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Protocols in Pulmonology

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  • 7/31/2019 Protocols in Pulmonology





    Viral cau se:

    Rhin o viru s( com m on cold)( 60 %)

    Enterovirus,Influenza virus,Para-influenza virus.


    Special: HIV, Cytomegalovirus, Coxsackievirus, Herpes simplex,

    Ebs tein -barr viru s, Bird flu?).

    Bact e r ia l caus e :

    Group A B-hemolytic streptococci (GABHS), 15-30% > 3yr

    C, diptheriae, Hemophilus influenzae, N. meningitides.

    Special; Gonococcus , A. h emolyticu m, an d Mycoplasm a pn eum oniae

    Diagnosis of viral is mainly clinical

    Blood cou n t, E SR a n d CRP- low predictive valu e

    T h r o a t c u l t u r e

    Gold standard for diagnosing streptococcal pharyngit is cannot

    differentiate between car riers an d ca se

    Negative throat culture result has a very high negative predictive

    valu e for GABHS p h ar yngitis

    Major drawba ck - lag time of 18 -48 h ou rs

    Not curren tly pra cticed in m ost centers in Ind ia !

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    In ch i ld ren wit h n o pen ic i ll in a l l e rgy

    An tibiotic (rou te) da ys Ch ildr en


    Pen icillin V (ora l) (10 d) 25 0 m g BID 50 0 m g TID

    Am oxycillin (ora l) (10 d) 40 m g/ kg/ da y 250 m g TID

    Benzat h ine pen icillin G (IM) (single dose) 6 lakh u n its 1.2 m illion

    un i t s

    In ch ildren with pen icillin allergy (n on type 1)

    An tibiotic (rou te) (da ys) Ch ildr en (

  • 7/31/2019 Protocols in Pulmonology



    Management protoclol

    Examine eye/ ear / nose / body

    Conjunctivitis / coryza,

    diarrhea, hoarseness/ cough

    Purulent/ patches/ toxic /

    tender L. nodes

    - Viral > -

    Symptomatics (3-4 d)

    Bacterial antibiotics

    before / after culture

    Responds No response

    Culture / RADT Response Follow



  • 7/31/2019 Protocols in Pulmonology




    Two types of settings

    Prolonged, u pper respiratory signs / sympt oms > 10-14 days.

    Severe u pper r espiratory signs/ symp toms ( fever >102 d egree F,

    Facial swelling and pain)

    Class i f ica t ion o f S inu s i t i s

    Acu te infection 14/ 102degree F, pu ru lent discha rge , s ick ch ild

    Su bacu te : 30 -90 days

    Recu rren t: < 30 d ays; relap se after 10 da ys

    Chron ic: > 90 da ys.

    De v e lo p m e n t o f s in u s e s

    Development begins complete


    Maxillar y an d eth m oid

    s i n u s e s

    10 th week POG At birth

    Sph enoid sinu s 3Yrs 8 yrs

    Fronta l s inus 7- 8 yrs Ear ly teens

    Pred ispos ing fac t o rs

    Viral URI

    Allergic rh initis an d n as al polyps

    Nas al foreign body

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    Adenoidal hypertrophy

    Nas ogas tric tu be

    Cleft palate


    Mucociliar y d isord ers

    PC D


    Karta geners s ynd rome

    Imm u n odeficiency stat u s

    Dental infections

    Co m m o n Pa t h o ge n s

    Acute an d Su bacu te s inu si t is

    s t rept . Pneu moniae

    Non typeable H. influ enzae

    Moraxella catarrhalis

    Strept p yogens ( beta h em)

    Chronic Sinusit is

    Bacterial pathogens not well defined

    Polymicrobial infection common

    Alph a h emolytic strept, s tap h au reu s, CONS, Non t ypeable H

    in fluen zae, Mora xella cat ar rh alis & An aer obic Bacter ia

    Guidelines for Radiological Diagnosis

    X- rays th erefore not n eeded in m ost.

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    Clinical correlation is good.

    X- rays recommended if:

    Recur ren t

    Complications Unclear diagnosis

    M a na ge m e n t M e d i c a l

    An tibiotics Main s ta y :

    Am oxycillin (40 m g/ kg/ da y)


    Co - am oxy- clavu lan ic a cid can be s econd lin e if initial ch oice

    was a m oxicillin

    Macrolides e.g. Azith rom ycin

    Select an y of th ese bas ed on cost an d sa fety

    If severe disea se or failu re to firs t lin e dr u gs

    Paren tera l ceftriaxone/ cefotaxim e then m ay switch to oral


    Treat for 10 to 14 days or 1 week beyond symptom resolution,

    whichever is lat er.

