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PS/SPD final cosmic results

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PS/SPD final cosmic results. Calibration of PMTs with masks Cosmic results. PMT calibration with masks. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
E.Guschin (INR,Moscow) PS/SPD final cosmic results Calibration of PMTs with masks Cosmic results
Page 1: PS/SPD final cosmic results

E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

PS/SPD final cosmic results

• Calibration of PMTs with masks

• Cosmic results

Page 2: PS/SPD final cosmic results

E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

PMT calibration with masks

• During the cosmic data taking there were few PMT calibrations done using blue and green LEDs. Pixel gain coefficients obtained during different calibration runs show good reproducibility and stability of the setup.

• Also to study the effect of pixel uniformity two masks was used :– 02-05-2006: mask with one hole d=1.5 mm on pixel

– 06-07-2006: real mask with two holes from CF

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

1-hole mask

Light (ph.el.) measured on each of 64 pixels with and without mask for each PMT is shown on figure. Mask effects mainly the first and the last 8 pixel rows. Also the non-uniformity (read-out) appears to be significant. Q.E. is measured for PMT1-4: 12.%, 10.8%,11.8%, 12.2%. For data analysis for PMT2-4 is taken value of CF 10.7% 11.53% 12.6%.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Real mask with 2 holes (CF)

On the right figure: Light (in phel) on pixels of PMT2: 1-h mask, no mask, CF mask. The difference between masks is ~20%, mainly on 1-st and last 8 pixels.

On the left figure: Ratio of gain coefficients for PMT2 pixels with/without mask : 1-h mask and CF mask. Effect of masks is about +-10%.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

PS uniformity

There are 100 optical cables connect PS modules to the PMTs, usually 4 PS elements (64 cells) per PMT. Uniformity of detector response within single PMT is important. On the figure the result for modules p51, p57, p71, p127 is shown as an example of data presentation. On the top plot the light yield for each module is plotted in ph.el. The red lines indicates +-20% corridor. On the bottom the histogram of responses normalized over PMT. The file with all data is attached to the agenda of this meeting.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

PS uniformity

Variation of the detector response for single PMT is shown on figure. Inside the window [0.8:1.2] there is 95% of cells, inside [0.7:1.3] is more than 99%.

The variation of the response within each PS element (16 channel = small optical connector) is about 6%.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

PS light yield

All low signals from Load5, PMT2, adc ch. #9 (pixel # 63) -> deffect of measurement?

Distribution of the light yield (ph.el.) in PS cells.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Calibration coefficients PMT2

Gain of this pixel was changed ~2 times. Probably, due to extra illumination with LED during run with Load5.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Average light yield for single PMT

Distribution of the average light yield (ph.el.) for each PS PMT.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

SPD light yield

Distribution of the light yield (ph.el.) in SPD cells.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

SPD uniformity

Variation of response in SPD cells is shown for each detector element and for each PMT. On the bottom plots there are integral probability curves are shown. Width

of distribution within detector element is 5.7% (sigma).

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Average light yield for single PMT (SPD)

Distribution of the average light yield (ph.el.) for each SPD PMT.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Backup slides

• Distribution of responses normalized for PMTs: separately for each PS SM.

• Distribution of responses normalized for PMTs: separately for each SPD SM.

• “Bad” modules and channels with low LY: example.

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Loads logbook

% Loads: SMs and PMTs in cosmic standLoad2={'SPD1' 'SPD2' 'PS5' 'SPD4'};Load3={'SPD6' 'PS6' 'PS2' 'PS7'}; Load4={'SPD8' 'SPD7' 'PS1' 'PS8'}; Load5={'SPD5' 'PS4' 'SPD3' 'PS3'};




PMT 2: PS4, PS6PMT 3: PS1, PS2, PS5

PMT 4: PS3, PS7, PS8

Totals: 212+164+104+272=752 groups (12032 cells)

“BAD” modules (average l.y. ~14 (15) ph.el.): s71(11), p163, p166, p168, s81(2), s169(7), s170(6)p172(8), s23, s39, s41, s56, s101p13(3), p73(4)

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

PS uniformity - 1

PMT 2: PS4, PS6PMT 3: PS1, PS2, PS5

PMT 4: PS3, PS7, PS8

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

PS uniformity - 2

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

SPD uniformity - 1



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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

SPD uniformity - 2

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Load2: modules (<17 phel) and channels with low LY (<13 phel)

Module s71 std 0.085118 mean 13.5161 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module s71 std 0.085797 mean 13.5734 group 4 pmt 2 line 186

Module s71 channel 1 value 11.7561 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module s71 channel 2 value 11.8815 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module s71 channel 3 value 12.2073 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module s71 channel 4 value 12.4899 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module s71 channel 7 value 12.8776 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module s71 channel 1 value 11.6481 group 4 pmt 2 line 186

Module s71 channel 2 value 12.1568 group 4 pmt 2 line 186

Module s71 channel 3 value 12.3965 group 4 pmt 2 line 186

Module s71 channel 4 value 12.7672 group 4 pmt 2 line 186

Module s71 channel 6 value 12.972 group 4 pmt 2 line 186

Module s71 channel 7 value 12.7305 group 4 pmt 2 line 186

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Load3: modules with low LY <17 phel

