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1 PUBLICATIONS OF EMILIO SPEDICATO Release 12-11-08 Year 1969 1. Metodi matematici per la turbolenza omogenea, Thesis, University of Milano (C. Cercignani supervisor) Year 1970 2. Metodi numerici per la minimizzazione di una funzione nonvincolata, Proceedings Gruppo Algoritmi AICA, Torino 3. Ottimizzazione di un trasduttore quadrupolare, Technical Note CISE 70/12, Milano 4. Theory and numerical methods of mathematical programming, Report CISE-N- 138, Milano (with G.Pierini) Year 1971 5. Man-display interaction for unconstrained optimization, Proceedings Convegno AICA su Interazione Uomo-Macchina, Sorrento (with G. Pierini, F. Pascucci) 6. Algoritmi di ottimizzazione, Report CISE-N-143, Milano (with G. Pierini) 7. Problems related to the solution of the Quasi-Newton equation, Report CISE-N-143, Milano Year 1972 8. OPFIT, an interactive program for best fitting, Report CISE-N-152, Milano (with G. Pierini) 9. Conditioning in Huang's update for the conjugate gradient method, Report CISE-N-154, Milano 10. Un polialgoritmo Quasi-Newtoniano per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonvincolate, Technical Note CISE 72/9, Milano 11. Un programma per il best fitting nonlineare, Technical Note CISE 72/10, Milano 12. Un polialgoritmo per la minimizzazione di una funzione di più variabili, Proceedings Convegno AICA on Tecniche di Simulazione ed Algoritmi, Milano 13. Un polialgoritmo per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonlineari nonvincolate, Informatica, III, 65-73 14. Metodi di ottimizzazione, Energia Nucleare, 21, 63-71 Year 1973


PUBLICATIONS OF EMILIO SPEDICATO Release 12-11-08 Year 1969 1. Metodi matematici per la turbolenza omogenea, Thesis, University of Milano

(C. Cercignani supervisor) Year 1970 2. Metodi numerici per la minimizzazione di una funzione nonvincolata, Proceedings Gruppo Algoritmi AICA, Torino 3. Ottimizzazione di un trasduttore quadrupolare, Technical Note CISE 70/12, Milano 4. Theory and numerical methods of mathematical programming, Report CISE-N-138, Milano (with G.Pierini) Year 1971 5. Man-display interaction for unconstrained optimization, Proceedings Convegno AICA su Interazione Uomo-Macchina, Sorrento (with G. Pierini, F. Pascucci) 6. Algoritmi di ottimizzazione, Report CISE-N-143, Milano (with G. Pierini) 7. Problems related to the solution of the Quasi-Newton equation, Report CISE-N-143, Milano Year 1972 8. OPFIT, an interactive program for best fitting, Report CISE-N-152, Milano (with G. Pierini) 9. Conditioning in Huang's update for the conjugate gradient method, Report CISE-N-154, Milano 10. Un polialgoritmo Quasi-Newtoniano per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonvincolate, Technical Note CISE 72/9, Milano 11. Un programma per il best fitting nonlineare, Technical Note CISE 72/10, Milano 12. Un polialgoritmo per la minimizzazione di una funzione di più variabili, Proceedings Convegno AICA on Tecniche di Simulazione ed Algoritmi, Milano 13. Un polialgoritmo per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonlineari nonvincolate, Informatica, III, 65-73 14. Metodi di ottimizzazione, Energia Nucleare, 21, 63-71 Year 1973


15. Stability of Huang's update for the conjugate gradient method, JOTA, 11, 469-479 16. Attempt to solve a combinatorial problem in the continuum by a method of extension-reduction, Proceedings Congresso IFIP su Tecniche di Ottimizzazione, Roma, Springer-Verlag, 554-565 (with G. Tagliabue) 17. Un polialgoritmo con limitata occupazione di memoria atto a minimizzare funzioni nonlineari in molte variabili, Informatica, IV, 199 – 206 18. Computational performance of Huang's update for the conjugate gradient method, Calcolo, 10, 1-27 19. Approssimazione e best fitting di funzioni di più variabili, Technical Note CISE 73/2, Milano 20. Un polialgoritmo a gradienti coniugati per la minimizzazione di funzioni di molte variabili, Technical Note CISE 73/74, Milano. Year 1974 21. Recenti sviluppi nel campo degli algoritmi a gradiente per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonlineari in assenza di vincoli, Proceedings Giornate AIRO, Palermo 22. A class of algorithms for unconstrained minimization based upon a nonquadratic model, Proceedings Convegno Ottimizzazione di Sistemi Ingegneristici, Napoli 23. On some methods for nonlinear equations, Report CISE-N-167, Milano. Year 1975 24. On condition numbers of matrices in rank-two minimization algorithms, in Towards Global Optimization, (L.C.W. Dixon, G.P. Szego eds.), North-Holland, 196-210 25. Recent developments in the variable metric method for nonlinear unconstrained optimization, in Towards Global Optimization, as above, 182-195 26. Some considerations about solving the inverse heat conduction problem by finite differences, Energia Nucleare, 22, 448-460 (with L. Garifo, V. Schrock) 27. A bound on the condition number of rank-two corrections and applications to the variable metric method, Calcolo,12, 185-199 28. Un codice per la soluzione del problema inverso del calore, Technical Note CISE 75/15, Milano 29. Optimal conditioning of self-scaling variable metric algorithms, Report CISE-N-170, Milano (with S.S. Oren) 30. A variable metric method for function minimization derived from invariancy to nonlinear scaling, Report CISE-N-173, Milano 31. A bound to the condition number of canonical rank-two corrections and applications to the variable metric method, Report CISE-N-174, Milano


32.Computational experience with quasi-Newton algorithms for minimization problems of moderately large size, Report CISE-N-175, Milano Year 1976 33. Optimal conditioning of self-scaling variable metric methods, Mathematical Programming, 10, 70-90 (with S.S. Oren) 34. A variable metric method derived from invariancy to nonlinear scaling, JOTA, 20, 315-329 35. Metodi Quasi-Newtoniani per equazioni algebriche e minimizzazione nonlineare: sviluppi e prospettive, BUMI, 13-A, 545-567. Year 1977 36. On some classes of Quasi-Newton methods for systems of nonlinear algebraic equations, Report STAN-CS-77-613, Stanford University 37. Un algoritmo per il fitting e l'analisi statistica di modelli gaussiani ed esponenziali, Technical Note CISE 77/14, Milano 38. Un codice per la valutazione dell'adeguatezza del fit fra dati sperimentali e modello teorico, Technical Note CISE 77/34, Milano (with F. Frontini) 39. Parameter estimation in data fitting with special application to gaussian and exponential fitting, Report CISE-N-181, Milano 40. Algoritmi per minimi quadrati nonlineari, Report IAC, III, 14, Roma 41. Algoritmi per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonlineari nonvincolate, Report IAC, III, 15, Roma 42. Algoritmi per la soluzione di sistemi di equazioni algebriche nonlineari, Report IAC, III, 29, Roma 43. Un algoritmo per il best fitting nonlineare, Informatica, 7, 141-154 44. Ricerca automatica dei parametri fondamentali di uno spettro di fluorescenza X, Report CISE-RUTH-2. Year 1978 45. On some questions in parameter estimation with replicated data, Statistica Applicata, 11, 2, 97-102 46. A note on the determination of the nonlinear scaling parameter in a class of variable metric methods, JIMA, 21, 285-291 47. On a conjecture of Dixon and other topics in variable metric algorithms, Mathematical Programming, 15, 123-129 48. Computational experience with Quasi-Newton algorithms for minimization problems of moderately large size, in Towards Global Optimization II, (L.C.W. Dixon, G.P. Szego eds.) North-Holland 49. Quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear unconstrained optimization: a review, in Towards Global Optimization II, as above


