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;'; t PUg 1 Pmlietiit. f i w ) " "W, b ftC- Vol. Xry. No. 2308. mE DAILY BULLETIN I pnutctl and published at the ofllco, Quoaa fcitrcot, Honolulu, H. ever; ifternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 conlt par Month. Address nil Communications Dailt Uullrtin. AdvurtlsomontB, ,tc onsuro tnsortlon, tnould bo liantlod ln b'oforo one o'clock p. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor ' Bulletin Stoam Printing Office. Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing of 11 kinds- donu on the mUBt favorable m. .oil Telephone p. 350 Mutual Telephone No. B0 THE DAILY BULLETIN 33kly Summary, vii interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 31 columns of reading mailer on local topics, and u complete resume of Honolulu and Island Cowm. It is tho best paper oubllsbed in thit Kingdom to send, to .friends abroad" . Hubitcrlptlon: Island ': $4 00 year foruUir r oo " CJuuimiiaiba &LfH-oiian.t- H.UiSfc-WJ-i- O S& Co., Li. .Qeueral Commission 'Agents. Honolulu Q. .W, MACZAELANB.& Co. IMPORTERS 11) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oiieen street, - - Honolulu. H. 1. ' 16i8 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. - G BjiliwBB (Uimivta) ft COMPANY, (jhukukl AIehjantilk and CoitlllbBION AUKOTl LIST OF OFVICKHS : P. C. Joxiss, Jr. . . .President & Manager i. O. Oautisu. . . ..Treasurer it Secretary ' DiaEcrona: lion. 0. 11. Uisiioi. S. C. Allen, II. Watkbuoubk. HM ly T. WATEUHOtJSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, tueen it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle J Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merohaudme, Up', SO King st., ilonoluiu. 1 CIsai ayrcclccu. Wm. O. Irwin. Vir a. IBWIN & COMPANY, W Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 a CO., WILDER Dealers 1b Lumber, Taints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and CJueen st:., Honolulu. 1 . Lowers, V. J. Lovrruy O. M. Oooko. LEWKU8 OOOiUS, to Lcwcr & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Kort street, llonolulri 1 H. G. CRAB BE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, til King Street, .pp'i.ite the Old citation liou e. JXutual I'olepliouo JN'o. 4.. 7tt VJS'rJSlUNAitK. ROWAT, Veierinary Burgeon, An. Aua ptiinn-io- at Hawaiian Jiuiol niiiuie, comer Uutel and K.eliard fctrti. rcieiiitle treitiiieul iu all dU oj.cj of duineeie auiuiaU Uraers for pi4uwuu and rrtneh rtock prtnupily Htteu.ied li, Miuu.il Teiepnone i'tt, I'. O dot ii. "tU'li. O IjVUO UAVVAIL.1XO. peronj nlio want to coramuul ALL rvitLi the I'oitugueie, either (or DUbiuciK, or for procuring workmen, tervauu or auy other Uelpi, will Hud it vhe axon proilUible way to aUire.rlUe In Itie Lito HivJaiiuKO, tue new organ of the l'irtiuuee ailuay, which is pub-iili- jii liotel street, and only cnige-- i .nilile u ft' a')vcrifi-.'i- rflHE BEST PAPER tv subicribe lot the tfulleUn." 0au per moo til. ;.'Zm-- . A' -- ibeife'i' .felts Professionals. JM. MON3ARRAT, at Law & Notary Public 14U Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf ALFRED MAQOON, J Attorney at Law & .Notary Public 178 43 Merchant Rtrcot, Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will practice In tho lower courts of tho Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect-In- In all its branches, renting of houses and auy other business entrusted to him Office 01 King Street Upstairs. Fcb.0-8- 9 STEAI CANDY FACTORY AND BAJCEItY. P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Oook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- &K3T Telephone 74. Mrs. L. C. Pray, Genuine Massage?-Roma- n Baths 150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard, dec 78 H0LLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists .WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, : William's Block, J16 Honolulu, H. I. . M. BKNBOR. Q. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & llo Fort Btreet, - Honolulu Depot for Boerlckc & Scochlk'a HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Itlckeckcr'a Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WENNER & CO. Hnunracturtnrr JoTVOllerH, NO. Oa SPOLW TIti3ET. Constantly on hand i large assortmen of every descrlptiouof Jowclry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Waro, &c. 858 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specially. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram- way Company's OlUce. tW Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Jsn-lO-b- Sanders' Baggage Express Go. a. H. SANDERS, Proprietors. Ofucc, &1 King strret, Telephone No. 80. Residence eleplione Ho 202. Oon'l JixprcBHlnu &. Xraylntr Piano and Furniture moving u specialty. Wagons meet all incoming steamers. Idly 25 ly Hustace & Robertson, DBAYJ1EN. LLordeis for Cartage promptly at-X- . tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods iu transit to the other Islands. Also. Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, Otncc, next door lo Jn. V. Morgan's auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. RichardCayford, VETEHlNAltY 70 A HI lUug Htreet. Shoeiuj?, l'rota SI. 50. Horses and Cattle Treated foi all Diseases. Residence: Chamberlain House, cexl Kawai4hao Ciiurcb. l. O. OOX 4t8. Ml Telephone j&,.m ' HONOLULU, II. plk SALOON Tho Bost Lunch In Town, Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Hours The Flnoat Brand of tsmjM&.wm AltvivyH on Uaml. H. J. XOI.TB. Proprietor. mias Metropolitan Ijij Meat Company 81 KING STttEKT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Bo tall Batchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, XTlsli, "VosrctnblcM, Scc, Sco. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCamlle.s), So. O Uuccu Nt., : : rish Market, Honolulu, II. I. ESTFamily and Shipping Oidcrscarc- - fully attended to. Live Block furnt3hed to vessels at short notice.! nty 1743S JOS. TINKER, BUTCHER. Nuuanu Street. Beef, 'JH Veal, Lamb, Mutton', & Fork. ALSO- - Cambridge Pork Sausages 1 Fresh Every Day. CSfHis noted Sausages aro made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as apywhere In thr city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages.""! oot.5-8- Anderson &Lundy, JDeiitists. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set inserted on gold, silver, alliimlnum uud rubber buses. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho use of Nitrous Oxide Um. ESrOfflcc atOld Trcgloan Residence Hotel street. Kcb.20.8U Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Eno de Dankerque, . Paris. jSxccutcs Indents for every description of French, Hclgian, SwIsJ, Qerman, and Knglish Qoo1b, at the best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices. Commission, Two.and-a- . Half per cent. All Trade and Cub Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Iuvoiccb forwarded when reimested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to the manger. ' The Agency Represent?, Buy, ami Bells, for Home and Colonial Firms. Piece floods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks, Vfclvctu, Lawrte, Chintzes, Miihlins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parnuols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silrer Lace, Flannel?, FentlierH, Pearl, Boots and 6Uiut, Glaa, and Cliins.ware, Clucks, Witches, Jewellry, Fancy Ooodn. Electro-plat- e, Musical Instrument, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goodi. Mirrors, Toys. Perjuracry, Wines, &c, Oilman's Stores, liook Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, JIachlnery. &c., Ac. 130 lv H. PASTURE for IIOKSE A' T Halelcou, Kaneclio, Koolanpoko, Wi ecrxi of koo.I paiture land, all cncbHed plehty of water. App'y to Charles I. Hiram, at the King's Htablei. Honolulu, of at Halekou. fub-2- 8 80-l-y &: X., WEDNESDAY KVENTNO, ,JUIA' LM, 1S80. Towels, Towels, Towels. BIG BARGAINS IN TOWELS AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, 14 Fort Street, Honolulu, IV. SJ. SAOHfeJ, - - Proprietor. 4-FO- TJR SPECIAL BAGAINS-- 4 I White Bath Towel. 7 Size 18x30 for ?2.50 per dozen. No. 2 Extra Size White Bath Towel, Size 22x47 for $3.50 per dozen. No, 3 Linen Damask Towel, Size 17x34 for $2.2o per dozen. No. i Extra Size All Linen Mask Total, Sixc 20x-l- for $3.f)0 per dozen. . . AT? BED Culiforula Hay, Oats, liran, Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley, Middling- - Ground Barley, , Wheat ami Corn Flour. FLOUIt lta, Golden Gate & Sallnas-e- t FliOUR rolophonoB, No. 175. oi'l OCoIopliouo, OO -- g. s& HAWAIIAN on M UO9K PKIOKS. Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts. Mutual Xoleplione, 1 WINE GO., it Full Assortment of- - No? 24 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street. o -- Have hand and For ZY Sale All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA, In Bulk or Case; GOTOH aaid I3R,ISIi WJEIJLSIi'Y", .In Glass mid Btone Jars; FRE3IVOH XXELAJSITE1&, Very Fino fe Very Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted; GlftSS, in Large & Small Bottles; (White or Black), also, STONE JUGS; Old '.Tom Gin, Bent XSrimil iu l.ho Murhet; EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT ! In Hulk and Case. All Brands of American lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc, In Pinta and Qtiartfi; Finest Brands of Champagnes, In Pints and Quarts, Bitters. Liqucrn Absinthe, Anollinarl Water, Kunnnete, Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES, SB FOLLOW: Zinfandel, Malaga, Toliay, Madeira, Port, Sherry, KloHliiigr, Hocks, Etc., Et 0 ggT All of which will be sold AT LOWEST RATES l.y FRANK BROWN, 2170 Manager. ', l .' mju. 'Mt JL i 1 . " The Best Company 'JLIH2 MUTUAIi Life Insurance Co. Richard A. McCurdy, President. Tho Largest Company in the World Tho Oldest Company in tho U. S. It Gives tho Most Liberal Policies AM) Pays the Laraest Dividends. Claims paid to policy holders In the Hawaiian Islands, during the paH ten years, Over : SlOO.OOOOO. tT For rates, apply to H. . RSK, General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian llmt ort.ORVv Royal Insnrance Company, Accumulation ol Funds, $28,602,205.00 Fire rbks taken at current rales and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent July 2fl.88.ly Union Ftro A JSarlne Insurance Company of M, I Copltar, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fare and Marine risks, taken at current rates and settletnect mnile in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont, July 2-- 8My Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Marine risks on Hu!li, (Jarpocs, Freljilit and Cominlsbious atom rent ratee. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July gp-qj- MJBGl)X:iJUitCJ General Insurance Company, Marine risks o Hull', Cargoes, Freight nnd Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent. JulyC0 85-l- LADIES' NURSE. M RS. MONRO K, Indies' nurse, has rerouted to No. y, iiukui lane A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Meicliinii n-ii. LcMnirn oct.l-.'- t O-j- HOKOL.ULU IRON WOUKB. eijgBteam engines, sugar milU, hoi) ers, coolers; iron, hraxn and lend cast lngs; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention pulil to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Alex. J Flohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Next door to Hotlsehlueiser & Co , Damon Hlock, Ueilicl'strcet. All kinds of Safes & Soales repaired. Aluo, Srtt'lntr MnrhlnrA nt irnniiu. ublc rulfM. Hell Tel. 42-- f ct.2.-i.r8l- yl P.O. R 41W NTERPBIS FLAHIKG HILL Alultca, nearlfcaee Telephone Uli, WALKEE & REDWAED, ContraiitorN .V. llnllilora. IlrleV, Stone tflid Wooduo Uuildlnei; given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 10 King Mrtct. Hell Tele- phone No. 2, P. 0. 15.1, 4'.':i. tip r. v GJ.EORGK LUCAK, sjdfa and llulldcr, Honolulu Stenm l'lanlug Mills, Kspls nadc, Honolulu. Manufacturer nil kinds of Moulding, Bracki ts, Window Frames, llllnds, 8aslies, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work nu'iBh. Turning, Scroll and Band Hawing. All klud of Sawiun ami I'Wu-in- Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly at'vuded to and work guaranteed. Orderf from the other l. amis solicited ssssssss"? eUtlCIPTIOf1 tO OtHtB fin MONTH FIIIE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. AueU, SG,283,0OO Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Afitcts, $450,000 Anglo-Uevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid np, $2,000,000 8onth British Fire and Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BEKGER HONOLULU. Genera! Agrnt, Daw'n Islands. 1IW3 ly rJ? ML K3 EQUSTABLE Life Assurance Society DOES k- - LARGER BUSINESS -- ' IIO.ll A, Larger Surplus, GIVES Xr BETTER CONTRACT Pays its Losses more Promptly , XUAK AST OTH1CR- - liife AttHurance. Company -- ia tub vortLU- -. A. J. CARTWR1GHT, Ueneral Aeent for Uawallua Inlands. June lSH.j CA8TL& & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'co Agents. AOLNTS VOB The Kcrv Ktislaud MUTUAi LIFE INS. C0MP Y of lloston. The .Etna Firo Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. The I'alen rtre oad Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance ComBT BSTASLISnKO IMS, Capital 9,000,000 rUlcfasmsrks '"PUB undersigned, baviug heen sp.' X pointwl ugent of the abore Company for lire Hawnilan Llunilp, Is prepared to accept rUks. ntcainst Fire, on Buildings. FurniturcMerchandlso, Produce, Burar Mills etc.. on the most Favorable Terns Losses Promptly Adjusted and Psytbls Honolulu. H. HI EM ENSL'UN EIDER, J'y-"- " v at Wilder .t Co's. Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emms 8t The ututmlcried lops to infona the public of tlu-fl- c Islands that he is miking fiiUlrtm Ity MonNiii-cmoa- t S Directions forfelf.meafiiretnect will be given ou application. MlteShlrts, Overshlrts & Hlikt Gobm A fit guarantee by miking a ranaplf bhlrt to every order. ' ' -- " Itlsnd ordsr solicited Ball Ttltshosa 4t ' Mly A. H. JIKI.IB. S M 1 J I J 1 N, M M ? - k . ri,-- s WW- - jr-J- ' ;.gjjyyjUit ".yii al
Page 1: PUg 1 Pmlietiit. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9657/1/1889072401.pdf · ;';t PUg 1 Pmlietiit. f i w) " "W, b ftC-Vol. Xry. No. 2308. mE DAILY

