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  • 8/8/2019 Protokoll Kosovo OSCE



    Kosovo, the OSCE and Others

    Drama in two Acts with an Epilogue

    Academic Network South East Europe


    Wednesday 1 June Friday 3 June 2005

    Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy

    Falkenstein 1, Hamburg

    Organized and chaired by:

    Prof. K.P. Tudyka

    Dr. P. Schneider

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    The simulation on Kosovo entitled Kosovo, the OSCE and Others: Drama in two acts with

    an Epilogue took place at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy on the 2nd


    3rd June 2005. As preparation for the simulation there was a lecture given by Dr. Helmut

    Kramer of the University of Vienna on the 1st June. Students from across the region of South-East Europe participated in the simulation, they came from Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina,

    Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia-Montenegro as well as Britain, Germany, Italy,

    Lithuania and Romania.

    The simulation took the form of a debate between the various parties both before and in the

    wake of the events of March 2004. The final section of the simulation involved a debate about

    the prospects for the future. The whole event was carried out in the roles allocated beforehand

    with everyone convincingly representing the views of their actor regardless of personal

    opinions. This was a rewarding and enriching experience for all both in the simulation itself

    and in the exchange of views possible before, after and inbetween.

    This protocol takes the form of minutes and should provide the reader with a good idea of the

    issues discussed and proposals put forward.

    Besides the organisers the following students participated:

    Meri Angeleska

    Rajna Badeva

    Goran Bandov

    Selma Belshaku

    Elena Bittasi

    Max Bornefeld-Ettmann

    Arben Coli

    Laura Costescu

    Joe Dethlefs

    Valdet Gashi

    Ermin Hadzic

    Bernd-Kristian Kaczenski

    Klajd Karameta

    Anne-Katrin Hinz

    Milica Isakov

    Marko IvkovicRuta Mockute

    Nicholas Parrott

    Stanislava Tasheva

    Eren Tiryaki

    Andreia Tolcio

    Aleksandra Zdravkovic


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    Kosovo quo vadis? Situation and perspectives of a

    UN-protectorate in Europe, Prof. Dr. Helmut Kramer

    Minutes by Joachim Dethlefs

    Professor Kramer works on Political Science at the University of Vienna and is a known

    specialist for Austrian foreign affairs. In connection with this he has regularly and intensively

    come in touch with the successor states of Yugoslavia and has a profound knowledge on this

    topic. He has finished a book in cooperation with a colleague. It is called Die Kosovo-

    Bilanz (Kosovo: An assessment) and is published by the Lit-Verlag Wien in July 2005.

    At the beginning of his lecture Professor Kramer presented some interesting facts andinformation about the region. For example he said that the effort of the United Nations in this

    area have been surprisingly high. Since the beginning of the intervention there has been a total

    number of 100,000 internationals sent to Kosovo. Half of this number have been soldiers of

    the KFORcontingent, the other half staff members and activists from both governmental and

    nongovernmental organisations. Since 1999 the annual money spent for each inhabitant of

    the Kosovo has been around 1000 on average. By way of comparison this figure for Bosnia

    Herzegovina is 250 and Afghanistan just 100.

    According to Professor Kramer 2005 will be the year of decision for the region of Kosovo. In

    the summer there is to be a comprehensive report the results of which could perhaps already

    be in the autumn the beginning of EU-accession negotiations. In this context it is aninteresting detail that within the first six months of 2006 with Austria there is to be a country


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    taking the presidency of the EUcouncil that always has had close relations to the South-East


    Compared with the invested expense on human, material and financial resources Professor

    Kramers final result is critical :

    The securitysituation within the country is stable, but a positive freedom hasnt

    yet been reached

    From about 250,000 refugees only 12,000 have come back until now. And from

    the 5,000 refugees after the riots in March 2004 also only 60 percent have come

    back yet

    The unemployment-rate is about 80 percent

    The energy-supply is disastrous

    The presence of more than 100,000 internationals has also caused negative effects

    in the country like a destruction of the wage structure and the development of


    The political result is suboptimal. A democratic and tolerant political culture is still


    However : Kosovo is still a story of success in comparison to Haiti and Afghanistan.

    Kramer doubts that the UN is capable of rebuilding the country. He criticises the absence of

    any long term personnel policy. He calls it a catastrophe that 50 percent of the international

    police are partly from undemocratic states and are not accepted by the people of Kosovo. He

    tells how in New York only 15 desk-officers in the Office for Peacekeeping-missions are

    responsible for the coordination of all peacekeeping-missions. That is in his eyes a reason for

    the insufficient organisation and dubious personnel selection in the mission-area. FurthermoreKramer says that some of the internationals are suffering a lack of identification with their

    missions, they came with a limited knowledge of the country, culture and mission-subject. A

    positive example in this context is the recently appointed Special Representative, Sren


    He concluded that as long as there is no carefully considered strategy, the effect of having the

    internationals as good example in the region disappears. The fast changing foreign-policy of

    the European Union also has a bad influence on the situation.


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    First Act The Dialogue Departure for Europe?

    The OSCE Chairman in Office expressed his thanks for the attendance of all parties and

    hopes for a productive discussion over the following days. He handed the floor almost

    immediately the United Nations Mission in Kosovo to open the debate.

    UNMIK Max Bornefeld-Ettmann

    The main responsibility of the UN Security Council is the preservation of global peace and

    security. In the case of Kosovo and under the Security Council Resolution 1244 the main aims

    of the International Community are:

    1. An end to violence against the people of Kosovo

    2. Return of refugees and displaced people to their homes

    3. Humanitarian Aid

    4. Reconstruction and economic development

    5. Demilitarisation of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and other Albanian armed


    6. Exercise of civil administration through the United Nations

    7. Arrangement of provisional institutions for democratic and autonomous self-

    administration including the holding of elections8. Arrangement of a security presence to ensure a secure environment and the guarantee

    of law and order until this can be passed on to and international civilian presence

    9. Advancement of substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and

    the beginning of a political process with the aim of determining the final status of


    By carrying out the elements of Resolution 1244 alongside the NATO-led troops of KFOR

    there should be an international civilian presence through the UN installed, the United

    Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). Under the leadership of theSpecial Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), the following four pillars were


    Pillar I: Humanitarian Aid and Return of Refugees (UNHCR), later Police and Justiceissues (UNMIK)

    Pillar II: Civil administration (UNMIK)

    Pillar III: Democratisation and build-up of democratic institutions (OSCE)

    Pillar IV: Reconstruction and economic development (EU)

    The international civilian presence established theProvisional Institutions of Self-Government

    (PISG), through which democratic standards can be fulfilled in the future. UNMIK welcomes

    the attendance of the negotiation parties to take part in the dialogue on the development of

    Kosovo. We hope this can be a constructive meeting.

    OSCE MiKLaura Renata Costescu


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    On taking the floor the representative of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo showed that the

    Mission coordinates the activities under the Pillar on institution-building within UNMIK and

    emphasized the cooperation with UNMIK in various fields.

    Continuing, the speaker indicated the eight principle objectives which are considered to be

    necessary to be implemented before considering the question of the political status of Kosovo.The speaker further pointed up the mandate of the OSCE MIK and the progress made from

    July 1999. In the field of Human Resources Capacity-building the speaker showed that the

    OSCE MIK had established the Kosovo Police Service School and the Kosovo Judicial

    Institute (last one in collaboration with the Council of Europe) which was responsible for the

    training and education of judges, prosecutors and defence counsels.

