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psF I t:; y" 1 Oct. - '

psF I t:; y" 1 Oct. - Oe~


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"MOrgenthau Diary• -- Sook J:J? (December 8-9, 191.0)


Dear Mr. secretary:

Br1t1 Sh Dlbal!BY, Wallh1ngton, D. c. ,

December 0th, 1940

I enclose herein a letter for the President

torwarding a secret ana personal letter !or him

trom the Prime Minister. A copy of Mr. Churchill 's

letter 1s enclosed herein ror your personal tnrorma-


I should be very grateful i ! the letter could

be sent on to the President at the earliest possible

moment . I hope 1t may be possible to send it by

sea plane, because the Prime ~in1ster 1s most anx1oue

that the President should have t1me to read 1t care­

fully while on his cruise and betore he gets back to

the bustle o! Washington .

I should also be greatly obliged it the enclosed

letter rrom mysel! to Mr . Henry Hopkins coul d be sent

at the same ti n-e.

Believe me,

'"'- Honourable Cordell Hull,

Dear Mr. Secretary,

Yours very sincerely,

(Signed) L·. Lothian

secretary ot State or th• Uni ted states, 'IUllington, o. c.



December 7th 1940

A.I •• reach the end or this year I reel t nat ~ · rou •111 expect me to lay before you the prospects ..

for l~. 1 do so str ongly and confi dently because It seems to me that the vast 11BJority ot Amertcan tttizena have recorded their conviction that the latety ot the Unltea Sta t es as well as the ruture ot our t wo democracies ana the kind ot civilisation tor Wbtch they stand are bound up wl th the surv1 val and tntependence or the British Commonwealth or llatlona. Only thus can those bastions or sea-power, •PGD Whtch the control ot the Atlantic ana the Indtan Oce&ml depends , be preserved in raithtul and rriendly a.Dda. The control or the Paciric by the United ltat•• Nilvy and ot the Atlantic by the British Navy a. 1JX11apenaable to the security ot the trade routes • both our countries and the surest means to pr event ­

th• nr traa reaching the shores or the United

- 2-

Tbere is anot her aspect . I t takes between .... . ..... lllld tour years to convert the i ndustries or a -~ stat e to war purpcses . Saturation point is

·, r•clwd tlbtn tbe 11BXimum i ndustrial et t ort that can be • 9PU'•d from civi lian needs has been appli ed to war pro~ction. Germany certainly reached this point by Ul• end ot 19}9. We i n the Brit i sh Empire are now only about halt-way through the second year . The Uni ted states, I ehould suppose , was by no means so tar -4Tanced as we. Moreover, I unaerstand that immense

, progrumes o! naval, mill tary and air uefence are ·aos on toot i n the United States, to complete wnich oertainly t wo years are needed. It 1s our British dut7 in t he common interest as also for our own survival to bold the f ront and grappl e • 1th Nazi power unti l Uaetpreparat i ons ot the Uni ted States are complete . 11otory may come bet ore the t wo years are out ; but

•ve no right to count upon i t to the extent or Therefore

.,_, t 1'1 t h very great respect tor your good and t.illlll-7 cooaiderat i on t hat there t s a solid i denti ty

the Uni t ed


Wbil• tbo .. cond1t1ons last . It ts upon this "1- that I venture to address you. TIM fora which this war has taken and seems

-~to bold does not enable us to match t he immense • ot Germany in any theatre Where their main

-• can be brought to bear. We can however by tlw ot •• poser and air power meet the German armies

the regions where only comparatively small rorces be brougbt into action. We 111Jst do our best to

...... mt German domination ot Europe spreading into . AtJ'ica and into Southern Asia. We have also to maintain ta oomtant readiness in this Island armies strong enough

mate the problem ot an overseas invasion insoluble. tb•H purposes we are tormlng as .rast as possible,

JOU are already a.are , between ti.tty and sixty division lf tb• united States was our ally instead o.r our

ead and indispensable partner we should not ask a large Amtrlc.an expeditionary anny. Shipping,

.... ~ ml"~t by sea ot large numbers o.r soldiers.

t~ bal.t ot 19-0 was a period ot


' • ill&l:IY b&Y• •1 tneesed a strong and perhaps

' .; ted reconry by Great Britain; tighting alone

WI~ 1maluable aid in 111.lllitions and in destroyers ~· ,at our d1spoeal. by the great Republic ot which

~ .. •ar. tor th• third till8 chosen Chiet. l

· 'J'be danger ot Great Britain being destroyed · & 991ft OYenhelm1ng blow bas tor the time being cr•t~ receded. In its place there is a

leas, 1radually mturing danger, less sudden and .. 1P9Ctacular but equally deadly. This mortal

steady and increasing diminution ot We can endure the Bhatteri~ ot our

•.Ulnp and the slaughter ot our civilian population ln1Uecr1m1nate air attacke and we hope to parry

•• 1ncr ... ingl$ as our eclence devel~ps and to fWlllF tb• upon military obJectives in Germany as

&1r rcrce more nearly approaches the strength ot ... -.. ; l '

Tb• declsion tor 1941 lies upon the s•e; .. Olll eatablilh our ability to teed this Island,

i91ft 91£ltlODI Of all k1D<11 Wbleh we DMd, miles&

. ~ -5-

. ? -. ' .

''-" our &r111e1 to the various theatres where

•1D11e ot being able to carry 1t on till the

t flt the continental dictators i s broken, we ' '

' .tall by the way and the time needed by the United

to complete her derensive preparations may not

.t•tbcca1ng. It 1s thererore 1n shipping and in "

pow9r to transport across the oceans, particularly

Atlantic Ocean, that in 1941 the crunch or the

• war will be r ound . Ir on the other hand we

able to move the necessary tonnage to and !ro

tbe salt water 1nderini tely, it may well be

tile application or superior air power to the

iilil1a11 homeland and. the r1s1ng anger or the German ' .

·. ·otller Hui-gripped populations will bring the •

of civtliution to a mercirul and glorious end.

oar eb1pp1ng lossee, the figure tor wh ich

mntha are appended, have be8?1 on a scale

- - - - - - ---------------

"l'lacbed a total ot 420,,00 tons. our est1mtion

• enmel tonnage Which ought to be in:portec1 in

to alntain our war effort at tull strength

U,000,000 tons; the tonnage entering in September

onlJ at the rate ot ,7,000,000 tons and in October

,8,000,000 tons. Were the diminution to continue

till• rate it would be fa tal, unless indeed

•--•17 greater replenishment than anything at

..it in sight could be achieved in time. Although

are doing all we can to meet this s ituati on by new

Oda, the difficulty o! limiting the losses is

ouel)' mch greater than 1n the last war. We

le the assistance ot the Fr ench Navy, the Italian

and the Japanese Navy, and above all the United

~ Navy, Which ns ot such vital help to us

~~....- the culm1nating years. The enemy commands the

• all around the northern and western coast or

He is increasingly basing his submarines,

boeta and combat planes on these ports ana on

We lack the use ot

or territory in Eire in whi ch to organise our

J&trola b7 air anc1 sea. In tact, we haYe now


only one et!ective passage or entry to the British lelee namely, the northern approach, against which tbe en•ll\Y is increasingly concentrating, reaching over farther out by U- boat action and long distance bombing. In additi on, there have !or some months been merchant ship raiders both i n the Atlantic and in tbe Indian Oceans . And now we have powerful warship raiders to contend with as well. we need ships both to hunt dOWll and to escort . Large as are our resources and preparations we do not possess enough. 7. Tbe next six or seven months bring the relative battle8h1p strength 1n home waters to a smaller margin than is eat 1stactory . The "Bismark• anc tbe •rirp1tz• will certai nly be in servi ce in January. We have already the •Ktng George v•

anel bope to have the •Prince ot Wales• at the .. time. Tbeee modern ships are or course tar better armoured, especially against air attack, tbaD vessels l1ke tbe •Rodney• anc •Nelson• designed cwmty years ago. 'fe have recently had to use the •Rodney• on trane-Atlant1c escort and at any t1ir.e ._ m•hers are eo mall, a mine or a torpedo my


alter decisively the strength or the l1ne or battle • .. get relier 1n June When the •Duke of York• will W reaey and will be still better ott at the ena of 1941 When the •Anson• also •111 have Joined. But these two first class, modern, th1rty-!1ve thousand ton, fifteen inch gun German battleships !orce us to maintain a concentration never previously necessary in this war.

