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Proyecto Medieval Victoria, Mariona y Celia

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Page 1: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia


Page 2: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The clothes of middle age

In the middle age the servant and villain could wear linen, wool and skins,The colors were reduced to the easier and cheaper elaboration, of course these colors varied depending on the area where they were.Among the poor abounded natural colors of fabrics, gray and brown.The most fortunate lived in a world more colorful,silk was the fabric they used the most powerful, embroidered with gold, often with exotic leather linings,the most important people in this age used ''pellotes''.Peasant men wore stockings or tunics, while women wore long gowns with sleeveless tunics and wimples to cover their hair. For the war they used coats of mail on woolen robes, weapons, shields, helmets of iron, and belts to hold the swords.

Page 3: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The middles ages is sometimes hard to understand.The pop culture loves medieval moment-heroic knights battle...But life in the Dark ages was very routine and the people had many activities as working the land, trying to collect food to survive another year.There are also social activities as the fair with troubodours and acrobats performing in the streets... In the Medieval wedding all the citizen were invited.

Life during the middles age

Page 4: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The Norman ConquestAround 1000 A.D some vikings lived in a part of France called Normandy,these vikings also converted from their German goods to catholicism after a time, the children and grandchildren of these vikings were tired of living in Normandy and they wanted some adventure and one apportunity to get rich. William was the duke of Normandy.The people called him William The Bastard because his parents were not married.In 1066 A.D William decided to attack England and a lot of his friends agreed with him.So they sailed across the English Channel with many smalls boats, they won the battle of Hasting,now the people called him William the Conqueror,he become the new king of England.He built the Tower of London to live in with her family.So in England for a long time the people spoke two languages, French and Saxon.

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Burial traditions in Mexico

They believe that during the Death Day (haloween), the souls of the relatives return. For that reason, they prepare their welcome with an offering where you put their favourite food, drink, fruit, candy or toys for children. It eis usual to bring photographs of the dead and colorfull flowers. They maybe play their favourite songs. They even iluminate the path to home with candles.

Page 6: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The Norman ConquestAround 1000 A.D some vikings lived in a part of France called Normandy,these vikings also converted from their German goods to catholicism after a time, the children and grandchildren of these vikings were tired of living in Normandy and they wanted some adventure and one apportunity to get rich. William was the duke of Normandy.The people called him William The Bastard because his parents were not married.In 1066 A.D William decided to attack England and a lot of his friends agreed with him.So they sailed across the English Channel with many smalls boats, they won the battle of Hasting,now the people called him William the Conqueror,he become the new king of England.He built the Tower of London to live in with her family.So in England for a long time the people spoke two languages, French and Saxon.

Page 7: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The Norman ConquestAround 1000 A.D some vikings lived in a part of France called Normandy,these vikings also converted from their German goods to catholicism after a time, the children and grandchildren of these vikings were tired of living in Normandy and they wanted some adventure and one apportunity to get rich. William was the duke of Normandy.The people called him William The Bastard because his parents were not married.In 1066 A.D William decided to attack England and a lot of his friends agreed with him.So they sailed across the English Channel with many smalls boats, they won the battle of Hasting,now the people called him William the Conqueror,he become the new king of England.He built the Tower of London to live in with her family.So in England for a long time the people spoke two languages, French and Saxon.

Page 8: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The Norman ConquestAround 1000 A.D some vikings lived in a part of France called Normandy,these vikings also converted from their German goods to catholicism after a time, the children and grandchildren of these vikings were tired of living in Normandy and they wanted some adventure and one apportunity to get rich. William was the duke of Normandy.The people called him William The Bastard because his parents were not married.In 1066 A.D William decided to attack England and a lot of his friends agreed with him.So they sailed across the English Channel with many smalls boats, they won the battle of Hasting,now the people called him William the Conqueror,he become the new king of England.He built the Tower of London to live in with her family.So in England for a long time the people spoke two languages, French and Saxon.