    In the domain of the development of Civil Society, the representative showed that the OSCE

    had been assisting political parties in developing programmes, organisational structures,

    electoral platforms and election campaigns. On the other hand the OSCE MIK had been

    supporting the development of local NGOs through the establishment of a network of NGO

    resource centres. The speaker further showed the activities of the OMIK regarding thedevelopment of the local media and pointed out the success of the Mission in organizing the

    elections for both the municipal level and the provisional assembly.

    Continuing, the representative showed that one area of concern is the human rights situation

    of Kosovos minority communities. Even though the Mission was active in this field through

    different programmes, the evolution was not totally satisfying with the problem of refugees

    and IDS and of minority protection not being solved. She also pointed out the cooperation

    between OMIK and UNHCR.

    Still, the representative of the OSCE MIK reported on a generally stable situation in the

    region, in which standards were being achieved and in which the question of the political

    future of Kosovo could be considered.

    On the last point the representatives of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the

    representatives of the Provisional Institution for Self Government had some remarks: the first

    showed that mixed administrative bodies didnt function and recommended building up

    Serbian besides Albanian institutions, the second pointed out that the question of the status of

    Kosovo should be settled independently of the achievement of the standards. To the first

    remark the representative of the OSCE MIK responded that only one set of institutions were

    required (the situation of 1999 with double formal and informal institutions should be

    avoided) responding to the needs of the multiethnic society living in the region. To the secondremark the Representative of the OSCE stated that the international community had to ensure

    that the standards regarding the functioning of democratic institutions, the enforcement of the

    rule of law, the freedom of movement etc would be implemented in Kosovo.


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    KFOR OfficerSelma Belshaku and Anne-Katrin Hinz

    The KFOR officer began his report with a review of the work done by KFOR from the

    beginning of the mission (12 June 1999) and its achievements towards providing a secure

    environment in Kosovo.

    The first achievement of KFOR was the return of the refugees from Kosovo, who had fled

    during the armed conflict and were accommodated in the refugee camps of the neighbour

    countries, Albania and Macedonia. KFOR has demilitarised the KLA and initiated the

    disarming process, the results of which are the voluntary hand over of thousands of weapons

    and the confiscation of a good deal of illegally held ones. The ongoing campaign aims in

    convincing the rest part of armed Kosovo-Albanians to give their weapons.

    A great contribution for the security in Kosovo is the clearing of major routes and population

    centres as well as the border line from the anti-human mines placed by both sides during the

    war, the marking of the mine containing areas and sites and the extensive mine awareness

    campaign in the media and schools. Worth mentioning was also the contribution of KFOR in

    the reconstruction by building and repairing roads, schools and bridges with its engineering

    squads, the assistance for UNMIK and NGOs in distribution of humanitarian aid, food,

    clothing and rebuilding materials for houses and the medical assistance through KFOR field


    By concluding the report the KFOR officer assessed the actual situation as calm and mostly

    secure and pointed to the further engagement towards a growing security, with the protection

    of minorities and the facilitation of their return as priority. Due to technical changes the last

    part of the first act, which was supposed to make a parenthesis of the rioting of March 2004

    (with people shouting and screaming and the KFOR officer talking privately to the

    Chairman), did not take place.

    Representatives of the USJoachim Dethlefs and Katharina Kobilarov

    Ladies and gentleman,

    Honourable members of the chair

    First I want to thank you for the possibility to briefly outline the American position within this

    topic. I will try to keep my explanations as structured and clear, as the American position

    already is. We welcome the positive developments in the region, but we also see with sorrowthe standstill in some areas like the fight against organised crime. Let us briefly review the

    history of the brutal collapse of the former republic of Yugoslavia. We have war in Croatia.


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    The actors are the Croatians and the Serbs. Lets go to Bosnia a little later. The situation has

    escalated. We have war. The actors are the Bosnian Croats, the Bosnian Muslims and the

    Bosnian Serbs which in our eyes can not to be totally divided from the Serbian people in

    Serbia. In Kosovo there is an escalating conflict-situation similar to war. The actors are as

    well the Kosovo-Albanians and yes: again the Serbs.

    So, you all will agree: we have three different conflicts that are generally but not completely

    in connection with each other. We have three different constellations of actors and of course

    none of these actors is alone responsible for the happenings and crimes. It is common

    knowledge that generally seen you always need two people for a conflict.

    But one may think about, if after the experiences of the Balkan-conflict it is fair at all to treat

    all groups in an equal way. That is one of the real problems behind the situation. It is a

    question about realizing the difference between victim and perpetrator. But for the non-

    European-members of the United Nations there seems to be no victim and perpetrator. And

    our European friends will accept the existence of victim and perpetrator but referring to

    their individual history having different ideas about who is victim and who is perpetrator inthe Balkan-context.

    This is my main point. The problems existing in the region of Kosovo and the suggestions and

    regulations drawn in resolution 1244 cant be solved and seen without realizing and accepting

    the different responsibility of the local actors. To underline it: As long, as you treat the

    Albanians and the Serbians in the same way, you will not come to a solution neither to a

    development in the question of Kosovo.

    Please allow me to point out, that it wasnt the Europeans at all who have brought up the

    ending of the conflict in Bosnia. It was essentially the initiative of the United States of

    America with the direct and admirable engagement of visionary people like Richard

    Holbrooke or Bill Clinton choosing Dayton as instrument to build the fundament for freedom

    in the region. When I see the results I know that we were right.

    And to make it clear as well : It wasnt the Europeans at all who have decided to show the

    regime in Belgrade with powerful arguments its borders in terms of Kosovo. The NATO-

    Bombardment started as an US initiative. And when I see the results I know that we were

    right. I could name a lot more examples but our time is limited.

    So lets look on Kosovo with this American view that -against all resistance in the past

    several times- has proven completely right. The conflict will go on as long as the economicsituation is not stable. And as long as the economic situation is not stable, the mental focus of

    the people with further lay on the hate against their neighbour. What makes the sense in

    forcing all these people living together in a country that is part of Serbia, if they just dont

    want? We from our side would very much appreciate more realism especially by our

    European partners.

    Of course the United States are not the only one to decide this, but to us it comes more and

    more clear that the only way to make Kosovo a stable country is, to give it independence and

    make it a partner integrated in a network of Balkan-countries. Also in Croatia and even more

    in Bosnia today Serbians freely live within the local societies. But it is very important that

    these countries are independent from Serbia.


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    Multiethnic state? Yes! America is the best example for the success of a model like this. But

    multiethnic state within the borders of Serbia? Within the borders of the country of people

    who didnt prove a lot in the past in showing tolerance towards other ethnics and religions? A

    multiethnic state within the borders of Serbia is an illusion.

    What I want to come to is that there seems to be still a lot of energy and monetary power leftwithin the European partners to try for several years longer to build up a multiethnic society

    in Kosovo with in our eyes not sustainable and ineffective methods.

    But the energy in these terms even of a country like the United States of America is

    limited. I dont have to explain to you the challenges for the American people connected with

    the worldwide war on terror. No doubt that there will be a number of our troops remaining in

    the Kosovo area. But we urgently have to reduce our engagement and let the European

    countries take more responsibility in solving the conflicts happening directly at their front


    Thank you

    European UnionElena Bittasi and Nicholas Parrott

    Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

    As you all know the European Union has been present in Kosovo since the very beginning of

    the international effort to build a new future for this area and that the European Union is, by

    far, the single largest donor providing assistance to Kosovo with 51.5 million for 2004 Annual

    Programme and more than 2 billion since 1999.

    The EU, including its Member States and the European Commission, is playing the most

    prominent role in the reconstruction of Kosovo and to rebuild everyday life for all the people

    of Kosovo whatever their ethnic background.