8. We hope that the two Italian "Littorles• will be out of action !or a while and anyway they are not so aangerous as it they were ma.nnea by the Gerans. Perhaps they might bel 'le are indebted to You tor your help about the •Richelieu• and the •Je&n eart• and I dareaay that 1'111 be all right. But, Kr. President, as no one 1'111 see more clearly than you, we bave during these months to consider tor the ~irst t1ae in this war, a tleet action in Which the en8JI)' 1'111 have two ships at least as good u our two best and only two mOdern ones. It will M tapoesible to reduce our strength 1n the Mediterranean a1ca11M ot tbe attitude of Turkey and indMd the whole "81,IOD ln t.be Eastern basin depend.I upon OW' having


a .Voog tleet there. The older un-modernized ~lemipa •111 have to go tor convoy. Thus even Ill 111• battleship class we are at tull extension .

'· There is a second t1eld ot danger: the Tlchy Government llBY either by joining Hitler's new order in Europe or through sou.e manoeuvre such as torci~ us to attack an e:xpedition despatched by sea against tree French Colonies, ! 1nd an excuse !or ranging with the A.xis Powers the very considerable unc1ereged naval torces still under its control. I! the French Navy ware to join the AX1s, the control ot West Africa would pass immediately into their !:ands with the gravest consequences to our colllllD.Ul!cation between the northern and southern Atlantic, ana also attect Dakar and ot course therea!ter south America . 10. A third sphere ot danger is in the Far East. H•• it seems clear that the Japanese are thrusting SOUtmrard. through Indo China to Saigon and other naval and air bases, thus bringing them•1thin a comparatively abort distance ot Singapore and the Dutch East Indies. It is reported that the Japanese are preparing t1ve l90d c11Tisione tor possible use as an overseas e:xpedi­

.-.-.ey force. •• have to-day no forces in the Far East .,


capable or dealing •1th this s1tuat1on Should 1t develop.

11. In the face ot these dangers, we lllLISt try to use the year 1941 to bu1ld up such a supply of wee.pons, particularly aircraft, both by Increased output at home 1n spite ot bombardment, and through ocean­born supplies, as will lay the toundat1on of victory . In view ot the ditticulty and magnitude ot this task, as outlined by all the tacts I have .set torth to which many others could be added, I !eel entitled, nay bound, to lay before you the various ways In which the United States could give supreme and decisive help to What is, in certain aspects, the coDD11on cause. 12. The prime need le to check or limit the loss ot tonnage on the Atlantic approaches to our Islanas . This may be achieved both by Increasing the naval forces Which cope with attacks, and by adding to. the number ot merchant ships on which we depend. For the tirst purpose there would seem to be the following alternatives: (1) the reasserti on by the United States ot the doctrine ot the !reed0m ot the seas from illegal and barbarous warfare in accordance •1th the decisions reached after


~ late Great War, ana as !reely accepted and de!ined

bJ Genlany in 19'5· From this, the United States ships

llbOUld be tree to trade with countries against which

tbll'8 is not an e!!ective legal blockade.

(2) It would, I suggest, !ollow that protection

llbould be given to this law!ul trading by United States

• torces i.e. escorting battleships, cruisers, destroyers

aad air flotillas. Protection would be immediately

JIDre e!tective it you were able to obtain bases in

Eire tor the duration o! the war . I think it is

U.S-Ob&ble that such protection would provOke a

declaration ot war by Germany upon the United States

tbougb probably sea incidents or a dangerous character . would !rom time to ti11e occur. Hitler has shown hlmsel!

inclined to avoid the Kaiser's mistake. He does not

wtllh to be drawn into war with the United States until

be bas gravely undermined the power o! Great Britain.

His maxim is •one at a t111B•. The policy I have -

ventured to outline, Qr something like it, would

conat1tute a decisive act o! constructive non-belligerency

b7 tbe united States, and more than any other measure


would llBke it certain that British resi stance could be ettectively prolonged !or the desired period and victory gained.

(') Failing the above, the gi!t, loan or supvlY ot a lari;e number or Ameri can vessels o! war, above all destroyers already in the Atlantic, i s indis-pensable to the maintenance or the Atlantic route. Further, could not United States naval !orces extend their sea control over the American slde o! the Atlantic, so as to prevent molestation by enemy vessels or the approaches to the new line of naval and air bases which the United States is establishing in British islands in the western Hemisphere . The strength o! the Uni ted states naval torces i s such that the assistance int he Atlantic that they coUld a!!ord us, as desribed above, would not jeopardize control over the Paci!ic. (4) We should also then need the good o!rices o! the t1nited States and the whole in!luence ot its Goverrnent continually exerted, to procure t or Great Britain the necessary tacilities upon the southern and western shores ot Eire tor our !lotillas, and still more

- --1,-1mportant, ror our a1rcrart, work1ng westward into

the Atlantic. Ir tt were proclaimed an .American

interest that the resistance or Great Britain should

be prolonged and the Atlantic route kept open ror

the important armaments now being prepared ror Great Br1 ta1n in North America, the Irish in the United

States might be willing to point out to the Government or Eire the dangers Which its present policy is creating tor the United States itsel!.

His ~~jesty•s Gover nment would or course

take the most errect1ve steps beforehand to protect

Ireland ir Iri sh action exposed it to a Gennan attack. It is not possible fo r us to compel the people or

Northern Ireland against their will to leave the

United Kingdom and Join Southern Irel~nd. But I do

not doubt that ir the Government ot Eire would show 1ts solidarity nth t.he democracies or the English

speaking world at this crisis a Council of oerence or all Ireland· could be set up out or which the ·unity or

the tsland would probably 1n some rorm or other emerge

atter the war.

