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PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION HISTORY FORM...Over the last month symptoms have: ___Improved...

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Laurel Langholz, Ph. D. LLC 1930 St. Andrews Ct. NE Suite D Licensed Clinical Psychologist Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 www.langholzcounseling.com Office 319.320.3211 Secure Fax 319.237.7345 PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION HISTORY FORM Client Name: Today’s Date: Prefers to be called________________________ Gender ___Male ___Female Birthdate__________________Age______ Address_______________________________________City___________________ Zip_____________Grade_____________ Telephone_______________________________Cell Phone__________________School_____________________________ Parent/Guardian________________________________Cell Phone__________________________Birthdate_____________ Parent/Guardian________________________________Cell Phone __________________________Birthdate_____________ Child’s Physician___________________________ Psychiatrist_____________________Teacher_______________________ Living Arrangement_________________________________________ Legal Custody________________________________ Who referred you to Dr. Langholz_________________________Information Provided By:____________________________ Presenting Concerns Please describe the concerns that prompted you to seek counseling: Please check any of the symptoms below you have observed over the last 2 weeks: Symptoms: Depressed/sad mood Anxiety Chronic physical pain Easily discouraged Social Anxiety Paranoia Low self-esteem Worries hard to control Agitation Low energy Racing thoughts Easily angered Shame/self-critical Perfectionism Excess energy Indecisiveness Phys. symptoms of anxiety Euphoric mood Irritability Panic attacks Abrupt mood shifts Lack of enjoyment Chronic anxious fears Eating disorder sympt. Low motivation Ruminating thoughts Attachment Concerns Negative thoughts Obsessive thoughts Sleep Initiation Appetite changes Compulsive behaviors/rituals Insomnia Sleep difficulties Counting/checking behaviors Hypersomnia Chronic guilt Phobias/Fears Poor concentration Apathy PTSD-intrusive Impulsivity Frequent crying PTSD-avoidance ADHD symptoms Hopelessness PTSD-hyperarousal Social isolation Disassociation Please list any additional symptoms your child is experiencing:
Page 1: PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION HISTORY FORM...Over the last month symptoms have: ___Improved ___Worsened ___Gradually Worsened ___ Rapidly Worsened ___Remained the Same Precipitating

Laurel Langholz, Ph. D. LLC 1930 St. Andrews Ct. NE Suite D Licensed Clinical Psychologist Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 www.langholzcounseling.com Office 319.320.3211 Secure Fax 319.237.7345


Client Name: Today’s Date:

Prefers to be called________________________ Gender ___Male ___Female Birthdate__________________Age______

Address_______________________________________City___________________ Zip_____________Grade_____________

Telephone_______________________________Cell Phone__________________School_____________________________

Parent/Guardian________________________________Cell Phone__________________________Birthdate_____________

Parent/Guardian________________________________Cell Phone __________________________Birthdate_____________

Child’s Physician___________________________ Psychiatrist_____________________Teacher_______________________

Living Arrangement_________________________________________ Legal Custody________________________________

Who referred you to Dr. Langholz_________________________Information Provided By:____________________________ Presenting Concerns Please describe the concerns that prompted you to seek counseling:

Please check any of the symptoms below you have observed over the last 2 weeks: Symptoms: ☐ Depressed/sad mood ☐ Anxiety ☐ Chronic physical pain

☐ Easily discouraged ☐ Social Anxiety ☐ Paranoia

☐ Low self-esteem ☐ Worries hard to control ☐ Agitation

☐ Low energy ☐ Racing thoughts ☐ Easily angered

☐ Shame/self-critical ☐ Perfectionism ☐ Excess energy

☐ Indecisiveness ☐ Phys. symptoms of anxiety ☐ Euphoric mood

☐ Irritability ☐ Panic attacks ☐ Abrupt mood shifts

☐ Lack of enjoyment ☐ Chronic anxious fears ☐ Eating disorder sympt.

