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Provoke (May 2011)

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  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)



  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    Giving It UpWritten By:Timothy A. Valentine

    You cant really enjoy life if you do not take

    the time to experience it. Experience life not

    just from your perspective, but from the

    perspective of others; consideration.Many people miss out or are unaware,

    because they play it safe. Theres nothing

    wrong with this, but when this position

    becomes a way of life it can become a

    hindrance to your progress and growth.

    You have a greater potential to becomestagnated or rigid in your thinking and

    positions. Change is something you can

    believe in, but not on my dime is the motto.

    The essence of a person is not exclusive to

    their behavior or even their words. When you

    take the time to consider a persons value,

    purpose and individuality, you then begin to

    learn the essence of a person. What theyre

    really about. It may not be for good, but you

    know what frame of mind theyre coming


    Appreciate what someone is good at or withmore than what you dont like about them.

    Negativity does nothing to or for the person,

    but offers a tremendous insight to who you are

    and your own unhappiness and


    You dont have to be wrong for me to be right.

    Its your point of view based on your

    experiences and knowledge, whether it is

    inclusive or exclusive.

    Give up what's holding you back, because the

    courageous person is one who has identified

    their defenses and gives them up.

    Negativity does

    nothing to or for the

    person, but offers a

    tremendous insight

    to who you are and

    your own

    unhappiness and


  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    What Happened?Written By:Timothy A. ValentineHave you ever been walking down the street

    and had a homeless person ask you for some

    money and you acted like you didn't hear

    them?Have you ever been in your car and sitting at

    a light and rolled your windows up?Have you ever given someone who was

    homeless money and privately questioned

    what they're going to do with the little bit of

    money you gave them?

    How often have you seen someone homelessand in addition to offering them some money

    you also gave them a compliment or a kind


    Anyone can be the face of homelessness. The

    difference between you and that person living

    on the street is the circumstances of your

    story.The question we choose not to ask someone

    who is homeless is What Happened?

    Often it is because many choose not to care

    or ask or show any concern. We're just happy

    that it isn't us, right?

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    We spend so much time fighting to be seen

    more than we do concerning ourselves who

    just seek acknowledgment.

    Dare they question your sincerity, who are

    they to you, but an annoyance. This is theattitude many people implicitly accept when

    confronted with the ugliness of

    homelessness. We mistakenly transpose the

    ugliness of the situation onto the beauty of

    the individual captured within that situation.

    Who is concerned enough to ask, whathappened?Some simply just don't care. They'll tell them

    to get a job, but never stop to think what

    address they will put on the application so the

    employer can send them their check, then

    what about taxes. If you have a job you're

    required to pay your taxes. Where will the

    employer send their W2?

    Get a job is another way of saying, I'm not

    helping you, not go away. If you're not able

    to offer them a job, then don't say "Get a

    job." Think, if they had a job, would they be


    Have enough consideration to not step over,

    around or away from someone homeless, but

    help them up. Help them up with anencouraging word that means something to

    them. You can't say, "hand in there" and

    expect that to go over well with them, when

    life has its boot on their neck.

    If you have the time, ask them how can you

    help them?

    If you have no money, food or shelter to

    offer, you can always listen. Sometimes a

    sincere handshake, tender smile or concerned

    word last longer than any amount of money,

    clothing or food you have to give.I say this from the heart. I've been very

    fortunate to have never experience

    homelessness. But all it takes is a change in

    circumstances and I may be the one you step

    over and ignore.

    Consider what can happened.

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    Even If NobodySays AmenWritten By:Timothy A. Valentine

    When some choose to argue, debate or doubt

    the divine I've learned to remain silent. I see

    no reason to argue, because it's not my

    decision to make or call to accept.

    There's no need to rush to judgment of

    someone when you have not experience their

    life's trials. This is true for anyone of any


    Why question their convictions, when you

    can demonstrate yours?

    I'm simply finished with the arguments,

    debates or discussions of beliefs and doubts,

    because I do not have a reason to continue

    unproductive conversations. I do not have the

    ability to make you believe or doubt.

    All I can do is share my knowledge and

    experiences with you. I accept you for who

    you are, not what you are or choose to be. I

    only ask for the same consideration.