;'; t PUg 1 Pmlietiit.

f i







Vol. Xry. No. 2308.


I pnutctl and published at the ofllco,

Quoaa fcitrcot, Honolulu, H. ever;ifternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 conlt par Month.

Address nil Communications DailtUullrtin.

AdvurtlsomontB, ,tc onsuro tnsortlon,tnould bo liantlod ln b'oforo one o'clockp. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor


Bulletin Stoam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Hook and Job Printing of11 kinds- donu on the mUBt favorable

m..oil Telephone p. 350

Mutual Telephone No. B0


33kly Summary,

vii interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 31 columns ofreading mailer on local topics, and u

complete resume of Honolulu and IslandCowm. It is tho best paper oubllsbedin thit Kingdom to send, to .friendsabroad" .

Hubitcrlptlon:Island ': $4 00 yearforuUir r oo "

CJuuimiiaiba &LfH-oiian.t-

H.UiSfc-WJ-i-O S& Co.,Li..Qeueral Commission 'Agents.




Oiieen street, - - Honolulu. H. 1.' 16i8


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu. -

G BjiliwBB(Uimivta)


(jhukukl AIehjantilk andCoitlllbBION AUKOTl


P. C. Joxiss, Jr. . . .President & Manageri. O. Oautisu. . . ..Treasurer it Secretary

' DiaEcrona:lion. 0. 11. Uisiioi. S. C. Allen,

II. Watkbuoubk.HM ly

T. WATEUHOtJSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, tueen it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle

J Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merohaudme, Up', SO King st.,ilonoluiu. 1

CIsai ayrcclccu. Wm. O. Irwin.

Vir a. IBWIN & COMPANY,W Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

a CO.,WILDER Dealers 1b Lumber, Taints,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and CJueen st:.,Honolulu. 1

. Lowers, V. J. Lovrruy O. M. Oooko.

LEWKU8 OOOiUS,to Lcwcr & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Kort street,llonolulri 1



til King Street, .pp'i.ite the Old citationliou e.

JXutual I'olepliouo JN'o. 4..7tt


ROWAT, Veierinary Burgeon,An. Aua ptiinn-io- at HawaiianJiuiol niiiuie, comer Uutel and K.eliard

fctrti. rcieiiitle treitiiieul iu all dUoj.cj of duineeie auiuiaU Uraers forpi4uwuu and rrtneh rtock prtnupilyHtteu.ied li, Miuu.il Teiepnone i'tt,I'. O dot ii. "tU'li.


peronj nlio want to coramuulALL rvitLi the I'oitugueie, either(or DUbiuciK, or for procuring workmen,tervauu or auy other Uelpi, will Hud itvhe axon proilUible way to aUire.rlUe In

Itie Lito HivJaiiuKO, tue new organ of

the l'irtiuuee ailuay, which is pub-iili-

jii liotel street, and only cnige--i.nilile u ft' a')vcrifi-.'i-

rflHE BEST PAPER tv subicribelot the tfulleUn."

0au per moo til.

;.'Zm-- . A' --ibeife'i' .felts


JM. MON3ARRAT,at Law & Notary Public

14U Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

ALFRED MAQOON,J Attorney at Law & .Notary Public178 43 Merchant Rtrcot, Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill practice In tho lower courts of thoKingdom as attorney, attend to collect-In-

In all its branches, renting of housesand auy other business entrusted to him

Office 01 King Street Upstairs.Fcb.0-8- 9


AND BAJCEItY.P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Oook and Baker.71 Hotel St. --&K3T Telephone 74.

Mrs. L. C. Pray,

Genuine Massage?-Roma- n Baths

150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard,dec78


Druggists & Tobacconists.WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, : William's Block,

J16 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & llo Fort Btreet, - Honolulu

Depot for Boerlckc & Scochlk'a

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Itlckeckcr'a Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WENNER & CO.Hnunracturtnrr JoTVOllerH,

NO. Oa SPOLW TIti3ET.Constantly on hand i large assortmen

of every descrlptiouof Jowclry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Waro, &c.

858 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specially.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-

way Company's OlUce.

tW Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. Jsn-lO-b-

Sanders' Baggage Express Go.

a. H. SANDERS, Proprietors.Ofucc, &1 King strret, Telephone No. 80.

Residence eleplione Ho 202.

Oon'l JixprcBHlnu &. XraylntrPiano and Furniture moving u specialty.

Wagons meet all incoming steamers.Idly 25 ly

Hustace & Robertson,

DBAYJ1EN.LLordeis for Cartage promptly at-X- .

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods iu transit to the other Islands.

Also. Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices,

Otncc, next door lo Jn. V. Morgan'sauction room.

983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.


70 A HI lUug Htreet.Shoeiuj?, l'rota SI.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated foi

all Diseases.

Residence: Chamberlain House, cexlKawai4hao Ciiurcb.

l. O. OOX 4t8.Ml Telephone j&,.m '



Tho Bost Lunch In Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Hours

The Flnoat Brand of

tsmjM&.wmAltvivyH on Uaml.

H. J. XOI.TB. Proprietor.

miasMetropolitan Ijij

Meat Company81 KING STttEKT,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Botall Batchers



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,XTlsli, "VosrctnblcM, Scc, Sco.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCamlle.s),

So. O Uuccu Nt., : : rish Market,Honolulu, II. I.

ESTFamily and Shipping Oidcrscarc- -fully attended to. Live Block furnt3hedto vessels at short notice.! nty 1743S


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, 'JH Veal,Lamb, Mutton', & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages 1

Fresh Every Day.

CSfHis noted Sausages aro made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as apywhere In thrcity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages.""!oot.5-8-

Anderson &Lundy,JDeiitists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, alliimlnumuud rubber buses. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persons wearingrubber plates which are a constantsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, we would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by tho use ofNitrous Oxide Um.

ESrOfflcc atOld Trcgloan ResidenceHotel street. Kcb.20.8U

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36 Eno de Dankerque, . Paris.

jSxccutcs Indents for every descriptionof French, Hclgian,SwIsJ, Qerman, and Knglish Qoo1b, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, Two.and-a- . Half per cent.All Trade and Cub Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Iuvoiccb forwardedwhen reimested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanger. '

The Agency Represent?, Buy, amiBells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece floods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Vfclvctu, Lawrte, Chintzes,Miihlins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parnuols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silrer Lace,Flannel?, FentlierH, Pearl,Boots and 6Uiut, Glaa, andCliins.ware, Clucks, Witches,Jewellry, Fancy Ooodn.Electro-plat- e, Musical Instrument,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goodi. Mirrors, Toys.Perjuracry, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, liook ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, JIachlnery. &c., Ac.

130 lv H.


A'T Halelcou, Kaneclio, Koolanpoko,Wi ecrxi of koo.I paiture land, all

cncbHed plehty of water. App'y toCharles I. Hiram, at the King's Htablei.Honolulu, of at Halekou. fub-2- 8 80-l-y



Towels, Towels, Towels.


POPULAR MILLINERY- - HOUSE,14 Fort Street, Honolulu,

IV. SJ. SAOHfeJ, - - Proprietor.


I White Bath Towel.7

Size 18x30 for ?2.50 per dozen.

No. 2 Extra Size White Bath Towel,Size 22x47 for $3.50 per dozen.

No, 3 Linen Damask Towel,Size 17x34 for $2.2o per dozen.

No. i Extra Size All Linen Mask Total,Sixc 20x-l- for $3.f)0 per dozen. . .


Culiforula Hay, Oats, liran,Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling- - Ground Barley,

, Wheat ami Corn Flour.FLOUIt lta, Golden Gate & Sallnas-e-t FliOUR

rolophonoB, No. 175.

oi'l OCoIopliouo, OO -- g. s&




Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

Mutual Xoleplione, 1


it Full Assortment of--

No? 24 Merchant Street, Hear Fort Street.


--Have hand and For



All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;

GOTOH aaid I3R,ISIi WJEIJLSIi'Y",.In Glass mid Btone Jars;

FRE3IVOH XXELAJSITE1&,Very Fino fe Very Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted;

GlftSS, in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS;

Old '.Tom Gin, Bent XSrimil iu l.ho Murhet;EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT !

In Hulk and Case. All Brands of

American lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc,

In Pinta and Qtiartfi;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Pints and Quarts,

Bitters. Liqucrn Absinthe,Anollinarl Water, Kunnnete,


Zinfandel, Malaga, Toliay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, KloHliiigr, Hocks, Etc., Et


ggT All of which will be sold AT LOWEST RATES l.y

FRANK BROWN,2170 Manager.

', l.' mju. 'Mt JL i 1 . "

The Best Company


Life Insurance Co.

Richard A. McCurdy, President.

Tho Largest Company in the World

Tho Oldest Company in tho U. S.

