樣,永遠是新鮮而難忘的。March 2011 ‧Like

Lau Tsz Lok 樂哥 Hello, I am the floor representative of 9/F. I am glad that I can serve the floor mate in semester B. This is my first year living in Hall 2. The hall life is quite fresh to me. It is just like another home. Every floor mates are looking forward to the dessert night on Wednesday. 9/F is really happy. All boys are talkative and friendly. I love Hall 2 and 9/F.March 2011 ‧Like

LI Chiu 泥鰍 住在 HALL2 的一年裏, 我經常把 “返HALL” 講錯為 “返屋企”, 的確, HALL 2 就是有這一種魅力, 使宿生們感受到家的感覺 -- 乾淨舒適的環境, 整齊有序的廚具, 令人期待的糖水會,每晚和 floormates 的玩樂 ,這一切一切都已經令我已經把這裏當作了家。Welcome Home!March 2011 ‧Like


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Ng Yu Ming I’ve already lived in this hall for six months. Three months later, I’ll have to leave this hall, back home and return to normal life. As a final year student, I have no chance to return to hall 2 anymore. I am going to miss hall 2 deeply after graduation. I still remembered that, at the very begining, my roomate and I choose hall 6 as our first choice. We were both disappointed for being assigned to hall 2 at that time. But things changed gradually after we moved in. All people on 9/F are so nice that we play, have dessert and watch movie together. Everytime when I feel bored at night, my floormates are always available, playing games and watching movies with me. Sometimes, they will make dessert for the whole floor no matter on the dessert-gathering date or not. Their behaviour is so warm that makes me feel like we are a big family. Hall 2, to me, is not only a sleeping place anymore.My parents always ask me to stay at home. In the past, I refused for my self-independence, but now, I refused for the reason that I want to go back to my ‘home’ to play with those lovely guys. In the coming three months, I wanna join more and more hall activities with my floormates to fill my memory with more happiness. 2010-2011, what an unforgettable year, nice to be a hall 2 member.March 2011 ‧Like

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On this floor: TSANG Ming Yi, CHUNG Sheung Hang, PANG Kap Kin, SIT Po Fat, HENNICK Jory W, TANG Qiang, HE Lu, CHEUNG Chun Chung, Wu Cheung Yu, LEUNG Ki Ho, FUNG Sze Long, ZHANG Han Bin, TING Chiu Chuan, ZHNAG Ni, WANG Geng, ZHOU Yu Fei, LI YA Nan, LAI Hoi Ting, BAJZIKOVA Anna, CHEN Yun, DOWNIE Colleen Nicole, YEH Ya Hsuan, CHEN Qin Yi

10th Floor photo 十樓 樓相

18 January‧Like‧Comment

IvaN LAM likes this.

CHEN Qinyi Vanessa Foundation 的時候,住在 hall 2 的同學跟我說,hall 2 就像一個大家庭,來了就不想走,所以我毫不猶豫的在填宿舍申請表的時候,把hall2放在第一位。住了一年之後,我也覺得 hall 2 很有家的感覺。每個剛進 hall 2 的人都會為 common room 齊全的廚具而驚訝,有人說,這是一群吃貨的家,我覺得恰恰是這樣讓整個 hall 都有了生活的氣息。10層掛著去年住在這裡所有人的照片,這是我最喜歡我們層的地方。不管你是不是離開這個層,住在這的人,都願意讓即將住進來的人知道曾經有這麼一群人在這裡生活過,笑過,一年又一年。最喜歡的是 hall 2 的舍歌,雖然我廣東話講的不好,但是每一次和大家一起唱這首歌,到最後真真切切的就是感到“the spirit of prosperity”,分享,面對,銘記,就好像家人一樣互相扶持。我是 Prosperian,我愛 hall 2 > <。March 2011 ‧Like