☐ Low motivation ☐ Ruminating thoughts ☐ Attachment Concerns

☐ Negative thoughts ☐ Obsessive thoughts ☐ Sleep Initiation

☐ Appetite changes ☐ Compulsive behaviors/rituals ☐ Insomnia

☐ Sleep difficulties ☐ Counting/checking behaviors ☐ Hypersomnia

☐ Chronic guilt ☐ Phobias/Fears ☐ Poor concentration

☐ Apathy ☐ PTSD-intrusive ☐ Impulsivity

☐ Frequent crying ☐ PTSD-avoidance ☐ ADHD symptoms

☐ Hopelessness ☐ PTSD-hyperarousal ☐

☐ Social isolation ☐ Disassociation ☐

Please list any additional symptoms your child is experiencing:

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Describe how these symptoms or concerns impact others in the family, at school, and elsewhere:


When did symptoms or problems begin?


Symptoms have: ___consistently persisted since their onset ____have come and gone

____have been present intermittently since they began


Have symptoms or problems changed overtime? Yes or No

Over the last month symptoms have:

___Improved ___Worsened ___Gradually Worsened ___ Rapidly Worsened ___Remained the Same

Precipitating factors Please describe events, losses, stresses, changes, or any other contributing factors

that may be contributing to my child’s concerns:______________________________________________


Please check any of the stresses below that could be affecting your child:

____Parent Conflict ___ Divorce/Separation ____Child or Family member Health Concerns

___Moved ____Learning or Achievement Concerns ___Losses/Death of Relation or Pet

___Peer Conflict ___Bullying ___Socially Isolated ____Shy or Socially Awkward ____Substance Abuse

Family Issues :___Alcoholism, __Mental Illness ___Legal Troubles ___Physical/Sexual/Emotional Abuse

Please explain in further detail the items selected above: ____________________________________


How much impairment in functioning has occurred in these areas?

(N) None (M) Minimal (S) Significant

Activities of daily living ___ Behavior at school_____ Homework completion____

Academic functioning_______ Social Functioning______________

Interpersonal Relationships______ Cognitive Functioning- ___memory __ concentration,

Physical Health___ __ organization ___problem solving ___decision making ___impulsive

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Vegetative Functioning- Check those areas below that have been significantly affected:

___Sleep ___Fatigue ____Appetite ___Fluctuations in weight ___Energy Level ___ Concentration

___Arousal/Alertness ___Motivation ____ Enjoyment of Activities

Please indicate your child’s risk for any of the following:

Potential for Alcohol Abuse ☐ Denied ☐ Past ☐ Present

Potential for Drug Abuse ☐ Denied ☐ Past ☐ Present

Potential for Running Away ☐ Denied ☐ Past ☐ Present

Potential for Eating Disorder ☐ Denied ☐ Past ☐ Present

Potential for Aggression ☐ Denied ☐ Past ☐ Present

Potential for Self-Injury ☐ Denied ☐ Past ☐ Present

Potential for Suicide ☐ Denied ☐ Past ☐ Present

Please describe in detail any areas of risk you marked above:

Please share any details you can to help me understand your child’s risk for suicide and self-harm:

Does anyone in your family have a history of attempted suicide? Yes or No If yes,


Please explain:______________________________________________________________________

When did this occur?

Has your child ever engaged in suicidal behavior, self-harm, cutting, or high risk behavior? Yes or No

If yes, when did this occur?_________________________

Please explain the details of past and present self-harm: ______________________________________


Has your child expressed a wish to die or intention to hurt him/herself? Yes or No

When is the last time he or she has verbalized this idea?________________________________________

To whom did your child express this wish or idea?_____________________________________________

What were the circumstances or events in your child’s life at the time that may have contributed to this


Who does your child perceive as a source of support to him or her?

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Current Physical Health and Medical History

Please describe your child’s current health:

Please list any and all medical concerns, conditions, or medical diagnosis for which your child is currently

being treated or is experiencing:

Please list any known allergies: ___________________________________________________________


Health Habits

How often does child exercise: ___Never ___1-2 times a week ___3 or more times a week.