50. On some classes of variationally derived Quasi-Newton algorithms for systems of nonlinear algebraic equations, Numerische Mathematik 29, 363-380 (with J. Greenstadt) Year 1979 51. Un codice per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonlineari con vincoli di eguaglianza, Informatica, IX, 2 183-186 (with M. Bertocchi) 52. Un algoritmo a gradienti coniugati per la minimizzazione di funzioni nonlineari di grandi dimensioni, Informatica, 9, 429-432 53. Computational performance of diagonalized Quasi-Newton multiplier methods for nonlinear optimization with equality constraints, Report NOC 116, Hatfield Polytecnic 54. Computational experience with conjugate gradient algorithms for unconstrained minimization, Calcolo, 16, 254-269 (with M. Bertocchi). Year 1980 55. Numerical Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, Birkhauser (L.C.W. Dixon and G.P. Szego eds.) 56. Variable metric methods for unconstrained optimization,in Numerical Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, see above 57. Parameter estimation and least squares, in Numerical Techniques for Stochastic Systems, (F. Archetti and M. Cugiani eds.), North-Holland Year 1981 58. A code for the minimization of nonlinear unconstrained functions whose gradient is available, Monografie Software Matematico 3, IAC, Roma Year 1982 59. A class of rank-one positive definite Quasi-Newton updates for unconstrained minimization, Report IAMI 82/1, Milano 60. A class of direct methods for linear systems I: basic properties, Report IAMI 82/4, Milano (with J. Abaffy) 61. On a Newton-like method for constrained nonlinear minimization via slack variables, JOTA 36, 175-190 62. A class of direct methods for linear systems II: generalization, nonsingular representation and other tales, Report SOFTMAT 21/1982, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy and C.G. Broyden) Year 1983 63. State of art in mathematical modelling and optimization of fuel consumption in cars: a critical review, Report DMSIA 1/83, University of Bergamo


64. Computational experience with rank-one positive definite Quasi-Newton algorithms, Report DMSIA 12/83, University of Bergamo 65. A code for general linear system, Monografia SOFTMAT 21, IAC, Roma (with J. Abaffy) 66. Computational experience with a class of direct methods for linear systems, Report SOFTMAT 1/83, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 67. On the symmetric algorithm in the ABS class of direct methods for linear systems, Report SOFTMAT 7/83, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 68. A class of rank-one positive definite Quasi-Newton algorithms for unconstrained minimization, Optimization 14, 61-70 69. Numerical performance of the pseudosymmetric algorithm in the ABS class versus LU factorization with iterative refinement, Report SOFTMAT 8/83, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy and C.G. Broyden) Year 1984 70. Algoritmi per minimi quadrati I: il caso lineare, Report DMSIA 2/84, University of Bergamo 71. Algoritmi per minimi quadrati II: il caso nonlineare, Report DMSIA 3/84, University of Bergamo 72. Convergence properties of the ABS algorithm for nonlinear algebraic equations, Report DMSIA 7/84, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy and A. Galantai) 73. On the solution of linear least squares through the ABS class for linear systems, Report DMSIA 8/84, University of Bergamo 74. Algoritmi numerici per ottimizzazione nonlineare, Monografia UPM, Matematica e Statistica, University of Brescia 75. A generalization of Huang's method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations, BUMI 3-B, 1-13 (with J. Abaffy) 76. A class of direct methods for linear equations, Numerische Mathematik, 45, 361-376 ( with J. Abaffy and C.G. Broyden) 77. A class of direct methods of Quasi-Newton type for systems of linear algebraic equations, Monografia Softmat, 33, IAC, Roma (with J. Abaffy and C.G. Broyden) 78. Sull'uso di polinomi ortogonali e splines nella costruzione di funzioni motoristiche, Report PF Trasporti,University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 79. Un package per l'elaborazione di dati sperimentali di funzioni motoristiche mediante splines bidimensionali, Report PF Trasporti, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 80. Costruzione di funzioni motoristiche mediante splines bidimensionali, Report PF Trasporti, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 81. Sull'approssimazione con splines dei valori ottimali di anticipo e


carburazione ai fini del controllo elettronico del motore nelle auto a scoppio, Report PF Trasporti, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 82. Elementi di Calcolo Vettoriale e Matriciale, Monografia UPM, University of Brescia 83. Esperienze numeriche con variazioni Quasi Newtoniane all'algoritmo di Gauss-Newton per minimi quadrati nonlineari, Report PF Trasporti II, University of Bergamo (with M.T. Vespucci) 84. Un codice per minimi quadrati nonlineari basato sul metodo di Gauss-Newton con correzione Quasi-Newtoniana, Report PF Trasporti II, University of Bergamo (with M.T. Vespucci) 85. Software developments for numerical on-line parallel optimization of engine fuel consumption I: a survey of the problem, Report NOC 149, Hatfield Polytecnic (with L.C.W. Dixon) Year 1985 86. Apollo objects and Atlantis: a catastrophical scenario for the end of the last glaciation, University of Bergamo, Report DMSIA 3/85 87. A generalization of the ABS algorithm for linear systems, Report DMSIA 4/85, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 88. Numerical experiments with the symmetric algorithm in the ABS class for linear systems, Report DMSIA 5/85, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 89. Optimal car engine control via spline modelling and recursive quadratic optimization, Report DMSIA 14/85, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 90. Numerical algorithms for nonlinear optimization: an essential review, Report DMSIA 15/85, University of Bergamo 91. The local convergence of ABS methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, Report DMSIA 16/85, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy and A. Galantai) 92. Computational experience with rank-one positive definite Quasi-Newton algorithms, Optimization 16, 673-681 93. On the solution of linear least squares through the ABS class for linear systems, Proceedings Giornate di Lavoro AIRO, 1985 94. A generalization of the ABS algorithm for linear systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Future Trends of Computing, Wiley and Sons (with J. Abaffy) 95. Software developments for numerical on-line parallel optimization of engine fuel consumption II: state of art, Report NOC 172, Hatfield Polytecnic (with L.C.W.Dixon) 96. Variations on the Gauss-Newton algorithm for nonlinear least squares, Proceedings Congresso AMASES, Levico Terme (with M.T. Vespucci) Year 1986 97. Optimization of consumption and pollutants emission in cars via spline


fitting and mathematical programming, Proceedings Conferenza Nazionale Trasporti, Torino 98. Un codice per il controllo ottimale di parametri motoristici, Report DMSIA 8/86, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy, C. Muscillo and M.T. Vespucci) 99. Una procedura per il fitting mediante funzioni splines di dati sperimentali relativi a funzioni motoristiche, Report DMSIA 9/86, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy, C. Muscillo and M. Vespucci) 100. Proprietà di convergenza degli algoritmi ABS per sistemi algebrici nonlineari, Proceedings Giornate AIRO 1986, Angeli 101. A class of algorithms for linear and nonlinear systems, Proceedings of the 7th Mathematical Programming Symposium, Nagoya, Operations Research Society of Japan 102. On the optimization of fuel consumption in cars, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Nonlinear Programming and Applications, Xian, June 1986. Year 1987 103. Numerical experiments with the symmetric algorithm in the ABS class for linear systems, Optimization 18, 197-212 (with J. Abaffy) 104. A subclass of variationally derived algorithms in the ABS class for linear systems, Report 202, Mathematisches Institut, University of Wuerzburg 105. Optimal conditioning parameter selection in the ABS class for linear systems, Report 203, Mathematisches Institut, University of Wuerzburg 106. A bound to the condition number of bordered positive definite matrices, Report DMSIA 1/87, University of Bergamo 107. Optimal engine control discretization effects on fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, Report DMSIA 3/87, University of Bergamo (with K. Rudzinska) 108. Computational performance of the implicit Gram-Schmidt (Huang) algorithm for linear algebraic systems, Report DMSIA 4/87, University of Bergamo (with M.T. Vespucci) 109. Modeling and optimizing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in a car, Report DMSIA 11/87, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy, K. Rudzinska and M.T. Vespucci) 110. ABS algorithms for sequential and parallel solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, Report DMSIA 12/87, University of Bergamo 111. Application of the ABS algorithms to linear least squares, Report DMSIA 13/87, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 112. Analisi di sensitività di un modelllo ottimizzato di consumo carburante con limiti sulle emissioni di inquinanti: risultati preliminari, Report PF Trasporti, University of Bergamo (with M.T. Vespucci) 113. Engine control parameter mapping via polynomial and spline


