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PSC Laboratory Technical Assistant - Fisheries - Fish ... · Date of Test : 20.01.2015 Medium of...

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Date of Test : 20.01.2015 Medium of Questions: English Question Paper Code: 013/2015 Exam Name: Laboratory Technical Assistant - Fisheries - Fish Processing Technology in VHSE PSC Laboratory Technical Assistant - Fisheries - Fish Processing Technology in VHSE Examination Previous Year Question Paper www.pscnet.in fb.com/pscnet.i Join PSC WhatsApp Broadcast List : 90747 20

Date of Test : 20.01.2015

Medium of Questions: English

Question Paper Code: 013/2015

Exam Name: Laboratory Technical Assistant - Fisheries - Fish Processing Technology in VHSE

PSC Laboratory Technical Assistant - Fisheries - Fish

Processing Technology in VHSE Examination Previous Year Question


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ra20r5Mdieln | 100 6arL!

Tin€ : I hour lnd 15 minut€.

1. Ce.r li@of lodia j!-Ke.(A) ?690 (B) 8129

(c) 690 (D) 6190

!. Atr uim Eid E.po$iDle fo Nst t$t b Drarr :

(A) qdirE (B) cly.iE(c) M.dddnB (D) vllire

!. Ildiu oil $dim, SdrdiBlld ioqn:.pr n' . plrddo! &.d.n E.ilry 6.dr on :

(1) Fr.siu.ri. o@!i.a (B) Eyp..ia D.cl@Dbrh

(O Midocylti! (D) Copopod!

a, Ar.. ofbdiu EEZ:

(A) o506MxEt (B) 22OOX!

(O zozMiuiobKDr @) 60of,8

!. Odd E5 dt n@ lL. bllolin! :

( ) Oqjdil (B) oiu.(c) co (D) Bihe

d Ateia t dwdbli.hila:(A) D:wl Ei(O GiU@t

7. A @Epouil 6po!.i6L lor tb. chstut ri.tic fidv odout .!d f,.su of Ddic nlh:(A) DIiA (B) l!{AO(Q ADiDadd (D) PUFA


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3- Select a sat r solubls vitadin frcn the &Uowing :

(A) vltanin c (B) viianir A(O vitanin E (D) vitamin D

(A) Sardine (R) Mackerel

(C) nibbon lish (D) A.chory

's 'ip phenomsnun ofar.ffoLn8 ot oucle shodlv aftcr desth

11. An oa€rcbic bacLrio euains f@d poi.o.ilg :

(A) sdrbo@lla tlThi (B) vib.io chd€D .

(c) Cl€tridiu botulinun (D) stEpioccug

r2. Bacte.ia sldcb cw at tebpentw ofo - 2eC ir L,own 16 :

(A) P6Flbpliles (a) Me6ophites

(C) Aaidopbne (D) t1:!€@ophiles

r& Wlict o.e of the folldins is noc 6 icirs Eeibod?

(A) Bding (B) Filline(c) sn€bin3 (D) BulLils

(c) 16

(B) 2


(D) Blocl ice

1,1. Clbnle bvel of pessing wat€r is

(Ct 20

16, Solid Cd.lon dioxid€ id :

oC is thc t€sperature of sld stoms€.

(B) - 23


(D) -2O

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r7. Eead QusteE ofCMFRI:(A) MuEb.i(c) cd

' rE. Odd @o out &oE th€ {ollowins :

(A) sddim(c) shdk

lt A ret.igemt ued in an ic. dlnt :

(A) ADeolia(C) Ca$ondidi&

ll. FE@ &itlble 6r blocl E*rila :

(A) I{it6n@

(A) Evapontiotr

(C) Melttng

(D) Cocbi!

(B) M.*,rd

(B) Ntrcaen

(D) Oryten

to. aer*r r ctrut{|td aou th.buowiry :

(A) sadim (B) Clab

(c) squid @) [email protected].