Child’s preferred or usual types of exercise: ________________________________________________

How active is child’s daily life? ___Sedentary ___Mildly Active ____Moderately Active ___Very Active

Describe child’s food choices: ____balanced ____very healthy ___high fat ____high sugar

Describe child’s eating habits: __Under eats __Over eat __Moderately eat ___Has very little appetite

____Frequently diets ___Is constantly watching weight ____Eating seems out of control

____Skips meals ____Snacks a lot ____Eats many small meals ____Eats 3 meals a day

How many hours of sleep child typically gets: ____10 or more ___8-9 ___6 or less hours nightly

Your child’s quality of sleep: _ __Falls asleep promptly ___Sleeps all night with little disturbance

___Has trouble falling asleep ____Wakes up several times a night ___Awakens very early in the morning

Once child is out of bed, he or she seems:

___Rested and energetic ___Appears fatigued and lacking energy ___Pleasant ___Irritable ___Neutral

How often does child use:

Tobacco ___never ___occasionally ___frequently ___daily

Alcohol ___never ___once a month ___once a week ___1-2drinks a day ___>2 drinks a day

Caffeine ___never ___once a month ___once a week ___1 serving daily ___ 2-3 servings daily

Other illegal or prohibited substances: ___________________________ Frequency______ Onset_____

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Medical History Please list previous significant or frequent medical conditions for which the child has been treated: Year Treated Condition Treated __________ _______________________________________________________________________

__________ _______________________________________________________________________

__________ _______________________________________________________________________

__________ _______________________________________________________________________

__________ _______________________________________________________________________


Please list previous hospitalizations, medical & psychiatric, and the year child was hospitalized: Year Hospitalized Reason for Hospitalization __________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________ _______________________________________________________________________

Injuries or Accidents:

Please list previous significant injuries or accidents sustained by your child and when they occurred: Year Injured Type of Injury or Accident __________ _______________________________________________________________________

__________ _______________________________________________________________________

__________ _______________________________________________________________________

Is your child accident prone? Yes or No Is your child clumsy or lacking coordination? Yes or No

Current Medications/Supplements:

Please list all currently used prescribed medications or supplements

Medication Reason for Use Dosage Unsure of exact dosage amount

____________________ __________________ _______________________ ☐ ____________________ _________________ _______________________ ☐

_____________________ _________________ _______________________ ☐

_____________________ _________________ _______________________ ☐

Please list any previous medications that your child has been on for a sustained period of time:



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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Indicate family relatives of the child with a history of any of the following:





Sibling Maternal




Major Depression ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Manic Episode ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Bipolar Disorder ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Mood Swings ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Generalized Anxiety ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Phobias/Excessive Fears ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Social Anxiety/Severe Shyness ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Anger Management Concerns ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Schizophrenia ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Social Avoidance ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Alcoholism ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Drug Abuse ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Domestic Violence ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Physical Abuse ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Sexual Abuse ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Any Further Explanation:

Previous Mental Health Evaluation & Treatment:

Please list and describe previous mental health evaluations and testing, and results/diagnosis:

Year Physician/Psychologist Findings

__________ ______________________ ______________________________________________

__________ ______________________ ______________________________________________

__________ ______________________ ______________________________________________

Please list all previous mental health treatment child has experienced: Was treatment

Year Treatment Provider Reason or Focus of Treatment helpful Y OR N

__________ ______________________ _________________________________________ ___

__________ ______________________ _________________________________________ ___

__________ ______________________ _________________________________________ ___

Social History

With whom does the child live?

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

If parents are divorced, please describe child’s visitation schedule and living arrangements, as well as any

problems or adjustments the child may be confronting due to the visitation arrangement:

Parents are: ____married ____ date married_____________ # of years married:_________

____divorced ___separated , Father remarried Y or N Mother remarried Y or N

If parents separated or divorced, how old was child when parents separated: _______

Does child see both parents? _____Yes or ____No

Is either parent deceased? Yes or No If yes, ____Mother or _____Father

How old was the client at the time of parent’s death?________

Describe the quality of the relationship between the child’s biological mother and biological father:

(Communication / conflict / compatibility / closeness, affection etc.)