l,. The obJect or the roregotng measures is to


l"IClllce to llllnageable proportions the present destructive loeees at sea. In add1t1on 1t 1s 1nd1spensable that tM •rcbant tonnage available tor supplying Great Br1ta1n Uld tcr the waging ot the war by Great Br1 ta1n w1 th all Ttpur, should be substantially increased beyond the one and a quarter m1ll1on tons per annum which 1s the utmost .. can DOif build. The convoy system, t he detours , the sis-zags, the great d1 stances trom which we now haV11t to brt~ our i!li>Orts, and the congestion or our western bart>ours, have reduced by about one third the value o! OW' ex1st1ng tonnage. To ensure !1nal victory, not 1 ... than three million tons or additional merchant ltl1pbUild1ng capacity w1ll be required. Only the llnited States can supply th1s need. Looking to the tuture 1t would seem th.at production on a scale com- · parable wlth that or the Hog Island scheme or the last war ought to be raced tor 1942. In the meanwhile, we ask that 1n 1941 the United States mould make available to ua every ton ot mercbant Shipping, surplus to 1ts own requirements, Which it possesses or controls and lbould tlnd ecae -.ns or putting into our •hands• a lup proportion ot th• merc:hant Shipping now under


construction tor the Nat ional Maritime Boe.rd. 14• Moreover we look to the industrial energy or the Republic t or a reintorcement or our domestic capacity to manutacture ccabat a1rcrart. Without that re1ntorcement reaching us in a substantial measure, we shall not achieve the 118BSive preponderance in the air on which we must rely to loosen and disintegrate the Germen grip on Europe . The development or t he Air Forces or the Empire provides tor a total or nearly 7000 combat air crart 1n the ri ghting squadrons by the spr1~ or 1942, backed by abcut an equal number 1n the training units. But it is abundantly clear that this progJ8illiile will not surtice to give us the weighty 9Uper1or1ty Which 11111 t orce open the doors or victory. In order to achieve such superiority 1t i s plain that ft l!llall need tbe greatest production or a1rcrart Which 'United States or America are capable ot sending us. It is our anxious hope that in the teeth or continuing bcmbar.dment we shall realize the greater part or production wbicb we have planned in this country • . But not even with the addition to our squadrons or all tbe a1rcratt which under present arrangements,

. . -1'9

w _, der1v• troll tbe planned output 1n the Un1tec1 Sta tee can •• hope to achieve the necessary ascendancy. 1111' I 1nv1te you then, Mr. President, to give earnest cona1deration to an 11!1llec1iate order on Joint account tor a turther 2,000 combat aircraft a month? O! t.b ... a1rcra!t I would submit that the highest possible proportion should be heavy bombers, the weapon on which above all others we depend to shatter the !oundations ot German ailitary power. I am aware or the !orm1dable task that this would illl>Ose upon the industrial organization o! the United States. i ~t, in our beavy need, we call •i th con!idence to the moat resource!ul and ingenious technicians in thew orld . We ask !or an unexampled errort believing that it can be m.de.

15. You have also received intorn:at i on about tbl needs o! our armies. In the munitions sphere , ln ep1te o! enemy bombing, we are making steady progress. Without your continued aseistar.ce in tlbe mpply o! ·•chine tools and in the !urther release tr.• took o! certain articles we could not hope to ... lp ••any u 50 cUv1elona in 1941. I am grate!ul


tor the arrangements already practically completed tor your a1r 1n the equipment ot the army which we have already planned and t or the provision or .Amer1can­type weapons t or an additional 10 di v1s1ons 1n time tor the campaign or 1942 . But when the tide ot d1ctatorsh1p begins to recede, many countr1 es, trying to regain their treedom, my be askl r.g tor arms, and there is no source to which they can look except to the factorie s ot the Unit ed St ates . I must thererore aleo urge the importar1ce of expanding to the utmost American productive capacity for srcall arms, artillery and tanks.

16. I am arrangi~to presen t you w1 th a compl ete progr8lllll8 ot Jll.Ulitions ot all kinds wl11ch we seek to obtain trom you, the greater part of which i s of course already agreed. An 1n.portant economy of time and etfort will be produced 1f the types selected tor the United States Services should,Wbenever possible, contorm to those which have proved their merit under actual conditions of war. In this way reserves of guns and •11!!!!11n1t1on and ot aeroplanes become inter- changeable anQ are by that very tact augmented. This is however a sphere 110 highly techn1cal that I do not enlarge upon it.

~------ - - - - -


17. Last or all I come to the question or t1nance. The mor e rapid and abwtdant the !low ot mun1t1ons and ships which you are aule to send us, the sooner will our dollar credits be eXhausted . They are alreaay as you know very heavi ly drawn upon by payments we have made to date . Indeed as you know orders already placea or unaer negoti ation , including e'Xpenditure settled or pencing for creatint; muniti ons factories 1n the United States, many times exceed the total exchange resources re:ia lnlng at tne disposal of Great oritain. The mo"'ent approaches When we shall no longer be a!>le t o pay cash for shipping and other supplies . ·;fhile we wlll oo our utmost and shri nk from no proper sacri fice to rrake ~ payments across the exchange, I believe tilnt :;0.1 will ~ree that i t would be wro~ in principle and mutually disadvantageous in effect if, at the hei -ht ot this struggle, Great Britain were to be devested ot all saletib..L.e assets so th3.t after victory was won •1th our blood, civilisation saved and time eained tor the United States to be fully armed aza,inst all . eventualities, 1118 should stand stripped to the bone.

. .



I ;-v - - ___________ _...._..;., ..... _.,.


SUch a course would not be 1n the moral or economic interests ot either ot our countries. We here would be unable atter 1 the war to purchase the large balance ot imports trom the Uni ted States over and aboYe the volume or our exports which 1s agreeable

r to your tatit!s and domestic economy. Not only · 11lould we 1n Great 3r1ta1n sut.rer cruel prl·vatlons

l:llt widespread unemployment in the united states • 'tllllld !ollow the curtailment o! Amer ican export ing POiier.

18. • Moreover I do not believe the Govertunent and people or the United States would !in~ it i n accordance with the pri nciples which guide them, to contine the help which they have so generously promised only to such munitions or war and co11DI1odities as could be illllll8diatel.y paid !or. You µay be assured that we shall prove ourselves ready to. su!!er and aacr1tice to the utmost tor the cause, and tnat we clory ln being its champion. The rest we leave with con!1dence to you and to your people, being 8W'e that ways and means w1ll be round Which future senerat 1ons on both s1des or the Atlantic •111 approve .aci am1re.

, •

19. It, as I belleve, you are convinced,

ID'. Prealdent, that the defeat ot the Nazi and

l'aaclet tyranny i s a matter ot hi gh consequence

ti tb• people ot the United States ana to the

919tern Hemisphere, you Will regard this lettar not

.. an appeal !or aid, but as a statement of t he

I ', .. •••nn action necessary to the achievement of our .-non purpose.

I remain,

Yours very sincerely ,

Winston S. Churchill .

"Mor&enthau Diary" - - Book J'J? (December 8-9, 191.0)

---- ........... .... _____ ............................................................................ _ ..... -- - ·- ............... _ .. ......... -Psr:~~ · _ \ TELEGRAM Gllie-~~· LONDOH, Deo, 19 , l""<l

mt: P RESIDElf'l' I

I t 1t 11 not to be Ath11"ton let 1t be Arllour tor Br1t19h amba91ador. All Ohr11tmaa bleaa1nga. IW\OOT OXFORJ>.