approximation, Report PF Trasporti, University of Bergamo (with M.T. Vespucci). 114. Application of the ABS class to unconstrained function minimization, Report DMSIA 14/87, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy and A. Galantai) 115. The local convergence of ABS methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, Numerische Mathematik, 51, 429-439 (with J. Abaffy and A. Galantai) 116. Il Diluvio e l'Atlantide, catastrofe da meteorite, Studi Cattolici, 319, 491-496 117. Variationally derived algorithms in the ABS class for linear systems, Calcolo 24, 241-246 118. Numerical experiments with ABS algorithms for nonlinear systems, Preprint 87/1, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) Year 1988 119. A strict bound to the condition number of bordered positive definite matrices, Computing, 40, 181-183 (with W. Burmeister) 120. Numerical experiments with variations of the Gauss-Newton algorithm for nonlinear least squares, JOTA 57, 323-339 (with M.T. Vespucci) 121. Orthogonally scaled and optimally stable algorithms in the scaled ABS class for linear systems, Report DMSIA 8/88, University of Bergamo (with J. Abaffy) 122. Solving linear least squares by QR factorization and pseudoinverse computation via the modified Huang algorithm in the ABS class, Report DMSIA 9/88, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 123. Computational performance on the IBM 3090 of the modified Huang and the implicit Gauss-Cholesky algorithm versus the gaussian solver in the ESSL library on ill conditioned problems, Report DMSIA 14/88, University of Bergamo (with M. Bertocchi) 124. Gestione automatizzata di una produzione a ciclo continuo: integrazione di basi di conoscenza e tecniche numeriche di ottimizzazione, una proposta, Report DMSIA 15/88, University of Bergamo (with D. Carrara and E. Cavalli) 125. Optimal conditioning parameter selection in the ABS class through a rank two update formulation, Report DMSIA 18/88, University of Bergamo (with N. Deng) 126. Vectorizing the implicit Gauss-Cholesky algorithm in the ABS class on the IBM 3090 VF, Report 24/88, University of Bergamo (with M. Bertocchi) 127. Fuel consumption and pollutant emission modelling and optimization in cars on Alfa Romeo data, Proceedings Convegno Nazionale PF Trasporti, Napoli (with J. Abaffy, K. Rudzinska, M.T. Vespucci) Year 1989 128. A class of algorithms for sequential and parallel solution of algebraic linear and nonlinear systems, Advances in Mathematics 18, 55-61 (in Chinese)


129. Vectorizing the modified Huang algorithm of the ABS class on the IBM 3090 VF, Proceedings Meeting on Parallel Computing, (Verona 1988). (C. Sutti and J. Evans eds.), IOP Publishing, 83-90 (with M. Bertocchi) 130. Solving linear least squares by orthogonal factorization and pseudoinverse conputation via the modified Huang algorithm in the ABS class, Computing 42, 195-205 (with E. Bodon) 131. Optimal conditioning parameter selection in the ABS class for linear algebraic systems, Matematica Aplicada e Computacional 7, 187-199 132. ABS Projection Algorithms: Mathematical Techniques for Linear and Nonlinear Equations, Ellis Horwood, Chichester (with J. Abaffy) 133. Vectorizing the implicit Gauss-Cholesky algorithm of the ABS class on the IBM 3090 VF, Proceedings 10-th Symposium on Algorithms, Strbske Pleso, April 1989, 30-34 (with M. Bertocchi) 134. On the bounds to the condition number of bordered positive definite matrices, Report DMSIA 1/89, University of Bergamo (with N. Deng) Biconjugate algorithms in the ABS class II: numerical evaluation, Report DMSIA 4/89, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 135. Solution of linear least squares via the ABS algorithm, Report DMSIA 11/89, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 136. Numerical behaviour of the implicit QR algorithm in the ABS class for linear least squares, Report DMSIA 13/89, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 137. Optimally conditioned scaled ABS algorithms for linear systems, Report DMSIA 15/89, University of Bergamo (with Z. Yang) 138. Variations on the Gram-Schmidt and the Huang algorithms for linear systems: a numerical study, Report DMSIA 21/89, University of Bergamo (with M.T. Vespucci) 139. Computational performance on the IBM 3090 of the modified Huang and the implicit Gauss-Cholesky algorithmversus the Gaussian solver in the ESSL library on ill-conditioned problems, Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Algorithms, Strbske Pleso, 22-29,(with M. Bertocchi) 140. Elaborazione parallela e sistemi esperti: applicazione ai metodi quantitativi della finanza, Proceedings Convegno AIRO, 81-89 (with M. Bertocchi, E. Cavalli) 141. Block ABS algorithms for dense linear systems in a vector processor environment, Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing Tools for Science and Engineering, Pisa, December 1989, 39-46 (with M. Bertocchi) 142. Modelling and optimizing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in an Alfa Romeo car, Control and Cybernetics,18, 43-51 (with J. Abaffy, K. Rudzinska, M.T. Vespucci). Year 1990 143. A class of scaled direct methods for linear systems, Annals of the Istitute of Statistical Mathematics, 42, 187-201 (with J. Abaffy)


144. The scaled ABS algorithm and its application to linear least squares: some numerical results, Report DMSIA 3/90, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 145. Application of ABS algorithms to constrained optimization I: linear equality constraints, Report DMSIA 7/90, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia) 146. The basic block ABS method I: formulation and theoretical properties, Report DMSIA 15/90, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia, Z. Gao) 147. An approach for polyhedral approximations to subdifferentials of finite convex functions, Report DMSIA 17/90, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia) 148. The scaled ABS versions of some conjugate gradient methods for nonsymmetric linear systems, Report DMSIA 19/90, University of Bergamo (with Z. Gao, H. Yu) 149. Apollo objects, Atlantis and the Deluge: a catastrophical scenario for the end of the last glaciation, Report DMSIA 22/90, University of Bergamo. 150. On some ABS methods for the computation on the pseudo-inverse, Report DMSIA 24/90, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia) 151. Optimally conditioned scaled ABS algorithms for linear systems, JOTA, 67, 71-80 (with Z. Yang) 152. Elementi di Algebra Vettoriale e Matriciale, RES Editrice, Milano Modelling and Optimizing Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions in an Alfa Romeo Car, Proceedings SASIAM Meeting on Mathematical Methods for Industrial Problems, Kaiserslautern,153-163 153. A Vectorized Fortran Code of the Implicit Gauss-Cholesky Algorithm of the ABS class, Report 1/34, PF Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo (with M. Bertocchi) 154. A Vectorized Fortran Code of the Modified Huang Algorithm of the ABS class, Report 1/35, PF Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo (with M. Bertocchi, L. Brandolini) 155. Vectorizing the Modified Huang Algorithm of the ABS class on the IBM 3090 VF, Report 1/36, PF Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo (with M. Bertocchi, L. Brandolini) 156. Vectorizing the Implicitt Gauss-Cholesky Algorithm ofthe ABS class on the IBM 3090 VF, Report 1/37, PF Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo (with M. Bertocchi) 157. On the bounds to the condition number of bordered positive definite matrices, Calcolo 27, 127-137 (with N. Deng) 158. Vectorizing the implicit QR algorithm of the ABS class on the IBM 3090 VF, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Computing: Achievements, Problems and Prospects, Capri (with M. Bertocchi and M.T. Vespucci) Year 1991 159. Computer Algorithms for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations: the State of Art, Springer (Proceedingsof a NATO ASI, editor)


160. ABS algorithms for general linear systems, in Computer Algorithms for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations: the State of Art (E. Spedicato ed.), Springer, 93-110 161. De aliqua methodi Huang proprietate, Report DMSIA 4/91, University of Bergamo 162. A class of difference ABS-type algorithms for a nonlinear system of equations, Report DMSIA 6/91, University of Bergamo (with Z. Chen, N. Deng) 163. The local convergence property of the nonlinear Voevodin-ABS algorithm, Report DMSIA 7/91, University of Bergamo (with N. Deng, N. Zhu) 164. ABS algorithms for general linear systems, Report DMSIA 8/91, University of Bergamo 165. A local convergence theorem for nonlinear ABS algorithms, Report DMSIA 9/91, University of Bergamo (with N. Deng, M. Zhu) 166. Solving secant equations via the ABS algorithm, Report DMSIA 10/91, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia) 167. A vectorized FORTRAN code of the implicit QR algorithm of the ABS class, Report 1/56, PF Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo (with M. Bertocchi, M.T. Vespucci) 168. Experiments with the ABS implicit Gauss-Cholesky algorithm on nested dissection matrices, Report 1/69, PF Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo (with N. Deng, M.T. Vespucci) 169. Numerical performance of conjugate gradient type ABS methods on ill conditioned problems, Report DMSIA 13/91, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 170. Factorized ABS algorithms for linear systems: derivation and numerical results, Report DMSIA 14/91, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 171. A further discussion on the local convergence of the nonlinear ABS algorithm, Report DMSIA 15/91 (with N. Deng, M. Zhu) 172. Numerical behaviour of the implicit QR algorithm in the ABS class for nonlinear systems, Report DMSIA 16/91 (with E. Bodon) 173. Apollo objects, Atlantis and Deluge, NEARA Journal 26, 1-16 174. NATO ASI on Computer Algorithms for Solving Linear Algebraic Equations: the State of Art: Contributed Papers (E. Spedicato, M.T. Vespucci eds.), Cooperativa Studium Bergomense, Bergamo Year 1992 175. A class of sparse symmetric Quasi-Newton updates, Report DMSIA 1/92, University of Bergamo 176. On sparse symmetric and positive definite Quasi-Newton updates, Report DMSIA, 2/92 (with J. Zhao) 177. An orthogonally scaled ABS method for nonlinear least squares problems, Report DMSIA 4/92, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang)