Page 9: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The Norman ConquestAround 1000 A.D some vikings lived in a part of France called Normandy,these vikings also converted from their German goods to catholicism after a time, the children and grandchildren of these vikings were tired of living in Normandy and they wanted some adventure and one apportunity to get rich. William was the duke of Normandy.The people called him William The Bastard because his parents were not married.In 1066 A.D William decided to attack England and a lot of his friends agreed with him.So they sailed across the English Channel with many smalls boats, they won the battle of Hasting,now the people called him William the Conqueror,he become the new king of England.He built the Tower of London to live in with her family.So in England for a long time the people spoke two languages, French and Saxon.

Page 10: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The Norman ConquestAround 1000 A.D some vikings lived in a part of France called Normandy,these vikings also converted from their German goods to catholicism after a time, the children and grandchildren of these vikings were tired of living in Normandy and they wanted some adventure and one apportunity to get rich. William was the duke of Normandy.The people called him William The Bastard because his parents were not married.In 1066 A.D William decided to attack England and a lot of his friends agreed with him.So they sailed across the English Channel with many smalls boats, they won the battle of Hasting,now the people called him William the Conqueror,he become the new king of England.He built the Tower of London to live in with her family.So in England for a long time the people spoke two languages, French and Saxon.

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During the Middle Ages, the dragons were considered a symbol of betrayal, but also of anger and jealousy. The many-headed dragons meant decadence, oppression and heresy, but were also seen as a symbol of independence. Many dragons represented wisdom. Killing a dragon was considered a passport to wealth.

Page 12: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

Medieval foodsweat and sour flavors, the use of sugar and spices. Among the favorite condiment was the trio: cheese, sugar and cinnamon, and among the most common meat came from animals and birds. Often had coated his skin or plumage, decorated with gold or filled with other live animals smaller. This period marked the resounding victory of the soup.

Fresh fruits were many and varied. Among them could be found: blackberries, figs, grapes, cherries, plums, melons, peaches, apples, melons, oranges, lemons, olives, pears, quinces, pomegranates … tomato, potato, pepper, corn and coffee were unknown yet

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Magic potions, alchemy, love potions Love potions were extremely popular during the medieval period. Herbalists, alchemists, wise women, and ordinary folk made love potions from all manner of herbs: Lovage, marigold, mallow, mustard, mint, radish, sage, valerian, hops, ginger, cloves, and basil were just a few of the substances that people consumed in order to inflame others with lust or to enhance their own sexual performance. Basil, so it was said, had the additional virtue of being useful for magically breeding scorpions.The word Witch actually is derived from the word “Wicca” meaning “Wise One.” Certainly once considered resource during hard times, witches were now considered to be something to be absolutely feared and avoided. The church viewed healing, once helpful to many, now as evil sorcery, pagan worship as well as something seemed to black magic. These supposed witches were accused of very bad things, most specifically doing plans to destroy mankind.

● The Salem Witch Trials: In the 17th century were mysterious illness that gave them to think that they were witches because the doctors of these area didn't know what was it.

● The philosopher's stone is a substance that, according to the alchemists, is endowed with extraordinary properties, such as the ability to transmute base metals into gold. There would be two types of Philosopher's Stone:

● -Red, supposedly able to transmute base metals into gold. Be obtained using the dry method.

● -White, whose use would transform base metals into silver. Be achieved by wet.

Page 14: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

Le vêtement de la moyen âge

Les robes masculines étaient relativement courtes, inspirées de la vêture des peuples "barbares",puis les vêtements deviennent longs et amples, d'inspiration byzantine, constitués d'une seule pièce caracterisée par des lignes verticales avec des gros plis. Le costume féminin comporte une chemise, une robe, un manteau, et une chape. Pour la guerre ils ont utilisé des cottes de mailles sur robes de laine, des armes, des boucliers, des casques de fer, et des ceintures pour maintenir les épées.

Page 15: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

Les dragons

Au Moyen Âge, les dragons étaient considérés comme un symbole de la trahison, mais aussi de la colère et de la jalousie. Les dragons à plusieurs têtes signifiait décadence, de l'oppression et de l'hérésie, mais ont également été considéré comme un symbole de l'indépendance. Beaucoup de dragons représentent la sagesse. Tuer un dragon était considéré comme un passeport pour la richesse.