    The European Unions presence in Kosovo has taken three major forms:



    3) As part of UNMIK, the EU is in charge of revitalising economic activity in Kosovo,

    rebuilding what has been damaged by the war and creating the conditions for a modern, open

    market economy.

    In the initial period after the war, the HUMANITARIAN AID OFFICE donated more than

    400 million for emergency assistance, such as rehabilitation of rural areas, accommodationfor displaced persons, equipment of schools and the provision of medical supplies. ECHO

    reduced its programmes in Kosovo substantially in 2001.


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    The EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR RECONSTRUCTION from February 2000 is managing

    sustainable reconstruction and development programmes in Kosovo. Nearly a billion euros

    have been available for reconstruction and institution-building, with half of the funds

    dedicated to the re-establishment of electricity supplies. Besides, other activities include the

    rehabilitation of railways and road patching, housing, economic development, water and

    environment programme, health care reform and the creation of credit facilities.

    As a part of UNMIK, the European Union is in charge of economic development in Kosovo.

    In the immediate post conflict phase, this focused on the repair and restructuring of basic

    infrastructure. With a large part of the major reconstruction work now complete, the EU pillar

    is seeing a gradual shift in the focus of its work. The development of an open, market

    economy and of a framework for the development of modern enterprises is seen as

    fundamental in order to establish a sustainable private sector, which will create employment

    and be the main engine for growth. Therefore, the long term perspective in the European

    Unions pillar activities is to provide solid foundations to bring Kosovos frameworks closer

    to European standards.

    Before passing the floor to my colleague, I would like to state that there have been a number

    of substantial improvements: the economy in Kosovo is growing, even if at a lower rate than

    in the post-reconstruction boom.

    The contribution of the EU both as member states and as a unit through the commission and

    agencies have therefore been outlined. At this initial juncture we would also like to briefly

    outline some of the elements we see as necessary into the future :

    EU membership is a big question for countries of the region. Clearly, Slovenia has

    already joined as a successor state to Yugoslavia and Croatia is well on the way. The

    European vocation of all countries of the region is clear and membership in the

    foreseeable future should be both a goal and an expectation.

    However, the situation of Kosovo leaves considerable work to be done. We have heard

    various proposals on the way forward this morning and the position of the EU is very

    much that the current state of affairs is no longer sustainable.

    Our member states within the Contact Group are taking a role in pre-discussions

    towards final status.

    The position of the EU is that we see economic and social development still as key.

    This does not imply standards before status in the former sense but rather that we see

    the route of Kosovo to the EU as being built upon the establishment and

    reestablishment of sustainable industry and jobs.

    In conclusion we are absolutely convinced that the entire western Balkans will join the EU,

    including Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo in whatever form. Reform in the direction of EU

    membership should be paramount in all places and necessary compromises should be made to

    that end.


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    UNHCRRuta Mockute and Eren Tiryaki

    1) Mandate of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

    The representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

    introduced the mandate of the Office of the UNHCR. They underlined that UNHCR is a

    humanitarian, non-political organization which is engaged in the following regions

    worldwide: Europe, The Balkans, North Caucasus, The Palestinian Issue, Iraq, Afghanistan,

    Sri Lanka, Horn of Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa and Columbia. The

    basic aims that had been mentioned in this meeting are as follows:

    to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and their rights;

    to resolve refugee problems and to safeguard well-being of refugees worldwide.

    The representatives accentuated that the UNHCR strives to ensure the right to seek asylum

    and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate

    locally or to resettle in a third country. It was also said that UNHCR promotes international

    refugee agreements and monitors government compliance with international refugee law.

    Moreover, the representatives pointed out that through its activities for refugees and returnees,

    UNHCR promotes international efforts in prevention, conflict resolution and peace building.

    2) Definition of a refugee

    The UNHCR representatives characterized refugees as people who are outside their countriesor homes within the country borders (internally displaced persons) because of a well-founded

    fear of persecution based on their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership

    in a particular social group, and who cannot or do not want to return home.

    3) Long-term solutions

    The representatives informed the other participants of the meeting that UNHCR seeks for

    long-term or 'durable' solutions. Firstly, by helping refugees repatriate to their homeland if

    conditions warrant (only voluntary repatriation); secondly, by helping them to integrate in

    their countries of asylum or to resettle in third countries (in which individuals, families and

    even communities are voluntarily resettled into a new, third-party country and are integratedinto its social fabric). It was stressed that being able to return to their country of origin in

    safety and dignity is widely recognized as the most desirable durable solution, and the one

    generally preferred both by UNHCR and most refugees.

    The representatives generalized that although the protection of refugees remains the mandate

    of UNHCR, the ultimate goal has always been to work for durable solutions so that refugees

    no longer need the agencies protection. In other words, to help them re-establish that most

    basic of human needs, a place to call home free of threats to life and liberty.

    The major components of the Framework for Durable Solutions were presented. These are:

    "DAR" Development Assistance for Refugees for protracted refugee situations; "4Rs"

    Repatriation, Reintegration, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction for voluntary repatriation;

    and, "DLI" Development through Local Integration for local integration.


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    4) Early warning system

    Another important scope of the organization was stressed that it devotes resources for trying

    to avert crises by anticipating and preventing huge population movements from global trouble

    spots. One approach is to put in place a so-called early warning system establishing an

    international monitoring presence to confront problems before conflict breaks out.As humanitarian crises have become more complex, UNHCR has expanded both the scope of

    organizations it works with. For example, the World Food Program (WFP), the U.N.

    Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.N. Development

    Program (UNDP), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

    (IFRC), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and others; also more than 570

    non-governmental organizations.

    OSCE-OSHIR-DirectorAleksandra Zdravkovi and Goran Bandov

    In recent years, organizing and supervising elections in Kosovo was one of the most important

    tasks of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. As part of this process, the Department of Elections

    (DE) played a major role in two Municipal elections in 2000 and 2002 and the Kosovo

    Assembly election in 2001 and 2004. Through the process the Mission gradually handed over

    its elections related responsibilities to the local institutions.

    The 2004 elections for the Kosovo Assembly were held in October 2004 and were organized

    by the Central Election Commission Secretariat (CESC). The OSCE continued to be

    responsible for the specific operational activities such as: Voter Registry, by mail voting for

    out of Kosovo voters, political party registration as well as planning and running of the Count

    and Results Centre, and the financial audit office. These responsibilities are to be transferred

    by the end of 2005.

    Representative of the Government of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro Andreia

    Tolciu and Bernd-Kristian Kaczenski

    Having the floor, the Representative of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro (SCG) first

    expressed his gratitude to the OSCE Chairman in office for the invitation and then he thanked

    the former speakers, esp. the orator from the Russian Federation for their appropriate reports.

    It followed a spell binding address.

    From the of point of view of SCG the actual evidence is that the international community

    already creates an independent Kosovo and Metohija while taking away the sovereignty from


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    Belgrade. SCG accused the international community of doing it not coincidentally, but rather

    consciously. The speaker also blamed the PISG for bad collaboration with Belgrade and for

    the discrimination towards Serbians in Kosovo and Metohija in the legislation. Furthermore

    he reproached the international community with not meeting their obligations as they are

    stipulated in the resolution 1244 which he is recalling subsequently. The independence of

    Kosovo and Metohija would not only mean its breakdown but also the destabilisation of thewhole region, SCG annotated, that it could even have negative effects on the problem with

    Basks in Spain.

    After this, the speaker took up again the violent events from March 2004 and blamed the

    international community for having known in their secret services about the undertakings of

    the Albanians and for not having prevented the brutal riots. Given that Albanians were

    burning down orthodox churches in front of the KFOR, he invoked the cultural heritage in

    Kosovo and Metohija and demanded its protection. As a result, he presented the main issues

    of the passed resolution from March 2004 of the Serbian government which comprised that

    SCG pledges itself to protect Serbians in Kosovo and Metohija, to protect the borders and to

    establish its own institutions to facilitate the return of their refugees. In order to achieve thisgoal, SCG asked to send around 1000 soldiers into Kosovo.