178. On some STOD-ABS type algorithms for large linear systems, Report DMSIA 5/92, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon) 179. A bibliography on the ABS methods, Report DMSIA 19/92, University of Bergamo (with M.T. Vespucci) 180. Optimally stable ABS methods for nonlinear underdetermined systems, Report DMSIA 20/92, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang) 181. ABS algorithms 1982-1992: a review of theoretical results and computational achievements, Report 1/90, PF Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo. 182. On the minimum residual conjugate gradient type ABS algorithm for linear least squares, Report DMSIA 29/92, University of Bergamo (with M. Longhino and M.T. Vespucci) 183. Vectorizing the implicit QR algorith of the ABS class on the IBM 3090 VF, in Parallel Computing: Problems, Methods and Applications, P. Pessina and A. Murli eds., Elsevier, 87-98 184. The First International Conference on ABS Methods, Luoyang, September 1991, Special Issue, OptimizationMethods and Software (editor) 185. A review of ABS algorithms for general linear systems, Optimization Methods and Software, 1, 171-182 186. An orthogonally scaled ABS method for nonlinear least squares problems, Optimization Methods and Software, 1, 233-242 (with Z. Huang) 187. Finding general solutions of the Quasi Newton equation via the ABS approach, Optimization Methods and Software,1, 243-252 (with Z. Xia) 188. A class of descent algorithms for nonlinear function minimization with linear equality constraints, Optimization Methods and Software, 1, 265-272 (with Z. Xia) 189. A class of sparse symmetric Quasi-Newton updates, Ricerca Operativa 22, 63-70 190. On some ABS methods for the computation of the pseudoinverse, Ricerca Operativa 22, 35-41 (with Z. Xia) 191. Numerical behaviour of the implicit QR algorithm in the ABS class for linear least squares, Ricerca Operativa 22, 42-55 (with E. Bodon) 192. Proceedings of the First International Conference on ABS Algorithms: Contributed Papers, Cooperativa Studium Bergomense (editor) Year 1993 193. Solving sparse unsymmetric linear systems by implicit Gauss algorithm: stability, Report DMSIA 4/93, University of Bergamo (with M. Tuma) 194. Testing of ABS-Huang methods on moderately large nonlinear systems, Report DMSIA 5/93, University of Bergamo (with A. Galantai and A. Jeney) 195. Polynomial interpolation of multivariate functions via the Hegedus and


the modified Huang algorithm, Technical report, PFT2, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang) (also as Report DMSIA 12/93) 196. Multivariate scattered data interpolation via radial basis functions, Technical report, PFT2, University of Bergamo (with Z. Yang) (also as Report DMSIA 13/93) 197. Variations on the Gram-Schmidt and the Huang algorithms for linear systems: a numerical study, Aplikace Matematiky, 2, 81-100 (with M.T. Vespucci) 198. Solution of linear least squares via the ABS algorithm, Mathematical Programming 58, 111-136 (with E. Bodon) 199. Ten years of ABS methods: a review of theoretical results and computational achievements, Surveys on Mathematics for Industry 3, 217-232 200. Software development for multidimensional scattered data fitting, Proceedings Primo Convegno Nazionale Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti, Roma 201. A FORTRAN code of a Quasi-Newton ABS algorithm, Report DMSIA 7/93, University of Bergamo (with A. Galantai, A. Jeney) 202. Explicit general solution of the Quasi-Newton equation with sparsity and symmetry, Report DMSIA 11/93, University of Bergamo (with J. Zhao) 203. A faster method for computing Karmarkar's projections when m>n/2, Report DMSIA 15/93, University of Bergamo (with Z. Yang) 204. Explicit general solution of the Quasi-Newton equation with sparsity and symmetry, Optimization Methods and Software 2, 311-319 (with J. Zhao) 205. A class of difference ABS-type algorithms for a nonlinear system of equations, Report DMSIA 16/93, (with Z. Chen, N. Deng) 206. The truncated difference ABS-type algorithm for nonlinear systems of equations, Report DMSIA 21/93, University of Bergamo (with Z. Chen, N. Deng) Year 1994 207. Numerical experiments with Newton's , Brent's and Huang type methods for nonlinear systems, Report DMSIA 1/94, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang) 208. ABS algorithms for linear systems and linear least squares: theoretical results and computational performance, Report DMSIA 2/94, University of Bergamo 209. On the generalized implicit LU algorithm of the ABS class for linear systems, Report DMSIA 3/94, University of Bergamo (with M. Zhu) 210. Numerical testing of Quasi-Newton and some related methods for nonlinear systems, Report DMSIA 4/94, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang) 211. Multivariate function approximation by radial basis functions via the implicit QR method, Report DMSIA, University of Bergamo 8/94 (with Z. Huang) 212. Further numerical testing of Newton-type methods for nonlinear systems, Report DMSIA 9/94, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang)


213. A reduced ABS type algorithm I: basic properties, Report DMSIA 10/94 (with M. Zhu) 214. A local convergence theorem for nonlinear ABS algorithms, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 13, 49-59 (with N. Deng and M. Zhu) 215. A class of difference ABS type algorithms for a nonlinear system of equations, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 1, 313-329 (with Z. Chen and N. Deng) 216. Algorithms for Continuous Optimization: the State of the Art, Proceedings of NATO ASI, Kluwer, Dordrecht (editor) 217. ABS algorithms for nonlinear optimization, in Algorithms for Continuous Optimization: the State of the Art, 333-356 (with Z. Xia) 218. The first Italian-Russian biennial conference on mathematical programming, Optimization Methods and Software, special issue, editor (coeditors L. Bianco,F. Lampariello, M. Sassano, Y. Evtushenko) 219. A set of data for car engine functions, Technical Note, PF Trasporti (with E. Bodon and E. Feng) Year 1995 220. Metodi per la costruzione ed ottimizzazione di funzioni motoristiche, Proceedings Secondo Convegno Nazionale Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti, Genova (with E. Bodon, M.T. Vespucci, Z. Xia, E. Feng) 221. ABS algorithms for linear systems and linear least squares: theoretical results and computational performance, Scientia Iranica 1, 289-303 222. La fin de la dernière glaciation: Atlantide, déluge et catastrophisme, Kadath 29-55 223. Algoritmi per ottimizzazione nonlineare continua: una rassegna, Report DMSIA 5/95, University of Bergamo 224. ABS algorithms from Luoyang to Beijing, Report DMSIA 12/95, University of Bergamo 225. ABS algorithms for KT equations, Report DMSIA 15/95, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon and Z. Chen) 226. Algoritmi per programmazione nonlineare ed equazioni lineari e nonlineari. Dai metodi classici ai metodi ABS. RES Editrice, Milano Year 1996 227. ABS methods for KT equations, in Nonlinear Optimization and Applications, Plenum Press, 345-359, G. Di Pillo and F. Giannessi editors (with E. Bodon and Z, Chen) 228. On sparse Quasi-Newton Quasi-diagonally dominant updates, Report DMSIA 1/96, University of Bergamo (with N. Deng and Z. Li) 229. The implicit LX method of the ABS class, Report DMSIA 2/96, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia and L. Zhang)