" •

.. Ps F : .R.>f. ~-

~ · I

... ., 11lrio "ll" "'J.I., ied , ooo :' "'l'M>Ple t:Ul.cd and to lnlnra;t , ,,o

•a\d that [ , •n<i ~· u1C '!!..:!!: ro doim at ~ • > •'1• d••~

}u.YA twJ9n &110n+ thef"I , t nm t.1n•rihlV l'".Ol"r'/ about. t ~l ' " t ,.._ , ;)r

f·1e vt.•r·~ corei"ul h,,.. , ~,,tvlld .1'-rc . I!2. •Tlt."J f t) m ~' r.1n ~

vtle 1Den ' ' " t..no [Hcttttor" :\noulu 'be.!:!?.. ~1cce41 .. ,.111 . t d,,n ' l C4'r~

- ? -

c~ri:> f'or vooaneRs , tnu ~011ri.- P . ""·11:1.t v.e !lhull wi t , Tt v no clo11l t ,

bnt. rit \/hat a coc:t l To 'llC"n ~n a RhPlt " r ev<>r: n1i'•ht, ,..h_,,,..,.. T

cnn 1 t r 01;.<J , or'"'imol~n , or clo ill'.U:. t h in• f11 ot pvr>n ci.l<><>o) i <i u "f"Ptll,

tri11l . H•1t otnl?r" ft l'P -:i11i" f r>ring "lorr> t 'lf\n r llM . r be t' ··011 t o

"'eno Ray At herton c" •1011r ne•:: Anbr "'>'I tor 11crr- .

No one OE!~ evr r hao q1 1ch n fine influi:-nCP ovnr ~ Count · , or n~s

b<.!f' n c: ·) much loved , Ana rC'"" leCted . "'ne ot h•Yrq ·,av0 b0 Pn m"rP

!lo bots and quit,~ 11nkno111 t o t he cownon '3ri ti Rh rieonle .

All mv afr ecti on , e.:ld admiration

Yours ,

Psr: M, P>~­

/f-/ v



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qul ntupl!cate

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I.~/ ...... el 1111 .. er 1 , lHO, ... w wl- ... lM el

hill• ....... _..,.. ,_ -. •••1•• .rn ... 1a ..... •

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ell&ra• •• 91,.. ....... ee. .... -. Ll.....-l - IMttleY ... .-..s1., .. atn1-. l o u.. .. e1u .. aner _, "91.a& .........



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.. ,.

l.e'•u t.... tM Aaert- C••lUe •' 11 ... a&>·, 49 ... ~.,. I , lHO,

r.et••I' t._ UM -rl ... c-ulaM a• fnU.-.••• d• .. 4 Deeellt>•r 1, ltto. LeUer ,.._ .,._ ... rleu C-i&•• •• ....u...i.._, u• .. llMem>u 1, lHO •

l.e'Mlr t.... .._ -1- C.....i&M a• Llft~, de• .. Dee ..... I, lHO,

r.et••r hea .,.. -1 ... CoaNlaM •• lr'>e•'-• 4aH4 DM-.ttu 11, U.O •

... ... 2 -al.ab& .... • ......... ,.._ u.. Amert ... c.....i ... •• lbettteu,

..... Dee .... ar 11, lHO,

• .. ••• -"1-... ._ ••• floettleU, •W DeillnRler H, INO,

( All -i.- le -~ .... ,

.. • r. .. ..


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1.111111cA1 eo,e-it.171

'''' i(@i ''& -•.i ... •· llC'-J. re.,.t"• -n ... c.....i.

l«z'M, •• le

i:.--.,. .... ..i_,,

•N•P-. DH•al>•• D, J~.

lri'*l•' • .... ertor\ h bel ... 11111e11 ~,... .. a Nftl\ et .... -.SO- u4 4hlMaU- la Ule ,_. .... ... M laail-. HniMe I.a U.. 81"'1.,... ·-·

•hll• u le - .ii&•, , ..... 11, • ;>..:Clq, 11....U­• ..i.,. b>&\ Ml&l.l 41rr1""1'1u aa7 be , .. 1e1117 -I.a, the•• .. lH'l"•tl.t a rlH U...t l:he1r .... r-111. ett .. t 1e probUlJ' ...... 'lmt OI&l'4 u... h U•~ - 1'-ell .u .. , or UI• t_, t>"' - · .. neu 41tt1o"1UH 'ut '8lc•, lt .,, .. •-· u u.o, uaate i-.u. et ti.lie t o ov••-·

The uploalon or • ell&ll " .......... _ ,. • ..ala l'&11ay lllM 1..01"' tnto tlala Uliakl7 NUlect UMl lllat>l:r lad ... ,rtall&ed ._ ........ 4Amat.• *loll •• be N;>etred 111 a r .. hou,., , b"t b•t•H Ui• •l•PH ot t ll4• .... ti u.... tM a oheduhe or &&ll1 '110 11 1...ia ot worl< ~a bulMH 11oople h au l>•• ap••• a8il .... .._., 41•· lou"ou llAC! oolltlulon ooeulOMd l• _, ~ ot ft\el')>r1Ha dlreetlJ or l ndll' .. \lJ helflDC ~ OOUtl\1'7 1n lh war erron. •n •u•l• _, N• •• '8 • "•U•r UDd•retaadlq ot Ul• ....,..,. l• wttl•h rei.u ... 17 l'Dd,.Ul· .... , a .... , . - dl•npt • gl'e8t .. ,, •• pl•• tor tb• •• .,.

A ,....., •-11 h1~ uploahe llClllb tell at Sloe edi:• et \ he ra1l1 bet.ea l!lralapaa a8il WU'lllelt, The -ft•-· 1-peeeabh,_ bat tlle dami 8 ... HJdnd 'befeM neatq, ! ...-yez•, '1l• ••l'Din& INlu 11 .... ., i-sasten nd lllralnai- .. _ noh d•leJ'&d, 1111d -rel "'"•_. people 1lho dall7 \ raul our We U•• ta \118 latter pl ... tro:a Oll\~ias N •l d en\1•1 dletrl ••• end eat• ..... IU'rt"4 ., th•b ............. u .. u .. hea - .. ,.., -... laMo fte ...-1e WU ul all •".SlNtale 41-117 M UM i.o9 rott•ft'ed o, l711oa .-o!llq tiM••&t , '"'Hlere ro,.., U:&t at4-rn11&.i , ... aDd 'INe•• -1d ... ·­""",. -at\&llr to • .,. nu. u.. an11au •• •-·a ... , •J•rlb ot Uloe• wbo Mllld Ml ...... tllolr pl-et -.iei-• ltJ walll1-g bad •h9lr M •1' el tiler •W - •Mrl•• _.,.. tll- a un •• ••U a -• er •t•Ml• ..... .... • .. u..-i. - • ,...u. ""1el• . ......... -11111 •alledal ••

l'o tM - la .......... Wl9 l• Meoald Sall• .. lei!& tar ... .. rt ......... to It• ..... u .. ,... .. all._,._ -·--Alla\ ........... = ~ ... 1 .... la Ule alddl• el a ..... #'MN la a Nil lal Hftl• et 111 ... •&tmo

---!lab ..,... .., h ue4 br.;ll ""'• er M\or nbiolu laHla& - •1'7 .. a••r •• po • ••tb. .., 1' llU bea llletll .. .. ., el- - - upl.MM la u. !la• ....... ~ tre-Cl" .... '11 '"' • r .. • •""'- ..,..tea -l r baaU 11.? ... a braal•• •loH to ,,.. ... ,•t'• Le•• tM..-'11( JM - -• t "'•• Oohljl t bll .,. •h•t , ....... • •pU•laa bo ..... . Ill anLno11t, pua•l" drlnl'• eUU,.. a ....... u .... 17 l•• .... ,. ,., ... - Ul• lllo&IJ ....... ~ .... ••ill aoa4er •br • • •11 lled1 et l4h 10141ar• ll .. , p11t ' • • •""' wt 11> rl•lro ... •bneh •1111 .. , . "'1a1t11 •• ~r • ''"''~' .. wbl • b l• oe101toll111.& aueb ••oatl o crlt tot1a ... tbO 1Jet t e OC 11\lC~ •t}Ulbll tiet I~ prt~tcot petrol ,