    In case of persistent non response ( already used 1st and 2nd l ine


    Ima ging an d s inu s a spira t ion could be done.

    Adjuvant th erapies :

    lim ited da ta

    not recomm ended

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    Sign s of acu te otitis m edia



    Impaired mobility

    Acut e symptom s

    Man agem en t of AOM- Und er 2 yrs

    An algesia pa ra cetam ol in good doses a s good a s ibu pr ofen

    Decon gesta n ts n o role

    An tibiotics in d ivided d oses for 10 da ys

    ch oices, first line Am oxycillin / co-am oxycla v

    second line * second generation cephalosporins e.g.

    cefaclor, cefu roxime

    co-am oxyclav- if n ot u sed ear lier.

    Man agemen t of AOM in > 2 vr old ch ildr en

    An algesics --> ma in sta y of trea tm ent

    Decongesta n ts h ave qu estiona ble role


    No ur gen cy to sta rt a nt ibiotics u nlike a

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  • 7/31/2019 Protocols in Pulmonology



    P r o t o c o l fo r m a n a g in g Ac . Ot i t i s m e d i a

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    Acu te on set

    Fever, ru n n ing nos e an d cou gh - in fective etiology - likely to be

    upper airway

    ch an ged cough ch ar act er- likely to be involving lar ynx.

    Hence a n acu te u pper airway in fectionlaryn git is +.


    Mild Moderate Severe



    Happy, feeds

    well, interestedin su r rou ndings

    Fussay bu t

    interactive,comforted by

    paren t s


    agitated, alteredsensor ium

    Str idor Stridor oncoughing &

    crying, No

    stridor at rest

    Stridor at rest ,worsening with


    Stridor at rest ,worsening with




    No distress Tach ypnoea,

    tachycardia &chest re t rac t ions


    tachycardia withchest re t rac t ions

    Oxygena tion >92% in room

    a ir

    >92% in room

    a ir


    An tibiot ics No ro le No role No role

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    Managem en t o f mi ld c roup

    Requires no t rea tm ent

    Symp tomat ic t rea tmen t :

    Fever - u se a nt ipyretics to d ecrease oxygen requ iremen t.

    If bothersome coryza- 1st generation anti-histaminics may be

    u s e d

    Norma l saline n as al drops - if na sa l blockad e.

    Grey areas :

    Cold a i r inh ala t ion / ba th room s teaming may help

    A single oral dose of prednisolone/ dexameth as one p referred by

    few to decrease the parental stress as well as the r isk of return

    to the m edical care.


    Parents to be informed that croup generally gets more severe at

    nights .

    To look ou t for increa sing s everity man ifested by

    increa sing str idor,

    increasing breathing difficulty , and

    child gettin g in creas ingly agita ted with refu sa l of feeds

    To come back to medical assistance if severity increases

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    S Crou p is a clin ical diagnosis. In vestigations n ot requ ired in a typical


    In a child with airway obstruction, neck radiographs or blood tests

    cause anxiety which may precipitate further distress and obstruction.

    X -ra y AP view of th e s oft t iss u e of n eck

    if don e - reveals a ta pered n ar rowin g ( st eeple sign ) of th e

    su bglot t ic t rachea ins tead of norma l shou ldered appeara nce .

    sh ould be d one if:

    - poor respons e to t rea tm ent

    - poss ibility of Retroph ar yngeal abs cess

    o toxic with h igh fever

    o difficu lty in s wallowin g, dr oolin g of sa liva


    ma lnou rished child / s ta ph ylococcal skin st igma ta


    Increase in severity is not considered by mere increase in the

    intensity of the sound , but by increasing degree of obstruction. Croup

    can be called as modera te when child develops str idor at res t .

    M a n a g e m e n t :

    Observation for up to 4 h ours

    st eroid -> if n ot given before , u se a dose of oral / n ebu lized/


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    Repeat dose of nebulized steroid - if previous dose > 12 hours


    Nebu lized Adren alin e :

    Used if symp toms are in creasing . -> Repeated if

    clinically indicated

    Routinely available adrenaline as effective as racemic


    If symp toma tic at th e end of 4 h rs, h e can be discha rged.