230. A bibliography on the ABS methods, Report DMSIA 3/96, University of Bergamo (with S. Nicolai) 231. Reformulation of the ABS algorithm via full rank Abaffian, Report DMSIA 4/96, University of Bergamo (with M. Zhu) 232. Efficient solution of linear systems after rank-one correction via the ABS algorithm with full rank Abaffians, Report DMSIA 5/96, University of Bergamo (with M. Zhu) 233. ABS reformulation of the GMRES method, Report DMSIA 14/96, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang) 234. Numerical experience with Newton like methods for nonlinear algebraic systems, Report DMSIA 15/96, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang) 235. ABS algorithms for linear equations and applications to optimization, Report DMSIA 30/96, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia, L. Zhang and K. Mirnia) 236. A new nonlinear ABS-type algorithm and its convergence properties, Report DMSIA 33/96, University of Bergamo (with N. Deng and Z. Chen) 237. Metodi matematici per la soluzione di equazioni lineari e nonlineari (Metodi ABS a proiezioni), MIR, Mosca (Russian edition with update of Monograph 131) (with J. Abaffy) 238. Optimizing fuel consumption and emissions in a Fiat car via the gradiental code OPXRQP, Technical Note, PF Trasporti (with E. Bodon) Year 1997 239. Numerical experience with Newton-like methods for nonlinear algebraic systems, Computing 58, 69-89 (with Z. Huang) 240. A fitting function for optimal engine control parameters,Technical Note, PF Trasporti (with E. Bodon) 241. A faster method for computing Karmarkar's projections for large number of constraints,Optimization 40, 343-350 (with S. Nicolai and Z. Yang) (also as Report DMSIA 2/97, University of Bergamo ) 242. Numerical solution of the planetary alignement equations,Report DMSIA 8/97, University of Bergamo (with Z. Huang) 243. Apollo objects, Atlantis and other tales: a catastrophical scenario for discontinuities in human history, Report DMSIA 9/97, University of Bergamo 244. Evidence of Tunguska type impacts over the Pacific basin around the year 1178, Report DMSIA 20/97, University of Bergamo 245. A class of sparse symmetric Quasi-Newton updates with least change column correction, Report DMSIA 17/97, University of Bergamo (with Z. Li) 246. A sensitivity analysis for the LEGOCAD problem, Report DMSIA 27/17, University of Bergamo


247. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on ABS Algorithms, Beijing, June 1995, Report DMSIA 19/97, University of Bergamo (Li Z. and Luksan L. coeditors) 248. Reformulation of the ABS algorithm via full rank Abaffians, Proceedings EAMA-97 Conference, Sevilla, September 1997, F. Cobos, J. Gomez, F. Mateos editors (with M. Zhu) 249. The implicit LX algorithm and applications to the LP problem, in Proceedings AIRO Meeting, St Vincent, 16-19 September 1997 (p. 125) 250. Special issue on ABS methods, Optimization Methods and Software, vol. 8 (editor) 251. ABS algorithms from Luoyang to Beijing, Optimization Methods and Software 8, 87-97 252. The implicit LX method of the ABS class, Optimization Methods and Software 8, 99-110 (with Z. Xia and L. Zhang) 253. A bibliography of the ABS methods, Optimization Methods and Software 8, 171-183 (with S. Nicolai) 254. Who were the Hyksos?, Chronology and Catastrophism Review, 1997/1, 55 Year 1998 255. Towards ABS methods for large-scale sparse linear systems, Report DMSIA 1/98, University of Bergamo (with Z. Li) 256. Restarted and truncated versions of ABS methods for large linear systems: a basic framework, in Large-Scale Scientific Computations of Engineering and Environmental Problems (M. Griebel, O.P. Iliev, S.D. Margenov and P.S. Vassilevski eds.), Vieweg, 328-337 257. Algorithms for Large Scale Linear Algebraic Systems, Applications in Science and Engineering, Kluwer (G. Winter Althaus coeditor) 258. ABS algorithms for linear equations and applications to optimization, in see above, 291-320 (with Z. Xia, L.W. Zhang and K. Mirnia) 259. A new chronology for Egyptian and related ancient histories, in Har Karkom e Monte Sinai: Archeologia e Mito. Atti Convegno di Studi Associazione Lombarda Archeologica, 18 gennaio 1997, Milano (Comune di Milano) 260. De aliqua methodi Huangianae proprietate, Vox Latina 34, 347-351 261. Equilibrium distances of a collinear planetary system, Report DMSIA 13/98, University of Bergamo (with A. Del Popolo) 262. Kuiper belt evolution due to dynamical friction, Report DMSIA 14/98, University of Bergamo (with A. Del Popolo) 263. ABS algorithms for linear equations and linear least squares, a review, Report DMSIA 15/98, University of Bergamo 264. ABS algorithms for optimization, a review, Report DMSIA 16/98, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia)


265. Tunguska-type impacts over the Pacific basin around the year 1178 AD, Chronology and Catastrophism Review , 1988:1, 8-13 266. Numerical methods for linear and nonlinear equations and nonlinear programming, Report Serie Didattica DMSIA 14/98, University of Bergamo Year 1999 267. ABS formulation of Fletcher implicit LU method for factorizing a matrix and solving linear equations and LP problems, Report DMSIA 1/99, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia) 268. Density profiles of dark matter halos in an improved secondary infall model, Report DMSIA 2/99, University of Bergamo (with A. Del Popolo and M. Gambera) 269. Changes of the shape and the abundance of clusters of galaxies due to non-radial motions, Report DMSIA 4/99, University of Bergamo (with A. Del Popolo and M. Gambera) 270. Solving linear matrix equations via the ABS method and applications to Quasi-Newton equations, Report DMSIA 12/99, University of Bergamo (with L. Zhang and Z. Xia) 271. ABS algorithms for solving linearly constrained optimization problems via the active set strategy, Report DMSIA 16/99, University of Bergamo (with Z. Xia and L. Zhang) 272. Solution of Diophantine linear systems via the ABS methods, Report DMSIA 29/99, University of Bergamo (with H. Esmaeili and N. Mahdavi-Amiri) 273. A generalization of the implicit LU algorithm to an arbitrary initial matrix, Numerical Algorithms 20, 343-351 (with M. Zhu) 274. Numerical Analysis of Planetary Distances in a Polar Model, Aeon Y,4, 23-30 275. New scenarios on evolution of solar system: consequences on history of Earth and man, Report DMSIA Miscellanea 1/99, University of Bergamo (with A. Notarpietro) 276. Modellizzazione ed ottimizzazione di emissioni e consumi in motori di veicoli stradali, in Proceedings Second Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti Conference, Rome, November 1999 (CD edition) (with E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo, H. Kormanski, K. Rudzinska) 277. A review of ABS methods for linear real and Diophantine equations and optimization, in Proceedings XVI CEDYA and VI CMA Conferences, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Sept.21-24 1999, R. Montenegro, G. Montero and G. Winter editors (with H. Esmaeili and Z. Xia) 278. Numerics of Hebrews worldwide distribution around 1170 AD according to Binyamin of Tudela, Report DMSIA Miscellanea 2/99, University of Bergamo 279. Numerical algorithms for unary optimization: a survey, Report DMSIA 39/99 (with N. Deng, J. Zhang and S. Xi) 280. ABS algorithms for linear equations and optimization: a review of main


results, in Proceedings of ICSC 99, Beirut, March 1999, Lebanese American University, 11-21 281. Pair-wise velocity dispersion of galaxies, Report DMSIA 43/99 (with A. Del Popolo) 282. Broyden's method as an ABS method, Publ. Univ. Miskolc, Series D, 40, 3-13 (also as Report DMSIA 1/00, University of Bergamo ) (with M. Adib and N. Mahdavi-Amiri) Year 2000 283. A globally convergent nonlinear ABS algorithm, Report DMSIA 3/00, University of Bergamo (with L. Luksan) 284. Dynamical evolution of a collinear planetary system, Report DMSIA 5/00, University of Bergamo (with A. Del Popolo) 285. Density profiles of dark matter halos in an improved secondary infall model, Astron. Astrophys. 353, 427-434 (withA. Del Popolo) 286. Il 2000, anno mondiale della matematica, DMSIA Miscellanea 3/00, University of Bergamo 287. Numerical performance of Quasi-Newton methods of the Broyden rank-one class on linear systems, Report DMSIA 14/00, University of Bergamo (with S. Nicolai and M. Colombo) 288. Numerics and geography of Gilgamesh travels, Report DMSIA Miscellanea 1/00, University of Bergamo 289. ABS algorithms for linear systems and optimization: a review and a bibliography, Ricerca Operativa 29, 39-88 (with E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo and Z. Xia) (also asReport DMSIA 6/00, University of Bergamo) 290. ABS algorithms for linear equations and ABSPACK, Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez. VII Sc. Mat., 14, 1-21 (with Z. Xia, E. Bodon and A. Del Popolo) 291. On some classes of iterative ABS-like methods for large scale linear systems, in Recent Trends in Numerical Analysis, Nova Scientia Publ. Inc. (L. Brugnano and D. Trigiante editors) (with Z. Li), 329-344 292. Dynamical evolution of a collinear planetary system, Aeon Y, 6, 14-20 (with A. Del Popolo) 293. Variable metric methods for unconstrained optimization and nonlinear least squares, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 124, 61-95 (with L. Luksan) 294. ABS algorithms for linear equations and optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 124, 155-170 (with Z. Xia and L. Zhang) 295. Per il 900 la matematica e' un' opinione, L' Eco di Bergamo, 4 aprile 296. Ipotesi su Marte, Rivista Fondazione Liberal 2, 195-199 297. Numerics of Hebrews worldwide distribution around 1170 AD according to Binyamin of Tudela, Migration and Diffusion 1/3, 6-16 298. Truncated Difference ABS-type Algorithm for Nonlinear Systems of


