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PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol...

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Date of Test : 30.04.2016 Medium of Questions: English Question Paper Code: 059/2016 Exam Name: Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk - Various / Ncc/ Sainik Welfare PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Ty pist/ Typist Clerk - Various / Ncc/ S ainik Welfare Examination Previous Year Question Paper
Page 1: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

Date of Test : 30.04.2016

Medium of Questions: English

Question Paper Code: 059/2016

Exam Name: Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk - Various / Ncc/ Sainik Welfare

PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk - Various / Ncc/

Sainik Welfare Examination Previous Year Question Paper

Page 2: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat



1_ East Wesi distance ol India in km is

A) 2S3c) 2860

The heighl ol Kanchenjuoga in meters is

A) 8216

c) e886

B) 3214

D) 3300

B) 8595

o) 8661

3. The river thagiGlhi and Alakanandajoin rogetherar

A) Gaimukh B) Ladakh

C) Devapayag D) Kolkata

4. Whal is lhe name ol iver Erahmapulhra in l lb€l ?

A) Tsan$o 8) Naanas

C) Bhagiralhi D) Ganga




The wind 'Loo blow in which season ?

B) Summor

C) Soulh west Monsoon

D) Nodh Easl Monsoon

Who was the Viceroy ol Indiadudng Bangaldivision ?

A) Lord Oalhousie

B) Lord Kiyaning

C) Lord r€yson

D) Lod Rippon

Who was lhe President of Indian Nalional Congress in Oecember 1 929 ?

A) Mahahacandhi

B) Subash ChandE Bose

C) MolilalNehru

D) JawahadalNehru

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Page 3: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

0n9i20168. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ?

A) Subash Chandra Bos€

B) Rajondra P€sad

C) C. R. Das

D) Lala l4pat Rai

L wh€n was lh€ Second Round Tabl€ cont€rence h€ld ?

A) 1S0c) 1@

B) 1931

D) 1S3

B) Kalladayar

D) Bhavanlpuzha

10. Hindostan Steel Umiled Rou*ela is belong loA) Onssa B) W€stBangal

C) lvladhya Pradesh O) Andra Pradeh

1 r , Which is lhe biggest pure walar lake in Korela ?

A) Pookkott B) Velhyenn

c) Shastnarnkotta D) Manaktod

12. Which is th€ socond largost rivd in Kemla ?

A) Pedyar 8) Chaliyar

C) Bharathapuzha D) Panba

13, Which is the iv6r llow towards East ?

C) Chalakudypuzha

14. Whsre is lhs hgadquaders of SIDCO ?

A) Kochi B) Thdssor

C) ThiruvananlhaFram O) Kannur

15. Who is the lounder ol Aruvipufam Kahethra Yogam ?

A) Shr€eNarayamcura B) Dr Palppu

C) Kuma€r'asan O) Ayyankali

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Page 4: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

059201616. Whoisd|eoeaniserotSadhujana Paipalana Sangam ?

A) Shree Narayana Guru B) Chatlambiswami

C) Ayyankali D) Dr. Palppu

17 Who islhelounderofAlhma vidyasangam ?

A) V.T. Bhatlathfippad B) ThycaudA!/a

C) Ayyankali D) Vagbhalananda

18- Who is known as l'rudichoodum Perumal ?

A) Vaikunda Swami B) V T. Bhatiathiippad

C) [lannabPadnanabhan D) Shree Narayana Guft]

19. who called Ayyankalias a Pulaya Bajavu ?

A) Snr€6 Narayana Guru B) Mahaima Gandhi

C) Vakkam AbdulKhadar Moulavj O) Subash Chandra Bose

20. whowasthe leaderol Savarna Jadha ?

C) K Madhavan

21. Which is notm€mber in ASEAN ?

A) Bdtain

C) Malaysia

22. Where isthe headquartersofWorld Bank ?

A) NewYo* B) Washingion

C) L"nddr D) lokyo

23. Who is rhe new Prcsid€ntoJ kgentina?

A) Christina Knchinsr B) DavidKamaroon

C) Makri D) Fransuaoland

B) K. P. Kesava Menon

D) Mannath Padrnanabhan

B) hdia

D) Singapore

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Page 5: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

Genpt624. Who is the Chi€l l/inisl6rof Blhar ?

A) Nitheesh Kumar

A) Lalu Pnsad Yadav

C) Mamatha Ban€riee

D) IlEiasyri Yadav

25. Who is lhe Speaker ol Kerala Legislative Ass€mbty ?

26. Who b tho Human R€sorrces Develoornem Minister of tndia ?

4 G. r€dhikayan

C) V M. Sudhe€ran

A) Venkayya Naidu

C) Smrilhi kanl

A) J. B. Koshi

C) Ramachandran Nair

C) KodiyyenBalakdshnen

D) Banglad€sh P€oples Party

B) N. Shalftan

D) M. Vijaya Kumar

B) Arun Jeilly

D) Sushma Swaraj

Sumilhra l/ahajan

B) M. Mohan Kumar

D) llluhammed Musthakh

B) Pinarayiviiayan

D) V. S. Acnuhanandan

z/. What is ihe nam6 ol political party leaded by Aunq San Suu Kyi ?