It Gives tho Most Liberal PoliciesAM)

Pays the Laraest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders In theHawaiian Islands, during the

paH ten years,

Over : SlOO.OOOOO.

tT For rates, apply to

H. . RSK,General Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

llmt ort.ORVv

Royal Insnrance Company,

Accumulation ol Funds, $28,602,205.00

Fire rbks taken at current rales andsettlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, AgentJuly 2fl.88.ly

Union Ftro A JSarlne

Insurance Company of M, ICopltar, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fare and Marine risks, taken at currentrates and settletnect mnile in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont,July 2-- 8My

Insurance Co. of San Francisco,

Marine risks on Hu!li, (Jarpocs, Freljilitand Cominlsbious atom rent ratee.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July gp-qj-

MJBGl)X:iJUitCJGeneral Insurance Company,

Marine risks o Hull', Cargoes, Freightnnd Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent.JulyC0 85-l-


MRS. MONRO K, Indies' nurse, hasrerouted to No. y, iiukui lane

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Meicliinii n-ii. LcMnirnoct.l-.'- t

O-j- HOKOL.ULU IRON WOUKB.eijgBteam engines, sugar milU, hoi)

ers, coolers; iron, hraxn and lend castlngs; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention pulilto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Alex. J Flohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Next door to Hotlsehlueiser & Co ,Damon Hlock, Ueilicl'strcet.

All kinds of Safes & Soales repaired.Aluo, Srtt'lntr MnrhlnrA nt irnniiu.

ublc rulfM.Hell Tel. 42-- f ct.2.-i.r8l-

yl P.O. R 41W


Alultca, nearlfcaeeTelephone Uli,


ContraiitorN .V. llnllilora.IlrleV, Stone tflid Wooduo Uuildlnei;

given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 10 King Mrtct. Hell Tele-phone No. 2, P. 0. 15.1, 4'.':i. tip r. v

GJ.EORGK LUCAK, sjdfaand llulldcr,

Honolulu Stenm l'lanlug Mills, Ksplsnadc, Honolulu.

Manufacturer nil kinds of Moulding,Bracki ts, Window Frames, llllnds,

8aslies, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work nu'iBh. Turning, Scroll and BandHawing. All klud of Sawiun ami I'Wu-in-

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly at'vuded to and work

guaranteed. Orderf from the other l.amis solicited


tO OtHtB fin MONTH


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

AueU, SG,283,0OO

Commercial Insurance Co.(Fire and Marine)

Afitcts, $450,000Anglo-Uevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marine)Capital, paid np, $2,000,000

8onth British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


Genera! Agrnt, Daw'n Islands.

1IW3 ly

rJ? ML K3


Life Assurance Society

DOES k- -


Larger Surplus,GIVES Xr


Pays its Losses more Promptly


liife AttHurance. Company-- ia tub vortLU- -.

A. J. CARTWR1GHT,Ueneral Aeent for Uawallua

Inlands.June lSH.j

CA8TL& & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'co Agents.


The Kcrv KtislaudMUTUAi LIFE INS. C0MP Y

of lloston.

The .Etna Firo Insurance Co.,of Hartford, Conn.

The I'alen rtre oadMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance ComBT

BSTASLISnKO IMS,Capital 9,000,000 rUlcfasmsrks'"PUB undersigned, baviug heen sp.'X pointwl ugent of the abore Company

for lire Hawnilan Llunilp, Is prepared toaccept rUks. ntcainst Fire, on Buildings.FurniturcMerchandlso, Produce, BurarMills etc.. on the most Favorable Terns

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PsytblsHonolulu.

H. HI EM ENSL'UN EIDER,J'y-"- " v at Wilder .t Co's.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emms 8tThe ututmlcried lops to infona the

public of tlu-fl- c Islands that he is mikingfiiUlrtm Ity MonNiii-cmoa- t S

Directions forfelf.meafiiretnect willbe given ou application.

MlteShlrts, Overshlrts & Hlikt GobmA fit guarantee by miking a ranaplf

bhlrt to every order. ' ' --"Itlsnd ordsr solicited Ball Ttltshosa 4t

'Mly A. H. JIKI.IB.



J IJ 1




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Page 2: PUg 1 Pmlietiit. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9657/1/1889072401.pdf · ;';t PUg 1 Pmlietiit. f i w) " "W, b ftC-Vol. Xry. No. 2308. mE DAILY

(?P9aasiftassS5P5BY AUTHQMTV.

It lu pleased Ills Majesty thoKlug to appolut


To be His Minister of Finance viceHun. Willlum Lowthinu Green

lolani Palace, July 22, 18S9.30(5 St

'"'.it'.Irrigation Notice.

Holders of water privilege, orthose paying wpT rates arc herebyuntitled that the hours fur Uningwater for irrigating purposes, areJiom: 0 o'clo'ek to 8 o'clock a. m.,mid 4 o'clock to C o'clock p. M.

All those found violating the aboverule will be liable to have their supplyof water cut on".

011AS. 15. WILSON,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved: 'L. A. Thurston,

Minietor of Interior.Honolulu, .Inly 8, lhSV. 2!M tf

Honolulu Tax Assessor's Oice.

From and after July 1, 18SU, theunderpinned, Assessor and1'olleelor uf Tumv tor the District oflnna, Ulund ! 'mIiii, t ill Ik-- hi hi-- i.

Ihce in the Kapuaiwa Building upo(eh thiv u! Mm week (Sundays oxn'ptt'd;, ftuiii St o clock until 1 u'cinp).

i'.ci')iiiiiK Siitiiulitji" when the olJiciWill .it 12 nVhx-K- . noon), for the

lltpO-H- lit KTPiMlli; tho ictuiiis ofalt j'uiwi'iiH liiihhi to taxation inthis district. ft

fiTAll jflurii" must be nuul? tothe iimb'ieigiieil nol later than Juh.'il, ISSi), nv no appeals can by Jaw bo

' 'grunted.Special attention L hcicwith drawn

by the unJertituned to the fact thatno return i valid in law uulcgs swornto Ivefpre the Aiesor, Dcput)'

Notary l'ublic, or Home otherperson uuthoried to administeroaths.

Blank forms on which, to mako. re-

turns can bo had daily during themonth of July on application at theoffice of the undorbigned.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy ARSCRHor and Collector of

Taxes for District of Komi, In-

land of O.ihu.Approved :

V. h.,Ginsr.rt,Minister of Finance.

292 3w


aimPledged io nettker Seel uor Parly,But established for the bci.cfit of all.


The difficulty aboutgetting water, from nobody beingable to open the buried hydrant,occurred at Pularaa road and Ro-bell- o

lane on the occasion of the Hi o

hutiday might. It would not be abad idea' if firemen were instructedaa to where the hydrants are placed,and uliow n how they are to be open-ed, and foiemen made responsiblefor thineeessary wrenches being onhand when needed.

The Kk.it.kTiM docs nut admit ha-in- g

com eyed the impression tliatMr. (i recti wan fmeed to resign, asthe Advertiser fuggcetfa our articleit (Tuesday Jwasj. i.'calcu luted" topioduce. Wo are. confident thatthe public understands and agreeswith in. in holding tlmt theie shouldbe a responsible, leader of the. G'ubi-ne- t,

controlling the selection of hicolleagues and ready to answer fortheir piescnce at the head of affairs.If there wa no Premier when 31r.Green resigned, it was in the powerof any Binglc member of the Cabinetto take action that might upset thewhole poliy of the Government.Jie could have countersigned anyappointment the King chofe tomake, (hub pel haps bunging a po-

litical enemy of his colleagues intothe Ministry, who, monoier, withhimself would make a tie wheneverdesired which would block the w hole


AH OUTRAGEOUS ABUSE.. . A eomplaii.t has been made to usicgaidiiig the unnecessarily noisyreturn of hose men and boys fromtires, On Sunday niglit the hoseluela came (caring along King streetfforo Pulouia, with the lire boys re-

inforced by most of tho other maleyouths of the town, all yelling atthe top of their- - voices, continuallyilngii'g Hie IicIIh, and running like

mtl rtthiiiH !xjKIiiO to Kfi ltftttmight he ahead. A truiiicar dilvtrhad lorlnn his bell violently to avoid

! a collision, while Ins horsue becamealmost uncontiollfthle froii fright attho tremendous din. 'I lien, whanreaching Koit street the boyt kept i

close on the right hand side, nut-- ;

niiig d.ut.jeiou!-l- near to the UnitedCarnage Company's Maud. Fortun-ately only one carriage was on thestand, for the hotse in this one tookfright and tried to run off. It wasdk'taitied with great dillleti'.ty by thedriver, but managed to scratch It-

self ou u hitching post and to breakthe wpgon., causing r bill of repairsto the owner nest doy. Now, thereis t'O need for all tbi racket' In tak-

ing lira apparatus back to the hou-c- s

after a fire. Wheie horses arc U3ed

In paid departments elsewhere, theengines and iccls are taken to houseafter a fire at a moderate pace andthere is no unnecessary ringing ofbell. As the dnver of the data-atje- d

outfit on Mtnday night re-

marked: "Theie ia nothing gainedwhen a shanty is saed fiom burn"tug if human life or limb is .sacri-

ficed through reiklcss i tinning andnoise coming home fiom the fire."Theie is no necessity or sense in

blowing whistles, ringing bells, andmad shouting through the sticctsafter a fire. The authorities shouldput an end forthwith to this out-

landish nuisance.


Itishiiouu that a Miiplnad ofPortuguese immigiaiit- - is shortly tocome fiom Europe These will sup-

ply the places of the numliers whohave left, the pa-- t ye-ir-

. for the Pa-

cific Coast many of idem from atolerable exigence on our planta-tions to want and piivation oveithere. U this .nationality couldonly be made contented in the land,it would lot in a valuable clement in

the population. The rising genera-ting, will to it large extent be aide toread and write English, and acquitthemselves creditably in the dutiesof citizenship. They will have to

avoid rather their own tendency tofactional strife, than be put on thedefensive from Jea'ousyofothcrpeo-pi- e

of European descent. Whateverpublic lands may becoino availablefor settlement or reclaimed thereforby irrigation, the Portuguese oughtto be encouraged to enter upon andcu HiMite that is, so far as can bedone without injustice or discrimina-tion ajjainst other Willimr settlers.

it is sr.id that another consign-

ment of Japanese, to the number offifteen bundled, is about to beshipped hither I mm Japan. TheGovernment should pause and con-

sider whether additional Japaneseare really ' necessary id present.They arc an clement of little or noadvantage to general trade and areconstitutionally inhibited fiom be-

coming tneinbeis of the body politic.It will probably be long befoie theclass ot them introduced as laborwill make themselvei desirable sub-

jects of the franchise. If it is tokeep down wages that fuilher in-

stalments of Asiatics are desired bi'the planters, the fait does not re-

flect any credit on that importantbranch of the community. Whenthe puce of sugar has nearly doubled, the laborer who has been snaveddown to the shadow of pay on thepreteitof low prices ought to be

to a fair shaie of the advan-tages of tin- - ciihaiiied value of whatthe sweat ol his body piodiicc.Any other c. (illusion puts the em-

ployers of plantation labor in thesame category as I he former slave-holders of Hie buiilheru .Stales. Itis tiiiiiecessnvy hnc to recite thewrongs to the country arising fromHooding ot the country with a greatsurplus of Asiatic labor, that ishound to overflow into fatal compe-tition with tradcis, mechanics, andsmall cultivatois, belonging to na-

tionalities who make good materialfor building up the nation. TheGovernment will have to reckon withthe elements just menloned at theapproaching lection. This con-

sideration ought to govern Minis-ters in meeting timliYe pressuieplanters may in the meantime bringto bear upon them in behalf of fur-ther Asiatic immigiation.