Equations, Optimization Methods and Software 13, 263-274 (with N. Deng and Z. Chen) 299. Computational experiments with linear ABS algorithms, Report 817, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic (with E. Bodon and L. Luksan) 300. Computational experiments with ABS algorithms for overdetermined linear systems, Report DMSIA 19/00, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo, L. Luksan) 301. Computational experiments with ABS algorithms for determined and underdetermined linear systems, Report DMSIA 21/00, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon, L. Luksan) 302. Numerical performance of ABS codes for nonlinear systems of equations, Report DMSIA 22/00, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo, L. Luksan) 303. ABS methods and ABSPACK for linear systems and optimization: a review, Proceedings Third Seminar of Numerical Analysis, Zahedan, November 15/17, 2000, University of Zahedan (A.R. Soheili ed.) 304. Numero è bello, Rivista Fondazione Liberal 3, 178-183 305. Un' idea davvero universale: l' universo è universale, Rivista Fondazione Liberal 4, 198-199 306. Twenty years of ABS algorithms: a bibliography, Report DMSIA 13/01 Year 2001 307. Geography of Gilgamesh travels, part I: the route to the mountain of cedars, Migration and Diffusion 1,6, 100-113 308. Geography of Gilgamesh travels, part II: the route to Mount Mashu, Migration and Diffusion 1,7, 6-18 309. Numerical performance of ABS codes for systems of nonlinear equations, Report DMSIA 1/01, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo, L. Luksan) 310. Explicit ABS solution of a class of linear inequality systems and LP problems, Report DMSIA 2/01, University of Bergamo (with H. Esmaeili and N. Mahdavi-Amiri) 311. Peak mass and dynamical friction (with A. Del Popolo), Report DMSIA 10/01, University of Bergamo 312. The influence of dynamical friction on the collapse of spherical density perturbation (with A. Del Popolo), Report DMSIA 11/01, University of Bergamo 313. Generating the integer null space and conditions for determination of an integer basis using the ABS algorithm, Report DMSIA 12/01, University of Bergamo (with H. Esmaeili and N. Amiri-Mahdavi) 314. Twenty years of ABS algorithms, a bibliography, Report DMSIA 13/01,University of Bergamo


315. Substructure effects on the collapse of density perturbations (with A. Del Popolo), Report DMSIA 14/01, University of Bergamo 316. The effect of nonradial motions on CDM model predictions (with A. Del Popolo), Report DMSIA 15/01, University of Bergamo 317. Numerical methods for unary optimization: a survey, in Encyclopedia of Optimization (with N.Deng, J.Zhang and S. Xi), Kluwer 318. ABS algorithms for optimization, in Encyclopedia of Optimization, Kluwer 319. ABS algorithms for linear equations and linear least squares, in Encyclopedia of Optimization, Kluwer 320. ABS methods and ABSPACK, a review, Atti Giornata di Studio su Fare e Insegnare Matematica, October 28, 2000, Accademia Navale, Livorno (F. Giannessi ed.), 118-144 321. Tutto Plutone minuto per minuto: è aperta polemica sulla sua nascita, Rivista Fondazione Liberal 5, 190-191 322. Asteroidi: ha ragione Olbers? Quell' esplosione tre milioni di anni fa...., Rivista Fondazione Liberal 6, 186-187 323. Faccio il tifo per la missione Mercury: quel pianeta può dirci molto, Rivista Fondazione Liberal 7, 191 324. Giornata della Matematica, Report DSMSIA 21/01 (with G. Gambarelli) 325. Eden revisited: geography, numerics and other tales, Report Miscellanea 1/01 326. L' Eden riscoperto: geografia, questioni numeriche ed altre storie, Report Miscellanea 2/01 327. Sui numeri 54 e 108, Report Miscellanea 3/01 (with D.W. Patten) 328. On the numbers 54 and 108, Report Miscellanea 4/01 (with D.W. Patten) 329. Fifty years after Worlds in Collision: revisiting Immanuel Velikovsky, Report Miscellanea 5/01 330. Immanuel Velikovsky and his Worlds in Collision, 50 years after..., Episteme 4, 146-154 331. Più giovane e piu' calda... stanno facendo il lifting alla Luna, Liberal, 8, 174-175 332. La fantabibbia, Liberal, 8, 150-155 333. Optimal parameters choice in an analytical model for the collapse of aspherical perturbations, Report DMSIA 24/01, University of Bergamo (with A. Del Popolo) 334. Computational experiments with conjugate gradient type ABS algorithms, Report DMSIA 26/01, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon, L. Luksan) 335. Numerical performance of ABS codes for nonlinear least squares, Report DMSIA 27/01, University of Bergamo (with E. Bodon, L. Luksan)


336. A class of ABS algorithms for Diophantine linear systems, Numerische Mathematik 90, 101-115 (with H. Esmaeili and N. Mahdavi-Amiri) 337. Optimization Methods and Software, Special issue dedicated to professor Laurence C.W. Dixon on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday (coeditors M. Bartholomew-Biggs and F. Potra) 338. Generating the integer null space and conditions for determination of an integer basis using the ABS algorithms, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 27, 1-18 (with H. Esmaeili and N. Mahdavi-Amiri) 339. Computational experiments with ABS algorithms for KKT systems, Optimization Methods and Software 16, 85-100 ( also as Report DMSIA 20/00, University of Bergamo) (with E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo, L. Luksan) 340. ABS solution of a class of linear integer inequalities and integer LP problems, Optimization Methods and Software 16, 179-192 ( also as Report DMSIA 3/01, University of Bergamo) (with H. Esmaeili, N. Mahdavi-Amiri) 341. Il telescopio? Lo inventò Bacone trecento anni prima di Galileo, Liberal 9, 172-173 342. Metodi ABS e ABSPACK, in La Matematica e le sue Applicazioni, Edizioni dell' Ateneo (G. Gambarelli editor), 57-58 343. A globally convergent nonlinear ABS algorithm, theory and numerical experiments, Ricerca Operativa 31, 98, 11-20 (with L. Luksan) Year 2002 344. Third International Conference on ABS methods (Beijing, May 2002), Special Issue of Ricerca Operativa xxxi, n. 98 (editor) 345. Foreword dedicated to prof. Zunquan Xia, above special issue, 3-10 Regolare e caotico: cosi' il Sole cambiera' la nostra vita (fino al 2140), Fondazione Liberal 10, 159-160 346. Quel pianeta inghiottito dal Sole, ai tempi della fine di Atlantide, Fondazione Liberal 11, 175-176 347. Numerical experiments with the simplex method for the LP problem based upon Fletcher's factors update and the ABS implicit LU and LX algorithms, Report DMSIA 02/6 (with E. Bodon) 348. Numerical experiments on the ABS algorithms with iterative refinement on linear least squares problems, Report DMSIA 02/7 (with E. Bodon) 349. Deterministic chaos: a new paradigm in nature and social sciences, Report DMSIA 02/08 (with V. Damgov) 350. N-body gravitational interactions: a general view and some heuristic problems, Report DMSIA 02/09 (with V. Damgov, N. Gotchev) 351. E se la bomba atomica al plutonio fosse nata nella Grande Piramide?, Fondazione Liberal 12, 168-169 352. Galactic encounters, Apollo objects and Atlantis: a catastrophical scenario for discontinuities in human history, Episteme 5, 215-247