Sitpo I’m so glad to live in Hall 2. The hall life is beyond description.At first, because of my poor language skills, I was too shy to talk with my floor mates, most of them are mainland and overseas students. As time goes by, we have more opportunities to meet each other. I started to discover the gap between us is not the language abilities, but my mind. They always try to listen and understand my words with patience. Sometimes, we even use body language to express ourselves. No matter where we meet, such as common room, hall canteen, or even podium, I started the communications by just saying “Ni Hao” or “hello”. Making friends with people from all over the world is as easy as opening a door, and the most important thing is precisely your heart.Apart from that, personally, I tired so many “first times” in my life, like cooking, sharing the room with another person, giving foreign friends pocket money. There are still plenty of things I cannot mention here. Without hall life, university to me might much like a tutorial school without a sense of belonging. But Hall 2 gave me the feeling of home.I gained so much unforgettable and invaluable stuff here. Special thanks to Hall 2.March 2011 ‧Like

Photos of you on 10th FloorBy IvaN LAM

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On this floor: SU Miao Ru, DU Jing, ZHAO Jia Qing, LIU Chang, LEE Pui Lam, SONG Yu Ting, LEUNG Hoi Yan, HU Yao Yan, YUN Zi, ZHANG Yi Wei, PAN Xiao, CHAN Yuen Ting, CHEUNG Ka Yan, XUE Yi Qun, CHAN Chuen Yung C, YU Sze Wing, LI Xin, CHIU Hau Wai, CHIN Wing Yan, TSANG Yin King, Guo Yu Ke, ZHANG Si Jun, WONG Yee Man

Photos of you on 11th FloorBy Tracy Lee

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18 January‧Like‧Comment

Tracy Lee likes this.

CHIU Hau Wai Holly 住在 hall 2 已經有一年半的時間了,在這裡總算感受到一些大學生活。在這裡每星期也有固定的活動 —— 糖水會。這竟然激發出我做甜品煮食的興趣。而且這是我第二年當樓代表,平時需為十一樓添買一些日用品,這令我“婆仔”了不少呢!總之在這裡的生活的確是一個特別的體驗!March 2011 ‧Like

YUN Zi Wendy It’s a place to ease your sorrow.It’s a place to share your happieness.It’s a place to lay aside your homesickness.It’s a place to form up your friendship.Hall 2 Eleven. Together With You!March 2011 ‧Like

TSANG Yin King Cherry 住係 HALL 2 11樓,識到 11 樓的 GIRLS,真係好開心!一齊煮野食,一齊玩大富翁,吹水到深夜,一齊唱K,一齊食糖水,一齊睇戲,好開心識到你地,令我對 HALL 2 更加有歸屬感。多謝你地接受我咁KAI!我愛你地 ^3^!March 2011 ‧Like

YU Sze Wing 喺 HALL 2 11樓, 最開心就係成班女仔坐埋一齊傾計, 由頭髮傾到腳指尾, 由地下八到上天台都有話題!唔係 revision period 千祈唔好出 common room 溫書, 只會變成我地女士們既八卦大會~~~!March 2011 ‧Like

Tracy Lee It’s my 2nd year to be RT of Hall2. Ever since the first day I took up the role of RT, I felt I became a mother. I’m happy when I know something good that happened to you; I’m pleased when I see you girls getting along well; I’m worried when I see you cry. The feeling is ineffable. In short, I love Hall 2, I love my girls in 11/F. I love to be with you, Prosperians~March 2011 ‧Like


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Our Memories 我們的回憶

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Residents’ Association Council

The Residents’ Association Council shall be the legislative and supervisory body of the Residents’ Association.


I. To safeguard the rights and privileges of the members of the Association;II. To approve activities of the Associations;III. To deal with complaints of the Association;IV. To approve the Constitution and Terms of Reference of subsidiary organization of the

Association;V. To establish or dissolve any subsidiary organization of the Association;VI. To control financial matters of the Association;VII. To accept resignation of members of Council

(HSBC Prosperity Hall).

Chairman Wong Ka Kan Council member Chiu Tsz mingVice Chairman Lam Lai Ting Council member Tam Po FaiSecretary Lam Tak Ping Council member Wan Wai KitCouncil member Fung Kam Tong


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Welcome to HSBC Prosperity HallYou may feel uncomfortable when you first come to a strange place. Yet it didn’t happen to me when I first entered Hall 2 nearly two years ago. I definitely had a different feeling from others. What I felt is warmth and happiness. It is a place for us to share happiness with our hallmates and to enjoy our hostel live, which may be the last and the only chance in our life. A hostel is not only a place to study and live, it also gives us a lot of invaluable experiences. You will learn a lot from where you are living, from where you are enjoying.