_,.,.., to th• t.11ay an~ oco~d"" t>r~tb• 1.l>out 'by t nneport 'bret k40•111 aod 4 1olootle"' an hll,'J ot>C ooa• f\lt1o• l'O-'<.H ab•\l~ t 7 l>rt•kd1>nt en~ •lltl••• t '< '>• u t he Cl•l4 OC CO&lllUll o&\ l QIU ,

• or "°"' •••~• l~ ~·• ~••n Dta t to t apo••lble ror •or or<ll atrr '"1 hla;>boo• ull t o ea !)\It '~""·11)h l'ro'I 1!1...U ... h Lond• n .. t l • u a .. ., ... 'be.,, r • • t rTed tor • hat \e te?"9.c!. •prto~t t l ee •. Ju1t wha t •~natltutee a pr10~1tf f9W prl•lte pertOllO ea• ~O 'lnloo, !"IAl 1Dl~I peoph, or at le11t eoae or tb•, ere able rtnally to ~·t tb.r<>u,.)I, p roYided t t •7 N.11 con•1n.ce t•l• Phcm• •upeP­•hol"ll tho 4ob7 • Ul h ol4 up woi·lc or nat10<ftl 1-rt-. But ••en ln oucb e•••• , a 11nl t or !'1rO?l oae t o th ree houra 11 c,omon.

Yuht<\•10 a prhete .,,.,,..r1b•I' at 1'll'll111;:lu1a ie.....­t hat h • eoul d d l&l '?r~ <••1• ...-.> aad l• t the 1111t ... tllzla ­tlon to .. ao u117 .. threo ho=• wit.bout ®taWno a r eplJ tra tbe ••lab• taldai; .... uo1a.

A 11Ule b et\eJ' r~o••n a lltmd1 dlolln.i !':>L (toll•) du rl114 bo"' b\ldDHI II)(! t he earl7 enntll,"! bo>Jr1, 1>11• oallf ..,., ln tho fiL H\eiOl!'J are ort81'.l e1'!HI!' abantl•ecl or put C.hrou;))> onl7 c •ar an eu1;>•N'1A,;17 lon.:; wa1\ .

Loaal oallo QG t he d ial •71tn dnrln.; •h• d17 aJA7 01' ... , no• "O \~ depeA41Jl;I ~ a Y&rietf of Olr• 011a1tano•• · In th• rlrot pl o .. , 1"'911 letter ... bMl&OI• YIG (9la'8r1a ) , to• • &a1111l•, are a d ban b - operaU .. clat eatl••lr ror ••••~Al da 71 , ID \be aaoODd Pl&88, ,.._ b1117 •- 1 ..,..., aore tl'•quao'17 -CIWltved tball h oaual l• tb• ll19h ,. .. _ • hat 10 88.DJ people trultl••alJ llan \bolr ,...• l•••• ott ••para.,,.•• tl'J1aa •• a•• thr....,. M - MJMr .-.. rlber. ta the \hl rd .la .. , Ua• d ial ., .... bNlllll .... OP dOH Mt ,._.Uoa well ..... oa abM..-117 i.... .... . er .-ool'!ll- ll etal'-17

..... ftl'hll '° - - •...S••· n lo - ... -­..._. r .. 11-sa&' IMiuowl .... '° ·~ iuao ,..._et

.._.. ts- ....i...ir •rrta& " •ll .~.,. • • tl't_.,,

- ••' c attM• er ._.. .. _. • •eau-.,......_ _. Ua1-'1- h felt a\ all llftft .0 la all wllla et Uta. hePJ dar ......... ..,_ eMa11ab el a.a.~ ............................... u ....... ... 117 ,_..ie -' .. rlortaa oa •S... aP Mt ...... u1a •lllelrl7

M ... la ,_. wll!l 11 lh.,. .. ...... ::t'•" .. '• .... .... _ ......... h•ftl .. 1........ .. ,. « - .... u..r ..... "• ., a1, ••••• ., wi~ Ul'l-.. .., law.

h ta r , . tlttNI h aotbac ••-• .._ •-r et &M Cl....,. 1A ... '-llo"' ... I , .. ., .. tl•l .. , A Ml~ .. ~ ........ , ... , _, ... l' ._ -..-. .l f.'1 .. , el lNeM ... ,..,.. ~le ..... I Npl .... ta ·-• J w • &Mr tee-· .. , St U.h pen et rat>•m -­ClW1 llo ll• 11...,ed aa 1' ""' 11- '1llr1n; ti.enc tw -·· tt h 01rbJnl1 a "'"9•Uoa ,,. CIMl' ...,.i- wtU 1lle 11th to k .. .> &pa•• wltlll U;1l,. • o>".: •A& ~ r .... h \lllat N.ia•-•• et c1 .. L..,7..S or d-·"' • iW_..a wlll ••...Ur b- .oa• dltth.alc .,.. .. 1 n m i'l••dop lnto" p-1• eW.e!> Cilll OAlz 'be .110 lJ;r 1-,-&al1Mo U .. l~J d .. VUal e qul_.at h f-.anl to 1n 'bek ot, n1Q& '~ .:...,.,, •"4 .U •· looaU<io.a 1.D U» l)r .. ~ .. 11',. ,,..~, , U la 11.::!ur1tood tbat nquuh tor DH ~·h•h•H to l W ...... o...aW "7 "911Abp ... al~ t1hol tor ,..,,_ 1a ti. _ .. u .. 17 4l •._. t-H. H h •ho UDJ•r•'"'°" t h t tt ln&Ha conunae w 'b• d.uti"OJ-4 •t t1M •.,,.i,.•• rah, l t r 11 not ba " '"' i..a ~oto •• 1t •W \.~o...., lJopoHlbla o,. - 1ot pallUH M ale· tHtJr'llJ Co oo,. wlU. t\.ll 111"<*1• e ! {•tel~ wor..,...l'll t~ •nil f roa '""-..rt ... pl.&JUa -a•t:~ n ca alc e "' U.. 1>tao• t uu lonal i...,.,or tuoe.