353. Oscillator wave model: properties and heuristic instances, Report DMSIA 02/10 (with V. Damgov, N. Neshkov, P. Trenchev) 354. A data basis for numbers 54 and 108 in ancient worldwide traditions, Report DMSIA 02/12 355. Quando Marte sfiorava la Terra ogni 54 anni, Fondazione Liberal 14, 192-193 356. E se oltre alle stelle esplodessero anche i pianeti? Fondazione Liberal 15, 185 357. Gli Oggetti Apollo e la distruzione di Atlantide, I, Hera 3, 34, 60-63 358. Gli Oggetti Apollo e la distruzione di Atlantide, II, Hera 3, 35, 46-49 359. Gli Oggetti Apollo e la distruzione di Atlantide, III, Hera 3, 36, 62-65 360. Catastrofi negli ultimi due millenni: un impatto tipo Tunguska nell'anno 1178, Archeomisteri 361. New algorithms for linear programming and applications, in Proceedings APMOD Conference (E. Messina ed.), University of Milano Bicocca, 105-109 362. Proceedings of the Symposium: Fifty years after Worlds in Collision by Velikovsky: classical and new scenarios on the evolution of the solar system, Report Miscellanea 2002/2, University of Bergamo (with A. Agriesti), p. 180 363. Catastrophes in the last two millennia: a Tunguska-type impact over the Pacific basin in the year 1178 AD, in above Proceedings, 47-59 364. Proceedings of the Conference: New scenarios on the evolution of the solar system and consequences on history of Earth and Man, Report Miscellanea 2002/2, University of Bergamo (with A. Notarpietro), p. 286 365. On the numbers 54 and 108, in above Proceedings, 128-142 (with D. Patten) 366. Apollo objects, end of Ice Age and Atlantis in Hispaniola, in above Proceedings, 220-242 Year 2003 367. N-body Gravitational Interactions: a General View and Some Heuristic Problems with V. Damgov, D. Gotchev, A. Del Popolo), in Recent Research Developments in Astronomy & Astrophysics}, S.G. Pandalai ed., Trivandrum 368. Quel cratere da impatto che risale al tempo di Giustiniano, Fondazione Liberal 16, 147-148 369. La piramide di Giza, una macchina per produrre plutonio?, Archeomisteri II-7, 68-73 370. Sui numeri 54 e 108: mondi in collisione, Mystero 34, 25-35 371. A class of kick-excited adaptive dynamical systems: quantized oscillation excitation, Report DMSIA 03/5 (with V. Damgov and P. Trenchev)


372. ABS methods and ABSPACK for linear systems and optimization: a review, 4OR 1, 51-66 (with E. Bodon, A. Del Popolo, N. Mahdavi-Amiri) 373. Gravitational waves detection: expectations for revolutionary discoveries, Report DMSIA 03/4 (with V. Damgov and P. Trenchev) 374. Dov'era il Paradiso Biblico? Sulle tracce di Adamo, Archeomisteri II, 8, 38-47 375. Il vero volto dell' Eden, Archeomisteri II, 9, 49-61 376. On the numbers 54 and 108 in ancient worldwide traditions, Migration and Diffusion, 4, 14, 50-64 377. Trimprob, lo svelatumori, Liberal 17, 140-145 378. Alla Terra bastano poche ore per cambiare il suo asse di rotazione, Liberal 17, 161 379. 2003, cento anni dalla nascita di John Von Neumann, Liberal 18 380. Quando le stelle ricopiano le forme della Terra, Liberal 18, 175 381. Cinquant'anni dopo Mondi in Collisione, rivisitando Immanuel Velikovsky, Archeomisteri II, 10, 62-75 382. Il dottor Stranamore, Liberal 18, 150-157 383. Le tre catastrofi di cui parla Platone, Liberal 20 384. Cinquant'anni dopo Mondi in Collisione, rivisitando Immanuel Velikovsky, Archeomisteri II, 10, 62-75 385. E Platone scopri' (attraverso i pitagorici) il segreto di Atlantide, Fondazione Liberal 20, 197 386. Il diluvio di Noe' spiegato dal rapporto tra Marte e Mercurio, Fondazione Liberal 21, 200-201 387. 54 theses for reconstructing Earth and human history during the catastrophic period 9500 to 700 BC, Report DMSIA Miscellanea 2/2003 388. ABS software (WinABS03 and ABSDLL03), Update to WinABS01 and ABSDLL01, Monograph, Centre for Optimization Research and Applications, Dalian University of Technology (with W. Xia, LW Zhang, LP Pang) 389. Solving a class of two variable systems of fuzzy equations via the basic ABS scheme, Report WR 03-14, Centre for Optimization Research and Applications, Dalian University of Technology (with C. Zhang and ZQ Xia) 390. An ABS algorithm for solving a class of systems of stochastic linear equations, Report WR 03-06, Centre for Optimization Research and Applications, Dalian University of Technology (with HS Han and ZQ Xia) 391. Solving a class of linear equations and nonlinear inequalities via the ABS algorithms, Report WR 03-18, Centre for Optimization Research and Applications, Dalian University of Technology (with MZ Wang and ZQ Xia) 392. On the numbers 54 and 108 in ancient worldwide traditions and some possible astronomical connections, Report DMSIA 13/2003


Year 2004 393. E' uscito il libro "Mondi in Collisione": rivisitando Immanuel Velikovsky, Mystero IV, 43, 53-57 394. Una sfida per la fisica del XXI secolo: svelare il mistero di G, Fondazione Liberal 22, 177 395. Ipotesi sul saros: l' unita' di misura che svela la distanza tra Adamo e Noe', Fondazione Liberal 23, 220 396. Marte da non credere, Fondazione Liberal 23, 204-209 397. Short saros and long saros, Report DMSIA 04/2; also in Migration and Diffusion 5, 18, 42-47 398. On the reversal of the rotation axis of Earth, a first order model, Report DMSIA 06/04 (with A. Del Popolo) 399. Geography and numerics of Eden, Kharsag and Paradise: Sumerian and Enochian sources versus the Genesis tale, Migration and Diffusion 5, 18, 17-41 400. Quella terrificante cometa che stava per distruggere la Terra, Fondazione Liberal 24, 184-185 401. Dal Surya Siddhanta a Von Neumann, Fondazione Liberal 24, 150-155 402. ABSPACK1: a FORTRAN package of ABS algorithms for solving determined, underdetermined and overdetermined systems, Report DMSIA 10/04 (with E. Bodon) 403. La grande piramide era una macchina atomica? Mystero Extra, 5-10 404. Quando il Sole sorse a Occidente e tramonto' sull' Egitto a Oriente, Fondazione Liberal 26, 181-182 405. The basic ABS algorithm for solving systems of linear equations in L2 space, Report WR 04-11, Centre for Optimization Research and Applications, Dalian University of Technology (with W Wang and ZQ Xia) 406. Twenty-one years of ABS algorithms: a bibliography, Report WR 04-01, Centre for Optimization Research and Applications, Dalian University of Technology 407. Quelle onde paurose chiamate tsunami, Fondazione Liberal 27, 172-173 408. Some reflections on the notion of quantavolution, Report DMSIA 20/04 (with v. Damgov) 409. Application of the integer ABS algorithms to integer nonlinear optimization, Report DMSIA 18/04 (with L.W. Zhang and Z.Q. Xia) 410. A method for solving linear inequality systems, Report DMSIA 19/04 (with L.P. Pang, Z.Q. Xia, W. Wang) 411. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on ABS methods, Beijing May 14-15, 2001, Report DMSIA 25/04 (with Z. Xia)