During my term as a Vice-President of the Residents’ Association (RA) Executive Committee last year, I had gained a lot of experience in organising activities for our residents. It was not an easy task but definitely the most unforgettable year in my career as a student. It is a duty for me and my RA members to contribute to the hall by taking up the role as councilors. With the support of the residents, I am elected to be the Chairperson of the Council this year together with other council members. We know that sharing is of the most important in our hall. That’s why we will try our best to share our experience with the new RA members. We aim to promote the culture and the spirit of Prosperity Hall.

Ka Kan WongChairmanResidents’ Association Council

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Events Photos


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I had m

any beautifu

l memories in

HSBC Prosperity Hall. I

have tried m


different n

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ere. It was m

y first

time to

organize a Haunted House

and act as a

ghost; to perfo

rm in the sin

ging contest;

to give a sp

eech in the

inauguration ceremony; t

o join the high table dinner.

I have gained m

any experience and learnt m

any things. L

earn how to work

with a team effic

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te with others; learn how to

manage myse

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I have m

et many fr

iends here.

They are nice

and always takin

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e and help me a lot. I

love all of

you! And I lo

ve Hall 2.

Wan Kin Keung Ken




tion Executive Committe



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Reporter: Vivian

Vivian: What’s your first impression of HALL 2?

Steve: It is my first time to live in the student residence, sharing a room with other. The first thing come to my mind is that the bed study room is really small, just about the same size as my home washroom in Shanghai, not to mention that I had to share it with other. In Shanghai, the servant would do the cooking, cleaning and laundry for me, while I have to do all these by myself here.

Vivian: Is there anything unforgettable to you in HALL 2?

Steve: Yes, one was on 3/F. My roommate and I bought an aerosol insecticide one day, yet we didn’t know how to use it. As a result, the entire floor, including the corridor and other rooms, was full of dense smoke, as if it were on fire! Another impressive thing was not in Hall 2, but with Hall 2 residents, which was shopping and having massage in mainland China. I got dozens of obstinate circular marks on my back after cupping.


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Vivian: What’s your impression of Hong Kong?

Steve: Actually, Hong Kong is not that unfamiliar to me. Because of my father’s business, I’ve come to Hong Kong for several times before. My understanding of Hong Kong was from the movies of my favorite actor, Chow Yun Fat. I’ve watched all his movies, like “A Better Tomorrow” and “God of Gamblers”. The local snacks and world cuisine are my favorite parts of Hong Kong. I used to go shopping in Central, Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui every time I came to Hong Kong. I held a great expectation before I came to here for study, even though the real life here is quite different from what I thought, I’m still a fan of Hong Kong. I received four offers from universities in the U.S. If I didn’t come to Hong Kong, I would probably study there. I always prefer Asian countries as I want to live closer to my parents. Hong Kong is great at this point and it’s a very convenient city.

Vivian: Hong Kong is famous for its fantastic nightlife, do you enjoy it?

Steve: HaHa, I’ve been to LKF once only. Honestly, I’m not a fan of clubbing. I went there with my friends. Another reason is that I’m not much of a drinker. I will blush at a drop of liquor. And because of this, I was laughed at by my friends after drinking a lot for the punishment of losing game.

Vivian: What do you like about Hall 2?

Steve: I like the weekly desert nights in Hall 2, which enables me to have desert every week. Besides, I like people living in Hall 2, especially my floor-mates, who are nice and friendly. I feel lucky to live in this hall.

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Reporter: VIvian

Vivian: Is it the first time you came to Hong Kong?Johnna: Right, but I have been here for two years.

Vivian: So after living in Hong Kong for two years, do you still feel strange to the things or people in Hong Kong?Johnna: No, I am used to live in Hong Kong. It’s comfortable.

Vivian: Within this two years, you also live in hall two?Johnna: Ya.

Vivian: Do you have any favorite food in Hong Kong?Johnna: Well I love Hong Kong food. It’s delicious, but I think Hong Kong foods are very unhealthy. There’re very few vegetables so I don’t eat it very often. I usually cook by myself.

Vivian: No offense. Compared with USA, isn’t that Hong Kong foods are more healthy than American food?Johnna: No, weight doesn’t mean healthy. Everybody in Hong Kong eat rice and noodles. Very unhealthy. And Breads. So many breads. I think Hong Kong people eat awful food.