TM ~rd publie la 1-ls..d to 9&1<• U.,bt ot ta• 1........i..._.., wbleh a tt .. ~ and p1 r1tat Cor 10,.. d•7• •tter t.01 r&ib. !h8 lr\ul·11'•41 or , ....... •I:• btlr 1tu« hr oa,a perto41 at MU'lll ud ...-.. ht! 1tepe ,,.., •• ,.,. ta:oi., ood natured .... ~ p•tl•'· 9at u at.lN'ltl• u h t '!:el r o!apoa1'1.,.. 10 UHJI' \hell' 1 l t'<llll• wttll lnmoP o• re•l .... llOll~ ~helr .. ;>lor•r• a r e b•o .. 1n, &lanaed at tllle reduoth• erreot 1h11b wo-aJu bwt """'°"""' '"ane""°' tallW"OI hH on U.e prod.aothe OIJ"'O l t)' ot \he planh t lP 'lho .. C'lll.l"<t U.•7 are r upo:ulllh,

!'lor "°- rear• l>oton \Ile O\lt111"9.alt et ...,., U wae alf U1I' •n~ bet_,, tM ...:;>lr ot ulll U.. 4..-1 ror tNr>'""' A1lliO c, I RdHtlOIUI fHlUt H ta ~O . ........ - a.- Of 11""11lll•· .. 100Aer ft• a - Nl&d bll11' er a .... oabU laf<I t ban tLaL roaCI OA!!. l hO oebh b- Oftl'kaM wlUI t rattto. n.. <!all· ... ~..,.,., or - , .. allllC'llll ot wor\p1<>rle la I r eiat.tfflf u...t1 -4 ••HlJ -1.•t .. uea ortaN4 pNllbhu tho ool.atlon er wb.leb .... t,... tllle •woet lat.••ltJ• n.. .. ,t bd ti tie .... et -a. ,. .. , et oaa u .. , u4 ...-4• a4 U..a - w •-•• .... a """a111• -· • 1111e..i .. ,.,. •-- '""" """- .... ll•llt .i-• M Ute ....... 'fHh tN"11r ...pt ••Was la ... ~ et a 9*1ale .. ,..., ....... -- - ... :!f • .... •lat H et Utll eef'YIMI a• Ute plPfMU• 1 -~_.. .... ,n ... J:mMSaa.i, u.a - • ..,.... • ..._. aa a "'' __ , .... Utll ........ - el wft- II .... -.1.,... la ... •• h el ........ plM\a 9111• a• - ... ,, ... . .-s11wu .. ta • '"" .s• *' , ..... ,._ et , ....

.... to • qulJI tb• t l.&lltlA& t~ . ,. ...... , ..... p .... - .. -·-­'10lll •1"•• • ...... l'9pl £.7 8'QlllD4 .. - - •leltlJ ---1:4 •at U.. -· u \lleJ ~· Jll 11111 •-'• .._..., • •• ,,_, •C ti.. plaate rwt•r• .. .. II- ,_ U.1 .. , ... el ....... -· .................. , - "'• .a.la\-- groe\b ot l:.l>otH ·~·t-, .la l"'i aa \he ... - - M91a&, t !i• WJQM• lon o t ' """"po"' - • ...u ... tedlUlM HM .. t o -·· ... 'fi'l .... ••h I.A • t•ll'lJ aUht••hPJ ••• 'bin .. ..,,. u 'b..i.lA,,. •- -..a. 1\ 'b- ._... .. -t b• J • •r•• 1n tho ver7 iutuJ'I o t '1ll ni:•, pa r t 1eularh 'f11laenllle,

.U.-oad1 " t <11>d•n111 1n tho cilHOUon o/ l oo&ela,,, l'•i>la .. -••llt :>l ... t o.at•1d• sh~ "-1~• .,... nu b.,.n not;wd, 8U h 1• r eeo,:o\la"4 that 11en• t al ud MPl7 c!M enb a\h• t l<a el &M • ••'• t.r-~•t\dime.ly irlpor~aat • .,. 1nl u•l,.1u l • enC1Nl7 ou t ~t t.h• ~~• •ttoa. Aeo~r~1n.l7 , l t • o.al.u , .., to b~ oertala th• • tt ta. O• ....,.• oon~l.Aue ~•J'lT end 111111 ... r!.ain•t•lJ to llnab I ha ll"U , •hoy wU l IJUOo•o4 l n P N ... D\lft,'!; 1'• .,.,,.. f PM l"hl11;> allov~ t'1<1 lo• i .... 1 ~o "hl•h lt hu alr .. o.r -r.S••o• d b7 \toab1n.J. 11n t bn othor lt11.Dd , however, the osnt ll."•ltaet1on or t b• ln..J.-.,,.tl"lea r.et•rred to • 111 e-one t; t ••h al\ ttnol"':loua ~YanU•• t t Ut• O•Mue 4!1bo.lld t of' art7 ,.._ •to;> bow iAJ t h e ......

In oonolut i on . JU•\i a tn wot'de e'beut ill• rM~eraUM p.,..or• 0: t.ha aru• t 'r&n•pOPt ""' a-.ioau.,... olJ'rtM•·

!b• ... ,.. ai ... ad:r ~hU•\ elpa u.oc '-lwa• poieer • etll 'b•U • rtpl Ol 7 to •- lt U.. .. 01aaU 7 t or -..o .. 1'1BJ 1111• •• t.bP, b•v• b•• anrc1 ee4 cl\ar ln.t.. U.• l • •• t•• -k• paroilu t or u. ext-a<\ per1... rl>ort96M of aa'•r1•l8 and aqu1-• ..... ...., " " hel cit na vp J"IP&l• a"'1 raplH-•· !'b•N •re jun .o MnJ - u•ll• lll • tor oa'bl• ..., ,..., .... atJ'U•tl.,. work and t~•i~ ......,,,. l a ••\...,..17 e11rt1eala t• HtpUall. !'ba t • - or booolllaa tou ..... 'b)' • - • l r ........ ...,..... •111 ear .... ..-1- b •1'117 ... U1e 1> ... a. i'•• la Ila• 11 .. 11 <l_t .. tw4 llJ •ap•ri- that wbet la - - t.7 b .. 11'5 1D t ba ,,...,.. ... aacl 1-11•'1-f\eltl• I• a •- tekH -•b lo•..-• t b u U..t t o J'lpalr.

Very ~.ruly JWN•

JAll'if - , •tL!<tJIMll A>!erloaa r oneul


a:r1:1a1c1 ceu1 1n11111L


ADlllCil OOlt.VU.11 .............. , ... Dtll ter ' • J.l40,

r:i..ace , 0 Jewl., 'letlM'7 9E \M A&wl Pe\Nl- Ca ••llf•

1'ee\el'Clllr I .,__ .. \o Fawler, *1all le •- -.u .. he9 r .. u....p'oa •r ..... ,_ ,. - _, ._. st .., _. - 4- \a Ula ret Ml'J ...... et \M A&wt Mrel­c~ 1.-11o1lar7 at .a.a ~.....,.. OU ca 19111:1 la u.. "'° ......... aUaae • •-""-'• at 1o9, ...,... -I n , IO/l)M, lo

l t.-d \Illa' a\tMlce -. - • M\11 ---· Cla -•IUr • .-. .. A\ ••• '·°' p.a. tlle ~ ae ., ....... "7 o11 ........ !lie•- kU.Altaa _. ... - t ... - ...... at \Illa • • • ••• '" ........ be --u.... .. tin\ ............. Ula -111 ·- u... 11• - i.r -••r u...,, elM\rla aUl•• ... - ;:i. ._ u ... .- pd - au \Illa u.-.. a. _.. *'-& .. -. .--..1 - .....aaol llM• - ..... u... - ,..... ...... ... ,. be t- ...... - "-&• .... , ... .., .. ._., ...... repolro ••re Mlq -•·

o. u.. al.-, at ... -... ao, • lus•-... eJt • · • ·'• wro .....,.. la u.. rotlaff7 an °" "'"' r..-\alr w• at ._ Ju' ale ... -· - 11-. - tlaol \amk ..-ala­la& ·-t.•eb '·°"° , .. at two1 •ll .. •-1•~ ... ,",... ..., • dll'H\ Ill\ , ...... 1.1 .......... , 1'1111 . .. t ... ......... - _ .. at ... -·-· ..... looU "7 wttw ftN mlle ... •WM r111•• .. • a.. er~ uflllal• nui-.. ....... -.., ... ..rr .... ~· to - ..,,.u.a .. .-_... ...... na ft.llwr •l4la& •• .i .. •llPUr ._.. .. 1:.,-.. .... -.ii.