412. Explicit ABS solution of a class of linear inequality systems and LP problems, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 30, 21-38 (with H. Esmaeili and N. Mahdavi-Amiri) Year 2005 413. Some observations on the model Solaria Binaria of professor Alfred De Grazia, Report DMSIA 05/1 (with. V. Damgov) 414. Il futuro e' nella fusione fredda, Il Dizionario del XXI secolo, Supplemento a Fondazione Liberal 28, 48-51 415. Terra e Marte genitori della Luna, un impatto nella notte dei tempi, Fondazione Liberal 29, 213-214 416. Alla scoperta delle nane brune, solitarie abitanti dello spazio, Fondazione Liberal 30, 186 417. Elementi di catastrofismo nella storia dell' uomo e del sistema solare, Scienza e Arte 2, 22-27 418. Nuove verita' sulla formazione dei pianeti gassosi giganti, Fondazione Liberal 32, 187 419. A super-Tunguska event circa 1447 BC: a scenario for the Phaethon explosion, the Indo-Aryan migration and the Exodus events, Report DMSIA 1/05, Serie Miscellanea 420. Andrea Luchesi e Luciano Chailly: due musicisti italiani dimenticati, Report DMSIA 2/05, Serie Miscellanea 421. Fusione fredda, e’ il vero futuro, Mystero VI, 4-7 422.Computing a nearly least squares solution for a linear Diophantine

equation, Report DMSIA 7/05 (with H. Esmaeili) Year 2006 423. On the reversal of the rotational momentum of Earth an analyisis via conservation of total energy and momentum and a derivation of the Herodotus equation, Report DMSIA 1/06 424. Homer and Orosius: a key to explain the Deucalion flood, Exodus and other tales, Report DMSIA 5/06 425. On the numbers 54 and 108 in ancient worldwide traditions: an extended data base and some possible astronomical connections, Report DMSIA 7/06 426. Oggetti in rotta di collisione, cataloghiamoli tutti! Fondazione Liberal 34, 168 427. Le corrispondenze dei numeri primi, un enigma da “scomporre”, 35, 203 428. Si chiama come un crudele faraone l’ asteroide che minaccia la terra, Fondazione Liberal 37, 179 429. La matematica di Tolomeo e di Keplero e le sorprese dell’ astronomia, Fondazione Liberal 38, 171


Year 2007 430. Giace in fondo all’ Oceano Indiano il cratere descritto dai sumeri, Fondazione Liberal 39, 180 431. Il vero Mozart, Fondazione Liberal 40, 138-143 432. Fuoco, acqua e terra… così scomparve la civiltà cretese, Fondazione Liberal 40, 164 433. La geografia di Hispaniola in Bartolomeo de las Casas e la geografia dell’ isola di Atlantide in Platone, Archeomisteri 434. Geroglifici egizi tra Cina e Tibet, gli strani percorsi delle scritture antiche, Fondazione Liberal 41, 171 435. ABS methods for nonlinear system of algebraic equations, Report DMSIA 5/07 (with A. Galantai) 436. Use of ABS methods in Newton method for the primal-dual interior point method, in Proceedings XXXVIII AIRO Conference, Genova, September 5-8 (with A. Del Popolo) 437. Application of ABS Methods to the Primal-Dual Interior Point Method for Linear Programming, Report DMSIA 6/07 (with M. Bonomi) 438. Toscanini Amarcord. Nel cinquantenario della morte la vita e l’ opera in un racconto pieno di aneddoti, Fondazione Liberal 43, 108-113 439. Una prateria senza farfalle. Anche gli insetti sono una specie a rischio, Fondazione Liberal 43, 125 440. The Deucalion catastroph 1: the passage of the Red Sea by Moses and the Phaethon explosion, Proceedings of the International Conference on The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, Milos island, July 2005, 115-130 441. The Deucalion catastroph 2: the Phaethon explosion and some of its effects outside Egypt, Proceedings of the International Conference on The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, Milos island, July 2005, 131-144 442. The Deucalion catastroph 3: chronological and geographical questions, Proceedings of the International Conference on The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, Milos island, July 2005, 145-162 443. Atlantis in Quisqueya 1. The Atlantis destruction, part I: catastrophic end of the last Ice Age by extraterrestrial agents, Proceedings of the International Conference on The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, Milos island, July 2005 444. Atlantis in Quisqueya 2. The Atlantis destruction, part II: interpretation of the Platonic story and Atlantis in Hispaniola, Proceedings of the International Conference on The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, Milos island, July 2005 445. Omaggio due glorie della musica italiana: Arturo Toscanini e Magda Olivero, Spedicato University Website, Musical Section


Year 2008 446. Buon compleanno, signora della lirica! Fondazione Liberal 447. La morte di Mozart. Un enigma svelato dalla analisi di un matematico

dopo duecento anni. Prefazione al volume L’ assassinio di Mozart, Giorgio Taboga, Archè, Milano

448. Short solutions of linear Diophantine equations, Miskolc Mathematical

Notes (with H. Esmaeili)

449. A statistical analysis of ABS methods developments 1981-2000, Report DMSIA (with Martins) 450. La terza legge di Keplero? Nuove scoperte la smentiscono, Liberal Moby

Dick, 26-1-08 451. Quella stella di nome Mira con una coda lunga tredici anni luce,

Liberal 44, 140 452. A recollection of Gene Golub and solving normal equations by his QR

approach and the ABS-Egervary approach, Report DMSIA 1/2008, Serie Miscellanea

453. La prima lettera? La tracciò una donna. Liberal Moby Dick 16-2-08, 16 454. 2029 rischio APOPHIS, Liberal Moby Dick 8-3-08, 16 455. Il romanzo (incompleto) di Maria Callas, Liberal 15-3, 10 456. Chi ha paura di Isaac Newton?, Liberal Moby Dick 22-3-08, 16 457. Quei somari dei miei studenti, Liberal Speciale Socrate, 21-2-08, 16 458. Omaggio alla Olivero, Signora della lirica, Liberal Moby Dick 29-3-08,5 459. Eulero maximus, Liberal Moby Dick 12-4-08,16 460. Le amnesie di Odifreddi, Liberal 19-4-08, 18 461. ABS solution of normal equations of second kind and application to the primal-dual interior point method for linear programming (with M. Bonomi and A Del Popolo), Iranian Journal of Operations Research 1, 28-34 462. ABS methods for nonlinear systems of algebraic equations (with A. Galantai), Iranian Journal of Operations Research 1, 50-73 463. Il bluff di Archimede, Liberal 10-5-08, 16 464. Passa per Dioniso la verità su Magan, Liberal 28-5-08, 18 465. Strade e ponti, un primato perduto, Liberal 31-5-08, 16 466. Nucleare è bello, Liberal 3-5-08, 16 467. Oetzi? Sopravvisse al diluvio universale, Liberal 21-6-08, 16


468. Large planetary bodies impacts: a first order analysis, Report DMSIA 2/2008, Serie ricerca

469. 100 km con un litro? E’ possibile, Liberal 5-7-08, 16

470. Ipotesi sull’ Eufrate (secondo Aethicus Ister), Liberal 19-7-08, 16

471. ABS methods for continuous linear systems and nonlinear

optimization, Proceedings AIROP 2008 Conference, Ischia, September 7-11, Invited session dedicated to Jeno Egervary

472. Ettore Parmeggiani, tenore wagneriano: ricordi di tre conoscenti,

sito Spedicato unibg-musica, inviato a Parma Lirica

473. Non solo gravità, Liberal 13-9-08, 16

474. Magan non era solo Oman, Osservatorio Letterario, XII-XIII, 6566, 77

475. La morte di Mozart. Un enigma svelato dalla analisi di un

matematico dopo duecento anni. Osservatorio Letterario, XII-XIII, 6566,76

476. E le montagne danzarono come...capretti, Liberal 11-7, 24

477. La bianca signora delle grandi montagne, Liberal 27-9, 16

478. Sulle tracce di Salomone, Liberal 11-10, 16

479. Salviamo il menhir del Salento, Liberal 18-10, 16

480. A method for solving the system of linear equations and linear

inequalities, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 3, 33-54, with Zunquan Xia

481. Chi sarà il prossimo a cader dal piedestallo? Liberal 21-10, 16

482. Il lungo viaggio della Regina di Saba, Liberal 25-10, 16

483. Panis, Puni e l’origine dell’alfabeto, Liberal Mobydick, 8-11, 16

484. The Deucalion Flood, Moses passage of Red Sea, and other tales,

Proceedings of Paris Quantavolution Conference, May 2008, Paris, in Encyclopedia for Quantavolution, Alfred and Amy De Grazia editors

485. From Phaethon to Pachamacac, Hypotheses and scientific approaches

to human memory of great catastrophes, Proceedings of Paris Quantavolution Conference, May 2008, Paris, in Encyclopedia for Quantavolution, Alfred and Amy De Grazia editors
