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Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

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Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives. Composition of Institutional reforms in Public Administration, major Results and Threats Major components of reform activity: From better to smart regulation Improvement of Public Services and e -Government - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives Composition of Institutional reforms in Public Administration, major Results and Threats Major components of reform activity: From better to smart regulation Improvement of Public Services and e- Government Information availability and Participation Improving the Quality of Bureaucracy APPAM, Improving the Effectiveness of Public Services, Moscow
Page 1: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

• Composition of Institutional reforms in Public Administration, major Results and Threats

• Major components of reform activity:• From better to smart regulation• Improvement of Public Services and e-Government• Information availability and Participation• Improving the Quality of Bureaucracy

APPAM, Improving the Effectiveness of Public Services, Moscow

Page 2: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Composition of institutional reforms in Public Administration


2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

Public service reform (1) X

Public service reform (2)

Administrative reform (1) X

Administrative reform (2)

E-Russia X


Information Society Program

Performance Management and Budgeting

National anticorruption strategy

Division of responsibilities between federal, regional and local levels of government

Better regulation

Page 3: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Comparative institutional advantages – former USSR republics

GRICS (2009) Country's Percentile Rank (0-100) RUSSIA KAZAKHSTAN BELARUS GEORGIA

Government Effectiveness 45 48 13 62Regulatory Quality 35 39 9 70Rule of Law 24 35 19 50Control of Corruption 12 19 23 52

Doing business - rank in 183 (2011) RUSSIA KAZAKHSTAN BELARUS GEORGIA

В целом 123 59 68 12Starting a Business 108 47 7 8Protecting Investors 93 44 109 20Enforcing Contracts 18 36 12 41


Page 4: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Key performance indicators of Administrative reform (2005 - 2010)

Performance indicators 2004 Planned to 2010 Performed

Quality and equal access to Public services (% of respondents)

14% 70% 18% (2008 г.)

Administrative Burden on Business (% in total output)

8,5% 3% 6%

GRICS: Government Effectiveness48,1% 70% 44,9% (2009 г.)

GRICS: Regulatory Quality30,5% 70% 35,2% (2009 г.)


Page 5: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Federal levelRegional levelMunicipalities


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100






77Number of executive bodies in Russian Empire, USSR and RF

Growth of Bureaucracy in the RF

Number of civil servants










0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

‘000 people

2004 - 5634 functions

2010 - 6876 functions

About 20% of the powers of the authorities have full-fledged regulatory support

There is insufficient correlation of powers with the aims and objectives of national



Page 6: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives


Weaknesses and Threats - Priority Tasks

Worldwide loss of the nation’s competitiveness

Worsening of the institutional environment for business and the lives of the civilian population – inconvenient conditions for doing business, high risks, insufficient protection of property rights and contract performance guarantees

Lack of controllability within the executive power

A “manual control” regime, imitation of reforms, insufficient coordination of separate departments of Executive authority

Excessiveness and ineffectiveness of

government regulation

High administrative burden, failure to reach regulatory objectives, corruption and ineffective use of public resources

Low quality of public service A predominance of traditional public service provision arrangements that are onerous for the applicant

Lack of trust in authoritative institutions

No distinct and reliable link between citizens priorities and the objectives of government policy, a lack of desire to collaborate

Lack of an effective contract between society and


“Negative selection”, shortage of “managerial capital” in the executive authority system in line with the level of objectives faced

New Agenda for 2011 – 2020• Effective regulatory and legal framework

• Qualitative and accessible public and municipal services

• Extensive reformation of the relationship between the state and the civil society

Page 7: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Key deficiencies of regulation

• Lack of clear and transparent criteria for and assessment procedures of unacceptable risks as a condition for government regulation and it’s objectives

• Declarative nature of requirements and their lack of correlation with achievement of government regulation objectives (high discretion of public servant decision)

• Excessive forms of control (monitoring and supervision) of established mandatory requirements and their duplication

• Preventive nature of forms of government regulation, creation of administrative barriers to commencing business activity or for market entry for products

• Widespread intermediary “services” in the performance of control and supervision government functions

• Nonconformity of the subjects of government regulation, requirements and forms of control to international documents

• Chaotic nature of implementing and excluding measures of government regulation


As a result:A drop in innovative and business activityCorruption and abuse of office by public servantsLoss of competitive edge

Page 8: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

The burden of government regulation

8The World Economic Forum - The Russia Competitiveness Report 2011

Page 9: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Percent of senior management time spent dealing with the government