We do not oppos Japnneso laborimmigration in itself. If Asia hasto be drawn upon, let it he forJapanese every time. Itut if thecoming in of Japone?e is to freezeout Portuguese brought here at greatpublic expense; if it is to let outChinese fiom Hie plantations to swelltin) tetrning tanks of vagrants andcriminals in Chinatown, tr to multi-ply the competition of that race

mill nnllm and T.ui.i. ..ti . u, Ifpendent trade, mul uuIium, ilunttio nrlini.(,,fi of i ,rfiv nnmbor ufJnnmicio at this juncture can onlybe prejudicial tothugcnnral welfare

HOHER OH SMITH HO. 4.Kinioit Iki.t.Ktis: After a few

more slut ring reinaiks, calling hardnames, tie., Mr. John V. Smithaks: "What viiln U there In ain .4ti that keep9 sober because theabolitionists won't let Inui have rumto get drunk with?" We don't thinksuch a man Is entitled to muchcredit for keeping sober under thosecircumstances; ail the ciedit shouldbe given to the abolitionists forkeeping him Hober, and while 'obirhe will" do no cue rnv hann Beinga business man or a laboicr he willfollow his calling honorably mid bepei Imps a good citUin. heie.iscould he gel rum he won d be diunkaud neglect Ids business, and theiuichiel he would do while cratedwith rum to himself, o his Inuulvand to the coiinnu uty cannot bemeasured until the mWchief is done;then, it is loo late to do more thanpunish him by fine, imprisonment,or death, according to the degre. ofcrime which he has committed whiledrunk.

This is simply a history of casesfiequciilly aicurring. Which willMr. Smilli say is the belter way.prevention or cure? Prohibitionstiives to prevent, and if keepingthe man sober don't make him anybetter at heart, he acts better, andit is for his acts alone that the com-

munity hold him responsible. Mr.Smith no doubt can see some viiluein preventing drunkenness and crime.

After a few more .slurs and haulnames, "fanatics,"etc., Mr. Smith ask" derisively,'Who aie jour" meaning Mr.

Kailey arid liij'-elf- ; "What part ofyour anatomy is In tier than tbe nve-nig- e

nianV We wish heic to re-

mind Mr. Smith thai il is 110L mjchaiatter or his, his deeds or mine,that aie under itKciission, but mmand its eul effects upon man, audthe best piactical reiucdj' lor theewl, are the objective pomls of dis-

cussion. I may be "fanatical" butI have the satisfaction of honestlybelieving my subject a strong lleone, and my belief is confirmedwhen my arguments are passed overuntouched by my opponents and my-self alone assailed.

Kut to the question of "Who aieyou?" Not being acquainted withMr. Kailey I can only answer forand of mysilf; but I approach thequestion with some hesitancy, as Ibelieve it is not eonsidcied good lawUiai compels an accused party totestify against himself. Howevei,as .Mr. Smith want.--, all his qiiistionsas well as his arguments answered,I will proceed:

1st. As to my mentality for manyyears, 1 have eonsidcied ignorancemy, greatest enemy; yet I do myown thinking and ar good' 'deal Tjf it ;

don't believe all testimony withoutit looks reasonable or has an appear-ance of possible linlli. PerhapsMr. Smith will get bitter acquain-tance with my mentality by the timeI gt t through with his intemperatedoctrine than I can otherwise givehim.

2nd. My physical make up is:weight 175 pounds, height 5 feet 11

inches; well proportioned, Hi inlyknit together, am neither handsomeuor disgustingly ugly. Koin andlived upon a New . Jersey faun 2iyears, upon a California farm HIj ears. Ilaie been kicking up adust in the world sixty-eig- ht

years. Some people don't like thedust 1 stir up, neither do 1; it isbad dust ruin dut, I want il sweptawav and the atmosphere purified.

3d. My moral status is fair. Itwould have been belter had I knownmore. Have always admiied reli-gion in others never had much my-self. Have faith in some religiousteacher.':, but none at ail in thosethat attempt to pi each the gospel ofChi ist but, leave out temperance andfreely use tobacco and ruin. Despiseslisnis, have lead my Kible in schoolanil out. Inclined to be kind midsympathetic. Love men and womenthat are conscientiously Hying to doright. Temper lnir, have seen thosewith better, lielisli a little fun, butmy life lias been too set ions formuch joking. Necr use nun ortobiiico, the sight and smell of thoseunder their inlluence satisfy myappetite for ihe dings.

Jxo. M. IIoitSKlt.


A MEETING of tlui h'ncklinldera oftlu Itciiprnci y Nii'iir Humpnm

i. I lui lielil nt the oJlee ot Hon. .1. r.Wnlkei, on Tlil'ltriDAY, July 10, lbS!',at 10 oc:oi k a. i

K. I. SPALDING,liOat heeiuUiy.

MKETfNO NOTICEMHIE recutiir qmutcily ineelinR of thoi. I'aciliii (liiilwnie Co, (IAD. will

lielutiil m ilu-i- r ((lire on TIJK&D.VY,July !!(', at lOu'ilncl.- - A. U

IAS?. C, fePKNOKK,:i07til- - frecreltti v.


ADI VI DEN I) to ihucn-illlnran- ILwill o (lui) mill ii)ulilcnii the,

hUt July, at tlie ollleo ot Alex J Cart,wrlplu, .Merchant slicit.M 2w PRIJ OJIDEK.


ALL per.pn IihvIiij bills iiR'ihift theutnierif mil hre leqnut d 'o urn.

mutt die Kuan., iitul ih'Mt Iruloiiti il iothi'in ant rcipifbteil to make liniiienliiiupiiviitui.t,!I0T iw WOLFK CO,

.tatiikiii SlltS !'( htftl! i, Li;VcY.

CREDIT "SALEOn Liberal Terms I

l run IrMmrtt d lv Mhm TMKO. II.I) Wi KS iiCn, io sill m Piibfiu Auclint, ill my ti ilerriuini,

On Thursday, July 25, 1889,

AT 10 U rt t)lli A. XI.,

A Fine A MitRin i i f New nml Deilr-ulil- o

Uo (!, ix te, nt !inial, cenlt.lug hi pui its tiliov:'"JL'at.itorr.i'' C3oo1h !

llK.1 kill ill Jt i ;

Twectta, Ccseimeres, Diagonals,-- hoi I 1 inclli' of I'itic ''uniN 2"r Haiti',

Lte., tie., Dr., lite.A ( h lei l.o' ot

Assorted Crockery, Saddleiy,

Miaul)", llaiik'i", Melien.,Lswii", lla's I nucrnei r,

NKCKTIES,Uo-hi- Klaiiiicl, TowiIp, Ac , &c.

GROCERIES !ln"!iiibt'L

Caudle. Snrllne. Milliard,a i.ii, Mali Oil, &c , &c.


Piutri' I'i'i". Vrv ran",Keltic:', Tin Wa e, tu , .fee.

Anil iniiiii rou other Ornds ap g

to tlie tiaile.CSy-Tl- iu Tailors' 5i ( U will be olT.ireil

in eilnetiliii, July it li, at 11 o'cllcKA. M

'I he .(!'(ue arc all ilinici Knh ( "irtlili"! ei"essly W this tn.ilkel

to whii-'- i die AiietieiHir calls spieialUte ilimi in ihe ttr.ilc.

LEWIS.!. JiGVEY.If'."! It Auetlonier.

Auclion Sale of Elegant

Householdjumiture1 am by M.n M r.UERN to(llut I'ublir Am ilon, t lift rid,ni e

219 Fiat st ii t, (on account of ilepurtnreliom tlu lCmij'i' in),

On Tuesday, July 30,AT TO O'CLOCK A. 31.,

rhe whole nf his llimschold Furniturertnd iiiTccts comjirHint' jn pail

a follows:

1 Sauare Welisr Pianoforte,In Kxcelln' iinlci a tli'eudhl In.

tir'.incii! ;

1 Hbi k biaj DtiL'trn1 ItlncU Khon. i'iiiI Gilt Ja'dintie

wiili I'jiiiit-- d PuncN,1 IilfL'iini B. W. I'irlor Suite, Up--,

liohlerfd in Kn il Ic ;

1 15 w. Ladies' Woik'lfc'ile.Choice lirobzc & 'hini Urnnmentf,ChiiLilchci & I.mn,'",

Large & Small Rugs,lit. W. rembiiiuiioii &

Bo 'l.eate,1 I'.O bid Lounge, Mar'de'op Ccn-t-- e

Ttihlis,"Bniekut Easy rirtlrs,

Elog-an- t B. W. Sitleboavd,II. Y. Extension Din'ni; Table, B.

W. Cliiir-- .nil Cioth ii Inltinr, Lnnnnp,B. V Wudiol-- with I l.iiu Giar--s


HI Pieces;1 mi re" -- iiivi" & Kitchen U'ensils,?Kiii 15 . iKi loom Mts ilar- -

lilctop;1 a Hullo in S i,

Lb '.atil ''. 'K . ' hi'fi'o'iiere.

Mosquito Nets, Hair & Spring Mattresses

'i I'. W. ;., Mrtu's B il tend-- ,1 H W. U mbliMtiuii ' Bed..r.liis-swii- r , l' rakeiy. Cutlery,

Veranda Chairs,G anion Ho-- e & Tu ils, &r . c.

fisSr" The IIoiio will 1 i pen for inpre ion on MONDAY, Jmi.v 2Uih, from

10 to !l o'cirich c m

LEWIS J. LEVEY,308 5t 'Auciloneer.

Stock luilrtorn' fleeting.r1M-- J auiiii.il iiie-'il- of ho Walolilnii

Agi'ieiiltliial&i.ialmrOo , fL'ilj,will be hi'lil at ihu ollleo of V. P. Jun-l.e- .i.

Moiiolli ii. on MOND Y, July I'D,JfiS'.t, a 10 o'clock a m.

c. p. i.m;ke,297 lot !'G It .euietaiy.


A MAIMIIBI) e uplo The mnn lowoik in Ihe iii'd inn! L'.io'en. the

ilea. wl" must) tunl to make liutseifgeiiuiidly iimIiiI. lror wnc4 aii'l panheul.irji apply nt nine at Ihu oOleu ofIhis a!or. UOlOi


rPHIS is lo noli'y thai nil account--1 luniiiiii; six iiioii'Im ami over, nial

not paid be. ore August rati, will heliniulid for collection without luitlurnotice N. S. .SACHS.

Ooiioli lu, July IP, lbH'J. im iw


nHK nnderdunul fjlves iiollco that1 ho Iwh hueii appniiitud JCxceiitrir

of Out Will of Mrs Mitruatot Keegan,(lecciifliiil. All porsoiiB having any cliiimsni;id"hi her u.Ihio whether sceiucd bymorlgiigH or ulh rwl-- c. urn nipiehieiliopieeiii ihe Hiiaedii'y auilieiitic.uid andwith proper vouchors It any exibt lohi m at his (illicit mi I' or I Hi itl, in llonnlulu, wiililn six leontliH from da'o orIhuy will be forever 'arreil; ii.nl allpiiixins liiile' I eil lo inilil chinto urn re.rjiiesud to in, lie iinmciliniu ayuieiiito hi tit.

OKOKGE LUOAS.Honolulu, July 1U, ibsM. ai)7 Ini

2$02SSt33Cii mWrfiV5&fW?&S

k imDortanf on IS

Explaining why the Insurance Commissioners have reforrcd to Tho Mutual fiifo lusiirnuco Com-pany ii'Nqv York as "iho Model Life Insuranco Coniimiiy'Ol'iluj "Woiitl," and why itis untitled tc your first consideiatlon:









Thu Mutual Lite Insurance Company of New York can furnish thb provision In betterform and for less money than It can be done In any other wa. '

Good and Conclusive Eeasons Why?L- -

2.- -

3.- -

lkcatise it ia the OUlt'Sl active Life Insurance Company in tho United States.It is the Largest. Ftmtncinl Institution in the World, it's assets amounting to more than

S 120,000,000.