Vivian: Because you think eating rice may make you fat?Johnna: Of course! That’s science! I think Hong Kong people have an illusion of what American are. Most of us don’t like Macdonald. We eat many vegetables. Like I used to eat salads for my dinner.


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Vivian: Do you have any favorite place in Hong Kong?Johnna: Yes, my room is my favorite place because this is the only place I can be alone. I come from a place where there is only six thousand people and Hong Kong has seven million. I am getting used to the crowd but I like being able to go to my room and being alone.

Vivian: Apart from studying in hall, do you have any other hobbies?Johnna: Of course. I have two part time jobs. One is in SRO. One is outside CityU. And I like to hang out with my friends. Go to the Gyms. I cook all of my meal in the common room. I cook lots of things, my grandma taught me cooking when I was small and I love to walk around different places in Hong Kong.

Vivian: Do you have any impressed or special experience in hall 2?Johnna: In my first semester here, my friend and I cook Thanks Giving Dinner for all of my friends like local students, foreign students.Vivain: So bad I am not here as I want to experience Thanks Giving Day long time ago.

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Reporter: VIvian

Vivian: What will you usually do at hall?Godfrey: Working on assignments, reading books, sometimes I will cook. I’ve tried to cook 炒肉,老鴨湯,水煮魚 ...

Vivian: Have you ever participated in intra-hall or inter-hall competitions?Godfrey: Of course, quite a lot actually. I’ve particpated in the aquatic competition, badminton competition and the hall singing contest.

Vivian: Why would you like to particpate in these competitions?Godfrey: No special reason. On the one hand, I’m interested in these competitions, on the other hand, as one of the Hall 2 members, I would lik to contribute to the hall.


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Vivian: 你參加咁多比賽,有冇攞過獎?可以分享經驗嗎?邊個比賽最令你 印象最深刻?為什麼?Godfrey: 代表hall的比賽,暫時就沒有攞過什麼獎,不過就試過代表學校參加空手道大專錦標賽,得過大專盃的銅牌。經驗這些…我覺得還好吧,反正每一個比賽我都很認真練習,一般來說,我逄星期一,三,五都要練習。至於,最印象深刻既比賽應該係代表業昕出戰水運會, 跟hall裡面的朋友一起練習,一起出戰,然後比賽當天也有很hall 2的人出來為我們打氣,就是感覺很好。

Vivian: 你說參加了Singing contest,咁你唱咩歌?有冇特別意思?Godfrey: 我就唱了陶吉吉的<寂寞的季節>,其實沒有什麼特別的意思,就是現在沒有女朋友,還有就是我其實很喜歡陶吉吉的,周杰倫我也喜歡 … 他的歌也很好聽。

Vivian: 聽講有很多fans個日撐你場?都是 hall2 的朋友嗎?Godfrey: 是的,那天都有蠻多朋友來支持我,除了hall2 504A的steven 及robert之外,還有其他hall的朋友也有來,hall1,3,4,5的朋友也有來支持我。

Vivian: 如果叫你評分作為你對自己在hall的活躍度及contribution,最多10分,你俾自己幾多分?Godfrey: 8分,或者8.5分吧,我覺得。因為我覺得自己也蠻活躍,反正不只是留在Hall內什麼都不做,也不參加hall的活動,而且我參加hall活動的次數也頗多吧。另外,平時在hall內見到在common room弄亂了的東西也會收拾一下,畢竟我在這裡都已經居住了第二年吧,對這裡已經有了歸屬感,你知道嗎?我們foundation過後,第二年其實我們都可以選擇住在那一個宿舍,但是我仍然選擇hall 2,是因為我覺得hall 2真是很好,所以才留在這兒。

Vivian: 今年我作為hall莊,都想聽下作為宿生對我地既意見,好同壞都講 D~有咩可以改進既地方?Godfrey: 我覺得整體來說,都做得很好。我記得上年暑假參加了你們的上莊舉辦的O CAMP,他們把我們帶到香港島的沙灘去BBQ跳CAMP FIRE。我覺得HALL莊能把整棟HALL內不同國籍,種族的人都帶到一起是一件不容易的事,而你們舉辦的活動也不少,次數又十分頻繁,每個月平均都有兩次活動,我都為你們感到累,這樣可能影響到你們學習。如果真的說要改善,就是你們要先堅固學業吧。

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住 Hall 肚餓食咩好?Feeling Hungry? What to eat at Hall?