    The question I see not asked or answered is,

    What do we have in common that we can

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    build a greater understanding and

    appreciation of our experiences upon?

    This is my emphasis. This is what I sincerely

    strive to practice. We may disagree on an

    issue, but disrespect should never become an

    issue in a relationship.

    Far too often we side with political

    correctness, social acceptance and individual

    perceptions above our moral consciousness.

    Who would you be if no one said Amen?

    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where

    he stands in moments of comfort and

    convenience, but where he stands at times of

    challenge and controversy."

    - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    We spend too much time living as if the

    world hinges on us solely for its continuation

    without realizing that we are only hear for a

    brief moment in time.

    What you have chosen to do with that time is

    not mine to decide, but yours in what you

    choose to give your time too.

    Why waste your time arguing with someone

    when that time can be spent learning about

    their experiences?

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    Why spend so much energy on hate more

    than love?

    Why should I dislike you, because of what

    you are, before I know who you are?

    "Nothing in all the world is more

    dangerous than sincere ignorance and

    conscientious stupidity."- Dr. Martin Luther

    King, Jr.

    We must learn to love with acceptance,

    know when to speak up and understandwhen to be quiet.

    Who would you be if no one said Amen?

    Whether you and another share the same

    spiritual, political, ethical beliefs or not, I

    only ask that you find where you agree

    and build upon it. Construct yourrelationship with a foundation of mutual

    respect and consideration.

    We can come up with more excuses to

    hate than we do to love.

    When we stopped seeking disagreement,

    you find the opportunity for agreement.

    When we stop seeking the approval of

    others, we have time to consider one


    Who would you be if no one said Amen?

    Never place membership in an

    organization, institution or ideology by

    whatever name that based its significance

    and measure its value through the ideas

    and principles of a political party, a

    collection of people or the opinions of


    I rather it be said that I strive to be a

    member of truth, consideration,

    reconciliation, forgiveness and love in

    hopes that I may be the thermostat that

    cools tempers, warms a cold heart and

    transforms cynicism to optimism.

    Some people see only what they want to

    see without understanding its vision.

    There are people among us whose agenda

    is to do whatever it takes to kill your

    dreams, steal your happiness and destroy

    your sense of hope.

    They are quick to talk about what they

    know nothing about or never taken time to


    They are motivated by negativity and are

    never happy or supportive.

    Even if no one says Amen, I will.

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    What RemainsWritten By:Timothy A. Valentine

    As I was thinking about all of the things

    Republicans have spoken, retracted and

    participated in while struggling to keep up the

    Im not a racist defense.

    I realized something that may not have been

    considered by Democrats and those who

    welcomes diversity, inclusion and progress.

    They have nothing left. They have been

    banking on the hopes that everyone, especially

    Democrats will get distracted by their

    political, social and class warfare rock

    throwing contest that no one will noticed what

    their not doing long enough for them to regain

    power and control.

    Look at what they have been doing since

    2006. Consider how Democrats have played

    along with their game by taking a defensive

    position instead of control of the game being


    What remains is time. What remains is

    organizing. What remains is the recognition

    that they have nothing left, but to throw bricks

    at us.

    From the emails of some Republican

    portraying the President or First Lady as a

    monkey and saying that it wasnt racist is


    Consider the legacy youre leaving not only

    history to record, but your children and

    grandchildren. Did you learn absolutely

    nothing from your parents and grandparents


  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    This is just an example of the rocks they have

    left to throw at us.

    The interruption of an address to a jointsession of Congress with a Republicans

    screaming and pointing at the President

    exclaiming You Lie, but suggesting that

    race had nothing to do with it, is an indication

    of their ignorance of the history of behaviors

    directed at Blacks and Latinos during

    segregation and slavery, but with an uglier

    tone then. It too is a stone tossed at us to see if

    well flinch.

    The countless misspelled protest signs at Tea

    Party rallies with images of President Obama

    as Hitler to the Joker and various references to

    Africa, monkeys and communism as well as

    subtle racial references. But they say its not

    racist, even demonstrating their ignorance by

    getting the handful of Black Conservatives

    who are willing to ignore the obvious for

    perceived prominence with a group that you

    know more about than they know about you.