It is the Strongest nnd Hnfcsfc Company, possessing over Thiity-tw- o Millions of Dollars MOREcash resources than the next largest company in the world.

J. It is a Purely Mutual Company, with no stockholders to claim any part of the profits; tho asseUantl surplus all belong to the policy holders.

5. lis expenses to receipts have been LESS, and its payments to policy holders MORE than anycompany, while its Total Surplus earned utid dividends paid have never been equalled, henceit is the Company in which to insure.

G. It is Ihe IJ.'.sl Company, as it combines all the advantages of age, large and select membership, flnaricial strength, absolute security, and the cheapest insurance combined with the best investmentthat is honestly possible under uuy contract having a delinute value to the beneficiary, while itspolicies arc the Simplest and most comprehensive as well as the most liberal forms of insur-ance contracts ever issued.

A. D. THOMAS, Executive Special Agent, New Yoik. 307 tf

Auction Sales by James P. Morgan.

Six Horses At Auclion

l will mH o Public net o'i in fun i

of my Milo3iii.ini l o en -- l (!,

On THURSDAY, July 25th.AT IS OTI.Ot'K XiX,

-- lx Horses from ihe following Well.Kti o.n s'o.'K .

I.unuiilo. Tiimnpli,Sliiswcll Wood hunt,JSttuiloril, Sprajdon Miirc,

'Young Venture, Jr., Colt.Also, 1 Roan Sjuaydon Horse, broKen


Also, I Gentle Horse,Suitable ei her for a lirake oi Saddle,".ill tint fhy at an thing, and child cand ivc or rinu liim.

SSy- - For pariiculurp ni ply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Or S. O. Wii.uei:. 201 Jit

Resitees at FaliaFOR SALE at AUCTION.

I have rcoiivcd to sell ntPuiilii: Am ti hi, at inv Sacs.

room, (iuien bticct,

On Thursday, &ug. I,AT IX O'CMICH XOOX.

The Following Desirable Properties,

At Pahinia at icar of the i evidence ofII. K. 11. liliti Icalaui:

Cc.ntiilninir414. Oil i .u t-- i h intiatuei3 laiiu fium l ii j: nimt li.-t- ! a

li-iiuiti il Dui-linit- - ' on-- , w tli ",

etc, on ill'- - bit, ii,iiu ulinhado and truit ihh

LOT O.Arijoitilaa Lot A, a (li u bile for a resi-dence.

LO'l" X.A unall lo', w.t'i C.uriage Ho iso, t?tn-tile-


The close proximity of these lots InKingstreei, ami tlie dunund f .r rco(Icnccj nt l'i,liiit'i, iiiiiici this an nuusiml ilui'ci to oliMin ilno piimiflc.Uapol the piomriy can be tcun in myoflice.

CS?Kor further npply lo

jaw. i mok;an,!J02 111 Ancilonrer

A Desirable llcsidtm !


On THURSDAY, Aug. 1st,AT 12 O'Cl.OCJi XOOX.

At my Salesroom, Qiiicn s'ictt, I willsell ai 1'nlilU Aiiuiion,

M Desiral ProjertF !

Siiimtcd at Piiiitihou,

And lately ncrupictl by Mr. S. F. G ra-

il mi as a roiilftiee. 'I hu premises lciea fiontiice of 300 feci on Hinfjliiiui sinci,tOO fi el on Am man bliect, unit iiOOfeetin AlcX'inilur utrcet. Theru U a

Commodious Dwelling House

On the lot coiitainiojr Parlor, 3 IJed.rooms, Ulniinfrooin, KiUhcn nnd Pun.try, etc. Also,

With Four Ottilia nd Cnrrlnuc Ifnusounit inula' Hi om . Artesian Waicrllirouijliniii th preinhcs. 'Ihe groundsuro well covi red with,iiavs mill iiims.

The healtliy louiiiien of Ibis properlyand the iicitriuss to ihu I'nii'ihoii Tram,earn, make il one of ihe uiobt dchirublufuinlly leshlences ollVieil for Hide.

tarr'oi iinv furilii-- r puilfvulars applyto . F. (Indium, or to

JAS. F. MORGAN,302 13t Auolloiieer.

If1 T










-O (3D



Whelk' You Live

INTEREST J Whether,. Diel







No TiltiDg of Carriage to Consume Time Only 28 Keys-F-ullCase of 84 Characters Interchangeable TypeKeys that can be Changed in 5 Seconds.

ty n,etnotl "llows the use of any language or slyle type.Ihu alignment of the Ckandai.l is far superior to any other writer.

Type Type

1 his cut represents the Type Sleeve peculiar to the Ci:andali. Type WniTEnIt mme.s up and down, and twills to the jijjlit and left to icach a commonprinting point. It contains all the letter. capitals, "lower case," figuresand punctuation marks lo the number of oiuhty-fon- r iiiHii.iivii,io. ThinJjpeboc-vecsii- i be removed, anil another, with an entile change of typi ,uiPcHed in the machine in a few teconde. The Sleeves can be inci eased innuniboi as to include all hiyicb of

LE3F ."senu tor Uatalogues,

HAWAIIAN2!)2 If Goneial


NEWS CO.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islan


naiiuiacTunnff& .,::- - SfD





All Kinds of Carriage

Solicited at Very

Our PATENT BREAKS originated Honolulu by us haveReduced 2C Per Piice.




Finn Weln-- r Piano hiorder, will until at n renoniilic

prjne. can bo heen at my No.Jl 7 Koit btrcet near School302 lw Jl. GREEN.

Topic !




This oftype

E jl. "


m. Breaks

in beenCent in


AND- -

Etc., Etc, Etc.

A J33

k lap Reping--

Low PiiceB.




ANEW Wilcox & .Whlto Parlorwith elehtatnim Huliablu

for (cliool or church A fine liiHtru.ini'iil. Apply at 57 Mreet.opjioslto N, P. Mission Institute. 37$ tf

Sec3nd Growth of .White Oak Spokes,Hubs, Ftilloes, Itiinp,

Plsiiikttlc, Heavy Hickory Wngoii,Singrlo & Double Trees, Etc., Etc.









"i1 i




Page 3: PUg 1 Pmlietiit. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9657/1/1889072401.pdf · ;';t PUg 1 Pmlietiit. f i w) " "W, b ftC-Vol. Xry. No. 2308. mE DAILY

:r J



d&8tfWT 1 1

aitjs" $tuTTf in



Frlii- - Sarah and Kl'7a Jioui KoulntiSehr l.eahl from Knhnlii


Y.V Lmly Unrewood for HcckoDRSell - Kattlkeaoult for KohaliiBtnir Iwnliibl ior Lnlmlna biuI llnma-ku- a

at 10 a in


Sttnr.VVhlma'nalo mid Wal- -alua at n u in

Sehr Rosalind for San FrancK-- at 10u in


For ICnual per ftnir Widalealc, July23 Miss I cua Stelnloh. Aug Drier andson, 0 Apol. MIsh Johnson, Mrs

Miss (J A Reamer, Miss Hoppin, l Van 1 Ionbcig, jr, Jllss Oliuloand 30 deck.


Following ib the programme ofthe dosing exercises nt the IloyulSchool commencing at11:30 a. m.:

fFnr Upon the SonOpening (.lionise ,

School.Kcdtatlon From Ghent to Alx

DrowningD. A. Kuwait i on.

Recitation When Will the MillenluniConm. . . . i Upham

George Kstulkau.Recitation Frenchman and His Ilo3t

ViionjnionsKelokotna Haul.

Dialogue Hiring a Footman.. .ColumnDeputy Bu I. I). V Mllanda '

'J'lioiiia. Wl liaiu Young.J o'Uiey. Edwuid Wuodward.John Lpuip, Simeon.

. f Flg of thcFicoAiiiML - jai lllv., s song

School. - i

Dialogue. I'edig cp Anonymous'Aunt Uetty. Kelckoina Uaul.Mtiry. lona Iuimalac.

Spnrttieus to the Roman .

Envoys SaigentEdward WootHvard.

Itccltatlon Apostrophe to Water....Paul Denton

II). ICamakauahoaliecitation -- Supposed Speech of lle- -

gu.u KllzaliChas K. Aksui.

Dialogue "Eh! What Is It?'t hira, Wm. Young."Murcho, Charles li Akau.Major, 1). Kiiiuukiiuiihoii,t harlot, D. Kiipoliakiuiohewa.Kate, Kelckoina N'aukanaServant, lona Kiinialnc.

Tiw:.f ce -- citing Sun...Wanderer's ong :

School.Distribution of Prizes.

,?.. .. Hawaii I'onoi.


BBPoitr. M'cur.i.r j.

Tuesday, July 23d.The King vs. Woo San. Excep-

tions, from riiir Circuit. Aigucdand submitted. J. A. Mngoon fordefendant.

M. Green vs. Trustees of IlisMajesty. Equity appeal. Arguedand submitted. A. S. Ilartwell forplaiutiff, F. M. Hatch for defend-ants.

Hawaiian Government vs. Hawai-ian Company. Equityappeal" Attorney-Gener- al for plain-tiff, Hatch and Neumann for defend-ants. Argued and submitted.

G. W. Macfarlano vs. Minister ofFinance. Appeal from order ofPrcBton, J., refusing peremptorywrit of mandamus. Ordered abated,en account of the resignation of theMinister of Finance. Neumann andCarter for pluintiiF,Attorney-Genera- lfor respondent.

Wednesday, July 21th.The King V9.-- Patrick Hayes.

Maiming. Tried before the follow-

ing jury: C. M. Cooke, 15. L.Lewis', W. D. McWuyne, F. J. Hig-gm- s,

C. W. Grey, G. Koch, J. K.Bid well, F. D. Vickc, E. F. Bishop,G. Lucas, Jr., E. C. Rowcs and V".

Maerteua. Paul Neumann to assistprosecution, F. M. Hatch for de-


at ciiAMUKits iir.ronn runsTOX, J.In re estate of Kaao (w), late of

Honolulu, Oaliu, deceased, intestate.Petition of lCanukanui (k), admin-istrator, for allowauco of accounts,discharge and final order of distri-bution. Ordered that accounts beallowed, but that hearing in ic dis-

charge and linal order of distribu-tion' he continued until Monday,Julv 29. 1880. . C. Adit forpetitioner, W. O. Smith for Z. Kau-palol- o.

liKioiti: uoi.r. j.In re estate of Geo. Engelhardt,

lato of Honolulu, Oahu, deeeabedtestate. Petition of L. A. Thuri-to- n

mul 0. Jiolte, executors, forallowance of accounts and discharge.Ordered that the executors' aceountube allowed and master's reportthereon confirmed, that they bu dis-

charged and their bund cancelled,and thut the dividends (11. 3 1) duethe Hilo Fern Co., unpaid becauseno one found representing it, bopaid into Court, to be held' subjectto tho demand of any one authorizedto receipt for it. V. O. Smith forpetitioners.


Wr.DNKSiiAY, July 24th.A wahine forfeited bail nf 0 for

drunkenness.Ilaawinauupo was fined 8100 for

Belling liquor on a Sunday withoutn license

Frank Antone for assault anilbattery was fined 93, 10,

IGCd & HiiilUl HEWS,A old olnnod-rla- g luwlnon loet.

Ci.ORt.vn rxcrcittf'a nt "Royal Vohuoltomorrow.