A) Natonalleague lor Democ€cy B) Natonal Osmoc.Eric Pady

C) Nationel Congrcss

24. Who isthe Spoaksrot Lok Sabha ?

C) Sushma Swal4



29. Whois th€ Chairp€rson ol K6€la Human Bight Commtssion ?

30. Who is the opposlllon leader ot Kerala Legislative Assembty ?

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31. He slopped _ ths shop on lhe way home.

A) at B) in C) al

32. The pen you are looklng _ is herc.

B) for c) abod

D) by

D) al

33. So.newhere in the disiance, _ bell rang.

A) ar B) tre C) a D) some

34. Wh€n llirst mei him, he

A) had been wofiingC) has been worldng

35. 'l bought a book' is lhe aslive form olA) A book was bought by you

B) lwas boughtby a book

C) A book has been boughl

D) A book was boughl by me

in a hospital.

8) was workins

weekenG al a holiday reson.

B) altemal€ly

D) altemate

B) sroic

D) amaluro

B) Enonius

D) Eraneous

36. Govind spends

C) altemative

37. Give ons word lor non Drolessioflal or unoaid.

C) lilulanl

38. Select lhe correctly spell word.

a) Eroneous

C) Eroneous



the valJic was bad, lanived on time.

A) hough B) because

C) as soan as o) apart

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Page 7: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

@20r6zl0. R4u said, ' I wrole a lelt€r'. (Change into indiroct speech).

A) Rais said thal he wrote a lotter

B) Raju said thal h€ has writlen a letter

C) Baju sajd thal hs had w tton a lotter

D) Raju said lhal he was wdting a lgtter

41. _youhelpme?B) Shall c) wil D) Should

42. Oooosite ol lhe wod 'obvious'A) clear B) hidden C) gloomy D) bri€l

€. lam always _ trouble wdh my neighbours

A) has B) had C) being D) having

B) many C) noting D) sorns

45. Th6 synonym ol Emphasis'B) stress D) suggest

46. In hol weafter we sil under lheB) prolection c) shade D) shener

44. There isn'l _ lo do now.

47. ll isa _ lo meetyou.

C) ple6d

B) MllcomeD) just comes

B) deasing C) please O) deasu€d€

48. She _ tomoft ow tio attendlh6wedding.

C) seems to come

49. A p€nson blamedlora problem

A) ouack B) Moron C) Scapegoal O) Spinsler

50. Glia toke lhe glass, _ ?


B) dontshe C) does she o) didn l sh€

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52 On€ ol the lollowing !s not sLrbunit ol CPU

51 Ctd + U is the shodcut key for

A) Bold

C) Underlin€

A) Aithmstic Loglc Unil

C) Mernory Unit

B) llalic

D) None ol lhese

B) Output Unit

D) Conlrolunit

O) File menu




B) Nlemory Unit

D) Proqram

B) \'irusO) Crawl€rs

qcdo) Save

a)roD) Backward

53, To send a message to another user seled New , mail message option lrom

A) Editmenu

54. Find and rePlace is in ihe

A) File B)

c) Insen D)

55. Close button is located on the dght side oJ

A) Toolbar B)

C) Titeba D)

56. Mor tor is also known as

A) VisualDisplay Unit

C) Slorage Device

57. which ono is not a search engine ?

A) SpideF

C) Robois

58. Clrl + X is shorlcul key tor

c) copy

59. One ot the lollowing is note_mailterm

C) Fmm

t \

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(Fg:Dr660. Spelllng mtslakes in ctocum€. typ€doppearwith

A) Green unclertin€

C) R€d unclertin€


A) Esc k6yC) Enter key


B) Eue undedin€D) l.,lon€ ol |l|ase

B) Int€metD) Presentatlon sotty,arc

B) Sribfl€D) lhnddlb

key cen be used l,o make a carrc€l s€leclion In a m€nu.B) Shifi k6yD) D€tete key

62. The prcgram lhat is used to writs, edit and Ddnt lod ts

C) Spfeadsheet

63, l4/hich one ls not a compongnt of a s d€ ?A) T'lleC) Dfawing objecrs

64. -- ctntai|ls altth6 menu commancb avallade tortlal perticdareppli$dt.A) ii€n'rbar q StstusbarC) Toolbar

65, Inleb€ction ol rcws and columns isa) cetbC) woddook

C) Statusbar

68. M€aning of Shtff + Hom6A) To the end ot a rEC) To the prevtous fine

D) Tit€bar

66. The koyboard shortcut to move on€ c6ll to lie right lsa) Tab keyC) Clrl + Home



baf corltains docum€ot name.

B) WbdGtt€stD) Cellpdnl€r

B) Ent6r

D) Shitt + Tab

B) TooborD)


8) To the begtnning ot a n6D) Tothe n6xt tin€


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059201669. The worksheet ol Excel 20oo conlains

A) 266

c) 66536

A) Legend

C) Funct'ons

74 ln MS Wordlhereare

C) M!