Page 16: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

Les repas

Saveurs aigres-doux, l'utilisation de sucre et d'épices. Entre le condiment préféré était le trio: le fromage, le sucre et la cannelle, et entre les viandes les plus communs proviennent d'animaux et d'oiseaux. Souvent, avait revêtu sa peau ou du plumage, décoré avec de l'or ou rempli d'autres petits animaux vivants. Cette période a marqué la victoire éclatante de la soupe. Les fruits frais étaient plusieurs et varies. D'entre eux pourraitent être trouvés: mûres, figues, raisins, cerises, prunes, melons, pêches, pommes, melons, oranges, citrons, olives, poires, coings, grenades ...

Tomate, pomme de terre, le poivron, le maïs et le café étaient encore inconnus

Page 17: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

Les châteaux de la Loire

L'expression châteaux de la Loire parce qu'ils sont situés dans le val de Loire. Ils ont la particularité d'avoir été, bâtis à la Renaissance française, à une époque où la cour des rois de France était installée dans cette région. Le château de Chambord Construit au cœur du plus grand parc forestier clos d’Europe (environ 50 km2 ceint par un mur de 32 km de long), il est le plus grand des châteaux de la Loire. Il y a un jardin et un parc de chasse classés Monuments historiques

Page 18: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

The Third CrusadeThe Third Crusade (1189-1192), also known as the Kings Crusade, by the presence of three kings: Felipe II of France, Richard I "Lionheart" and Federico I Barbarroja. This crusade was an attempt by European leaders to reconquer the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the hands of the Muslim sultan Saladin had conquered the Kingdom of Jerusalem

The Crusades were a series of military campaigns in the Middle Ages

The origin of the word Crusaders can be attributed to the cross of fabric and worn as a badge on outer clothing of those who took part in this business of reconquest of the Holy Land

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Page 20: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

Elogio de la mujer chiquita

Al principio la elogia diciendo que tiene mucho valor,bondad etc..Por ejemplo dice: ''como en poco perfume yace muy buen olor,así,mejor pequeña,guarda muy gran corazón'' y ''es muy pequeño el grano de la buena pimienta, pero más que la nuez reconforta y calienta'' Me llama la atención por habla de la mujer chiquita como ''buena compañera para la cama'' tratándola como un objeto sexual,y más él siendo ''ministro de Dios''.Luego el poeta parece rechazar de súbito a tan <ideal> pareja con esta frase:''Mejor es tomar la mujer pequeña que la grande.''¡Bien está del mal tomar lo menos!'' al decir esto se refiere a que la mujer de escasa dimensiones físicas tiene menos maldad por se menos corpulenta, algo inexplicable que entre en la mente de alguien.

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SigurdrEl texto habla de las hazañas o gesta de Sigurdr, un personaje famoso en la era medieval.Su nombre va de boca en boca por haber matado al dragón gigante de los varejos(pueblo que procedía de Escandinavia y que fundó la actual Rusia).Sus armas eran espectaculares,todas estaban labradas en oro. Su escudo era muy elaborado,estaba recubierto de oro rojo y llevaba grabado la figura de un dragón. La mitad superior era marrón y la interior morada.Este equipamiento le daba seguridad,valor y fuerza. Sigurdr tenía grandes cualidades envididadas por muchos,entre ellas su gran físico,aunque la física muestra que en una batalla el físico no lo es todo ,es la inteligencia y la astucia, lo que lleva a Sigurdr a la victoria. Sus ojos penetrantes ya dan pavor y su altura te hace sentir inferior. Eran un elocuente orador,no le faltaba coraje y nunca había sentido miedo ¿crees que las personas valientes nunca sienten miedo? Yo creo que aunque seas valiente sí que puedes tener miedo o llegar a un estado de agobio , desesperación en situaciones difíciles .Muchas veces creemos eso, que los valientes nunca lloran ni sienten temor pero lo cierto es que eso es solo una fachada,tiene un paralelo comparable a esta frase:''si no eres fuerte,actúa como si lo fueras'' El no sentir temor equivale a tener una paz interior,despreocupación y tranquilidad,cualidades que muy pocos llegan a tener porque,¿quién puede jurar que no le teme al futuro de la humanidad,o a la muerte? Solo los que tienen o creen tener un conocimiento verdadero y confiable sobre estos misterios y respuestas¿quien puede decirnos y contestarnos estas cuestiones?yo creo que Dios,en la Biblia,mediante la cual nos llega a decir cosas que solo el Creador puede saber,por ejemplo y aunque parezca muy extraño Isaías nos dice que la tierra es un circulo que cuelga sobre la nada.Y sobre el futuro dice que ''los justos mismos poseerán la tierra y es, cierto que todos queremos ser esos ''justos'' pero a quien algo quiere algo le cuesta y el libro de Juan dice que '' la vida eterna se consigue adquiriendo conocimiento de Dios y de su hijo''.Esto sí es una muestra de no sentir temor;el tener tranquilidad y paz mental sobre la vida,sea cierta o no, tiene una esperanza.