Tun Alukca nnd Fori street tramlines worn opened lliie tnoi ning.

Thu oar-bitin- g cao i? tin in theStipifiiH rottrl before a foreign Jury.

Tin: odlcoof Dr. .1. M. Whitney,dentist, will he closed fiuin July 30thto September 2d.

. .'

A itKUTi.vo of the Honolulu A Honwill be held this evening nt 7:30o'clock nt its bull.

Tiik Hritish bark I.mly Harewoodlook (10 Chinese passcngera for Hmigkong this iifteriioon.

Aiiout twenty couples of our youngsociety people had a moid enjoyabludance nt the Caid;ii hibt evening.

... ....The Maiiposa. is duo fiom tho

Colonics Friday night or Saturdaymorning, en routo to San Friuidtico.

Mr.. A. J. Caitwright will in act allmatters of bupiiuw for Mr. Jan.Stcincr, during the hitter's uhfunccft oin tho Kingdom.

A Micr.-n.v- of tho Reciprocity Sitgar Company will bo held at 10o'clock morning at theotlico of Hon. J. S. Walker.

0,v Tuesday the 30ih, tit 10 a. m.,Mr. L. J. Levey will sell tho entirehoiif-ehol- furnituro nt tho residenceof Mr. M. Green, 210 Fort street.

It is probable. that a game of base-ball between tho ITiuvaiis and the IJ.S. S. Adams' nine may be played onSaturday commencing at, i o'clock.

Tun advcilihcnumt of the MutualLife Insurance Company of NewYoik wab rofciretl to by a wiongluini! ycbterd.iy. The document it-

self will correct the error.

Mns. Jones and Mrs. Darrin ofSan Francisco, who have been visit-

ing in Honolulu the past two weeks,return on thu schoonerRofealind. Several patties have beengiven in their honor by their frieudsin this city.

The section of tho O.ihu Railwayfrom Palama into town is beingvigorously piibhed in construction.Bridge building lias also been begun.The Deulchaliuid-i- s daily expectedfrom Bremen with rails, and afterher arrival tho road will be hastenedto completion.

Mn. David Dayton left on the Like-lik- e

to vibit Aloha Lodge Xb. .'J K. ofP. at Wailuku. He was to take theKinau at Maalaca Bay this morningand proceed to llonokaa, Hawaii, toinstitute a new lodge tlicro to beknown ns Mailo Lodge No. !. OnAugust 12th the members of MysticLodge leave for Honoknu to perfectthe institution of tho new lodge.

EVEHTSTH IS 'EVENING.Seryice at ,St. Audrcw'B Cathe-

dral, rtt 7:1)0. Choir rehearsal, at8:10.

Oahu Lodge No. 1, K. of P7:30.

Mystic Lodge No, 2, K. of 1 at7:30.

Service at 'Central Union Church',at 7 :3().

Meeting Honolulu Arion Society,at 7:30.

Drill Co. C Honolulu Rilles, at7:30.



At 12 o'clock noon in front ofsalesroom, seven horses from weltknown stock. The attention ofowners of stock is called to this sale.

IlY l. j. i.uvr.Y.At 10 a. in., continuation of cre-

dit sale of a fine assortment of newand desirable goods ex 'recent ar-rivals.


Last cTuuing the members of thoRev, II. II. Gowen's bible class, toto the number of thirty or more, hada social entertainment at the St. An-

drew's Sunday Schoolroom. Theinterior of the building presented avery pretty appearance, decoiatedss it was with Howors, mottoes andevergreens A number of the boysgave songs and recitations, afterwhich theru was a magic lantern ex-

hibition. Refreshments, consistingof some of Mr. F. Horn's deliciousice cream and cakes and soda water,were berved, A most onjoj'ableevening was spent by all present.


The closing exercises of Pohu-knin- a

Girls' School this morning,were exceptionally interesting, anilthe attendance of visitors was encouragingly large. ino primaryclasses taught by Miss Atkinson andMiss Dlulolt evinced careful train-

ing as well as commendable pro-

gress. The higher grades conduct-ed by Miss Corney, Principal, and.Miss Barnard aro deserving of spe-

cial mention. Tho reading, writing,drawing, recitations, dialogurs, sing-ing and other exercises of the va-

rious classes in these grades, werocomparatively excellent and reflect-ed meritoriously on both scholarsand teachers.

Mr. A. T. Atkinson, Inspector-Gener- al

of Schools, and Mr. W. W.Hall, member of the Hoard of Edu-

cation, were present during tins ex-

ercises anl were evidently pleasedat the results. Among other visitorsat tho school wero Mrs. Breton,Mrs. A. T. Atkinson, Miss May At-

kinson, Mrs. Barnard, Mr. (J. H.White and a large number nf natives.

W4i4wi nWmi4-M- . n.. I..


Itn)oi't i Dv, l;miriiiii, t'r'trtintnf tlm lliuuil nr Hiiillh, on lllnVIrII to Xorili mul, Hniilh lUuii,.liitio UHtli .to July 13i)i. IHhl).

(rciitlemcn: I have Uio lionor toreport that in pur.-uanc- o of tho planfor inypocliiiK thn sehoel- - of Northtmd rutli Iiona, 1 left Honolulu onthe S. ,s. W. G. Hall, Friday, June28th, and ariived at Hookcuu onSaturday, 2'Jth.

The schools were examined in thefollowing order: Papa, Opihall,Alae, Hookeiia, Kul, ttonaunau, o,

Kotiawaetia, Knnnnlua, e,

Kailtin, lluiiukobau and Kn-lno- a.

Tho total number of scholarsox'anViiieil'wns 400, bovs 233, girls173.

According to a memorandum fur-nished by tlie lnspccloi-Geiier- al ofSchools thu number of children inthese schools should be G00. llear-iu-g

that many of the pupih wouldabsent themsdves fiom thu schoolsby reason of fatao reports an towhat it was the intention or thedoctor to do to them, 1 found itnecessary to quiet their fears andwin their confidence by gentlenessand diplomacy. 1 accordingly pro-cured a number of little articles likeslate pencils and lish-hook- s, andgave one to each pupil that present-e- d

himself.The number examined atlloolccna

on the first day was 10, but as a re-sult of this measure this numberWH3 increased by 32 more on thenext (by.

At Kcauhou the whole school ab-

sented itself, and no examinationwas made.

It is my opinion that in future itwill bo a wise policy to have vacci-nation done independently of nnd atanother lime from the cxaniiua'ionof the schools. In this way onesouicc of fear will be icmovcd, andthe number of absentees at the timeof the doctor's visit for examinationwill be very much decreased.

1 am huppy to be able to statethat I found the health of thescholars to lie very satisfactory andnone of those examined were affect-ed with leprosy. Four of the num-ber examined seemed to me to besomewhat suspicious cases, and theirnames will be given to the DistrictPhysician for inspection.

The accompanying table will showthe numbo7 of boys and girU ex-

amined at each school :

oDO aO

Hookctia.. ,T. II.R. A main., l 78Papa Iosepa Iloli a tlOpihali.... .J. J. Nam no . . . 0 yAlai .W. Apela n 11!

Keel .Jno. Na :t !)

xlouauunu .Zakaio Nahuha. :i U

Napoopou.. .Noniijin Logu.l MNapoopou.. .'AuTofi Suln ' 3Kou.-iwaciia-. . Mrs. Suntcr. . . .'Jl! 37Knawaloa....Rcv.S.H. Davis . 0 ID

Pahoehoe....W. Midler 10 SO

Kailua T. Aiu 5S S!)

llonokohau.. Louis Olo'ila... '.) 17Kalaoa J.W ILL Kihe . i l

233 173 100

I cannot leave this subject witlf-ou- t

expressing my appreciation ofthe good educational work that isbeing done in this district. TheKona district has the mriit numer-ous Hawaiian population of any outdistrict, and it is a matter for con-

gratulation that thf average of healthis so high, and that only four out offour hundred and six, less than oneper cent, should be in the slightestdegree open to suspicion.

Regarding tho lepers in Kona 1

would say that the tusk of appre-hending them is a slow and dilllcultone:

X.K. U.K.I'mni-taaabl- e lepers seen H 0 MHiding & probably lepers 10 1 IINot seen piolmb y S 11 1G

Removed probably lepers- -

(I to Kohala) 8 1 I)

Suspect (not Includingthe 4 school childinii).. 1 J C

Unknown, no iraeu of.... 2 2Dead 1 1

Not lepers 3 10 13

41 31 72

Several of this number have beenalready sent to Honolulu. Iu re-

gard to the actual number now inthe districts repcrt has greatly ex-

aggerated it:Unmistakable seen 11Illdim: piobiibly lepers 11Not seen piobably IcpcM 10

Total U

Iteapcctftilly submitted,N. 1$. KMKRSON,

I'resldeut Hoard of Health.

Cleiks iu the postal service sny:"Never use a vquaro envelope. Wo-

men in o more in the habit of usingthem than men. A square envelope,large or small, but especially large,is anathema in the eyes of a postalclerk."

The wise traveling public wll in-

sure its trunks against Hood andfire, will carry identification cardsand a coil of rope in case of emer-gencies. Life preservers will forma part of the baggage nf tho moretimid persons.

David Laurie of Glasgow has re-

fused 810,000 for the famous "Al-ard- "

Stradivarius violin, but $12,-f)0- 0

has now been offered on behalfnf an American, and thu matter isunder consideration. The "Alard"formeily belonged to J. 15. Vail-laiim- c,

the expert, who gave it tohis son-in-la- M. I)clphiu Alard,violin professor ot tlio Paris Con-

servatoire, who sold it to Mr. Lau-rl- u.

It is dated 1715,

TF yoiJntXservant.J. tulvurlUe in the "Daily lluUetiti '

6? lOUISOOLUQfi.Cortunaridng at fiiSO o'edock iLIt

morning tlm pupils of tho higherclasses nt St. Louis College were ex-

amined in Latin, French nnd Ger-man, the result being ry vitls-factor-

'At 10:30 the pupils had theirmilitary drill on the parodo ground.Among thnsn present ns spectatorswere Hie Klght. Rev. Bishop ofOllia.Mons. d'Anglade, Fiench Commis-sioner; ?i'iihor L'annvarro, Portu-guese Cotiunisiioner ; Very Rev.Father Lvoiior, Mr. S. G. Wilder,Mr. T. A. Lloyd. Ments. C. 11.White and J. U. Kawalnul, a repre-sentative of the ButtL-m- and alarge number of the parents of thepupils and friend-- i of the Institu-tion.

The boys ol the second divisionwere the first to full in. They num-bered 31 in charge of Jcise Maka-ina- i,

with John Criwdrr Nt lieutim-au- t,

and John Long 2d lieutenant.One of the I1033 eairKd a very hand-some Hawaiian flag made and pre-sented by Mrs. Ellh, while fourteencarried ppeai 4 deiorntcd at the lopwith red, while and blue libbont,the remainder carrying rilles. Asthey stood in line the division pie-sent-

a very pretty sight. Theirmarching by twos and four-- ' andcountermarching wero exceedinglygood, the movements being executedwith precision. The marching byfrout of company and the wheelingin circle was vury lino and ioudlycheered by the spectators.

At the call of bugler John Lanethe first division, consisting of thelarger boys and numbering 21, fellinto line in command of W. F. Ka-ne, Jesse Makaiuai 1st lieutenant,Richard e 2d lieutenant. JamesLloyd handled Hie Hindi drum withmuch skill. The marching wasreally excellent, every movementbeing done quickly at the word ofcommand. The bayonet, and sabreexercises wore most creditably doneand elicited loud praise from thosepresent. Brother Henry, the mili-tary instructor of the college, isentitled to much credit for thu highdegree of proficiency attained bythe boys. The drill was concludedshortly before noon. This afternoonthe college band is ghing a concert011 the premises.