    Ste ro ids

    Repeated doses of 2 m g neb u lized bu deson ide 12 h r X 48 h rs

    Ora l an d IM dexam eih as one is equ ally efficacious

    Oral corticosteroids are preferred for their ease

    Doses-> dexam ethas one 0 .15- 0 .30 m g/ kg, prednisolone 1 - 2 mg /

    k g

    Adrenal ine

    Adrenaline is used in severe cases and those poorly responsive to


    0.5 m l/ kg of 1:1000 dilu tion t o maximu m of 5 m l.

    Need for repeated doses sh ould alert the n eed for int u bation / PICU


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    Th e us e of steroids h as been a ss ociated with ,

    Redu ced average length of sta y in th e emergency

    Decreas e in th e nu m ber of adr ena lin e nebu lization n eeded.

    Redu ced need for en dotrach eal int u bat ion.

    If requ ired, th e du rat ion of in tu ba tion is d ecreased.

    Current evidence more strong for its efficacy in moderate to severe



    Continu e oxygen a s requ ired.


    Continu e nebu lized adr ena lin e as frequen tly as n eeded,

    if requ ired > 2 h rly, cons ider s h ifting to PICU.

    Steroids to be continu ed.


    if airway obstru ction/ work of breath in g is worsening, then one h as to

    consider intubation and venti lat ion.

    Experienced hands only , as intubation is difficult and if fails the

    pat ient m ay be worse , ? Rapid sequ ence in tu bat ion.

    u se a tu be ha lf s ize sm al ler tha n opt ima l.

    Trach eostomy is t h e las t option

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    Typical paroxysm :

    A series of rapid, forced expirations (usually 5-10), followed by

    gasp ing in h alat ion , lead in g to th e typical wh oop

    Cyanosis, bulging eyes, protrusion of the tongue, salivation,

    lacrimation an d distens ion of th e neck veins occur s.

    post-tussive vomiting is common.

    Several t imes per hou r- dur ing both da y and night .

    Triggered by yawn ing, s n eezin g or ph ysical exertion. In between

    th e paroxysm s, th e patient is u su ally well.



    Abs olu te lymph ocyte cou n t > 10,000/ micro It

    ALC a bove a ge specific m ean h as 70 % sen sitivity.

    Norma l coun t does not exclu de pertu ss is

    Neona tes ma y have mu ch h igher coun ts

    CXR not sensitive or specific

    Role of cu ltu res - not of pra ctical im porta n ce

    Serology an d PCR not recom men ded routinely

    Diagn osis u su ally clinical aided b y CBC.

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    reduce transmissibil i ty

    ma y redu ce sympt oms if given in 1st week.

    lim ited r ole as u su ally diagn osed later .

    Avoidance of cough provoking factors.

    Humidified oxygen and assisted ventilation in seriously ill, usually


    Dose an d du ra t ion S ta tus

    Eryth romycin 40-59 mg/ kg/ day q 6

    hr ly x 14 da ys

    Side effects

    dura t ion / adherence,

    not > 1 month

    Cla r ith romycin 15mg/ kg/ day

    Q 12 h r ly x 7 da ys

    Expensive. Drug

    interaction, not > 1


    Azith rom ycin (DOC) 6 m o n t h s : 1 0 m g/ k g

    on d a y 1 a n d 5 m g / k gday 2-5

    Cheap, no drug

    interaction can be

    given >1 m ont h

    Cotrimoxazole 8 m g/ kg of TMP Q 12

    h rly x 14 da ys

    Intolerant / CI of



    One m ay try bron chodialators/ cough seda tives an d individu alise as

    per response

    Routinely none of the following are of any benefit


    Steroids Salbutamol

    Pertussis immunoglobulin

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    Sore throat with m emb ran e in ton sillopha ryngeal area

    Fever, hoarsen ess, bar king cough, str idor, mem bra ne over pha rynx

    an d la rynx

    Sero- sanguinous nasal d ischarge , crus ts and a whi te membrane

    on s e p tu m .

    Late pres enta tion s : us u ally n o visible mem bra n e

    Palata l or bu lbar palsy

    myocardit is with prior s ore thr oat

    Acu te polyneu ropath y with or with out prior s ore throat .