    A further point was the question of the status. SCG pleaded for the determination of the final

    status of Kosovo and Metohija in order to guarantee economic growth and direct investments

    in both Serbia and Kosovo.

    SCG requested the western world for cessation of the undertaking to build up a multinational

    society in Kosovo and Metohija. The West is obliged, the speaker said, to respect the fact that

    in Kosovo drastic cleavages subsists on an ethnic basis. Due to the fact that mixed

    administrative bodies would not function the speaker recommended building up Serbian

    among Albanian institutions in fields such as health care, education, security and judicial

    system. In accordance to the resolution 1244 the goal must be to form surroundings in which

    refugees could return.

    Perorating the speaker summed up his allegations, demands and his assistant added


    After SCG had finished its speech, the Representatives of the PISG got in a flap and disturbed

    the following conversation. A speaker of the UNMIK challenged the neutrality of the

    Representatives and accused them of making a campaign for their party. The speaker of the

    OMIK rejected the critics and said it was too early to talk about the question of the status.

    The OSCE Chairman in Office expressed his thanks for the calm and productive manner in

    which he felt initial views had been put forward. He stressed his hopes for this to continue

    throughout the discussion before closing the meeting and inviting the participants to the

    following press conference.


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    Intermediate Act: Press Conference ABC: Accusation, Blames, Confusion

    Group of Orthodox Church leadersMilica Isakov

    After receiving the floor from the Speaker of the Chairman in Office, the Orthodox Churchleaders reported about witnessing the poignant reality left in the wake of extreme Albanian on

    Serbian violence in Kosovo during the exile of 17-19 March 2004. According to UN and

    Church statistics, 50,000 Albanians in the presence of 18,000 NATO peacekeepers drove

    4,500 Serbs and other non-Albanians from their homes, injuring 900, including 150

    peacekeepers, and killing 19 persons. With 33 synchronized flashpoints, all of Kosovo was

    engulfed in flames, as over 800 homes, many of which had recently been rebuilt by the

    International Community for repatriated Serbs, were looted and demolished.

    In addition to the loss of precious human lives, Church had emphasized the desecration of

    cemeteries and graves, in which uncontrollable crowds of people converged to obliterate

    anything bearing the sign of the Cross, which was in complete violation of the internationalnorms on the manifestation of religious symbols. As Christian representatives, the Church

    suffered the most seeing the destruction of 35 additional churches and shrines, some of them

    under UNESCO protection, including those, dating to the 12th and 14th centuries.

    Than Church gave the statistics of destruction and atrocities in Kosovo in the last 6 years,

    that is from the time of the 1999 NATO-brokered international peacekeepers, which

    witnessed the expulsion of 250,000 refugees, 1,000 kidnapped and 1,200 murdered, and a

    sustained attempt at expunging the sacerdotal Serbian presence: of the original 1,657

    churches, monasteries and monuments, over 115 were destroyed, added to the 35 above for a

    total of 150; 211 Orthodox cemeteries desecrated and 5,177 monuments smashed, with many

    graves opened and earthly remains of deceased tossed aside, all during the time of peace and

    not war.

    The Orthodox Church leaders pledged to reach out and extend a hand of cooperation in this

    Kosovo and one again stressed that without cohabitation and realisation that Kosovo belongs

    to all of its citizens, there can not be a long lasting peace in the province.

    At the end of its speech, the Church pledged for the repatriation of 200,000 exiled Serbs and

    50,000 other non-Albanian ; the restitution of confiscated church properties and

    subsidiaries, and the resettlement of an otherwise non sustainable IDP population to the same

    areas ; the reconstruction of churches, homes, schools and other destroyed buildings, byimplementing The Memorandum of Understanding signed on 24 March 2005 and the

    implementation of local self-rule, which would allow for the sustainability and security of

    resettled refugees, while encouraging Serbian participation in the provisional governmental

    institutions of Kosovo and Metohija.

    In the conversation that followed, the Church was accused of influencing the political

    decisions involving the Serbian population in Kosovo by the representatives of the LDK. The

    representative of OMNIK asked about relations with other churches, and Group of Roma

    protested that they were not mentioned in the Churchs speech.


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    Group of Roma/Gypsies peopleAleksandra Zdravkovi and Goran Bandov

    In the second part of Simulation Intermediate Act: Press Conference ABC: Accusation,

    Blames, Confusion they presented the position of the Group of Roma /Gypsies people (ngo)

    which claims to be victimised by all parties and being marginalized and forgotten by the

    international community. The Roma minority is one of the biggest minority on Kosovo. Romaaren't protected and their rights are not under protection of Framework for protection of

    national minorities of Council of Europe in Kosovo. 50000-70000 Roma are refugees and

    they haven't possibility to come back on Kosovo. It was also pointed out that Roma people do

    not have any state on their own where they would be welcome in contrast to Serbian refugees.

    While Serbs also have the possibility of safer living in the northern part of Mitrovica, there is

    no region for Roma to retire in peace.

    Representative of the former UCKJoachim Dethlefs and Katharina Kobilarov

    Ladies and gentleman,

    First of all, my colleague and I want to enter a protest about the seating

    arrangements. We see it as an unreasonable demand, that you forced us to sit right

    here in one room, so shortly after the tragic occurrences in March and to have to

    face the murderers of our children. This shows a lack of sensibility of the


    But we rather want to talk about our brave soldiers. Fathers, sons and grandfathers,

    who defend their families and their ground like heroes. And that with their bare

    fists against the Serbian soldiers or the Serbian police, which is basically the same.

    Anyway both are well armed from the western states. We speak in a direct voice

    for the people of Kosovo. The only people with a legal claim on the country,

    which is illegally occupied by violent, orthodox peasants. How can you talk with

    someone, who burnt down your mosques? Dont be deceived by their

    affirmations! We have seen in March, where this leads to.

    The only lesson which is to draw from these occurrences is a free Kosovo. Give us

    the responsibility for our land. Give us the responsibility for our lives. Then we

    will soon be able to reach economic growth and rebuild the infrastructure. Without

    the international protectorate we could be a full member of the European Union in

    a short period of time, and fill up the over-aged labour-market with our young andtalented people.

    We sincerely want to thank our true friends. The only countries which havent let

    themselves be deceived by the Serbian propaganda and came to help our innocent

    people in need. We say Faleminderit to our brave American friends. We sayFaleminderit to our brave and courageous friends: to the European states,

    Germany and the United Kingdom, as well as to the NATO, who brought us peace

    with their bombs of justice.


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    Speaker of the Albanian GovernmentMax Bornefeld-Ettmann

    The Albanian government absolutely rejects accusations of involvement in the renewed

    violence in Kosovo. Such suggestions have been made against the Albanian government since

    the time of the 1981 problems and always without basis. The Albanian government rejects all

    forms of violence and calls for peace among the people of Kosovo.

    Speaker of the FYROM GovernmentSelma Belshaku and Anne-Katrin Hinz

    The speaker of the Government of FYROM made in this press conference a declaration,

    where he stated the position of its government related with the tense situation in Kosovo after

    the rioting of March.

    In the declaration the Macedonian Government condemned the desecration of the orthodox

    churches and their symbols and demanded the stop of the violence from the part of Kosovo

    Albanians against the Serbs and other minorities. The KFOR was asked to enhance thesecurity measures for a more efficient protection.