If parents are separated, how well do biological parents co-parent their child? Describe any concerns:

If parents are divorced and remarried, please describe the quality of the relationship between:

Mother and Stepfather:

Father and Stepmother:

How well does the child relate to his or her stepparents? Please describe in detail:

Child’s Biological Mother

Mother’s Name_____________________________Age_______Occupation______________________

Years of education_______ ___Living or ___Deceased _______ Marital status_________________

If deceased, year or child’s age at the time____ Where does parent live:_________________________

Describe child’s relationship with this parent figure:




Has the child ever been separated from biological mother? Yes or No

If yes, please describe timeline, reasons, and circumstances around separations:

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Child’s Biological Father

Father’s Name_____________________________Age_______Occupation______________________

Years of education_______ ___Living or ___Deceased _______ Marital status_________________

If deceased, year or child’s age at the time____ Where does this parent live:______________________

Describe child’s relationship with this parent figure:




Has the child ever been separated from biological father? ____Yes or ___No

If yes, please describe timeline, reasons, and circumstances around separations:

Additional Parents

Mother Figures

(Indicate whether __adoptive __step parent__foster parent ___other_____________)

Mother’s Name_______________________________Age_______Occupation______________________

Years of education________Living or deceased_______If deceased, child’s age at the time:_______

Marital Status_________________________________________________

Nature of the relationship between the child and this mother figure:




Father Figures

(Indicate whether ____adoptive ____step parent ___foster parent __other___________

Father’s Name______________________________Age_______Occupation______________________

Years of education _____ Living or deceased _______If deceased, child’s when father died _________

Marital Status___________________________________________________

Nature of the relationship between the child and this father figure:




Other significant adults in your child’s life (e.g. relatives, guardians, very close family friends)

Relationship to Child Describe the relationship, negative and positive aspects

_________________ ______________________________________________________________

_________________ ______________________________________________________________

_________________ ______________________________________________________________

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Child’s Siblings

Name Age Biological, Half, Step Frequency of contact Quality of Relationship

______________ ______ ________________ __________________ ________________________

______________ ______ ________________ __________________ ________________________

______________ ______ ________________ __________________ ________________________

______________ ______ ________________ __________________ ________________________

______________ ______ ______________ __________________ __________________________

______________ ______ ______________ __________________ __________________________

Please describe any emotional, behavioral, learning, ADHD, or health concerns for any of the child’s




Describe family life: (e.g., Close, distant, peaceful, turbulent, chaotic, active, calm, involved etc.)




Please list your immediate family’s strengths and aspects of your family that you enjoy:



Describe activities the family will do together:________________________________________________



Describe any significant concerns about your child’s parents’ relationship?



How do these concerns impact the child?



Has your child observed or experienced emotional, physical or sexual abuse in the household? Yes or No

If yes, please describe and explain: ________________________________________________________



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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Have you and your spouse ever sought out marriage counseling: Yes or No

If yes, dates___________Counselor______________Reason_____________________________________

Results of counseling____________________________________________________________________


Please indicate any current concerns you have about your marriage or family:

Describe extended family & friends that provide social support, and the quality of those relationships:

Developmental History Age of Mother at the time of pregnancy:_____ Mother’s health at that time:_______________________


Describe any significant stresses in the family at the time of the child’s birth?_______________________



Did mother experience depression or anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum? _____Yes or_____ No

Did mother have prenatal care? ____Yes or ____No

Did mother drink alcohol or use drugs during pregnancy? ____Yes or ____No

Describe any complications / concerns about the baby’s health during the pregnancy?

Delivery was ____Vaginal ____C-Section Were other instruments used for delivery? Yes or No

Describe any problems during labor & delivery:

Child’s birth weight:__________________ Was APGAR score within normal limits __Yes ___No

Child’s condition after delivery:________________________________________________________



Did the child have colic? ___Yes or ___No

Developmental Milestones:

Child’s age when: ________Sat up ______Crawled ____ Walked _____Spoke first word

_____put 2-3 word phrases together ____toilet trained

Did child have _____excessive drooling _____trouble with tracking visually __avoid eye contact

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Was child reactive to loud noises? __Yes __No Sensitive to the feel of clothing/socks/touch __Yes __ No

As an infant, any concerns with feeding or weight:___________________________________________


As an infant, any concerns with sleeping or napping:_________________________________________


As a toddler, did your child show a natural interest in exploring and in a variety of toys?