B) 256

D) 66635

B) Lisl


B) lour

D) none ol lhese

a) Desklop


B) 5mD) 1m

70. Small graphical images repJesenling lhe objecl

A) tcon B) Folder

C) Desktop D) F e

71. Thechafl which illustmtes comparisonsamong individual ilems

A) Pischarl B) Cdumnchan

C) Unecha( D) Barchan

72. Pr€ delined Jomulas lhat perlorm calculalions by using sp€citic values are

73, Title case in changecase

A) Changes allselecled lexl to lower case letters

B) Changes all sele€led lexl lo capilal letlers

C) Capitalis€s lhe lirst leter ol each word in lhe s€leclion

D) Capilaliseslhe lirsr lett€r ol the lkst wofd intheselected senlences

75. D€leted liles arb moved to

C) Recydebin

Capital 'D is used tor

A) 1mO

c) 50



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Page 11: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

059,2m6Z/. Att€rthe inlerogation mark_shdld be teft.

A) Singlespace E) T\,ro 6paceC) Thre€spac€ O) Noneotthese

7& Which on€ is not non-character key ?A) Eackspace key B) t\,4argin retoase k6yC) Maslerkey D) Shifi key

79. The imponant tension in a typ€w terisA) Mainspnngtension B) KeytensionC) Touch regutator tension D) None otth€se

80. Footnotes are typ€d in

A) Singlo line spachg

C) Tnpls line spacing

81. Guide keys are

A)'q'and,p'C) 'a'and';'

82. R€ceivers address is ryp€d onA) The l6lt lop cornerofthe env€lopB) Top c€ntfe of tle envatop

C) The /ghttop comerotlhe envelopD) The dght hatt ot the envetop

83. Masl€r k€y in ryp€wnter is

A) oc) a

84. ll the dogs are worn out it caus€sA) Je q movement

C) Del€ctive teoding

B) Double line spacing

D) None otth€se

B) 'z'and'.'D) a'and s'


B) Bad alignmo

D) Slugglsh movement


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Page 12: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

$E:t01685. Who has (bv€lop6d lhe 'Touch S-ystem' ?


A) Chnsropher Lalham Sholes

C) Wlliam Mill

In a typgwdler ti€re are _A) One

C) Ihr€o

B) Ftank Mc Guffin

D) Cha sThurtor

cafriage aelease levers,

B) Tvto

D) Non6otlhese

87, To type upper case characteF conlinuously we usE

88, Uneven space b€tvy€€fl th€ charadeG is

A) Sluggish movem€nl

C) Alignmenl

89. 'Cowl'ls also known as

A) Cenue guid€

C) Top plate

A) Backsp€ce

C) Shift lock

90. In one inch th€rc ar6

A) 10

c) 12

A) Cariage rails

C) Plale.t

B) lJniversalbar

D) Typ€ basket


B) 8D) 14

B) Shitt k6y

D) TaLbuhlor bar

B) J6dV movem€nl

D) Bad allgnment

B) Main spdng

D) Cariage rad(

91. Th€ motive power lor movement olcadagelowards lell is

A) lJnivorsal bar

C) Kelboad

92 In Mahyalam typewdld there arc

C) Three

daad keys.

93. Which pan ol thetyp€wril€r is nol oil6d ?

B) Tvi,o

D) Noneoflhese

B) Pinionwh€el

D) Canlage rack

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Page 13: PSC Lower Division Typist/ Clerk Typist/ Typist Clerk ... · 0n9i2016 8. who was lhe leader ol Swar4 Pady ? A) Subash Chandra Bos€ B) Rajondra P€sad C) C. R. Das D) Lala l4pat

95. In business letters'To addr€ss' should be typed in _ space,

A) Singleline B) Doubte tine

C) Trideline D) Noneoflhes€

!16. Two sp€c6 shdld nol be l€tt ett€r

(gr't6!14. What is th€ size ol A4 paper ?

A) 148x 210mm


A) Fu slop

C) Cddl

97. Th€ sign 'slet' an manuscript ts lo

A) D€l€t6

C) Clos6 up

B) 210 x 297 mm

D) 297 x 420 mm

8) Erclamalion mark

D) Cornma

B) Lel n stand

D) Insenspace

S. In D.O. lettors cornplimonlary clo6€ wittb6

A) Youlslaitt ully B) yours toving

C) YolEsinc€ret D) you|s obedjentt

99. Which is not rubber pan of a typewdtor ?

A) Feedrolls B) Cytinder

C) Paper bail rolls O) Dog btock

10- Ev6n though lhere are 2 characters on a typetac€ ont on6 letter caus€sinpression becruse ot

A) Up and (bwn movsment of ribbon

B) Univ€rsat bar is in semi-circular shape

C) S€gm€nt is in semi.circutar shapg

D) Curvalure ol the platen

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