    The precarious situation in Kosovo could have a negative impact on Macedonia, a fragile

    country with 25% of its population ethnic Albanians. The country came up from an armed

    conflict between the state and the ethnic Albanians, which could have ended in a civil war if

    the international community had not intervened. This conflict was transported over the border

    by former fighters of UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army). After less than 4 years Macedonia has

    made considerable progresses in the integration process and is working hard for the

    implementation of the framework agreement signed in Ohrid. Fearing the spread of any revolt

    from Kosovo in its territory, by suspected elements, which would step Macedonia back from

    its development the government of Macedonia called the international community with its

    organisations to contribute as much as they can for the peace and development in Kosovo and

    the whole region.

    International Human Rights organisationRuta Mockute and Eren Tiryaki

    As the only present international human rights organization the representatives of the Human

    Rights Watch (HRW) welcomed this opportunity to express their organizations views on

    Kosovo to all participants of the meeting. They stated that first of all, it is of high importance

    that violence must be stopped as a prerequisite for the safe and secure return of refugees (andavoiding further migration/displacement) and humanitarian living conditions of minorities.

    Police forces such as the UNMIK police or Kosovo Police Service along with KFOR must be

    able to establish certain security standards in the region. The Contact Group countries and

    involved international organizations (NATO, UN, OSCE, EU) need to increase their

    coordination among themselves and also with the regional administrations. The

    representatives insisted that, indeed, these parties should show greater engagement with

    Kosovo since the situation is still regarded as highly fragile. Second, the dialogue between

    Kosovos Provisional Institutions of Self-Government, Kosovo Serb leaders and the

    government of Serbia and Montenegro should be improved. The rule of law and especially the

    accountability of politically or ethnically motivated crimes must be facilitated by all means. In

    this respect, special attention should be given on minorities and returnees who all are to beprotected against treatments such as persecutions. Additionally, the role and regulation of

    media organizations should be redefined. As a third and last point, the representatives


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    underlined that Kosovo (regardless of its legal status) is a multiethnic region where the

    fundamental rights of all inhabitants have to be fully protected and respected.

    Representative of the Business CommunityElena Bittasi and Nicholas Parrott

    Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

    as a representative of the Business Community, I want to underline that potential investors

    from the region and from the diaspora were showing an increased tendency to see Kosovo not

    only as destination of exports, but also for investments.

    Nevertheless, we cannot ignore that attempts to attract foreign investors to Kosovo are

    suffering severe setbacks after March 2004. Kosovo economy is far from being self-

    sustainable and even under the most optimistic scenarios will not become so in the short run.

    Although economic indicators for last year were suggesting that the performance of the

    Kosovo economy was further improving, unemployment remains a major concern, inparticular in the medium and long term. Also the trade deficit remains substantial, with the

    current export/import coverage equal to 3.9%. Besides, several recent surveys have confirmed

    a gradual decline in workers remittances and donor spending.

    Now you can hear from one business, which has tried investing in Kosovo.

    When we opened our battery factory we were very optimistic for the investment opportunities

    in Kosovo. We committed a substantial amount of capital and local workforce, creating

    crucial jobs in the local economy. We had left Kosovo in 1999 but decided to return at the end

    of 2003 and in early 2004. In light of recent events, however, no one is willing to take long-

    term contracts because of fears for disruption to our supplies. This is a disaster for our


    We are still optimistic in the longer-term but in the short-term we have lost a lot of money.

    There needs to be substantial investment in local infrastructure which is still not there and

    complicates doing business.

    Investment is, what Kosovo needs and on a political level it is crucial that a climate is created

    whereby this can be fostered. We appeal for strong, effective and rapid action on the part of

    the international community.

    Speaker of the EBRDLaura Renata Costescu

    The representative of the EBRD expressed his concerns regarding the development of the

    political situation in Kosovo and emphasized the implications of the politically insecure

    situation on the economical development.

    Further the representative confirmed its sustained assistance for the reconstruction of the


    He pointed out that until that point the EBRD had been active with two projects: the Kosovo

    Reconstruction Equity Fund, which was created to provide local enterprises and potential


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    foreign investors willing to invest in the Province with much-needed medium to long-term

    financing, and the Pro Credit Bank Kosovo, whose aim was to provide reliable access to

    financial services for Micro and Small Enterprises throughout Kosovo and to encourage banks

    to enter the same market segment.

    In the infrastructure sector, the Bank would continue to assist the authorities with theimplementation of a modern regulatory regime in the telecommunications sector that reflects

    best international practice, and would engage in dialogue to identify areas in the energy sector

    for potential Technical Cooperation that might lead to investments.

    The speaker pointed out the importance of the development of the Small and Medium

    Enterprises, as these were considered to be the engine of the economical recovery and

    essential for the creation of jobs. He also emphasized the importance of the stabilisation of the

    political situation and reconfirmed the future commitment of the EBRD to the development of

    the region.

    Asked in what the economical importance of the region on international level consisted, the

    representative of the EBRD showed that Kosovo was a major junction of the trade routes of

    South Eastern Europe and it was added that building up a strong Kosovo from the economical

    point of view would reduce the emigration flows from Kosovo to Europe.

    OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyAndreia Tolciu and Bernd-Kristian Kaczenski

    Being the last speakers of the conference, the delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of the

    OSCE presented the position of the institution they represent with regard of the Kosovo issue.

    For a better understanding of the situation in Kosovo, relevant additional material (pictures inPowerPoint) were presented to the audience.

    They shortly pointed out the attributions that the Parliamentary Assembly has to fulfil :

    (a) assess the implementation of the objectives of the OSCE

    (b) discuss subjects addressed during meetings of the Ministerial Council and the summits of

    Heads of State or Government

    (c) develop and promote mechanisms for the prevention and resolution of conflicts

    (d) support the strengthening and consolidation of democratic institutions in the OSCE

    participating states

    (e) contribute to the development of the institutional structures of the OSCE and of relations

    and cooperation between the existing OSCE institutions.

    Within these responsibilities, the delegation of the OSCE PA condemned the recent acts of

    violence in Kosovo and called for reestablishment of dialogue in order to secure sustainable


    The Assembly representatives called for thorough investigations of the acts of violence which

    occurred in March 2004 in Kosovo and also called upon the OSCE participating States to

    provide the additional forces to the peacekeeping Kosovo Force (KFOR) that are necessary

    not only to maintain stability but also to ensure that all displaced persons wishing to return to

    their original homes in Kosovo have a secure environment in which to do so.


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    The core messages of the statement was that without democracy there can not be any

    stabilization in the region and that without a stabilization of the situation it is impossible to

    take further steps towards a democratic society.

    The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation issued a proposal aimed at organizing, in the

    near future, a meeting of OSCE parliamentarians, as well as members of the national and localparliaments of the region, centred on joint cooperation in fighting trans-national organized


    The OSCE PA delegation stressed that inter-parliamentary cooperation is also intended to

    facilitate dialogue and mutual understanding in the region. The recent events in Kosovo

    evidence that this is very much needed. The proposal was received positively and with

    agreement to further pursue the matter.

    Second Act After the Disaster the Disillusion

    The OSCE Chairman in Office opened the meeting.

    OSCE MiKLaura Renata Costescu

    Having the word, the representatives of the OSCE MIK pointed out that the year 2005 was the

    moment when the question of Kosovos future had to be settled. The speakers described the

    events of March 2003 and pointed out the consequences resulting in the destruction of towns,

    cultural heritage and in the creation of a new refugee flow. It was also shown that the

    international community was confronted with challenges ranging from security, standard

    implementation to an accelerated transfer of competencies to Kosovo authorities.

