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PSC Tradesman - Welding - Technical Education Examination · 2019. 12. 17. · gne thp Et€rial...

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Date of Test : 11.11.2016 Medium of Questions: English Question Paper Code: 150/2016 Exam Name: Tradesman - Welding - Technical Education PSC Tradesman - Welding - Technica l Education Examination Previous Year Question Paper
  • Date of Test : 11.11.2016

    Medium of Questions: English

    Question Paper Code: 150/2016

    Exam Name: Tradesman - Welding - Technical Education

    PSC Tradesman - Welding - Technical Education Examination

    Previous Year Question Paper

  • -

    750 / 2016



    l!'hi.h oE ol ihr lno.e.s requnes ba('

    (c) SuhmdLg€d irc sr.lding

    spot xeldin8, seah r'elding,llash buti

    (A) Ren5tnftt $lldinB

    Shi€ld€.j metal aR \€lding ir.larsiti.d(A) Electric ttsist P *elding

    meral .l{h'ode and g.dular dr:

    (elding is difieient metl$ls ot

    (D) Ele.tlo slag weldinS

    (B) Ll{lri( arc \veldin8(D) Eldrc gas \er.ting

    (D) Tne matdial or $e heaJ


    Nhi.lr SFe of elal'qt huFdin

    (CJ Hea( rdt d er{E(kr€

    I! shi.h to'ition is 9a\{ rYelding(A) Flat dnd Horizonlal

    5, \}i.h one oI tl'( loUoh ing ir , 6i5lancc r'.ldjna 0dB r(A) SF)t $ddnrg (Bl Tnermit welding{C) rorgc rvelJing (D) &?lcjRndding

    subnErgeJ ai. hctding ?

    (B) t-ighr rodterl .l6horle

    (B) ndt and vertiral(D) Hoiizntal a l'qti.al

    ?utuh6 usst lor mtking Pltl.r d€ mad. oi({) cst ion (B) luild(C) stainlres ,loet (D) Hign

    A b.ll ?ecn hammd is sPecili.d b\


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  • 10,

    The tml usd ri dh* li'E d a.hrR ccted metal3udae h oled(A) rviry.ompars (B) Td rquad(c) steel rule (D) s(!ib*

    It is a reshlane welding pr.€s in whi.h rcller tvF. elechodes.re lsed(A) spot r€lding G) 9.n seldin8(c) Proi{lon r€uin8 (D) fldh bun weLl,nS

    ivhat is the purFse oi copld coating m the nild ,r.al lill€r wire ?

    {A) To h€at {astd (B) To in.rae sh{8th(C) To dloni rsting (D) Forg@d apFaran e

    Whi.h nshdi..l pep-tier ot delal giv€(A) roughn€$ (B) Duchlii'

    A kel hole is l,o b. haintained thrcugh out(A) cncllRjoht (3)(c) ProF€r b€ad $'idth (D)

    15. whid ot the lotlohinS meral n s hi8hst tn€Iml.@d!.rivia ?(A) Zinc (B) CoPP€r (C) Nrildsreel



    (A) 195.8.C


    mral plat6 ra mr b€ joine! b] plo'{tim $?rlin8 ?

    (D) sbirn€s sk€r pr.Fs

    BxreNe !o pulling tre ?(c) Hddr$ (D) T€6ile srrmeth

    in tne Jn* ru! or butt joint to €su€ :PtoF.r dt !@tration

    O{€r hsting o! bloL pipe mzzle ro be avoided b.ca6. t yiu.ae(A) naih ba€r P) conrm mor gaPs{c) cnate u&t.nr (D) cze bm thru8h

    chage i^b |tquid co.didon at(B) -132.90C (C) -18r.7'C (D) - t72.a"c

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  • 13. $t*h ul tie lollNina m€tal has lne hiSl$t(A) Copt{ (B) TunS.ten (c) Aluninum (D)

    20, One of th€ adndtaSes of suboergPd(A) Hrgh depositim rate ind sPed(c) Thd( ndal.an be weld

    (A) Aluninnm, Iro( coFP€!(C) l.oD cobarL Ni.kel

    ie.idtF slag qrldinS gen rdlv nde ?

    (B) verticdl (c) Flat

    21. Nhich of th€ follostng a.€ lem)ru8netic haieriak ?(s) I'or copp€r, NictellD) Copfer, Almin@ Silrer

    22. ln th€ elEnr rnoEbl€ !@Eant F\6s, exa.r paREdt it remFJ (idr

    (A) A \?b sPrar(E A Ndroph i. sdbb€!(c) A $rYent sprar(D) c|@o lin( 1.t. toweL llightl) noisteNd h'ith $N6r

    lnnbdon of a liquid psek.nt lest is

    or r- slrlace brealjng disrontinuiti* .d be d.t{t€dPorols naterials .mot lF testodThep is clean'ng problem l.n ing ltenehant isPdho i n,h/ €esAll ol the listed lihit timr are corP.t

    s'el.ling ha di6.e shouLl ollr b..lc.ned with :