The World Economic Forum - The Russia Competitiveness Report 2011

Page 10: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

The cost of building a road


The World Economic Forum - The Russia Competitiveness Report 2011

Page 11: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives


Better regulation within existing forms

Targeted orientation and evidentiary procedure – exclusion of inadmissible risks, linked with harming public life and health and the environment, restricting competition and unequal access to limited resources. Establishing measures of regulation exclusively through legislative acts

Integrity and complexity of regulation – objectives, requirements, forms and methods are mutually connected; inadmissibility of a declarative nature of requirements and the exclusion of permissions and control if there are no distinct requirements

Excluding excessiveness and duplication. Creating mechanisms that prevent the restoration of eradicated superfluous forms of regulation

Minimising intermediary services – admissible only if there is no corresponding technical basis in the public monitoring (supervisory) authority, no specialist knowledge and skills

Outsourcing (to accredited bodies) of part of the conformity assessment functions by sites, where risks are moderate

Switching from preventive forms of assessing conformity (monitoring) that restrict market entry to ongoing monitoring (supervision) with simultaneous consolidation of liability measures for breaches of stipulated requirements

Introduction of predominantly term-free validity for permission documents and documents that confirm conformity

Forming a monitoring system for effective government regulation and feedback on its results, determining the directions required for improving the system of regulation

Harmonising sites, requirements and forms of regulation with international documents, allowing for national interests

Facilitating voluntary entry into self-regulatory organisations (SRO) of entrepreneurs who operate in those fields where there is no inadmissible risk or whose security has already been facilitated through other methods of government regulation

Page 12: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

On a Way to ‘Smart Regulation’

Supplementing RIA with retrospective assessment procedures

Performing regular and comprehensive analysis of current legislation and the regulatory framework

Tracking the actual impact of normative-regulatory acts on the state of the regulatory sphere

Allocation of RIA on all levels of authority

Inclusion into the financial and economic feasibility assessment of draft laws as an obligatory component not only for assessing budget expenditure of different levels, but also costs and benefits of private organisations and civiliansIntroducing the practice of legal “experiments” (“sunset” legislation), with articles on regular (tracking, expedited) assessment of a regulatory act’s effectiveness

Creation and further development of mechanisms for involving recipients of regulatory activity (businesses, not-for-profit organisations and civilians) in the planning of normative-regulatory acts (Internet panels, public evaluation, public consultation and so on)

Switching to a law-making language that is easy for end users (recipients of regulatory activity) to understand

Creation of a unified public information resource of RIA, to facilitate disclosure of draft normative-regulatory acts at the early stages of their elaboration

Reflecting plans and programmes on the websites of public authorities, pursuant to which decisions of executive authority and draft acts are drawn up

Setting up forums on the portals of public authorities in order to discuss draft decisions


Page 13: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Improvement of Public Services



