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Public Speaking and Oral Communication Chapter Fifteen Business Communication Raymond V. Lesikar...

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Public Speaking and Oral Communication Chapter Fifteen Business Communication Raymond V. Lesikar Marie E. Flatley Kathryn Rentz

Public Speaking and Oral Communication

Chapter Fifteen

Business Communication Raymond V. Lesikar

Marie E. FlatleyKathryn Rentz

MAKING FORMAL SPEECHESThe following techniques should help you

in: Selection of the Topic Preparation of the Presentation Determination of the Presentation Method Consideration of Personal Aspects Audience Analysis Appearance and Physical Actions Use of Voice Use of Visuals (Graphics) A Summary List of Speaking Practices Team (Collaborative) Presentations Reporting Orally

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Selection of the Topic

If topic is assigned, go with that

If option to chose the topic is given, you must consider:

Your knowledge on the topic

Interest of your audience

The occasion of the speech

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Point A

Point B

Point C



Preparation of the Presentation

Conduct research to get information you need Organize the information Greet the audiences

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Prepare listeners to receive message

Gain attention in the opening

Some opening strategies: Give a human-interest story Use the technique of humor Use quotations, questions, and so on Use startling statement and statistic Pose an unanswered question Pose a rhetorical question Appeal to solve a common problem


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Set up your subject

With attention-gaining strategies tell your audience the subject of your speech

Skip attention-gaining strategies, if audiences have interest in the topic

In most cases, you should make a direct statement of your theme early in speech

Sometimes taking a position early is undesirable


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Organize the whole speech by factors and divide it into comparable parts

In speeches, you are more likely to use factors rather than time, place, quantity as the basis of division

Use transitions to connect divisions

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The ending usually (a) restate the subject, (b) summarizes key points, and (c) draws a conclusion.

Present the concluding message in strong language

Suggest an action Present a challenge Use a summarizing quote, humor etc.

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Determination of the Presentation Method

Three methods of presentation Extemporaneous

Most popular and effective method

Thorough preparation, taking notes, and rehearsal are necessary

MemorizingMost risky method

ReadingDifficult unless your are skilledAvoid reading aloud in a dull monotone

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Consideration of Personal Aspects

Analyze yourself as a speaker because: Audiences take in not only the words you

communicate but also what they see in you

Work on the four characteristics of a speaker:

Confidence Sincerity Thoroughness Friendliness

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PrepareExtra Material

PrepareExtra Material





Take a FewDeep BreathsTake a Few

Deep Breaths

Don’t PanicDon’t Panic



Be ReadyBe Ready

Keep GoingKeep Going

Building Your Confidence

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Audience Analysis

Know your audience Size up the audience in advance Look for the size, gender, age, education,

knowledge of the audience

Analyze during the presentation Continue to analyze them Look at their facial expression, movements,

noise, etc

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Appearance and Physical Actions

What the listeners see and hear affects communication

They see the following:Physical environment (stage, lighting,

background)Personal appearance (appropriate dress, clean

and well groomed)Posture (body shape, body erect)Walking (stepping confidently)Facial expressions (smiles, frowns, eye contact)Gestures (physical movement)

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Appearing More Confident

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Use of Voice

Good voice is a requirement of good speaking

Four faults affect voice: Lack of pitch variation (talking in monotones) Lack of variation in speed Lack of vocal emphasis (lack of variation in

pitch, pace and volume) Unpleasant voice quality (raspy, nasal)

Improve through self-analysis and imitation

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Focus on theFocus on theQuestionerQuestioner

Focus on theFocus on theQuestionerQuestioner






Survive theSurvive theHot SeatHot Seat

Survive theSurvive theHot SeatHot Seat

ConcludeConcludethe Speechthe SpeechConcludeConclude

the Speechthe Speech

Answering Questions

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Use of Visuals (Graphics)

Visuals help overcome the limitations of spoken words

Guidelines for visuals to support speeches and oral reports:

Use visuals for the hard parts of the message Select the types that do the best job Blend the visuals into your speech Organize the visuals as a part of your message Emphasize the visuals by pointing to them Talk to the audience, not the visuals Don’t block your audience’s view of the visuals

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Proper Use of Design

To clarify

To simplify complex information

To improve cohesiveness

To emphasize

To add interest

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Non-projected Projected

Types to Consider


Flip chart

Presentation board

Real object or model

Chalkboard or whiteboard



Overhead transparencies

Opaque projections


Computer projection

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Selection Considerations

Delivery Environment

Image Quality

Audience Size


Preparation Ease

Preparation Time

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Techniques of Using Visuals

Make certain that everyone in the audience can see the visuals.

Explain the visuals if necessary.

Organize and plan the use of each visual.

Talk to the audience--not the visuals.

Avoid blocking the listeners’ view of the visuals.

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Benefits of Visuals

Meet current expectations

Maximize retention

Increase comprehension

Enhance persuasion and effectiveness

Save time

Improve delivery

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A Summary of Speaking Practices Organize speech logically Move surely and quickly to the conclusion Adapt language to your audience Articulate clearly and appropriately Speak correctly using good grammar and

punctuation Be enthusiastic, alert, and confident Use your body language appropriately Be relaxed and natural Look at listeners Avoid excessive physical movement Use visuals when appropriate Keep control even when faced with hostile questions

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Group presentations require individual speaking skills plus planning for collaboration

Plan for the content, order of presentation and each member’s part

Plan for the physical factors

Coordinate the type of delivery, use of notes, graphics, and styles and colors

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Plan for the physical staging Know where to sit or stand, how to adjust

microphone, how to use visuals and how to enter and leave speaking area

Plan closing and Q & A session Decide who will present the close and what will

be said

Plan to rehearse presentation During rehearsals, each should critique

thoroughly each other’s contribution

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Oral report is any presentation of factual information and interpretation using spoken word.

They cover the most routine and informal reporting situations to highly formal and proper presentations

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Three Differences Between Oral and Written Reports

Unique advantages and disadvantages Written reports permit more use of visual helps

(paragraphing, punctuation and such); oral reports allow voice inflection, pauses, volume emphasis and the like.

Reader control of written presentation Readers of a written report control the pace; oral

reports permit the speaker to exercise greater control over the pace of presentation

Emphasis on correctness in writing Written reports place more emphasis on

correctness (grammar, punctuation)

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Planning the Oral Report

First, determine your objective and state its factors

Next, organize the report, using either direct or indirect order

Divide the body based on your purpose, keeping the divisions comparable

End the report with a final summary

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A virtual presentation is one usually delivered from a desktop over the Internet to an audience located anywhere in the world where there is Internet access

Usually speaker and audience can not see each other

It can inform and persuade both on-site and remote users

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Planning for Virtual Presentation

Before the delivery, speaker should plan for:

Technology being used

Announcements mailed to the audiences ahead of meeting

System testing

Assistance for presentation support from technical and non-technical sides

Materials for early arrivers to view

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Planning for Virtual Presentation

During the delivery, the speaker should: Plan interaction with polling or quizzing

Take regular breaks for feedback and questions

Be attentive to the feedback from the audience on speed of delivery

In closing, the speaker should allow ample time for both questions and evaluation

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