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Public Speaking Tips from a Beginner

Date post: 28-Jul-2015
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Public Speaking Tips from a Beginner Khaled I. Ghattass, PhD Admissions Committee me

Public SpeakingTips from a Beginner

Khaled I. Ghattass, PhD

Admissions Committeeme

You have probably attended hundreds of BORING presentations….

One More Won’t Hurt You!!!

Public speaking has 5 basic elements:

- The Speaker:That’s you

- The Subject:That’s what you will be talking about

- The Audience:That’s who will be listening (or sleeping) as you speak

- The Medium: That’s what you will be using to deliver the speech

- The Environment: Where and when are you delivering the speech

Let’s just take the basics from the pros.

Tip # 1-Be Well Prepared…

“I wish I can tell you Winston Churchill, Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton or Robin Williams did not prepare for their speeches, but they did … ”

Two non avoidable preparations:

1- Know the subject very well…2- Know your audience very well…3- Know how to present the subject equally well…

Let’s assume you are done with numbers 1 and 2 move forward!!!

Tip # 2- Invest in Great Openings…

“If you make them laugh at the beginning, they will stay awake hoping you will make them laugh again”

- Its nicer if someone else introduces you …

- An early joke reduces tension and anxiety …

- Laughter connects you to the audience …

“Its all about Confidence and Spontaneity, if you can fake these two you will do great”

Tip # 3- Look Confident…

- Over preparation is the way to confidence …

- One can be prepared and seem Spontaneous ...

- It always sounds nicer inside your head, that’s why you should rehearse LOUDLYYYY!!!

Tip # 4- Get Emotional Involvement

“Some things are just contagious by nature, if you sneeze people sneeze, if you laugh they laugh, and…. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED , THEY WILL BE INTERESTED!!!”

I. Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development

Tip # 4 Emotional InvolvementTip # 5- Tell Stories…

- Prepare 2 or 3 interesting stories to share…

- It is OK if the stories are not very closely related to the topic, sometimes it is even better if they are not…

- Know exactly when to tell your stories…

“ Most probably, stories will be the only thing your audience will remember…”

Tip # 6: Manage Your Time

“No one has ever walked out of a presentation complaining that it was short”

-Be very clear and concise

-Have a single Message per slide

-Never ever exceed your allocated time

Tip # 7- Collect Instant Feedback…

“Don’t wait until it is over to fix it”

- Maintain eye contact with the audience

- When you see half closed eyes, speed up or engage the audience with a question!!!

Tip # 8- Use Visuals and Body Language…

“If you have something important to say, don’t say it,… show it”

- Use a lot of visuals, reduce text

- Act normal, walk around, drink water

- Rehearse your body language

Tip # 9- Don’t trust Technology“It’s already a bad sign when you start with:Can you hear me?Is it working?Is there a technician over here?”

- Make sure it is working before the presentation

- Carry back ups with you

- If you are allowed to rehearse on site, DO!!

Tip # 10- Invest in Great Closures…

“As contradicting as it may seem, but open ended closures are the best”

- Often discussions start when you close, so you have a chance to direct discussions and questions the way you prefer

-After summering your talk in “One Take Home Message”, close with a story or a question

Rewards of Public Speaking“3 out of 4 people have GLASSOPHOBIA (fear of public speaking). If you do it well, you are that interesting 4th guy who does not have it ”

- Brings Self Satisfaction !!!

- Boosts Confidence !!!

- Enhances Communication Skills !!! - Better Interviews

- Better Meetings- Better Relationships

1 more Slide

The End

“A good speech should be like a woman's skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.” Winston Churchill

- Widens Your Network !!!

- Increases Observational Skills !!!

- Boosts Your Memory

- Brings Publicity

Rewards of Public Speaking

Please send your feedback on:

- [email protected]

- Khaled Ghattass, PhD

- Khaled Imad Ghattass

Thank You !!!