(B rlufttad b.rl aerr

!,. S.Lct r mod.m 6.h pt!6arti.D @tlo.l n!6 ih. bUdi!8 :

!{) Dryi.g (B) Pi.Di4(c) F6,ine (D) S.ltina

18. A qpe od 6ld.io48. .

til. In *nich of ttrc loUowinc ps.lcging m€thod S ply bEiDt€d Drtoial i. u*d :

{A) Retdtable pouch (B) V.cuu paclasirg


,1. S.l€.1tL€ pl\s. of @ov.l of qatd &oD 6.h {itloqt rltelila it€ €ll.tnciure :

(B) cLrilg(D) FF.a-drrirg

6 132016 .


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2?. Fungd attacl i. na.inat€d ploducts arc prerenicd by usirc :

(10 BrIA G) ?ropionic aci.l

(() Potassiub sorbrr€ (D) Msc

23. Tlp vp.olp'cprudbonwlu.hrFtroFraurrbrcdunngErnyseasn(A) Dry curins (B) Mona curins(C) wetculns (D) SnoLecuring

26, Fmd thc odd nan out :

29. Ir,dEhon dose u.d for.sdic,dadon(A) Below O.s Mesa rad

(c) carbon nono onds

(8) N a&tyl glumrni!€

30. Caustire o|gai6b ofDL-I! sr,oilss€ :

(! sentia (B) Sp@Ddoneba(O rficlll4w Gt) Eanina

31. Rur in sali€d ptuduct can be prv€nr.d by u.i!g :

(A) lllsc (B) So ic rcid(c) BIIA (D) sodiuE B.ner.

32. A @inoe€nic dubst ne pbs.nt in r[e sEotr€ :

33. Principle u€ed in deea.drying :

(A) Evaporation (B) Osnodig

(() coolins (D) Subliaarion

s4, A cn in whiL the eh& perbdne.dy and 6jbly <ti€icnded :

(A) Sprilser (B) Ftipper(c) Soii swell (D) gard 6w€n

ts,r20l5 6 A

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innediaiely 6lt€f Exhdudting :In caDning pec$B the 3tep

(B) coolirg

(D) Filling






(B) Rut(D) Dq

@) Car ofr.odetio! l€s

(D) S..r li.h

s& TIC li6it 6ot &oe! 6rh b8&d on BIS lpeific.tion .

37. A pmduct pppsred Ern air bbd'ler oI @t 6.I :

(c) ?- 10b!n

39. Gla* [Le qystdr 6uad i. c't.in enmd pFducr!

,(). rvhrh oF of th. ft)uosils i6 @! onncr€d *nh FFea.dn.il pt duci?

(C) Salt

,tl Brue dislmtim i! caled 9lodut i. @rGt6d {ith :

4t. srnair3 lmriion i! e@d prcducl c.D be prcwnttd hlt ddils :


43. A p.sessins n6thod in whic! @oplet€

(A) Freetns(C) Mdnnadils

d*truction ofveaehtiE

@) cunrg(D) ssltin3


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ldeat ssrt cu.ins nethod tor l€ar fi.he. l

Ideal pa.king mat rill ror tsh pickio :

(A) Polylhene blc

(C) Aluniniun catr

Chitosm is pr€prred ton :

(A) Prawnshel waate

shd.t 6n raF rre ussrl ld lhe prep.laliod of :

(A) omnent3

s:cientiGc nme or Blacl iis€r 6b.inp

(A) Metlpenaeu.6ni.(C) P€uere ildicu3 @) Metap3@u morerc*




ar, Filh pmr€in orcen'taie i! r .olou.t@. !!d reltet..i *sbl€ prodNt int€nd€d to. :. (a) Fi6n &€d (B) Msnurc

(C) Euba. @nsuDprion @) poultry feed

60. An Indid qudiry steodalrl:

(A) E.U Siddalds (B) BIS

(c) Iso 9000 (D) US FDA

61, ll€ad Qu{ters ol Inremational orsaniation for sirnrhrdbarion :

(A) c€neva (B) Neqyorl(c) NewDehi (D) ?o!yo


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6L Whic[ ore oftte foltdins i! . t rlt qustily measEE€ni baed on @n.une. etery rhFushly.r4tutic appMch to rte id€rri6&rion, as&.lDenr .nd 6nrbl of baard?