    SoIt eppe. sire (B) TiF cldNrA sml&ilr (D) Stcel {ne


    23, IIE






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  • Th€ awtim oi i4j{lor in ra! PR'sture bltu tiPc is :(A) HiEh presui€ o:r'g€n dra\'s acctrlse.nd incftats! it r.tritr(B) D

  • 32, Ntich tvpe oI llame is u*tl lo Re|(t bra$ ?(A) An ire\'lde naN (B) Nfrtral nin'(c) oxidizing flame (D) Cartrurizing oum€

    33. (rhat ii rhe minum Ihi.ltuss of US sh€.t that .an tt tvel.t ir lcfs .d t*hniqut ?(A) 12nm (B) 8nn (C) 10mm {D) 5m

    34. Tht an8l. .f !'lorv PiP n) th€ Line o( r'eld in leftnatd Rlding k

  • .{.etrl€ft g6 i5 dislved

    (C) Cal.ino nv.hrj.l€

    6rbr rcd in B.s t€ldin8 tsadditioMl clemmtl (B)



    Nd€ the 0u u*il Id b@ins of \.lS sh*ts :rA) H\Juhlun\ .rjJ (B) Zift lNond.(c) Talor'resin (D) Bont

    po!*t the $s h.hile grinding ie(B) H€LDet




    (c) Brut



    15. ojl dd greNe cd read violenth, wran tunta.t witt high p.ese(A) Clrtt n dionde (B) prcp@(c) Grsen (D) Hfdr%q,

    The col@r !.dr lor idendilinB dl8e. 8as(A) ]\larN {B) Black

    \rh.n a hse pror..to! is tnted, dE gae(A) Blow pipe to olinJs (B)


    $lde'inqtsrmethodu |om'n8hrorerdttrRr\ ! dcrn!rrathnJ ne.alhJvingr.tabve!_ mhne EfrFer.rur€

    (C) Equal (D) Ahove

    lhe worl pi(e! b drivm by _ Iore.(c) vi{*nv (o) $,ctiing

    (3) High

    me to$ ol mohen soldcr in rhe sap beth,@n(A) cenkirqal (B) CaFla4


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  • f

    50. soldering nu hls a mlung F,rnt

    51, h brring lhe tils eterid mlt at a tebt.r.tuF

    (8) H'8h (C) Equ.r (D) Abole

    49. Sold6 nelt at a t€mPcEtur. 'c.(8) Belo\r 350

    the relhng poht ol slJ€r.

    &e tultin8 temp$tuF ofdE mierial to be ioirEd.(A) Belo$, (B) Hish (C) Equat (D) Above

    52. rorderry d lig \hreh rrt€s pln . .r . MDdrur ol(A) 1r0.c (B) ,100.c (c) 250pc (D) 35(rc

    53. One.r the n{6sities ol weHnrg traNforher ir(A) To Ed@ lotree dd iftree erhl(B) To on!*t €l(br:al dergv io Ghdical(c) To get del6t fre s €ld(D) T..onholdistorlion

    54. lthich ore .I the lolowing $ elding tu hic c.n sup?lt AC o. DC ?{A) Engine dnro C'adtr (a) Nbror.rrrm CrmBror{c) Trsdomer (D) Trafolfu 6rif6

    55. nE valuc ol oppn ([*!it volt ge in Iruul nletal aK $eldinS is _ volt.(A) .r0 - 60 (B) 6{r, t0 (c) 60 - 15o (D) 1r0 - 220

    55, Firg€ r'eLh8 is clisifed.!:(A) Fusbn mlding q hout pFssu.e(3) rusion w€ldiry *ith pBsre(c) Nm-IEio! RelLliql hith p's@(D) NoFfurion r+eltiin8 r.ithtut pl1:l5@


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  • 57. f tuin ektrk supply t mr avaiLbl., we co do d welding wirh(A) Motor swEror set (B) Trorloh€r Ft(c) Ensin. sedaltr et (D) Retnie! eet

    3a. Ite antNt of ffit *tdrg fd @ldiiE d€Psds uPon


    (A) lre di.rnere ot platE (B) fte tyPe oi c'lmt AclDc(C) fype ol netal to be w.ld (D) the dlaNter oi elRiode se

  • 67, The ett{r of arc blo{ q ill b€ krrallv at$nr in

    \lore spatters are du€ ro

    (A) rnN tuenr (B)

    In DC supplr the h€t ili*iborion

    (c) Eqlar in bodl temidl

    (A) DC arraisht Folariw

    (C) EvFs dlmt (o) BB e@ clRrrcde

    {A) Parts in lne ere ?|,ift(c) Pa sin th€snmplan€

    ln th€ 5C p6ition, pip€ must b€

    (C) Rolating vdu.ar dn

    (B) Dc eveEe poLrity(D) rvddin8 wilh long d.

    in hr. st.nrtdrdy lengtlu Enell :(B) 3s0 m eil250 !m

    (D) A part F+ddi.uLr to mothd

    (A) ste€t (3)

    (c) c"pps71

    G/d acceptabb arxl s.t(B) Cisarena tstu€' (c)

    Ior lighting , s elding t( (h ?9a.r ushter (D) Nrot rh€ aboa




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  • 7,r, \\,h.1 is the durt .!.le ol a NpL lg Mcnnro d.siSned to oPdare mnrhuoEly fot 7 dt oi

    (A) l0 per.nt (B) t0 Pe@nt(Cl 30 Frent (o) None ot the abov.