    May occu r even in previous ly im m u n ized


    Smear and culture of the membrane or scrapping below the

    m e m b r a n e

    Sta in with Neiss er or Albert st ain


    Hospitalization in in fectiou s diseas e facility

    Droplet isolation till thr ee cons ecu tive da ily cultu res a re n egative

    Start treatment without waiting for microbiologic culture confirmation

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    Comp onents of therap y

    Diph th eria a n titoxin (DAT), m ost cru cial


    Supportive care

    Man agemen t of complication s

    Trea tm en t - DAT

    Always ad minister tes t d ose

    If allergic des en sitize

    Fu ll dos e given IV at one tim e, dilu ted in NS (1;20 ), ra te of m l/ m inu te

    Limited a vaila bility at ID hos pita ls

    Serum s ickn ess in 1 0% pat ients

    Type Tota l dose in

    u n i t sNasa l 10,00 0 20,00 0

    Laryngeal / ph aryngeal 20,000 40,000

    Tons illar 15 ,00 0 25 ,00 0

    Combined types / delayed diagn osis 40,00 0 60,00 0

    Severe diseas e* 80,00 0 100 ,000

    Carr ier / conta ct Not required

    * Extens ive disease/ more than 3 days dura t ion / neck

    edema/ t achycard ia / collapse / b rea th lessness .

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    Tr ea t m e n t c on t i n u e d

    An tibiotics (pen icillin G/ Procaine pen icillin / Eryth rom ycin for 14


    Strict bed res t for 2 - 3 weeks

    Adequate nutri t ion and hydration

    Steroids not recommen ded

    Carni t ine 10 0 m g/ kg/ day BD for 4 doses ma y help prevent ing


    # u se fu lness if given lat e in the disea se???

    Airway ma in taina nce in th ose ha ving obstr u ction

    # Intu bat ion/ t racheotomy, oxygen therapy

    Complete immunization on recovery.



    You n g, well lookin g in fa n t

    Tach ypnea ++


    Saturating well

    Bilateral scattered wheeze

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    F e e d i n gabi l i ty

    NormalAbility to


    Appea r sh ort ofBrea th dur ing


    May be relu ctan t oru n ab le to feed

    Respira tory

    d is t ress

    Little or n o



    Moderat e d istress


    some chest

    Wall retra ction s

    an d n as al flaring.

    Severe distr ess with

    marked chest wallre t rac t ions , na sal

    flaring an d grun tin g

    Can ha ve frequent

    an d p rolonged

    a p n e a s .

    Saturation Saturation>92%

    Satu ration 9 2%

    IV flu ids



    ABG/ CXR

    Assess need for


    su pport/ ICU care

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    GERD with a sp iration

    Foreign b ody

    Congen ital heart d iseas e

    Broncho-pulmonary dysplasia

    Congenital an oma lies like vascu lar r ing


    - R is k f a c t o r s f o r in c r e a s e d s e v e r i t y a n d h o s p i t a l i za t i o n .

    Infants in day care

    Exposure to pa ssive sm oke

    Crowding in t h e hou seh old

    Infants you nger tha n 2-3 mont hs

    Prema tu re birth s < 3437 weeks

    Con genital heart diseas e

    Chronic lung disease l ike CF, Recurrent aspiration, BPD,

    congenital malformations etc.



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    In fan t s you nger than 3 m onths

    Oxygen s atu rat ion < 92%

    Resp Rate > 70/ min

    ILL appearing child

    In fan ts with one or m ore risk factors m entioned b efore are likely to

    ha ve a s evere cou rse an d m erit ad miss ion.


    Bron ch iolitis is a clin ical diagn osis

    In vestigations cont ribu te very little

    CXR ma y be in dicat ed in

    severe respiratory distress or

    in a case of diagnostic u n certainty

    Atypical course

    Chest X-ray

    often reveals bilateral hyperinflation findings like segmental

    atelectas is m ay be seen some times.

    Blood tests do not contribut e

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    Non con t rovers ia l Cont rovers ia l


    IV flu ids

    Fever man agement

    Adren alin e n ebu lization




    Lim i ted u se- n o t be ing d iscu ssed

    Palavizumab and Ribavarin


    Oral feedin g

    May be cont inu ed in infan ts with n o more than moderate

    respiratory difficulty. (respiratory rate < 80 breaths per minute,

    some ch est wall retraction, Sp02 . 92% +/ - oxygen)

    Nas ogas tric tu be feedin g

    Generally reserved for th e recovery pha se b ecau se;

    # NG tubes blocks one nostril- increased airway

    resistan ce, in creased work of breat hing.

    # Feed in th e stoma ch - in creased th e r isk of reflu x an d

    asp ira t ion a s compresses th e diaph ragm.

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    Administered when there is moderate to severe or severe

    respiratory difficulty.