肚餓?梗係落 Hall can(Homey Kitchen) 啦!無錯, 大家如果趕功課既時候, Hall Can 的確係一個唔錯嘅選擇。但係, 食得太多 Hall can 都會悶架!以下我地會為大家提供一 d 開餐選擇!

In this section, we will provide some other dining options for you !


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落深水埗睇下有咩食!Let’s go to Sham Shui Po!Suggestion 推介1:德發小廚 Tak Fat Restaurant地址:深水步基隆街365號地下Shop365, Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, KowloonTel 電話:27777812

Tak Fat is a restaurant that serve not just dinner, but also dessert. A wide range of dishes can be chosen there. The most popular dishes is its fish. The fish has even won a cooking competition in Hong Kong before. It’s worth trying.

大伙兒最適合叫”送” 食飯,德發小廚就係一個唔錯既選擇!入到去唔知叫咩好?試下佢招牌菜大富大貴啦。


如果你想出街食 . . . If you want to dine outside . . .

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Hall Living Tips 住 Hall 小貼士


There are two stores just beside Tak Fat. Many items are sold at $2 ONLY!!!! Go and See!!

shop373, Ki Lung Street基隆街373號

shop379, Ki Lung Street基隆街379號


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Suggestion 推介2: 譚仔深水步褔榮街107號地下Address: Shop107, Fuk wing street, Sham Shui Po, KowloonTel 電話:27087055

This is a very popular resturant serving mainly spicy noodle. You can choose different spicy level according to your preference. A few snacks provided there too auch as chicken wings.


褔榮街分店舖面容納人數較少,不想的的話,不妨後一條街。來到元州街的分店又大又舒適。如果在Hall出發的話,坐2F在深水步郵政局落車,過對面就到了。深水步元州街32-34號地舖Shop32-34, Un Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon電話:27255033

其實深水埗福榮街有好多出名食店,下次去深水埗可以自己發掘一下!There are many famous restaurants in Fuk Wing Street. You may go to explore it by yourself.

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如果想出街食又唔想搭車? 落南山邨睇下有咩好食!If you think Sham Shui Po is far away, Let’s go to Nam Shan EstateSuggestion 推介1:品香樓 Ban Heung Lau九龍石硤尾南山村南豐樓210-213號平台Shop210-213, Nam fung house, nam shan estate, shek kip mei, kowloonTel 電話:27788791 Tel 電話:27789678

Ban Heung Lau is famous in shek kip mei. It is a typical resturant serving dishes of food. CityU students go there as it is nearly the university and its food is taste good with reasonable price.黎到南山村,點可以唔黎食品香樓?每逢午市、晚市,依度都堆積左唔少人流。每一日品香樓都會有唔同既午飯套餐比食客選擇,價錢合理,所以深得學生歡迎!

Suggestion 推介2:新南山冰室石硤尾南山村南豐樓101-102號地下Shop101-102, nam fung house, nam shan estate, shek kip mei, kowloonTel 電話 : 2778 8484

This is a restaurant serving different kind of dishes at lunch and dinner. One of it famous food is its rice wrapping with eggs. In addition, a special drink mixing milk tea with bean is provided there.新南山冰室最出名既係佢既百搭蛋包飯,你可以先揀汁(黑椒汁、日式汁、鮮茄汁、粟米忌廉汁、咖喱汁),再揀食”送” (吉烈豬扒、牛扒、雞扒等等…)。食一個蛋包飯都三十蚊仲有得找,不妨一試!椰汁紅豆冰大家飲得多,你有無飲過紅豆奶茶呢?想試就快d去南山,搵新南山冰室啦!


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去邊度買野好? Where should we buy the food?

Suggestion 推介1: 佳寶食品超級市場 KAI BO FOOD SUPERMARKET九龍深水步荔技角道302-304號地下Address: G/F, 302-304, Lai Chi Kok Road, KowloonTel 電話:2728 6357Opening Hours: 7:00am-8:30pm

Kai Bo Food Supermarket is a well-known supermarket that sells of a wide range of products. For example, frozen meat, fish ball, condiment, drinks, vegetable…etc. To save time, you can buy all the things you need in hot pot in one time there!!