деятельность ФОИВ

ВИДЕНИЕОбеспечивать развитие социальной сферы,

рост конкурентоспособности экономикии повышение эффективности государственного

управления в РФ за счет развития и внедрения ИКТ

4.2. Повышать эффективностьадминистративно-

управленческих процессов

4.3Обеспечиватьформирование, исполнение

и контроль бюджета


эффективность государственногорегулирования сферы ИКТ

3.Обеспечивать эффективность

государственнойподдержки сферы ИКТ

1.Обеспечивать формированиестратегических направлений

госполитики в сфере ИКТ

1.1.Обеспечиватьформирование показателейинформационного общества

в РФ

1.3. Обеспечивать формированиегосударственных приоритетов

в сфере ИКТ

1.2. Обеспечиватьстратегическое

позиционированиесферы ИКТ


обязательных требованийв сфере ИКТ

3.1.Обеспечиватьдоступность ИКТ

для общества и личности

3.2.Обеспечиватьсоздание условий для



3.3.Обеспечиватьэффективное внедрение

ИКТ в госуправлении

3.4.Содействоватьпревращению сферы

ИКТ в одну из основныхдвижущих сил

экономического роста

4.4.Совершенствоватьсистему управления



деятельность ФОИВ

4.1. Внедрятьрезультативные

методы управленияФОИВ


эффективность государственногорегулирования сферы ИКТ

3.Обеспечивать эффективность

государственнойподдержки сферы ИКТ

1.Обеспечивать формированиестратегических направлений

госполитики в сфере ИКТ

1.4.Определятьмеру государственного

вмешательства в сферу ИКТ

1.5.Обеспечиватьединство государственной

политики в сфере ИКТ

2.2.Обеспечиватьэффективную реализацию

госуслуг в сферерегулирования ИКТ

2.1. Формироватьнормативно-правовое

обеспечение государственногорегулирования

ВИДЕНИЕОбеспечивать развитие социальной сферы,

рост конкурентоспособности экономикии повышение эффективности государственного

управления в РФ за счет развития и внедрения ИКТ

4.2. Повышать эффективностьадминистративно-

управленческих процессов

4.3Обеспечиватьформирование, исполнение

и контроль бюджета


обязательных требованийв сфере ИКТ

3.1.Обеспечиватьдоступность ИКТ

для общества и личности

3.2.Обеспечиватьсоздание условий для



3.3.Обеспечиватьэффективное внедрение

ИКТ в госуправлении

3.4.Содействоватьпревращению сферы

ИКТ в одну из основныхдвижущих сил

экономического роста

4.4.Совершенствоватьсистему управления



деятельность ФОИВ

4.1. Внедрятьрезультативные

методы управленияФОИВ


эффективность государственногорегулирования сферы ИКТ

3.Обеспечивать эффективность

государственнойподдержки сферы ИКТ

1.Обеспечивать формированиестратегических направлений

госполитики в сфере ИКТ

2.2.Обеспечиватьэффективную реализацию

госуслуг в сферерегулирования ИКТ

2.1. Формироватьнормативно-правовое

обеспечение государственногорегулирования

1. Процессы верхнего уровня по обеспечению реализации полномочий (Министерство, Россвязь, Росинформтехнология, Россвязьнадзор)

5. Процессы верхнего уровня по реализации полномочий(Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере связи)

3. Процессы верхнего уровня по реализацииполномочий (Федерального агентства связи)

Мониторинг ианализ

деятельности ФОИВ

4. Процессы верхнего уровня по реализации полномочий(Федерального агентства по информационным технологиям)

2. Процессы верхнего уровня по реализацииполномочий (Министерство информационных технологий и связи)

6. Организационно-обеспечивающие процессы верхнего уровня (Министерство, Россвязь, Росинформтехнология, Россвязьнадзор)





Подтверждениесоответствиясредств связи


по сертификациив области связи


торгов на получениелицензий


ресурсами в областипочтовой связи

Выполнение функцийгос. заказчика

при реализациигос. программ

Управлениегос. имуществом




и контроль





НИОКРБухгалтерскийучет и расчет



(конференции,семинары, и пр.)

Мобилизационнаяподготовка и ГО

Разработкастратегии в сфереИКТ и определение

гос. программ

Разработкапрогнозов развития

сферы ИКТ

Участие вформировании

тарифной политикисферы ИКТ

Разработка иучастие в

разработкегос. программ

Участие вформировании


сфере ИКТ

Статистическоенаблюдение за

сферой ИКТ

Участие вформированиифинансовой,

экономическойи инвестиционной


Разработка проектовНПА уровня

Правительства ипроектов ФЗ в

сфере ИКТ

Участие вформировании

гос. инновационнойполитики в области ИКТ

Координациягос. программ

Анализ исогласование

генеральных схемразвития

ФормированиеНПА уровня

Министерствав сфере ИКТ



Формированиепредложений к

бюджету иисполнение бюджета

Взаимодействие сгражданами и


Взаимодействие сорганами власти

Выполнение гос.задач в

сфере ИКТ

Организ. обяз-ойсертиф-ии ИТ для

обработки гос. банкаданных о детях-сиротах

Ведение единогогос. реестра

сертификатовключей подписей

Регистрациягос. информационных

ресурсов и систем

Организациясистемы, обеспечивающей

подтверждениеподлинности ЭЦП

Выполнение функцийгос. заказчика

при реализациигос. программ

Управлениегос. имуществом

Создание сетиинформационно-маркетинговых


Мониторингсферы ИТ



Мониторингсферы связи




Надзор иконтроль

Ведениереестра операторов связи,занимающих существенное




услугами вобласти связи


Администрациисвязи РФ

Взаимодейств. смеждунар. организациями,

иностранными государств. ипартнерами



показателейразвития сферы ИКТ



Подготовкадоклада о результатах

и основных направленияхдеятельности

Defining objectives Describing procedures From 'as is' to 'to be'

Administrative regulation as an actImplement in electronic form


Simplification !

Administrative regulation - normative act, prescribing procedures for execution of functions and service deliveryStandard – a list of service requirements, provided by government agencies:

Description of required outcomes, timing of service delivery, office conditions, required fee or charge for Service (if it is not free), requirements for information

? User satisfaction? Cost per unit fees? Government goals


Page 14: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

The Landscape of Quality of Public Services in Russia (assessed as a good)


Скажите, пожалуйста, Вам приходилось или не приходилось за последний год обращаться в какие-либо государственные или муниципальные органы, учреждения для получения справок, документов, выписок

или иных услуг? Если приходилось, то как бы Вы в целом оценили качество предоставления услуг государственными и муниципальными органами в нашем городе (поселке, районе): как отличное,

хорошее, удовлетворительное, плохое или очень плохое? отличное и хорошее




респ. Бурятия


Ингушская респ.Кабардино-Балкарская






респ. Карелия

респ. Коми

Марий Эл


респ. Саха

респ. Северная


респ. Татарстан

респ. Тыва

Удмур- тскаяресп.