Did your toddler enjoy social interaction?

Did you observe any significant separation anxiety or other fears or worries when your child was a

toddler or preschooler?

Did your child seem to understand and respond appropriately to social cues and the emotional reactions

of others?

Did your child understand humor ____Yes or ___ No

Share his or her experiences with you and others ___Yes or ___No

Acknowledge you when you would return from being away for a time ___Yes or ___No

Was extremely shy ___Yes or ___No Experienced bullying ___Yes or ___No

Make friends easily ___Yes or ___No Indiscriminately friendly to strangers ___Yes or ___No

Plays well with other children ___Yes or ___No Fights with peers ___Yes or ___No

Child is more of a __Leader __Follower __Neither Child ___Has one close friend ___ Many Friend

Gives up own needs for the demands of others ___Yes or ___No Respect authority ___Yes or ___No

Does your child exhibit any conduct problems:

____Lying ____Stealing ___Cheating ___Fire starting ___Fighting ___Destruction

Describe any significant trauma, losses, changes, or difficulties your child experienced during childhood:

Your child’s social activities (e.g., recreation, hobbies, clubs, group associations):

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Does family have a religious or spiritual interest?__Yes __No

If yes, specific religion practiced by the family: _______________________________________________

Does your family attend a local church, parish, synagogue, or masque ____Yes or ___ No

If yes, where do you attend: ________________________________________________________

Is faith or spiritual life important to your child and a resource to him/her? _____________________

Education and Work History

Name of child’s current school_______________________________Teacher_______________________

Current Grade________________ List any tutors or special ed. teachers__________________________

How would you characterize your child’s academic achievement: ___Below Avg ___Avg ___Above Avg

How would you characterize your child’s intellectual ability: ___Below Avg ___Avg ___Above Avg

What kind of feedback do you typically receive from your child’s teachers:




Has the child ever repeated a grade? ___yes ___No Received special education __Yes __No

Has the child received reading assistance at school (e.g. small group or one on one help)? ___Yes ___No

Has your child received assistance with mathematics? ___Yes ___No

Circle Y below for those characteristics your child often exhibits:

Y N Short attention span Y N Distractibility Y N Impulsivity

Y N Disorganization Y N Peer problems Y N Follower Y N Domineering Y N Dislikes school

Does the child have a ____504 plan _____IEP ____Neither ___Other__________________________

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Laurel Langholz Ph.D. Client History Clinical Psychologist

Does your child require a great deal of assistance with homework at home? ___Yes or ___No

Who helps the child with homework?_____________________________# of hours/night________

Indicate if any your child has any of the following difficulties with school, chores, or work:

☐ Reading ☐ Distractibility ☐ Frequently Bored/Disinterested

☐ Spelling ☐ High absenteeism ☐ Late, sloppy or incomplete tasks

☐ Mathematics ☐ Verbal Expression ☐ Difficulty with peer interactions

☐ Disorganization ☐ Misplacing Items ☐ Trouble with authority figures

☐ Concentration ☐ Remembering Details ☐ Difficulty accepting feedback

☐ Daydreaming ☐ Comprehension ☐ Written Communication


Please explain any checked items above and any other concerns regarding school or work:

Employment History (If your teen has a job, please complete the section below.)

Current Employment Status:_____full time ____part time

How many hours a week does your child work? __________



Position Title:

Length of time in present position: ____________

Describe your child’s attitude toward their present employment situation:

Other types of work and positions your teen has held:

Thank you very much for completing this rather lengthy questionnaire! Please mail this form and the Client information form and the signature pages from the other forms to:

Dr. Langholz, Ph.D. 1930 St. Andrews Ct., NE Suite D Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