如果你想留喺宿舍打邊爐? If you want to have hot pot at hall?

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There is another supermarket which sell daily product such as toilet paper, shower gel, snacks, drinks…etc. Its prices are relatively low compared with other supermarket.


地址:深水步鴨寮街176-180號新北河大樓2字樓Address: 2/F, 176-180,New Pei Ho Street Building, Pei Ho Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon


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Hall Living Tips 住 Hall 小貼士

打邊爐記得預早問 RT 借打邊爐專用電磁爐呀!

Remember to borrow the hotpot electric heater from RT in advance!

Suggestion 推介2:南山凍肉店--和威凍肉公司Address: Nam Shan Wet Market

If you want to buy food immediately after lesson, you can go to Nam Shan Wet Market. There is a shop selling frozen meat and fish ball. Most of the food needed in hot pot can be bought here.


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Suggestion 推介1:松記糖水 Chung Kee Dessert長沙灣元州街162-188號天悅廣場CB58號舖Shop162-188, un chau street, cheung Sha Wan, kowloonTel 電話:2720 7123

Chung Kee Dessert is a shop serving various dessert. The prices are cheap and tasteis good too. Therefore, it attracts different kind of people. Every night, there must be a queue in front of the shop.


如果你突然想食宵夜?Other options at night?


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Suggestion 推介2:南山小販Hawker in Nam ShanThere are some Hawkers in Nam Shan selling snacks in front of Ban Heung Lau. It is avaliable before 1:00am. 想同宿友行下傾下計,可以行落南山村買小小野食。o個度有小販賣小食,例如格仔餅、串燒、魚蛋等等…

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24 Hour McDelivery 麥麥送Tel: 2338 2338Website: http://www.mcdonalds.com.hk/Remarks: Delivery subcharge of $12 will be levied on any order below $60, no delivery charge for any order over $60

KFC DeliveryTel: 2180 0000Website: http://webordering.kfchk.com/Remarks: No delivery charge for any order over $60

Pizza HutTel: 3180 0000Website: http://www.pizzahut.com.hk/

PizzaboxTel: 2515 1515Website: http://www.pizzabox.com.hkNo delivery charge for any order over $100

南山邨 樹記Tel: 2777 3684Remarks: No delivery charge for any order over $200Monday to Saturday

G Sushi 元綠壽司Tel: 2889 8889Website: http://www.gsushi.com/Remarks: Only delivery for banquet setNo delivery charge for any order over $100

Itamae Sushi, Itacho Sushiz 板前壽司, 板長壽司Tel: 3766 3766Website: http://www.itacho.com.hk/Remarks: Delivery is available for purchase of HK$150 or more, plus extra HK$10 of delivery charge.

Cheese Pizza 芝脆雞Tel: 2323 3000Website: http://cheesepizza.com.hk/Remarks: Delivery is available for purchase of HK$200 or more.

外 賣 推 介Take Away Delivery

如果你想叫外賣 . . . If you want to order take away . . .


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Study Tour@HSBC Prosperity Hall

Study Tour is one of the traditional events in Prosperity Hall. It provides an opportunity for residents to enrich and broaden their cultural understanding. By helping residents to organise a study tour, we hope it can improve their leadership skills and at the same time enhance friendship among residents.

Previous destinations of the Prosperity Hall Study Tour


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澳門文化團 2011Macau Cultural Trip 2011

Macau Cultural Trip, which was held on 4th - 5th, January 2011, is the first activity of the Prosperity Hall in 2011. Led by Residence Tutor George Wan, 28 participants were divided into 6 groups. Each group are responsible for collecting information on particular places beforehand. During the trip, they have to introduce their findings to the rest of the participants.