Page 22: Proyecto Medieval  Victoria, Mariona y Celia

El Cid entra en Burgos

El Cid, con sesenta personas acompañándolo,pasó por Burgos;los habitantes de la ciudad lo admiraban y expresaban alegría y emoción al ver al Cid.Pero esa misma noche recibieron una carta del rey Alfonso diciendo:''Quien ose dar covijo al Cid perderá lo suyo,y aún los ojos de la cara,y además de cuanto digo,con la muerte pagareis lo sucedido.Los burgaleses no están muy de acuerdo con el rey,pero no les quedan más remedio que obedecer , a las ordenes del rey,ya que temen que el rey los maten.El Cid pega en las casa pero nadie le abre,cuando de repente una niña de nueve años salió de su casa y le dijo:''¡campeador,en buen hora,que habeis ceñido espada! Orden del rey prohíbe,anoche llegó su carta A abriros nadie osaría,nadie os acoge por nada'' Después de hablar con la niña el Cid piensa que el rey no cabia esperar gracias. En esta historia los burgaleses según en el verso<<¡Dios qué buen vasallo el Cid>>¡Así hubiese buen señor! En estas expresiones se interpreta que ojalá hubiera un rey como el Cid y que es un hombre bueno que ayuda a la gente. Creo que la nña fue la única que habló con el Cid porque es muy inocente e ingenua. Mi opinión es que el rey está celoso del Cid porque todos los ciudadanos lo aclaman y lo quieren como a un rey, cosa que el no tiene;el amor de los ciudadanos y al tener el poder,puede hacer lo que quiera. Pienso que el Cid es una persona amable,luchadora y que ayuda a la gente sin pedir nada a cambio.

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Romance del Conde niño

El amor por encima de todo.El conde, un joven enamorado,con su cantar hace que la reina se haga pensar que ese canto es de un ser mistico,la princesa envelesada con el canto,dice a su madre que esa hermosa voz es la del conde niño, y la reina llena de ira,por lo que oía de las propias palabras de su hija los mandó matar,pero aún tras la muerte,del lecho donde padecían;de donde el conde un espino albar y de la princesa un rosal blanco,estos con sus ramas se entrelazaban y la reina llena de envídia los mandó cortar,de ella nació una garza de él un fuerte gavilán que vuelan por el cielo sin intención de parar. El amor es algo que viene por arte de magía sin que uno lo desee empiezas a sentir mariposas en el estómago y hace que el tiempo pase más deprisa junto a él ,en el texto el conde expresa su amor con una canción y la princesa cae envelesada pero en el texto es un amor prohibido,pero aun tras la muerte o cualquier problema que se presente el amor es fugaz libre y no tiene limites El poema tíene un argumento bonito aunque también triste, la reina es malvada y nos recuerda a Romeo y Julieta pero aún así es bonito porque expresa que el amor no tiene limites ni fronteras.