    Further the representatives made four points:

    Security it was admitted that the security of the region had badly suffered from the

    events of March 2003, but it was also said that the situation had become more secure

    during the last months, that the cooperation between the KFOR, UNMIK and the KPS

    had been intensified and that the operational preparedness and refined contingency

    planning were at hand after March 2003. It was also stated that the security in Kosovo,as well as the situation of the minorities were still very fragile and that the

    international community would still need to remain committed in the region.

    Democratic institutions were considered to have been well functioning. The

    multiethnic Government elected in December 2004 had embraced Standard

    Implementation. In the Kosovo Assembly there was for the first time a political


    Implementation of Standards it was shown that the Standards were not only the

    ticket to the discussions about the status of Kosovo, but also facts, that would define

    the future type of the society in Kosovo. In the end the role of the standards was to

    ensure improved living conditions and security for the population of Kosovo. Theevaluations of the OSCE MIK showed that standards implementation could be



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    Transfer of authority it was shown that the UNMIK had transferred more

    competences to the local administration and that the OSCE MIK supported the

    ministries with coaching regarding strategic planning, strengthening management

    capacities, etc.

    The speakers showed that the new draft of a constitution contained clear norms regardingminorities rights, which were in concordance with the standards of the Council of Europe,

    this being considered to be a step forward towards the democratisation of the society.

    In the end the representatives indicated that there was a need of dialogue with major

    international actors and institutions and pointed out the importance of the Contact Group and

    expressed that the region would rise to the challenge of putting an end to the conflicts of the


    The Russian Federation and the PISG expressed their disaffection regarding the activity of the

    OSCE MIK in the region and considered that, given the events of March 2003, it had failed toprovide for security in the region and for the freedom of movement of the minorities. The

    representatives of the OSCE MIK admitted that the international community had failed in this

    regard, but showed that in the period following March 2003 there had been made progress.

    The representatives of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro complained about the little

    involvement of the Serbs in the political life of Kosovo and about the fact that there had been

    politically motivated murders taking place. The representatives showed that there had been

    created the conditions for Serbs to be actively involved in the political life (10 places for the

    Serb minority in the Parliamentary assembly) and showed that support of the Serbian and

    Montenegrin Government in this regard would be welcome. It was also said that politically

    motivated murders took place also in other regions and that it was regrettable that they hadnt

    been avoided.

    KFORSelma Belshaku and Anne-Katrin Hinz

    KFOR presented the reductions made in the total number of the soldiers from 1999 until

    March 2004 and the changes as response measures to the lately events. In the beginning of its

    mission KFOR had 50,000 soldiers. After the return of the Kosovo-Albanian refugees and the

    establishment of a certain security environment the number of KFOR forces was reduced

    continuously. The number reached 17,500 soldiers in the early March and another reduction

    was planed. Due to the widespread rioting 90 Soldiers from United Kingdom, France, Italy,

    Germany and USA were sent as reinforcement to Kosovo.

    The KFOR delegation admitted that the rioting of March caught KFOR by surprise, as they

    were unprepared for such a situation. Because of the few reserve forces to sustain the

    operations and other deficiencies in the organisation the KFOR could not intervene as it

    should. Being aware of the big challenge, the prevention of other events of this nature in the

    future, KFOR intends to undertake various changes in the organisation towards better reaction

    capabilities. Concretely these measures consist on the improvement of the alarm system,

    improvements in the chain of commands and the organisation of intervention companies in

    alert cases, the use of helicopters and other vehicles, such as sappers and lorries, for road


    KFOR stressed in its answer to the representatives of the Government of Serbia and

    Montenegro the good acceptance of KFOR as security provider by the people in Kosovo, as


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    well as the minorities. KFOR soldiers accompany the Serb children and children other

    minorities to school and are engaged in the protection of every individual who feels

    threatened by racism and ethnically motivated attacks.

    There was a dispute later on with the representative of the Russian Federation caused by his

    pronouncement on the presence of KFOR in Kosovo. The representative said that KFOR hadcompletely failed in providing security and protecting the Serb population and its religious

    symbols ignoring that way unfairly the efforts and achievements of a 5-year work.

    As a multinational force charged with the establishment and maintenance of security in the

    place, KFOR was committed to keep its neutrality and not interfere in the discussions between

    the parties involved in the conflict and those supporting them about the status of Kosovo.

    OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities HCNMRuta Mockute and Eren Tiryaki

    1) Mandate of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

    The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) representatives started their

    report by reminding the mandate of the HCNM as an institution which task is to identify and

    provide solutions in time to certain ethnic tensions within or between OSCE participating

    States. The HCNM is aware of the fact that ethnically motivated conflicts are one of the main

    sources of violence and crime in Europe and that these crises also have the dangerous

    potential to spill-over to neighbouring regions causing further catastrophic outcomes. To

    respond to this challenge, the participating States of the then so-called Conference for

    Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) decided on the Helsinki Summit in 1992 to

    establish the institution of High Commissioner on National Minorities. The mandate defines

    his role as "an instrument of conflict prevention at the earliest possible stage". In other words,

    the High Commissioner's task is to provide "early warning" and, as appropriate, "early action"

    at the earliest possible stage being relatively independent in his actions (e.g. without approval

    of the Senior or Permanent Council or of the State concerned). Moreover, the High

    Commissioner has to preserve his impartiality at any time in order to be truly effective as a

    third party. It is equally essential that he fulfils the condition of confidentiality, which means

    that the HCNM acts through preventive diplomacy. Furthermore, explicitly excluded from the

    High Commissioner's mandate are individual cases concerning persons belonging to a

    national minority or national minority issues in cases involving organized acts of terrorism.

    2) Definition of a minority

    The representatives of the HCNM stated that the mandate does not provide a specific

    definition of what constitutes a national minority. According to the words of Max van der

    Stoel, the first High Commissioner who was appointed in 1992, the existence of a minority is

    a question of fact and not of definition. (...) First of all, a minority is a group with linguistic,

    ethnic or cultural characteristics, which distinguish it from the majority. Secondly, a minority

    is a group which () also tries to give stronger expression to that identity. The

    representatives of the HCNM noticed that the participants of the meeting did not come to an

    agreement on this issue at all - except the Roma representative.


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    3) Recommendations

    The representatives pointed out that the High Commissioners role of silent diplomacy and

    conflict prevention is crucial in order to guarantee the full respect of human rights and

    especially minority rights. Lack of communication, misperceptions, and broken trust are

    factors that might create inter-ethnic tensions. Therefore, a structured dialogue betweenmajority and minority groups has to be established and maintained since the HCNM follows

    also a long-term perspective. Moreover, minorities must be able to participate in the decision-

    making processes and bodies. It should be stressed that the integration of minorities in

    Kosovo (e.g. Serb, Roma, Turks and other communities) due to several reasons still lacks

    behind in these terms. The individual right to learn its mother tongue on the one hand and the

    need to know the State language on the other hand serves as an example of this integration

    process where diversity should be seen as an enriching rather than an alien element. The

    European perspective is regarded as an important policy aim for the post-communist Balkan

    States as it provides incentives to develop democratic standards and to comply with human

    rights including minority rights. Finally, the legal status question of Kosovo or in general

    that of Serbia and Montenegro after the international communities involvement represents achallenge of self-determination vs. territorial integrity in which the rights of minorities in a

    democratic framework should never loose its relevance (e.g. appropriate administrative

    capacities dealing with minority issues).

    OSCE-Representative on Freedom of the Media Aleksandra Zdravkovi and Goran


    Even in a society with no ethnic conflict, linking the media to loss of life entails walking the

    thin dividing line between defending freedom of expression and condemning hate speech. But

    in a post-ethnic conflict society such as Kosovo, biased reporting alone could lead to violence.