    (marked chest wall retractions, nasal flaring, expiratory

    gru nt ing, ma rked ta chypnoea (.80/ min), apn oeic episodes, or

    visible tiring during feeding.

    Considerable variation in the intravenous hydration strategies


    Norma l genera l ma in tena n ce IV flu ids to be u sed.


    Common sen se dictates i ts u se to overcome h ypoxemia

    In genera l, aim to ma in tain Sp0 2 > 92%

    Can accept 90% to 92% Sp02, if the child is not distressed and is

    feeding well


    There is no role for routine bronchodilators in bronchiolitis as they

    do not;

    imp rove oxygen s atu rat ion.

    affect rate or duration of hospitalization.

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    A trial of n ebu lised bron ch odilat or can be given in :

    Older in fan t ( > 6 m ont h s) with wheeze.

    Those with a stron g history of atopy, fu rth er thera py continu ed

    if th ere is a objective impr ovemen t.


    Multiple studies have failed to demonstrate any clear efficacy of

    corticost eroids in viral br onch iolitis


    Little support from randomized clinical trials for its use in all

    children with m oderate/ severe diseas e

    Improvement in respiratory symptoms across studies

    incons isten t an d sh ort lived.

    May u se n ebu lised Adren aline as a potential rescue m edication for

    th ose wh o are to be ad mitted.

    Dose varies between 0.01 ml/ kg to 0.3 ml/ kg per dose of 1: 1000

    solut ion.


    RCTs failed to demonstrate any benefit in hospitalized infants with


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    Th e on ly role of a n tibiotics is

    complicated bronchiolitis where a secondary bacterial infection

    is s u spected.

    Th is is rar e, bu t n ot eas ily exclu ded in a sick infan t with fever,

    toxicity an d s ign ifican t opa cities on th e ches t X-ray


    No sa fe seda tion ; seda tives s h ould b e avoided

    Irr itab ility ma y be a s ign of Hypoxia

    Sedatives can decrea se th e oxygen ation a s well as give false sen se

    of relief.

    Attemp ts to comfort th e child a s far a s p ossible

    Fever con trol

    Nasal clearing


    Non th reaten in g m an ner of oxygena tion/ neb u lisa tion

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    Mild bronchiolitis

    Normal ability to


    Little/no resp.


    Not hypoxemic


    Moderate resp.distress

    Mild hypoxemia brief apnea

    short of breath

    Severe bronchiolitis

    Severe resp.

    distress apnoeic episodes


    Looking tired

    Cant feed

    Does not needinvestigations

    Home treatment


    Humidified O2

    to maintain Sa2above 92%

    IV fluids

    Adrenaline trial

    Observe for


    Admit ICU care

    O2 to maintain

    Sa2 above 92%

    IV fluids

    Adrenaline trialcardio


    A BG, CXR Assess need for

    ventilatorysupport/ ICU



    Decrease O2

    (guided by SaO2)


    Discharge whendistressdecreased and

    feeding well


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    Most Consistent Clinical sign of pneumonia

    Ag e R e s p i r a t o r y r a t e (b r e a t h s / m i n )

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    Chi ld wi th cough , rap id an d d i fficu lt b rea t h ing


    A sensitive and specific tool - 66% approx.

    as good or bet ter then au scu lta t ion for pneu monia

    Any clinician therefore must use this merely as a beginning step

    (Tria ge s ign )

    An d t h en u se a ll th eir clin ical sk ills for th e fina l con clus ion

    Remember several other cl inical si tuations that cause radia breathing


    Respiratory cau ses: Asth m a / Bronchiolites / WALRI

    Non respiratory causes: metabolic acidosis, CHF, rasied ICT

    Pneumonia any cause

    WALRI, Asthma,LTB,


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    Differe n t ia l d iagnosis

    First ru le ou t non - resp iratory cau ses for tachypnoea,

    Th en, t h e No- pu lmon ary cau ses a re ru led out cl inically.