Module p46 std 0.0919112 mean 16.9507 group 4 pmt 2 line 62

Module p163 std 0.0656089 mean 14.9432 group 3 pmt 2 line 70

Module s134 std 0.065304 mean 16.8295 group 1 pmt 1 line 77

Module p169 std 0.0899429 mean 16.465 group 4 pmt 2 line 82

Module s150 std 0.0813109 mean 15.3288 group 3 pmt 1 line 89

Module p4 std 0.084679 mean 15.8077 group 2 pmt 2 line 94

Module p18 std 0.119102 mean 15.3235 group 3 pmt 2 line 98

Module p168 std 0.0532056 mean 14.5567 group 1 pmt 2 line 102

Module s169 std 0.0712286 mean 13.044 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s170 std 0.0995492 mean 13.9435 group 2 pmt 1 line 125

Module p166 std 0.0512762 mean 14.8286 group 4 pmt 2 line 154

Module s81 std 0.0722869 mean 14.4565 group 4 pmt 1 line 157

Module p56 std 0.0697817 mean 16.146 group 4 pmt 2 line 158

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Load3: channels with low LY <13 phelModule p163 channel 10 value 12.5681 group 3 pmt 2 line 70

Module s150 channel 1 value 12.3295 group 3 pmt 1 line 89

Module p4 channel 4 value 12.9187 group 2 pmt 2 line 94

Module p18 channel 4 value 11.3169 group 3 pmt 2 line 98

Module s169 channel 2 value 12.2741 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s169 channel 4 value 12.2188 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s169 channel 7 value 11.8179 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s169 channel 8 value 12.3292 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s169 channel 11 value 11.993 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s169 channel 14 value 11.6675 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s169 channel 15 value 12.8621 group 1 pmt 1 line 117

Module s170 channel 3 value 11.9939 group 2 pmt 1 line 125

Module s170 channel 6 value 12.2996 group 2 pmt 1 line 125

Module s170 channel 7 value 12.7684 group 2 pmt 1 line 125

Module s170 channel 10 value 12.8404 group 2 pmt 1 line 125

Module s170 channel 11 value 12.8864 group 2 pmt 1 line 125

Module s170 channel 14 value 11.6743 group 2 pmt 1 line 125

Module p166 channel 16 value 12.8887 group 4 pmt 2 line 154

Module s81 channel 1 value 12.8566 group 4 pmt 1 line 157

Module s81 channel 12 value 12.8468 group 4 pmt 1 line 157

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Load4: modules with low LY <17 phel

Module s61 std 0.0722812 mean 16.5532 group 1 pmt 2 line 2

Module s101 std 0.0582672 mean 14.9101 group 1 pmt 2 line 6

Module p36 std 0.0768827 mean 16.9768 group 1 pmt 3 line 7

Module s73 std 0.0523643 mean 15.945 group 2 pmt 2 line 10

Module s39 std 0.0476763 mean 14.8185 group 4 pmt 2 line 18

Module s23 std 0.05745 mean 14.2325 group 1 pmt 1 line 37

Module s92 std 0.0525933 mean 16.1683 group 1 pmt 2 line 38

Module s65 std 0.0525073 mean 15.6091 group 2 pmt 2 line 46

Module p172 std 0.0665985 mean 13.115 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module s56 std 0.0530456 mean 14.6256 group 1 pmt 2 line 50

Module s41 std 0.0443351 mean 14.504 group 4 pmt 2 line 62

Module s58 std 0.0831962 mean 16.5619 group 2 pmt 2 line 66

Module s59 std 0.0485521 mean 16.2551 group 2 pmt 2 line 70

Module s13 std 0.0475192 mean 16.6163 group 3 pmt 2 line 86

Module s93 std 0.0764414 mean 15.2112 group 3 pmt 2 line 94

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Load4: channels with low LY <13 phel

Module s23 channel 2 value 12.7616 group 1 pmt 1 line 37

Module p172 channel 2 value 12.05 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module p172 channel 4 value 12.1369 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module p172 channel 5 value 12.2192 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module p172 channel 6 value 12.9414 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module p172 channel 8 value 12.2311 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module p172 channel 12 value 12.6069 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module p172 channel 14 value 12.8329 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module p172 channel 16 value 12.4622 group 2 pmt 3 line 47

Module s93 channel 2 value 12.7146 group 3 pmt 2 line 94

Module s93 channel 12 value 12.954 group 3 pmt 2 line 94

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Load5: modules with low LY <17 phel

Module p9i3 std 0.172361 mean 16.9225 adc 4 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module p7i6 std 0.165702 mean 16.5742 adc 2 group 2 pmt 2 line 88

Module p13 std 0.16141 mean 13.4595 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 116

Module s151 std 0.0714512 mean 16.0765 adc 1 group 2 pmt 1 line 131

Module p33 std 0.154404 mean 16.8476 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 140

Module p33 std 0.155305 mean 16.9975 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 144

Module p73 std 0.185509 mean 14.2492 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 152

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E.Guschin (INR,Moscow)

Load5: channels with low LY <13 phel

Module p9i3 channel 1 value 11.8225 adc 4 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module p9i3 channel 4 value 10.9269 adc 4 group 4 pmt 2 line 66

Module p4i5 channel 15 value 12.5873 adc 4 group 4 pmt 2 line 74

Module p13 channel 7 value 12.0526 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 116

Module p13 channel 9 value 6.72897 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 116

Module p13 channel 13 value 10.5545 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 116

Module p78 channel 15 value 10.47575 adc 4 group 4 pmt 4 line 118

Module p33 channel 9 value 8.80674 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 140

Module p33 channel 9 value 9.22161 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 144

Module p73 channel 5 value 12.3913 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 152

Module p73 channel 7 value 12.4008 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 152

Module p73 channel 9 value 6.43052 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 152

Module p73 channel 13 value 12.2169 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 152

Module p65 channel 9 value 8.88806 adc 2 group 4 pmt 2 line 240