TDISTWEEN Pawaa and Lov 15a.

D Uery, . Hnlf.round Oolil Ch-e- d

Ring, bcuriny llie names of "lltnry,Kiniii it Chutley'1 Inside. Tbr fltiileron rciutaiiis said ring t Love's lUkerjwill tie suitably rewarded. SOtHi

NOTICE."WHITXKY'S Dental RoomsDI will bj closed lroai Julv 30ih to

September 2nd. 30S t


my temporarr nbsenre fromtlio Kingdom Mr. Alex J. Crut

Wright, Sr., will aci for inc iu All lnitteispertaining to my personal late nndili'nus. .IAS. STKINEU

Honolulu, July 24, UMI. 3(3t


A FEW barrol of tho above ic.cuhed per S. N. Castle, for snip by


Carrhigo For Sale Clieap.

j NEW Car.J. rioiro jim flnitlietlmid hundnouielv trimmed

in flrst rlasx slyk--; rniiit be iuinifdinielysold U close ii ns'i;iimrii'. Applv to


Fiirnluhed Cottiigo To Let.

(jjjj", A SMALL Cottge Inxi. feet order 1 room?,l.V fill nl jhpd with Uiosrpito

pioof doors and windows arid kitchen.Conveniently situated iu a healthy loca-lity. Hent ibiiMinuhl to good tenant.


Coltngc To Let.

A NEW one story Cottageon upper part or l.Uliia

street, coti.altiin 5 roomsn'cely i:ipered and painted, bath room,kilo en, idee lawn, shade trees, etc.Will be rented reasoiitiblo to a g'od tru-ant.



TMIE rilore lntflv iifrmnirrt-- ff&A .1 by K. C Ruwr. Wnv'tmm Hlrek, King streit. nt rcasoD.

alile fill d ,'os'""'i'in eivon M mrHAWAIIAN nt'SINES.S AGENCY.


1 woiuid-i- . ulcei's,

arr galH, piouil tlesli andsoies of eeiy deserlii- -

2s?' tlon to peiHoiH or aul- -

intilx. Adopted by leading horse rall-loii- d.

club and livery MjIiIps, pic.. Inthe I'liln-- State and tlsewhere. Weare piep.ircil to love ibis staleiuent bytcstlinotiials and inferences to jilanteisand liverymen In UiU Klugdotu,Applv lo '


Inland Views.

ALMtGE assortinentol PhotographViews of the

niort altraotlvu Imlldlngs, etc ,In then. Islands, for salr. at reasonable

'"llAWAIIAN UUSINESd AGKNCY.Corner Foil and Mciclmnt sticets.

C anvassor Wanted.activo mini to mtiko a thoroughA' canvass of these Ulauds for thu

sale of article? of merit. A permanentaiuPliicnUlvo situation to it coiiipetcutpurson. AddrewltU icfoicnceii PostOllk'it Lock llox No, 1151. Honolulu, U.I.

UlkH tf

iim.iV $ ima,iH?g&-g-- -

VttlU'Cl'aill.Mt ltri.i ,.... 1. 1irun.ii.Hiiii' ...fi.i in,,L eotiiliwmi oxrutir nf

l'iiu'libowl nnd lir tintMrucli, wntil.1 bo veiy oonveiiii'iit fur 1

strull futility. . 5.iS Cut


J .; .1 1,'r a fur-J- L

lli!if li"ll r : iiito :iil- -jiiluliig but illM'onnci'toil ii

toomv unit 1i.it li. -- ul 11I1 1' lor a 'infillUtullv Addit 'X." Iiri.tmi.vomee.

101 1


.aula, itomimforft V. tmslni-- onict-io'-r lo.lg.iSp'a big npHrtments 011 theoeurmjl

II .orovi-- r the frii't "lore on King mroct,tills rity. "Ulot.i-- tlnti-- l I'ikuiIh-i- " In.ipilro hi thu fruit More.Sis I'--'l AH rilKW.


ilvv 4 t'OITAHK' nml l't(-ml-- i

5m2S '' "'i r inin. s'icri. mi n r.M.EaiiSSia ..ni'iix An- - tv

.1. At. .MONH.RRT.( tntwtUin-- . illui-K- . Mui'litOit .l.

2'M If

Ktnlilc8 it L'uxturutfu To Let.I .i.Ulil,l.liM' Stilik-- s con

XU tnininirllitSlall", (.'iiiiuuc111.1l 7 nc ,! l'lisiiirc t,u

amuli struct, iifir King, fuiincily much.pled liy Mr. 'ute, pioprletnr'of lieIMiimii Uu. To lot on very inoilerati-ternif-.

Apply toJ. K. tlROW.V & CO.,

2.1S tf 28 Merchant street.


ftJ&Jk T.7 0USIC anil Vrrinires at?fh - Iwilrl, lloaolid'i IIoueH cnniuini thre Dree snd two

siiinil rooiiH nml li'i'l muiI 11 lame iittlc.Co lagu with thice rooino on Hie jitc.mistR; i:ok Mil b.i'li li"ut! Sinbli-wit-

tbne n ' I nnd catrlsigc lui.-c-;sliuilc urn! fr'iil iri'.'K o-- i iln- - ji- -Apply 10 J. M. MON-'AKIiA-

Ciirtv.riMl.t's ll'orlt, .Mvl(htil;t.21)4 tf


, TO nucha p nil one of theIhlntkU a

i$S---s liact of 10 (.00 nrrer.. sijJ mine or I.cnve ollt-r-

wllh mui'iiient ol nrlre. sub:A. S. 0!)," llULLRTlN Olllce. W, tin


l3$i ASOVJVD whichCiirrinpp

wille&sSiMlFQjiL nlso en undor fttlllr.

JzsM&S Address".!. H.Nu. 100,"at thir. olllce. :10." 3t


A YOUNO 8addloMare, (dplciiiliil

ktiimal ior a bin), anilCo't Kmldlo. 'bridle.

' - etc , throw n in to makea Imruuin. Apply at this etlit.c. Sol ll


Hundred Head offp-O- at SiKAHUKU,pern for rale, at

302 l Island of Htiwaii.


HAS iho beit and rhenpest HlnekRui-k- , Corsl, ijand and Soil for

sale in n'.y quanii-v- . Apply hi the lawoffice or Willium C. Aehl, No. l,( Mm-cha-

street, Honolulu, 11. 1. "01 :int

Europesui Billiard l'arlors.""IIE Hnmlnomest Rillliird Parlors in

X i lie city, titnl fifed up iu the mostapproved iylu. Four tables w ilh nil t

iiiiproviimi'nt-- .J. P. 150WEN ,t CO.,

270 If I'ropih'iotn.

New Zealand Jains !

JUST roncived a consignment of New.lams, assorted cases. For

side prici-- bvJ. E. 1JROWN & CO.,

m tf t'8 Merchant street.

Men Policy Holders

Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States.

nru rccpPCt'iiHy reipiOHtcd IdJL cae nnv rliitcnictils am uuitlit liy

itiiuiitM of oilier cnmpaiiicii airiiiiHt thfEquitable or iti motlioils, to lay themetier prcmpHv liufo,o

A. J. UARTWRIGHT,231 If General Apnt for Haw. U.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, $95,000,00,00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on'evcry premiumtable, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of TonlijiP Policiesof tlio New Yoik Lifu Insurance Co.have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMl'ANY issuingsimilar policies.

BJtT For pailieul.irs apply lo

C. O. IJKlMJKli,Uen'l Agont Hawaiian Islands.

2M tf

y UW. B.L wr




011 g

Also, Large LiesW1LL BC AT AN

(Ireat c.ui be by at the of n for theabove Goods.

Fort.Dec-1-8- 8

Prices:0-- 8 Heel it lipid

Heel A-- lied11-la- Jr lied .t Spring liedi Heel i Spring lied













of Laco Iriiings!


Over 1,000 Pieces While tey EnbroHenes,"

Torch Kaoes.


SK5- r- Itnmens'cliug.iiii jbUined calling Temple

The Sale will Commence Monday, June 17.

S. EHRLICH,Hotel & Streets.Corner



3:-SS- ?









fiOr-- ALL Tin;


fiWLffi"'TOi3 jCiiiw


0-- On and after Mayour Drontiitilcitig llrmnu.


!?8 nrftS.fcFBBSe





$1 75.$2 00

...$2HY THE



Manufacturers- - Shoe Company, Hotel Street.

Ladies! Haye You Seen the Latest?




'CD CI i'KA CfSf

N. 11.


-. 7 1 s. 5




. . .










y.rK&ml- nou.


15tb, MISS OLARK will hare eUirgoIT6lly

B. f. EHLERS & CO.




Page 4: PUg 1 Pmlietiit. - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9657/1/1889072401.pdf · ;';t PUg 1 Pmlietiit. f i w) " "W, b ftC-Vol. Xry. No. 2308. mE DAILY

1 fHr


"v. ,..

'I o uphone 240.- - neoRr- -

yafflehtag3q-wiwSfr- !

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,noNOLbiib, n. t .


t&r-- o rs i o jpj




l)y each steamer of tho O. ?. S. Co. from Cal.fornla

F resli Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala, Fruits

lTiuli, (Jnnu, VogroliililcK, Jfe., IU.I complete line of Crosse & Blackvell's & J. T. Morion's Canned & Bottled Goods

Alrfrtjs on band. Also, jus' received ft fiesh line of

orninn Vatw A JLotte.l .llcut A. Hottlcd J'roMcicd VrnUn,Lewis A Co.'s Maltese Brund dvgar Ourei Hums & liucon,

Hew Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat FUrm & Cream Wheat Flakes,SSlolly Lencns & Cola. RlvcMde Oranges,

Oregon Burh&uk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc

np-l- G S,-tirxe1.ioi- i Guarautecd. $7

Eat I


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Gooda received by every Packet from the Eastern States snd EuropeFicsh California Produce by eciy Steamer. All orders faithfully intended to

Goods delivered to any part of the city free of cuuri'e. Inhnd order foil,filed. Satisfaction Ruanintecd. Post OttW Rox 141. TVonhonp Vn. fi nov 4 8



HA.S JUST RECEIVEDKit Salmon IVdies, Block Codfish, Smoked Reef, Huffalo Ham d.Bacon, Huvs Smoked Ilenitijr, Tins Norewgian Salt llei ring,Mild Cal. Chceso, Atmores Minuc .Men, Green Tuitle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins. Currants, AVLuliiuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes)'1 Uates, Houc.y, Cercolinu Flakes,

CAPE COJD CKVISBiSKRIKSI,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyWho Potatoes KutaBagas Turnips, Calafornuf Onions, Crackers,all kinds; Choice Tea?, --Ft csh Apples, S.ijoon Pilot, and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour Butter, Pluiu Pudding, etc.J etc.,

And a General Assortment of Canned Heals, Frails and"btner Groceries.

nh-9- J t6ff Leave your orders, or ring up 119. -- I

acifsG Hardware Co., L'd,


lortT sxzuaiarr, honollxu.Now Line of

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,At, Lower Prices than ever before. New invoice of


--JtiBt Reccivcd- -

Koveltlow unc "ETanoy Grooclw, Iu Larsje Variety.

JOHN NOTT,"Dimoiul lllocrk," Non. 17" Kins: Street.