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Day 1 - Casas-Museu da Taipa (The Taipa Houses-Museum 龍環葡韻住宅式博物館 ) - Rua do Cunha (Cunha Street 官也街) - Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Our Lady of Carmel Church 嘉模聖母堂)- Coloane (路環)- Igreja ou Capela de Sao Francisco Xavier (St. Francis Xavier’s Church 聖方濟各堂)

Day 2- Largo do Senado (Senate Square 議事亭前地)- Leal Senado (Senate Building 民政總署大樓, 俗稱議事亭)- Santa Casa da Misericórdia (Holy House of Mercy 仁慈堂大樓) - Largo do Sao Domingos (St. Dominic’s Church Square 板樟堂前地) - Catedral Igreja da Sé (Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady 聖母聖誕主教座堂, 通稱主教座堂, 俗稱大堂) - Casa de Lou Kau (Lou Kau Mansion 盧家大屋) - Fortaleza do Monte (Fortress of Our Lady of the Mount of St. Paul 大炮台)- Ruínas de Sao Paulo (Ruins of St. Paul’s 大三巴牌坊)- Museu de Macau (The Museum of Macau 澳門博物館)

Macau Scenic SpotsIgreja ou Capela de São Francisco Xavier (St. Francis Xavier’s Church 聖方濟各堂) Built in 1928, this chapel follows the baroque style of Macau’s major churches. It has a cream and white facade with oval windows and a bell tower. It stands behind the monument commemorating the local victory over pirates in 1910.The chapel contains some of the most sacred relics of Christian Asia. In a silver reliquary is a bone from the arm of St. Francis Xavier, who followed his missionary successes in Japan by coming to the China coast, where he died in 1552 on Sanchuan Island, 50 miles from Macau. The relic was destined for Japan but religious persecution there persuaded the church to keep it in Macau’ s St. Paul’ s. It was moved first to St. Joseph′ s and in 1978 to the chapel.


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Largo do Senado (Senate Square 議事亭前地)

The Largo do Senado is a 3700m2 paved area in the centre of the former Portuguese colony of Macau, China, enclosed by the buildings of the Leal Senado, the General Post Office, and St. Dominic’s Church. The square is paved with a wave-patterned mosaic of colored stones, created by Portuguese experts, in the traditional Portuguese pavement. The square is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Historic Centre of Macau”. From the main road to the church of St. Dominic, the pavement extends to the ruins of St. Paul’s, making the heart of the city a pedestrian paradise.

Ruinas de Sao Paulo (Ruins of St. Paul’s 大三巴牌坊)The ruins now consist of the southern stone façade—intricately carved between 1620 and 1627 by Japanese Christians in exile from their homeland and local craftsmen under the direction of Italian Jesuit Carlo Spinola—and the crypts of the Jesuits who established and maintained the Cathedral. The façade sits on a small hill, with 66 stone steps leading up to it. The carvings include Jesuit images with Oriental themes, such as a woman stepping on a seven-headed hydra, described by Chinese characters as ‘ Holy Mother tramples the heads of the dragon’. A few of the other carvings are the founders of the Jesuit Order, the conquest of Death by Jesus, and at the very top, a dove with wings outstretched.

There is a cross on the top of the Ruins of St. Paul’s, under which further divided into three layers. In each layers, there is a bronze a statue, made by early casting factory that manufactured gun in Macau, placed in the niches. Under the cross is a bronze dove, representing the Holy Spirit. Next to the Bronze dove, there are carvings of sun, moon and star, representing the moment when Virgin Maria got pregnant.

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Famous snacks in Macaupork chop bun (豬扒包) is one of the most famous and popular snacks in Macau. The bun is extremely crispy outside and very soft inside. A freshly deep-fried or pan-fried pork chop is filled into the bun horizontally. The ingredients of a pork chop bun are only a piece of pork chop and a bun without accessories like lettuce or cucumber.

Café Tai Lei is one of famous restaurants that provides pork chop bun. There are many people queuing up for the pork chop bun every day.

Egg Tart in Portuguese Style (葡式蛋撻) was created before the 18th century by Catholic nuns in Lisbon. In 1989, a British, Andrew Stow, bring it to Macau and decrease the usage of sugar to make it. The egg tart now is a famous food in Macau.

Sawdust pudding (木糠布丁) is a Portuguese dessert. It is also a famous dessert in Macau where a lot of restaurants and bakeries sell this dessert. It is made from biscuits and cream. Serrdura is the most famous bakery selling Sawdust pudding in Macau.

Almond Cakes (杏仁餅) is also a famous food in Macau. Many tourists will buy it as souvenirs. The main ingredients are mung beans and almonds.