    In this setting of child with cough, rapid and difficult breathing, now

    th e l ikelih oods are;

    Pneu mon ia comp lication s


    Wh eeze as sociated with lower res pirat ory tract infection s



    Child wit h Cough, Rapid , Difficul t bre at h ing

    Cons ider bron ch io li t i s i f :

    Age 1 m onth 2 years

    Presence of u pper res piratorycatar rh

    Progress ive in creas e in r esp.distress (tach pn oea, retractions )

    Wheeze crackles Clin ical an d ra diological evidence of


    Cons ide r a s th m a i f :

    Recurrent episode,3 or more

    Afebr ile epis odes


    Good response to bronchodilator


    Fam ily / person al history of atopyy

    Cons ide r wheeze as soc . w ith LRTI(WLRI) if :

    Recur rent episodes of distressu nd er 3 years of age

    Progress ive in creas e in r esp.distress (tach ypnoea, retractions )

    Wheeze crackles

    Clinical an d ra diological evidence ofhyperinflation

    No family or personal history ofatopy

    Cons ider laryngo t rac h eo-bron ch ii t is Croup if :

    Hoarseness of voice and barking/bra ssy of cough


    Mild t o ma rked respiratory distress

    Sonorous rhonchi

    Fever usually mild or spiking(tracheitis, rate)

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    Can v i ra l LRTI o r bac t e r ia l pneu m on ia be c lin ica l ly d i s t in gu ished ?

    May be d ifficu lt as th e investigat ion s do n ot con firm etiology

    Advantage of using the suggested methodology - decreases the

    confoun ders to viral pn eum onia alone ra ter th an broad ARI.

    Com m un i ty acqu i r ed Pn eum on ia (CAP)

    CAP is an acute infection of the pulmonary parenchyma in a

    previously healthy child, outside of a hospital setting.

    not have been hospital ized within 14 days prior to the onset of

    symptoms, or

    h as b een h ospitalized less th an 4 da ys prior to ons et of sympt oms.

    I t exc ludes

    Ch ild with im m u n e-deficien cy

    Severe Malnutrition

    Post m easles state

    Ventilator as soc pneu mon ia / Nosocom ial sp read

    Recurrent pneu monias


    Do all pa tien ts reqiure a ch est ra diograph ?


    Not a ll CAP, pa rticu larly if on dom iciliary trea tm en t


    If s ever ely ill

    If comp licat ion su sp ected (for exam ple, pleura l effu sion)

    Ambiguous Clinical features.

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    Not recom men ded rou tin ely

    Takes long t im e an d h ence h as limited u ti lity

    Spu tu m cultu res / cou gh swabs ha ve relatively poor reliability

    Invas ive meth ods can n ot be ju stified for routine pn eu mon ias .

    R ole o f pu l se oxym e t ry , a cu t e phase r eac t an t s

    TLC,DLC,CRP are not diagnostic but may be useful to monitor the

    response to t rea tmen t .

    Pulse oxymetry is a good tool for assessing the severity and

    m onitorin g respons e in th ose with severe disease.



    0 3 m ont h s Gram n egative, strept o. Pyogenes,

    Chlamydia, viruses

    3 mon th s 5 years Strept . Pneu mon iae, H.influ enze,

    s tap aureus , v i ruses , mycoplasma

    p n e u .

    > 5 year s Mycoplas ma pn eum oniae, str .

    pn eum oniae . Stap. Au reus , viru ses ,

    str p. Pyogens .

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    Reliabi l i ty of predic t ing a specia l e t io logical agent based

    on c l in i ca l fea tu re s and / o r r ad iography

    Gen era lly POOR.


    More like ly if

    very ra pid pr ogress ion

    skin lesions, infected scabies

    PE / p n e u m ot h o ra x / e m p ye m a

    ? Post m eas les


    WHO classification is very simple and probably more useful from

    management point of view.

    Severe - tachypn oea with accessory mu scles in a ction - lower ches t


    Very severewith additional features like

    Altered sen sorium


    severe gru nt

    in termit tent apnea

    difficu lty in feedin g

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    Sa02 < 92%

    Marked tach ypnea, sa y 20+ breaths / min a bove the cu t off for the


    Difficulty in breathing

    Intermit tent apn ea, gru nt ing

    Not feedin g/ deh ydrated

    Family not able to provide appropriate observation or supervision.

    Failu re of OPD trea tm ent


    D i s e a s e P n e u m o n i a

    S e t t i n g Domicilliary

    Age First lin e Second lin e Su sp ected stp h .Disease

    Up t o 3 m o n t h s Usu ally severe, treated a s inp atients

    3 m o n t h s t o 5


    Am oxycillin Co-a m oxy clav





    Co-am oxy clav

    OR Amoxycillin +Clox

    5 y e a r s p l u s Am oxycillin Macr olide OR

    Co-am oxy clav





    Co-am oxy clav

    OR Amoxycillin +


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    S e ve r e v e r y s e v e r e p n e u m o n i a

    Treat a s in-pat ient

    Age Firs t l in e Secon d l in e

    0 -3 m o n t h s Inj. 3 rd gen cepha losporin s

    cefotaxim e/ ceftr iaxon e Am inoglycoside (Gen ta l/


    In j co-am ox clav



    (Genta / Am ika cin )

    3 m o n t h s 5years

    Inj. Am picillin OR

    Inj. Chloremphenicol OR

    Inj Am picillin +

    Inj. Chloremphenicol (

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    NOT Cefixime because it lacks action against strep.