68. A! iuburent u.ed for Dly steliltrrion :

(/{) IlortirMr (B) rnclb.tor(C) Auto cl.@ (D) srdtmer€r

!a. whjch of ch. bllosilg dus oD@ lay.r &pl€non :

(A) Anoorrr (B) S6otG(c) FEo' @) MsEUt,

6!. A tli! Lyer of ic @ri6E oE ih. 6!n b.foa d .ft.! t€ring to,68ft delvdErio! duins

(A) cbillint (B) cslils(c) Icils @) Chrils

68. Fraing teD!.Etue frr tuh pedlct :

(A) -20e c (B) _aoc(c) _lotc c)) -3lr c

6?, Fudio of .s@Dl'dic phr.in :

(A) M@L DeD.tr. (B) C@EcriB riB!.ic) f,..pnaiion (D) M.irhorj.D

6& P€elelm i.E.d. n E:(A) Fi.h.dl.. G) n.h 3iu.(C) P.rl.r..or (D) Filh sur

60. nD euEof .g!r:. (A) S.. rMoE (B) s.! lit,

(C) s..cwuEb.r (D) So. w..d


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61. ADbergrig i6 comected wtl :

(A) Shark (B) Seaweed(c) speuwhsL (t) si{ip jac!

60. The name N'cho as a.ppprt F connerkdwth:

62. ln cs ng pMd3s renoval of air fM the can tatros pldce dwins :

(A) Blarching (B) Cooting

(c) Seuing (D) Exlauaring

G3. A sbduc. from tbe shark river oil whicl redues cholest rcl ieEl :

(A) Chftitr (B) sq!al6n.(c) DtlA (D) PttFA

6!. Fbh m€,1 prcdudian, id.al for fany 6€he. :

(A) Dryrcn&nng (B) wet rnd€ring(C) \tobian method (D) Canadian p@$

65, B6.rpns wh'ch CF* best, i! rhc pEmn@ ol $tr :

66. which of dB 6tai€Eelr below i. .ot rrus wiih Vibno Cholorc?(Al spore fornins (B) A€bbic(c) oran rd8ativ€ (D) Conna andpeil

67. Fie! which coniain h*h€sr warlr conienr I

(A) Sd.dine (B) Ribbon fish

{c) Bonbay d&t 6J) Sba.I

63. Prot€iN aa conplex o.g6nic nihdgenoui suhrun@s Earlo by 6ub unit€ c,L€d :

(A) Fatty acids (B) Minersr6(c) Amirc aci& (D) Ca.hohyitni€a

ra20t6 l0

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59. rvhich of (le budins j! @nsi&ied !s atr indor of fE.hne& of 6.h?(A) TMAo G) Hyporllthine

. (c) ATP @) Aurooxidario,

?0. 'lte lrtio ol i@ to fisL i! bwlily :

G) r:2 (B) 2:r(o t:3 (D) r:r

71. B&t€ria @ D@ucd i! EicM.. One hi.rcne i! eqult to :' (A) l/loodotDilibeter (B) vrooo" ofe .D.te.

c) r/toor ofenteeerer (D) Urooorofnitim6t€r

?2. [email protected] l:M. otlrruvit :

(A) Matediu AEnoiM Ph@phlte lLtrLldEta(B) M{E!6du AdDdiuD .ulpt.l,(C) M4ne.iuD ADeqir.ulphlraHeEhydEr!(D) [email protected]@ AEnoniun Pho.phde

7t. F.th.r of Mi@ f,iolos':(A) Lui. PrltE (B) Av. teu,.lLet(c) Ale-nd$n 6i!s (D) CbdL! Datui!

?a Dfi.d S.s @be! :

(A) I.i!gre.(q E cb..den€.