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Post Trip Reflections

There are two things that impress me the most in this Macau trip. The first one is Durian ice cream (榴槤雪糕) from Mok Yee Kei. It has enriched flavor of Durian. You will feel like you are eating Durian not Durian ice cream. It is not expensive. It costs only $14. If you like to eat Durian, you must try this one. You can find it easily in Taipa. The second one is about the salesperson of pork jerky and beef jerky. They promote their Pork jerky enthusiastically, urging us to try their product in the hope that we would buy some from them. On the Rua de S. Paulo, you can try a lot of pork jerky and beef jerky. The most interesting thing is though we have told them that we won’t buy and they also urged us to try. If you go to Macau, you must go there and try those pork jerky and beef jerky. The most important thing is: you don’t need to pay!

By C Wing, 1105A

The Macau Multi-Cultural Tour has benefited me in both personal and professional way. Definitely, this well organized tour is a worthwhile journey that I will remember forever!Personally I have met some amazing people during the trip and have made friends with hallmates. They are pretty kind and helpful. We shared our feelings together and exchanged our opinions with each other. I think traveling with people from different cultural background has given me lots of fun and amazing experience. What’s more, I also visited some beautiful landmarks such as Ruins of St.Paul(大三巴牌坊) and The Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel(威尼斯人) and tasted beautiful delicacies such as Pastel de nata(葡式蛋撻) and Portuguese cuisine(葡國餐). Professionally the Multi-Cultural tour provided me with an insight to Macau history and the experience to Macau culture. In fact, being able to immerse myself in cultural aspects and traditional lifestyle activities was an amazing learning experience. For instance, municipal Council of Macau(澳門市政廳) provided me a general idea of its historical development and Taipa Houses-Museum(龍環葡韻住宅式博物館) offer me a close touch of its daily life. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I can now use in my life of study and relate back to in many aspects.Actually, each day consisted of fantastic cultural experiences! Therefore, I strongly recommend the cultural tour of our hall to you. Not only can you gain wonderful experience but also make lots of friends.

By Angela Li, 1005A

The study tour to Macau really left me an unforgettable memory in my university life. I had not expected that a two-day trip would bring so much for me, but it did actually. We can never have a good understanding of a culture unless we experience it ourselves——try its food, visit its attractions and learn its history, all of which are what exactly we had in the study tour. We tasted the delicious Pastel de nat (葡式蛋撻), had a nice Portuguese cuisine (葡國餐) and enjoyed all kinds of famous special products in Rua do Cunha (官也街) such as wife cakes and dried meet. Through the visits to those historical sites like Ruins of St.Paul (大三巴牌坊) and Casa da Cheang (鄭家大屋) in Macau, I knew more about its past. Its modern city center and grand casinos presented another prosper appearance of Macau. The comparison undoubtedly made me have an insight of the change and development of Macau. Besides, the tour in the Macau Museum and Taipa Houses-Museum (龍環葡韻住宅式博物館) taught me a lot about its history. The trip was really a good learning experience full of colors and enjoyment. When it went to an end, I found it so short and was reluctant to leave the land of Macau. The organizers did a lot of work for the study tour and prepared it very well. Everything ran smoothly and I quite appreciated the self-learning and sharing part in the study tour. In addition, they invited some local tutors to give us guided tours when we visited some tourist attractions such as Taipa Houses-Museum and Casa da Cheang. These guided tours gave more detailed infomration and helped me have a better understanding of Macau. The study tour exactly provided me a chance to widen my horizon and explore the world. I gained a lot of fun and benefits from this wonderful opportunity! Based on my personal experience, I sincerely suggest you: Don’t miss the study tour! You will find it worthwhile!

By Shirley Tian, 301A

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Multi Cultural Night

Multi Cultural Night is a post-trip sharing session of the Macau Cultural Trip. Trip’s information, photos, as well as trip participants’ feeling was shared with CityU residence community. Trip participants shared what they have learned from the journey, and heightened the cultural awareness of different places. They also shared with the residents their handmade famous snack from Macau, Agar Jelly and Chinese Peanut Candy, with a live demonstration of the making of the Chinese Peanut Candy.

文化團成員正在向宿生介紹展板Trip participant introducing the Macau Cultural Tip to resident

正在示範中式花生糖製作過程Demonstrating the making of Chinese Peanut Candy


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