    There were plenty of Blacks who did not

    support emancipation, desegretion or the civil

    rights movement. Every brother of your color

    aint your brother cause of color, becausesome are actually working undercover.

    Consider that Latino, Arab, Jewish, Asian and

    Gay brother who is discriminated just as much

    as you as well as your Poor, Working-Class

    and Middle-Class brothers and sisters who are

    struggling with the same economic oppression

    as Blacks. There are some Republicans who

    get this, but far too many of the party has

    chosen to ignore, deny and dismiss it. Im

    sticking with the Im not a racist defense is

    their model for success.

    Look at what remains and go from there.

    This is all they got. Recognize it. Organize

    and lets do this. Yes, we are many, but to

    them we are one. It doesnt matter how rich or

    poor you think you are, we can do this,

    because they do not have any weapon left in

    their arsenal that can stop us when we come


    Change your approach and consideration of

    Republicans, Tea Party and those who are

    Birthers. They have nothing left. They will

    continue to use the same tired, failed,

    ignorant, racist tactics as their strategy while

    accomplishing nothing for We the People.

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    They will attack any social or corrective programs, unions, organizations and individuals who

    have made, developed and kept America afloat during their tenures of destruction of an

    American dream.

    It is up to us. Because they have nothing left.

    Call us names, try to use intimidation, support discriminatory and exclusionary politics, policies

    and positions and we will defeat

    you, because you have nothing left

    to use except these tactics. You

    wont even listen to those who have

    common sense within your own

    party who try to warn you that

    youre going in the wrong direction.

    You call moderate, we call them the

    last true Republicans.

    What remain are those who are

    willing to put whatever amount they

    can towards those who choose

    people over corporations, the

    environment over profits and

    diversity over division.

    They have nothing left, but to get

    mad and call me and you names. Let

    em talk. Let them reiterate who

    they are and what they have become

    for time and history to record. We

    got work to do and must take care of

    what remains.

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    Like Any OtherDayWritten By:Timothy A. Valentine

    I just want to ask everyone to take a few

    moments and do something with me as you

    read what is written.

    I want you to not consider what you have to

    do tomorrow or days, weeks or months after

    that, but just think about today.

    Like any other day we open our eyes, get out

    of our beds and prepare ourselves for the day.

    We go into our daily routines, taking a

    shower, brushing our teeth, putting on

    deodorant, ironing our clothes, getting a

    drink, reading our emails, preparing for work

    or even checking to see what some guy

    named Tim has written

    Basically, its like any other day. And for

    most of us it probably will be just that, but

    for some it may not end like any other day.

    But what could you do today if you knew it

    was your last?

    We often do not take the time to recognize

    our opportunities over our responsibilities.

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    We treat today like any other day. Were

    focused more on what we have to do, than

    what we are able and willing to do.

    Rarely do you hear someone express why

    they love the opportunities the day presents,

    because we consider ourselves more than we

    consider others.

    What becomes frustrating and disappointing

    to me is the mindless bickering over trivial

    details or intricacies of beliefs that we all find

    ourselves caught up in on occasions.

    You can defend yourself when attacked or

    proclaim what you believe is true, but we

    should simply stop arguing over it.

    Today begins like any other day, but if you

    travel throughout history and even your own,

    Im sure you can find several days that started

    off like any other day, but ended significantly


    July 28, 1914 was like any other day,

    but before the day concluded war was


    December 1, 1955 was like any other

    day in Montgomery, Alabama, but

    before the day concluded a boycott of

    its bus system was on its way and the

    launching of the public career of a 26

    year old minister began.

    November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas

    was like any other day, but before theday concluded the nation was

    mourning the assassination of a


    April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee

    was like any other day, but it ended

    with the public career of a now 39

    years old minister dead and movementin jeopardy.

    September 11, 2001 was like any

    other day, but later that morning we

    learned how things can change at a

    moments notice.

    May 1, 2011 was like any other day,but before it ended a President was

    successful in completing the mission

    another didnt in the capturing of the

    mastermind of the tragic events that

    occurred in September ten years


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    Today began like any other day for millions

    of people around the world, but someone did

    not begin this day.

    Their deeds are done, whether good or badand what may be revealed will come to light

    soon enough.