    75. N.m the insElnent/b! us€d for tsaNlernrg .nd tsttin8 of dist tuss ?(A) "L'squaP (B) Ste€l nrlc (q rting comP6r (D) Stllight eilg€

    76. AlM!ruum CNo,'J- F c*J ds d tlur lot*'lJrring "(A) 5l@l (B) Aluminum (c) Calvdized non (D) St inles steel

    77. Nane ol th. isn uDrent u*d hr chNl dE PurPendiolaritt ol the bEtrh Pile with the m.inFipe ot a tip. T ioint 7(A) Protladd (B) Tq squa'( (c) sPidtlevel (D) shaisht edse

    74. Which o!€ ol fte lollo$ ing rutlb r'ill not Pdtbit X{ays to ?dethough ?(A) si.inl6s st €t (B) Aludinun (C) ldd (D) Tin

    79. Th€ dBi.ft€ h€by@ rh€ nFt and tc or a lill€trveu b .al€d(A) R6t gaF (3) bs lrnSh {C) RehforcetlHt (D) thml dd.ltrs

    80. th€rmil mirlure ued in themit s€lJin8 c.n be iSnited with an initial i€mPcratue of

    (A) 1500.C (B) 1000'C (C) 1200"C (D) 500'C

    81. nre Lakshadwep (Lac.annc) ! !itua('d in i1A) Tlre Bat.i adgal (B) ADLrid sea(C) Indian o.em (D) P6ian Cuff

    42. rtoitd F.rEt Dar is (€lebratpd on :(A) Nlarh 21 (B) Julr 10 (C) l!ft 05 (D) O.tober 10

    33. NdL the ,Gr dtrelr populnr.Lt rtnlc in India dconting to the ce!r$ 20ll :(A) Utrar Prad€sh {B) rv.et B€n8al (C) tlarrana (D) Bihar

    150/ 2016

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  • 3{ $rr dratled tne F€Fle's plan 1(A) hyFarash Naiaf.n (B) ttl. \'isv$a"ya(C) nl.n_. Ror {Dr \lnlahr Gd.lni

    35. Itno kd the Rev.h 01 1a57 at l.8dGhFur ?(A) Kulr'ar Sin8h (B) Nrna $ncli(C) lilaulali Ahm.hllah {D) B.thi Khnn

    86. The Sim Comnisid ss dFllrint d in :(B) 1917

    37. Who f.hdat tlrc Selt Rerp{t Nlovement ?(A) l)atiba Pnule (B) Dr. B.R. Anlb.Jrar(q Anni. Bsdt (D) E.1'. Ran.{Lami Nai.kd

    34. In€ Pal.ruvi $aterfalts * in rhe nirbtd dl l(A) Tliru\dn.nrhaprcn rB) rdl'n.(c} PrthaMnlhitta (D) idurti

    39, Name th€ headqua.t€s ol rne (ERAFED:(A) Alappuzha (8) Palakkad(q Trui$u (D) Thhuraninthapu.xn

    90- Th€ sah{igni hl dbel

  • 93, Mdath P.dmnabhan conducted(A) v.il(roh gryael.ha(g Guruvayoors:tlasraha

    ihe SavaM JadD in cmre.tion with :

    P) Malat ali Meddisl(D) Abetention Md€mt



    The Pr.rhy.kha Raicha Daiv4bhn was lorbdql in :

    (A) 1ele (B) 1e06 (c) 1e16

    Nane th€ audFr ot the Lb*" 'Balakalelan(A) sre N.Fym Guru (B)(c) Pai.lit K.P. Kdppan (D)

    96, WIF te@ the .hampion or the coP. Amenca Cenredio Football T@hmdt ?(A) Algmliu (B) chiL (c) Arcn@ (D) coiunbia

    97. Nae tne couF.! bnn n is (1fucbd with BRExtT :(A) Bribin (8) Amdca (c) Llexi.o

    96, who ie iEh.r8r' of .irutu in dE new c.bin€r oI Kenl! ?(A) E.P. Jayo'?jan (B) G. tudhatare (c) KT.laLeel

    99, N.ne the place Fleated b be tIE new opibl of Andnra hadesh l(A) AMav.ti {B) H!'dd.!a'l (c) vijalaBada (D) Ktl@l

    10o. l4ho ir t E tw EE d.nt oI the Board ot cdttol lor Cri.tet in India (BCCo ?(A) Ravi sncii (B) Anu.ag lruku. (c) Anil (unble (D) saunv cd8llv


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