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Psyhcology revision unit 3 Multiple choice questions

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Page 1: Psyhcology revision unit 3 Multiple choice questions
Page 2: Psyhcology revision unit 3 Multiple choice questions

A) Is how you can choose your sample from the population

B) Happens when you are distributing participants into the control or experimental group

C) Is avoided by the researchers as it unreliable

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A) p < 0.001B) p < 0.01C) p < 0.10D) p < 0.05

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A) Focussed attentionB) Minimum attentionC) A shift in attention from internal to

external stimuliD) A shift in attention form external to

internal stimuli

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A) Participants are responsible for the research

B) Participants can make comments on the results whenever they want to

C) The welfare of the researcher is not compromised in any way

D) The welfare of the participants are not compromised in any way

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A) all conditions of the experimentB) the IV onlyC) the IV repeatedlyD) the DV repeatedly

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A) How the variables being studied will be observed, manipulated and measured

B) The operational procedures used in the study

C) How the researcher will use the IVD) How the DV will be measured

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A) Enables us to spread our attention between various activities

B) Prevents us form taking in any other informationC) Is an altered state of consciousness in which we can

only focus on a few select features of a stimulusD) Is associated with normal waking consciousness and

filters information form the complete range of what we are experiencing

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A) OccipitalB) FrontalC) ParietalD) Temporal

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A) Auditory cortexB) Motor cortexC) Somatosensory cortexD) Visual cortex

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A) Corpus callosumB) Cerebral cortexC) Primary cortexD) Association cortex

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A) frontal lobe association areasB) occipital lobe association areasC) Wernicke’s areaD) Broca’s area

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A) hemisphericB) independentC) neuralD) association

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A) occipitalB) frontalC) parietalD) temporal

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A) Voluntary movements of skeletal muscles

B) Involuntary movement of skeletal muscles

C) The amount of the cortex that is sensitive to movement

D) The sensitivity of body parts

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A) Comprehending a VCE lectureB) Giving an oral presentationC) Kicking a footballD) Detecting a light touch on the cheek

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A) Using a PET to stimulate the brain’s electrical activity

B) Using the EEG to record the brains electrical activity

C) Using the MRI to examine brain structureD) Using CT to examine brain structure

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A) Activates bodily functions to deal with a stressor

B) Activates the muscular relaxation and decreases heart rate

C) Is slower to respond in an emergency situation than the parasympathetic nervous system

D) Maintains the internal systems of the body in a balanced state

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A) Physiological responsesB) Truthful responsesC) LiesD) Truthful responses and lies

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A) Causes stressorsB) Always leads to permanent physiological

and psychological illnessesC) Affects all people in the same wayD) Can be caused by factors within and

outside the individual and may have physiological and or psychological effects

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A) resistanceB) exhaustionC) alarm reactionD) countershock

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A) The overall state of alertness and activation of an organism

B) The amount of stress an organism requires to function at their best

C) The maintenance of bodily functions to conserve energy

D) The activation of the parasympathetic nervous system

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A) Maintain the parasympathetic nervous system in an active state, resulting in disease

B) Contribute to a breakdown in the functioning of the Immune system

C) Deplete the body of all its hormonesD) Cause cancer, but only if the person is in

a negative emotional state

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A) ResistanceB) ExhaustionC) Alarm reactionD) Countershock

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A) distortion of perceptionB) conflicting cuesC) apparent distanceD) context

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A) CholesterolB) AdrenalinC) PhagocyteD) Oestrogen

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A) A continuumB) A person’s level of awareness of their

internal state and external eventsC) A person’s level of awareness of their

internal state without awareness of external environment

D) A person’s physiological responses to external stimuli

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A) a state of wakefulnessB) our awareness of how we are feelingC) a state of full alertness and focused attentionD) a mixture of automatic and controlled


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A) We can usually consciously control the information coming into consciousness

B) Information is continually flowing in and out of consciousness

C) there is a limit to the amount of time we’re are awake

D) Controlled processed dominate automatic processes

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A) An important stimulusB) A novel stimulusC) An unchanging stimulusD) A changing stimulus

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A) Eye movements or positionB) Muscle tone or muscle movementC) Areas in the cerebral cortexD) Areas deep within the brain

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A) During the night, REM sleep lengthens in duration

B) During the night, REM sleep occurs after each NREM cycle

C) Muscle tone increases during REM sleepD) REM follows the lightest stages of sleep

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A) Results from a preoccupation with one’s own thoughts

B) Results from insufficient REM sleepC) Usually occurs within a few minutes of

falling asleepD) Usually occurs during the deepest stage

of NREM sleep

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A) Sleep apnoeaB) HypersomniaC) InsomniaD) microsleep

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A) Sleep apneaB) HypersomniaC) InsomniaD) microsleep

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A) Make more errors on all types of tasks than they would when not deprived of sleep

B) Make fewer errors on simple, boring tasks than they would when not sleep deprived

C) Make more errors on complex or interesting tasks than they would when not deprived of sleep

D) Make more errors on simple, boring tasks than they would when not sleep deprived

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A) REM sleepB) NREM sleep stage 1C) NREM sleep stage 2D) NREM sleep stage 4

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