    Fluoroquinolones are not recommended

    Total 5-7 d ays

    If on s econ d l in e, then treat for 7-10 d ays

    If sta ph ylococcal d isea se.;

    2 weeks if n o comp licat ion :

    Else 4-6 weeks


    Failu re to m ainta in Sa 02 > 92% in Fi02 > 0.6



    Rising respiratory and pulse rates with clinical evidence of

    severe respiratory distress and exhaustion with or without

    ra ised p aC02

    recur rent a pn ea or slow irregular breath in g.

    Excessive diaphoresis

    HAP- Hospi ta l Acqu ired pn eu m on ia

    Ea rly -ons et HAP an d VAP,

    occurring within the first 4 days of hospitalization,

    More likely du e to a n tibiotic sen sitive ba cteria.

    Usu ally carry a b etter prognosis,

    Lat e -on se t HAP an d VAP (5 d ays o r m ore )

    More likely du e to mu ltidru g-resist an t (MDR) pa th ogen s,

    Associated with increa sed pa tient morta lity an d m orbidity.

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    'At least two episodes of pneumonia occurring in one year or three

    epis odes over a n y period of time.'

    Recurren t pn eum onia is a s ymptom of an u nder lying disease an d n ot

    a d iagn osis in itself.

    Ca u s e s i n c l u d e

    Comm onest Asth m a (m is- diagnosis), Asp irat ion syndr omes

    less comm on Congenital anom alies, FB, CVS sh u nts , TB, tum ors

    Not infrequ en t CF, Im m u n odeficiency, ciliar y dyskines ia.

    Key point s on history an d exam ina tion

    Delayed cord fall - leu ko a dh esion d efects

    History suggestive of aspiration (choking nasal regurgitation,

    recurrent seizures)

    Tem pora l relation of cough t o feeding or postu re

    Fam ily or persona l h / o atopy noctu rn al cou gh, bronch odilator rel ief

    Fam ily h/ o similar d isorder or consa ngu inity

    Multiple m u ltifocal in fection s e.g. diarrh ea, pyoderm a, ea r infection s

    Malab sorp tive stools

    Contact history

    Orophayrngeal examination


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    Oth er feat u res of at opy e.g., flexu ra l derm at itis

    Failu re to th rive, BCG scar , ton sil size

    Pallor, gen a den opath y

    Perforative otitis media

    Cardiovas cular system

    Respirat ory system .


    Upper an d lower resp i ra t o ry

    s y m p t o m s

    O n ly lo we r r e s p i r a t o r y s y m p t o m s



    Ciliar y d yskines ia


    Aspiration syn drom es

    Congenital a n oma lies

    CVS sh un ts




    Sam e lobe Di ffe ren t lobes

    Foreign b ody


    Congenital anomaly



    C VS s h u n t

    Mucociliar y d efects Immunodeficiencies

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    Inves t iga t ions fo r t he cause o f b ronch iec ta s i s

    The cau se rema ins u nkn own in 30-50% of pat ients .

    Needed investigations are:

    FO Bronch oscopy,

    HRCT or bron chograph y

    Seru m imm u n oglobu lin levels,

    Gast ro esopha geal reflu x stu dies,

    Test s for tu bercu losis a n d fun gal in fection s ABPA

    Sweet chloride, an d

    Ciliary's studies

    In v e s t i ga t i o n s i n b r o n c h i e c t a s i s a r e 3 fo ld

    A:- To as certain an d esta blish t h e diagnos is - HRCT or radiology.

    B:- Pulmona ry Fu n ction Tests to access the fu n ctions capa city of

    the lu ngs .

    In vestigations in bron chiectas is

    F i n d i n gs o n x -r a y o f c h e s t a r e n o n s p e c i fi c .

