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PSY 1400 FInal Fiesta Project

Date post: 31-May-2015
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There once was a girl whose name was Maria, and she had a problem with attending her Sociology class.
  • 1. There once was a girl whose namewas Maria, and she had a problemwith attending her Sociology class.

2. There was nothing reinforcing her attendance, nor an aversive conditionpunishing her lack of attendance. 3. Maria had aThe requirements ofPsychology class the Psychology classthat was morerequired many extradifficult than herhours of study.Sociology class. It also offered reinforcers forattending class, and even presented aversive stimuli for not showing up.Where were our M&Ms? 4. Lets Review What is a reinforcementcontingency? The response-contingentpresentation of a reinforcerresulting in an increasedfrequency of that response. Psychology class Theresponse of attending classresulted in the opportunityfor 20 participation pointsand an opportunity to take aquiz to earn another 20points. Sociology class NOTHING! 5. Lets Review What is a punishmentcontingency? Response-contingentpresentation of an aversivecondition resulting in adecreased frequency of thatresponse. Pyschology class The responseof not showing up to classresults in the loss of 20participation points and loss ofthe opportunity to take a quiz toearn another 20 points. Sociology class Thankfully,nothing. 6. Lets Review What is an aversive stimulus? A stimulus that increases the future frequency of aresponse. Its removal (termination) follows. Psychology class loss of 20 participation pointsand loss of 20 possible quiz points. Sociology class You guessed it, nothing. 7. We all know how limited a students time can be.For Maria, not going to Sociology class provided her with more time to study for her Psychology class. This reduced the fear of not earning points in her Psychology class. 8. Ineffective Natural Contingency 9. The more Sociology classes Maria attended the higher her exam grade was, and vice versa.Exam 1 Exam 263% attendance50% attendanceExam grade = 88% (BA) Exam grade = 70% (C) Maria earned a low grade on her second exam. She decided to do something about it. 10. Data CollectionBaselineClass Date AttendanceClass Date Attendance (Y[yes] / N[no]) (Y[yes] / N[no])09/06/11 Y 10/06/11N09/08/11Y10/11/11Y09/13/11N10/13/11N09/15/11N10/18/11N09/20/11Y10/20/11Y09/22/11N10/25/11 Y (quiz)09/27/11 Y (quiz)10/27/11 EXAM -YES09/29/11Y10/04/11 EXAM YES 11. InterventionMaria and her fianc Kyle each had $25 per week worth of fun money. $50 $25 $25 12. InterventionRule(a description of a behavioral contingency)For every Sociology class Maria does not attend,she will owe Kyle $5 from her fun money.(Total of $10 a week) 13. G 1. 90% (grade A) or higher on her last two examsO 2. 100% class attendanceAL 14. Ineffective Natural ContingencyNatural Competing ContingencyInferred Theoretical Contingency 15. Data CollectionIntervention 1Class Date Attendance (Y[yes] / N[no])11/01/11Y11/03/11Y11/08/11N11/10/11Y11/15/11 Y (quiz)11/17/11 EXAM -YES 16. Exam 3Exam grade = 92% (A)Not quite. 80% attendanceAlmost there 17. Whats the problem?! The Exam grade made a significant increase,an met the first goal set in place. Attendance on the other hand, did not meetthe second goal set in place. 18. Whats the problem? Where there other conflicting contingencies? Was the avoidance-of-a-loss of a reinforcerineffective? Analysis Losing $5 of the $25 was not that aversive. Maria still had $15-$20 to spend. Lets recycle the previous steps and replacethe current contingency with one that is a littlemore aversive. 19. InterventionI will not receive my $25 of fun money on Friday unless Iattended both scheduled class times each week.My receipt of $25 was contingent on 100% attendance eachweek. 20. Data Collection Intervention 2 Class Date Attendance(Y[yes] / N[no])11/22/11Y11/24/11Y11/29/11Y12/01/11Y12/06/11Y (quiz)12/08/11EXAM - YES 21. Final ResultsExam 4Exam grade = 97%100% Attendance