2 'he n.U toll :all'. • tM al- eJt -· 1 ""* "1._. ._.., niero ..,.. .. -1\lM •• u.. retlMrr. ,.,., '"1r ,......

Oe l e DCmAl.D c....i-..i

2 0 DEG 194<'

U110icu convu.n

1 .. u. ·-· -~· lleMl*er I , lHO,

"PHH!! GYP I !ti

!lie -rl- c.....i -"1, ,,., •. Slr1

-._. •o t"~"'°I Deella two.. • .-1 .. e et .... IO/l)M,1 1 lHO.

l ba'N tee• Nftraed r.... a ._,, ot hUI , ... olt ... - ·-· -N I t- tM t'ellowila& ' - II"·

&'Nl'J' - "' - - Ul• .... '°*• .... 1 ... 41,..., Mh ""' -. --.i• ....... ...,....u.,.lr ·~' 1.a ••• bet-. Ille•• ......... nra....r1 ................ .. ..u .... "- -..... - ·-1 ... 17. 1' .-.. •• • .. lt au - .-.., MIAld aUll "8 ..... fte ~ walle PMeiY .. ftPJ U•'1• ~·· Aa •• - n ... ~11111 • Ula - daalle -111dell I • \aU le Ula lar&M• la 1'1111.aM - Ula aala •...t14111& aoMatataa all .a.. ett1•H .. ••lN17 , .. ,..., .. ,..:::,.\lie 11111 1'H1t .,,. ... ,17 ._..... Hrl- u.qe, al &1111 ·-.,•• 01••• ter t-laa _., r ... ""' ..... w '° tu 11111 .. ....-1.i17 •-ll•llM·

'11111 lar&• ltila& _... ' ... Yla& 4eA .... 41 .... 111', bwt ab ...,.r tlaW •-• • .. 4w *1•11 U.U H ... 117 .._i~1 •• C.OV, 1

• --- ......... au .... Ill• ... .. Hrl -17 ·-.... OUler "114lage ""i et -..ee, ._ .. , ......... Yl-17 """°'• -.. .., ...... -11 plmi .. , a_i. .. 1, 1111• ....

'11111 ell '°*• ... • o&llllr •terr. • •re tbara "" -- e14 .......... ..u..J.r of ....... Hl'J' latl-lo, ... - ........... ..., •arl-. It 1Nke4 , . - .. lt .. 1 ... , IO .... _. et tllll ..._ WN el ........ loteb .-u ....... .. WJ.7 ._. ...... " .... 1.. ... ..... -- ""' ....... - .... .UN17 .... ...,... 'llMI •s. pleat Ot JIHl- ...., 'ldft - Ule 6Mllo -· ... U •8'1J «-s .. aa I •NYi-17 """°'• ta r .. ,, _, ot n -....... It - ...i .......... , ... , i.c ...... r\1--lU' ...... , Ula .... Ula\ ... ....... .. ..., alla -11111 libel• ....... ·-... - ...... U'09t ""' 0... De* ... et •re •II- _,,.... ... - ..,. talrlJ -l••

••PJ •ni1 ,......,

o. 1. DOaA.LD -rt ... c....i -rel

• 0 D,.


AF" xru COWlt'l.ATI

m '' , ;••An•• Wt.Her t , a.u-,, h.,..t .. ,

..... ,_ c...i,


-..S.•aa C011ou1&\e O-Ml, i...cs.., •• l.

, • .., ,,..i, , .....

u ... .,..i s.ai..._ D11d1r t . 11.0.

PIO.IP IXL.UID -..1- o.a..i --.!

• • .;- •••!""'" / 14si 20 OEC. 940 $t Lon1 Oll ""n

.ur'TCAR oo•r~ 9o>•UlelQI-. Jlli)l .... ~•r 11, 1940 •

...li!llllW l l lPJ•I • , §

Ab 11&14 Re~. -· -211,5 .__,.,. 1 ea4 DMeoblP 8 , 1940.

!be ftl;J\h oa wblell hl•"1 i...-lftl:• "" .... • •ou~-.a ha•• b- rapo7'ecl 1n ,,.•lal ...... ~. -.4 1' ••- ""l•u t o NTte• th-. CCllUlfden b1 • p regrea • l>U b•• .... ta •l•lllliai QP llh• • .....-. or ~011\h1111p- &ad l1:}1t ..0 -••r u4 n• 1•• he" II•• "l'letof'ld \I • lU' .. aumb1r of dl•\rl•••· 'lb• oOAallla\1 bao •\ill no\ b._ eble t o •••IU'e ""-1 • ••t1 •~1•• ot oa,,,.ltl•• b1ll••1G t o bl t'ellnle. - tl&Un• ah• ••' b 7 U.1 -111,..ll\;r WIN 170 ,._...itlH of wnhb 116 .,,,.. ta\al. 'ft>h apoea.Pe M 'Ill •'1r "11 toe ... 11 eoad dex·1ns t bl hra• mb1r ot ~ oa.11\1\117 d10\ r 071d.

Talepoa1 11rw1oe bu 11.o t yet llHn reno.... 'ftlo ooa111la\1 lt••lt 1• •ltbou\ a ••llpbollo or 11 .. trlelt;r altho"'h l\ oow baa beat •1114 water.

A• p1'1111oaaJ.7 repor h<I tbl •UH N\&11 Ulppi.a& d.htrld h wiped °"'• I>•\ - et tb• ab•P• •• •U ... UDI to op•• la a ••ll n1 la other ... u ... et th• •-· Boe tho;r Will lllt ato&k l t or t b.elr - pr•lM8 T di DO\ bow. PHpl• hen ti.111 allowec! t o purebaH rat! oal4 t:eoda la u.;r ROP U..t la atlll op•• not bola1 N•t.rte\M to ib1H •l wbllh t bl)' are H [ le\arld. TbON h eUll •-•l4•Nbll <1Dl'llll• ebtNt \bl n" reUoa "°*• 11no• \!la !'old ottiM ne d Htl'IJecl Uld all tbl nn boclc a Wll'I b ... t . 'ftao • i-plt .. u ou ter - book• whlob, ae JOG "-• ••re .... oe th• baak• 1t tbl OtU"l'IDt raUoa boolre, ""' &ll!O ~. oo that ,...11 ..... II•• tae'"'8"4 \o Mad 111 the t-'••

I AHi 11 .. Int ..... b;r \119 amapr ot , ... fl\18 Aan l l>"" Tobaocio c -.ran7 - hla -~ 111' I allll• ~ ot ,,.. .... la U.1 d.H'"'8tl• ot WDJ'lbouH • ... • la \bl lld doell• 4\lJ'1A,. \be llll'• ot •111Mblr ao/ D111••• 1.