?6. TIE clae..i 6.h pE*ddion E.rbod :

?6. &st .!it Dle @ntdre! lor oded 6od! :

(A) Ahbi.iunEr (B) nnc.a(c) Chajd (D) R.roit rouch



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?7. In largs 6i@d caru th€ bo<ly may b€coee forced insddg by ahospbeic pressur€. Thi6

(A) llipper (B) Splihse.(c) Hlrd Bwdl (D) p,n.tiDg

78. ln n€chani.al dryins nobtw leEl offigh er be to,rreo up re:(A) l5_ 20% (D t_6%(c) 5- 15% (D) 2.0_25%

?9. Pres@ariEs @DDdly u&d in PickU.C I

(A) $lt.nd A€tic 6.id

(C) Sdt and Aso$ic acid (D) Salr olty

30. Sursidl srt@s N n.d. fmD :

. (A) Fi6h m.le. G) n6b oil(C) Fi.h slr (D) A,.bbdil€!

81, t'te i.,yal lndian NNlt Rablt of 1946 brctre dr in :

(a) Bdn,y G) Catcqu.(c) Madn. @) Detli

3r. The Found€. of s.lf-r!p*c Dd€m.nc ws :

(A) E.Y Rlne SwrDy NiiL€. (B) X. Ajaappon

{C) Ayyarkali (D) Amie Be&.r

3t. "Ileldlr Sinnn&" ir a no@l by :

(A) M-T. Vaud€van Nai. (B) M. Mutuoda!(c) K.M.Pdicker o) P. vrldlb

Sl, "AnondMu( r,!arcv€lrn(B) B€ngali


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36, The Khilrlai horenent *as sNstod by :

(A) Gandh(ii (B) JinDaha(C) Ati Brotbeid (D) Muhaharl lqb,l

86, fte ChairDrn of plmdtrs conniggion ir Indi. i!(A) N.r.nd& Modi (B) Alun & ly(C) L.X. Adrani (D) Su.hm. SwaFj

37. "D.ain rh€o4f was Dft*nr€d b, :

(a) R.c. Dutl (B) Ddabai Nrw.n(c) B.P. Dun @) Mor.ir.l Ndh

0& W€.tan Ed@rrm in l.dia s.. DF..tued by rhe nletu of:14,) s.E. liunt€r G) r..d Mdul.y(c) Cbarl€. wod @) Chob cnnc

39. Ke!.h Fol}l@ A..d.Dy i. ! ut3d ir:L4J aorhi@de

(C) Md4pmd

tt Who.t&t d Arhtu ir pddicberrr?

(A) C.rdliji(c) \ m!.b.E

tl. Su&Dr Clitty &u ws rclo.t6d &on :

92. Judne Siwje [email protected] @ 4r up for inqqiry ilro:(A) solris€n(C) Petrol Pdc. Contol

9:1. Tolstorr fr@ et up by CDdhi s!. in I

(C) South Afiic.Alt t3/t016


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94, The Chief Midst€! of newly forded .1ol€ T€iengana E

(A) Chandra BabuNsidu (B) Yclta Raady

(C) I{' ChandM Sel<n.ra R6o (D) Kumarappa

ot. i. kno*r 3r ''Blue Cotd ,

(B) Dieel

06. KuDas! A!$ ud D. Pallr {ee !34i!t€d with th6 orgsi..lion :

(A) SI\'DP (B) NSa

(C) NDP (D) YotelEda Sablu

s7. Worlil Blood Don& D5y i3 :

(A) Dsnh€! r. (B) Jauty l!(C) Mdh r,t (D) .t!@ i4

sa. S6rlL.t riEr in Kerab :

LtJ P@ba (B) cndiyr(c) vslipat n'm (D) [email protected]

te. SuoE@ Cout otderod for t!. !ai6. ofwat r l.El otMulhFnya! to:

(A) 1a0 fe.t (B) r4l 6€t

(q rt2 Gei (D) r4.l fet

10.0. "No C$ie, No R.lision, No C.d for Mrntind' - Who !.id ir?


(B) Saboilar$ Alyappa!

(C) K&l Ms(D) Ayy6n l(.li


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