    Rin g like den sities with clear cent re

    Irregu lar ill-defin ed vascu lar m ar king or

    Unequa l aera tion du e to atelectasis an d h yperinflation

    H ig h r e s o l u t i o n c o m p u t e r i z e d t o m o gr a p h i c s c a n (H R CT ) o f c h e s t :

    Very sensitive and non invasive method

    Fin dings inclu de

    Lin ear n on ta pering a irway

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    Co- Am oxyclav / ceftriaxon e with or with ou t flu roqu in olones if

    pseu domon al colonization is su spected l ike in CF.

    Airway cleaning, bronchial lavage and hygiene with chest

    physiotherapy to br ing ou t spu tu m is very importan t an d pru dent s hou ld

    be promoted.

    Presented with fever, ches t pa in ,

    Expectoration: 6 weeks

    Did n ot respond to broad sp ectrum an tibiotics

    He had mild clubbing, bronchial breathing right infrascapular region

    an d crepita tion s a ll over righ t side of ches t

    Wha t a re t he d iagnos t ic poss ibi li t i e s?

    Cau ses of lu n g abs cess

    Most frequently a complication of bacterial pneumonia

    Epecially th ose du e to sta ph ylococcus a u reu s,

    Klebsiella p neu mon ia a n d


    May develop in sequestration of lung tissue or in association with

    foreign bodies, bron chial cyst s or st enos is.

    Staphylococci lungs abscess are often multiple, while those

    complicating aspiration are solitary.

    May ru ptu re in to th e pleu ra l space leading to pyopnu emothrax

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    Lung abscesses are frequently a complication of higher bacterial

    pneumonia or obstruction due to retained FB or bronchial cyst ,

    congenital anomaly like sequestration of lung tissue may also lead to

    lu ng abscess .

    Take Hom e Messages

    Viral infections and non infectious causes of cough do not need

    antibiotic therapy

    Few situa tion s for em piric u se of an tibiotics.

    Unwana nted u se does not prevent a su bsequent s econdary infect ion

    in most s itu a t ions .

    First line a n tibiotics a re s till effective an d d ru gs of ch oice.

    Newer 3rd -4th generation antibiotics should be reserved for few non

    responders .

    All non responders a re not du e to a res is tan t bu g. Other caus es are as

    important .

    Ta k e h o m e m a s s a ge s

    Children p resen tin g with fever, cou gh with n as al / ear discha rge

    [Includes: acute nasopharyngit is , tonsil l iopahryngit is , s inusit is and

    otitis media]

    Majority are du e to vira l in fection s

    An tibiotics do not p revent s econda ry bacter ial infection s

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    Do throat swab cu ltu re / RADT in acu te tons illopha ryngit is , if

    Exudates on tonsil lar surface, cervical node enlargement, absence of

    conjuctival congestion or symptoms persist for > 3 days

    Cons ider s in u sitis: if URTI pers ist beyon d 7 -10 d ays

    Do otoscopy in all URTIs to diagnosis otitis media

    An tibiotics in : GABHS ph ar yngitis, s inu sitis, severe otitis m edia or red

    an d bu lging tymp an ic mem bran e

    Us e firs t lin e a n tib iotics firs t, AMOXYCILLIN IS STILLL EFFCTIVE.

    Ta k e h o m e m e s s a ge s :

    Ch i l d r e n p r e s e n t i n g w it h fe v e r , c o u gh w i t h n o i s y br e a t h i n g

    Common conditions: adenoidal hypertrophy, croup, pertussis ,

    d iphther ia

    Croup: comm only du e to viru ses, n o an tibiotics

    Croup : single dose of system ic st eroids with epin eph rine SOS

    Diphtheria: Isolate, start penicillin and ADS, give immunization on

    follow up.

    Pertussis: Macrolides with supportive care.

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    Ta k e h o m e :

    Ch i l d r e n p r e s e n t i n g w it h b r e a t h i n g d i ffi c u lt y

    [Com m on cond i t i on s : Br onch i o li t i s , pn eum oni a , Br onch i ec t as i s ,

    e m p y e m a a n d lu n g a b s ce s s ]

    Bronchiolitis: viral infection,

    Oxygen inhalation, IV fluids

    Adren alin e tr ial

    P n e u m o n i a :

    Ass ess clinically, n o n eed for C-X ra y in every ch ild.

    Am oxicillin dr u g of ch oice for am bu latory trea tm en t

    For h ospitalized ch ildren : In j Am picillin / Chloram ph enicol or Co-

    Amoxyclavulanic acid.

    Add macrolides if suspecting atypical organisms

    Children< 3 months: Third generation cephalosporins +


    E m p y e m a

    Cloxacillin + Ceftraixone or Co- Amoxyclav