    Dont allow today to end like any other day

    without you recognizing and striving to

    demonstrate love, consideration and sincere

    concern towards someone who may not

    expect it.

    Take time to learn so you can teach, but keep

    in mind not everyone has the mind or the

    interest in learning anything more than what

    they believe they already know.

    So know when to leave them where they are,

    because theres not much you can say to them

    that they would even hear past the noise in

    their head.

    You never know if today will be your last or

    like any other day. My suggestions are to

    make the best of the opportunities presented

    while you can. Love where you are in life,

    but dont get too comfortable, because it can

    change without fair warning.

    Do what you need to do to have a rich life,

    but dont forget about others. The cost of

    sincerity and consideration towards others

    comes from the abundance of love you have

    in your heart and willingness to see yourself

    in them and their situations.

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    Depending DesireWritten By:Timothy A. Valentine

    Is discrimination necessary depending desire?I ask this question with the knowledge that not everyone who choose to respond will disclose

    their full opinion, but one that is viewed as political correct or socially acceptable by those they

    perceive will read their comments. I understand this tendency we have towards acceptance, no

    one is immune from it. I only ask those who are courageous enough to respond to put it out there

    and share you thoughts regarding this subject.

    Is a level of discrimination when it comes to intimate and/or romantic relationships acceptablewhen it comes to an individual preference?

    When someone of a race has a particular preference and always seem to have dated or had

    relationships with people of that preference, they are less likely to be characterized as racist or

    having an implicitbias. They are seen as only having a preference.So why does it matter the race of the person with or of the preference?

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    The Skeletons In Your ClosetWritten By:Timothy A. Valentine

    Have you ever had to deal with someone or people who seem to have nothing better to do than

    to try reveal the skeletons in your closet?

    Some who may read this note will say something about someone else while avoiding placing the

    attention on themselves. We rather talk about what someone else have done, rather than talk

    about what we can do for them or the similar things that we've done that no one knows about.

    What they'll have you believe is that you are your mistakes, transgressions and indiscretions.

    They'll seek to confine and define you to what you did or said.They want you to be what you

    were instead of supporting you in your journey to become what you're meant to be.

    How many people do you know like that?

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    It may be a family member, a childhood friend, neighbor, church member, co-worker or even

    you. You know the type, never have anything good to say about anything, never happy,

    seeking fault or generally disagreeable. It's those adversarial attitudes that brings me to ask

    what's in your closet?

    I'm sure I may be the only one who has made some stupid mistakes, said things that I wish I

    hadn't or did things that I know I shouldn't have. As uncomfortable as it may be, I'm owning

    those mistakes so that others can't rent, lease or hire my skeletons out of the closet at-will to

    use against me or to put me down. I'm suggesting you to do the same.

    Yeah, I've made stupid mistakes, but what's in your closet?

    I've forgiven myself and others, why is forgiveness too difficult for you to accept?

    Haven't you made mistakes?

    Or is it that all you've done isn't as bad as what others have done?

    Never be confine to a life govern by your mistakes. If others are unwilling to forgive, forgive

    yourself and be committed to not making the same mistake again. Own your mistakes so

    others won't try to make you think they own you because of them.Besides, think of the skeletons they have in their closet.

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)


    Diverse Marketing PracticesWritten By:Timothy A. Valentine

    For any political party to be taken seriously it must have significant support from people. I

    believe anyone can agree on that.

    The membership of a political party is an indication of the policies and ideology it supports.

    For a political party to become vital or significant it must be able to build upon its core base

    of support.

    The question for the Tea Party and Republican Party is how are you encouraging people who

    are Hispanic, Black, Asian, Arab, Jewish or Gay/Lesbian to your political party?

    I understand the tendency of those unfamiliar or uncomfortable with issues of diversity to run

    towards the socially acceptable response, but when you go beyond those excuses the question


    The question is not designed or meant to attack, but there is a multi-decade old problem the

    Republican Party with diversity. This has been true long before President Obama, Secretary

    Clinton or even Former Secretary/Governor Bill Richardson. Theres a problem that is not

    close to irreversible if unaddressed.

  • 8/6/2019 Provoke (May 2011)




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