Чеченская респ.

Чувашская респ.

Алтайский кр.

Краснодар-ский кр.

Приморский кр.



Хабаров-ский кр.

Амурская обл.

Архангельская обл.

Астраханская обл.

Белгород-ская обл.

Брянская обл.


Волгоград-ская обл.

Вологодская обл.

Воронеж-ская обл.


Калиниградская обл.

Калужская обл.

Кемеровская обл.

Кировская обл.

Костромская обл.

Курганская обл.

Курская обл.

Ленинградская обл.

Липец-кая обл.

Магаданская обл.

Москов-ская обл.

Мурманская обл.



Новгородская обл.

Новосибирская обл.


Орен- бургская обл.

Орлов-скаяобл. Пензен

ская обл.

Псков-ская обл.

Ростовская обл.

Рязан-ская обл.


Саратовская обл.

Сахалинская обл.Свердлов-ская обл.Смоленская



Тверская обл.





Челябинская обл.


Еврейская авт.обл.

Ненецкий а.о.

Ханты-Мансийский а.о.

Чукотский а.о.

Ямало-Ненецкий а.о.


Москва Пермский кр.

Камчат- ский кр.



Красноярский кр.

Иркутская обл.

Доля, %

менее 12

от 12 до 14

от 14 до 16

от 16 до 19

19 и более

Issue and replacement of Russian Federation passports and other identity documents (5 million passports a year, over recent years, with receipt of passports and registration by place of residence, corruption has fallen from 33% to 23%)

Registration at place of residence and place of stay (4.4 million applications, time spent by applicant decreased by 2 times)

Page 15: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives


Further measures on client orientation and reinforcing liability for service quality.E-services as a priority

Organising the delivery of public and municipal services pertaining to practical situations – joint elaboration of standards on the agreement of services of different departments and levels of authority

Orienting service delivery technologies for different client groups, accounting for their preferences, and multichannel service provision

Outsourcing service functions outside public service

Creation of economic incentives for quality service delivery by using government assignments (when forming the corresponding market for services)

Payment for service delivery allowing for quality (preferably a one-off and differentiated duty)

Independent monitoring and quality control of service provision upon the delivery of public and municipal services; decision making pertaining to development of the service delivery system, based on quality control data

• Intergovernmental and interdepartmental workflow and information exchange

• Creating nationwide communication and identification database systems• Optimizing the process chain and reducing the cost of bureaucracy• Orienting legislation to IT capabilities


Page 16: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Unified portal of public services - combine both electronic resources and services by various departments at federal and regional levels

Page 17: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Access to information and participation

• The indication of “comprehensiveness of information” amounts to 33% and “accessibility of information” does not exceed 53%

• For the regions, comprehensiveness of information is rated as falling between 15% and 76%, while accessibility falls between 9% and 72%

• There is no clear list of information with restricted access• Information is often unintelligible to the user

• Involvement of representatives from civilian society in the work of advisory commissions and working groups is often purely formal in nature


Requirements pertaining to the format and the nature of accessible information, plus a friendly interface, allowing for separate user group queries

Improving the system of public councils under the executive authorities, with obligatory inclusion of representatives from specialist non-profit organisations, establishing a list of departmental documents, on which the findings of the public council must be presented

Improving the practice of the recruitment and employment of independent experts to work on the tender and certification committees and committees to regulate conflicts of interests

Page 18: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives

Public service administration and development of its human potential

New HR technologies to recruit qualified personnel on the basis of competitive selection mechanisms are required. Recruitment and promotion in public service based on merits and achievements. Provision of a competitive basis for career development. Strategic Government HR management

Remuneration system should be modified to provide more incentives for qualified personnel

Compensatory package (social protection, opportunities for professional growth, moral incentives, etc.). should be consistent with the labor market conditions

Personalisation of responsibility of public servants, allowing for the tasks facing the authority and the division in which it operates

Professional schools and public management and administration programs should be updated to educate and train civil servants


Page 19: Public Administration Development in Russia: Major Results and Perspectives


Challenges and Risks

Challenges Weak consensus on the

reform agenda Short implementation

period Low level of leadership Insufficient coordination

and poor planning of reforms

Risks Long-term political

uncertainties for many reform areas

Highly centralized decision making

Risks of poor implementation and simulation of reforms