    This report offers ideas and recommendations as how to repair the evident deficiencies of the

    media in order to prevent similar situations in the future and provide for a free, fair and

    balanced media landscape in Kosovo. The media has a responsibility to react properly and

    professionally to serve the best interests of the population of Kosovo.

    They give a long list of Proposal of Measures. A few of them are presented here:

    A full investigation into the performance of the electronic broadcast media, Kosovo

    Albanian and Serbian during the events of 16/17 March, should be conducted. This

    should not only investigate the content of the footage aired, but also look at footage,

    statements and evidence that were not aired. The findings of this investigation should be presented to the public in Kosovo and to

    the donors, as well as to the journalists in question.

    Serb-language media in Kosovo relies mostly on information provided by broadcasters

    in Serbia. Media broadcasting news programming generated out of Kosovo should be

    held accountable for content, regardless of origin, according to the regulations valid in


    A local Kosovo-wide Serb-language broadcaster should be established.

    UNMIK Public Information components need to take action in order to ensure that

    UNMIK's message is represented in a fair and consistent manner in the future.


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    US DelegationJoachim Dethlefs and Katharina Kobilarov

    Ladies and gentleman,

    Honourable members of the Chair

    As representatives of the United States of America we have to make a clear contradiction in

    one point. We just heard a phrase concerning the events of March 2004 in Kosovo: While

    displaying the weaknesses it did, the media was not, of course, intentionally investigating


    Considering the events of March 2004 in Kosovo and also in some areas within the union of

    Serbia and Montenegro, we definitely see the main problem within the local media. The local

    media was instigating the violence. Maybe not completely, but in some cases for sure it was

    also intentional. Without the intense covering, especially in newspapers with emotionally

    touching pictures and without the unreflective coverage within the TV, the local riots would

    have never reached the shocking extents. Of course the word would have also been spreadwithout the media. The people of Kosovo do have their own enormous effective news-

    network based on a mouth-to-mouth system personally or by phone. But analyzing the media-

    coverage, it seems evident to us that the consumption of the thrilling, sensational and

    instigating reports has caused a further development which fastened the process of escalation.

    And we are sure that this has been the aim of some responsible persons who instrumentalised

    the media for their political aims.

    We dont think that only the local journalists themselves are completely to blame for that, as

    most of them are in comparison to the situation in the western countries, young and extremely

    uneducated. At the end of this, we all have to see the responsibility to support thedevelopment of a free, independent and competent media in Kosovo as one of the main-tasks

    in the next years. Connected to that it has to be a matter to discuss that the freedom media

    ends and has to end where the journalism ends and the political agitation begins.

    The United States of America are proud to support the development within the several

    institutions in the OSCE.

    Thank you

    European UnionElena Bittasi and Nicholas Parrott

    We take the view that the problems should be seen not only as a challenge but also as an

    opportunity. Recent events have provided us all with a warning of how the situation can

    deteriorate rapidly, but fortunately it has not yet spiralled out of control. The very fact that all

    the parties are contributing constructively to these discussions is great progress.

    Although the EU sees its role as a facilitator rather than driver of the process, my colleague

    will outline briefly some of the EUs thoughts on the way forward.

    Since Kosovo is a part of Europe, we have to give a European perspective to it. The EU is the

    right actor to guide the international mission in Pristina and, differently from the UnitedNations, the European Union has a lot of experience in coping with States in transition.


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    Doris Pack, head of the delegation of the EU Parliament for the South-East Europe, has

    requested that, as soon as possible, the UNMIK administration should be substituted by a EU


    Brussels is considering the possibility to create a European protectorate in Kosovo, which

    would simplify the process towards the integration in the European union and could give tothe Serbs the possibility to effectively participate to the institutions of Kosovo.

    An idea of micro-regions is being developed: this idea is based on a corporative concept, on

    the renewal of ZADRUGA as basis of the economic units. The aim of such an organisation is

    the aid to stabilisation of the societal basis of society and the stimulation of small and

    medium-size enterprises, with which a rapid economic development would and could happen.

    The micro-regions stabilize society, they re-enforce the local economy and they reduce the

    importance of borders. Besides, these micro-regions should block the way to illegal

    trafficking. For this kind of plan, some time is necessary, but also the creation of a coalition

    between the Albanian and the Serbian parties, because without this, no positive change can beexpected. EU aids and investments through projects are also playing a fundamental role to

    guarantee a credible solution.

    Representative of the Government of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro Andreia

    Tolciu and Bernd-Kristian Kaczenski

    After the lunch break the Chairman refused to give the floor to Representative of SCG who

    demanded for discoursing. SCG considered appropriate to have a reaction to the previous

    speakers (especially to the latter speaker of the PISG). After talks and negotiations with the

    Chairman, SCG was given the floor.

    SCG said, it has been pleased with the positive course of the meeting and thanked

    exceptionally the Representative of the Russian Federation to have bolstered SCG and to have

    come up with very good points.

    In respect of the PISG and their accusation that SCG is not collaborating with them and the

    international community, the speaker referred back to the good cooperation with Den Haag

    and the European Union as well as to the multitudinous attempts to seek after the dialogue

    with the PISG. As a further contentious issue was mentioned, the Albanians hold the pivotal

    departments in the PISG and Serbians hold just insignificant ones. SCG taunted the PISGslack of competency.

    Moreover the SCG rejected the reproach by the PISG to be responsible for the cruel deeds in

    March 2004. The suspects are probably on higher positions in their own ministries said the

    spokesman. Then, he rejected the statement that Kosovo was promised in the past to the

    Kosovo-Albanians. He said that the democratic government of SCG is not responsible for any

    statement the Croatian statesman Tito made.

    Furthermore, the spokesman demanded an apology for having been abused by the OSCE

    HCNM speaker, who called him racist and undemocratic. With respect to the report by the

    OSCE HCNM the speaker of SCG felt misunderstood and not heard concerning what he saidin his first speech about multinational community in Kosovo and Metohija. He repeated the

    quintessential issues of his first speech and added that Serbians trust neither policeman from


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    Zimbabwe or India, nor Albanian doctors or benches, which send summons in the Albanian


    Responding to the positive report by the OMIK, the Representative of SCG summed up that

    the situation, as he pleaded Belgrades case in his first address, is not as good as it is

    presented. Only a small number of Serbian refugees returned to their homes in Kosovo andMetohija. He also criticized above all the deficits of the freedom of movements and the

    moderate progress of the history workup. In his opinion the situation for Serbians did not

    change at all.

    Coming to an end he said that SCG should be granted more competencies in all fields and


    After his report, there was a cross-talk between the PISG and the Representatives of SCG.

    The OMIK representatives also responded to the report, defending the correctness of their


    Representative of the EBRDLaura Renata Costescu

    Due to delays the representative of the EBRD did not come to word anymore. The Chair

    offered to take over the declaration of the EBRD made during the press conference in March


    Still, the main points the representative intended to refer to are:

    - the lack of de facto guarantee of the property,

    - the country risk, given by the instable judicial situation, making it difficult to plan


    - the law enforcement of the law,

    - the organised criminality and local mafia

    - and the lack of infrastructure (telecommunication, logistics, transports, financial).


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    Epilogue Future II

    The OSCE Chairman in Office opened the meeting and reminded speakers that at this last

    session they should seek to provide opportunities for the way forward and not simply return to

    the arguments discussed in previous sessions.

    US DelegationJoachim Dethlefs and Katharina Kobilarov

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Honourable members of the Chair.