V117 truly 70IU'••

0 . & • 009ALD­C-1 OIMftl

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11!.!! !! ! ~ ll

YlH C-1 II_.,. .. u ... l'Na lllettleld •' l1IO ,p.a. ~1 'o ·~ Ula' llartleM - - he t in' -.iw al• NJ4 er u.. ..,. N..._ ' •'•199 la•\ ~' - • •'elo* t.111• -llllilll· P• •w••l7 - -·• ot u.. c.81ller e\atr •• ,. laJ1u'M, .... u.. oalJ lllara k U.. .__,_.,. , ,.... ... - - abftt I.Cl ........ , .., - •caaln ed or • , .......... ~.

• • blmlU Ulat tbar• •H llau 'b- a oooaldere'Ole -·• ot eh1.U• ....... u1 .. , au.......,. b• bee no la• to ... u .. - 'lie RllJN•, er - UM -- ot d&aa&e 4- te UM l ..Su\rtal ,.,., et aetttel••

•• baa• 1 la\ ... • t o .PN•oM elU. \ !le paell1.q aA4 ebl tpl q o r 1'aft1Wft.


.--··· 111 , lQ.C .

Wal'9 C. Fol'l'te ••Pl- c....i.


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• , t.Ol•L ~SAC!n • 'TC n 11 nO!I u rnn .i.- r....,.. l'1f P ft'l I! Al P A L ~· •u.

-n~c,. tr :rso U F r x:.r air H ... ,., ,., Al. 19t0·

o ax.. el lll 1111- , lml uaa o• •b•tt1el4 ta n•,,

• e '\U..d • lun tlw• :~" <ro~ ill~• '' .,. > •'We o"r\• l alJ

rn• 1 ~ ·~ · vuttl f13~ • · • · ..

""•••d•J a t il:& el"111-t a ll.,t1ls , 'lllJ ... IP r~r 3t b'3-.

i .. t a t p &. !u auter ~t ..iaer/ 1•14 uo ~e 11 •4 cm

ft'vroC•7• C~l•' • ( ll ••'• ••.ate ( I ) • a •\Jl l ·~.,. • •

'ht tie -•\. pari lo ~ll• hr• • 1 vlcL ti .. ,. . l:t4 h . , ,. ... Ill

~r P 0009l •t•1J .,..., .lll.'•' ' 1 n C-c •1ne•e C4l ar• ~._

~-lllll'"ecl , el.a~ f'1U'1t n • .. ,.,_,.. (6) ll• f ty ""° • .,,,_ all•• i o-... •1011Ga• io&• _oA<t. ~.o t'ol or ••--~••(&) ~ ... ball a Clh .. wt hU. "I&; t O~H 1• &ll r tr.,h,, l'tl' II<>-•'•

•o~• <7 > ~·· ltCllllll e ,,,. e .. 9! '10• ot tho ~ «r• \" \ C!tr'

dMl&l,9', ur:l loo' "1 ,.b~ 1~1:. ~lM llabc lt.lldM all ~

~I\ "'" - ,... ..... ~ r .. Un.. a .. o h;•Pr • ~ 4T ~n..,ntnte4

"" .,,. J,an um (Bl Lt.ot Al.);t and AU•rellrt• (tl -

...... -1<.S ... • •Ht'lll or Ult l>l& WOt'lt•· :MCJ'\Ud ..

la a ... ~ .t eMNo h la •~fO • .O :e • .,.,. . .....

<enn"7 - 11-la. ),•= pol ~U..r. 1'19 • uiaent .. i.. ..

"•• .,,.,, ... uo4 i •t• ••• CJ:.~d<At• of h-1 ... .., ..

~--· t er •-••-.. tua. 11 lo M a,,..Ul .. -·

n, AN'• Qr'""\lt (10) bu •alJ the afire l.rt .... I ll'U

t..e, Oh l l1•• 9M AM l•••.vm , ... (lO) W 1.­

lllw, ..... JK Ha l••I• ...... ~ .,.. lU..o .......

11aui.elll) h all r ip• ht W ~· ._.... all •• •

..... ,..... lle&U'• ..,... IUI a." _. - •tr , _.

- .......................... et a.ttl.W. I• .... _


t.orlc1.Jl,£ all the day11i,bt hour. h•71DE; to 4<> what I Gan t o

help, but it te • hopele•• \aelt, the o1ghto I llaT• ....

ha•• ... c1.e ... feel llter al>1 Ill.

(l) targe O.part~enL Store in e>enter ot Sheffield oppoe1 te 8l1e i'f1eld Catb•<lt-al - eUbo1cll"''7 of "elCridb•' e, J.ont..on .

( 2) 8!10"1: pl'"tnol pAQ .Crut.Lloiwblo aboppin;1 etreet runnlJIG between '1'01m llllll end Cethedl'a l .

(3) c .. tr6l eboppin ~ ot reet interoeutlni l'llru•t• at r i&b\ on,,.lu , N.Dnin., trom • ihAlen ll~\l&re put the C&Ula4Joal IU1d lll:•rioan t one\llate ( • hic.b otbe<' illiol'IUltiOA oho" ••• not wreokod) aJl4 about a '"1le weet \o r eo1clent1al eeotlon.

<•> r.e.rge tep•rt .. nt t tor•• at [.aet lbd o£ hl.,h f tr •et.

(5) trlne>t pl.i opec square or Shertleld a t east axtremltT of 111,.h St rHt.

( 6) ltaJ.n 1111• railroad t>rldge, fia•t and e t eel •orlto rail••

(7) J , , , Cbapitan and ~Olll>al11• LW ., a eubaldlal'J ot Staale1 l\l.lle &Ad ~·;op~, Jl ew 8ri n ln, Cocn90Uc11t.

( &) Tile &.• t Im! or stt.rtlelcl 1nol1MI•• one or th• "'°'' bi l!lll.7 inclu.Orlal N gloaa 1n 'f'ngl...,. "1 ~ Ua1 ted 1'"1 c.,_....,, Ltd., Haat1elcl1 a Ltd, l!:nclilA Steel 00 1111111117, L t.d. alld I Oftl'Al other . r the iarEeet •t-1 ....... la J:a(.lancl, beeldee wol1<ere reeldentlal di atrlote.

(II) WorkaH • oelclentlal 41etrle\ 111 Eeai: J?nd,

(10) at. lolal1<'• Cbareh h • llllld -a la ti.a older tuhl-'l• Hal••Ual •H•l• • tu woatem llilhldo af -ft'toli1 u.. .-..... e -u ... c1 b•lnil pl"-1-• ...... ,. ta• ... -... ,1 .. ouh otllor ill till• Ngicm.

(11) .... Malu.M 11- la ......... alMla-.laae NalclaUal -HOii al>"' I all•• acna\ll at tho It. J(ark' • ~ l"OCi•·



December 20th, 1940

My dear Ur . Preeident ,

I write to of'f'er to you and to Mrs . Roosevelt my sincere and respectful

gratitude for your participation in the

funeral ceremony for Lord Lothian at 1'/ashingtc.n Cathedral on December 15th. I would also

express to you and to L!rs . Roosevelt 11\Y very deep appr eciation of the beauti ful wreath of'

\Yhi te chrysant hemwna which you were so good as to send. I am of course informing Lord Lothian' s sisters of' the honour which you and Mrs . Roosevelt pai d to their brother ' s mel!Dry .

Believe me ,

11.y dear Ur. President ,

\'Ii th the h.i.ghest respect

Yours very einoe rely,

The Honourable

Frankl i n D. Roosevelt ,

President of' t.he United States of An.erica,

Washingt on, D. C.