"NO WORDScau equal mrHorul ntiKnntion "

ll.u j ii j iicmr Been o lionno tburuugUlf cUmcclWilli

Tbfu try It ud nuiVo borne hrUUI.UwiuIlDfH stall in tui3 atjuut bpuae at a v

t j iufiira nuufurU Maj lilen comfort, andif bo 4.ao t fiu4 It t linito, bo will eel. eluo.wtere f ir It, (I ) 1 liuiiue'viia know tliat Baiuliouiakuu a hiUMe otoau ttud kopu It bright. lfji.unit alwdyu ilr1l la romfort!l Loros, Du .Jillwant fIui3lluB, oooifort anil hiutul TryUirouo ftiiil joi will Im Uir.a4 at our uoai.No. IS, " "




1 0. Hox 297




!). .Si


Granite", Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,


'to )p


fjj'a rlS J a



(;i i amid," but

SAPOLIOLliut tulniitiMiH It. Sapollo iu a pllil tiLcor ticoutliij boiip. Tiy It. '

111 i hfj f o tihu ! ttit t.orkv tfMcll lt dCAlti lt rf'i Hllio Itvrti-.- f (1 c4 i I mIc a IrlgM hi ". j in iherlletU itf 1f ihlnLfiicupturntil whiltlVmsf vIcjhJm tItr dj,tf n One irify tf iiiiim Ipn-- I hinflfCJth (t!f iihfi apvlui eren tiling Mit J(kj!O p rrlotr Itiu?vl Jkh tf uikor Ur will lit qu

rlc Mi, Hf iiCKii tyci



Per " Royal Alice"125 days from Liverpool.



mmtmmmtvmiitfiMtom&t Onrig'M' T?

Large, Varied & Selected Stock

FANCY GOODS,Dreeing Ca!P9,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc


A largo assortment,






j'ir?'-- (









Latest No elites.





American and


Liverpool and






Higgin's Dairy.

Oils ! Oil !

Polled & Riw Lintccd, Cistor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frjpans, Etc., Etc.

BRON ! SROft !

Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

A Duelled,Oah:tii7tMl n

1'iitrnt h

i .






ire S

i id in

Bedsteads of Iron,CUTLERY,



California Groceries,

Of all vnrieuef. alwnjs iu stwkAl.o.


Hay, Feed & Flour

TheOiH.Savies&Co.jMay 7 1 HONOLULU. 1889








a- -





C &M-- - 00


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( I I. ?






f- -i-













UNLIKE many kinds of catlinrticdo uol make you

feci worse befoie you feel better.Their operation la gentle, but thor-

ough, nnd unattended with disagree-

able effects, such as nausea, gripingpains, &c.

Scigfl's Operating Pillsate the best family physic that has

ever been discovered. They cleansethe bowels fiom ii.ll irritating substances, and leave theui in a healthycondition.

Tho best remedy extant for thebane of our lives constipation andsluggish liver.

These Pills pteveut levers and all

kinds of sickness, by temoving all

poisonous matter from the bowels.

They operate briskly, yet mildlywithout any pain.

If you take a severe cold, and arctlncatcned with a fever, with painsin the head, back and limbs, one or

two doses of Soigu.'s Operut-ii- iPills will bicak up the cold

and prevent the fever.A coated tongue, with a brackish

taste, is caused by foul matterin the stomach. A few doses of

Seigel's Operating; Pills will

cleanse the stomach, remove the badtaste, and rcstoie the appetite, andwith it bring good health.

Oftentimes diseased, or partiallydecayed food, causes sickness,nausea and diarrhoea. If the bowelsarc cleansed from this impurity witha doe of Seigel's OperatingPills, these disagreeable effectswill vanish, and good health willresult.

Seiglo's Operating Pillsprevent from excess ineating or di inking. A good dose atbedtime renders a person lit foi

business in the morning.These Pills, being Sugar-coate- d,

are pleasant to take. The disagree-able taste common to most pills isobviated.




LOKDOBy, Eng.Jan. 13-8- 8 3


FORJflvLJwM - B . ..lj; v, i o Bu


Tho Entire Plant of the

Star Ml Giigny,Is oQ'ered For Sile. 'Che Machinery

i in perfect worl.liiR orderund cousut of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Boilers 6x20,1 Double Efiuct 6 and 7 foci Pans.1 Vacuum Pan G lect with Blake Pump.3 Weston Ccntnlugals'-sni-i Engine

Togt'lhrr vviib the usual ns'ortmont of

Clarillers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

And other Mieluucry uinill foundin n v.u 'ipnolnti .I mill

Alt-o- , a number of

California & IsM IiiIgs,Cane Carts & Gen'l Plantation

Imph ment8.

Delivery will he p;iven after ncx' t'rophai been harvested, say iiliout July 1,IBS').

CSrFnr fuithcr piirtinulirs apply to

JOHN l!Jr,!D,

WRKiJlT BROS.,THOMAS & HENY.Fii t .lru", ii x tu as M,l .

tt. uW,



Carriago Bui.ders,Ship's niarlfml hinn. Drays, Carts h

Wh.j t fluldifg ai fprcl Ity.

Kumv dn-- i riiii' ' ' f rl In ihi'itii'Vi litif ni"f.Tni d in a tirkt'lnkHinnni-- r and i x cit'cd lit short iiotic".


in 'iiiluiui.1 lulepnoai. i. ,'j7j.



Ocoilc SMrasi GofflB'F, Australian Mali Servleo.


TlJIK jrAlHiE:

Arrive at Honolulu:

Australia July 2(

Aliuneihi AugustAtixtniliii . August 23MaripoMi August HI

Australia Suptoniber 20Zenliuulia September 28Australia October 18Alnmcda .October 20Australia , No ember 15

Leavo Honolulu:

Mariposa July 27Australia August 2

Zcalandia August 21Australia August 'MAlameda September 21

Austialia September 27Mariposa October 19Australia October 25Zealandia " No ember 10Australia November 22Alameda December 14

218 tf


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

Also sole npent for the Millie Window-- creen', Comblnid Uevcl squares, htunihird, Goodrich etc., Sowing Machine?,illcelo, mcjcUs, Velocipedes, etc.Ofllc--- , corner of Utthel anil Kingsts,upstair. Apr-naM- y

Kwong Sang,Manufacturer of

Ladies' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

Ao. JiO NnnnnuNt,Ml work guaranteed. Lowest, pricci-Th- e

cr bet lettlier kept on bund2!!8 Urn

J. E. BROWN & 00.,

itH Merchant St.. Honolulu, U.I.


Conveyancers &' General Agents


Sole Agents for U e Itu linion RontiAcross America, und ! ho a .ores.

Sole Au'euts for Pitt it -n ti s ForclgiParcels Express & tieuurul SUippiiwAgency.

bole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Sole Actnts for lasefield Bros.' NewZealand Mullet una Cunnid Goods.

Special Ajients fur I ending New Zenland and Aus rullan Mercantile Finns.

Special Agents forlheUtliforniaLamlAssociation. '

Special Agents for the Honolulu. Busines Directory.

Also, Other Special Agencies.

SSf Custom.' Entries Fussed. Proputies Managed. Assignees and Auditois' Work done promptly. HouseLeased and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 3G0Dec-- r Post Offlco Box 469. 88-- 1.

I. O. Box 351. --W- Hell Tele. 74.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Corner Fnrt & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, 11. 1.

GENERAL AGENTSAvcuantnnta JL Collectors


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Go.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentFOR THE

"fliupepa Kuokoa."DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive special attcn.lion and returns pn tnptly made.

Real Estate hoiu'ln, oid und leased.Taxes Paid and propi'iiy ciifuly incurc!


nouses, ectiagcs, noonis ana unless,liii-e- il und ri'tii'd, anil reins rnllrrtcd.

Fire and Lifo Insurance I'declld in flr- -rliis In u Mnre i' m ,iiili-i- .

Conveyancing a pchlty Krnn.s In-- nut i n I I. p fill,- -

Tic I lulllegal Document anJ Papers uf vi

iliwrtpth n i iirolul da md Imnil" muh pimr'xsi d

Copying and Translating inn 1 Isnuiiasirin ' im'imI ui--e in ilii iQi'dom

Custom House Business ruiHuriid wildi iithi v mi I di-pi- i'i Ii

Loans iiiiL'inliitiil hi inv ihIiIc ralrsGmd, llvorand Certificates Ihiiil'IiI anl

iHAdvcrtliemon's and Subscriptions toll

I ul l"l pn li ll ISStiillsit ard Unskillpd Labor 'mnMiul.Any Arllc e icIimmiI hi a IdInter-Islan- d Orders .sill rtcolvo inrli

i iihir in eullnnTo let, Furnlshod and Unlurnlshed Col-lag-

In itcslrlii htcxlltiesut reasonahliii n''il '

Spypral Valuable Properties in andixiiind tlie ot now for sale and leaKonn aa) terms

BfiyAll !unine entrusted lo our cre"III rerilve promf ni' faithful attrn.

i . ". 1,4 i

'THF-- ONLY LIVE PAPERf1 ilouolul'i The Dully llulktiu."CO cents par month.


TliO now nnd fiuo Al steel alcamalilp

"Mnriposa,"Of llicOrenniflHt'ntnMilnCmnpnny,iTl!l

liudtinnt lliiiiiilnlu from bvdnoymid Auilliliitlil or about

July 27. 1889aAnd will leave for tin1 ubovo port withmails and passengers ittiout thatlate.

Kor freight pfmrnvi', having BU.PEHIOH ACCOMMODATIONS,


WM. Q. IRWIN & CO, Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

t'ho nov and lino Al steel Bte&nhlpH Alameda,'1

y r


on or



Of the Occnnic Strainphlp Company, frillbe duo at Honolulu fmn. Snn

li'ranciiico on or about

August 3, 1889.And will have prompt dbpatth withuialla and pntseugeiB for thenlmve portt.

For lrulglit or passago, liavinc SU.PEHIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, aj,rl

37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. AkcuIi

THE0. P. SEVERIN,Photographer ,


Prlntlna Done tor Amateurs,Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

SST Entrance on Fort Street. -- ia122 tf

U King St.



74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

COEUICE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Beddfflg,

A Speciailty. . .


TO LEASE!Tho Hciuliful Seaside Resort at Wai- -

kiki (formerly tlie residence of Col.G. W. Macfarlanc), known as



Park Beach Hotel3SS

The Premises consist of

A Main Building,Containing a

Lanal 40x40, Dining Room, " Pantry,,

Kitchen & 6 Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One 33viilliiig.Cnntainini;

Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and 3

Xartro Bedrooms.

One Oottngre,With

2 large Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms.

One Building-o- n beach,Containing

Bath Houses, Wash Rooms, Etc

I.nrcQ nnd Commodious

Stables with Carriage Honse,

Upp- - r Fh or flitwl with LnrrAiryRoomi. Hiiitiibto for Erraute,

etc., to Thoro me

Large & Well-laid-o- ut Grounds,

( onnecled.with the Premises on whichrould hu erecitd fottan s for visitors,vhould tho place bo convert! d inlo ahotel, for wliloli it isailmlnihly adnptod,Thu Ha'hini: fHrilltlo eqiisf ihe bestbIoiir the line of beach. l

rThee Premises will h leased foriiterm of years to responsible pmrxlw,For further particulars apply to

V. G. IRWIN & CO.A SpriiiRflalil Qas Mnchina iton the IVemUesHiid thu Hpes lead into

nil the above Iliilldiuge. apr.SSf

ST',$ L.A v - & JiM&L !. tefl &u

J:iJLJ. 5A K "Jfc i i i - j . -- ' i-'- S W wvit-J"-







-- V


S.. .



t ,