    In starting with our opinion concerning the future of Kosovo, we have to stress out that we see

    ourselves as initiators, not as followers. Our statement is that we want a full independence

    within current borders. And we want it the fastest as possible. Yes, we are thoroughly for aspeedy independence of Kosovo, whereby everything will be done in agreement with our

    European partners. Some options should be ruled our and the process should be soon


    We claim first of all, to clear the status in order to get Kosovo back on track towards stability

    and prosperity. We finally want an agreement and a solution for the status of the province of

    Kosovo. So far standards have been before status. But what we want now is the combination

    of standards and status and to set a new emphasize. People in Kosovo are unsatisfied with the

    current status and have the wish for independence.

    But also after the agreement of the status the international community should stay civil and

    military in Kosovo, in order to watch and control the realization of the agreed solution and to

    control that the rights of minority are protected.

    We want to take the leadership concerning solving the problems and especially in order to

    bring in a resolutions draft concerning the final status of Kosovo.

    And at last, I want to emphasize that this will also be in the interest of the EU because it will

    open the way for Kosovo to the EU and NATO.

    Thank you

    European Union Elena Bittasi and Nicholas Parrott

    Initially to look at this from a European perspective - before my colleague goes on to provide

    some more detailed proposals - we would like to stress various factors.

    We first want to emphasise and outline how the EU is, should, can and will play a role in

    assisting the whole region into the Union in coming years. This is certainly the case for both

    Serbia and Kosovo. The EU accession process itself cannot begin in the same way that it has

    with Croatia and is with Macedonia because of territorial issues.


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    It is clear that neither Serbia nor Kosovo can join, or even begin the process properly, without

    status being determined. However, that status should be seen in the context of the fact that the

    whole region will become part of the EU in the future. That does not mean to undermine the

    integrity of future autonomy of Kosovo, but in the process of EU accession protection for

    minorities on both sides should and will be guaranteed. The EU should be seen as an example

    of shared sovereignty. It provides an alternative to the emergence of classic nation states inthe region.

    The European Union is considering creating a Euro-region in Kosovo, which would be

    under European monitoring. The final status is conceived related to the European perspective

    to Kosovo and Serbia, while the process of stabilisation and association with the EU should

    be conducted for Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo.

    Coming to the solution for the division of Pristina, we suggest the model which has been

    adopted in Belfast or in Nicosia, with the inclusion of the organisations of the civil sector.

    This will contribute to the solution of the aspects concerning security and economic

    development, with the organised society of both parts of the city.

    Our political analysts affirm that the institutions in Kosovo cannot resolve any crucial

    problem on their own. We need an international agreement. The Euro-region Kosovo means

    that Kosovo would have some representatives in Belgrade, but also a high level of autonomy.

    Representative of the Government of AlbaniaMax Bornefeld-Ettmann

    The achievements of the international community in the region and specifically in Kosovo

    have been great in recent years. The Albanian government thanks the international actors for

    their contribution. The Albanian government is a stabilising factor in the region and wants to

    create greater stability. The Albanian government rejects false accusations made against it.

    We welcome the measures in the Stability Pact through which we believe the poor economic

    situation in the region can be made better. The poor economic situation together with the lack

    of knowledge about the future status of Kosovo are a key reason for the lack of satisfaction

    among the people of Kosovo. Great care must now be taken as problems such as those in

    March 2004 can destroy the progress on the way to Europe.

    Representative of the Government of FYROM Selma Belshaku and Anne-Katrin Hinz

    In the pre-conference on the future of Kosovo the Government of Macedonia didnt come

    with any concrete proposal for the solution of the status issue. It began its short statement by

    thanking the international community for its help to Macedonia and its presence in the region

    and underlined further the very important role of EU as the main donator in rebuilding

    Kosovo and a promoter of the development in all the countries of the region.

    At the end relating to the Kosovo issue the representative declared that the Government of

    Macedonia would agree with any decision made by the international community and accepted

    by both parties, the Kosovo-Albanians and Serbs, which would end the conflict and bring the

    permanent stability and prosperity in Kosovo.


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    Representative of the EBRDLaura Renata Costescu

    The representative of the EBRD showed that the EBRD was the largest investor in South-

    eastern Europe, mobilising also significant Foreign Direct Investments. She showed also the

    fact that the EBRD used the tools of investment to build up democracies and market


    Further the speaker stated that the mandate of the bank stipulated that it could be only active

    in countries that had committed to democratic principles and that its purpose was to foster the

    transition towards market economies and to promote private and entrepreneurial initiatives.

    Going on the representative briefly outlined the projects the bank had implemented in Kosovo

    and underlined the engagement and commitment of the bank in supporting also other projects

    in the future.

    The representative concluded that, in concordance with its statutes, the bank would welcome

    any solution that would support Kosovo on its way towards an market economy and towardsthe implementation of democratic principles, in the same time ensuring political, juridical

    stability for the region.

    No questions or comments were asked regarding the statement of the EBRD.

    Representative of ODHIRAleksandra Zdravkovi and Goran Bandov

    The Representative of the ODIHR recalls the unfeasibility of a partition along ethnic lines

    also because of the existence of more than two ethnic groups. Mentioning that especially

    minorities on Kosovo have been a target for the organized crime and attempts of burning

    houses down from the Albanian population, the representative pointed out that Kosovo is not

    ready for a status of a state. The representative of the ODIHR approved the approach of

    standards before status. The question of protection of minorities on Kosovo must be solved

    before any attempt for solving the problem of status can be undertaken.

    Representative of the Government of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro AndreiaTolciu and Bernd-Kristian Kaczenski

    Having the floor, the representatives of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro firstly

    summarised the proposals regarding the future status of Kosovo presented by the EuropeanUnion delegates, the Russian representatives and the PISG.

    At this point, the delegates of Serbia and Montenegro stressed that the cornerstone of the state

    policy of Belgrade is that the state borders cannot be changed and that the sovereignty and

    territorial integrity of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in the process of finding the

    solution for the future status of Kosovo and Metohija, cannot be questioned.

    Responding to a question of a PISG delegate, the Serbian government is ready to search, in

    cooperation with all international factors and through direct dialogue with Pristina, for a

    peaceful, comprehensive and permanent solution of the Kosovo and Metohija problems,

    which includes full implementation of the 1244 United Nations Security Council Resolution.


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    The delegates extended invitations to both the President and the Prime Minster of Kosovo and

    Metohija for a direct dialogue. Although there has been no positive reply from Pristina, the

    invitation for dialogue, deprived of any conditions, remained open. It is hoped that the leaders

    of the Kosovo and Metohija Albanians will demonstrate in this case too "the growing political

    awareness" and readiness for a dialogue.

    Further on, the representatives of the Union presented the solution offered to the Kosovo issue

    by the Belgrade government:

    The Serbian part rejects any secession incentive made by the Kosovo-Albanian

    representatives. Equal rights to all Kosovo population will be guaranteed within an

    autonomic province of Kosovo, but still a part of the Union of Serbia and


    A compromise could be reached, if, in case of secession, the northern part of

    Kosovo (the city of Mitrovica) will be handed to the Serbian part.

    Meanwhile the International Community should recognize the right of auto-

    determination within a referendum of the Serbian population in the SrpskaRepublic.

    With other words, the Serbian government remains by its statement less than independence,

    more than autonomy when dealing with the Kosovo future status.

    Further on, questions regarding Kosovo coming from the other participants at the meeting,

    especially the PISG delegates and UNMIK, were answered. The Serbian representatives

    stressed once again the idea of a Kosovo province, part of the Union Serbia and Montenegro,

    but let a door open to other proposals.

    The OSCE Chairman in Office closed the meeting without any firm conclusions but

    expressed satisfaction at the discussion of the issues and optimism for the future.
